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Hot Spot Issue #317

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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


    LOUNGES & CLUBSSey Hey & Marys icIsland Breeze 37Frozen Paradise icInferno Lounge 05Raymonds Players Club 12Mutuals 03The Mini Bar bcThe The Mini Bar Yo Gotti 07Rosettes Lounge 13

    TRANSPORTATIONBobby Albright 20

    JJs Tire World 06JJ & Ys 06J&H Car Care Center 06Supra Pre-Owned 27Auto Works 08

    ENTERTAINMENTDr. I.M. Smartt Lottery 33HOT SPOT Maze 40SUDOKU 40SUDOKU Solution 43DJ Postman 20Trevon Stand 08Real Deal Magazine 41

    DJ Dirty Redd 39Lady Scorpio 32Esther Simmons 10Glenn Jones at Mutuals 34

    SERVICESMind of Creations 28Restore Your Photos 30Ellington Bartending 10One Time Pest Control 20Family Reunion Books 35


    St Paul Clothing 08

    EVENTSWolfMasters Bus Trip 39WolfMasters Bus Trip 31Rochester Trip 32HOT SPOT Mothers Day 11

    REAL ESTATEAlma Greene 10

    RETAILShawn Loury Washer Dryers 10Lets Connect Confectionary 29Razzle Dazzle 05Got Balloons 16Lavender Gift Basket Company 29Pretty Things 35

    FOOD & DININGGood 4 Real 10Wilson Catering 19Pats Catering 19Nobbie at Raymonds 16

    HEALTH & BEAUTYMedicaid Advantage 04AVON 10

    LEGAL & FINANCIALMAX$ TAXS 15Medicare Upgrade 15A Brighter Day Bail Bond 38

    TECHNOLOGYRestore Your Photos 30

    HOT SPOT Online 17

    AROUND TOWNAround TownAround TownAround Town ExtraAround Town ExtraMore Around TownMore Around Town

    FEATURESHOT SPOT Reps 30HOT SPOT Subscribe 33One Mans Opinion 02

    HOT SPOT Schedule 05HOT SPOT Rates 14LaughsBeach High Yearbooks 29HOT SPOT New Mini 39Floyd Adams 32Mom & Dad Anniversary 35Arden Williams Obituary 42Post 500 Ladies Auxiliary 34

    FAITHGods Eagle of Strength Ministry fc

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    Winner of WSOKs 2010 - Best Gospel CD

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    The police recently busted a man sell-

    ing "secret formula" tablets he claimed

    gave eternal youth.

    When going through their files they no-ticed it was the fifth time he was

    caught for committing this same crimi-

    nal medical fraud.

    He had earlier been arrested in 1794,

    1856, 1928 and 1983...

    A visitor to a certain college paused to

    admire the new Hemingway Hall that

    had been built on campus. "It's a

    pleasure to see a building named for

    Ernest Hemingway," he said.

    "Actually," said his guide, "it's

    named for Joshua Hemingway. Norelation." The visitor was astonished.

    "Was Joshua Hemingway a writer,

    also?" "Yes, indeed," said his guide.

    "He wrote a check."

    A man enters a barber shop for a shave. While the

    barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problemshe has getting a close shave around the cheeks. "I

    have just the thing," says the barber taking a small

    wooden ball from a nearby drawer. "Just place thisbetween your cheek and gum."

    The client places the ball in his mouth and the barberproceeds with the closest shave the man has ever

    experienced. After a few strokes the client asks in

    garbled speech. "And what if I swallow it?" "No

    problem," says the barber. "Just bring it back tomor-row like everyone else does."


    The Most Important Discoveries

    Man discovered weapons, invented hunting.

    Woman discovered hunting, invented furs.

    Man discovered colors, invented painting.Woman discovered painting, invented make


    Man discovered speech, invented conversa-


    Woman discovered conversation, invented


    Man discovered agriculture, invented food.Woman discovered food, invented diet.

    Man discovered friendship, invented love.

    Woman discovered love, invented marriage.

    Man discovered trade, invented money.

    Woman discovered money, man has never


    "Congratulations my boy!" said the

    groom's uncle. "I'm sure you'll look back

    and remember today as the happiest day

    of your life."

    "But I'm not getting married until tomor-

    row," protested his nephew.

    "I know," replied the uncle. "That's ex-

    actly what I mean."

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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


    Our publication schedule is the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays

    of every month. The deadline for inclusion is the Fridaybefore the 2nd & 4th Wed. Our advertising rates are below.

    Size Color Black & WhiteCovers (Front or Back) $200.00 N/AFull Page $140.00 $70.00Half Page $75.00 $40.00Quarter Page $45.00 $30.00Business Card $25.00 N/A

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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317



    There were these two professors arguing over

    which one had the dumber child. Each profes-

    sor thought his was the bigger idiot. The first

    professor yells "There is no way that your son

    is dumber. My son has to be THE stupidestkid on Earth."

    The second professor says "No way, Jose. My

    son is the bigger idiot."

    The first professor says "Let me prove it to

    you. Hey Jake! (Jake runs to his father) I don't

    know if I left myself at the office or not.

    Would you run there and find out. If I'm there

    then tell me to come home and eat dinner."

    The son says, gleefully, "Sure dad" and runs


    The second professor not to be outdone says

    "Oh Yea! Watch this! Hey Sam! Come here!

    (Sam runs to his father) Here are two pennies.

    With one penny buy a car and the other buy a


    Sam says "OK." and leaves. The professors

    keep arguing.

    Jay and Sam meet in the street. And they start

    arguing which one has the dumber father. Jay

    says, "Well listen. My father told me to find

    out if he is at the office or not. Well all he had

    to do was to call the office and find out him-

    self. Two minutes and he would be done. Thatis stupid if I've ever heard it."

    Sam says "Well that is nothing. My dad told

    me to buy a car with one penny and a micro-

    wave with the other. But he didn't tell me

    which penny was for the car and which one is

    for the microwave."


    On a busy Med/Surg floor the doctor stops

    the nurse to brief her on a patient's condition.

    "This patient is a fellow physician and my fa-

    vorite golf partner. His injury is serious and I

    fear he will not be able to play golf againunless you follow my orders exactly." The

    doctor then began listing orders:

    "You must give an injection in a different lo-

    cation every twenty minutes followed by a

    second injection exactly five minutes after the

    first. He must take two pills at exactly every

    hour followed by one pill every fifteen min-

    utes for eight hours. He must drink no more

    and no less than ten ounces of water every

    twenty-five minutes and must void between.

    "Soak his arm in warm water for fifteen min-

    utes then place ice for ten minutes and repeat

    over and over for the rest of the day. Give

    range of motion every thirty minutes. He re-

    quires a back rub and foot rub every hour.

    Feed him something tasty every hour. Be

    cheerful and do whatever he asks at all times.

    "Chart his condition and vital signs every

    twenty minutes. You must do these things ex-

    actly as I ordered or his injury will not heal

    properly, and he will not able to play golf


    The nurse left the doctor and entered the pa-

    tient's room. She was greeted by anxious fam-

    ily and an equally anxious patient. All asked

    the nurse what the doctor had said about the

    patient. The nurse started, "The doctor said

    that you will live." Then quickly reviewing

    the orders, the nurse added, "But you will

    have to learn a new sport."

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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


    For Advertising in theHOT SPOT Contact:

    Gary (843) 226-8829

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    Denny (912) 428-3701


    When I returned home from col-

    lege for a break, I noticed a pa-per posted on the refrigerator. It

    listed some goals my dad had set

    for himself: Help wife more; lose

    weight; be more productive at


    I promptly added: "Send Mi-

    chelle money every month."

    A few days later my brotherwrote: "Make payments on car

    for Jason."

    Then my boyfriend joined in

    with: "Buy Tom a Jeep."

    Finally my father added a new

    goal to his amended list: "Wean


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    This truck driver hauling a tractor-trailer load of com-

    puters stops for a beer. As he approaches the bar hesees a big sign on the door saying "Nerds Not Al-

    lowed - Enter At Your Own Risk!" He goes in and

    sits down.

    The bartender comes over to him, sniffs, says, "You

    smell kind of nerdy. What do you do for a living?"

    The truck driver says, "I drive a truck, and the smell

    is just from the computers I am hauling."

    The bartender says, "Okay, truck drivers are not

    nerds." and serves him a beer. As he is sipping hisbeer, a skinny guy walks in with tape around his

    glasses, a pocket protector with twelve kinds of pens

    and pencils, and a belt at least a foot too long. Thebartender, without saying a word, pulls out a shotgun

    and blows the guy away.

    The truck driver said, totally shocked, "Why did you

    do that?"

    The bartender said, "Not to worry, the nerds are over-

    populating Silicon Valley and are in season now. You

    don't even need a license."

    The truck driver finishes his beer, gets back in histruck, and heads back onto the freeway. Suddenly he

    veers to avoid an accident, and the load shifts. Theback door breaks open and computers spill out all

    over the freeway. He jumps out and sees a crowd al-

    ready forming, grabbing up the computers. They areall engineers, accountants and programmers wearing

    the nerdiest clothes he has ever seen.

    He can't let them steal his whole load. So, remember-

    ing what happened in the bar, he pulls out his gun

    and starts blasting away, felling several of them in-stantly. A highway patrol officer comes zooming upand jumps out of the car screaming at him to stop.

    The truck driver said, "What's wrong? I thought nerdswere in season."

    "Well, sure," said the patrolman. "But you can't bait'em."


    Thoughts On Aging

    - The aging process could be slowed

    down if it had to work its way through


    - You're getting old when you're sitting

    in a rocker and you can't get it started.

    - You're getting old when you wake up

    with that morning-after feeling, and you

    didn't do anything the night before.

    - The cardiologist's diet: if it tastes

    good, spit it out.

    - Doctor to patient: I have good news

    and bad news: the good news is that you

    are not a hypochondriac.

    - It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't

    remember anything.

    - You know you're getting old when you

    stop buying green bananas.

    - Last Will and Testament: Being of

    sound mind, I spent all my money.

    - When you lean over to pick somethingup off the floor, you ask yourself if

    there is anything else you need to do

    while you are down there.

    - You find yourself in the middle of the

    stairway, and you can't remember if you

    were downstairs going up or upstairs

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    The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter

    digits from 1 to 9 into the

    blank spaces. Every row must contain

    one of each digit. So must

    every column, as must every 3x3

    square. Each Sudoku has a

    unique solution that can be reached

    logically without guessing.

    The Solution is at the end of the Book.

    No Peeking.


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  • 8/7/2019 Hot Spot Issue #317


    Sudoku Solution


    Two police officers respond to a crime

    scene behind a grocery store. The homicide

    detective is already there.

    "What happened?" asks the first officer.

    "Male, about twenty-five, covered in RaisinBran and dead as a doornail."

    "Good grief," says the second officer.

    "Didn't we have one covered in Frosted

    Flakes yesterday? And Captain Crunch last


    "You're right. I'm afraid," said the detective

    as he took a drag from his cigar, "this is thework of a cereal killer."

    A retired man who volunteers to entertain

    patients in nursing homes and hospitals

    went to one local hospital in Brooklyn and

    took his portable keyboard along. He told

    some jokes and sang some funny songs at

    patients' bedsides.

    When he finished he said, in farewell, "Ihope you get better."

    One elderly gentleman replied, "I hope

    you get better, too."

    A group of blondes walk into a bar. One of the

    women tells the bartender to line up a row of

    drinks for all of them. The gals lift their glasses

    and toast, "Here's to 51 days!" and they proceed to

    down their drinks. Once again, they tell the bar-tender to "line 'em up", and once again they toast

    51 days and down their drinks.

    The bartender says, "I don't get it. Why in the

    world are you toasting 51 days?"

    One of the blondes explains, "We just finished a

    jigsaw puzzle. It had written on the box '2-4 years,'

    but we finished it in 51 days!"


    A successful business man became disenchanted

    with the stress of the fast life in the big city and

    decides to chuck it all. He takes his savings and

    purchases a large ranch in the middle of nowhere

    in Montana.

    After a couple of months of enjoying the solitude

    he hears the drumming of hoof beats outside his

    cabin. Grabbing his rifle he challenges the man

    riding up on the horse.

    "Hold it neighbor" the man says, " I'm your

    neighbor, I have a ranch only six miles from here,

    and I want to invite you to a Welcome Party I'm

    throwing for you next Saturday. There's going to

    be music, dancing, hugging, kissing, drinking,

    fighting.... We'll have a great time".

    Not wanting to be un-neighborly the new rancher

    lowers the rifle and asks " How should I dress?"

    " Aw, don't matter" replied the neighbor, " Only

    gonna be the two of us".

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