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Business Hotirrs. Fom Rim A Dice Frasae House, OB tka Bemaado road, net outside I be tat llmlle. ens wmu iwoaouaresof tke eaantkua Itue.wilk trve larre Tfce M kea akeal oae kBBdred feet (root tj luMll Mf 1st oar waaaiag sack a nlaee win please call im at ' :: 5 Jet-l- a tTM fl JOMW. rrmcE. Aafcretyyaa Amkr. ' ; 411 timts. Kvvtt style, Ptclaras takes daAty a' pricn lu asr. ell at ut fc Irw gum's marstai gallery, vomer ot Main ao I aiaaai aweeta. Berry picture u urerrsated to aHaae fctrrare it It All.ew to lease ilia gal.wy of Clait k Bemirsjtua Be w. ene aa4 all, tfcu lie weather mt tke tail. tri-i- flANK Or WBST TE!IE88FE. Memphis, Jnne 21, IStO. The lull at lawarraa)! w as the capital steak ol tkia Kant win kadaaa. ax Moaday, the 11 day of Septem her srat. Ou thai dsy. between Ike baatra a- - 10 A. M. at t p. II , tkcra will bo sn election held at tko baak. ing of Ike vsyayvsraay far Sre directors. A foil af the sikholders u I equeeted. By order af UK board. BBVJ MAT. jeS-dt- Caefcier. HERNANDO INSURANCE COMPANY, OF MEMPHIS. JeSeramt street two daara from the Planters' Bant CAPITAL - $takgB. DIB-C- I W B Boaa. 2 R DttawaaaaL, E. William.. C. Malt, B. C. rraaatwetl. W. B. BOSS, Wa aVecrwUrr mytl-l- r 9tcTrm,Grktt?k, Mantel. House Furnikb- - :,. eu- f."a"a- - Strau ei'r ad.r". DB. HOST! OTT GREAT REDCCTION IN PRICES. Pur fan nam at taaak am aratd (ISO 0 la l.oc For fell rardta of teefb aa aifwar SO SO to IS so Par clncUTj tatl. - 1JS to t oo Por ntwat taeu SJO la 3 no Par eieanint veett 1 OS SB I SO Pat eatractlkt teeth..... to 1.00 Teeth extract oa with ban ran Utile Ban, witkotr. the ae of alaakii a ae the anraaaic battarr Offiae ataua aweet, WawdrmT uld.as. near PaalAr fe: kSempbie. Tent lll-l- y McLSAIl'S STkEMOTH M vc (VBDtA! This medy baa been before O a wafbur only a abort tin, bo. it ' aa prowed to be aa inralaahir recked y to parity the k'aod and tattiastkin tke ij nam ; weary raw wwa aaaa it recuntnenda it to athery, nnril it baa bertme the stand ard remedy with erary family in lkniled kutes. ll any to krary ranker, try it It at a delifktfnl aneutle Bee adrertiaameat rn another eairmn. it QrikT. Have rau sec that bie Inciiaii in amther mlaaa, bai';m loan, Uiu and Leates, w the CatXBOKkE RXMBSTf Ills lllnl. ' Hardm-Brr- , Arnruttural Isipleii,eBts, Mill ekinery. Bead adrrnaatmaamt of OBCILI BBOS k CO See F. H. Clark . Ca.'s coiaan. fa another roiumn, see the adrertioemant of w PKUaon fc O., aWkaellera nnd Btahionarc, SSI btatn ikraaal na. tiadrwaa rrwt University of Nashville. MILITARYCOLLEGE. T BBBBIBX LIKDSLBT, H ., D. D Chancellor ot J a tbe rciveratte, and Priiffiaan of Cbeantatry and ai- - R. R JOHXiaJS. S.aerinteodenl id the at. Rarj "asmaS PeaaVaaw af ailniaiana r aad Latin kt. af Ber J. W HOTTF. A H. D., Pr,.feat: ofajen. kal aad aaaJPktlii iplj, aad RAUrnt Uteratnre. R. W. P1TS1AK AUanrt'Proteaaot af Anclant Lao. raaroa J O AVGLATB. Teacher of French AMt Ornwina. C. K. WrKPTOK k t . Sareoo Tbe Oral term of tko niadi uite year, 1000-- oa Oka Bd af Bp I mber. 1000 The areond term nnaaDencea on tha C7:a of Jasnary, 1801. exer. :ea take place an tbe llrr. of Jane. Ittl . Tautaon. Raardmc Wnakuia Pael, Bimia. Servaau' ttaaaaanca and cae 'arrri. Sjrjmi a.: lali.a. fa. AS. Students are lenlrad to fern tab their eamaa. amain a , ;rt Fraark. Scantab. 6rnaaa. Draw as, nal Feactnc each $10 per tar mi af Bataaaata aawkyr facrteen renri of are OnTj mat be ad titled. 9y the aid of military diec'T-ta- e. eokactirn nwveraa-an- t aa ea abliakad. aad baaitb. nkyaicat cnltaro, axenf arder BLITF icf rramtivrt peer to a- -y B. MMMaVvM. Saprr on INSURANCE COMPANY Ml Ml'lUS TBH1. OFFICE IN COMPANrS BriLDING, Mwl .. r gTRKKT. ' apitul .lot k !(. it. l X3 iroctora: M. LAIRD. I R. M. SATBR. C. C I.EATES J M HcCUMRS. J. D. WILUAMS. aXO. W. CAOCCER, T. W W1LUNSOR M LA.RD. Pi aatial T WWTLtTIXSOM, 8scy trfw w.l. inaare afaraat aoia by Pire oa Hmmea anal Ravi kaatin. River aad Martne RJaka aa Cat salt. A .'!." Nr tf Leaass pr suaaty pant -- n J . k. aaABvex. ESTEf. J. B. SO ARPE tv CO., Wholesale Ttbacco Factort AMD (vENERIL (OnMISSlOX JIERfRAYT' AO. 12 FRONT MOW. MEMPHIS, TEN:.' t T" w. aiH dnnl irate amy mnrakara ar oaaosra 04 aama : -- a: aa xwd, from ane ''i .. a: F la- R. i I a mrs-l- ...PHILIP H. cV y1I.IaO PBACTIC.L PL1MBERS. STEAM ta GAS FITTERS, I6i .Rftstst Strtrl. 1IE have aptnnd far tke laaaaaRiaaaf the padilf aha m w aa lect atock ia Menuab a of Chandetivra, Prn- - rtarta, Rrarkata. Rati LlKhta. Ratt Tube. Water CUaaata, OFask OvamAa Bioam naaava. Water Oaaraa, Alarm lauxva. Oieke Fairer WkaaUea Load, Iron sad thappsr Pip. Pnmna. ac., and eiatf Bktag naal.n ' 1 with the rate. Wat.r Steuu- - and Ala-- m umaafas JaSS-l- y W ork . OaBBftf r T A RTFORD. COKK. MALLCtt, (saLtaiy. r Hew Dyeing EstabliEhment rHE'SRS. UTTHEWs A, HI ST. of thv acaasat af the arewl and eelrbrated Cb.ro LATE Dyers aad Cook R M sir bears, of at. Louie, karv been mducad ta awes sa for cartyina aa taa eaaoe keaataam ta all Ita bran, bee Brery af twrtlvmen'aOoats, Vvute and Pat ara dyud. caceanaed and r scam ad ta tkair crlaiaal Barfvw-uo- n Tkey rermtkly Aa ramana ererr snot af paint, wax and tor, w.ih an other blvmtshei and IsaSBfliiea to whack each car taenia pre liable, and warrant 'Are apnea ant rvappear. Call and exatn.uv tkair aamplea af Cast dreanlxc. If thvy fail to rdeaat yam n. cliarre will be made Their (sroce iaon JeerarA street, taatwaem Main and Front Rear, turn it MATTHEWS a nrrMT SOU Fal ltal.F. FEMALE INSTITUTE 1 af-r: cri " '.- - mmm ta arf w a- b The fftMaf im ppietitM-r- . f t fw if-- Bptrwsar r! turn xciM Ctrl al w A 7 mm frill tlit wppt mch, con ETERC.aa. Scourers, salalillBliBli deacrtacioo Flnt OsVaaptMaaK w:ttt P. c w c ! b s ., a i. . 1 V PKK MW OF TlTBiTTT-ON- WRESS :t: j i.c-- n f I: :niT.i 31 l3CjrJ(a.: T, AassarlsHtraX ITtat ,t MAm Lnt4f? , rt 11.90 4ocis-- LakBaKn. oo (itf cftir.?.. ,. 4.W :f-V- VC1 mUb1 Iltjefl lltlT. ffttt tUtk Of ! - rtrfi-ot-- m.w ioiUr M.00 tor(l id Cni'ec1. in ladittf fTjroihNi rocw rb- - iH. tml 4vW gfaU. 70.fi BaBOsjliatW' btMr4ltkf Ij be hA lb pr jvattr m Mr4 avtM tt. ar or r Di KiBii. SmcrtMr? e. uieaahlax. u ib fmll ae tm "f tVty-s- r ata tit of tb N mt timm . tbsAD r " prtjatra-tar- d wctire- - at M ?KEET5, f.t inraliam & l.er. Sift .ffAllf Mill I i- - rALL narticalAr BvaawtJaa to their aaeortmvnt of Auatla-- t lot Of. am Freea'r. . lee Craaaa Frvraers ; Maa.rr'r Ice Cveam FT. i sera i Scbooleya lea Bears ; Water Coaler ; Pvwcoak Plv Bros1-a- ; Gilbert's r. Traps; Taaaet Baaa ; i -- u '.odors' Puncpaj.; Plxaarea; rd Dominion CaRae Inst. : , . , v c.r,:. i Thr !, erpoal aaid FIRE WD LIFE IKriASCE CO., 0ftic, it Wb.II Mrrei . 4w lork. Capital Pan! up CaptSal, Sarp'ua aad PtuSanae raratrrC. lavaauaa ta aaaa unsatry, nar AnnuaJRayraABan..... Cf Tkv ankal... pceairaane i ibq s.ft awapmsunmrau mm i amy. nr. AH dt uSBSBRSSasra. BIRRCTtyRB IK MBW TORE JAMES B BOWK, Mm.. FEAMCtS COTTE VET, Joa, fMill Trmui. mil .$10 aex rt.wai laai aa .1. Bras, a Co.,)CLaarman pnty Chairman ' ' '!..'.' Oea'ki. Seocte Barclay, Has , Jaa.fab atalUard, Jr., Hue,. Baarav Dutilh. Bi . A vsnn-lr- r Ranilltoa, Jr., Hao. . Jovrpfc Pow'vr Ra. Wi linsaS. Wllmara Mm... R. P Ranleraaai. Rav. AI.rkSD FBI 1. Raw t Sarrrrtar't ALCX. BAMt'.TOK. Jr.. Rat., Oenwaat uf thv samrd. TBR MBMPHIS AwBVTS aak ike auvnuea af saet- - bants usn lord a. aad oOaera to the atovv rvliahiv a Al' lawn Pall bare IBMBDIATBl.T '. Far ranker informal ma aa to trap mobility wad Loanptnaw, refvreacv is made ta prominent mm Ikann in Kew Tort, Vvw orteaaa. Ctamll.t.u, etc . and in Memphis to P M. OnestK J fc A. Woadroff R C. J. T. Lea k, B. C. kriukiay I. B. EIRTI.AN-D- . JAS. ARM OCR, m Asmta. Walker's Cincinnati Ale rrt HI term of Blue fa BAewarl and Weak, aa tr A af Jobs Walker a krearery bertua esatrad, I bare Oul. a: nte by the Ssperior r. with fan pswvr us carry ea the bwaahsvae as bvi r-a tkerefurs, atue' he p id ts me or James Walker, ane sf tke haIra, te wham I cars intrusted tke luanacemeat and an per iBieudarcr of the brewery baai-ae- aad urns wlM sssks ererv eejbrt and it It knaed - esvfurty. ta kaet ap tke h:sb repcution the Ale fate All orders at freest 1. J Walker1. Brewery. Svcam-ar- atve t. abava tana', t'inciiicati, Ohio, will receive arwmst attaatbai JAMRS VtcCtaaOOS. ivIB-l- Raeeirer f oral gUttfrs. It. isco. BTSOTICE.H Tke Jppetl Cokkhkf Roam hai btrn rtmomd t St. 3 i Rom, Wf elatri, U- '- U per-an- kt i rw tVt '.rat setts, far ofkee met terra ftpr -- rowUi to tsIL trfdr" R,ttr Rku TRiTEXERg' (.1 IDE. MFMrHls IMaf CHARLESTON RAIXHOAD. Hail train..... Bxrertm train A voRiBBodatiok train. :::jalr Howard' Alan 0C A. tfDOHIO RAILROAD. AkklW Mi.l ant ear rest trtin at r at Humboldt evpreea. 10.1k A. at mssikturpi ADTErsrE railroad. ! all tram Ik4a A. kl Pratkht and aoraraoa !! 10a. 4:18 r. kt bps must dilly ulrtlT. ar. at. .tar at. DEPtfcT. at. ...I Tko Proiakt and aunodaljo. Train arrlreaak Ttaaa. daoa, TbaiatlAyi a1 Satnrtlaya, aaal krawra Jtakiifa. aTedrtoadar. and Prrdav. MKMPHI A Nil LITTLE OCR RAILHOAD Paaamcer Train ioarr Parry Landiaar daily fSaat day. ettreptod) att Arrirea Oaav WKU ktadiaon with Ranter aty k Gatavaa' dally Itno Coackea to Little Bark. Rat Sp'tnca. WaabitHJton, A.k clarkcrille. Texafl. and prttv inal toiala lltiatai and Texaa Ttekeu fat aaie L la. am kale aaent oe tkla like. Caaak Ticket Oekce. Ota OTERLA1D Ttia Ovrrland Vail trery Wednewiay and aaaV- - atony nl 6 a. at. ferrTtvat. tat of . cbki day. c ad M All.. iearea or 1 a . f r. a. p. v ii-- . at. K a at. . 1 aw at Sti r M. at ll A kt- at of al In by s Bark RAitfaed, par ateaa ere okseii aatiiU the rerortler's r fyTlie Rev. W. G. T Qoate.of Ark., will prearL a! the Second CamherlaDd Prrsliyte- - rian church to-d- at half-pa- ten a. ta. mt eiarht p. a JT" There will be dirine service at Groee rbuicb, roraer Main and Union otreeta, this momin; st 1H o'clock, by Rev. E. MscC'ure. rector. 8ats free. NokTH Casoliha Elbcto. On ThursAy, the Jd day of Aupuot next, an election for and members of the letrislature, will take place in tbe old north State. RicrpTioK or Aaaa. Our (allant yonn' friends of the Harris cadets, received Ibeir nianketo on Friday, snd will receive their hand some uniforms in a day two. At Clbavbs A Vaoeh's. This firm have alreadv the Autrust number of Barpm' Jfavsi'ae. It la an excellent num ber, as the table of contents shows. Tnc Pop:-l- a Magazibb. That is Har par's, of coarse, the August number, a very fins one, and well illustrated, is to be bad at Geo. Patterson fc Co.'s. MeETIM. 01 THE ChaBIEI OF CoMVtBkCE. There will be a regnlar meeting of tryeCham ber of Commerce at the uenal place, at 4 o'clock afternoon. Dxt 1KB Saat tea. at Grace rbareli, eerneref M sin and Uaion etreeto, this morn- ing at 1(4, this evening at o'clolk. Tile Rev. Ed MarClure, rector. All the oeats free. Lov tii, Thb Winowia. fc Taden hare receited a cheap editioo cf thie oplendtd story. Thackeray's laoL It is printed in Har- pers bes style, and haa numerous excellent enrrarini.s. Sri rEy: Death. A waron-mate- r, namer Richard Welsh engoged in Mr. Werner's shop or Vance street, died very ou ldenly Friday erenc, althoueli be had been in usual health duririe the day. Eaquire Mallory held an in quest over the body, the jury returning a vrr diet of death fr. m unknown eauars. St. JoarPH's Collece. Thia coUece, situ- ated at Bardatown, Ky.,Laa become famous at a seat af leaiBiac. From an advertiaemeBt wa publish thia moroinfr, we observe that the aetdesnir Tear comtDeneeo on the first of Sep- tember. The it beautiful er! heolthy. the plan of iratruetion eorripreheattve, bd.) the method of impartation profound. See the ad- vertisement. Aid. Cbewi. Tbe La Ore rife (TeBn.) Monitor spetkt at follows of the election of oor friend Crewe to the Council "Jim Crewe, j thoiifli t to n.(r mtn. wild, we will prore to bio constituents that tbey made a wise and jud'eious Bol$etloai in him, aa tbe rol'ea'se of Dr. Merrill. We know him. He is sprifrb'ly, intellectual and handsome, anj j one of the cleverest men ia tbe " wide, wide j maaxUL" las. Co., or H abtfobd. We woold call p ibl c attention to tbe Jaly ttatemer,: of this well $nd favorably knoae iraetrtution, with ita vast resources of over iu-- nstoiioa dollari. Sines coRkssenciri' businttt ia this State, seven year aVfeee, II hao paid to tbe of Tenneesee over (tro Aaadred (aotaaaafi dotlmn Nasbvllle thirf thouoand do the balance throutboiit the State. In iLis correct history of tbe past, the public bay a rood C'laraotea that tbe company will aot for- feit its reDilation for reliability in tbe future. We cheerful y recoeameati our readers to rail on Cbadwick We" la, acentt, bank bulMinf;, Mais t'reet, where they ra- be supplied wi'h TtitmtU ixdratnLt arainot losses by fire, or tbe peril- - of inland dx,, ration. ir Twe PavstoiooT or Cawwoa Lite By fi. Irsaes. Tat 1 PuMmhvd by P. Ii.llln fc f Kew T, rk. Thia is the rnrltiiliBP volume of a really excellent book on physiology. Several worka on this aahjeert tba"- are in common use, are the productioDB of mere quacks and emetter-ers- ; tbe one before ut it the reoult of tbe toil and tboaxht of a man of erudition, of atental power, of apt perception, and en- dowed with an intuitive foretif-h- t into results. This volume '.rests oo " feline and thinking, the mind sad tbe brain, our sensations and senses, alaep in! dreams, transmissible quail life and death.' On these aubiectB the pbysiolocist snd the metaphysician meet face to face, to consider some of the most re. condite and profound questions that can engage the attention of either, comlag to no hasty conclusion, holding questions in abeyance when no preoen answer io to be found, indi- cating tbe path in which the student may maka new discoveries. The author carefully but clearly lays before the reader a rreasse of those wonderful facts and ingnioui experi- ments, that bare taught us all we know of tl" ronaec'ion of the brain sod the nerve with I tbe percepieat mind. Irumortrat experiments with animals and intects are detailed, tfaeoreia and opiBiooa from Floure.s. Booillard Lon-ye- t. Dilta, Call, Miller, Marshall Hall, sad others, are given and frequently exiticiad. " The proper study of mankind is mtn;" to those who are in it wo casamend the fyhytiology of Mr. Lewea. It it for oale a: tba storo of Cleaves at TadeR. Tat MotrsT Tcaaoa Paparaa Ry astaurd Brervtv Pahliaked by D. App'eisa fc Ca. Mew Tort In September. 115H, tbe proprietor of the Kew York Aral err stated to Mr. Eperctt, that if be would cohfribute an article $ week to that periodical for one year, be would place flOno at tbe diopossl of tbe Men Vernon oeoocistaoR. Surb an offer, for a pearpoae so patriotic, Mr. Everett did Rot think himself a' liberty to decline. He wro'v the articles, callinr them the Mount Vernon papers. In this handsome book tbe whole are collectec, and form a volume of foar hundred aad ninety paces of interesting and mieeellaaeocsj read-iB- The subjects are extremely varied, but are moetly givea ia a popular narrative style. Incidents of Asterie$n history and biographv, foreiajn travel, anecdotes of authors and persons, comets, fiosBtial distress, A lams express, the Illustrious dead of 185V, lulian nationality, the light bouse, seven critics! occasions ia the life of Washinrton. and Damd Boone are among the subjects and titles of a very readable book. A considera- ble jwrtien af the whole being connected, reads roach better contecutlrely in the book, than it did piecemeal is the paper. The work is for sale at Cleseet A Vaden's, Main street. Tut Rtki rx. whtrm, V .n. ia i kimt ;e .vra'i. bettav l sr. imper f vcttv un fc Pitzreram, Mew Twk. pawmfcera A chilareB with Bi.y decree of quickness erow up, tbey are caatiatu'ly atkine caf thotae BTouod tRefB the "why" af the many nysterlet they encouBter. Not uafrectueotlv the snaa or woman nnds that the aastrsr that haa aatts-tie- d tbwtB Caoaa not tteet tba caila'a Uealty he haa a ITI $ "srhy" that toes beyoarl $r. l deeper tha a their reply- - Thee sock parscrr,-fe- el tbe want of " Tlae Reasec Why that Uea rrefore at, aad io msay eircuatarUiirraa of life thee must study it err rrmato in a deejrws of that brines shame wbea it is exposed. This vol time firet answers to some 1,340 qasa-tion- s, teoeraliy referrine to common life, but reqoirine answers frrrtri erjpufee. Why do woodpeckers tap why do we ttaeeze whv tin the aslls of windmills torn round why does water freer sptiy does a top stsnd when apiiiDinr wba' causes tears why da we see ttie flash of $ piu be'ore we bear the report wby has a rainbow colon what is coal art !' "et.a of the questions an awered The laook is amply illuatratel by etrtt. It Is for sale at Cleavea a Taden'a. lI KSItt DOIIil lt I'LIR, Tne me inhere of this dub are requested in atlend the regular meetinc Monday reeBin' at H o'clock, at their hall over tbe Tunaeli.oa Adams street. All those wish ifcc to .on. are invited to be a dc s a wi tber are slaet tbev fyor taat we nete ssurarstjov i., , FoLirr. Baugh has issued new to the pnllee, them not to ar stop about houses when cn duty ; not to sot about the street' whittlinc on otickoor dry Rood' boxes raajtto lonnze about the hotels and discuss ths tonics of the Jay: to each ward has four oiden, and keep on their feet constant ly; If the mayor his representative sprint and tney do not reipooa otilr food reason will save from suspension Pr. jM or dioehartTe ; t pecial police report r i Service Cleaves ilexlco wtta acqolrt., tBtetests, am Mayor instructions requtrlBf frrquent UppliBf remember rattle, promptly rnnawsy necroes mrrst be taken to the station hoaie and questioned t negroes without passes may be allowed to pits If they show they an am lanamtant bi tineas : if tbe nefo lies he must b arrets' ed : bo caoeof delinqnency will be Merlootred : policemen found oat af their wards will be discharged j not to go home without permission ; one half the poiiee on any ward to co to dinner at 12, tbe other at fno cfc'nek. Attending to these rules will n.ak" reopeeted. Those who think thesa too stringent will be permitted to retire snd makr room for others who think the yois essy snd the burden light. Contvnx .aw Cocst. The following cases will be for trial on Monday, Hi Inst., at tbe Court room, corner Adams and Second streets; No. 'Jo MeKniebt vs Jameoon : 2t Martin vs Brian! - l l Stone A Co vs Cole: AA Brir klev vs Brumley ; 79 Tan rs Cockrell ; VI Clavton fc Co., vs Hunt, ex'r; 9t Croper vs (jarrison, adm'r : 100 Bolton ft Ca vs Uttle ; 1"3 M and L R RR Co rs Orae : 11 ThoaBD- - oon to Mrr.a't: 11" Fletcher 4 Withers va Humphreva; 12 Richsrds fc Co Peyton Harbin i 12:) Mon'pomerv. heirs, vs I'ftwicb; mGranben-- r vs Forrest A. Mapioo: 12i Lait vs. Doiifflsas; 130 Pittrcan re Hardin ; 134 Arern va Sa ' ; 13S Raja va MoQler, i Jo Ford ra Anatin At Co : IN' Crisp vs Lemoyne; 1M Vaceato vs. Ranch fc Co; 151 Bannister r Thompson : 15S McL-a- n vs Camovan : lSf Pittojan ra Cook. Special ease, 433 Metralf v Dowell. Caoeo mamt be tried or rontisned call. Cases not reached on the day set will appear ia the calendar of next week. M AhCrs J. WRIGHT, Clerk Br A- J. Wbtbtt-FB- . Derwty Clerk. Coatkioso Law Cocbt. Tbe suit for libel brought by Dr. T. C. Gayle acainnt Dr. L. Shanks wat concluded in the Common Law court yesterday, the fury awardiac damn tee to the amount of fix dollars sgainst tbe defend- ant Tbe esse cf A. Pror.ieskl against Motby fc Hunt ouit - part for goods ronoigned to defendants and hnraed, in Hsroh, ItW Ojaa taken up, and engaced the attention of ths court yesttrday, but was not concluded at ths bour of ah0tirnment. Ixjoaiocf Repobts. We are informed that a report is lBdustrio v circulated in the c .ntry t. eject tliat stiany eases of yel- low feter hoe crcenrred recen'ly in thia eity, and that thirty or forty death orrarred from that canoe daily. Vo report could be mors gTatuitom and unwarranted, as not a aingle case of yellow fever hat occurred hers during the summer, and there hare bees no in lira fiona that any diaoaee of tbe kind will prevail. Jail Statistics. There are at present elchty-yere- per .onscoafined in thscity prioon. Of the number forty-fiv- e are attached to the chain gang, thirty. three are confined for Monies, snd ejrht are fugitive slaret. Levi Stover, ore of the convicts, is under oentence of death murder, hao taken St. the Supreme curt. T A a' ai Rob- - iRaoa's named died in bis bed about ten Fri day niclc. Home held an ta the cp.tr. but the iury did not r the cause f tbt man't death. He leaves wife and children. workmtn Messrs Quinby fouodery, auddenly o'clock Eaquire irq-oa- IYgitifb Abbested. Patrick, elave of Geor.-- ' Reynol'le, of De Soto county, 11 its., was arrested aad placed is the city priooa Btp'tkT ot TPrr. deaths in ftte ritrsf Meripbta wbiamtnr W. Bartea. Mra. RichTond. rears, lr. affad veara, aced S yeara. or diatthvritia. Ju: oauswawataon : Mr lysh'id fvtvr : I aura : man unkn rata uaed 1 bou axed f . vara met month i . ruktaoarn waoalha. uivaer.cil S - m'Tit sale, a or a a I va at a to a r ALT. far at$A. Miller, aced I' years. It wars cwacb. Jnlv 17 I Mj ttba. ittarrhea. July IS tunhea. Ke- - B. m, July 16 W $. axed SO crcicva- - Tl afec t; ela' R. W. tr. g s. ap ntr ctT Sr ot Lv sad $jta Lia: af the tat- - at. nl.! Bt-- J m $. Aidcina. CaranauaTh, axed 1 ts va... K BOLST fc SOS. Baitna. on, Matue in Rlita Ha rcia yvafe, diaretvai chill, arad t rases. iy rr.wrb.maa Cretan, fi yvara fc FLtHAHTT Seitoti a tl rfctidrea SB Malay a, fawsalrsla. Whi.'ea stacks 5 Cltitea. 17; atrunf-r- a T R'rCflRLL. O.. SecraUry Roafd or sfvatlb Huti our Trunks AT WRI (JUT'S, 221 rVTAIlNJ STtlEBT, MVIfeStWT, MAtK la Rail. a WBtppLE.-.a- . a. aorraoaEkv..M. o empaiae. PLANING MILL, at " LUMBER YARD. Sash, and Blinds. bni'l lrg mt ltttJ Uswachintrrj H M Casiitan, Coraii l! Worfe. o tr mm Ptjtvfctdr FrSC!f, a ctariDC layrti i : I Ju'r e , Bo-- J. tamtb- - a i A. i 11 tia fever ; nee-r- o Ada: : ; IS SO . lOfast Drr r can rird?ir witi any naular Mfhshw I im tmm rrltdtbd Hut O- - yr fl'lt--4. THi.'PLt MtMHB k CO., PUniDf Hill, Sgm ty Wt Ui.' Bivm Miinaa trtMt. Lumber, Lumber 000,000 FEET OH kwiBK ta Ibtcmc iaMajrtiata I kawt mmr 9mm totlwpvMiB-- . cintiitiii ib part af Pibb, 0frsa una Pnplar Prarniu Lum-a- r rwafU mm WcBthrr Bru, U aad 1 kmck cWr ia rTtmmm Tin d Crvi Attrnm Ttoorim tn-- J Cvili, if aad F". .ct bwtM ao4 aawH rim I britfltkrflainr. Alaa, m mmrnt, a trrj 'arr $f Pin- - tvl C Sbials. nrt an! .- - iLhs. s$vkv, BBtf plftiaaTid Umj Pirfcet-- . it Was to IbcIob aiV PajHatr tr$tj Br.irsV.r-- jr 'hf.-.- "FN ION CHEMICAL PAINT." An V nt t.r i.a Mnrlilf, k AMI PAOTrrRBfi BT TUB MEMPHIS PAINT COMPANY, tn SOLD WUOLBSALB BT Ja Ja RtaWHAaT, Acejitt. Meriipbia, Ta sVlsn for at re rte-- 3 yons By July M. Mock Isaac atrd flam yeara. 'pmri- - mmd ('shUt PaustB ty Ike foiisavitat Ttr Sara lal a B BAM$SPMLt OO , t'SAMDLBR fc CO 'IRQ w. JOBMB fc 0O. aisaia a. j. iba. MlXfflU m, LE4, jttor jrm r-- j t-- r. .i w. MEMPHIS, TENNCSSEE, . - PnlkSjkR. Ms. $. Fresh mlteat. ST RBCBTTBTJ strainer C. B. Blllmaa. a lavas JI Issref jrrssrk Bolted Corn Meal, a.,-- for sale low by ruMTRKOT fc CRAW Pt iBrrt, w Ma. II SrusslRaa. tltrf tee. Bv the Bassrd sf Merer savt All imlB of RITJViI.VBIi. Memaakts. that the Mtrar ksep a atsaaliux mdice in two tke city papers that aa aaa sua', sealant the city will he salt eatsst made t" aalksrtty of Maynr and Bard Alle-me- n an.1 anyr .red by tke Mayor IFlUacl frara tbe mine r, 1 1' SAPOR Mayer . J. i. BrcMABoaor,t-.- . Meroj.nia, AatastS. m II K 21 STREET, an I, fc of rat B THE MEMPHIS DAIT.T APPEAL STJN DAY, JULY 22, I860. atb-- r latest Bfhis bpcTtlfgra. 'acre of C'hrlatlmma. Botron, laly II A teller to lb a Raatoa Traveler, da'.aJ Jonatltt. aaya that Stack, the aat BtroeakaM of tbe Chrittiana is Lekenon. had baen raptnred and homed. Tbe Ckrietiana wrfa irtrr in all directwca It aaa rumored that Sid m had a en Aaatrayad, aad wanty.flae haaatradctirk-liaa- a maaaacrad Attn ai of ttao Dearer CHy Fmpreso St Joitrat, Ho Jaly SI. ivanrerCity aaereea with date to the 16th last., arrived al thla paint The advance divlaion of V. t. uoopa from Camp Ptord af California Gnlck City ea for Bleb dla ran via milea waal Balling at the rmliatk. Xlk Toss, la'y SI. Tkasteamahip Falton tailed at aaun t wta r for On illiaaaptia aavl R a r r Theabipment af aperle by Ux Fa ti n am to kOOO OOO. She tbe Kea maila of Iks I7fh. and telefranhK Oat patch a. of theSOth. She win wall al Papa Rare for Ike let eat talesraphlc ad v lean Itasa Oa Stair. RlTer Ifatalllgenre. LoriselLLE. Jnty SI Tke Ohio nret al tkia point la rietnf . with tbrea feet nine inchea water In tbr canal ST. Lovia. July SI Tke Haaalaaiswi riror at P Mnt ,i fatltnf altb alevrn feet uretvr in tke Cairo. Sr. Loa'la, July 21 teaterday ia- - JicnuaJ a tamperalare af 101 to lOOdefcreea it tkeakaaw. and ey 101 Feraoaal. tie I. ar Jnty II n a. Rewr ly Jakaaoa. at Sid., ara! s,a: ' Beniamak, of Loajr aaa, aaft tor ik tbe aaannktki sTatk Stat. ftahllttoa; af ike i.laagow Krv Tobk. JnlySl. The ateamahip Olaagoar aaiiaa r lilaarow at aor-i- i to day. fake toak over $100,000 in .lev,. S T A T E M E IM T OP THB '..VDITIOK OP THB AETNA IVSl RAM E COIPWV. Oi tbf 1st it Jal), 1H60, it, KBtJCIRIB BT THE LkT$ OF STATE OK TBK NBTaSnxfai narna f tba urpori THE locnad ai Tb.- Capital la H PrRR liOLl.tBS. and ia paid SR. TTIB t5SETS OP a Ailrma. t b Orleans Money due the Company aecarea by tncrtsAte aaa aa Caab band and in bank 14 1 111 nah in the handaaf Aaafflaand in a aa in a. tranall. 116 oto tl 44 Rof14kate Sooda T per canjt aemi- - annnal Interaat. 44,000 00 44.000 00 SS Mnanae Randat per carntaami- - tcteraet. 08,000 $0 M,000 $$ SS Jereey City Watrr nVmda at 0 per cent, interval. 00 $0,000 00 Har tf.it d City Bonda t per cent. inter rat oB.OSO 00 a 000 0$ SS City Bonda 7 liar cant tnleraat $$,000 lt SO ooo no 10 B'ouktrT C.ty Bead. 0 per cent intsreat. 10,000 00 10 cms ao t Milwaukee City Bonoe. 10 per cent, interest. 0,000 00 0,000 00 Catted Stataa Treaeury Noteaand arrned latar'L 00,000 00 SI 48S OS Cnitad sinter Stock S pr cent aeeal- - latoiaat 100,000 00 00 Stole af Km tacky Stock, t pr cent aenii annua' indereat 10 000 00 10 Ink 00 Slate of Tar.nr.eev Slirk f per crnl tntaraaL OB 000 00 n 100 00 SUtet f Krw Stock t per cent BUte of Miaaracri Stra-- k t per carat arm: -- annual interval. kuta af Ohio Stock t par cent inter rw, (1800).... Stale of Oku t pe- - asal for but an appeal state of Indiana per cant to MtaT 5rt KT per' ovat Thomaa Crai'han, port veoterday. week Doors 2erB druaBU par the tklimimlln Stock interval. Delaware andRudam Canal Com- pany Bread, t per cent interest....... too Share. Hartford and Krw Hl- -. rn Railroad Companr Stock $00 ahares Cwma Rrrvr Rallrraas Stock lCrr k -- tl -, W -. railroad oomsany at. ck $0 afcarea Connecticut river cum- - parjy .lock $9 ehafe. Crtiaeoa Rank Stick, Walvrbrtrr, Ct to .bare. BlnOanl aaark Stuck, Suit .rd Satrinta, Cd SS ahara. Eac Bank Stock, Pro- - rloeacv. R. I IS akerv. Bar ban lea and Trader.' hank stock. Jersey City. M. J.. $0$ aka-- r. Rrrere bank t"ck, Buna. Mats. 100 Ibarra Safety Tnnd hank atock Bwatoa, Haaa ISO aharea bank atock. St Loam. M SOO aharea Bank Stole of Mhkakfl bark stock. P4 Lou;,. Mo. flOakare. farai.-- .' an-- Mecban-p- a bank atock. Philadelphia... tat aharea ftaa baaa atock, Hart- ford. 100 aharea Har' hard Oooaty bank Martferd.. ............... 100 iharea Charter Oak bant at.a-k- , Hartford WJO akurva City Bank Bawrk. Bart- - ford TLa iaw tkla Tke 000 aharra Barbansv Bank Si.ak Hartfwd 400 abarva Farmers k Mechanic' ImBRatack. vanrtfard IBS aha-r- a Marcbanta and Ma- -- bark atock, Bartford BOO aharea Pkceaix. Bank Sua k Hartford $40 aharea State Bank Stoat. Hart. fovd..... ISO sbarea Caanvcttrril Rirrr Rank Stock. Hartford. OOOabarea Amrrican EtchArula B'k Block. Kerr Tort Mat shares Bank Bj Morlh Ameri- - tca . M T $00 shares Baak of America suck. Kew Tort 100 afcar'a Bank af Republic Stork Hew Toik. .a 100 aharea Bank of Co moowvslrh Suck. K. T km abaree Sauk of Mew Tors St'k. M T... 100 ahares Bank cf Commerrv Suak. K. - SOO Ibarra Broudw-- v Bask St.. i. Mew Turk BOO aharea Bntckers Slat Stoaan' Bank Stock. MT 100 ahares City Bank fsaark, Kew Tsrk. SOO afaar ImpartvvsaaafTradaia Bank St ck, M T $ abarva Market Rank Stock, M. Tort- - - I$00 abarva Mrarhanica' Bank Sit Mew Tort tor- akarvs Mvrtrkaat's Bxcbar.cv Rink l,rrk, Krw Turk $00 shares MetropollUn Rank St'k, Mew Tort frkJ .barva Mvrchantr Bai k Bt k. Mew Tort. 100 akarvs Mercantile Bank Stock, Krw Tort SOO shares Kaaaan Baak Stock . M Tort ASS abarva Manhattan Sank Stuck. Mea TwS $00 a r. worth River Bank St'k. Mew Tort. too bar.-. Ocean Bank Stork, fa. Turk. Sin aharea Peoples' Rant Stack. X. To-- too aharraPtornit Bank Stuck M. Tort 400 hares Cnian Baak Stock. Kea Tort ion sharer Hararer r Baak Block, Mew Terk ISO shares M. T. Life Insurance and Trust Coutpnny, X. T 10$ shares ratted Stat True Compear Bills Baseetrabla, matarlax Miwllanvona Items. The ao, rami jndred to..t (Tilted creditor a Lasses adjusted snd tea BBSS adjusted and not due SSBMMI unadjusted suspense print me made JRTaTA TH0I sjreliart. iftaRcial prna!pfi'ri statu of uuHMtfjunon t TE libaral T A M IXSCBASCF. rtford. Conuatlcat. HrXtlRPIi SAK1. CORPaSY tRl Par Jdau-a- Kaaae $77 tot SI anneal 10,000 annnal 104,760 vnb.iQt so ooo 00 6" 710 no 14 oat no Tt.ooo oo OOom 00 n OB U.CU0 00 15.000 OS $.414 $0 5,414 Mi to ooo oo oi ana on SS 000 00 lO fa O 00 10 100 00 li sts 00 4,00(1 00 ,100 00 5,000 00 t.SOO 00 S 000 OH 5 1M SO I.SaO 00 laST$ 00 a ; BBS a, j.j sa io. wo oo io ooo $$ io too oo $0,000 $0 $1,000 o $0.000 00 51 I'O Ot to ooo in to ane oo ooo on 4 000 os O.ono nt 10 SOS 00 se.ona on o . a$ I5.0o. IO 15,000 os 40 0, 00 4C0CO 0$ as son m ss.tiao io ooo no lo.ooo $$ $0 000 00 000 0$ 7 00 4.1000 00 SB BBS 0$ 11 .$$$ VO se, too $$ n oo oo ma OS soma oo 10,140 00 10,000 00 ss.noo oo so.sou oo n oon no so.osa ot 30,000 00 IS "00 00 $0 too $0 $4 BBJ SS 10.000 00 too 00 to o o ou ii ooo so IS 000 00 so too $0 totaooo ss.otn so 10.000 00 10,000 00 40 000 00 45.000 00 41, "$0 00 41 870 SO io ooo oo i: oo R' 000 IO SO SOO so $0 000 00 $6 400 00 I aaaa so to.sso on SO 000 00 18. BOO 00 10,100 00 I0.SOO su 10.000 00 10,000 00 isneo oo l ooo se 15 era) 00 St 110 00 10 000 0O 12 BOO 00 7.441 IS BS,IS0,ltt SS ounl of Liabilities dae or not due to banks or naxia Leases in 000 31 51 74 van profit or rxBaBtirl 146 413 36 till uCiirr claiBV acaiut the OocapBOf art- - Mall, for ate. Aur it- - lBatrartM tc 11 aa tlmtt nvfoinf n Utom fcan'l Ttt rr$tkt anHfOiil irtrtkl m any vat cttr, Iowb, Til m$it mt MKk, vtnas a4 JapBBda Bran tb omrtiuc-Ut- n. Biairrlfc.1. bd4 t nanft ol itUb flr k. w. Kiri.Ki, rr:x- TSOA. E. mstfcrfUry ' ' : . i Habti ubd CovitTT, Hartford JoIt 1. lt. Prasan!7V aprarr! brnra m- -. Rcwmv FoVLIB. a immxicm Ihf Tt,4y qml !. t airnmi-- r omth, K G K1PLIT, pTMld-B- l. at d THOMAA K. PAC. aad mad tVrnn xatli tl.al tha roraiBc ttamot of tb aatt and atri!tion of tb Mxnm CtjeBpas tTB HKVRT POWLKR, JaaOca of tb Pa. OF to SB 1). imc i. office, July t. I TbiB tottlt tbafTh .fatsa laavaBr Css$npny, k. cateradat Hartfprd, ia tb Stat of CMaatrtictit, baa caaa. Baid a! ib rqai"-mi.t- tit tlM ctU m tb aLfrt at fttrtt-- iMBrBBW. r .rBoraiiBe, IB ctlua 14M to HOT ux- - r,al. aa wl im tb act mt 14. b $f March IND rbaptr tlf. - ion 70. raairiBff dpua:: witb tb ouit - nr $r twt tbaaaMj doi art af an par cai. ill of tab SUt. mod that Ja. X Ouatwick and Wn S. Wp'Is ar tb lafsfraJlr autbtRrijd at.nta of aaid can PkMty in tti tow ot MtBphla. 9Ut of Tnnaa J T. DCNLAP. Ooo tro r. ob Una br FEET J a -- A. . X LBB I felt-l- y Slrleormlatarlrafe Pafae ; .. LIABILITIES. 4 o ! I XAtHTiisXS, IM t a land rrha CHADWlj'I k WXI.LA. Armu lut k Bnii'linc Main STORE. DENIE, "BM. DaWMj Oals. ttran. Flour, and lrtxf urc. Sail ',11 KIIIB OOTRT SQI'ARR. VoffCf. (OaatPT.) Btapttis. TRW Mar. h It. 1BS0. Bsaalka after date uf Ibia test f fare, NINS unpaid) amy ts tfce SFdse af my self four tare-asa- d dollars, t a na receired, aad cbarga t. account. Bsrraad.l P. B TBOBMTtlN B. M APPEBfSOM fc OO T. Meeara. B. M. Aaaeraon It Co.. Metnafc.e. trnnaaae.. I bare loot the orlgiaal of the star, rraar. NsSBSfck. tarsed Icy P R Ttvoral-- r In blank Tke public are rarttloavd asaiaat irndiat for It. Ita nayuaeat oaj beam twfcttmsa. hS.-T-. AIJfTOM M BOTD For Sale. for aaiv my li'tle Paim is Crittenden JOFPBB Arkaasas, fronting oa tke Miaaia- - alppi rlv.r, and three m.iea lalow Four hnndrad and arret acrea is thv tract. about ane kwaatved uf wkbrk m 11 a gaud wale ad calti BIBk. aaa wen protected by tbe leva. Th sap aae with a force af ten r titevi. waaBSatt SI say time is sea baser Tbe bailllaga are nearly all wee, with a large astern en the ptass. further naiiaealara see J U Wiillsma, HMBBsaSfc or cat' ca me at my rasastsmns, near the city. Jyll Sm BU RAT M BR DeSoto Farm for Sale. PRO PO U aell mv plure wkere I now rr I mde. Iriug In rvaSoC. City Mualaatpai attain aly mire, af Cold Water depot, aa Ova Mitai. atppl aat Tsmammae mill ant, which . thirty-Or- e mllea from Mrmpbia. containing nine hun- dred and siat) acrea, Sea hundred In euttlratlua, searly all freak, nsartallat sf kattauu. eeeuad bcttaa and up- land. TVs whose place is in a fleas stale af caf.. .alien aad well impresad, with a tvst rate aew twa.au.rv framed residence, wttk aig rooms, wen flatataaat ; nerro quarter., extra t aod grala bam, m .hies aad cf.ba, beat gearUr; tsod natlca sin aad aresa ; two g.aat ..reiarJ. cf brat election of fruit, sxdb apple awl past. I have tbe head well of water In tke i.snlj j asm. aa efcaedanc. toe stent. Refer to p. Lane fc Oa. W B. WTNMF J59 by Commcrrial Sftattrrs. HEHPHIS DAILT APPBAI. OFFICE.! StrkDAT. July SI. 1000. COTTOS. The roarkt yeaterdar eiblbitad nntbina worthy of remark. Infartr 0 a 4 I BT afdUna tHl"k Ordinary dalaS Sk Oo.al H addlUS-.- i I atl k OooO Ordinary.. S at T M iddllns Pair... - Law Middllna . S at It I Fair 40 Damaesile Mlarka-t- ay Tclegrapai. If" Toll. Jul. 11 p Cation Iba nurket canard Sail; aalea SAO balee at loaic Float Iba market daU i aalaa a -- fto br la al $0 SOutS. '0. Cora raatkatdall. with aalea of 11,000 bnakeU at SlokSSc Pork market a mat aalea S.t$o Rftl nt $1 STktlt BO. Lard Brm, with sataaof Bttbrw. at ISSklSar. CaBaa aalaa I aval aecka Java at ltajc i atararhibo bal l al lfac Sarar arm, with an advance t RO, aa tba weak I sates S.SOO brie. attkt)Tr CincikSATl,' Jaly SI, P. at Floor tke market cAoeed dall and unearned ; it ia imnoaalble to sirs accu- rate quotation. Corn market caeeea dull. Oate buoy- ant, milk aalea at rfeia)Bac. Park ataaOf i aalaa of 000 via. at $IS. Whlafcyialat,Witk ta'aaat ITr. Raw OaxEABe. Jalr St. p. at Outlaw aalaa ISO baaaa at 1.A;. Plonr mtrkal dalt, with aalea al $0.50 C"tn al radyi mixed bald al OOaaatc , ana whlta at Tk$) BOc. I'reaiaiona qotet aad aeante Sm O'ber oalfcRlt nhRPHK rttirt! cirkest. t ..oi, a iii Riare Prlcaa. Ccnatry. . BEAKS Par brnkal AR Per cart SAurSIKO Ai' ROPE Ropa... Ita Hare tar BM.iuc.ky Kaat Loam Reainrkf Pcarar Luam. BRRBWAI PPBB Pair to Bond fair Prime Java. Limits CORJf CORK If BA- T- CBAI'BBKS Sutra- - -- Wealrru p at - Bur dc Rr :.a OrjRPAQB Ran LUa. Out ton thread DRIED Facri Applaa... Pwaiat Pearbaa.. BI3IIS per dns. PleOrR City mille.oztra... ....... City mil la, aupvrflne kt Loaia do ............ St. Louie, fancy.... St Louie, extra. PISH 1S. I ate t -- I. la tela. da dv Ik kite...... Mo. S Ao la aria. Mo. S ' hk trial RAS-- t SEEDS Orchard. . $!. Pltiataant.sxio. Piuaknrt. 10x1$. OCKPl.tTDBR lenlnaky Qi.r-E- . . r. . Per box cf M ft) I BlO- -. Orvon Sa'IaKt Peer fkiat. HAT Per taa LARD Bra. UQVORS Old k..rtm Wbir. . O'd Imltaliira ao ... Brandy do LEATHER k.-- - e.. Oak sole.""""!"""."'..!.. lie :' - k - r Bndla. per rlaa. Itppar Irath-- r, per noa aaaa LEAD Bar LIU Tellow pine Pine flunrtn Clear white pine fshinarlea UI B Par ktl. . . .7.7.'. . .." '. '. MotsastB. OATS. PROTLSIONS-Bac- oa Clear Sides. Plain I Canvas rPork Ham). Caavaa a near cured haras . Mans pork eiCELES- -l tall.an. n aa M aa PAPER Rat RICH m SrOAR Pair to fslty fair SALT PI aa Oasrae.. ........ .......... SAAP-C-at- STARCH tea: - on T TOB..CAVO--M- - By a Virsinia Medina Leaf. Ptne laraf WRRAT. WHtSET Per tal WIS X Claret m cat. Ckatnparne.... .......... ed CnwaakeaL Boats aad Sksri. BtVOn.t KS piuatrra' TfcKt s Calf BOOTS Ladle.' split. treat Rid OSSABl'RC, Strtpart. Cootts. X SHE FT1 V'a Bias. 4. Bleached. 4 sniRTISti DRII.Ir-Bm- wn. U k'eackvd. K PRINTS Pancr I.t WKS Pancr. ... TICRS 27 to to inch. .. BLTE DFMIXS Heary.... ....... .. APsUIN CHECKS, X Drugt, Ralccs. COBAXi'TED aANSriELO BORAX BKIMSTOKE CoPPBRAS. CRB M TARTAR. CAMPHHR. BPSOM SALTS IXDIGO MADDER OILS Unseed. Lard Tanners' Castor QflSIXK Snips SOU t Sewca-ll- e Sl'LPHCR. spices Pepper Drp (Bus.). Clowes Allspice Xutmeta. TCB'EXTIXB WHITE LEAD Waters fc F t, pure... Cltntua . BY ir rlAIV THB AKD By Mew s AXDS Mew MArn ARll Rll? Kew New A it SB to St .... st to at it ....I SS to I so .... ta IS IS ... 17 .... .... SB tot ... Id to Ilk ... It la i torn, $1 to to i oc s on 4 10 t as IS M to It $$ llaj IS It. SB Ilk i.u $$ J at to 1 $S to SS i to to i oa II to Hi, ..... SJOtoSiai ...5 JSk S TS $ SO ...$. S $0 $0 00 aa- - S 16 If US ...... a at 14 oo $ 1$ I SO to 0$ ...... 1 SO 1 00 to 1 75 ....$$$ ts$ so $$ 1 50 to $7 i at u $ at $ 4 $$ $0 to 1$ to 11 t S 1$ to 1$ $$$$Sla00 It A Id 1$ I SO SS ' to at . . . . $4 tt la S ta $t BO 4 00 SS tokt SS 14 Bf USS .:.' in hi H TB ....1 TS to J US ....I Bitot OS $ SO ta S 00 4 OB .... S 00 to 500 S SB 1st 0$ f l ao 7t hi M tt tots to taSS It lallsj 12k to H .... $ IS .... IS It .... IS tots .... Ill, toll ... $0 toll ....7 00 to S SB ....51 I.. 00 ....$ TStoS 00 $S to TO s ... S to ...$1 on to I 7$ ...$I40tat( S to TStol $$ .... 45 to 1 00 Tb 1 SO St to 1 fat ... Us, to 18 .... ISte SO ..J SStol SO .. .5 00 to t 0B .. $ $$ to ... $$ to$t ...$ SO to IS 00 Io IT SS .... SO $t ... ISsi IS Oils I nil DAILT ST B. fc ASD SSI MAIS Ref ca .f io; ... SH to tot to 1 to .... to M to to .... I. to In It $lf 814 ... ... to ... Mil. $1 SO SS $0 tot $0 10 to to $$ to to 10 onto sa 10 to lost 7 to S S la 1SX $ ta T S 10 v, SS 'a T to 11 SM U 11 R to IS 11 IS a, 5 In Rt 18 to It 6w. te $ I to I 50 to to 4H to 5 75 to I 10 .. 76 to St SO to $1 .. It to .$1 40 If 17$ a tO StJ .$1 71 to 100 4 to T tin . II to Ilk .. so to at .. 15 toSC $ to 10 . II tolls. U to 55 .$7 W IO fc. .SA IO" Ra NEW BOOKS. rIL'ST RECEIVED Kirk nmiiams, STREET. FROM A BACHBLOB'S BOOB OF UFK. LBATBS tke press, and sffectine and tateraatinc incidents. WBST INniKB Anthony Trollop. TBMPBST 'NBHINP aspply. OOPSIN tMOKP. Suprdy. auppla. 17tal$ ...tOOta ...$lt STREET. Sinter tottss tttoTt ;.9 reptrte Tilt SPANISH B. Mr.. M. J. II Imee. Itv Mra. R met. TUB OS TUP. Pints. New anreplv. ADAM RBDK tolSR 17k ....$1 tolOR tall ISt Ittolt with MAIN ew s r p r l. y or BrTLBoeg, KL PTBBIDIS, MARGARRT MOKCRIEPTB. 1.ITTLR BBACTT. TRROXB DATID. gTC KIRK A WILLIAMS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIOIsERS, tl SS$ Main street. LAIDRGTR'S Fresh Turnip Seett. TOP plat TTRMTP: PCRPLB Plat Dutch Tmratp: Large Oasbe Turnip i I arse Bur folk Taralp ; Teliow Rats Bags Turnip ; Whits Rnts Baca Taralp ; Tellow Aberdeen fnraip , Par a t'ooe Turnip ; Just receired .V far sale by . VJ o. W. JOMBS fc CO. Mfnijials CaiaBer sf CaBrcr tIbbibIv nertlasa ARBOULAB mamtkly mart lag sf th. Mempbia Biaam will he held st the of Parriratueri fc Packler. aa Baak assume. MOKDAT APTRBROOM. st 4 o'clock Meetbars are rvcavated ts be punct a ly m a'trndamre, as taslaeat of input will corn. Severe the meeting. By order af the Pre. ideal, rftl JHHM fl. TOOP. Secretary (Tot t..e 10th inal., a BtlRRRL M BB PORT years 'Id. with a little srblW rbe lop of her lama, kuafs broken aad Bart ahoes ISM reouna or nut, sway hacked, email white east ea soar, aad flat man. aat tail. will pay See swltsei tor bar delivery to me oa Oelaaaa sweet, snath of Tnace street ar say information tkat will lead ta ker laatie.tl will be re- warded B. 0LIVBB 150,5 Strayed Stolen Floor. LS. " Bttra' PU.ur. .... t kal ISOto .... .... tuTOO to I 1 1 1 1 I SM It t 4 to .. ) S Ski OP I I tarts .ataper aa. pvsnr. In store and for asls I.I.VD-K- T fc PlCKLRrl, For Lease. WTTH FVRMirtntB The kotae u ma Allol'AR boast. ,n lull Mempi.it, with as vs. reaaaas, rtsteva. trail traas, etc. Tka faratrtwe win ke .ld tt, the purchseer of ths lease Apply at tte APPBAL Counting Baaa. lylT-- ir r Iflnnftarn nl rfinannal. ERpnin niii.r api-bii- . officb.i JES SckOAT. JnlyM. ISBt. i We hear of nachan$al in okr saooov niarkat arortby of ante. Flaw Orlraaa Sat eta or "iarkiel. The rtdloartaf ia from tke K ew Orleans ricayune of Jaly NolhlDE lit! tranapl'al ay to nialrrlally allar tba laeelns fealarea of the mark-- t, aad the baaineaa ruled tbraasboot aa at the iloae of Ike rrr.rw Tke basaa dura salad aim ae naaiaad caatloa, aad tke mi.rrmeM oat of doura ana raatrKled ra all cradea of paper, tnrckarrra moved aloas eery imetly, aad rasla lanef indicated no ln reaaa arhalaeat lu eilker foretga or There wa no dekriearv noticeable in the eapply af say ckaae of kill , bat the dvmend area only nominal at bawt, aad yeale day'e .lattatloaa ware barely maintained. BXCHtNtir tin h i7K i.ro: i.ibt. COkkEI'TEO OAIJ.T BT TBE OATOOO ATIBSS - tTITXTIOW. r- : .c l OoU orA Sracr I rr, tie Wanaaral. Plantara' Bank. Bank of Tennaaai a.... Bant af Ohattaranrara C anntarrial Sank jana of WoatTaoa.... Ba:.k i.f Reuipbia City Baaa, SJaahvUle I Bank of Kaoan'la 1 Fi'iraovv Ira Rank of Rashvllla.... I dla! flank af Tama. I dla X r Rank TaaewaU Banaaf Ciaisaiaa ... tank ,f America.... la dm lf Skur Tean. failed dla Bxrham. Sank AATtakBaral Bank, failed w rtblaa CltiaaTw-Ban- fall- -; dia rollaa... Tradart- - Rank Cial kank af Athena. Oa. 0 die Northern BarXTeea. I daalvmk af Pultun, On.. S da Back of Paris. I .,.'B"k ruiala, Oa. t dla Parairr,' Bamb I .tlairt SfetaXa On. S Rivvr Bank, etoaine.. tar stale Bank Lawr.ncwhr.rf Hank.. Maetfcev I Bank Boathaea, Bank parlMntlle Ranta 0am Sank. 1 nia A abama Staltrai'lv Bank .... S akafTlrtiklr Banka. Bank tbeCslne... I dla'Oh.o By an. Rock'a Batik I fitistate Bank 'of ta Beet of Jeffvraan.... !lll:n ia and Wi Dandridsa $ dlalPraa Batik., lnd. Xlaa. Muttml lu.. f par EcAaa;o oV'.tne Rafva. Mew Toy t s rreji Pkllelelpkla. It prvm rtnclaaatl BoaUin ...... ta pi am. flt. Loaaa...... Maw Orleans. a oraaalLianaaalito & & It aD S dia ats aaaki da pan par -- i O nil- - .VP Si'MMBR STTLRS OK HATS AMD wat". all cradea aad raters, imar rawly. teOODB, of ererr lor mea and boyt will Snd to thvir interest to tire aa call matins their purchase., we have larse pad welt se- lected ab.k, bonxbt earnaaly tke trade Skrt3-i- s it o. 343 MOW OPPEBIXQ PCLL AMD COMPLETE OP i AND alt the notelttvs si the aese..o, both in style snd fabric. Wa anal make Dally to oar DuriDtr the season, direct frota our place of Ol R PRl Ei RI, Erery article we tell AS WE 11. u $v asrlt 141 Main street. AT A II C 1 1. S. WM Mil ou TBI" W BenkofMlddto FBANCISCO CO., Fbahciico FRANCISCO CO. DBALBRS Hats, Caps, STRUT (HILDRKN 9, 10 lork. tb ntir I I l i .... .... pm S . A nr it a aa a for i A Xo at a Of tbr mdf rd Hooa. mrmm Mdis u and con- - .:tinf or Parlor Bdrtori tare. Alia, mmm Cooki: Boilers, Si ram aad Car Tina Tabl4 Cook id k for oe tkoaail popl. Sale sritkeri! rrr. of failed of Other of Batik. da Wioiiia GOODS, liRlfKLEY'S BLOCK, UTRELT. QPRJN'. BrPRAW dsacTrttaan, (antry Yierchatits before IRiXltRO ltWi). :I80. FIKTE3 SPRING AND SUMMER mmnu! SPIVEY & CIABKE, .Unfn Mreet, ABE (iENTS'f BOYS" CHILDREN'S Fine Cotliing, T Ofl!c. DUDS. AtKltioBs cittrk, mADiifsctariDAr. IjOU litrARANTEED REPRESENT Spire Clarke. BEDFORD HOUSE, ieru Nlj 1ST MMI MOKS'IN CO, lloiir ho'ri Furniture Secoad, Maaaaaatlk paiUae I, rarlas apable of rnfrietiir retir- - IDC f" bBwlaese. TCRMS AM uma flttr dollars and nnder, cask. Orer fifty dollars, aiaet- - dap Urn aaaaiad adors ! paper, ia bank. itm A. II. Ll VT ABCtioaeer. ijitne, MAme. 1 .SWft BRLS LIMB now in state which lJWI aell at baser. - 14 Ala. .... k , a b rri rery jMices, ta lota to t.lt par- - .X O. aasl CaHan street. For Kent, tke carrier af Puller sad Psasrtk streets, a Stare OM Hoase, suitable for a family traeny ae drat atere. Also, a Tenement suitable for a email family. Alan, stastker Stare aa same street. Apply to B. LBTT JySO-l- (ar at ltd Front Raw. I sr RartOB'N Hrwhrrry i or :ul R PIABRHBA It Hef'L! I.NW. re enrr. .... k of 4 riikJS SBOS fc IX)., Aaenta, f7 and SIB Main street. CHEROKEE REMEDY aa varaiLiad ta'ic roa GONORR UEA, b all Dlspasfs or i he I rlsary Orrais ressaa-- cares when III ether nreaarstauns fail. TBIS la entirely unlike every ether cmp-.trn- con- taining no Miasrsl Joiaon or Msusenas Drag, as It a Una Barks a ef Ibarra, una ftaa ;n one genera ion to aatsrfcsf. by It ia otrered to tke public aa IU II perSavraa pa amty quickly and I nasi I, sf enter sea will be re paid by using tins remedy, instead of saacint ttsSRal at the merry of suete Qanacfc ae Plufaaur. Tata raise!, etrikee st tke rami at tka dl ml ; tm lanliau ia mat simply to napend the nuiajn, but te r sacra the cause .. which it depends Pali airactkats. a pamphlet lira, acr. each brattle. The speedy and permanent re- - if at, dad by thla rseasTy. IB all (Clap.)Oleet. Gravel. Strlclsrve Plaa AJbu- -. wi te. is females.) snd dlaeaeea af tke Crlnary Organs, haa aaloniafcad tke most acienttoc net ar Iks are This remedy nat only eradiea aa al p iact Oram aha sambsaa, but luvlgovntea tke asset delicate constitution CP M ahaes aot afreet tfce breath ar Interfere with any clam at baslares, sr ratruirs aavderinrioa from the uetisl diet. 1' rearalrea a. ...Iisani I from .atker medicine. rrt" And what lahsar.a as raasa aenca af all tmueewns taste, batag cion. airun. Prlcr $1 00 per battle Sew rtf to St 75 all tbe ia the satire am a Steaa ant anddeli- - POTTBR ll MBBW1M. Sole PTuarietcr.St. Lauia, Mo Jno Wrigktfct) Orlt W Wawassssw a on., and al: V$9ffr. rltam. rUASHELta A COOK, of tke echoed of tke grrat and celebrated Chess LATA Dyers and .Vs.nrvr,. COOT, fc MATTHBW3 J St. Lveala, hare been indeced to oaat, an SBMM isfcsaeet far carrying on the above hualner. in all lla branches Iran dvacrliUoa of laentleaasa'a Coata, Veva and Paatt ant atfye I, d.aestd, and restored to thtlr oritlkal pert a. Hon They certainly do rentaere erary raped of grease punt, wsa sad tar, uejether with sll ether blemlrhes sm lamai Ram sa wfcka auvrb srs liable, and war. rant tke spats rant te reappear Ceil sad eaamine tk.lt at drawing If tbey fa I to pi J. O Ml he easts. Their ante, a sa Mala stress mtaeaa uVarutao and Baa uaSrw- l- MARSHALL fc OOOI NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CHINA TEA SETS, CHAMBER SETS, TOILET SETS, MB a treat variety ad fames CI aaa steeds, as Ussy A will ha (aid al coat price until Beat month, to make lusta tar tke coming fall stock, st CHAR N. BBICR. ,13 ttt Ma r. street. a dia I da la a. a da It . . Spffial Hotrrrs. Hollaway's Pflls, CROLBBA OR nRIPIRO OP TUB t Pl.t , i !,- - nnm mar lull the pain, but net deatv-n- r it. Morphine ateepe Ike arna'a In anlBaUl aiearp, aithout refreskiras tbe inmllt. Hotaraaay'a Ptlla nat only prerura tke nni reautta without the bnaafal vov-u- , bn ao entirely vt tasaaiak Ike eleaxeato of tke aiaeaee an ta praamu a W aa By care without tauter of re laser. Sold hp all Drucx , al Ska., OSr aad $1 per kas. Every Snnmrr TIE kmmA for Gniu-- &m b Ittiari .aKri$Rat. ll If $mmat to tj oly crnun rr re- turn tff rnUmttk (tarisTof a wba tte atrietM-p- h ;rul-t- t4 t toktnc ft f;( nc of fcfcjl ftfttj iodirvhtiua. Tb vara civ of Piarrbw iad VrtT7 t wj to ttt pMrUt inStBfoc$. Inaomrftbt prrmo, Wshu tVTV Day ftllTft ftsftfl Wri BlaaM 'i.Aflk tb diayrvstwr uf tbi rp$tfovt ttjkf. tbat ia4y hw mat btm iWoaft4.wy in har liirvMt of fJfftib. Tl. aUIVrr u rtKktYVaTtft by tb bt ptfteum m tb am4. Tbit U tb b- -t vi4r yt IU rftl valo, boKftaa n a rttra tbiac, UT Wl! MVoMk W jaftJ ;n fftTof wf iTrfi-- 4 prp$ rtsUtMW. TWf btrr beu f'saWftIUtl to atkmmm Um rtftinn of ttln Bimi it eo.wt.itf for ) bf diutx: sw4 itftiftri fttMratly HOSTTfTSm k 1TH T ih! frrittor, JlK.!.,rt-- , K'. V trtr M Frst trt. The 1 hief t(r.lntri of Mu-hoo- d ARB fr5- fnt'v J.wt or "T-td- Ij mtlvrtcUa sft4 tbt Will laTtfVltassblf .avi tt b' taaJlLftr T iAXfta rmirttj ebckevl in tia. K4 tb trb IwUsJ fW- -i n tb tr'l, "Rirfj.u rrftilt- - ; nt, pb- - ..! ci RarUi " It i IdiUitly tnatrttA4 WH tfttarM ttTTTiiojs). m4 will tTimr tb hRHfa, twW ktWMrreH. M wlt rfllr tb mishstt $jf Clhft mm 4oFv$liRvot t,r MiBf tbta in lb r.fbt Auil f r r if caf 111 it y Mil itMlsj tRfnnr Rtvl lupin SoM by Dr IAUOV, KTufk Prf m Aofttt f PM uf prtl4 Tf ;t wbr woMfJawby I II 1m MAMSriJCI.D ok CO. to srience. IT haa Baaa been bat af fx raeall i iiim i Hi. U1GMLAMD arrTRBS was offare.1 to Use petblie In tke tavatkaru tkSRt, yvt over Iwvnty-tkrr- e ihou-sa- d bottles hare beam divpaauad of In that abort perttal. Ws As nut traew af aa lnatanae akere it kas keeu alt.fB;;v ahn'uirtervd and mfled an, but ll baa prose.? HSvctuai aa a Straxtarl, Bit- - er, wktrfc anpetsede. all it! in. Ib i is uanar- - aUelvd in taa asaala r m Heal practice, sad ssass. dueatly merits a puaitaoa in ererr kotae anal every fsasily in the South. M I ' y B. MANSFIELD fc CO. , Wbolsala Draaxiste, Memphis, Tumaii, And by ail raapvrtsbia JrSEsrists and dealer, eeeey-aker- e. Bee adraeti.vmri.f i To IhF Plant, r- - AMD to all who ara latsraated in oreaer v.ut life, listas aaa) health of those tonne;-a- wilb them In aay way. etalleyi Mattel Pain Bxtractor i. war ran lad to cars tkearueat Bums and Bralda, ralteviac tke satoay cf the asayerer In the vary short .Baaa af tan minutes. It nam carta tke meat inveterate ceare af Piles, Old Ban. BwaUuca, Bruises. Wwun.l,, Berrfuln. Brnpticaa af Ike Skin. Broken Breaats aad Soca Xiplea, sad evert thiua atUiaa from inflammation, etc a family tkat vcpvra-et.e- e. tkla hleminc once BM aervr be withaa: It. Pur sale In Mew Orleans, wholesale sod retail, by J. WRIOMT fc CO.. SI aad 1SI Charter, street Sole acrata for the So at kern state., sari t whams al be addressed. jeJ7tawlm Western Report. Lima, Indiana, July S, 18SS. M Ettas, w. M Htati fcco taenia I am eabav- - tat kty yoathfnl hair at fifty, am we hare with sa many of tke same k4ad. I feel i,l aa sure that rear Hair Co lor ma haa .traeariiassavd my eyas as I ma that it baa chanted my hair. Three yvara sen I was B a '111, ,r a life af r or Re. stive, tried ll and loatvl it abai It was recum- - aamatad ten e cm rr.i - l tin ., t, wuS f Utile sttention a iatce aaaesat can be auld far the wevtfc of the article is only ta be known io Insure tu use la .1- st ervry family in lbs ceantry I bare bat a tew left sf ftte Ore received m January last I wna store this wevt. Tanra truly. .. V. aaOOD. iber that thia raanlt was selSwtal ar Hvim- - latmiuble, the otisiasl and only reliable Hair aasarative. Price Oftyceuus kettle. Seed everywhere V. B. HA0AX fc CO., Proprirtovu. Troy. M. T. .o Cure no Pay ! THE MISSISSIPPI DT ARBHK A COKDUL nia tawiibiitc and ba'iB rtlieiBa lot tba mmmmtm d Hte(ia waa flmt to tb paMht mmmM ta rears a, b 1U praaatM praritora. vbu pat it ap la a mail wa at lbir r.14 ataa4, JiV 44 Proat aVw. Mrm- - paii, i an ita wjmdmttml ftcta ib rnzimmj aH mmm Ctxp!.tinu. aacb a MM M trUaa anJ Biarrba rtbar Ma4a bt for it aBBjaraJ lavvr. aad vii?,t tb aid of and rrt. fltat it bas cradaalTy mad ira vmra and uaed ita cwn nor, aatil ao, fca tb tUtiiaad far it ta trajr art4Mn:.b.E. Tb tl is itatamt aad t: imamium. wbUh k nil!'!rtt to atamp it aa tb rta0T for thla dak af dlaaawf a. Vba a "valaabl m4Ucal dtsacsrjr,'' tr ita awn work, aronfnpliab wbat tb Mia.iippl Diarrbaa Cardial baa i.ua. aad .bat. too. anthosi. tba aad of nw-9- rattiMaadaliaea 4araJlr resorted to, it ia tirast for tb pobtfc cDra!lr t da away with rrerp arrja-dio- o aad ata at aarBrajra ti band, arxt tasar war. tby will ! jrts4 a raat aatoat of paia at) and death itaelf IB mv laataaraa prerroted Wa refer too tt. lb foMowiDf rDtlenc. mf laai aad etbr, Km bar aaad aaiaaM tbta u rmdf It is p tt tr tbaas a asire ad nere'-f- i. rw for Diarrbea, Plai Cotte, Cbolera tterbB. aaa. all diaaaea of tbe asaaaacb and Mosrels Dr. T. A- Iredale a "ir tasaiili Tetui tr w McABallj... .Bear M- -o Tsbbb. Dr I. A- tateB.aoa. Ohr Mrs:.- ... Mies. Pr Ij$t Pn$$assi sT,"fora Ark hr. Ti -- i tMlaod SomTTille Te;m Was P"orterB. Corkrasss. Ml. W L uavkitas. .r kielt Snlirsiao Shaw........... Qatary, Tena. J'tbn CaBBiras MrtV'afais, TBB. Cbatie A Bardr Wale. Trm. A 1. Jam rrdBia. Mte M- B Pe'raofi TaPa:-- Mim. And bBBstreda of oihr in Mesapbis an rtftBity Cfr sWraember that tbis niiljfiil ia fapaj I culy bra; sJl otbr Diarrhea Cjrdial a. --rertblaea :saltav- - tiofta. Cfr A wmm ffaraiited ib all cases Cavtios We mmtmtf caatioB tbe pablic tMMtMM arr! spariorx itntutiona cf thu lutxtssparabl rem- edy, BastaM ap Bsjder the kaad of aial,'' tbe object sf wbcb is to deeeir. aad thereey take sdVaatajre of taa aaerited'f i pat atrOB of tb MISSISSIPPI DtAEKHIA CORDIAL. Mesrar of aurb woribl traab. Ask fur tbe cenaioe artic!, prepared ooly bp taa. asad yjo cawaei patvaiblr b diaapfauBtrd. S. MAXSPTKLD H CO.. Wbcl nrvjtift.. Ko. Ml aBd 283 Main strf-e- t, Dra, W. kiabbt rr M ipb m. TtTOFTTIRR tire apvcial utlenttaa to al! farms of trkrua 1. liaeaeee, bnl particularly to dlaeasea sf Lungs, Bye and Womb. They also rem..ve Catacrra. ew. , with or wttkont tbe knife, and perform all operation, in tke most appr. ved and scientist: St . Tkey will hoard patients from the enntry, to thai ibey can bare tha heat ailali n. OsTjee In Lenew's Ballillsut. Union street, latunit dree from Main. ly Hi t .nr. Ttuleless rn niifi'if. Proro State of Maine to Baton Rouse Pui jell pros, way Tea mare wa care tu Braid M ASSFIBLP fc OO. Dr. Jas. net linliK lt s I'ecloral Mm p. aMRRR bRSBS ta c aiflrmed aarsab there is always greet put 11 To trifle with say disease uf tke respiratory erraas la to curt destruction. r.,n.umptioa. Bron- chitis, Pies-le- Lang Perer. etc, lie artnae behind a eouab ; aad tbv .aly mfvty in .uch cases casaisu in an inmvdinte re ort to this great remedy. Price $1.00. SCad by at ARSPTBLD fc CO Mu-B- B Dr. J.ls. Tit t llOllH ll'. Colli U. ( .inch Nixturej of s variety of vegetable apeciSca fur irritation, combined la aae infallible antidote, by a nkyaerinn acknowledged by his profeeal'Slal brethren to have "no auperlov." It dissipates immediately the moat diareaalng aympbam. of C .Id. 0"urt or Bora Throat, and removes it entirely In aa increaUaiy short time. Price SO cents. Bold by jen-l- m NAMSPIBUI fc OO. St. Airholes Hotel. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WHKV coniplrted. tia years u tke ST. XICBOLaS BBirersalty pr Maaaaeed ike aaoat asacaitV-rni- . oarBient ead oncaaised eaUbltsbsieot jt tbe kic: n ihi waBBUBt.t tCbat it wa tbm tt k a riral ta sir, la saptBoawnewa' and ib ik $rneral eletaete of 'otrn'ori and njorTant. Tke keitel bas am i mowlaticB lor aixteea hondrrd gastB, n iodian oo mpiet saitaa .f ta for families Sli fcnadrd persBa aa be aaea for tab '7 seated at tbe Ublea mt lU tbr rmblic diaioc-roosa- s, and aothlac that eaavdern art bas devised be es'wswrfaBBtw aad aociat aralilcatioa f tb trarrliag aakli- -' ha is otnitird ta its la or is aeiectd ia lUpreai ii deuils. Tke eaxif rrpriuttoa ot ib hsn at besn and ifriai. bwl I sail from lla maTBita.ls ita saptprb appoiBtmeata, aad ita mmmt libe cosaforu an t laaariea, bas bn enkaaaaal aeery 7ar bf tka exrtioae of tk prnaalator issVaaa TRlAnwRLU VQ1TCOMB m, CO. 2000 BrSMBLS w ... r M USnSSTet FICRLtB . Old Newspapers. HI'MDRBD 010) M -- "tJPBRr- SBTRRAL Bassa St$$ Plantation DeSoto Connty For Sale. aoer for aaie s farm sg $40 scrvs, miira Wrs from la and only eras sad a half mile, fraaa Ifc. Ml.-- . t ppi aad TaaaasatB Ratlrand, in saaanay. MaaaasaiaUH. On the there is a good Dv.'-Ua- Barn, Oin atsfl Mill. The lead ia of he kaat quality. A Bas Oved ard With a of fruit i to seres call rated . This farm will be aaid at a bargain, aid immediate precession given. TOCM-- t fc sirio TTS Mvin up stairs. R. H. JOHNSON & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, touth-we- at asraer Second aad Paplar SAreeu, MESPHH DBI'.aS fMr eBWaSBj .rfPttHrlptes: ttNrllS.iT. OIBaJ Pt at--t IBfl RT.TR Tetlew Cm, SSlsbr in twanty er.pt tbenVitci place Boose Hone, variety street, Tl by for PtlNT" VABMIBHB8. J niTst I.BAD :n 1W WHITS UMC, BBANDIKS WHISXIBM ACTS tSD SOAPS ,r, AMKRICAS W1MDOW OLAS8, all sites, rrosa Salt to atrial . PtiaiKIGrf OUf. colored, flute., and tUurel; PBRFI" H Bit V ARD TOILRT ARTICLES. PAIKT ARD TARN'ISn BRCSHBB : I'lyTHBt AND TaTBTH SkCSHBS FBATIIXR Dl'STBRS, KTC , BTC PBESlKlin'ION-DEPAHTSK- M". To tku Saasl lataal we gtre ear Special attention at ail hoere, and warrant erery article PURE AND FRESH. Tw . vtprtieeaced Aptsuacarlea tnrasa.nl aliendauc. dTPCBB SODA WATBR from Prcreelaln Olaaa-Lin- ycun'a.a. Slisftllanfous. STATE ME.T OP TBR CAPITAL, ASSETS '.Mi LIABILITIES OP TME STnUMCB COMPART OP TtTR Valley of Virginia. JAMCART 1. MBS. the ssmaanr. -- Tha r .r , catv-- t at W.rv baatrr Flrrlr.ia 1. Tba amount ut capital al.it. t. Tke aaaount of capital aback put up- - Tke rvmaludav cij. ,, reprva-ato- .1 alack naeea af aods!.tv4 ASSaTTR COMPART of cask oa in kaaa. an aavr.'r .llivr :raoae Rani aatate Banna ownad by moany. ta Buatka. Raul, of aa abweaw Par valnv Market rale M.aeoari Co. cuataa it vaaata. ia,oat aaOO 1 A.larhanyoHiposbwata, 1.000 I, Mat SB Ly abonra coupon Load. I. SOB I, Slot! 1 CarliBcule. of VirilBla 'I'rad ataat I..ka $04 CO ttoO'a aacured Baartaaae, to.mil 0a real eatata worth BubBIi the aVMuvcared lX0l 01 Real of ample ralae II Sat In atbaraiae Defci. lav pre- - Ottivr Mec tt atork by OP THE kaad tba airi SS ta t,y $i eataia aba hp ik Firstnta SB Bn heal Bant of Fa.. $t sbarea Bant Casatuet.v hi stare. Psiraaarmt Bank 5 aharea Bank of Benin, ty It ahtrve Bank af lamls. ville. Be It afcarea Baak .af tke af af T relets.... .... IO snares Baak af Win. rkealer in Wiaefceater far emnaar Land warrant. statiiWe- - ry prates, ew. Amontal ad $$ duau banks bast at risk... admitted. r '. no c cat II M.SAtsa am i so rat BOS Vs.. doe. BAR TirflniA,M Bt.cthi.IOer. wit BBS Market value lift-- ) U,$4i SO S.ieBJ 4,000 S.Ciaa wa tor...$7 1 nr.paad par- - Losae. in .napen.a and wsiuna for tba arraaf. 1,71$ 1,070 En,-- , HlltBBHssisaal fr.od saajoattir thayv -- allied srrasai arkarfc claimed there tat saaswd 4 nt ano the i to ta M.kM 14.401 I 00 aT.auS 400 00 tt 5. 00 ttt tSu SSI . f and a "mpmv one atma it is . a r kkt Tke era test amnnut by ike rules of tke Com-pa- be taisi ll amy city town, or vilteate, dsaaeatUac - i ' .lie and how built. " t rr .last amnnaantassawf Whs iaaared ia any aaa . k Je- ,- .4. upon Its eatent Tb- - act .af af lamsiaillan uf tbe cxupany, a war It herewith vnvtoaaat. B. CARfrOX. Presideat W. L. BEST. Secretary. STATE OP TTRGIHlA, t Preslerlck Ciaunfy. to-- . ( J. R. Cabuos. President aa.l W L Best. Secre- tary, thla '1st - raooallr appeared befi re tfv .ubarnber. a Jastacs of tbe Peace, in ard aaal canty, the State ak--r main, sad made raalfc tkat Use nam I .sratv-me- true, aa show a by t e bevaka and faaner. n Tie .a tke ostaa of said company tareea under my band, thia ISek dayaf Pskrasry. Iraki J R. BOWER. P. STATE Ot riROIHIA. Frede i Coaatr. to-- i ' - ' .''. ' - "' laaarr twur. m pr nciccitr. in the sraie that J. R. rlnwen oef - , am 1$ aaa m te is a Jmdarr of tke Peace in it, ty lai. caunmiasioaeal aad .an, a. sad that all kla acts vurk. rail faith and credit are duo and af rixti irsxttt to aa r sua as wrH c, acts af Jaatices a. Ihmaamt. In wtaereof I hare bereanto inb.in 11 my fame sal fleet the sea' af aafst eoart. rnia. ISffc amy of OawTaoLieCa's orm - ae avs tu recal t "st 1 IE Saaptf i t t ia t. .e is t .a ILr year con.m .ra. tins ek 1e aitio ai. as 0$ for Ike T nt.- -! SB. quant. lie. an. af Ihas smraat allf asal r aaa wed in aJBaru old, rallahU attyusAed. sad paid at Ike sawacy by HBO W L A cent, TS Madt.-- street NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY, patbttb corwrr. iNaTxaSeii rpnK laanisuef nl sriU 1 a reeaaa week at Cbrisfnks. aaarai iitstrr:'-tt$a- wfM and 'innajs, aad sa(hssskatsca, aa seafl tka aaaal bsaaibn mm, IsbI tjn-k- acadtms. Tr.e will asaisted mi JiaUiaSiBtsked sradaat of tb VaiTr.itr TTaakav immt reus mare psariic-ilaj- e wfssraaau-s- are rtriestd appfy the prlivipa? for eatalstat mt Tcbji Pr bsaard abd taiUssa, tBriBdiaa ererrtkiiat ptu iiaaaa. wB,rn win not nH..ii-- a tclarton. Mi to tk fo winr af iaf a im 1..VTO a-a- ea SO 1.717 to M m J. ov ta aa ta of xt of oo .arn-Frr f fcWSas .... .- - tadi-- ansiB: sde-m aa ib b a af Tir-i- i, of to to a s at ll M tioa raqaeeasd. mB Virsiaia. IMS, rnacipal. PviTzajiTY or Viaaiaia, i Jacsarr ISfff. M fradaatf ia tbe .UpartmBt 4 autnac, rad to iTwiify HmhM at th am-f- y bb lBt both be bi sckolar-inma- and by tie awtlmafilr Ra taachi r.r aartp tea rears wttk eivesaaa. an.: tlonrat 1, a a teerker. beraftr alee aad to kia Alma Mir. M vim. hlgheat tmaanny lutaraad idaartew. I'SITCaaiTT IP VlBOtrt s. I January 4, teat. ffcatgttt s graduate the Latin and lam alar., university, and las been encaged (ancce .fully 1 hare is ths bnsineaa a teacher. Coaai.l-nent- approved capacity, etparieace an.l eacel ent 1 can safely ta ommen.1 him a. I sea ana. ijarsssf . n taslrtov Castle BtLt. virsisia. Jaanary SB, ISSS Duncan M. Quarlea bring nboat ta restore to tke Btate Tenne.e.. ,t gives m. great pleasure to add ay teat imam, to his excrdleai character as a aaatlemmn. aad bis s taavhsr H. spent asrvertl f vsi at the niveraify of Ttrsisia, wklcb ke deraeted particuiarty to a I berough soqulsutia. af tka ancietit and mi Sirs lan$rsagjee Be bear, with tlm the end tl. na from the dt.ti on is ia wi is ia aad in tkia of Mr. of as menu ns which he anssiaahla tfce advantage if four or aucce-aar- nrsc rre in Hi. menu. perstaas' lltevarr. have obr i.ne-- bar bim here tke warmer; ..team snd appreciation of all ayfca know htm. anal will. I am sure be a passport to an en 'la. share of tea Miration and regard in bis adapted State. WM. C BITBS Basovbb Acarbwy. July II, 18$$. Hasint earned that D. M. ignnrle. ia ataat 1 nanil tu the Bt le uf Taasasasi. with s view to the eatabli.h-aae- af an ntaatsaty af high grade. 1 lake al ansa re ta sal lias ma teatiasoay m bis behalf u that ad has aCher frsaaada. Mr ear lea ia an alumnus ..: .at Suw where be parucalaaTy ahillBtul.k 1 himself in the lepartment af languages, ancient and tacalera. this, bs bas aided tklfl lmesa u premise, be fuar.1-i- n aad maintaining far aervrtl years s irhsal of eaasi-le- nt character, te oar aairavaity enarse In vtaw ad these tacsa, I feat ssa hearutiari in Mr 14-- to the anBli a . ami tke raat- nage of tke citiseaa of ass taaatti Btate LBW1S M. COLBMAM. Late Principal of Hanerer Acmlemy, and Pr- feaaor of latin la tfce rairerairy af Trrtlnut. wiLUAWtatraa. Viboisia, t Ortatir 14 ISSS. SHavtiiA had Ska steaaare of n peraaael acquatatan. witb Mt. Querhaj, aa a ctaaasaats nt tke miveraity of Tirglnia. and kaslst atserved with pleasure th. saerarree sf lis lahacs. bunk there ami In after life, I ran nana anedially rmaaaatBad ttm se s eesatsaasan whee abilities ami attainments alike nt him sue e lal 1 pa m aa aeadV. essv of tke flrcf ctaae BDWIV T.tl.LIAPh'BJUl Praf. sf in the Cadlege of William aad Mar WrttiAwsBtyRa. TiasiaiA, October. Ia , Having had th- - pies save af sa amjanaataae. with Mr. D. M Uuertee, and having an .vvd at the Cniveraity af Tirainla. both aa student aad .mi.t.nt inatrncloc in tka ancient languages ample .pDcrtntiiuea far Judging hath sf Ike character his mine and tbe extent of his and knowing especially tke ability and a. wltk wkicfc ke kss aiace uuRfct for aevaval yeara. In bis native Slate. 1 have aa beslutioa ia expr Ming the isptnien thai be ta biefcjr gaalifled Bar tfce position or principal of a tias itaaa saastemy. aad An cordially lecoramend him. SVerefare. aa sack, ta kla new enter, prise, tu tke rintl.ull and sanaert of the nrafcltc. biiwabo s JOT Kara, Pi of of ivrvaa IB tke College sf William aad Mary. ryeI taw! n JULY, I860. Rice, Lull & Co. RICE. LULL ft CO. RICE, LULL & CO. J ,t tt ti. Poplin. Hum., 1. rpiiettli II. . t ia . Paratsa$ls. Faais, Ltntties' Salts, latsce Point., ssasasj Tlitnfluvs, (I.'MM, OCT, riaOaiNs. oiT, (I.O IM. Ol T. TO MaaXE mm FUR FALL STOCK. SIt$tsjBjit Burs. iiri.tin.. Ksnbrolde-rics- . Wattitii.. 4 ear se-i- Hoop Skint, I tl .: Mil. a- - eipk in.. Tal. I Doy lea, Hd Li... Purt Irish l.iiit-o- - Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc., FOR CASH, AT THE LrOW'EST PRICES. rut bb, ararr t s, rnr ra. RICE, LULL & CO., CLAY BUILDING, law .W.l.r STMKET. Jfr$aaMtT Flour. ilk StOKS BXTRA PLOUR ate tf ty t.ris. 'be Jmm rBBalead aad Bar sal ay iWT LIXDtSST Is riCKLBX Hold -- Slisffllanroiis. Your Horses DR. W PROCTOR, VETERINARY SURGEON. HeTlgOtsTllltat. Aaitiiwiy ftthtl nv-i.tit- J1 Jxnaflr aU.l$Bl.'a 1, peactKias tke akajwe ttwfamlia ra all Ita in M'Xiaa rakinidaaa lyrs-lm- v BOOK'S! BOOKS! BOOK'S VOI .ft BROTHER. (TMaVRR ODD a 1RTE iasMS partirwlar attentlea to aarxa atoak TOrXls fc BBTTBBR, SSBB Purser B..- tai bot i nun, DBALEBB IK OtufM, faint s.Oils, WINDOW (iLASS, Perfunifiy. InMrutwrii., Brushes, Ete., : l) Tlaiii ttlrcrt. pro vise b u i c n ; s a . J wv lie vnieyo Oar will ra Pomeroy Co rTtHE at X r. Ii. ,r;- - etvamv-- navicut ut tkvM aateet lie fscillttea t Pi a cy, okl ', for tor. taa tba taa ailiaena Br maw aad aad Oravea livery MALL. aaa Sr that HEWITT HOUSE, IJBCRTV. VIR.l.4l(. KAanutrl wiakhns ta aprwd their asitiasats Ike Tirclnia, will Sad saaperior accaaminr- - WILSOM HBWITT. H( H.fKHK IRISH LINENS. DAMASKS, DIAPERS, ETC., arasuVSBTarSBei af Mankswusaa's I aad eaas of tke sumakae sasua. skaahlaee tkat tka articir. rhsvp pui cbsae are sealed wtth the full name of the arm J V. BICHABDSON SOMS fc nW DSN a a tuaranle-- r.r SSW rirsr.: :ty tl.. '..! I - , last r inferior i . . . ... m the Stale Blttirlim. by Irish ha mi sa nirvmenuof la Ikes alticted on t ' 1. . catidtart n SCniLBDsf , , . I 1) preparatory , I of t - ice. of iers, Etc. Proprietor. Imaa. rhaasde.1-Rr- f afctaiasma i.llyneraaasary larse Ivfavtiv. Linen, are ore-- T"! an.i .eaiect witn rne asm. twaasWIeaa of tke the P" mm tb Bvanofacsaiers af tb snuin cood wiU aat readiiT akandaai a ksaBavasa sa pradtatMa, wbile can : lrBp$ad oo witb goo4m nt a wurtbleas akArarter J. BtTLLOCKB J. B LOCKS tytl-da- a Aaenta. at Cbarrk rtreet. Nw Tork. IR. J. B. IflVSOT, Dfitlst, 14 ' ' A 1 - $ ' Ibf t : Mm U 1 aaaassliaiai mre ib aj us vartoaa kraark. ar. arraate uafatioD te mJl who may Tar sj Bkkjj with tkir rijsMHM. A!! spsrat.MBs perfr.roie'l twk momi appmred aad skillfal itanM'. Ttb fna ucse te ea eatlre set, oa ssmmb or pr ir. tberebr dtspeewiear witb tke aae of aksaBa ar kaasla attacked to tke aa oral taa b. Fiae arM will be wl, or olbrr ktadaof ar?i9cia! baa le- - snal attetatioa Kirsn to tke tr ttitifi of all af wba aatsstk ao-- i rams, aoi tb aartas; f aataral teetb diHImb) of whlrb ar binc loat aoaaall for want of little skillfnl aad judiri ;, frea'meBt. artrkk tka aid of torn: preveatiac all aasaae p IB .aBd atiWeartBc Ota on Mala svtreet. below Caion, e. tTI. J aee 4k TasM- aw block. (wEORI.E P.ITTIM?. A CO.. Plant tiff .? AMD " BOOKSELLERS AMI ST.TIOIIB, DT, .'0. IH-i .fHi,4 street. lust rareteed a larcv laratane of BLANK H'ATB ansaag wfcach may :., found Day Bool.. laarana, So ke. Ledgers. Cottoa Laflaanrs, Receiv- - IAS and Biarharguaa Baaka. Receipt Be- -. as, Printed and Plain Check Basts. B .te Bank., Draft Boats. Invoice Letter n.a.ka. ru- . etc INKS man. MINK A fail . TIOVRBT HILL r wke, American Teetk Oaah aasnka. alyaf ARMOLD'S CRL2BBITBH PI. III MTJIt. BRILU4ST CAB- - nocss NEW FEED STORE AND GENESAL PRODUCE HOUSE, IU MAIN STREET. ITARBWgATMEa. I.. C. CHI'RCHILIs tt: tu FEED reODlTK .EERILLV Oheerinr News to th CORN, HAT, OATS, BRAN, FLOUR, .tr ti pit t.i tt r. jEtc. sdeertAaiBn?a. r CASCIIS. FISTULAS AM) PILE CarrS aitbait an Oprratlai, DRS. J. 0. k W. H. JANUARY. Trenton, Gihnon (o., Ten. I. O. JAsTTAftT tk taaly mmnam lirtaa wko DaV puSBSSslsiB af take plan of trielfrint. parsne by hi lktbr. Dr ft. W Jannary, af Xmrtr.bot srksase repttta .on in th aaja ! to m I as a k an if ib A sta- - J.11 C. C. 0 D r A A - - 1 v ta i aa taown br natwat the whole rantry e baa beesj eieapi I, saAciasfal.y. ia th trmuin aar the past iht yeare. eart of ike ubs hr t! bia father W mil no tra chant f.ir ta4ieal or antif-- treatrurat. aa wa bare arniaseiBeats by spkjck all and tretatruent is PftKS Th applica ion of tke medino. (ires rise to lo pair sa tka sBeat of cases, bat rather allay pain, by Nantin. mm of tke parks to which they are apptir OCR MOTTO IS NO CtTRE, NO PA The bar ar sea will be aa saoderate aa ouald M ipct BBdrr . cin We -- a to refer la Ike followtBC -- Qtlnn. all o srksMBS hare hB eared by aa, is Lewis ftbii.a. J fF. ajewr, BKhard MoOee, aad slfcsn, all of Gihse is aew atraaslbls frosa ail aalsta vr railroad. For farther particular, we rater In aaa citis- - o B. A. : a v e. at ft FICKLE IV. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AMD WBOLBSALB DBALBRS IX Flour f Grain and Feed, Fa. 5 Howard's Hew - a. KM PHIS. TKX.V ob btarl at rLOC. aa1 KKkP r aslant aupfkliesl wiU rnftS OATS, BAT. BsVAN. ew , whica tber wi:if iraish si lowest market artcee. Hm un r" facilities for tbe parrhase of stack, aad s staterni-atio- a sat te beaalerse.l ia our article of trad$ mf may Its:!Ttle deeier is tbis ate, sre rf eectfnlly sail el tent 100 to oar sleek, aasfl solicit a tbare ot Uoll-sll- USD9Br.lt FI.'K!.K BR0T0P0 IA Hi 1 Sabstltotr far I rtm of Tartar. a Sew, Healtktr . rheap article roa stitss BREAD, CAKKS, AO'l all articleeef atVaad im mm ot Teaet. rflHIi ns snl raiaatstoerticle t aat a DrsK. bnt aa X articles f le4, opRatewioc aothtas omt what tir, MariherBt to tka bmmj. It is raarsatnee, equal ia tstrrrufta to pnre Crssua o Tartar, le bbpsI ia tbe aaaie way ia onnkiis. tm iaaee ia atrsce. mmd nils Breul aasl CakpR 4 xomrfr qn.Uiiy. whicb risaaio frees. aa4 aalBtaolr :;i'jii toacer thea wbea Craaaa of Tartar h TBise't: unii i aad ruaaaaiiiilr It M m BWh. Osrrett m. fteese. AaaJrtlc CaesBteta, ot PkilJei-saii- a. Dr. Samuel Jarfcaea, rleeaer ia tm UoiTPreltr ir rrmt. MarturtS. ot BUrrsrd Cofleae, aae.. Dr. Jstkants, Sute Aaeseer of Maesech'i;'i.. Mr Wlvcavi-- at ks$toB, Dr. Cailu-B-. mt How Tort, aad all other ascieat.- - Mea. wmm baa bee called to and all Hon ekeepers wka beee ased it. -c mtBeml it ia tfee hitrkoat terass far sale ay Dl aaj aad Qrw seoersilj sTkole- - TpUiiT k SOWS. !Arrtil..aPi-edelBaia- . Wis alee hs re BI CABB 9..BA. the well I C. caaaamer am tR .t, let ' SAL. SODA, in herreH ai. cak BOD A 5 A I. BRA TT 3 ia hrl , baae aad paawre. BR rTIJPOlAll TBL8T POW0BB5 T'RTABir .CIO S BWder ACo 's, eas. . etc. fIr-r- rr a - t TALBsaT A D A M CT, BBS alaia atreet. FRF IT J.IRS, FRFIT .MRS, FRFIT J.IRS. . THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST , AND CHEAPEST, A1STD CHEAPEST, A INTO CHEAPEST, mrmm solo, K t 'EH SOLD. X XT MBMPHIS CALL ARB SBB TBBat AT WARD tk McCLELLAND'S. ROS 17$ AMD 177 MAIX irppo.it a Waishaci a I H tKI.ES W. TBOVSD.tLE, it tor Hey 'at' Late, ra vvrssb: OBVe ib tbe Webster Bsildiaar, Haia sfier;, si tail vvyvt BJ$ omn I SlisffUanf: TRtSTrt; VALUABLE THOMAS CHIDE B, Architect, fWAB rvtmeaM tia asRcw to Ma. IBS Watatee BausR .s ri.-- : aturr, run foun, June kl, tnty af . i i be iitrayed st. cidi n Cortr of Chnrch and Jr. as IjjaTaWacalkrrr lllo. Tou 19 oils T 300 200 a a JitS I'waw-l- ' Brownsville Fem BROW.N'3 BXS Tag Senior wtU Sertn Umber . T BXPBVSBS are m.idv-- a Catalo$ae apply ts kSsWeal t (1 EN'Tl bot f naj aaa ooe .$f thf di"sere pFTftt psM'tOTTie' ruin it be 1,1 Wmm BT MS prim Bamajit fmU Th. P.e Pre and kas The Vsrr DR. A. tfeBs: Ia. A. A. Good let Dea-t- e wa to bear that aw jmm, m mMm tm fDesl wart .a : ' I a 1 J -' p Dnrioi - - Bvwtr ;t The nBieeiaai f. open p.4c. ;., .. I aBBs BaB ska ia caee- f and abor in i In tbis Tr- - O. W JOVB9 Jk twOODU-T- Is CO UK. J. H. nrlDllT" Strengthening Cordial BLOOD PURIF1KR, Tbe Greatest ReBttly is the rM. asd Mor llrllrintta. DrlltTktfal asd teesaki LffWff m It la atritrtly a satsa S f.l USa snd ragetAbia B 1 heaiillatfrmrla Hr BbsBb snd nrk Te latw die t, bliss d real, ,- -r black rout, snrsnpat i s, r mpj dLas dandelion enter, nm Tt! im rnmputltpan. The Iftfr UfclO. entire actira rami dial arlne.vle at aaaa stasaaMauM tkoroodtily egtrsrted try asp Sew meartce! of diatllllral. a dellcio-ia- . eskilemtina apirit. anal tka Bsust tafalliDIa reraaaty far rsaaamasBB taa gatasa .vat. a. sad reeao.!aai Ova sart. .atrrrtag asal deki.itaaed . .ru ed In uealth sat aUaaajAk. M Leaa'a StimBftkaai.g Cardial will alp inaBp east ivvr Aeklllly. dtseasau af tk. k fruas a BstBB aara laward pliea. .,f Bkas a 1 1. pslpitaltea sf M lyBa a. dr aatm and eye, mgkt tweata. small raf Ike back, rbe-- t - usap, ae any nerr.ua l e.a akin, aad fever aad ague (or Orer a milliea af nettle. t. att asiallir. and in no iaata--- e Ura astlafsarUoo. Wko, then or dBklllty whsa McLean', oar. you ? ba" ,r..l Maeic. ta Bas ta aill, asktlltated si sm, whether bvokea down by s tad m rhia Cordim s J rat by auknv s, tl.a ar ' , lrap.epvr THE at fall nana, fainting, ail . Tksre ia na shout it tt stamedtnt to direction.. It w tine beslth loss system an.! TO I.t DIE lag rn1 thereof, and disease. mistake bitily. For Cldre. tr childrea are sickly, pntry ar a..;r will a-- te them kenlthy. lat and ratii ratent, it aad wUl be otarrtj to take. tk Bs at Caotios avware nt a ar 1st ktl va paim upon roa saase bitter, or aaraaaw wkSSfc tkey can buy keen,, ty spying Avoet amrk men lit kl. dial, aad take IMtw Btae. It ta am partfy kaaad rk till IT. ami at skvanatas tfce ijilia. One taken erery mernrng fa ttrtata prvrentiva ckoirra at III sat te ,'erar, or aay preralent Jiaea.e. spat a Por sale is sssaS a br A $ a ntaas by a. W JfjtTBB fc CO.. a LAKH Aerttrr Prt It' ST reerivl. a aaperlet tasllty M) eatsfceataaCoi tahleap.nml 11 Sl'RUCTIO.M Ts rareits aishlatr a Frlate TeacSrr MT LAIiT V.BSTI.BMiS n ur in Beat Putt Oatare dt air A Its taa at tae ky ;a-.- try you try far the the ths for ard SB aat -- J
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1860-07-22/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Business Hotirrs. Fom Rim A Dice Frasae House, OB tka Bemaado road, net outside Ibe

Business Hotirrs.Fom Rim A Dice Frasae House, OB tka

Bemaado road, net outside Ibe tat llmlle. ens wmuiwoaouaresof tke eaantkua Itue.wilk trve larreTfce M kea akeal oae kBBdred feet (root tj luMllMf 1st oar waaaiag sack a nlaee win please call

im at ' :: 5Jet-l- a tTM fl JOMW.


Amkr. ' ;

411 timts. Kvvtt style,

Ptclaras takes daAty a' pricn lu asr. ell at ut fc

Irw gum's marstai gallery, vomer ot Main

ao I aiaaai aweeta. Berry picture u urerrsated to

aHaae fctrrare it It All.ew to lease ilia gal.wy of Claitk Bemirsjtua Be w. ene aa4 all, tfcu lie weather

mt tke tail. tri-i-

flANK Or WBST TE!IE88FE.Memphis, Jnne 21, IStO.

The lull at lawarraa)! w as the capital steak ol tkiaKant win kadaaa. ax Moaday, the 11 day of Septemher srat. Ou thai dsy. between Ike baatra a- - 10 A. M.

at t p. II , tkcra will bo sn election held at tko baak.ing of Ike vsyayvsraay far Sre directors. A foil

af the sikholders u I equeeted. By order afUK board. BBVJ MAT.

jeS-dt- Caefcier.


JeSeramt street two daara from the Planters' BantCAPITAL - $takgB.

DIB-C- IW B Boaa. 2 R DttawaaaaL,

E. William.. C. Malt,B. C. rraaatwetl.


Wa aVecrwUrr mytl-l- r

9tcTrm,Grktt?k, Mantel. House Furnikb- -

:,. eu- f."a"a- - Strau ei'r ad.r".


GREAT REDCCTION IN PRICES.Pur fan nam at taaak am aratd (ISO 0 la l.ocFor fell rardta of teefb aa aifwar SO SO to IS soPar clncUTj tatl. - 1JS to t oo

Por ntwat taeu SJO la 3 no

Par eieanint veett 1 OS SB I SO

Pat eatractlkt teeth..... to 1.00

Teeth extract oa with ban ran Utile Ban, witkotr. theae of alaakii a ae the anraaaic battarrOffiae ataua aweet, WawdrmT uld.as. near PaalAr

fe: kSempbie. Tent lll-l- y

McLSAIl'S STkEMOTH M vc (VBDtA! Thismedy baa been before O a wafbur only a abort tin, bo.

it ' aa prowed to be aa inralaahir recked y to parity thek'aod and tattiastkin tke ij nam ; weary raw wwa aaaa itrecuntnenda it to athery, nnril it baa bertme the standard remedy with erary family in lkniled kutes. llany to krary ranker, try it It at a delifktfnl aneutleBee adrertiaameat rn another eairmn. it

QrikT. Have rau sec that bie Inciiaii inamther mlaaa, bai';m loan, Uiu and Leates,

w the CatXBOKkE RXMBSTf Ills lllnl. 'Hardm-Brr- , Arnruttural Isipleii,eBts, Millekinery. Bead adrrnaatmaamt of


See F. H. Clark . Ca.'s coiaan.

fa another roiumn, see the adrertioemant ofw PKUaon fc O., aWkaellera nnd Btahionarc, SSIbtatn ikraaal na. tiadrwaa rrwt

University of Nashville.

MILITARYCOLLEGE.T BBBBIBX LIKDSLBT, H ., D. D Chancellor otJ a tbe rciveratte, and Priiffiaan of Cbeantatry and

ai- - R. R JOHXiaJS. S.aerinteodenl id the at. Rarj"asmaS PeaaVaaw af ailniaiana

r aad Latin

kt. af

Ber J. W HOTTF. A H. D., Pr,.feat: ofajen.kal aad aaaJPktlii iplj, aad RAUrnt Uteratnre.

R. W. P1TS1AK AUanrt'Proteaaot af Anclant Lao.raaroa

J O AVGLATB. Teacher of French AMt Ornwina.C. K. WrKPTOK k t . SareooTbe Oral term of tko niadi uite year, 1000--

oa Oka Bd af Bp I mber. 1000The areond term nnaaDencea on tha C7:a of Jasnary,

1801. exer. :ea take place an tbe llrr.of Jane. Ittl .

Tautaon. Raardmc Wnakuia Pael, Bimia. Servaau'ttaaaaanca and cae 'arrri. Sjrjmi a.:lali.a. fa. AS. Students are lenlrad to fern tab theireamaa. amain a , ;rt Fraark. Scantab. 6rnaaa. Drawas, nal Feactnc each $10 per tar mi af

Bataaaata aawkyr facrteen renri of are OnTj mat be adtitled.

9y the aid of military diec'T-ta- e. eokactirn nwveraa-an-taa ea abliakad. aad baaitb. nkyaicat cnltaro, axenf arder


icf rramtivrt peer to a- -y

B. MMMaVvM.Saprr



Mwl .. r gTRKKT.' apitul .lot k !(. it. l



trfw w.l. inaare afaraat aoia by Pire oa Hmmea analRavi kaatin. River aad Martne RJaka aa Cat salt.A .'!." Nrtf Leaass pr suaaty pant -- nJ . k. aaABvex. ESTEf.

J. B. SO ARPE tv CO.,Wholesale Ttbacco Factort



t T" w. aiH dnnl irate amy mnrakara ar oaaosra 04aama : --a: aa xwd, from ane

''i .. a: F la-







PL1MBERS. STEAM ta GAS FITTERS,I6i .Rftstst Strtrl.

1IE have aptnnd far tke laaaaaRiaaaf the padilf aham w aa lect atock ia Menuab a of Chandetivra, Prn- -

rtarta, Rrarkata. Rati LlKhta. Ratt Tube. Water CUaaata,OFask OvamAa Bioam naaava. Water Oaaraa, Alarmlauxva. Oieke Fairer WkaaUea Load, Iron sad thappsrPip. Pnmna. ac., and eiatf Bktag naal.n ' 1 with therate.

Wat.r Steuu-- and Ala-- m umaafas JaSS-l- y

W ork . OaBBftf rT A RTFORD. COKK.




Hew Dyeing EstabliEhmentrHE'SRS. UTTHEWs A, HI ST.

of thv acaasat af the arewl and eelrbrated Cb.roLATE Dyers aad Cook R M sir bears, of at.Louie, karv been mducad ta awes sa forcartyina aa taa eaaoe keaataam ta all Ita bran, beeBrery af twrtlvmen'aOoats, Vvute and Patara dyud. caceanaed and r scam ad ta tkair crlaiaal Barfvw-uo- n

Tkey rermtkly Aa ramana ererr snot afpaint, wax and tor, w.ih an other blvmtsheiand IsaSBfliiea to whack each car taenia pre liable, andwarrant 'Are apnea ant rvappear. Call and exatn.uvtkair aamplea af Cast dreanlxc. If thvy fail to rdeaatyam n. cliarre will be made Their (sroce iaon JeerarAstreet, taatwaem Main and Front Rear,

turn it MATTHEWS a nrrMT


1 af-r: cri " '.- -mmm ta arf w a- b

The fftMaf im ppietitM-r- .

f tfw if--

Bptrwsar r!

turn xciM Ctrl





mmfrill tlit

wppt mch, con








wc ! b








PKK MW OF TlTBiTTT-ON- WRESS:t: j i.c-- n

f I: :niT.i 31l3CjrJ(a.: T, AassarlsHtraX ITtat ,tMAm Lnt4f? , rt 11.904ocis-- LakBaKn. oo (itf cftir.?.. ,. 4.W

:f-V- VC1 mUb1 Iltjefl lltlT. ffttt tUtk Of ! -

rtrfi-ot-- m.wioiUr M.00tor(l id Cni'ec1. in ladittf fTjroihNi rocw rb- -

iH. tml 4vW gfaU. 70.fiBaBOsjliatW' btMr4ltkf Ij be hA lb pr jvattr m

Mr4 avtM

tt. ar


r Di KiBii. SmcrtMr?




ib fmll ae tm "f tVty-s- r

ata tit of tb

N mt timm . tbsAD r" prtjatra-tar- d wctire-- atM ?KEET5,


inraliam & l.er.Sift .ffAllf Mill I i- -

rALL narticalAr BvaawtJaa to their aaeortmvnt ofAuatla-- t lot Of. am Freea'r.. lee Craaaa Frvraers ;Maa.rr'r Ice Cveam FT. i sera iScbooleya lea Bears ;

Water Coaler ;Pvwcoak Plv Bros1-a- ;

Gilbert's r. Traps;Taaaet Baaa ;i -- u '.odors' Puncpaj.;

Plxaarea;rd Dominion CaRae Inst.: , . , v c.r,:. i

Thr !, erpoal aaidFIRE WD LIFE IKriASCE CO.,

0ftic, it Wb.II Mrrei . 4w lork.Capital

Pan! up CaptSal, Sarp'ua aad



lavaauaa ta aaaa unsatry, narAnnuaJRayraABan.....

Cf Tkv ankal... pceairaane i ibq s.ftawapmsunmrau mm i amy. nr. AH dtuSBSBRSSasra.






.$10 aexrt.wai laai

aa .1.

Bras, a Co.,)CLaarmanpnty Chairman

' ' '!..'.' Oea'ki. Seocte Barclay,Has , Jaa.fab atalUard, Jr., Hue,. Baarav Dutilh. Bi .A vsnn-lr- r Ranilltoa, Jr., Hao. . Jovrpfc Pow'vr Ra.Wi linsaS. Wllmara Mm... R. P Ranleraaai. Rav.

AI.rkSD FBI 1. Rawt Sarrrrtar't

ALCX. BAMt'.TOK. Jr.. Rat.,Oenwaat uf thv samrd.

TBR MBMPHIS AwBVTS aak ike auvnuea af saet- -bants usn lord a. aad oOaera to the atovv rvliahiv a

Al' lawn Pall bare IBMBDIATBl.T '.Far ranker informal ma aa to trap mobility wad

Loanptnaw, refvreacv is made ta prominent mm Ikannin Kew Tort, Vvw orteaaa. Ctamll.t.u, etc . and inMemphis to P M. OnestK J fc A. Woadroff R C. J.T. Lea k, B. C. kriukiay


JAS. ARM OCR,m Asmta.

Walker's Cincinnati Alerrt HI term of Blue fa BAewarl and Weak, aa trA af Jobs Walker a krearery bertua esatrad, I bare

Oul. a: nte by the Ssperior r.with fan pswvr us carry ea the bwaahsvae as bvi r-a

tkerefurs, atue' he p id ts me or JamesWalker, ane sf tke haIra, te wham I cars intrusted tkeluanacemeat and an per iBieudarcr of the brewery baai-ae-

aad urns wlM sssks ererv eejbrt and it It knaed- esvfurty. ta kaet ap tke h:sb repcution the Ale fate

All orders at freest 1. J Walker1. Brewery. Svcam-ar-

atve t. abava tana', t'inciiicati, Ohio, will receivearwmst attaatbai JAMRS VtcCtaaOOS.

ivIB-l- Raeeirer

foral gUttfrs.It. isco.

BTSOTICE.HTke Jppetl Cokkhkf Roam hai btrn rtmomd

t St. 3 i Rom, Wf elatri, U- '- U per-an- kt

i rw tVt '.rat setts, far ofkee met terra ftpr--rowUi to tsIL

trfdr" R,ttr Rku


Hail train.....Bxrertm trainA voRiBBodatiok train.




0C A.


Mi.l ant ear rest trtin at r atHumboldt evpreea. 10.1k A. at

mssikturpi ADTErsrE railroad.!

all tram Ik4a A. klPratkht and aoraraoa !! 10a. 4:18 r. kt

bps must dilly

ulrtlT.ar. at.

.tar at.


...ITko Proiakt and aunodaljo. Train arrlreaak Ttaaa.

daoa, TbaiatlAyi a1 Satnrtlaya, aaal krawra Jtakiifa.aTedrtoadar. and Prrdav.

MKMPHI A Nil LITTLE OCR RAILHOADPaaamcer Train ioarr Parry Landiaar daily fSaat

day. ettreptod) att Arrirea OaavWKU ktadiaon with Ranter aty k Gatavaa' dallyItno Coackea to Little Bark. Rat Sp'tnca. WaabitHJton,A.k clarkcrille. Texafl. and prttv inal toialalltiatai and Texaa Ttekeu fat aaie L la.am kale aaent oe tkla like. Caaak Ticket Oekce. Ota

OTERLA1DTtia Ovrrland Vail trery Wednewiay and aaaV--

atony nl 6 a. at.ferrTtvat. tat of .




M All..iearea


1 a .f


a.p. v

ii-- .

at.K a at.


1 aw


Sti r M. at ll A kt-


al Inby s

Bark RAitfaed, par ateaa

ere okseii aatiiUthe rerortler's r

fyTlie Rev. W. G. T Qoate.of Ark., willprearL a! the Second CamherlaDd Prrsliyte- -

rian church to-d- at half-pa- ten a. ta. mt

eiarht p. aJT" There will be dirine service at Groee

rbuicb, roraer Main and Union otreeta, thismomin; st 1H o'clock, by Rev. E. MscC'ure.rector. 8ats free.

NokTH Casoliha Elbcto. On ThursAy,the Jd day of Aupuot next, an election for

and members of the letrislature, willtake place in tbe old north State.

RicrpTioK or Aaaa. Our (allant yonn'friends of the Harris cadets, received Ibeirnianketo on Friday, snd will receive their handsome uniforms in a day two.

At Clbavbs A Vaoeh's. Thisfirm have alreadv the Autrust number of

Barpm' Jfavsi'ae. It la an excellent number, as the table of contents shows.

Tnc Pop:-l- a Magazibb. That is Harpar's, of coarse, the August number, a veryfins one, and well illustrated, is to be bad atGeo. Patterson fc Co.'s.


There will be a regnlar meeting of tryeChamber of Commerce at the uenal place, at 4

o'clock afternoon.

Dxt 1KB Saat tea. at Grace rbareli,eerneref M sin and Uaion etreeto, this morn-

ing at 1(4, this evening at o'clolk. Tile Rev.Ed MarClure, rector. All the oeats free.

Lov tii, Thb Winowia. fc Tadenhare receited a cheap editioo cf thie oplendtdstory. Thackeray's laoL It is printed in Har-

pers bes style, and haa numerous excellent

enrrarini.s.Sri rEy: Death. A waron-mate- r, namer

Richard Welsh engoged in Mr. Werner's shopor Vance street, died very ou ldenly Fridayerenc, althoueli be had been in usual healthduririe the day. Eaquire Mallory held an in

quest over the body, the jury returning a vrrdiet of death fr. m unknown eauars.

St. JoarPH's Collece. Thia coUece, situ-ated at Bardatown, Ky.,Laa become famous ata seat af leaiBiac. From an advertiaemeBtwa publish thia moroinfr, we observe that theaetdesnir Tear comtDeneeo on the first of Sep-

tember. The it beautiful er! heolthy.the plan of iratruetion eorripreheattve, bd.) themethod of impartation profound. See the ad-


Aid. Cbewi. Tbe La Ore rife (TeBn.)Monitor spetkt at follows of the election ofoor friend Crewe to the Council "Jim Crewe,

j thoiifli t to n.(r mtn. wild, wewill prore to bio constituents that tbey made a

wise and jud'eious Bol$etloai in him, aa tberol'ea'se of Dr. Merrill. We know him. Heis sprifrb'ly, intellectual and handsome, anj

j one of the cleverest men ia tbe " wide, widej maaxUL"

las. Co., or H abtfobd. We wooldcall p ibl c attention to tbe Jaly ttatemer,: ofthis well $nd favorably knoae iraetrtution,with ita vast resources of over iu-- nstoiioadollari. Sines coRkssenciri' businttt ia thisState, seven year aVfeee, II hao paid to tbe

of Tenneesee over (tro Aaadred (aotaaaafi

dotlmn Nasbvllle thirf thouoand do

the balance throutboiit the State. In iLiscorrect history of tbe past, the public bay a

rood C'laraotea that tbe company will aot for-

feit its reDilation for reliability in tbe future.We cheerful y recoeameati our readers to railon Cbadwick We" la, acentt, bank bulMinf;,Mais t'reet, where they ra- be supplied wi'hTtitmtU ixdratnLt arainot losses by fire, or tbeperil- - of inland dx,, ration.

irTwe PavstoiooT or Cawwoa Lite By fi.

Irsaes. Tat 1 PuMmhvd by P. Ii.llln fc fKew T, rk.Thia is the rnrltiiliBP volume of a really

excellent book on physiology. Several workaon this aahjeert tba"- are in common use, arethe productioDB of mere quacks and emetter-ers- ;

tbe one before ut it the reoult of tbetoil and tboaxht of a man of erudition,

of atental power, of apt perception, and en-

dowed with an intuitive foretif-h- t into results.This volume '.rests oo " feline and thinking,the mind sad tbe brain, our sensations andsenses, alaep in! dreams, transmissible quail

life and death.' On these aubiectBthe pbysiolocist snd the metaphysician meetface to face, to consider some of the most re.condite and profound questions that can engagethe attention of either, comlag to no hastyconclusion, holding questions in abeyancewhen no preoen answer io to be found, indi-cating tbe path in which the student maymaka new discoveries. The author carefullybut clearly lays before the reader a rreasse ofthose wonderful facts and ingnioui experi-ments, that bare taught us all we know of tl"ronaec'ion of the brain sod the nerve with I

tbe percepieat mind. Irumortrat experimentswith animals and intects are detailed, tfaeoreiaand opiBiooa from Floure.s. Booillard Lon-ye- t.

Dilta, Call, Miller, Marshall Hall, sadothers, are given and frequently exiticiad." The proper study of mankind is mtn;" tothose who are in it wo casamend thefyhytiology of Mr. Lewea. It it for oale a:tba storo of Cleaves at TadeR.

Tat MotrsT Tcaaoa Paparaa Ry astaurd BrervtvPahliaked by D. App'eisa fc Ca. Mew TortIn September. 115H, tbe proprietor of the

Kew York Aral err stated to Mr. Eperctt, thatif be would cohfribute an article $ week tothat periodical for one year, be would placeflOno at tbe diopossl of tbe Men VernonoeoocistaoR. Surb an offer, for a pearpoae sopatriotic, Mr. Everett did Rot think himself a'liberty to decline. He wro'v the articles,callinr them the Mount Vernon papers. Inthis handsome book tbe whole are collectec,and form a volume of foar hundred aad ninetypaces of interesting and mieeellaaeocsj read-iB-

The subjects are extremely varied, butare moetly givea ia a popular narrative style.Incidents of Asterie$n history and biographv,foreiajn travel, anecdotes of authors and

persons, comets, fiosBtial distress,A lams express, the Illustrious dead of 185V,

lulian nationality, the light bouse, sevencritics! occasions ia the life of Washinrton.and Damd Boone are among the subjects andtitles of a very readable book. A considera-ble jwrtien af the whole being connected, readsroach better contecutlrely in the book, than itdid piecemeal is the paper. The work is forsale at Cleseet A Vaden's, Main street.

Tut Rtkirx.

whtrm, V

.n. ia i kimt;e .vra'i. bettav l sr. imper f vcttv unfc Pitzreram, Mew Twk. pawmfcera

A chilareB with Bi.y decree of quicknesserow up, tbey are caatiatu'ly atkine caf thotae

BTouod tRefB the "why" af the many nysterletthey encouBter. Not uafrectueotlv the snaa orwoman nnds that the aastrsr that haa aatts-tie- d

tbwtB Caoaa not tteet tba caila'a Uealtyhe haa a ITI $ "srhy" that toes beyoarl $r. l

deeper tha a their reply- - Thee sock parscrr,-fe- el

tbe want of " Tlae Reasec Why that Uea

rrefore at, aad io msay eircuatarUiirraa of life

thee must study it err rrmato in a deejrws of

that brines shame wbea it is exposed.

This vol time firet answers to some 1,340 qasa-tion- s,

teoeraliy referrine to common life, but

reqoirine answers frrrtri erjpufee. Why dowoodpeckers tap why do we ttaeeze whv tin

the aslls of windmills torn round why doeswater freer sptiy does a top stsnd whenapiiiDinr wba' causes tears why da we seettie flash of $ piu be'ore we bear the reportwby has a rainbow colon what is coal art!' "et.a of the questions an awered The

laook is amply illuatratel by etrtt. It Is forsale at Cleavea a Taden'a.

lI KSItt DOIIil lt I'LIR,Tne me inhere of this dub are requested in

atlend the regular meetinc Monday reeBin' atH o'clock, at their hall over tbe Tunaeli.oaAdams street. All those wish ifcc to .on. areinvited to be




tber are slaet tbev fyor taat we nete ssurarstjov i., ,

FoLirr. Baugh hasissued new to the pnllee,them not to ar stop about

houses when cn duty ; not to sot about the

street' whittlinc on otickoor dry Rood' boxes

raajtto lonnze about the hotels and discuss thstonics of the Jay: to each ward

has four oiden, and keep on their feet constant

ly; If the mayor his representative sprintand tney do not reipooa

otilr food reason will save from suspension

Pr. jM or dioehartTe ; t pecial police report





ilexlco wtta acqolrt., tBtetests, am


instructions requtrlBf

frrquent UppliBf


rattle, promptly

rnnawsy necroes mrrst be taken to the stationhoaie and questioned t negroes without passes

may be allowed to pits If they show they anam lanamtant bi tineas : if tbe nefo lies he

must b arrets' ed : bo caoeof delinqnency will

be Merlootred : policemen found oat af theirwards will be discharged j not to go home

without permission ; one half the poiiee on

any ward to co to dinner at 12, tbe other at

fno cfc'nek. Attending to these rules will

n.ak" reopeeted. Those who think

thesa too stringent will be permitted to retiresnd makr room for others who think the yoisessy snd the burden light.

Contvnx .aw Cocst. The followingcases will be for trial on Monday, Hi Inst., attbe Court room, corner Adams and Secondstreets;

No. 'Jo MeKniebt vs Jameoon : 2t Martin vsBrian! - l l Stone A Co vs Cole: AA

Brir klev vs Brumley ; 79 Tan rs Cockrell ; VI

Clavton fc Co., vs Hunt, ex'r; 9t Croper vs(jarrison, adm'r : 100 Bolton ft Ca vs Uttle ;

1"3 M and L R RR Co rs Orae : 11 ThoaBD- -oon to Mrr.a't: 11" Fletcher 4 Withers vaHumphreva; 12 Richsrds fc Co PeytonHarbin i 12:) Mon'pomerv. heirs, vs I'ftwicb;mGranben--r vs Forrest A. Mapioo: 12i Laitvs. Doiifflsas; 130 Pittrcan re Hardin ; 134

Arern va Sa ' ; 13S Raja va MoQler, i JoFord ra Anatin At Co : IN' Crisp vs Lemoyne;1M Vaceato vs. Ranch fc Co; 151 Bannisterr Thompson : 15S McL-a- n vs Camovan : lSfPittojan ra Cook. Special ease, 433 Metralfv Dowell.

Caoeo mamt be tried or rontisned call.Cases not reached on the day set will appearia the calendar of next week.

M AhCrs J. WRIGHT, ClerkBr A- J. Wbtbtt-FB- . Derwty Clerk.

Coatkioso Law Cocbt. Tbe suit for libelbrought by Dr. T. C. Gayle acainnt Dr. L.Shanks wat concluded in the Common Lawcourt yesterday, the fury awardiac damn tee to

the amount of fix dollars sgainst tbe defend-

ant Tbe esse cf A. Pror.ieskl against Motbyfc Hunt ouit - part for goods ronoigned todefendants and hnraed, in Hsroh, ItW Ojaa

taken up, and engaced the attention of thscourt yesttrday, but was not concluded at thsbour of ah0tirnment.

Ixjoaiocf Repobts. We are informed thata report is lBdustrio v circulated in thec .ntry t. eject tliat stiany eases of yel-

low feter hoe crcenrred recen'ly in thia eity,and that thirty or forty death orrarred fromthat canoe daily. Vo report could be morsgTatuitom and unwarranted, as not a ainglecase of yellow fever hat occurred hers duringthe summer, and there hare bees no in lira fionathat any diaoaee of tbe kind will prevail.

Jail Statistics. There are at presentelchty-yere- per .onscoafined in thscity prioon.Of the number forty-fiv- e are attached to thechain gang, thirty. three are confined forMonies, snd ejrht are fugitive slaret. Levi

Stover, ore of the convicts, is under oentenceof death murder, hao taken St.

the Supreme curt. TA a' ai Rob- -

iRaoa's nameddied in bis bed about ten Friday niclc. Home held an tathe cp.tr. but the iury did not r the cause

f tbt man't death. He leaves wife andchildren.

workmtn Messrs Quinbyfouodery,

auddenly o'clockEaquire irq-oa-

IYgitifb Abbested. Patrick, elave ofGeor.--' Reynol'le, of De Soto county, 11 its.,was arrested aad placed is the city priooa

Btp'tkT ot TPrr.

deaths in ftte ritrsf Meripbta


W. Bartea.

Mra. RichTond. rears,

lr. affad veara,aced S yeara. ordiatthvritia. Ju:oauswawataon : Mrlysh'id fvtvr : I

aura : man unknrata uaed 1 bouaxed f . vara metmonth i . ruktaoarnwaoalha. uivaer.cil
















at$A.Miller, aced I' years. Itwars cwacb. Jnlv 17I Mj ttba. ittarrhea. July IS

tunhea. Ke- -

B. m,July 16 W $. axed SO crcicva--



t; ela'R. W.

tr. g s.

ap ntr ctT

Srot Lv


Lia: afthe tat--



Bt-- Jm $. Aidcina.

CaranauaTh,axed 1

ts va...

K BOLST fc SOS. Baitna.

on, Matuein Rlita



diaretvai chill, arad t rases.iy rr.wrb.maa Cretan, fi yvara

fc FLtHAHTT Seitotia tl rfctidrea SB Malay a, fawsalrsla. Whi.'ea

stacks 5 Cltitea. 17; atrunf-r- a TR'rCflRLL. O..

SecraUry Roafd or sfvatlb

Huti our TrunksAT WRI (JUT'S,



la Rail.

a WBtppLE.-.a- . a. aorraoaEkv..M. o empaiae.


LUMBER YARD.Sash, and Blinds.

bni'l lrg mt



Casiitan, Coraiil! Worfe. o

trmm Ptjtvfctdr

FrSC!f, actariDC layrti





e , Bo-- J.

tamtb- -a

i A.i 11 tia

fever ;

nee-r- o

Ada: : ;





r can rird?ir witi any naular Mfhshw I im tmmrrltdtbd Hut O- - yr fl'lt--4.

THi.'PLt MtMHB k CO.,PUniDf Hill,

Sgm ty Wt Ui.' Bivm Miinaa trtMt.

Lumber, Lumber000,000 FEET

OH kwiBK ta Ibtcmc iaMajrtiata I kawt mmr9mm totlwpvMiB-- . cintiitiii ib part af Pibb,

0frsa una Pnplar Prarniu Lum-a- r rwafU mm

WcBthrr Bru, U aad 1 kmck cWr iarTtmmm Tin d Crvi Attrnm Ttoorim tn-- J Cvili,

if aad F". .ct bwtM ao4 aawHrim I britfltkrflainr. Alaa, m mmrnt, a trrj'arr $f Pin- - tvl C Sbials. nrt an!.-- iLhs. s$vkv, BBtf plftiaaTid Umj Pirfcet-- .

it Was to IbcIob aiV PajHatr tr$tjBr.irsV.r-- jr 'hf.-.-


An V nt t.r i.a Mnrlilf,k AMI PAOTrrRBfi BT TUB



Ja Ja RtaWHAaT, Acejitt.

Meriipbia, TasVlsn for at re

rte-- 3









'pmri- -


('shUt PaustB

ty Ike foiisavitat Ttr Sara lal a



aisaia a. j. iba.MlXfflU m, LE4,jttor jrm r-- j t-- r. .i w.


Fresh mlteat.ST RBCBTTBTJ strainer C. B. Blllmaa. a lavasJI Issref jrrssrk Bolted Corn Meal, a.,-- for sale low by

ruMTRKOT fc CRAW Pt iBrrt,w Ma. II SrusslRaa.

tltrf tee.Bv the Bassrd sf Merer savt All imlB of

RITJViI.VBIi. Memaakts. that the Mtrar ksep a atsaaliuxmdice in two tke city papers that aa aaa sua', sealantthe city will he salt eatsst made t" aalksrtty ofMaynr and Bard Alle-me- n an.1 anyr .red by tke MayorIFlUacl frara tbe mine r, 1

1' SAPOR Mayer .J. i. BrcMABoaor,t-.- .

Meroj.nia, AatastS.











atb-- r

latest Bfhis bpcTtlfgra.'acre of C'hrlatlmma.

Botron, laly II A teller to lb a Raatoa Traveler,da'.aJ Jonatltt. aaya that Stack, the aat BtroeakaM of

tbe Chrittiana is Lekenon. had baen raptnred and

homed. Tbe Ckrietiana wrfa irtrr in all directwcaIt aaa rumored that Sid m had a en Aaatrayad, aadwanty.flae haaatradctirk-liaa- a maaaacrad

Attn ai of ttao Dearer CHy FmpresoSt Joitrat, Ho Jaly SI. ivanrerCity aaereea

with date to the 16th last., arrived al thla paintThe advance divlaion of V. t. uoopa from Camp Ptord

af California Gnlck

City ea for Bleb dlaran via milea waal

Balling at the rmliatk.Xlk Toss, la'y SI. Tkasteamahip Falton tailed at

aaun t wta r for On illiaaaptia aavl R a r r Theabipmentaf aperle by Ux Fa ti n am to kOOO OOO. She

tbe Kea maila of Iks I7fh. and telefranhK Oat

patcha. of theSOth. She win wall al Papa Rare for Ikelet eat talesraphlc ad v lean Itasa Oa Stair.

RlTer Ifatalllgenre.LoriselLLE. Jnty SI Tke Ohio nret al tkia point

la rietnf . with tbrea feet nine inchea water In tbr canalST. Lovia. July SI Tke Haaalaaiswi riror at

P Mnt ,i fatltnf altb alevrn feet uretvr in tkeCairo.

Sr. Loa'la, July 21 teaterday ia- -

JicnuaJ a tamperalare af 101 to lOOdefcreea it tkeakaaw.and ey 101

Feraoaal.tie I. ar Jnty II n a. Rewr ly Jakaaoa. at Sid.,

ara! s,a: ' Beniamak, of Loajr aaa, aaft tor

ik tbe aaannktki sTatk Stat.

ftahllttoa; af ike i.laagowKrv Tobk. JnlySl. The ateamahip Olaagoar aaiiaar lilaarow at aor-i- i to day. fake toak over $100,000 in




Oi tbf 1st it Jal), 1H60,


narna f tba urporiTHE locnad aiTb.- Capital la H PrRR

liOLl.tBS. and ia paid SR.TTIB t5SETS OP

a Ailrma.t b


Money due the Company aecareaby tncrtsAte aaa aa

Caab band and in bank 14 1 111

nah in the handaaf Aaafflaand in

a aa

in a.

tranall. 116 oto tl44 Rof14kate Sooda T per canjt aemi- -

annnal Interaat. 44,000 00 44.000 00SS Mnanae Randat per carntaami- -

tcteraet. 08,000 $0 M,000 $$SS Jereey City Watrr nVmda at 0 per

cent, interval. 00 $0,000 00Har tf.it d City Bonda t per cent.

inter rat oB.OSO 00 a 000 0$SS City Bonda 7 liar cant

tnleraat $$,000 lt SO ooo no

10 B'ouktrT C.ty Bead. 0 per centintsreat. 10,000 00 10 cms ao

t Milwaukee City Bonoe. 10 percent, interest. 0,000 00 0,000 00

Catted Stataa Treaeury Noteaandarrned latar'L 00,000 00 SI 48S OS

Cnitad sinter Stock S pr cent aeeal- -latoiaat 100,000 00 00

Stole af Km tacky Stock, t pr centaenii annua' indereat 10 000 00 10 Ink 00

Slate of Tar.nr.eev Slirk f per crnltntaraaL OB 000 00 n 100 00

SUtet f Krw Stock t per cent

BUte of Miaaracri Stra-- k t per caratarm: --annual interval.

kuta af Ohio Stock t par centinter rw, (1800)....

Stale of Oku t pe- - asal

for but an appeal state of Indiana per cant

to MtaT 5rtKT per' ovat

Thomaa Crai'han,











interval.Delaware andRudam Canal Com-

pany Bread, t per centinterest.......

too Share. Hartford and Krw Hl- -.

rn Railroad Companr Stock$00 ahares Cwma Rrrvr Rallrraas

StocklCrr k -- tl -, W -.

railroad oomsany at. ck$0 afcarea Connecticut river cum- -

parjy .lock$9 ehafe. Crtiaeoa Rank Stick,Walvrbrtrr, Ct

to .bare. BlnOanl aaark Stuck,Suit .rd Satrinta, Cd

SS ahara. Eac Bank Stock, Pro- -rloeacv. R. I

IS akerv. Bar ban lea and Trader.'hank stock. Jersey City. M. J..

$0$ aka-- r. Rrrere bank t"ck,Buna. Mats.

100 Ibarra Safety Tnnd hank atockBwatoa, Haaa

ISO aharea bank atock.St Loam. M

SOO aharea Bank Stole of Mhkakflbark stock. P4 Lou;,. Mo.

flOakare. farai.-- .' an-- Mecban-p- a

bank atock. Philadelphia...tat aharea ftaa baaa atock, Hart-

ford.100 aharea Har' hard Oooaty bank

Martferd.. ...............100 iharea Charter Oak bant at.a-k-


HartfordWJO akurva City Bank Bawrk. Bart- -






000 aharra Barbansv Bank Si.akHartfwd

400 abarva Farmers k Mechanic'ImBRatack. vanrtfard

IBS aha-r- a Marcbanta and Ma- --

bark atock, BartfordBOO aharea Pkceaix. Bank Sua k

Hartford$40 aharea State Bank Stoat. Hart.

fovd.....ISO sbarea Caanvcttrril Rirrr Rank

Stock. Hartford.OOOabarea Amrrican EtchArula B'k

Block. Kerr TortMat shares Bank Bj Morlh Ameri- -

tca . M T$00 shares Baak of America suck.

Kew Tort100 afcar'a Bank af Republic Stork

Hew Toik. .a100 aharea Bank of Co moowvslrh

Suck. K. Tkm abaree Sauk of Mew Tors St'k.

M T...100 ahares Bank cf Commerrv

Suak. K. -

SOO Ibarra Broudw-- v Bask St.. i.

Mew TurkBOO aharea Bntckers Slat Stoaan'

Bank Stock. MT100 ahares City Bank fsaark, Kew

Tsrk.SOO afaar ImpartvvsaaafTradaia

Bank St ck, M T$ abarva Market Rank Stock, M.

Tort- - -I$00 abarva Mrarhanica' Bank Sit

Mew Torttor- akarvs Mvrtrkaat's Bxcbar.cv

Rink l,rrk, Krw Turk$00 shares MetropollUn Rank St'k,

Mew TortfrkJ .barva Mvrchantr Bai k Bt k.

Mew Tort.100 akarvs Mercantile Bank Stock,

Krw TortSOO shares Kaaaan Baak Stock . M

TortASS abarva Manhattan Sank Stuck.

Mea TwS$00 a r. worth River Bank St'k.

Mew Tort.too bar.-. Ocean Bank Stork, fa.

Turk.Sin aharea Peoples' Rant Stack. X.


too aharraPtornit Bank Stuck M.

Tort400 hares Cnian Baak Stock. Kea

Tortion sharer Hararer r Baak Block,

Mew TerkISO shares M. T. Life Insurance

and Trust Coutpnny, X. T10$ shares ratted Stat True

CompearBills Baseetrabla, matarlaxMiwllanvona Items.

The ao,




creditor a

Lasses adjusted snd tea BBSS

adjusted and not dueSSBMMI unadjusted suspense

print me




sjreliart. iftaRcial prna!pfi'ri

statu of uuHMtfjunon t




IXSCBASCF.rtford. Conuatlcat.HrXtlRPIi SAK1.

CORPaSY tRlPar Jdau-a-

Kaaae$77 tot SI



annnal 104,760


so ooo 00 6" 710 no

14 oat no Tt.ooo oo

OOom 00 n OB

U.CU0 00 15.000 OS

$.414 $0 5,414 Mi

to ooo oo oi ana on

SS 000 00 lO fa O 00

10 100 00 li sts 00

4,00(1 00 ,100 00

5,000 00 t.SOO 00

S 000 OH 5 1M SO

I.SaO 00 laST$ 00a

; BBS a, j.j sa

io. wo oo

io ooo $$ io too oo

$0,000 $0 $1,000 o

$0.000 00 51 I'O Ot

to ooo in to ane oo

ooo on 4 000 os

O.ono nt 10 SOS 00

se.ona on o . a$

I5.0o. IO 15,000 os

40 0, 00 4C0CO 0$

as son m ss.tiao

io ooo no lo.ooo $$

$0 000 00 000 0$

7 00

4.1000 00

SB BBS 0$ 11 .$$$ VO

se, too $$ n oo oo

ma OS soma oo

10,140 00 10,000 00

ss.noo oo so.sou oo

n oon no so.osa ot

30,000 00 IS "00 00

$0 too $0 $4 BBJ SS

10.000 00 too 00

to o o ou ii ooo so

IS 000 00 so too $0

totaooo ss.otn so

10.000 00 10,000 00

40 000 00 45.000 00

41, "$0 00 41 870 SO

io ooo oo i: oo

R' 000 IO SO SOO so

$0 000 00 $6 400 00

Iaaaa so to.sso on

SO 000 00 18.BOO 00

10,100 00

I0.SOO su

10.000 00 10,000 00

isneo oo l ooo se

15 era) 00 St 110 00

10 000 0O 12 BOO 007.441 IS

BS,IS0,ltt SS

ounl of Liabilities dae or not due to banks ornaxia



31 51 74van

profit or rxBaBtirl 146 413 36till uCiirr claiBV acaiut the OocapBOf art-- Mall, for

ate.Aur it- - lBatrartM tc 11 aa tlmtt nvfoinf n Utom

fcan'lTtt rr$tkt anHfOiil irtrtkl m any vat cttr, Iowb,

Til m$it mt MKk, vtnas a4 JapBBda Bran tb omrtiuc-Ut- n.

Biairrlfc.1. bd4 t nanft ol itUb flrk. w. Kiri.Ki, rr:x-TSOA. E. mstfcrfUry

' ' : . i

Habti ubd CovitTT, Hartford JoIt 1. lt.Prasan!7V aprarr! brnra m- -. Rcwmv FoVLIB. a

immxicm Ihf Tt,4y qml !. t airnmi-- r omth,K G K1PLIT, pTMld-B- l. at d THOMAA K. PAC.

aad mad tVrnn xatli tl.al tharoraiBc ttamot of tb aatt and atri!tion of tbMxnm CtjeBpas tTB

HKVRT POWLKR,JaaOca of tb Pa.






i. office,July t. I

TbiB tottlt tbafTh .fatsa laavaBr Css$npny, k.cateradat Hartfprd, ia tb Stat of CMaatrtictit, baa caaa.Baid a! ib rqai"-mi.t- tit tlM ctU m tb aLfrtat fttrtt-- iMBrBBW. r .rBoraiiBe, IB ctlua 14M toHOT ux- - r,al. aa wl im tb act mt 14. b $f March INDrbaptr tlf. - ion 70. raairiBff dpua:: witb tbouit - nr $r twt tbaaaMj doi art af an par cai.

ill of tab SUt. mod that Ja. X Ouatwick and WnS. Wp'Is ar tb lafsfraJlr autbtRrijd at.nta of aaid canPkMty in tti tow ot MtBphla. 9Ut of Tnnaa

J T. DCNLAP. Ooo tro r.

ob Una br


J a --A. .


felt-l- y












land rrha

CHADWlj'I k WXI.LA. Armulut k Bnii'linc Main




ttran.Flour, and

lrtxf urc.Sail ',11 KIIIB OOTRT SQI'ARR.

VoffCf.(OaatPT.) Btapttis. TRW Mar. h It. 1BS0.

Bsaalka after date uf Ibia test f fare,NINS unpaid) amy ts tfce SFdse af my self four tare-asa- ddollars, t a na receired, aad cbarga t. account.

Bsrraad.l P. B TBOBMTtlNB. M APPEBfSOM fc OO

T. Meeara. B. M. Aaaeraon It Co.. Metnafc.e. trnnaaae..I bare loot the orlgiaal of the star, rraar. NsSBSfck.

tarsed Icy P R Ttvoral-- r In blank Tke public arerarttloavd asaiaat irndiat for It. Ita nayuaeat oaj beamtwfcttmsa.


For Sale.for aaiv my li'tle Paim is CrittendenJOFPBB Arkaasas, fronting oa tke Miaaia- -

alppi rlv.r, and three m.iea lalowFour hnndrad and arret acrea is thv tract.about ane kwaatved uf wkbrk m 11 a gaud wale ad calti

BIBk. aaa wen protected by tbe leva.Th sap aae with a force af ten r titevi.

waaBSatt SI say time is sea baserTbe bailllaga are nearly all wee, with a large asternen the ptass.

further naiiaealara see J U Wiillsma, HMBBsaSfcor cat' ca me at my rasastsmns, near the city.


DeSoto Farm for Sale.PRO PO U aell mv plure wkere I now rrI mde. Iriug In rvaSoC. City Mualaatpai

attain aly mire, af Cold Water depot, aa OvaMitai. atppl aat Tsmammae mill ant, which .thirty-Or- e mllea from Mrmpbia. containing nine hun-dred and siat) acrea, Sea hundred In euttlratlua, searlyall freak, nsartallat sf kattauu. eeeuad bcttaa and up-land. TVs whose place is in a fleas stale af caf.. .alienaad well impresad, with a tvst rate aew twa.au.rvframed residence, wttk aig rooms, wen flatataaat ; nerroquarter., extra t aod grala bam, m .hies aad cf.ba, beatgearUr; tsod natlca sin aad aresa ; two g.aat ..reiarJ. cfbrat election of fruit, sxdb apple awl past. I have tbehead well of water In tke i.snlj j asm. aa efcaedanc. toestent. Refer to p. Lane fc Oa.





StrkDAT. July SI. 1000.

COTTOS. The roarkt yeaterdar eiblbitad nntbinaworthy of remark.Infartr 0 a 4 I BT afdUna tHl"kOrdinary dalaS Sk Oo.al H addlUS-.- i I atl kOooO Ordinary.. S at T M iddllns Pair... -Law Middllna . S at It I Fair 40

Damaesile Mlarka-t- ay Tclegrapai.If" Toll. Jul. 11 p Cation Iba nurket canard

Sail; aalea SAO balee at loaic Float Iba market daU i

aalaa a --fto br la al $0 SOutS. '0. Cora raatkatdall. withaalea of 11,000 bnakeU at SlokSSc Pork market a mataalea S.t$o Rftl nt $1 STktlt BO. Lard Brm, withsataaof Bttbrw. at ISSklSar. CaBaa aalaa I aval aecka

Java at ltajc i atararhibo bal l al lfac Sarar arm,

with an advance t RO, aa tba weak I sates S.SOO brie.attkt)Tr

CincikSATl,' Jaly SI, P. at Floor tke marketcAoeed dall and unearned ; it ia imnoaalble to sirs accu-

rate quotation. Corn market caeeea dull. Oate buoy-

ant, milk aalea at rfeia)Bac. Park ataaOf i aalaa of 000

via. at $IS. Whlafcyialat,Witk ta'aaat ITr.

Raw OaxEABe. Jalr St. p. at Outlaw aalaa ISO

baaaa at 1.A;. Plonr mtrkal dalt, with aalea al $0.50C"tn al radyi mixed bald al OOaaatc , ana whlta at Tk$)BOc. I'reaiaiona qotet aad aeante Sm O'ber oalfcRlt

nhRPHK rttirt! cirkest.t ..oi, a iii Riare Prlcaa.

Ccnatry. .

BEAKS Par brnkalAR Per cart

SAurSIKO Ai' ROPE Ropa...

Ita Hare tarBM.iuc.ky Kaat LoamReainrkf Pcarar Luam.

BRRBWAIPPBB Pair to Bond fairPrimeJava.Limits


CBAI'BBKS Sutra- -

-- Wealrrup at -

Bur dc

Rr :.a


Out ton threadDRIED Facri Applaa...

Pwaiat Pearbaa..BI3IIS per dns.PleOrR City mille.oztra... .......

City mil la, aupvrflnekt Loaia do ............St. Louie, fancy....St Louie, extra.

PISH 1S. I ate t -- I. la tela.da dv Ik kite......

Mo. S Ao la aria.

Mo. S ' hk trial

RAS-- t SEEDSOrchard. .

$!.Pltiataant.sxio.Piuaknrt. 10x1$.

OCKPl.tTDBR lenlnaky

Qi.r-E-. .

r. .

Per box cf M ft) I

BlO- -.

Orvon Sa'IaKtPeer fkiat.

HAT Per taaLARD Bra.

UQVORS Old k..rtm Wbir. .

O'd Imltaliira ao ...Brandy

doLEATHER k.-- - e..

Oak sole.""""!"""."'..!..lie :' - k - rBndla. per rlaa.Itppar Irath-- r, per noa aaaa


Tellow pinePine flunrtnClear white pinefshinarlea

UI B Par ktl. . . .7.7.'. . .." '. '.


PROTLSIONS-Bac- oa Clear Sides.

Plain I

Canvas rPork Ham).Caavaa a near cured haras .Mans pork

eiCELES- -l tall.an.n aaM aa


SrOAR Pair to fslty fairSALT PI aa

Oasrae.. ........ ..........SAAP-C-at-


tea: - on


TOB..CAVO--M- - By a


Medina Leaf.Ptne laraf

WRRAT.WHtSET Per talWIS X Claret m cat.

Ckatnparne.... ..........ed


Boats aad Sksri.BtVOn.t KS piuatrra'

TfcKt sCalf

BOOTS Ladle.' split.treatRid



SHE FT1 V'a Bias. 4.

Bleached. 4

sniRTIStiDRII.Ir-Bm- wn. U

k'eackvd. KPRINTS PancrI.t WKS Pancr. ...TICRS 27 to to inch. . .

BLTE DFMIXS Heary.... ....... ..APsUIN CHECKS, X

Drugt, Ralccs.COBAXi'TED aANSriELO



QflSIXK SnipsSOU t Sewca-ll- e

Sl'LPHCR.spices Pepper




TCB'EXTIXBWHITE LEAD Waters fc F t, pure...

Cltntua .






MArn ARll Rll?Kew



itSB to St.... st to at

it....I SS to I so.... ta IS

IS... 17........ SB tot... Id to Ilk... It la

i torn,$1to to i oc

s on4 10

t asIS M to It



Ilk i.u$$J at to1 $S to SS

i to to i oaII to Hi,

..... SJOtoSiai

...5 JSk S TS

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aa- - S 16If US

...... a at14 oo$ 1$

I SO to 0$...... 1 SO1 00 to 1 75

....$$$ ts$ so

$$1 50 to $ 7i at u $ at

$4 $$

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$t BO 4 00SS toktSS 14Bf USS

.:.' in hi HTB

....1 TS to J US

....I Bitot OS

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.. 76 to StSO to $1

.. It to.$1 40 If 17$

a tO StJ.$1 71 to 100

4 to T

tin. II to Ilk

.. so to at

.. 15 toSC$ to 10

. II tolls.U to 55

.$7 W IO fc.

.SA IO" Ra



Kirk nmiiams,STREET.

FROM A BACHBLOB'S BOOB OF UFK.LBATBS tke press, and sffectine andtateraatinc incidents.

WBST INniKBAnthony Trollop.














B. Mr.. M. J. II Imee.

Itv Mra. R met.

TUB OS TUP. Pints. New anreplv.










e w s r p r l. y orBrTLBoeg,







tl SS$ Main street.

LAIDRGTR'SFresh Turnip Seett.

TOP plat TTRMTP:PCRPLB Plat Dutch Tmratp:Large Oasbe Turnip i

I arse Bur folk Taralp ;

Teliow Rats Bags Turnip ;

Whits Rnts Baca Taralp ;

Tellow Aberdeen fnraip ,

Par a t'ooe Turnip ;

Just receired .V far sale by. VJ o. W. JOMBS fc CO.

Mfnijials CaiaBer sf CaBrcrtIbbibIv nertlasa

ARBOULAB mamtkly mart lag sf th. MempbiaBiaam will he held st the of

Parriratueri fc Packler. aa Baak assume. MOKDATAPTRBROOM. st 4 o'clock Meetbars are rvcavated tsbe punct a ly m a'trndamre, as taslaeat of inputwill corn. Severe the meeting.

By order af the Pre. ideal,rftl JHHM fl. TOOP. Secretary

(Tot t..e 10th inal., a BtlRRRL M BB PORTyears 'Id. with a little srblW rbe

lop of her lama, kuafs broken aad Bart ahoes




nut, sway hacked, email white east ea soar, aad flatman. aat tail. will pay See swltsei tor bar deliveryto me oa Oelaaaa sweet, snath of Tnace street ar sayinformation tkat will lead ta ker laatie.tl will be re-

wardedB. 0LIVBB


Strayed Stolen

Floor.LS. " Bttra' PU.ur.

.... t






to I

1 1


1 I









tarts .ataper aa. pvsnr. In store and for aslsI.I.VD-K- T fc PlCKLRrl,

For Lease.WTTH FVRMirtntB The kotae u m aAllol'AR boast. ,n lull Mempi.it, with as vs.

reaaaas, rtsteva. trail traas, etc. Tka faratrtwe win ke.ld tt, the purchseer of ths lease Apply at tte APPBAL

Counting Baaa. lylT-- ir


Iflnnftarn nl rfinannal.ERpnin niii.r api-bii- . officb.i

JES SckOAT. JnlyM. ISBt. iWe hear of nachan$al in okr saooov niarkat arortby

of ante.

Flaw Orlraaa Sat eta or "iarkiel.The rtdloartaf ia from tke K ew Orleans ricayune of

JalyNolhlDE lit! tranapl'al ay to nialrrlally allar tba

laeelns fealarea of the mark-- t, aad the baaineaa ruledtbraasboot aa at the iloae of Ike rrr.rw Tkebasaa dura salad aim ae naaiaad caatloa, aad tkemi.rrmeM oat of doura ana raatrKled ra all cradea ofpaper, tnrckarrra moved aloas eery imetly, aad raslalanef indicated no ln reaaa arhalaeat lu eilker foretgaor There wa no dekriearv noticeable in theeapply af say ckaae of kill , bat the dvmend area onlynominal at bawt, aad yeale day'e .lattatloaa ware barelymaintained.

BXCHtNtir tin h i7K i.ro: i.ibt.COkkEI'TEO OAIJ.T BT TBE OATOOO ATIBSS -


r- : .c l

OoU orA Sracr I rr, tie Wanaaral.

Plantara' Bank.Bank of Tennaaai a....Bant af OhattaranraraC anntarrial Sankjana of WoatTaoa....Ba:.k i.f ReuipbiaCity Baaa, SJaahvUle I

Bank of Kaoan'la 1

Fi'iraovv IraRank of Rashvllla.... I dla!

flank af

Tama. I dla X r

Rank TaaewaUBanaaf Ciaisaiaa ...tank ,f America.... la dmlf Skur Tean. failed dlaBxrham. Sank

AATtakBaral Bank,failed w rtblaa

CltiaaTw-Ban- fall- -; diarollaa...

Tradart- - Rank Cial kank af Athena. Oa. 0 dieNorthern BarXTeea. I daalvmk af Pultun, On.. S daBack of Paris. I .,.'B"k ruiala, Oa. t dlaParairr,' Bamb I .tlairt SfetaXa On. S

Rivvr Bank, etoaine.. tar stale BankLawr.ncwhr.rf Hank.. Maetfcev I BankBoathaea, Bank parlMntlle Ranta0am Sank. 1 nia A abamaStaltrai'lv Bank .... S akafTlrtiklr Banka.Bank tbeCslne... I dla'Oh.o By an.Rock'a Batik I fitistate Bank 'of taBeet of Jeffvraan.... !lll:n ia and WiDandridsa $ dlalPraa Batik., lnd.Xlaa. Muttml lu.. f par

EcAaa;o oV'.tne Rafva.Mew Toy t s rrejiPkllelelpkla. It prvm rtnclaaatlBoaUin ...... ta pi am. flt. Loaaa......Maw Orleans. a oraaalLianaaalito




aD S


aaaki da



--i O nil- -


wat". all cradea aad raters, imar rawly.teOODB, of ererr lor mea and


will Snd to thvir interest to tire aa callmatins their purchase., we have larse pad welt se-lected ab.k, bonxbt earnaaly tke trade

Skrt3-i- s it o.





alt the notelttvs si the aese..o, both instyle snd fabric. Wa anal make

Dally to oarDuriDtr the season, direct frota our place of

Ol R PRl Ei RI,Erery article we tell AS

WE 11.

u $v

asrlt 141 Main street.


A II C 1

1. S.WM Mil ou TBI"W





Hats, Caps,


9, 10 lork. tb ntir




.... pm




it aaa a




at a

Of tbr mdf rd Hooa. mrmm Mdis u and con- -

.:tinf or Parlor Bdrtoritare. Alia, mmm Cooki:Boilers, Si ram aad Car Tina Tabl4Cook id k for oe tkoaail popl.

Sale sritkeri! rrr.











QPRJN'.BrPRAW dsacTrttaan,

(antry Yierchatitsbefore

IRiXltROltWi). :I80.



.Unfn Mreet,



Fine Cotliing,




AtKltioBs cittrk,




Spire Clarke.







lloiir ho'ri FurnitureSecoad,




rarlasapable of

rnfrietiir retir- -

IDC f " bBwlaese.TCRMS AM uma flttr dollars and nnder, cask.

Orer fifty dollars, aiaet- - dap Urn aaaaiad adors !

paper, ia bank.itm A. II. Ll VT ABCtioaeer.

ijitne, MAme.1 .SWft BRLS LIMB now in state whichlJWI aell atbaser.

- 14








rery jMices, ta lota to t.lt par- -.X O.

aasl CaHan street.

For Kent,tke carrier af Puller sad Psasrtk streets, a StareOMHoase, suitable for a family traeny ae drat atere.

Also, a Tenement suitable for a email family. Alan,stastker Stare aa same street. Apply to

B. LBTTJySO-l- (ar at ltd Front Raw.

I sr RartOB'N Hrwhrrry i or :ulR PIABRHBA It

Hef'L! I.NW.

re enrr.





riikJS SBOS fc IX)., Aaenta,f7 and SIB Main street.

CHEROKEE REMEDYaa varaiLiad ta'ic roa

GONORR UEA,b all Dlspasfs or i he I rlsary Orrais

ressaa-- cares when III ether nreaarstauns fail.TBIS la entirely unlike every ether cmp-.trn- con-

taining no Miasrsl Joiaon or Msusenas Drag, as It aUna Barks a ef Ibarra, una ftaa;n one genera ion to aatsrfcsf. by

It ia otrered to tke public aa IUII perSavraa pa amty quickly andI nasi I, sf enter sea will be re

paid by using tins remedy, instead of saacint ttsSRalat the merry of suete Qanacfc ae Plufaaur. Tata raise!,etrikee st tke rami at tka dl ml ; tm lanliau ia mat

simply to napend the nuiajn, but te r sacra the cause ..which it depends Pali airactkats. a pamphlet lira,acr. each brattle. The speedy and permanent re- -

if at, dad by thla rseasTy. IB all(Clap.)Oleet. Gravel. Strlclsrve Plaa AJbu- -. wi te.is females.) snd dlaeaeea af tke Crlnary Organs, haaaaloniafcad tke most acienttoc net ar Iks are Thisremedy nat only eradiea aa al p iact Oram aha sambsaa,but luvlgovntea tke asset delicate constitution

CP M ahaes aot afreet tfce breath ar Interfere withany clam at baslares, sr ratruirs aavderinrioa from theuetisl diet.

1' rearalrea a. ...Iisani I from .atker medicine.rrt" And what lahsar.a as raasa

aenca af all tmueewns taste, batagcion. airun. Prlcr $1 00 per battle







ia the satire ama Steaa ant anddeli- -

POTTBR ll MBBW1M.Sole PTuarietcr.St. Lauia, Mo

Jno Wrigktfct) Orlt

W Wawassssw a on., and al:

V$9ffr.rltam. rUASHELta A COOK,of tke echoed of tke grrat and celebrated ChessLATA Dyers and .Vs.nrvr,. COOT, fc MATTHBW3 J

St. Lveala, hare been indeced to oaat, an SBMM isfcsaeetfar carrying on the above hualner. in all lla branchesIran dvacrliUoa of laentleaasa'a Coata, Veva and Paattant atfye I, d.aestd, and restored to thtlr oritlkal pert a.Hon They certainly do rentaere erary raped of greasepunt, wsa sad tar, uejether with sll ether blemlrhes smlamai Ram sa wfcka auvrb srs liable, and war.rant tke spats rant te reappear Ceil sad eaamine tk.lt

at drawing If tbey fa I to pi



Ml he easts. Their ante, a sa Mala stressmtaeaa uVarutao and Baa

uaSrw- l- MARSHALL fc OOOI





MB a treat variety ad fames CI aaa steeds, as UssyA will ha (aid al coat price until Beat month, to makelusta tar tke coming fall stock, st

CHAR N. BBICR.,13 ttt Ma r. street.

a diaI dala a. a

daIt .


Spffial Hotrrrs.Hollaway's Pflls,

CROLBBA OR nRIPIRO OP TUB t Pl.t , i !,- -

nnm mar lull the pain, but net deatv-n- r it. Morphineateepe Ike arna'a In anlBaUl aiearp, aithout refreskirastbe inmllt. Hotaraaay'a Ptlla nat only prerura tke nnireautta without the bnaafal vov-u- , bn ao entirely vttasaaiak Ike eleaxeato of tke aiaeaee an ta praamu aW aa By care without tauter of re laser. Sold hp allDrucx , al Ska., OSr aad $1 per kas.

Every SnnmrrTIE kmmA for Gniu-- &m b Ittiari.aKri$Rat. ll If $mmat to tj oly crnun rr re-

turn tff rnUmttk (tarisTof a wba tte atrietM-p-

h ;rul-t- t4 t toktnc ft f;( nc of fcfcjl ftfttj

iodirvhtiua. Tb vara civ of Piarrbw iad VrtT7t wj to ttt pMrUt inStBfoc$. Inaomrftbt prrmo,

Wshu tVTV Day ftllTft ftsftfl Wri BlaaM 'i.Aflk tb diayrvstwruf tbi rp$tfovt ttjkf. tbat ia4y hw mat btm iWoaft4.wyin har liirvMt of fJfftib. Tl. aUIVrr u rtKktYVaTtft

by tb bt ptfteum m tb am4. Tbit U tb b- -t

vi4r yt IU rftl valo, boKftaa n a rttra tbiac,UT Wl! MVoMk W jaftJ ;n fftTof wf iTrfi-- 4 prp$rtsUtMW. TWf btrr beu f'saWftIUtl to atkmmm Um

rtftinn of ttln Bimi it eo.wt.itffor ) bf diutx: sw4 itftiftri fttMratly

HOSTTfTSm k 1THT ih! frrittor,

JlK.!.,rt-- , K'. V trtr M Frst trt.The 1 hief t(r.lntri of Mu-hoo- d

ARB fr5- fnt'v J.wt or "T-td- Ij mtlvrtcUa sft4

tbt Will laTtfVltassblf .avi tt b' taaJlLftr T

iAXfta rmirttj ebckevl in tia. K4 tb trb IwUsJ

fW- -i n tb tr'l, "Rirfj.u rrftilt- - ; nt, pb- - ..!ci RarUi " It i IdiUitly tnatrttA4 WH

tfttarM ttTTTiiojs). m4 will tTimr tb hRHfa,twW ktWMrreH. M wlt rfllr tb mishstt $jf Clhft

mm 4oFv$liRvot t,r MiBf tbta in lb r.fbt Auilf r r if caf 111 it y Mil itMlsj tRfnnr Rtvl lupin

SoM by Dr IAUOV, KTufk Prf mAofttt f PM uf prtl4 Tf ;t wbr

woMfJawby I II 1m MAMSriJCI.D ok CO.

to srience.IT haa Baaa been bat a f fx raeall i iiim i Hi. U1GMLAMDarrTRBS was offare.1 to Use petblie In tke tavatkaru

tkSRt, yvt over Iwvnty-tkrr- e ihou-sa- d bottles hare beamdivpaauad of In that abort perttal. Ws As nut traew af aalnatanae akere it kas keeu alt.fB;;v ahn'uirtervd andmfled an, but ll baa prose.? HSvctuai aa a Straxtarl, Bit- -er, wktrfc anpetsede. all it! in. Ib i is uanar- -

aUelvd in taa asaala r m Heal practice, sad ssass.dueatly merits a puaitaoa in ererr kotae anal everyfsasily in the South. M I ' y

B. MANSFIELD fc CO. , Wbolsala Draaxiste,Memphis, Tumaii,

And by ail raapvrtsbia JrSEsrists and dealer, eeeey-aker- e.

Bee adraeti.vmri.f i

To IhF Plant, r- -AMD to all who ara latsraated in oreaer v.ut life, listasaaa) health of those tonne;-a- wilb them In aay way.etalleyi Mattel Pain Bxtractor i. war ranlad to carstkearueat Bums and Bralda, ralteviac tke satoay cf theasayerer In the vary short .Baaa af tan minutes. It namcarta tke meat inveterate ceare af Piles, Old Ban.BwaUuca, Bruises. Wwun.l,, Berrfuln. Brnpticaa af IkeSkin. Broken Breaats aad Soca Xiplea, sad evert thiuaatUiaa from inflammation, etc a family tkat vcpvra-et.e- e.

tkla hleminc once BM aervr be withaa: It.Pur sale In Mew Orleans, wholesale sod retail, by

J. WRIOMT fc CO..SI aad 1SI Charter, street

Sole acrata for the So at kern state., sari t whams albe addressed. jeJ7tawlm

Western Report.Lima, Indiana, July S, 18SS.

M Ettas, w. M Htati fcco taenia I am eabav- -tat kty yoathfnl hair at fifty, am we hare with sa many

of tke same k4ad. I feel i,l aa sure thatrear Hair Co lor ma haa .traeariiassavd my eyas as I mathat it baa chanted my hair. Three yvara sen I was

B a '111, ,r a life af r or Re.stive, tried ll and loatvl it abai It was recum- -

aamatad ten e cm rr.i - l tin ., t, wuS fUtile sttention a iatce aaaesat can be auld far the wevtfcof the article is only ta be known io Insure tu use la.1- st ervry family in lbs ceantry I bare bat a tew

left sf ftte Ore received m January last Iwna store this wevt. Tanra truly... V. aaOOD.

iber that thia raanlt was selSwtal ar Hvim- -latmiuble, the otisiasl and only reliable Hair

aasarative.Price Oftyceuus kettle. Seed everywhere

V. B. HA0AX fc CO.,Proprirtovu. Troy. M. T.

.o Cure no Pay !

THE MISSISSIPPI DT ARBHK A COKDUL niatawiibiitc and ba'iB rtlieiBa lot tba mmmmtm

d Hte(ia waa flmt to tb paMht mmmM tarears a, b 1U praaatM praritora. vbu pat it ap la amail wa at lbir r.14 ataa4, JiV 44 Proat aVw. Mrm- -

paii, i an ita wjmdmttml ftcta ib rnzimmj aHmmm Ctxp!.tinu. aacb a MMM trUaa anJ Biarrba rtbar Ma4a bt

for it aBBjaraJ lavvr. aad vii?,t tb aid ofand rrt. fltat it bas cradaalTy mad ira vmra anduaed ita cwn nor, aatil ao, fca tb tUtiiaad far it tatrajr art4Mn:.b.E. Tb tl is itatamt aad t:

imamium. wbUh k nil!'!rtt to atamp it aa tb rta0Tfor thla dak af dlaaawf a.

Vba a "valaabl m4Ucal dtsacsrjr,'' tr ita awnwork, aronfnpliab wbat tb Mia.iippl DiarrbaaCardial baa i.ua. aad .bat. too. anthosi. tba aad of nw-9-

rattiMaadaliaea 4araJlr resorted to, it ia tirastfor tb pobtfc cDra!lr t da away with rrerp arrja-dio- o

aad ata at aarBrajra ti band, arxt tasar war. tby will! jrts4 a raat aatoat of paia at) and deathitaelf IB mv laataaraa prerroted

Wa refer too tt. lb foMowiDf rDtlenc. mflaai aad etbr, Km bar aaad aaiaaM tbta u

rmdf It is p tt tr tbaas a asiread nere'-f- i. rw for Diarrbea, Plai

Cotte, Cbolera tterbB. aaa. all diaaaea of tbe asaaaacband Mosrels

Dr. T. A- Iredale a "ir tasaiili Tetuitr w McABallj... .Bear M- -o Tsbbb.

Dr I. A- tateB.aoa. Ohr Mrs:.- ... Mies.Pr Ij$t Pn$$assi sT,"fora Arkhr. Ti --i tMlaod SomTTille Te;m

Was P"orterB. Corkrasss. Ml.W L uavkitas. .r kieltSnlirsiao Shaw........... Qatary, Tena.J'tbn CaBBiras MrtV'afais, TBB.Cbatie A Bardr Wale. Trm.A 1. Jam rrdBia. MteM- B Pe'raofi TaPa:-- Mim.

And bBBstreda of oihr in Mesapbis an rtftBityCfr sWraember that tbis niiljfiil ia fapaj I culy

bra; sJl otbr Diarrhea Cjrdial a. --rertblaea :saltav- -tiofta.

Cfr A wmm ffaraiited ib all casesCavtios We mmtmtf caatioB tbe pablic tMMtMM

arr! spariorx itntutiona cf thu lutxtssparabl rem-edy, BastaM ap Bsjder the kaad of aial,'' tbe objectsf wbcb is to deeeir. aad thereey take sdVaatajre oftaa aaerited'f i pat atrOB of tb MISSISSIPPI DtAEKHIACORDIAL. Mesrar of aurb woribl traab. Ask furtbe cenaioe artic!, prepared ooly bp taa. asad yjo cawaeipatvaiblr b diaapfauBtrd.

S. MAXSPTKLD H CO..Wbcl nrvjtift..

Ko. Ml aBd 283 Main strf-e- t,

Dra, W. kiabbt rrM ipb m.

TtTOFTTIRR tire apvcial utlenttaa to al! farms of trkrua1. liaeaeee, bnl particularly to dlaeasea sf Lungs,Bye and Womb. They also rem..ve Catacrra.ew. , with or wttkont tbe knife, and perform alloperation, in tke most appr. ved and scientist:

St .

Tkey will hoard patients from the enntry, to thai ibeycan bare tha heat ailali n.

OsTjee In Lenew's Ballillsut. Union street, latunit dree

from Main. ly

Hi t .nr. Ttuleless rn niifi'if.Proro State of Maine to Baton Rouse






wa caretu Braid


Dr. Jas. net linliK lt s I'ecloralMm p.

aMRRR bRSBS ta c aiflrmed aarsab there is always greetput 11 To trifle with say disease uf tke respiratoryerraas la to curt destruction. r.,n.umptioa. Bron-

chitis, Pies-le- Lang Perer. etc, lie artnae behind aeouab ; aad tbv .aly mfvty in .uch cases casaisu in aninmvdinte re ort to this great remedy.

Price $1.00. SCad by at ARSPTBLD fc COMu-B- B

Dr. J.ls. Tit t llOllH ll'. Colli


( .inch Nixturejof s variety of vegetable apeciSca fur

irritation, combined la aae infallible antidote,by a nkyaerinn acknowledged by his profeeal'Slal brethrento have "no auperlov." It dissipates immediately themoat diareaalng aympbam. of C .Id. 0"urt or Bora Throat,and removes it entirely In aa increaUaiy short time.

Price SO cents. Bold byjen-l- m NAMSPIBUI fc OO.

St. Airholes Hotel.BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

WHKV coniplrted. tia years u tke ST. XICBOLaSBBirersalty pr Maaaaeed ike aaoat asacaitV-rni- .

oarBient ead oncaaised eaUbltsbsieot jttbe kic: n ihi waBBUBt.t tCbat it wa tbm tt

k a riral ta sir, la saptBoawnewa'and ib ik $rneral eletaete of 'otrn'ori and njorTant.Tke keitel bas am i mowlaticB lor aixteea hondrrdgastB, n iodian oo mpiet saitaa .f ta

for families Sli fcnadrd persBa aa be aaeafor tab '7 seated at tbe Ublea mt lU tbr rmblic diaioc-roosa- s,

and aothlac that eaavdern art bas devised bees'wswrfaBBtw aad aociat aralilcatioa f tb trarrliagaakli- -' ha is otnitird ta its la or is aeiectd ialUpreai ii deuils. Tke eaxif rrpriuttoa ot ib hsnat besn and ifriai. bwl I sail from lla maTBita.ls itasaptprb appoiBtmeata, aad ita mmmt libe cosaforu an tlaaariea, bas bn enkaaaaal aeery 7ar bf tka

exrtioae of tk prnaalatorissVaaa TRlAnwRLU VQ1TCOMB m, CO.

2000 BrSMBLS w ... r MUSnSSTet FICRLtB .

Old Newspapers.HI'MDRBD 010) M -- "tJPBRr-

SBTRRAL Bassa St$$

Plantation DeSoto ConntyFor Sale.

aoer for aaie s farm sg $40 scrvs, miiraWrsfrom la and only eras sad a half mile, fraaaIfc. Ml.-- . t ppi aad TaaaasatB Ratlrand, insaaanay. MaaaasaiaUH. On the there is a good Dv.'-Ua-

Barn, Oin atsfl Mill. The lead ia of

he kaat quality. A Bas Oved ard With a of

fruit i to seres call rated . This farm will be aaid at abargain, aid immediate precession given.

TOCM-- t fc

sirio TTS Mvin up stairs.



APOTHECARIES,touth-we- at asraer Second aad Paplar SAreeu,


fMr eBWaSBj .rfPttHrlptes:


Pt at--t IBflRT.TR

Tetlew Cm,SSlsbr




placeBoose Hone,







JniTst I.BAD :n



ACTS tSD SOAPS ,r,AMKRICAS W1MDOW OLAS8, all sites, rrosa Salt to

atrial .PtiaiKIGrf OUf. colored, flute., and tUurel;PBRFI" H Bit V ARD TOILRT ARTICLES.PAIKT ARD TARN'ISn BRCSHBB :



To tku Saasl lataal we gtre ear Special attention at ailhoere, and warrant erery article

PURE AND FRESH.Tw . vtprtieeaced Aptsuacarlea tnrasa.nl aliendauc.dTPCBB SODA WATBR from Prcreelaln Olaaa-Lin-






Valley of Virginia.JAMCART 1. MBS.

the ssmaanr. --Thar .r ,

catv-- t at W.rv baatrr Flrrlr.ia1. Tba amount ut capital al.it.t. Tke aaaount of capital aback put

up- -Tke rvmaludav cij. ,, reprva-ato- .1

alack naeea af aods!.tv4

ASSaTTR COMPARTof cask oa in kaaa.


aavr.'r .llivr :raoaeRani aatateBanna ownad by moany. taBuatka. Raul, of aa abweaw

Par valnv Market raleM.aeoari Co. cuataa

itvaaata. ia,oat aaOO

1 A.larhanyoHiposbwata, 1.000 I,Mat SBLy abonra coupon Load. I. SOB I, Slot!

1 CarliBcule. of VirilBla'I'rad ataat I..ka $04 CO

ttoO'a aacured Baartaaae, to.mil0a real eatata worth BubBIi the

aVMuvcared lX0l 01Real of ample ralae II Sat In


Defci. lav pre- -






kaad tbaairi







ik FirstntaSB Bn heal Bant of Fa..$t sbarea Bant Casatuet.vhi stare. Psiraaarmt Bank5 aharea Bank of Benin, tyIt ahtrve Bank af lamls.

ville. BeIt afcarea Baak .af tke

af af T relets.... ....IO snares Baak af Win.


in Wiaefceater far emnaarLand warrant.

statiiWe- -ry prates, ew.

Amontal ad $$

duau banks

bast at risk...







II M.SAtsaam i so

rat BOS





witBBS Market value

lift--) U,$4i SO

S.ieBJ 4,000


tor...$7 1


par- -

Losae. in .napen.a and wsiuna fortba arraaf.



En,-- , HlltBBHssisaal fr.od

saajoattir thayv--allied srrasai arkarfc claimed there

tat saaswd

4 nt ano








00 aT.auS

400 00


5. 00




.f and

a "mpmv oneatma it is .

a r


Tke era test amnnut by ike rules of tke Com-pa-

be taisi ll amy city town, or vilteate, dsaaeatUac- i ' .lie and how built. "

t rr .last amnnaantassawf Whs iaaared ia any aaa. k Je- ,- .4. upon Its eatentTb- - act .af af lamsiaillan uf tbe cxupany, a war Itherewith vnvtoaaat.

B. CARfrOX. PresideatW. L. BEST. Secretary.

STATE OP TTRGIHlA, tPreslerlck Ciaunfy. to-- . (

J. R. Cabuos. President aa.l W L Best. Secre-tary, thla '1st - raooallr appeared befi re tfv .ubarnber.a Jastacs of tbe Peace, in ard aaal canty, theState ak--r main, sad made raalfc tkat Use nam I .sratv-me-

true, aa show a by t e bevaka and faaner. n Tie .atke ostaa of said company

tareea under my band, thia ISek dayaf Pskrasry. IrakiJ R. BOWER. P.

STATE Ot riROIHIA.Frede i Coaatr. to-- i

' - ' .''. ' - "' laaarr twur. m prnciccitr. in the sraiethat J. R. rlnwen oef - ,



aaa m te is a Jmdarr of tke Peace in


ty lai. caunmiasioaeal aad .an, a. sad that all kla actsvurk. rail faith and credit are duo and af rixti irsxttt

to aa r sua as wrH c, acts af Jaatices a. Ihmaamt.In wtaereof I hare bereanto inb.in 1 1 my

fame sal fleet the sea' af aafst eoart. rnia. ISffc amy of

OawTaoLieCa's orm

- ae avs

tu recal



1 IE Saaptf








.a ILr year con.m .ra.

tins ek








T nt.- -!SB. quant. lie. an.

af Ihas smraat


asal r aaa wed in aJBaru old, rallahU

attyusAed. sad paid at Ike sawacy byHBO W L A cent,

TS Madt.-- street

NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY,patbttb corwrr. iNaTxaSeii

rpnK laanisuef nl sriU

1 a reeaaa week at Cbrisfnks. aaaraiiitstrr:'-tt$a- wfM and 'innajs,aad sa(hssskatsca, aa seafl tka aaaal bsaaibn mm,

IsbI tjn-k- acadtms. Tr.e will asaistedmi JiaUiaSiBtsked sradaat of tb VaiTr.itr

TTaakav immt reus mare psariic-ilaj- e wfssraaau-s-are rtriestd appfy the prlivipa? for eatalstat mt

Tcbji Pr bsaard abd taiUssa, tBriBdiaa ererrtkiiatptu iiaaaa. wB,rn win not

nH..ii-- a

tclarton. Mito tk fo winr



















of oo


ffcWSas .... .- -

tadi-- ansiB: sde-maa

ib ba af Tir-i- i,

ofto to a


at ll

M tioa raqaeeasd.mB Virsiaia.

IMS, rnacipal.

PviTzajiTY or Viaaiaia, iJacsarr ISfff.

M fradaatf ia tbe .UpartmBt 4autnac, rad to iTwiify HmhM at th am-f- y

bb lBt both be bi sckolar-inma-

and by tie awtlmafilr Rataachi r.r aartp tea rears wttk eivesaaa. an.:

tlonrat 1, a a teerker. beraftr aleeaad to kia Alma Mir.

M vim.





I'SITCaaiTT IP VlBOtrt s. IJanuary 4, teat.

ffcatgttt s graduate the Latin andlam alar., university, and

las been encaged (ancce .fully 1 hareis ths bnsineaa a teacher. Coaai.l-nent-

approved capacity, etparieacean.l eacel ent 1 can safely ta ommen.1 him a.

Isea ana. ijarsssf . n taslrtovCastle BtLt. virsisia.

Jaanary SB, ISSS

Duncan M. Quarlea bring nboat ta restore to tkeBtate Tenne.e.. ,t gives m. great pleasure to adday teat imam, to his excrdleai character as a aaatlemmn.aad bis s taavhsr H. spentasrvertl f vsi at the niveraify of Ttrsisia, wklcb kederaeted particuiarty to a I berough soqulsutia. aftka ancietit and mi Sirs lan$rsagjee Be bear, with tlmthe endtl. na from the dt.ti




is iaaad in tkia




menu ns which he anssiaahla tfce advantage if four oraucce-aar- nrsc rre in Hi. menu.

perstaas' lltevarr. have obr i.ne-- bar bim here tkewarmer; ..team snd appreciation of all ayfca know htm.anal will. I am sure be a passport to an en 'la. share oftea Miration and regard in bis adapted State.


Basovbb Acarbwy.July II, 18$$.

Hasint earned that D. M. ignnrle. ia ataat 1 naniltu the Bt le uf Taasasasi. with s view to the eatabli.h-aae-

af an ntaatsaty af high grade. 1 lake al ansa re tasal lias ma teatiasoay m bis behalf u that ad has aCherfrsaaada. Mr ear lea ia an alumnus ..: .at Suw

where be parucalaaTy ahillBtul.k 1 himself inthe lepartment af languages, ancient and tacalera.

this, bs bas aided tklfl lmesa u premise, be fuar.1-i- naad maintaining far aervrtl years s irhsal of eaasi-le- nt

character, te oar aairavaity enarseIn vtaw ad these tacsa, I feat ssa hearutiari in

Mr 14-- to the anBli a . ami tke raat- nage oftke citiseaa of ass taaatti Btate

LBW1S M. COLBMAM.Late Principal of Hanerer Acmlemy, and

Pr- feaaor of latin la tfce rairerairy af Trrtlnut.

wiLUAWtatraa. Viboisia, tOrtatir 14 ISSS.

SHavtiiA had Ska steaaare of n peraaael acquatatan.witb Mt. Querhaj, aa a ctaaasaats nt tke miveraity ofTirglnia. and kaslst atserved with pleasure th. saerarreesf lis lahacs. bunk there ami In after life, I ran nanaanedially rmaaaatBad ttm se s eesatsaasan whee abilitiesami attainments alike nt him sue e lal 1 pa m aa aeadV.essv of tke flrcf ctaae

BDWIV T.tl.LIAPh'BJUlPraf. sf in the Cadlege of William aad Mar

WrttiAwsBtyRa. TiasiaiA,October. Ia ,

Having had th- - pies save af sa amjanaataae. with Mr.D. M Uuertee, and having an .vvd at the Cniveraity afTirainla. both aa student aad .mi.t.nt inatrncloc in tkaancient languages ample .pDcrtntiiuea far Judging hathsf Ike character his mine and tbe extent of his

and knowing especially tke ability and a.

wltk wkicfc ke kss aiace uuRfct for aevaval yeara.In bis native Slate. 1 have aa beslutioa ia expr Mingthe isptnien thai be ta biefcjr gaalifled Bar tfce position orprincipal of a tias itaaa saastemy. aad An cordiallylecoramend him. SVerefare. aa sack, ta kla new enter,prise, tu tke rintl.ull and sanaert of the nrafcltc.

biiwabo s JOT Kara,Pi of of ivrvaa IB tke College sf William aad Mary.ryeI taw! n

JULY, I860.

Rice, Lull & Co.



J ,t tt ti.Poplin.Hum.,1. rpiiettli II. .




Paratsa$ls.Faais,Ltntties' Salts,latsce Point.,


(I.'MM, OCT,

riaOaiNs. oiT,(I.O IM. Ol T.


SIt$tsjBjit Burs. iiri.tin..Ksnbrolde-rics- . Wattitii..4 ear se-i- Hoop Skint,

I tl .: Mil. a- -

eipk in.. Tal. I

Doy lea, Hd Li...Purt Irish l.iiit-o- -

Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

FOR CASH,AT THE LrOW'EST PRICES.rut bb, ararr t s, rnr ra.





ate tf ty t.ris.


Jmm rBBalead aad Bar sal ayiWT LIXDtSST Is riCKLBX



Your Horses

DR. W PROCTOR,VETERINARY SURGEON.HeTlgOtsTllltat. Aaitiiwiy ftthtl nv-i.tit-

J1 Jxnaflr aU.l$Bl.'a 1,

peactKias tke akajwe ttwfamlia ra all ItainM'Xiaa rakinidaaa

lyrs-lm- v



1RTE iasMS partirwlar attentlea to aarxa atoak

TOrXls fc BBTTBBR,SSBB Purser B..-

tai bot i nun,DBALEBB IK

OtufM, faint s.Oils,WINDOW (iLASS,

Perfunifiy. InMrutwrii., Brushes, Ete.,

: l) Tlaiii ttlrcrt.pro vise b u i c n ; s a . Jwvlie vnieyo

Oarwill ra

Pomeroy CorTtHE at


r. Ii. ,r;- -

etvamv-- navicut ut



lie fscillttea tPi a cy, okl ', for




taa ailiaena Brmawaad

aad Oravea livery






KAanutrl wiakhns ta aprwd their asitiasats IkeTirclnia, will Sad saaperior accaaminr- -


H( H.fKHKIRISH LINENS.DAMASKS, DIAPERS, ETC.,arasuVSBTarSBei af Mankswusaa's I aad

eaas of tke sumakae sasua. skaahlaee tkattka articir. rhsvp pui cbsae are sealed wtth the full nameof the arm J V. BICHABDSON SOMS fc n W DSN aa tuaranle-- r.r SSW rirsr.: :ty tl.. '..!

I - ,

last r inferiori . . . ...

m the Stale Blttirlim. by Irish ha misanirvmenuof la Ikes alticted on










. I








ice. of

iers, Etc.


Imaa. rhaasde.1-Rr- fafctaiasma

i.llyneraaasary larseIvfavtiv. Linen, are ore-- T"!

an.i .eaiect witn rne asm.twaasWIeaa of tke

the P"mm tb Bvanofacsaiers af tb snuin cood wiU aatreadiiT akandaai a ksaBavasa sa pradtatMa, wbile

can : lrBp$ad oo witb goo4m nt a wurtbleasakArarter J. BtTLLOCKB J. B LOCKS

tytl-da- a Aaenta. at Cbarrk rtreet. Nw Tork.

IR. J. B. IflVSOT, Dfitlst,14 '


A 1 - $


Ibf t : Mm U 1

aaaassliaiai mre ib aj us vartoaakraark. ar. arraate uafatioD te mJl who may Tar sjBkkjj with tkir rijsMHM. A!! spsrat.MBs perfr.roie'ltwk momi appmred aad skillfal itanM'. Ttbfna ucse te ea eatlre set, oa ssmmb or

pr ir. tberebr dtspeewiear witb tke aae ofaksaBa ar kaasla attacked to tke aa oral taa b. Fiae arMwill be wl, or olbrr ktadaof ar?i9cia! baa le- -

snal attetatioa Kirsn to tke tr ttitifi of all afwba aatsstk ao-- i rams, aoi tb aartas; f aataral teetbdiHImb) of whlrb ar binc loat aoaaall for want oflittle skillfnl aad judiri ;, frea'meBt.artrkk tka aid of torn: preveatiac all aasaaep IB .aBd atiWeartBc Ota on Mala svtreet. below Caion,

e. tTI. J aee 4k TasM- aw block.

(wEORI.E P.ITTIM?. A CO.. Plant tiff .?AMD


.'0. IH-i .fHi,4 street.

lust rareteed a larcv laratane of BLANKH'ATB ansaag wfcach may :., found Day Bool..laarana, So ke. Ledgers. Cottoa Laflaanrs, Receiv- -IAS and Biarharguaa Baaka. Receipt Be- -. as, Printed andPlain Check Basts. B .te Bank., Draft Boats. Invoice

Letter n.a.ka. ru- . etc


MINKA fail .













I.. C. CHI'RCHILIs tt:tu


.tr ti pit t.i tt r. jEtc.sdeertAaiBn?a. r


CarrS aitbait an Oprratlai,DRS. J. 0. k W. H. JANUARY.

Trenton, Gihnon (o., Ten.I. O. JAsTTAftT tk taaly mmnam lirtaa wkoDaV puSBSSslsiB af take plan of trielfrint. parsne

by hi lktbr. Dr ft. W Jannary, af Xmrtr.botsrksase repttta .on in th aaja












sta- -


C. C.

0D r A A - -

1 v

ta iaa

taown br natwat the whole rantrye baa beesj eieapi I, saAciasfal.y. ia th trmuin

aar the past iht yeare. eart of ike ubs hr t!bia father

W mil no tra chant f.ir ta4ieal or antif--treatrurat. aa wa bare arniaseiBeats by spkjck all andtretatruent is PftKS

Th applica ion of tke medino. (ires rise to lo pairsa tka sBeat of cases, bat rather allay pain, by Nantin.mm of tke parks to which they are apptirOCR MOTTO IS NO CtTRE, NO PA

The bar ar sea will be aa saoderate aa ouald M ipctBBdrr . cin

We -- a to refer la Ike followtBC -- Qtlnn. all o

srksMBS hare hB eared by aa, is Lewis ftbii.a. JfF. ajewr, BKhard MoOee, aad slfcsn, all of Gihse

is aew atraaslbls frosa ail aalsta vr railroad.For farther particular, we rater In aaa citis- - o

B. A. : a v e. atft FICKLE IV.


Flour f Grain and Feed,Fa. 5 Howard's Hew -


ob btarl at rLOC. aa1KKkP r aslant aupfkliesl wiU rnftS OATS, BAT.BsVAN. ew , whica tber wi:if iraish si lowest marketartcee.

Hm un r" facilities for tbe parrhase of stack, aad sstaterni-atio- a sat te beaalerse.l ia our article of trad$mf may Its:!Ttle deeier is tbis ate, sre rfeectfnlly sailel tent 100 to oar sleek, aasfl solicit a tbare ot

Uoll-sll- USD9Br.lt FI.'K!.K

BR0T0P0 IA Hi1 Sabstltotr far I rtm of Tartar.

a Sew, Healtktr . rheap articleroa stitss

BREAD, CAKKS,AO'l all articleeef atVaad im mm ot Teaet.

rflHIi ns snl raiaatstoerticle t aat a DrsK. bnt aaX articles f le4, opRatewioc aothtas omt what tir,MariherBt to tka bmmj. It is raarsatnee, equal ia

tstrrrufta to pnre Crssua o Tartar, le bbpsI ia tbe aaaieway ia onnkiis. tm iaaee ia atrsce. mmd nils Breulaasl CakpR 4 xomrfr qn.Uiiy. whicb risaaio frees. aa4aalBtaolr :;i'jii toacer thea wbea Craaaa of Tartar h

TBise't: unii i aad ruaaaaiiiilr It M mBWh. Osrrett m. fteese. AaaJrtlc CaesBteta, ot PkilJei-saii- a.

Dr. Samuel Jarfcaea, rleeaer ia tm UoiTPreltrir rrmt. MarturtS. ot BUrrsrd Cofleae,

aae.. Dr. Jstkants, Sute Aaeseer of Maesech'i;'i.. Mr

Wlvcavi-- at ks$toB, Dr. Cailu-B-. mt How Tort, aad allother ascieat.- - Mea. wmm baa bee called to

and all Hon ekeepers wka beee ased it. -c mtBemlit ia tfee hitrkoat terass

far sale ay Dl aaj aad Qrw seoersilj sTkole- -

TpUiiT k SOWS. !Arrtil..aPi-edelBaia- .Wis alee hs reBI CABB 9..BA. the well I







' SAL. SODA, in herreH ai. cakBOD A 5 A I. BRA TT 3 ia hrl , baae aad paawre.BR rTIJPOlAll TBL8T POW0BB5T'RTABir .CIO S BWder ACo 's, eas. . etc.fIr-r-rr a - t TALBsaT A D A M CT, BBS alaia atreet.






mrmm solo,K t 'EH SOLD.



irppo.it a Waishaci a


it torHey 'at' Late,ra vvrssb:

OBVe ib tbe Webster Bsildiaar, Haia sfier;, si tail


omn I




Architect,fWAB rvtmeaM tia asRcw to Ma. IBS Watatee BausR

.s ri.--:

aturr, run foun,

June kl, tnty

af .

i i



st. cidi nCortr of Chnrch and Jr. as

IjjaTaWacalkrrr lllo. Tou

19 oilsT


a aJitS I'waw-l- '

Brownsville FemBROW.N'3 BXS

Tag Senior wtU SertnUmber .


BXPBVSBS are m.idv-- a

Catalo$ae apply tskSsWeal

t(1 EN'Tl

bot f

naj aaa

ooe .$f thfdi"serepFTfttpsM'tOTTie'

ruinit be



BT MS prim



Th.P.e Pre


The Vsrr

DR. A.

tfeBs:Ia. A. A. Good let Dea-t- e

wa to bear thataw jmm, m mMm tm fDesl wart

.a :


I a 1


-' p

Dnrioi - -

Bvwtr ;t The nBieeiaai f.



.. I aBBs BaB

ska ia caee- fand abor in i

In tbis Tr- -


UK. J. H. nrlDllT"Strengthening Cordial

BLOOD PURIF1KR,Tbe Greatest ReBttly is the rM.


Mor llrllrintta.


asdteesaki LffWff


It la atritrtly a satsa Sf.l USa snd ragetAbia B 1

heaiillatfrmrla HrBbsBb snd nrk Telatw die t, blissd real, ,-


black rout, snrsnpat i s, r mpjdLasdandelion enter, nm Tt!im rnmputltpan. The Iftfr UfclO.

entire actira rami dial arlne.vle at aaaa stasaaMauMtkoroodtily egtrsrted try asp Sew meartce! of diatllllral.

a dellcio-ia-. eskilemtina apirit. anal tka BsusttafalliDIa reraaaty far rsaaamasBB taa gatasa .vat. a.sad reeao.!aai Ova sart. .atrrrtag asal deki.itaaed . .ru edIn uealth sat aUaaajAk.

M Leaa'a StimBftkaai.g Cardial will alp inaBp eastivvr

Aeklllly. dtseasau af tk. k

fruas a BstBB

aara laward pliea..,f Bkas a 11. pslpitaltea sf M

lyBa a. draatm and eye, mgkt tweata.small raf Ike back, rbe-- t -

usap, ae any nerr.ua l e.aakin, aad fever aad ague (or

Orer a milliea af nettle. t.att asiallir. and in no iaata--- e

Ura astlafsarUoo. Wko, thenor dBklllty whsa McLean',oar. you ?

ba" ,r..l


ta Bas ta aill, asktlltated sism, whether bvokea down by s

tad m rhia Cordim s



by auknv s, tl.a ar



fallnana, fainting, ail .

Tksre ia na shout ittt stamedtnt to direction.. It w

tine beslth


system an.!

TO I.t DIElag rn1

thereof,and disease.



For Cldre.tr childrea are sickly, pntry ar a..;rwill a-- te them kenlthy. lat and ratiiratent, it aad wUl be otarrtj

to take.

tk Bs


Caotios avware nt a ar 1st ktlva paim upon roa saase bitter, or aaraaaw

wkSSfc tkey can buy keen,, ty spyingAvoet amrk men lit kl.dial, aad take IMtw Btae. It taam partfy kaaad rk till IT. ami atskvanatas tfce ijilia.

One taken erery mernrng fattrtata prvrentiva ckoirra at III sat te,'erar, or aay preralent Jiaea.e. spat a

Por sale is sssaS a br A $ antaas by a. W JfjtTBB fc CO.. a


Aerttrr PrtIt' ST reerivl. a

aaperlet tasllty




11 Sl'RUCTIO.MTs rareits aishlatr a Frlate TeacSrr


in BeatPutt Oatare






at taeky ;a-.-

try you



the ths




