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MINUTES OF THE MEETING HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 50TH LEGISLATIVE SESSION The meeting of the House Appropriations Committee was called to order by Chairman Rep. Gene Donaldson on March 23, 1987 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 104 of the State Capitol. ROLL CALL: All members were present at the meeting with Rep. Nathe late. Also in attendance were Judy Rippingale, LFA and Denise Thompson, Secretary. HB 599: (100:A:3.00) Rep. John Mercer HD#50, described the bill to the committee which was a request for $75,000, for the UOM Biological Station at Yellow Bay. He distributed a handout to the committee (Exhibit 1). He stated the Biological Station at Yellow Bay does research on: water quality, Lakeshore development, fishing issues, relationship with the tribes, and public access to the lake for not only Flathead Lake but many other bodies of water in Montana and the west. He felt this was a very worthwhile project. Rep. Mercer presented an amendment to the bill regarding funding (Exhibit 2). In is proposal, some of the monies would come out of the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks revenues. PROPONENTS: (100:A:7.26) Mr. Jack Stanford, Director of the Biological Station project at the University of Montana supported the bill saying it is partially supported by $150,000 per year from the University of Montana. There are 23 people on grants and contracts from out-of-state who work in research. There would be a 6 to 1 return on investment by next biennium. Rep. Mary Ellen Connelly spoke as a proponent of the bill stating it is a very worthwhile project. (100: A: 12.10) Mr. Rich Hower from the Biological Station stated they have been capable of bringing in $3 to $1 return from outside Montana and feel they can bring that up to $6 to $1. QUESTIONS: (100: A: 15.54) Rep. Quilici asked if their research could extend beyond Flathead Lake. Mr. Stanford replied absolute- ly, it is an international program.



The meeting of the House Appropriations Committee was called to order by Chairman Rep. Gene Donaldson on March 23, 1987 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 104 of the State Capitol.

ROLL CALL: All members were present at the meeting with Rep. Nathe arr~v~ng late. Also in attendance were Judy Rippingale, LFA and Denise Thompson, Secretary.

HB 599: (100:A:3.00)

Rep. John Mercer HD#50, described the bill to the committee which was a request for $75,000, for the UOM Biological Station at Yellow Bay. He distributed a handout to the committee (Exhibit 1). He stated the Biological Station at Yellow Bay does research on: water quality, Lakeshore development, fishing issues, relationship with the tribes, and public access to the lake for not only Flathead Lake but many other bodies of water in Montana and the west. He felt this was a very worthwhile project.

Rep. Mercer presented an amendment to the bill regarding funding (Exhibit 2). In is proposal, some of the monies would come out of the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks revenues.


(100:A:7.26) Mr. Jack Stanford, Director of the Biological Station project at the University of Montana supported the bill saying it is partially supported by $150,000 per year from the University of Montana. There are 23 people on grants and contracts from out-of-state who work in research. There would be a 6 to 1 return on investment by next biennium.

Rep. Mary Ellen Connelly spoke as a proponent of the bill stating it is a very worthwhile project.

(100: A: 12.10) Mr. Rich Hower from the Biological Station stated they have been capable of bringing in $3 to $1 return from outside Montana and feel they can bring that up to $6 to $1.


(100: A: 15.54) Rep. Quilici asked if their research could extend beyond Flathead Lake. Mr. Stanford replied absolute­ly, it is an international program.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 2

If the funding were to be approved, there would need to be some kind of understanding with Fish, Wildlife and Parks. The station would have to work with the department in an attempt to help the department with some of their research.

Rep. Swift and Peck were asked to look into the funding issues of the bill and report back to the committee.

Dr. Stanford was asked to furnish the committee with a budget for the station.

Action was postponed on the bill.

SB 175: Sen. Halligan presented the bill to the committee saying that excess district court fees would go to the Grant and Aid Program.

Carol Perry, Clerk of the District Court presented a map of how the grant and aid program worked in the past (Exhibit 3). She stated that criminal court reimbursement program is a very important program and a self insurance program. When monies are left, they are placed in the Grant Program.

(100:A:44.30) Mr. Gordon Morris, Montana Association of counties, stated it would provide funding from the Grant and Aid Program from those funds you appropriate for district court fees.

(100:B:0.01) There were no opponents to the bill.


Rep. Bardanouve explained his bill to continue the fee increases that he put in the last session, is in committee. If that bill doesn't pass there will be no surplus money. Rep. Mercer is also working on a bill to revise the way these funds are paid out. If his bill doesn't pass or if Rep. Mercer's bill passes it will revamp the whole system and there may not be any surplus money anyway_

Mr. Morris said SB 200 which is in the House which also contains the funding mechanism for this program. HB 155 would also be supported by his organization. The funding mechanism which is in SB 200. There is no other commitment for the legislature to fund the program other than the revenue as der i ved f rom the Motor Vehic le Fees. They are placing their chips on the passage of SB 200.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 3

(100:B:9.19) Mr. Newell Anderson, Administrator of the Local Government Assistance Division, Department of Com­merce, was asked by Rep. Miller if there were any excess funds available now that could have or should have been distributed to the counties that were in the whole as far as district fees. He stated until the end of the year you don't know. The program distributes money monthly based upon eligible bills submitted. Last year the books appear that there was $750,000. There was $750,000 worth of spending authority. Whether or not there was $750,000 worth of cash, he didn't think so.

(100:B:15.15) Mr. Morris spoke of Rep. Hannah's bill HB 890, and spoke in opposition to that bill. The concept and philosophy that is being looked at in terms of this bill, is a reflection of the interim study that was done and present­ed to the 1985 legislature having to do with state assump­tion of district court. Due to the fact that the expenses in this program are case driven, there is no other basis for making a distribution of the revenue. Rep. Hannah's bill would leave 85 percent of the money collected in the county and there is no relationship as to how much is paid versus how much is spent depending on the cases in each county.

Sen. Halligan closed by saying that this is going to be used in the general fund to balance the budget, he is saying that is not the intent of the legislature and it never was. It should be dealt with in property tax relief because a county could use it for grant and aid where otherwise, they would have to go out and levy property taxes to pay for a major criminal action.

HB 877 and HB 878:

(100:B:23.10) Rep. Kelly Addy HD#94 presented HB 877 and HB 878 saying that both of these bills relate directly to the Billings statistical metropolitan sampsa and the air shed at Billings, sulphur dioxide bills.

HB 877 addresses one part of the problem that is in Yellowstone County, the kind of air quality problems they have. They do not have the data reliable enough to repre­sented the actual problems in that area. This legislation would appropriate $300,000 from the general fund to present an air quality model. They currently do not have a model to tell where the violations come from.

HB 878 sets up more monitor sites where they can get a more accurate picture of the problems and the locations of the problems.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 4

Rep. Hannah spoke in support of the bill saying there is a lack of information on what is really going on in Billings and it needs to be addressed. This would allow for industry and the state to continue working toward better air quality for the city.

(100:B:32.25) Mary Westwood representing the Montana Sulpheric Chemical Company in Billings stated they are one of the industries that would be involved in any modeling or moni tor ing that would take place. She noted support for both of the bills and said computer models are used to approach the emissions in the Yellowstone Valley.

Mr. Russ Brown representing the Northern Plains Resource Council support both bills as well as Claudia Massman representing the Montana Environmental Information Center also supported the bills. They believe the models are necessary to help reduce the emissions.

(100:B:38.15) Mr. Calton Grimm, Montana Power Company in Butte, Montana stated he was a proponent for HB 878 for the monitoring systems. They do their share to help with this problem.


Rep. Bradley commented they would have to convince her how they will be able to stop this pollution, and perhaps the $450,000 could be better spent in retrofit and help cut the pollution that way.

Rep. Addy said it would cost $450,000 for just Exxon alone for in-stack monitors and that does not include any of the others.

(100:B:44.00) Bill Opitz, Deputy Director of the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences said HB 878 was the essential bill to approve first. These do not have to both be approved. You can monitor and then set up the model.

Rep. Quilici asked if the industries monitor their own. Montana Power does. The industry is reluctant because of the cost to put monitors on all of their stacks. Mr. Opitz stated if they could get some program together there would be more cooperation and coordination in this area.

Rep. Addy closed on the bill saying the goal is to resolve the dispute by getting better information to work with.

The hearing was closed on HB 877 and HB 878.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 5

HB 875:

Rep. Stella Jean Hansen HB#57 said the bill is for a small appropriation each year of the biennium for a work program for the mentally ill (Exhibit 4).

Nancy Adams who runs the Montana House in Helena supported the bill stating that these jobs are very important to these people. The traditional channels for rehabilitating the mentally ill have not worked out for people. They are trying to provide the additional needs to these people to try to help the mentally ill.

There were no opponents for the bill.


Rep. Bardanouve asked what the results of the program were. Rep. Hansen said that it give work experience and the type of training in working with other people these people need.

The hearing was closed on the bill.

SB 122: (101:A:23.05) Rep. Devlin presented the bill to the committee for Sen. Crippen. This is at the request of the Revenue Oversight Committee. It clarifies how the appeals systems works from county up to the state level. He called on Mr. Bob Raundal to address the bill.

Mr. Bob Raundal, former member of the State Tax Appeal Board said the important change at the bottom of page 4, which would give the Board the authority to hire hearing officers. This provision was also in the governor's package. The way '-he appeals are coming in, he sees no other way for the state Tax Appeals Board to get its work done without this hearing officer procedure. He pointed out that there was an error on the first fiscal note; it should be $61,480 for each year of the biennium. He presented Exhibit 6 in this regard.

There were no opponents of the bill.


Rep. Bardanouve asked if there were state level hires or county level. Mr. Raundal stated they were all at the state level.

Rep. Rehberg said in executive action he will amend to put in a sunset for two years to see how it is working.

The hearing was closed on the bill.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 6

HB 702:

Rep. John Vincent HD#80 presented HB 702 to create an independent study commission to look at the Montana State Legislature. There were also amendments (Exhibit 6). He stated that an in depth study is vital. Private participa­tion in a commission such as this is absolutely vital. The appropriation amount is $15,000, the rest would be raised by private individuals. He referred to a letter by Stephen G. Lakis, which refers to an independent commission (Exhibit 7) •

(101:A:40.56) Mr. Kim Wilson, Common Cause spoke in support of the bill saying it is time for the legislature to take a good strong look at some institutional changes to make the system more efficient and accessible to the public.

Joy Bruck, League of Women Voters also supported the bill. She stressed the importance of the private sector being involved and also said that the appropriation is minimal compared to the benefit gained from the study.

Rep. Dennis Rehberg also spoke as a proponent to the bill. He stated that time is of the essence in this study and there needs to be a long hard look at it. He said he would be willing to help raise some of the funds from the private sector.

Speaker Bob Marks also supported the bill and stated he would help to raise money from the private sector.

Rep. Switzer said the leadership should sit down and mutual­ly put down a good balance of people to serve on this committee.

There were no opponents on the bill.

(101:B:3.55) Rep. Bardanouve suggested that an additional amount be put into this bill and the balance would be reverted to the general fund on the termination rate.


HB 38: Rep. Bradley moved to TABLE HB 38. Rep. Menahan called the question. There was a roll call vote. Reps. Thoft, Winslow, Bradley, Connelly, Devlin, Manuel, Poulsen, Rehberg and Switzer voted YES. Reps. Bardanouve, Menahan, Swift, Peck, and Menke and Swift voted NO. The motion CARRIED 9 to 5.

HB 702: Rep. Bardanouve moved to DO PASS HB 702 AS AMENDED. Rep. Peck called the question. The motion CARRIED unani­mously.

Appropriations Committee March 23, 1987 Page 7

HB 875: Rep. Menahan moved to DO PASS HB 875. Rep. Winslow made a substitute motion to TABLE 875. Rep. Winslow with­drew his motion and then restated the TABLE motion. There was a roll call vote. Reps. Thoft, Winslow, Bradley, Connelly, Devlin, Menke, Peck, Rehberg, Swift, and Switzer voted YES. Reps. Bardanouve, Manuel, Menahan and Poulsen voted NO. The motion CARRIED 10 to 4.


HB 878: Rep. Swift moved to DO PASS HB 878 for $50,000 for monitors. Rep. Peck called the question. The motion CARRIED unanimously.

HB 877: Rep. Peck moved to TABLE HB 877. Reps. Bardanouve, Connelly, Winslow, Bradley and Rehberg voted NO. The motion CARRIED.

SB 175: Rep. Menahan moved that SB 175 BE CONCURRED IN. Rep. Switzer made a substitute motion to DO NOT PASS SB 175. Rep. Devlin called the question. There was a roll call vote. Reps. Winslow, Bardanouve, Devlin, Menke, Nathe, Rehberg, and Switzer voted YES. Reps. Thoft, Bradley, Connelly, Manuel, Menahan, Miller, Peck, Poulsen, and Swift voted NO. The motion FAILED 7 to 9.

The DO PASS motion was voted on and the roll call vote was reversed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. '"'

/ /

. Gene Donaldson, Chairman




I Date

r------------------------------- --------- -- -----------------------NAHE PRESENT ABSENT EXCUSED


. .-DONALDSON, GENE Chairman

THOFT, REP. BOB Vice a:hair l-'


," /






HEUKE, LARRY ./ (...


NATHE, DENiHS 1",1 :.~ (;, (' •

I' ~ J ( , ..... _. ~

PECK, Rl\Y i..-/









DATE 3/23 BILL NO. House Bill 875

NAME AYE NAY ReD Gene nonrll(l~on C:hCllrmrln - .. -~-~- ~ ~~- ._-

Re!J Bob _Thof+: Vice rh;:;;rm;:;n '/ Reo c: rl 1 toJ i n ~ 1 ow vi r'P C:hrli rm;ln v

Ren FrClnci~ HClrn;:;nOllVP V R~u norot-hv Rrrlnlpv l./

ReD Har'L Ellpn C:onnpllv v

'Rp~ C::prrv np~Tl in ReD Dennis Tver~on ----1---- -

Reo Rex Mannel ..... / ReD_ Rpn ·',lpn.:.h;:;n v

ReD. Larrv Henke "" --

ReD. Ron Miller Rep. Dennis Nathe Re,.J. Rav Peck -...--Rep. Harold Poulsen ~-


Reo Joe Ouilici -ReD. Dennis Rehberq l/'

Rep l~Cl rv Snr3pr h Reu Rernie Swift- -.~"",

ReD Dean Switzer ./


Denise Thompson Rep. Gene Donaldson Secretary Chairman

MOTION: ,Rep. Winslow substitute motion to TABLE 875.


Form CS-3l Rev. 1985



DATE 3/23/87 BILL NO. House Bill NU~BE~ ~~~=-==~~-- 38

NAME AYE NAY RPD Gene Doni'll (h;on r.hi'lirmi'ln ----.-~ ~.- - - ,

ReD Bob Thoft vi~p Chairman v Reo Cal J'Jinslow Vic£ ~airman v Rpn Frrln("i~ 'Rrlrr1rlnnllVP v RPLJ f)nrot-1,v 'Rrrlr11 PV ./

RPD Hi'lrv_ Ell pn r.on_np.1J v ./ II

Rpn r,prrv np"l; n v'

Reo Dennis Ivp.rson --' Reo Rp.x Manne1 v/

Rpn Rpr1 ',,~pn rl hrln ;

Ren. Lar:r:v_ Henke Rep. Ron Miller Reo. Dennis Nathe --'.

Re.J • Rav Peck Reo. Harold Poulsen ~-

~D Joe Quilic.i ReD. Dennis Rehbera - /

Reo Gary BDapt-h ._._'--

ReD BprnlP Swift-ReD Dean Switzer ,,'


Denise Thompson Rep. Gene Donaldson Secretary Chairman

MOTION: Rep. Bradley moved to Table HB 38.

Form CS-31 Rev. 1985

/ . ./ . ....... /

.. --.-


- --" ---

--- --- .• _._-' --/


( .J



DATE 3/23 BILL NO. Senate Bill NU~BER 175

NAME AYE NAY ReD Gene Donaldson Chairman ReI,) B()h Thoft Vic~ Ch,q;rm,qn ~ RPD (',q 1 1\1 ins 1 mA7 Vire (,h,qirman v .. /

Rf'D Fr,qnr1s B,qrn,qnOllve ......-

RGu norot-hv BradlF~v_ .......

Rpll Mrlrv F.llnn ('()nnpllv .......-' Rpn C::prrv Devl; n c..~-'-.

RPD Dennis Iverson - .-:----Rf'D Rex Mannel ...............

RplJ Rpr1 :,,~pn,qhan ....-- ..

Reo. Larrv Henke ,.........-.. --

Rep. Ron Miller //

Reo. Dennis Nathe ~

Re,). Rav Peck V-'~

Reo. Harold Poulsen ',L' --Reo Joe Quilirl .. _,

Re·o. Dennis Rehbera ~

RPD Garv Suaeth .. -,

Reo HF'rnie Swift: , ...... / /

Reo Dean Swit-7er ~'

TALLY Failed

Denise Thompson Secretary

Rep. Gene Dona1ds()n Chairman

MOTION: Rep. Switzer made a substitute motion DO NOT PASS SB 175.

Vote reversed on Rep. f..lenahan motion to DO PASS SB 175.

Form CS-3l Rev. 1985

Rep. Percer Amendments to HB 599

1. Title, line 5. Strike: "THE GENERAL FUND" Insert: "STATE SPEX:IAL REVENUE FUNDS"

2. Page l. Following: line 25 Insert: " ~lliEREAS, the research priorities of the biological

station include studies of the larval ecology of sport fish, the food web sustaining the sport fishery, and the productivity and nutrient relations of the Flathead system -- projects that the biological station is uniquely qualified to conduct and to attract outside sources of support; and

~VHEREAS, this research is crucial to improving our understanding of the Flathead system and developing a base of knowledge necessary for the proper management of sport fish and other resources; and

WHEREAS, the findings of the research may be applied to benefit a major regional sport fishery, and thus constitute a valid use of fishing license dollars; and"

3. Page 2, page 14. Strike: "the general fund" Insert: "revenues in the account established by 87-1-601"

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! '-' ;~l --.l

( --

t.J<.HldIT -r DATE_ 3/1- 3/ !j' 1 ' HB-__ -'-g-L.7 __ ~: "=-__ -=-______ ....


The funding is sufficient to fund one program in one community which provides work opportunities %or long term mentaliy ill clients in the community mental health system. Having a job and earning money is one ,of the most therapeutic things that can happen to a chronically mentally ~ll person. However, it'~equires special efforts and a subsidized program (supported employment) to provide work opportunities tor this category of. mentally ill persons.

Unfortunately, the existing Mental Health Center contracts with the Department of Institutions do not prOVide for supported employment for the Center clients. Also, there is not funding available in the,department's budget to begin implementing this additional type of therapy.

We have made a great deal of progress in 'our treatment ot the mentally ill' in Montana since we deinstitutionalized Warm Springs Hospital in 1975. There are currently ~leven community based day treatment programs for the mentally ill in ten cities in Montana. There are. nineteen community based group living programs for the menta~ly ill in eight of those cities.

The supported, employment program addressed ~n HB 875 provides for 1.5 FTE to develop and maintain "Temporary Employment Placements· (TEPs). A TEP is a job slot that a local business wiil set aside for mentally ill clients. The staff must train clients to do the job and make sure that clients get to work and get the job done. This number of staff would be capable of developi~g and ma{ntainingsix to eight TEPs on a half time basis. ,Eight to ten c~ients woul~ be provided with paid employment in a local community business.

245 FTE would be able to supervise work crews doing mostly seasonal outside jobs. This number ,of work crew statt would be capable of providing forty clients with an average at s1~ hours of paid employment per week. In addition to transporting and supervising work crews, the staff would' have to continually develop job assignments for the client work crews.

I urge you to consider providing some of the best therapy there iSI give a mentally ill person a paid job.



Assu~ptions Used in Obtaining Estimates Jnd Derivation of Estimates:


Estimates compiled through consultation with the following sou~ccs:

Office of the Attorney General (AG) Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Department of Social and Reilabill tative Se.cvices


The Office of the Attorney General charges $45 an hour for the services of their staff attorneys as hearing officers for all the hours involved.

DNRC 11ses in-house attorneys, contracted attorneys, or in-house technical [,cop1". 'l'hey pily up to $65 per hour for cOlltr<lctr'(l atl:oL-[l('YS, alld t.llc.Lr in-house, non-attorney hearin<r officec'i are most class fled as grade 15 and paid approximately $15 ~er hour.

SHS uses i.ll·-ilOlIc,C i"ll:l:o[IICYS i1nd non-attorneys. Again, all lIon-atLornoys arc basically puiJ at a grade 15 level.

Using attorneys as hearing officers for the more complex hearings lVould involve the following expenditures:

$45 per hour atLor-ney fee times eight hours equals $360 per day.

$8.50 per hour for secretarial help times eight hours equals $68 per day lor secretarial services.

Assuming one day of actual hearing of appea:s, plus two days of preparatioll for il0aring and preparation of records, including proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, or three days times Lhe $360 cost per day for an attorney serving as a hearing officer equals $1,080.

To this must be added 2 days of secretarial help (one day of hearings and one day typing reconl of hearing). $68 per day times two days equals $136.

Adding the $1,080 for the attorney's fees plus the $136 for secl:e::'arla1 help equals $1,216.

Assumina that ]0 appeals could be heard in one days' heari:J(js, dividing the figure of $1,2J.6 by 10 appeals equals <.in aplJroxil!late cost of $120 pC!r heurings held in Helena.

liearinClS held outside of Helena would have to include mi:",age and meal reimbursement.

:lU clclyS oC IH'<11-illqS uy a contracl:cd attorlley, plus se~retariJi services, times $1,216 equals $36,480.


Using $100 per dny as a base figure at a grade 15 salary, and assu,lIing three and one-half days of hearing (one d~y for actual hearing, 2 1/2 days preparing for hearing, travellinYf and preparing record.) gives $350.

To this must be added the $136 for two days of secretarial help for a total of $486 ($350 plus $136).

Again, assuming that 10 appeals could be heard in one day of 'hearings and rounding tile $486 up to approximately $500:

$500 divided uy 10 equals $50 per hearing without per diem

50 days of hearings times $500 equals $25,000

, ~) J",

r .' :) ~ I ' ?

.. _-, '- ...... ~ .. -~ - .. _- ..

Amendments to House Bill 702

1. Page 4, Strike: Page 4, Strike:

linell "not"

line 12 "more than"

2. Page 4, line 16 Following: "government."

/ --._-4.:2--_ .....

Insert: "All appropriated general fund not specifically required for the purposes of this act shall revert to the general fund."

HON. WILUA:-'I :-'1. BL:Lem PrE"SIJl'nt Dr tnt..' St'!141te, \~.l ....... ,lthU~l'tt ...

HON. MARY M<CLlJRE Sendte PresiJent Pro Tern, Sputh D,lklltJ


Dlrel furs

HON. BEN ATCHLEY St'nJh:' ~1inurity It'JJer. Tl·nne" .... ee

HON. JIM BARKER Spt'J.J...er l)t thl' Hnu'>e, OJ...ldhl'r11J

HOI'o. WILLIE LEWIS BRO\\;\I. j[{. Spe,,\..er "I the '-\"emblv. Cli,t,'rnlJ

HON. LARRY L. CA:-'IPBELL Hl)U~t' \linopty Lt'Jder Un').!lln

HON. JOHN :-'1. ENGLEI{ St:'ndte \:.llonty LeJJt>r. \lll h!).!Jn

HON. JAMES I. GIBSON Sendte ~ linontv Lt'Jtier. i\l"v.ld,l

HON. BOB F. GRIFFIN SpeJI--t.·r of tht:.' Hou~t'. \.11""llun

HON. RICK W. HALFORD SenJtt' \1.1Innty f!onr I t',l..!l:'r ,-\i,l ... "".l

HON. ART HA~IlLTO~ House ~tinllnty Leader, Arlzl'n.}

HON. CHL:CK HARDWICK SpeJker llt the A.,~t:'mb!y. ;'\Je'A' kr"ey

HON. DAVID J. HEINEMAN;\I Htlu"e Speaker Pro T em, KJn .... J~

HON. JEROME M. HL:GHES President at the Senate. \linn",,'t,1

HON. JACK C. KENNEVICK House Ma!nrity Leader. IdJh,'

HON. JOSEPH E. KING Spea\..l'r of Ihe Hlluse, Washing Ion

HON. GIBSON D. (GlB! LEWIS Speaker ot the House. Texa,

HON. JAMES J. MANDERINO House :Vla/ority Leader. Pennwlvania

HON. JOHN L. MARTIN Speaker of the House, "Iaine

HON. HARRY MESHEL Senate Minority LeaJer. Ohio

HON. JON MILLS Speaker ot the House. Flllnd.

HON. THOMAS B, MURPHY Sp.'aker of the House. Geor~ia

HON. C.B. IBL:DDIEI ;\!HVMAN Spea!.-.er ot the House, ~ti"'l ... sirri

HON. WILLIAM A. OBERLE House ~]ajority Le.lder. Delaware

HO;\!. JOHN C. REVENS, JR. Senate \tljl)rity LeJJer, Rhode l ... bnJ

HON. PHILIP J. ROCK Presidt.'nt ot th~ Senclte. Illinois

HON. (HVING J. STOLBERG Speaker o~ the Hou':>\:.', Connt'ctil:ut

HON. DANIEL B. WALSH Assembly \IJiority l.eaLil'r. !'\l'W Ynrk

HON. JOHN VINCENT House Minonty Le,lder. "Ionl']n.

HON. RICHARD S. H. WOi\:G President of the SenJle. H"", ,lli

HON. JAMES D. HOR5MA~, Q.c. Attorney General <lnd

Deputy Covernment House Lr,llier Albert,]. CA;\;ADA

HON. ICHlll H. ISHll House of Councillors and Deputy

Director-General, IntemationJI Bureau liberal Democratic P.rty, Tokyo, JArA;\;

HON, ALEXANDER LONGOLIUS Vice President, House of Representatives

Berlin, WEST GER:VIA:--.JY

HON. KAO YU-JEN Speaker, Taiwan Provincial Assembly

Hsien, TAIWA:--.J

Representative John Vincent House Minority Leader Montana State Legislature Room 348 - Capitol Station Helena, MT 59620

Dear Representative Vincent:


Telephone (0171 771-38ZJ

March 17, 1987

Pursuant to our conversation of March 6, 1987, I am writing to support your proposal to create an independent study commission on the Montana State Legislature.

In my experience with reorganizations In both the public and private sectors, successful efforts have always been founded on a high degree of Independence and objectivity. This is an essential component of a plan which wll I reflect Montana's need for a responsive and efficient legislature. Your desire to seek private funding for this endeavor makes an Independent commission even more Imperative. To do otherwise would, I bel ieve, seriously Impair your credlbi I Ity with private interests, and I imlt the effectiveness of any eventual change in structure or process.

I wish you well I n your proposal.

Very truly yours,


~: ;1











3:00 P.M., APRIL 6, 1987



ACUJ ut Muntana .. Billings, r'lT 59103

"'" AFL-CIO, Muntana Stah~ ... f1e lena, MT 59624

,\FSCME rnte rna t i<Jnc1l ,WL-CIO i-lelena, MT 5Y604

,\FSCME, Lvcal 2774 He lena, r1T 59601

III l\FSCME, ~1untana State Council 9, AFL-CIO ,1e lena, MT SY604

. 'I:-:;ARCO, L nUJ t Tlu r' d ted ~h~ lena, ~1T 5Y624

j\SARffi, Incvr:-pvcated ~ew Yvrk, NY 10038

,''::;ll,EQ) Incl,r"j)vcated, Tcuy Unit 'tn,,!,, 111T 59435

,."l..Ts.T .. f).;nver, CO 80202

'\(]P-l i nistr'at. iun, MT l~pactment uf :Ii ('tc!,~ tvr:-' s :)f f ice

........ ;'·'::C~fl.l, MT 5Y620

\c'tna Life (mc Casualty .. e,~rtf<...rd, CT OhllS

.. '

")1 ;l;Lllt.JI·.:tl r3dSi:ie:-;s ';.s~~n., MT ,;, "at. Fo', lis, MT 594(;1

\qcildlt,lL", 1\1'1' i""I',il I: nt·nt uf iii' kf1.1 f r1'1' '1'·)6:~1l

'\1. ,I" 11';Jl\ !ltl .. :t,u r1'.,: \·h.ltt-,\n~lf 11\1...":.

,'!I"~li,!I Ilt·;\t::md\~nL't I)"',qrams uf Mr., Inc. HeLl~nd, r1t ''>9601

AllianLe fuc Pcugr:-esslve Pulicy, Montana Helena, MT 59624

~ ,l'\rnedcan Legiun uf Muntana :!elena, MT 59604



Benjamin, Diane

Judge, funald R. Murry, James W.

Ard, Linda Knight, Patrick

Mayes, Jim

[Qnaldsun, Sharun Hauet:'ffian, Geurge r.

Bennett, r~urge T •

Qmey, Ted J.

Rollins, T.M.

Adams, Linda A.

Ashley, Dave Blanton, H. Deane Breiby, Dun Ccess, Mack Eicholtz, Marvin Ekanger, Lau c ie Fabianu, Kathy Hecbert, Anthony Howeth, James King, Linda J.

Melby, Patri~k E.

Langley, Pamela

Peck, W. Ralph

Murray, Mike

Ames, Kathy Bramer Peces, Ken Reed, fun

Manson, C. Hal

Jensen, R. Nadiean

Lovitt, Beda J. Maynacd, John Motl, Shery 1 Munru, Karen Muszkiewicz, t1ike Nachtsheirn, Lawcence O'Connell, Thomas B. Penner, James Sundsted, Rodney Trevor, Mike

Ringling, Paul D. Stoltz, Gail M.

Anheuser-Busch Co., Inc. Sacramento, CA 95815

Applied Management Ccrporation Helena, MT 59601

Ashland Oil, Inc. Ashland, KY 41101

Assessors Association, MT Havre, MT 59501

Ass()l.;iated Students of MSU (ASMSU) Buzeman, MT 59717

Associated Students vf U of M (ASUM) r1issoula, MT 59801

Auditor's Office, MT State Helena, MT 59620

Audubon Legislative Fund, Montana Helena, MT 58624

Automobile Association, Montana Helena, MT 59604

Automobile Disrnantler & Recyclers Assn., MT Helena, MT 59601

Automotive Dealers Assn. Helena, MT 59601

Automotive Trades of Montana (ATOM) Helena, MT 59624

Aviation Trades AsSvciation, MT Helena, MT 59601

Bancsystem, Inc., Montana Billings, MT 59101

Bankers Assn., MT Helena, MT 59624

Beach TranspJCtation Co. rvtissoula, MT 59803

. Beer & Wine Wholesalers Assn., MT Helena, MT 59624

Big Brothers & Sisters of Montana Missoula, MT 59801


Browning, R. Stephen Hayden, Cli f ton

funey, Ted J.

Butler, James R.

Barber, Marvin R.

Hudak, Todd Zink, Jamie

Thiel, Matthew

Ask, Tanya M. Borchardt, James W. Curran, Wendy P. Hall, Richard W.L. Irigoin, Katherine M.

Ellis, Janet H. Field, Dana

Harrison, James T.,Jr. Manion , James T.

Miller, Loretta A.

Harrison, James T., Jr. Mansfield, Dean B.

Eck, Alan Frank, wrna

Brown, G. Steven Semple, John

Wood, Robert J.

Bennett, George T. Cadby, John T.

Traxler, .Jack E.

Heirnburg, Kristin Tippy, Roger

Carlson, Judith H.


Hvven, .J. Daniel Malmo, ,Jerry

Lazure, Terry Schulke, J. Kim Throssell, Robert VanVliet, Debbie Warner, l):)nna

Tobiason, Larry A.

Unde rwuud, Pa t



Humphreys, Neysha Pattersun, Michelle ~





B i'l Di b..:h Company, The Billings, MT 59102

,.; Bill inqs At:ea Chamhec vE C0rrunen,e Rillinqs, MT 59101

:31 ue C:ru:;s & Blue :-;hield uf MT, Inc. H(~ h~na, fIT 5'1601

1).>whul1t.;,'S /\SS, k ii'lt ivn, Muntana l"laH,,1, :·IT 'j')':'JH

Svzeman ;\r(?,i Chambe c ,-,r Cumme n..:e

B<)z!~man, MT 59715

;3r'vc1dl_c1.~5 tees Assuciat iun, MT H!~ lena, t1T 59624

ill Buildinq and CunstruLtiun Trades Cuuncil & Lc1.~xe(s Luca1 Uniun #254, MT State :101 ,)na, r,lT 5%24

},,!i I lin') Matecic.l \)ea1et"s Assn., MT 'if>]l~rkl., M'l '")9601

I. Bur-l in<;tun 0j,>rt)K't~n, Inc. ; It ;," 'no., "rr SLl6U 1

:jjl'~' (If CaLY .. l(~t':rl.:i, ,'I\T 59601

Cat~L: ll_ C)flfe(er'Lt~, MT '1(> :.~na, :'i'i' ')41)::4

~i: 1 Lc.:'r~:,'deL~3 !\s~.j;, ,1~1 .t i" ..... n, rvrr i~i!' inqs, M'j' ~)"')Ll)~

r> t t If:'rT\t~n I S '\SSIJL i . t 1', n, MT :':>(;.11''-' lnt, "IT '-»069

III ('a I- t leW, men, f,1'Jntana , 0;, ;-" :E' S<)6:l 1

Cect i f;Pc1 Public ,.\CU,!lnt','!nts, MT Suciety uf He lena, r'lT 'Sl)624

"l~,)rnher' \)f Ct~lllmet"l:e,

ii., l'"fld, MT ')=1624



Willi~s, D. Keith

Fos te r-, Kay

Alke, John Bruwn, G. Steven Butler, Charles, Jr-.

Ross, R. Scutt

Currea, Rubect J.

Loendorf, Jerome t.

Fendet:son, Eugene A.

l~llinger, Irvin E.

Ber-r-y, Leo Delanu, Juhn L. Etchar-t, .Juhn Hayden, CliftlA1 Hoven, J. Daniel

Tucker, R.G. "Rick"

Hart"isun, James T., Jr.

Ortwein, Juhn L.

Asay, Jvhn O. Brunner, Jusephine M.

Brunner, Jusephine VanOusten, Gene

Mosher-, Carol

Adams, Denis Angland, Pat Campbell, .Jane Car- lson, Ga LV

Andet"son, George D. BuIes, Forr.est H. Bruwn, Steve

Cain, Alan F. Jensen, William N. Scr-enar, Tet"t:y

Kaleczyc, Stan Keirn, Patdck C. LaFaver, Mary Faye Malrro, Jerry Miggins, Richard A.

Har-rison, .Tames T., Jr-. Holland, Mike wng, JaLe

\).)qgett, Stuart H. Ingels, Dvnald C. Weidler, Perry


Champion International Corporation Missoula, MT 59803

Chevrun Corpo~ation San Francisco, CA 94104

Children's Home & Hospital, Montana Helena, MT 59604

Chiropractic Association, Montana Billings, MT 59102

Citizens Adovcate for Social Justice Butte, MT 59701

Clerk & Recorders Association Great Falls, MT 59401

Clerk of Court Assn., MT Helena, MT 59601

Coal Council, Montana Helena, MT 59601

Coal Trust, Montanans for the Billings, MT 59101

Coin Machine Operators Association, MT Missoula, MT 59801

College Coalition, Montana Billings, MT 59101

Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. Columbia Falls, MT 59923

Columbia Paint Cumpany Helena, MT 59601

Commerce, MT Depactment uf Helena, MT 59620


Kirkpat~ick, William M. I Shanahan, Ward A.

Sewell, Robert J., Jr. Yazak, Daniel L. Smith, Chadwick H.

Tippy, Bonnie

Sullivan, Dennis E.

Jacksun, Gregory

Harrison, James T., Jr.

Weidle~, Perry

Towe, Tom

Bennett, Gary W. Poston, John P.

Holmes, Kelly

Canavan, Jack Hayden, Clifton Hoven, J. Daniel Kaleczyc, Stanley T.

Melby, Patrick E.

Anderson, Newell Brazier, Geuffrey L. Campbell, Murdo A. Clark, Margaret Clinch, Thomas CoIba, Keith Daly, Carol Doering, Ca~olyn Dooley, Donald L. Ewer, David Ferguson, Carol L. Ferguson, Michael D. Fogarty, William J. Garrett, Mary Lou


MalIro, Jerry Seifert, Steven J. Witte, Susan C.

Howell, Richard A. Hubbard, Samuel T. Huntingtun, Stephen I Kain, Richard A. Kembel, W. James Markle, Brinton B. McCracken, Robb McLeon, Jay Meloy, Stephen H. Olson, Chris Pancich, Robert M. Poole, Andrew ,J. Wilson, John L. Yaeger, Ralph M.



:ul11il'K..Jn Cause -'~lena, MT 59624 Ie, '~uncerned Nucses uf M,~ntana "~issuula, MT 59806

~'Gncc() - fupont Inc. -.oenver, CO 80202

Ccnrad & BrGwn Billings, ~T 59103 ..


.. ..

CGnsecvatiun Distcicts, MT Assn. of ~1elena f MT 59601

C'.JnstcLH..:tiun & General Laburers wcal #1334 ;;ceat falls, MT 59401

(:unsu1ting Engineecs Cuum..:il uf Muntana i;n~at Falls, MT 59403

: ,[:s"Ji"er Finan\..;e Associatiun, MT ',L':'lspell, MT 59901

.. Cvntcactucs' Assvciatiun, Inc., MT ;!0 Lena, (-1';:- 596U4

.....,., ,', .. :8(S AsscI..-iatlon, Muntana h.~~:,;r.", MT 5%01

l.\.' 'rK .. i 1 Gf C)vp:!cc';:.ives, r1untana .. "',,1 >T,,) , '1T 59624

.',.,c.in\..il ,~f Organlzatil.:;ns, Montana .. '.'~ c;,c; "J La, ~~T 59806



,11:']2S, ~1T ,\.SS01..-L1> " uf ';: kna, :-1T S '601

' .... iit Uniuns Leag'le, ';'J:ltar.a Hi~lena, MT 59601

( ~!l..t·--,:r-,ll . ..;.c'v\JCa.\.....~1, ;\:,..)ctdna

,~il.~J.,kjS, c,r,;:- 59101

I).A. Davidscn & C0rnpcL.f' ~;reat Falls, MT 59401

.. Dait:y lndustcy-Prucc~ssucs, ~1T ~de1ean, MT 59601

__ Dairymen's Associati,)!,"1, Munt::ma Helena, MT 59624



Soltis, TedmJnd Wilson, David (Kim)

Livuti, Leta A.

AugListine, .John S.

Brown, James M. Stroebe, Conrad F .

Brammer, Debi

Wilson, Curt

Carpita, James B.

Loendorf, Jerome T.

Lockrem, Lloyd C., Jr. Olson, William

Graveley, Charles A •

Tucker, R.G.

Letcher, Elroy

Marbut, Gary S •

Gibson, Beverly E. Murris, C. Gordon

Kirkland, Jeffry M. Pyfer, Rubert C.

Schye, Brenda

Huffur-d, Euger.e S. Jones, Kreg A.

Kelly, K.M.

Iklney, Ted J.

MacKenzie, BrLlce A. Senrnens, Mark


Dawson Cummunity Cullege Glendive, MT 59330

Defense Counsel, ~ Asso~iation of Helena, MT 59601

Dental Asso~iatiun, Montana Butte, MT 59703

Denturist Assn. of '\1untana Lewistown, MT 59457

Develupment Corporation of MT Helena, MT 59601

Developmental Disabilities/Legislative A~tion Cumn. Hamilton, MT 59840

Develupmental Plannirx] & Advisory Coun~il Helena, MT 59601

Dieteti~ Asso~iation, MT Helena., ~IT 59624

Dispensing Opticians, MY So~iety of &Jzeman, MY 59715

Eastern Montana College Billings, MT 59101

Edu~ation Asso~iation, Montana Helena, MI' 59601

Elevatur Assuciation, Montana Tuwnsend, MT 59644

Energy Share uf Montana Billings, MT 59103

Ente~h, Inc. Butte, ;,rr 59701

Envirunmental Inf\...mation Center Action Fund, Muntana HelAna, MT 59624

Ep~on Sign Company Billings, MT 5910~

Equity in Taxation (E.T.) Helena, MT 59624

Exxo n Company, USA Denver, CO 80201


Kettner, Donald H.

Skoog, Rose M. Weingartner, Sue A.

Heimburg, Kristin Tippy, Roger

Ryan, John T. (Tom)

Bourke, Richard

Volinkaty, Cristin S.

Andersun, Chrys

Harper, Pat Callbeck Kale~zy~, Holly D.

Strope, Philip W.

Heikes, Kenneth W.

Bilodau, Tom Burk, Julie Campbell, Phil

Kelly, K.M.

Anderson, Duane A.

Griffiths, Evan Williams, Kenneth L.

Jensen, James Massman, Claudia L.

Dunham, Ken

Carlson, Judith H. Craig, Mary L.

Cool, Janet E.


Feaver, Eri~ Hartman, David Walter, Nan~y

Meis, Richard O~henski, Geurge


... ',3IDily Pra,_th;e Res ide,~ . ..:y Satellite 'J::jr am, MT

, ~lena, MT 59601

'-tam Buceau, Ml.Jntana 3uzeman, MT 59715

• 'atJT'ers Insura.nl..e CrcutJ ?ucatellc, 10 83201

.. /d~mers Uniun, Montana Cn)at Falls, t1T 59403

;·':..cmers Cnicn Central Exchange (CENEX) ~~t. Paul, MN 55164

Fed8cdtiun uf Teachers/Fedecation 0f State "~~I11pll.Jyees, Ml.,ntana

.... L ,::e Chiefs I .1'\ssn., MT State ~'c, .-ddd, ~1T 59436

MI' State

L' t L .-:J ~_ Mdnk S ys cerrt.S i Inc. 'J:;r~;-lei1pulis, MN 55402 .. ,

_, ::;'~, Intecstace t~ank l.,f Kalispell, N.A. \..::, i, ~:: ,.'Xc: i, '1T)~%l

.. • -;c:,r!; ',Ij ldll;:e c}n.1 Pac\(s, MT Dept. of -, L-~;d, MT S362D

.. ,:-'.,1 ,.-1 ;-listr~huc\~"3 !'...SSI'1., Inc., MI' ,,:t. \:1' )j()('Li

:'·ur.::' !_al DicectGcs i\ssn., MT .. IT'? ;ena, ~IT ')9624

.. Helena, MT 59624


Genecal Mutors Co:c;:x.,ratiun Detroit, MI 48202

,",-,-;enecal Teleohone e0. '~f L-,e NW, Inc. Svecett, \,TA 93206



Nurcis, Sandy

Eck, Alan O. Fcank, Lorna

Stainsby, Robert J •

CarIT\0dy, Terrence D.

Ode, Harold

Dahlem, Mike Horejsi, Katherine Malee, John "Buddy" McGarvey, Jim

Larson, M. Duane

Bergstrom, Tim Erickson, Vernun Flies, Edward.

Bruwning, R. Stephen Hayden, Cliftun

Dudis, John B. Phillips, C. Eugene

J0hnson, Richard L. Lane, Robect N.

Capps, Frank Lcwling, Thomas F.

Schwertfeger, Thumas

Linden, William Lloyd Pcatt, Roland D.

Pratt, Roland D •

Sherbert, Norrr0n R.

L::.ble, Lester H., II

Underw()(j(j, Pat

Melvin, Paul Minow, Terry Lynn Mulcahy, Maurice

Hunt, Michael Seddon, Richard

MalmJ, Jerry Witte, Susan C .

Robinson, Calvin S.

Marcoux, Ron

Stevens, Bill


Gold Nugget Curn. Billings, MT 59101

Golden Sunlight Mines, Inc. Whitehall, MT 59759

Guvernor's Office Helena, MT 59620

Grain GruW8rs Association, MY G,eat Falls, MT 59403

Grange, Muntana State Kalispell, MT 59902

Grazing Districts, MT Assn. of Helena, MT 59601

Great Falls Gas Company Great Falls, MT 59401

Great Falls Law Enforcement Academy Comm. Great Falls, MT 59403

Group Health uf Spokane Spokane, WA 99210

H.R.D.C. Directors Associatiun, MT Great Falls, :-1T 59401

H.R.D.C. , District IV Havre, MT 59501

H .R.D.C. , District VII Billings, Mt 59101

H.R.D.C. , District IX 2>0zeman, MT 59715

Health & Envi':'IA • .rr.ental Sciences, MT Department vf Helena, MT 59620


Alke, cJuhn Livoti, Leta A.

,Jenkins, IXmald E. Srrolik, T. James

Bisom, Mark Briggs, Chades Cohea, Teresa O. Hayden, Brace

Stephen, Rubert E.

Brunner, Josephine M.

Enken.ld, Kim

Allen, John Geske, Larry

Hoovestol, Ken

McDonald, William ,J.

Smith, James E.

Fieldman, Michael

Visser, Carl B.

Rupp, ,Jeffrey K.

Abba t t, J):)ug las O. Andersen, Vic R. Brass, Warren E. Crcwley, Frank C. Dawson, Drew E. Espelin, Dr. Donald E. Fenner, Geurge M. Ferguson, Maxine Hawthorne, John D. Huffman, F~ayrrond J. Howe, Adrian C. Lloyd, Larry L. McKnight, Jacqueline Nybo, Suzanne



1 Huntington, Eugene I North, John L. Pichette, J. Michael Yaeger, William I

Rubinson, V.Jarren

O'leary, William Opitz, William J.



• Orr, Katherine Parker, Eleanor A. Peterson, James M. Pilcher, Steven L. Pratt, Dr. Sidney Rubbins, Harold t-J. Robertsun, DLlane L. ~ Solorron, Rubert L. I Stuhl, Charles F. Taliaferu, Dale Willems, J):)nald G. Wi lson, Juhn



Uealth Care AssociatiGn, Mon::ana lena, MT 59601

~ ,,#

lealth Insu~ance ~ssoication of America ~s Plains, I~ 60018

le1ena Area Chamber vf C\..lT\ffien;e ~e1ena, MT 59601

lelena, City vi "le1eoa, tIT 59623

L.h~ 19L3 E~gl; forum Pioneecs' Chapter rJelena, dT ::>9601

~e1ena Impruvement Society "'1e1ena, ~1T 59624

lelena Valley Irrigation District .. L~lena, MT 59601

';crshey F0uds C0qx;~at.ion .. i,·~::shey, PA 17033

':i'i!--l 3ch(ju.L~,sscciation, M'T J.e;I1c., :1T 59SJl .....,

.~ iqher Education Coalition, MT ,i ~: 0r.a, MT .. ; i r;:11t.''31'S, \11' Lepa rtment vf

. ',,:112:,3, ~'!T '):1620

'L;.;hway USt:::cs ;;'5sn., ~v1(jntana

.. ~,-,i.ena.r .'IT 0;9601

',~ '.:.,a1\ twi3.tiun Cu . • :-eat Falls, [.-IT 59401


.. '"

'!\jr8 ~uildecs Assu'-...ia.th.,ll, IVIT 8iiLngs, I1T 59103

:' ,n,,-,,s E,)!':" the .~,qjng, ~rf Assn. of .,::':'enci., MT 5960l

ll()spi tal Assn., Montar.a Helena, MT 59604

rrnan Resources, N. W. ~1osntana

~lispell, MT 59901 ~

-Ia; Financial ServiLe;s Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55474



Skoog, Rose M. Weingartner, Sue A.

Hopgood, Tom K.

Weggenman, Joseph N.

Jessllp, Janet Macefield, Kathleen G. Morin, Brockes

Doubek, Mrs. Mary E.

Melby, Patrick E.

Ellis, Robert A •

Hurst, Jon B •

Freund, Dan L. Waterman, Ronald F •

Wardal, Blake J.

Beck, James R • GaIda, Beate G)snell, William S. Gruel, DJnald D.

Bennett, Gary W •

Livoti, Leta

u~llinger, Irvin E. Jchnson, J. Rlley

Hill, Betti Christie

Ahrens, James F. Leary, William E.

DJrninick, Larry

Tucker, R.G. "Rick"

Nisbet, Richard A. Ven".)lf, William J. Ware, Hilliam J.

Harriott, [On M. Prebil, John Munro, Jesse Salisbury, William,Jr.

Srnit.h, Chadwick H. Wellever, Anthony L.


Independent Bankers Assn., MI' Helena, MT 59601

Independent Business, National Federation of San 1<1atev, CA 9t,4C3

Independent Insuran\...8 ,'\gents I Assn. of MT Helena, NT 59604

Independent Insure~s, Nati0nal Assn. of ( NAIl ) Des Plaines, IL 60018

Innkeepers Assn., Montana Helena, MT 59624

Institutions, MT Department of Helena, MT 59620

Insuran~e Association, American San Francis~o, CA 94103

Insurers, Alliance of American Schau.rnburg, IL 60195

Irrigators, Montana Helena, MT 59601

Joint Board \...f Control of the Flathead, Mission & ,Jocko Irrigation Districts St. Ignatius, i1r 59865

Knife River Ceal Mining Ce. Bismar~k, ND 58501

L.H.C., Incorporated Kalispel~, MT 59901

Labo r. & ::: nd us try , ~'!!.' Dep t. of Helena, \IT 59624


Duwling, Thomas F. Hazelbaker, Frank W. Heimburg, Kristin Seifert, Carl A.

Johnson, J. Riley

Lagar, Alem L. Md}lenn, William Roger

Gray, Randall H. James, Robert F.

Durkee, Marie E. Strope, Philip W.

Bennetts, Dave Chisholm, Curt

Drake, Curt Drake, Glen L.

Tippy, Bonnie

Kelly, K.M.

Hayden, Clifton Hoven, J. "-cniel

Budewitz, Thomas A. Hooks, Patrick F.

Dudis, John B. Robinson, Calvin S.

Bowlds, Mark Calhoun, Jack H. Curtis, T. Gary Duggett, Janice F. Eaton, Joan Fuhrman, Robert Gatzemeier, Edward H. Harper, Rusty Harte, Nancy Hartman, ~lary (Peg) Hunter, Chuck Jensen, Robert R. Lamson, Laurie A. MacIntyre, A~ \e L.


Smith, Edwin A. Thares, Joseph E. Tippy, Roger

James, Ted



Risley, Henry "Hank" Rotering, Nil:k A. I Terrell, Jacqueline II

Kaleczyc, Stanley ~1alrno, Jerry

c. Eugene ~'tillips

Mohr, Susan


Murphy, James J. Palmer, William R. • Rubinson, Rubert J. II Shapiro, Steven J. Shaw, Hiram M. I Smith, Annette Smith, Carla J. Stern, Lynnette M. Strizich, Peter J. I Stwnp, Geo~ge VanRiper, Jani~e S. Wolfinger, Ann I

.." I I


Land Impruvement Cuntr-actcrs Assn., MI' .. Ruundup, MT 59072 , Land Title Associati"n, MI' ... Billings, MT 59101

Landlurd ':=; A...SS'l., "Lntana IiIw Bill ings, MT 59101

Lands, MT Dept. of State .. Helena, MT 59620


.. ::"eaque uf Cities & Tuwns, MI' Helencl, MT 59601

.. Lea~Jue uf ~'I0men V0tecs Helena, 1'1T 59601

..", ~~2e Enterprises, Inc. fielerd, :,1'1' 59604

LFo(J31 ;-";8 LV kes ,:;ssn., r1I' '-1elena, rrr 59601

[ ~~ loS la t i \",: C,-,],SL:ne r C0uncil .. Hp ler3, l"T 59620




Lsw:s E, Clark City-County Health Dept. hfj ;}~na, :.":T ~.9624

Lev.is & l:l", ck ('Jt:n t ';

f-ielenil, ~1T 5%24

Lewis &. Clark c..Junty Yl\Jje\..:t Wurk Pr()(]ram Helena, MT ::59623

:,ia!)il i_ty CualitLn, .'-Lntana . !sl.:;r~a, YlT 5%24

Libr.ary Curnmissi,-,r;, :'~r State Helena, MT 59620

.. Licensed Pcactical l\urses Assn., MT State ~ Helena, MT 59601

., Lieutenant wvern,..;r's Office Helena, MT 59620



Sewell, Robert J., Jr. Smith, Chadwick H.

Phillips, C. Eugene

Fleer, Elmer McCullough, Bcian

Ahner, Mark Arrestoy, Gary Andreozzi, Boo Artley, [A)n Blake, Kelly Brown, Gary G. Butler, Tan Gragg, Jim Juntunen, Richard Kendall, [A)n Manley, Lyle

Egan, Shaun Hansen, Alec

Suuvigney, Jeanne-Marie

Loble, Lestec H., II Vueller, Mike

Haight, Neil

Buckley, Frank E. Farlan, Celia R.

Carlson, Judith H.

Campbe 11, Jim Fuller, David E.

Frey, Rodney

Robischcn, ,James A. Tutwiler, James D.

Cates, Sheila A. Lustgraaf, Jeff

Dunham, Ken

!)Uda, Ron Shields, Michael G •


\vi t t, Larry

MuQuillan, Ralph Peter ~"', .sLey, Randy ~1UL;Jhy, Tim Olsen, Sandra P~-ke, Larry Roberts, Craig Thweatt, Dick Walther, Kit Welch, Steve Williams, Jim Wright, Chuck

Paine, James C. Wright, Mary

Stull-Anderson, Linda

Whitehead, James C •

Parker, Sara Thompson, Larry S.

Life Insurance, A.rnerkan Council uf Washin:;;tun, O.C. 20006

Life UnljerwriteLs I '1T Association of Billings, MT 591U_,

Livestock Auction ~ackets, Inc., MT Assn. of BJzeman, MT 59772

~,ccal Cuntrul Helena, '1T 59604

LooJTIctive Engineers Legislative Board, 3ruther:-hood of Glasgow, MT 59230

Legging Assodation, Mcntana Kalispell, MT 59903

Low-Incume Coalition, Montana Helena, MT 59624

MCl Telecommunications Denver, CO 80202

MOO Resources Gruup, Inc. BlsmaC\..k, ND 59501

~1SE, Inc. Butte, MT 59702

Magestrate's Association, MT ~{a.rni1tun, MT 59840

Maintenance of Way Employees, Brotherhood of Detroit, MI 48326

Manufactured Housin] Association, MT BiEings, iV1T 59101

~eaduw:'at·k Sear'...:h East He~ei'.3, ~!T ':,1)635

Medical A.s30dati C i 'IT Helena, :-11' 59601

Mental Health ,\.s:OL'_iit ivn 0f MT Helena, MT 59601

Mental Health Centers, MT Council of Helena, MT 59601

Mental Health Counselors Assn., MT Helena, MT 59601


Hupg00d, Tom K. Goble, Lester H., II

Tippy, Bonnie

Ellerd, Michael G.

Erdmann, Charles E.

Burr, Calvin L., ,Jr.

Olson, Keith L.

Fifield, Susan K.

Berry, Leo Eberle, Ounald C. Hayden, Cliftun

.<\lke, Juhn Paladichuk, Jim

Barclay, Karen Bermingham, Bill

Haynes, JaY.\es A.

Knutson, Carl J.

Llewellyn, Richard. J. Swurds, George W., II

Granzow, Stephen R.

Bartus, Annie M. wendorf, Jecome T.

McGrath, Joy

Waldron, Steve

D:Jney, Ted J.


Malmo, Jercy Reed, Jay B. Williamsun, Lyle R.

Pigeon, Gene Sullivan, John

Neely, Gerald J. Zins, G. Brian

I i 1




; I


i.,Miles C<JT1Il1unity CGlleqe 'Iiles City, MI' 59301 .;

t Military Affairs, Dept. of -Helena, MT 59604

Mining Associatiuo, MI' .. Helena, MT 59624

~innesuta Mining & Manufacturing Co • .. St. Paul, MN 55101




MissGula A..rea. Chamber uf Cu-mnel~ce Ivlissuuta, MT 59807

t'1isSGula Board <.;f County Corrunissioners Missoula, MT 59802

:'iisSGula, City uf Ivlissuula, MT S9802

j'ltissuu.la Cu. Freehulders Assn • .. :·L:'~3suula, r-.1T 59801

',5S' .l.i.L1 RJcal Fiee DistrLt "".,,: S.C:u dJ .. 3., MT 59du 1



'.;un;-:ana Fut:ward C . ..-al itiun (, ;'?:'lcli V2, I\1T ')93 30

~\,l'.!~anol ::-0wec ( .. ,mpany ,\;ltte, :1T 59701

\~unt..:ma Tech (Pr2s ident 's Off ice) .. Ik\t'~':'1 :vrr 5970'-


"F~lllir,qs, ~1T 591(13 .. .. ..

'/i' .. t')t: Carcipcs As",n. f ene. f r-.rr 11eJ':;;:3, i.f.::' 59601

:'k,tur 'v"hic"Le ~ianuf,,~tclccS Assn. ,Am';8r, CO 80290

Mcuntain Bell Helena, MT 59624

~1uuntain Water Cumpany MisSuula, MT 59801 -

-Municipal Insurance '\ut~.city, MI' Helena, MT 59624


Koch, Dr. John C.

Brown, Richard Cuttrill, Kenneth E.

Faubion, Joseph Allan Langley, Gary A •

Anderson, ,Jerome

Enderle, Brian

Bhend, John Schwartz, Howard

Aldegarie, Joseph L. Anderson, Lawrence L. Badenoch, Geoff Miller, Randal J.

Cahoon, Vera M. Hacker, Julie

Gebhardt, M. Richard O'Brien, Gerald

Boedecker, Bcett A. Clarke, Ccnnle G.

Bure, Dennis M. Gray, K.M. Lahr, J .A.

Heywood I Juhn McClernan, Henry

Ebzery, Thomas E.

Ha'"dahl, B. G. H~lding, Robert N.

Norris, Cathy ,j.

Hayhurst, ,James B. H jurt, Barry L. Hughes, ,James R.

Alke, John

Hayden, Clifton Hoven, J. Daniel


DeWolf, George Duffy, James W.

Mitchell, Kathi J. Nugent, Jim Preston, Ronald E • Stearns, Charles C.

Park, Robert L. Suenram, Bru~e W.

Quinn, R.T. Wittich, Arthur V. Zimmerman, Mi~hael E •

Lcpach, Dennis R. M~Gree, Thumas P. Ruff, George D.

Kaleczyc, Stanley T.


Nance Petroleu'11. - Thu-nas Scott/rub Nance Billings, MT 59103

Natural Resuurces & C.:;nservation, MT Depactment \.Jf Helena, MT 59620

Natuce Consecvancy, The Helena, MT 59624

Nen::o Coal Corpocation Sheridan, WY 82801

North Central Agency Havre, MT 59501

Nocthecn furder: Pipeline Co. Qnaha, NE 68131

Northern Plains Resource Council Billings, MT 59101

Northwest Airlines, Inc. St. Paul, MN 55111

Ncrthwestern Telephone Systems, Inc. Kalispell, MT 59901

Norwest Banks, Region VIII He lena, NT 59624

Nurse Anesthetists, MT Assn. uf Helena, \1T 59601.

Nurses I Association, MT Helena, MT 59601

Nutritional Food Assn., National Costa ~esa, CA 92696

Oil and Gas ,;'SSC',;i,'lt i0n, MT Shelby, MT 59474

Oil, Gas and CI,.;a1 C::,unties, MT Assn. of Hardin, ~ 59034

Oper::ltirYj Rnqin.~p>s Luc.#400,Int ' l Union of Helene, ~1T 59604

Ophthalmology, MT Academy of Billings, MT 59103

Optumetr-ic AsSvd ation, ~1I' Helena, MT 59624


Ebzery, Thumas E. Scot t, Tun

Armstrong, John Beck, Ray Dacby, H. David Fritz, Gary Hall, Tim D.

B i r-d, ,Joan Kiesling, Bob

Ebzery, Thomas E. McPherson, J.R.

Durkin, Jim

Bennett, Geucge T.

Black, Anne Brown, Paul Russell

Loble, Lestec H., II

Dudis, John B. Miller, P2~ela L.

Browning, Steve Stearns, Hacold G.

Livoti, Leta A.

Booher, Barbara E. Munger, Mary

Dellinger, Irvin E. Johnson, J. Riley

Abelin, DGuglas R.

Robbins, Hershel M.

81anl:her, Len Keating, Michael .J.

8r:"(.Mn, Steve

Pratt, Roland D.


I I Jamison, Van

MacIntyre, ~naldi'" Rickman, Dee Wes t , Candace F. "

Loop, funna J.

Erickson, Tecesa Nelson, Meg


I Phillips, C. Eugene Robinson, Calvin S. J

'-' Tait, Bill

Rehmann, Hilbur Robbins, Eileen

Kinghorn, 80b Siemers, Randy I

I ..,J


Outfitters & Guides :\:..:;sociation, MI' .. \VGlf Creek, MI' 5%43

"" PLM Financial Servl .... es, Inc • .. San Fr-anciscu, CA 94111

Pacif i,~ PGwec & ~.i(~h~ Cunpany .. Pvrtland, OR 97204

.. •

~aci f icur:p Pvrtland, OR 97204

Pealxc!y Hvlding C\JT1pany, Inc. [)2rtV8r f OJ 80231

Feacc Legislative Cualition Butte, t1T 59703

P8Qasus Guld Corpor-ativn 'I\\..J1T:J.na Tunnels Mi!1ing, Inc • . :etfecson City, MT 59638

'et.c"i.ewn Mar-k8ter-s Assn., MT '~)zeman, MT 59715

;\idcna,-eutivl.l /\SSGciatL.,1, MI' State 1c' le('~ / :iT 59601

,..,-, '1' ',.J '-i) !'-':\,.CUS

;,O\v f,,,CK= i t'/, 0lY DO 17

• -:1~1.;~_L,-ll (~'rit=:j.-al;:'Y Assn., '1' '_1-1:3.,>':\..:.:( "..J~ \[TIcri,_..:-:;.n

• 11 \ .:_ I s ASSG-.:l" C :'·.;~1, ~/10ntana

;Jc lE.·m, >1'T 59601

--' l.,.~~ ,,..1t~L'3 f \rT \.>; ··3l ... ·~ -It: i.~;n c.f (M.A.P) '.--~'_':;!l,3, r·r~ S06Ul

• :>\,Lice Chiefs As,'O<~_i.,:ci0n, MT 'ie lena" 'iT 59601


Pulice Officers :\sS<~"lation, MT Reticed :;~"t':>3.t F'''llls, tE' ~'J ;1) L

Police Prutective'.· ',;cle,ti\..m, IVIT Great Falls, MT 5~4U~

.. Pewer Farmers Elevat<~L r\Jrr.pany "'-' ?,,'Ner-, t1T 59468


Piper', Jaffray & tkA:.)Wvu<1 Helena, MT 59601


Brl.lr~nec, Ju.sephine Cahill, Sandra

Brown, Steve

I:X.!dis, John B. Phillips, C. Eugene

Miller, Pamela L.

OlConncr, Terry

Turk, Butch Wend, Eleanor

Fitzpatrick, ,John S.

Kruegec, Kurt

Likewise, Robert H.

Celanu, Jar:;, L.

.Jamison, M(jna

Brown, Steve

Bishop, David M.

Ware I William J.

Bicsak, Chades Cvie, Fr-ank Cox, Ernie

Conner,James L. Hiranti, Scott

Brunner, Josephine M.

Hoven, G:lrdon E.


Cur-tiss, Ron Rittel, Tag

Robinson, Calvin S.

Steele, William G. Thurman, Richard C.

Motl, Jonathan Olson, Kevin

Printers & Pub~isher.s of MT, Associated Helena, MT 59624

PrGbation Officers :-"ssodation, MT Glendi ve, ~1T 5933\)

Professional Insur,mce l\gents of MT Helena, 1"lT 59601

Psychological As&)ciatiun, Inc., Montana Helena, t·rr 59601

~ublic Employees Association, MT Helena, ~1T 59604

Public Health Association, Montana Billings, MT 59105

Public Instruction, Office of Helena, MT 59620

Public Service Cummission, MT State Helena, MT 59620

R & S MarketinJ Bozeman, MT 59715

Railway & Airline Clerks, Brotherhood of Rcckville, 1"10 20850

Realtur.s, ~T l\ssociatiun uf Helena, 1>iT 59601

Rehabilitatiun Associatiun uf Montana Helena, MT 59601

Rehabilitation, ~1l' [\ssoL.iatiun for Billings, ['IT Sl)lC 1

Religiuus Legisla~L'v'e Ccalition, MT Helena, r1T 59624

Republican Party, ~~ntana Hr.::lena, MT 59601

Res idential Child Care Assn., MT Helena, MT 59624

Retail Association, MT Helena, MT 59624


Dunham, Ken

Jamison, Mona

Johnsun, J. Riley

Haqper, Pat Callbeck Kaleczyc, Holly D.

Schneider, Thomas E.

Lackman, David Buell

Andersun, Dr. Bill Bartos, Rick Christiaansen, Gene Johnson, Judith A.

Budt, Wayne W. Burchett, J. David Casey , James R. Crawford, Dennis Driscoll, Geralyn

Brown, Steve

Mular, James T.

Cleary, Sharon Helding, Robert N.

J):mey, Ted J.

Smith, James E.

Waterman, Mignon

Yeakel, Steven C.

Waldron, Steve

Allen, George E.


Larsun, John ~'1.

Shackleford, Ray Stockton, Bob

I I 1

i I

~ 1,!

Elliott, Dan I Lee, Michael H. Mandeville, Joan ~ Miller, Taffy virginl Nelson, Robert A.

Kissock, Betty




~ Ret ired Pe rsuns, /;;-:12 !,.,; ~.}n Assn. uf ':1shingtvn, DC 20G-.f9

'" Retired Publ k Empluj;2s ,\ssn., MI' -Helena, MT 59601

Revenue, MI.AILjQa !\:/pacf' ... nent Gf IIIr Helena, MT 59620

• Rifle Associatiun, National Washingtvn, OC 20036

Riv'en<i'~ll Gf Amerka, Inc. • '.' l' 'fN ~0' 3' ',amp,11s, L .)0.1 •

?v~ky Hcurltai n ('il & Gas ,\ssociatiun • 2€nver, CO 80295

. Aky ,',\·.)u;,tain Treatment Center ........,,(':~at <;'311s, ~~T 59401

Save Ou~ State (S.O.S.) ,,- , ~T r932' .. ,,-,~strl.~,. ') J

SaV::':K;S :Lnstitutivrs, r·1untana League of '-lel'~nd, 'iT ')9601

C-;,_ ~lvU 1 V.i": r. i:'i tC::l to cs vf Muntana delena, lVlT 59601

iW)\;ienti::::'c G~s, -:.,,,,. ;ljrCc'Jss, GA JOO-j?

.. Se1f-Insurecs' ASS<.J--:iat ilJn, (IT '-1issuula, "n S98CF

.. Seniuc Citizens Assn.,;nc., MT Helena, MT 59601


f-Iausken, Elmer Munru, Mully

Berry, Leo Hayden, Clifton

Bentson, fun Blewett, Gary Bucks, Dan R. ChenLMeth, Lynn Ellery, Jack Foster, Jerry Crvepper, Gregg Harrington, William S. Hoffman, Donnie R • HGlliday, Bob

Bigelow, WIn. J • Judy, Brian A.

Melby, Patrick E.

Fallan, Janelle K.

Jamison, Mona

Daniels, BGb E. Salmcnsen, Larry

Erdmann, Charles E.

Long, Jesse W.

Anderson, Robert L. Muerer, Bruce W.

Andecson, Jerome

PosturinG, Carol ~\}ood: George

3ampart, Dorothy A. Carlson, Judith H.

Seventh-Day Adventists, General Conference of Wyman, Ralph II< "1ashington, DC 200J_2 ~

Seventh-Day :\dvent ~Sr.:.~::, ~E Conference of Wyman, Ralph • Bozeman, MT 59715


Upshaw, Joseph W.

Malm..:;, Jerry

Marble, Richard J. McRae, John Meredith, Jun Miller, Jeff Mcr::-ison, Kenneth NictilJls, Nexris Wilke, Randy Willems, John Wuodgerd, David

Stanley, Dan K.

Crvnquist, Jan


Shell Western :'&P Inc. Houston, TX 77001

Shelton Ranch C0r0~ration Gallatin Gateway ,''11' S9730

Sheriffs & Pea!....e Officers Assn., Mr Billings, MT 59107

Shorthand Reporters Association, Mr 13illings, MT 59103

Sierra Club )3vzeman, MT 59715

Ski Areas Ass~ciation, MT Helena, Mr 59624

SITDkeeter vf Montana Great Falls, MT 59404

Snowmobile Associatiun, MT Helena, MT 59604

Soap & Detergent Association New York, NY 10016

Social and Rehabilitation Services, MT Dept. uf Helena, ;>IT 59604

Social Ivor-kers, National .I\ssn. of MT Chapter Bozeman, MT 59715

Soft Qrink Asso~iation, Muntana Anaconda, MT 59'11:

Solid l,'laste Cvntrjc+:.'~r:s, Inc., MT Helena, MT 59601

State Bar vf Mun~~~d Helena, f'lT 59604

State Fann Insurance Ccmpanies Bloumington, IL 6 1,701

Stockgrowers Association, Montana Helena, M1' 59601

Stream Access, Mortana Coalition for Butte, MT 59701


Anderson, Jerome C€nman, TI..xnmy M.

Asher, William E., Sr.

Harrison, James T., Jr.

Anderson, Jerome

Souvigney, ,Jeanne-Marie

Melby, Patrick E.

Durkin, ,James

Bushnell, Bob

Andecsvn, Jerume

Blake, Mary Bullick, Margaret A. Cater, Russell E. Frey, Bonnie J. Godbout, Patricia A. Hanshew, Michael Harris, Nc.rma Madsen, John J.

Carlson, Judith H.

Delano, ,John L.

Skoug, Rose M. Weingartner, Sue A.

Bous1 iman, George L. Melby , '''Itrick E.

Gray, Randall H. James, Robert F.

Enkerud, Kim Jack, Jerome

Ross, R. Scott


McCracken, Jerry

Hooves to 1 , Ken

Matthies, Douglas May, JanDee Nielson, Jack Nolan, Jim Taylor, Dennis M. Thorsen, Dave Tiekell, Lee J. Walsh, Gary

G. I I 1

I •

James, Ted Mindemann, Charles 1 Teigen, Mons L.



;.. Supt. vf Schcols, MT\.ssn. Gf <rcadus, MT 59317 .,. Sweetgrass Cuunty ?reservation Assn.

.. Big Timber, i1T 59011


Co1.i..ins, Elinur

Strupe, Phillip W .

Tax Refut:m Educdt.i,~n Cvmrn., Mvntana (MONTREC) Henkel, Rubert A • .. Helena, r·1T 59624

Taxpayers Assuciation, Montana iIIII Helena, r1T 59604


.. •

Tavern Assuciatiun, Montana Heler;a, r·1T 59624

';:'pachecs I Retirement Boaed ::!elena, MT 59620

.:'heatre Owners, MT Assuciatiun vf B<)z.~ma.n, f'lT 59771

'11M/eREI.-' ~,C'IJ 'lGLK, NY loon

Ander-sun, S. Keith Burr, Dennis M.

Dtxc'Kee, iv1ade E. Durkee, Rebert A •

Senn, David L.

Bruwn, Steve

Jcyner, Hugh Goble, Lester H., II

• Tubac'...:v & Candy Disc.ribL!turs, Inc. MT Assn. of Maddux, Thomas w. lelena, HT 59624

......... ,'v;j(','~c,_, Insti'::",t.<::, The \';~4sh 1 ('( ltun, DC 20006

'~\_.;);:,.k.~~- y.Jt-vd 'frilcking IIJ - i }""!; 'Ff Sl)l)23

,t_:'!~" i.\.... Safety 'l'v1tJ (Seatbelt Coaltion) ., .'I:"Lr;~:,3, ~·~T 59624


,'v!loun, i.fr 59826

:','':'asd,:e :;tate Inci::'!»-~::(~(:nt Physician, Inc. ~1 i ss\;u la, MT 59802

:- -- )' ~3 ..:n~ cS ,"'s:3<>" ... ck u~ n, \fT County :"::\vis t'JNn, :1T 50457

Trial Lawyers As&,,_ .. ':.. lufl, ~1T

~elena, MT 59601

TLicenteul United St2t,~s, Inc. ~rk .. Llstun, IX 77027

• 'i'r'Jut Unlimited, Mf State Cuunci 1 of Bozeman, MT 59715


Andeesun, Jer:ume

Ebzecy, ThoIT~s E.

'i'lvod, Ccnnie M.

Jamiscn, Mona

HaGn.m, \vayne A. "Butch"

Phillips, Robert J.

Harringtun, .J.Ccrt, Jr.

Eni] 1 und, Karl J.

?adun, Jack, Jr. Walters, James T.

Bradshaw, Stan


Whitney, Sandra

La rson, Ibnald W. Stcope, Philip W.

O'Neill, J. Ward


U.F.C.W. Lo(.,;al 1981 Missoula, MT 59801

U.W. West Englew00d, CO 8012-:'

Unemp10yment C.::rn.p:;:--.s.:1ti0n Advisors, Inc. Helena, MT 59624

United Food & ~cmmecdal Wvrkers Union BellevUf::!, V-JA 98G04

United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company Helena, MT 59604

United Transportation Union Cleveland, OH 44107

United Veterans Committee of Montana Butte, MT 59702

University of Montana, President's Office Missoula, MT 59812

University System, Montana Helena, MT 59620

Utilities, Montana Associated Great Falls, MT 59401

Utility CGntractors Association, MT Helena, MT 59604

Vending Technolcgy Inc., Internatinal Denver, CO 80237

Vetera~s of Foreign Wars, MT Dept. of Helena, MT 59624

Vetecinarv '-j'2<.:l.i\..~3.1 .\ssociation, MT Helena, r'lT 59601

Vincent Lugging, .:L. Libby, MT 59923

Volunteer Firef Lqht8(-S Assn., MT State Butt.e, MT 59701

W2AC, Wc.,rKers Cl%lp. Actiun Comm. J:.,ibby, 11T 59923

W.G. Grace & Co. ~ibby, MT 59923


Alves, Marvin

Hughes, ,} ames R. McGree, Thomas P.

Smith, Chadwick H.

Clifford, Claudia A.

\'Jatennan, Ronald F.

Brand, Joe Gullickson, Morris W.

Poston, George O.

Easton, W. Michael

Bennyhoff, Steve Dunham, Paul Evenson, Dave Lannan, William J.

Ibwnen, Jay, T.

Hill, Betti Christie Waterman, Ronald

Arseneau, Joseph E., II

furl(ee, Robert A.

Kelly, K.M.

Vincent, Bruce A.

Lohr, Henry E. Nagel, Lyle P.

Vincent, Bruce A. Wood, Connie M.

Bennett, George T.


Wagner, Reger West, Raymond

Noble, John H., Jr. Romney, Sue I. Schramm, LeRoy H. Weinberg, Laurence




Washington Water Puwer Cumpany .. Spukane, I/fA 99220 ,. Water Deveh;prnent Associatiun, MY

• Helena, MT 59601

.. l'leapun C.Jllecturs Svciety, MI' Clancy, r>1T 59634

Weed Contrul Assn., ~untana Helena, MT 59601

\vesC0 Res(,Jurces, Inc. Billings, :vtT 59103

western Envirvnrnental Trade Assn. Helena, MT 59601

• Western Muntana Fish & G&~ Assn. Miss()ula, MT 59806

• ~vestern :vtontana College Di llon, MT 59725

• v;est(~rn Muntana ~edical Society MissGula, MT 59801

.... ("S '::.2 (:; Petr01eum Macke cters uf MT 3vzeman, fIT 59715

'1.'est.:.:n,,;,celo.,ld Re.:3uurces, Inc. • 8i~~ngs, ~1T 59103

vJildli Ee Fe·dera;:kn, Muntana .. 2<,7.e,r,an, MT5971')





:vi'le Institute "lecL2c Islar'.d, i~,t.. 98040

ik,.men Ir,\1\..;l ved .. :1 rac-:-c• FcuntJllics (WIFE) i-"~wlst0wn, 1-1T 594:57

,,,'uI11'2n I s Lubbyist F;..;nc Helena, t,rr 59624

'.'".~j .'t'0d\K;ts .A.:.3Svc .. ~>i.(,'1! MT Helena, MT 59601

Woul Growers Associcitiun, ~IT

Helena, MT 59624


Smoldcn, Russell D.

Brunner, Josep: ne D:mey, Ted J.

Elwell, A.M.

Hiett, William G., Jr.

Ebzery, T:10IT1aS E. Gustafson, Mike T.

Mic:one, Mario A.

Marbut, Gary S.

Hazelbaker, Frank W.

I).mcan, Dennis

Alexander, Renna

Presley, Clyde Joe

Klubnak, Jeanne C • Stenberg, Esther

Jamison, Mona

Ball, Shirley Bonine, Claribel

Amsden, Jackie Archer, Barbara Cheney, Sandy

Allen, D::m L.

Gilbert, Robert N.


Ellis, Robert A. Kelly, K.M.

DeCock, Ginger Norenberg, Kathryn B •

Jones, Debra Sands, Diane Youngman, Marcia


BILL (S) ________________________ _

________________________________ COMMITTEE i

: J-:' /IL1 DATE

SPONSOR (S) ____________________ __


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. I


FORH CS-33 Rev. 1985
