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Housing&Homelessness BACKGROUND HOUSING ISSUES · Housing&Homelessness 3. Locally Driven The...

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1 Housng & Homelessness BACKGROUND HOUSING ISSUES Senors populaton contnues to grow faster than other groups Leeds ad Greville is agig at a faster rate tha the provice. 27.5% of the populatio i Leeds ad Greville is 60 years of age or older. Specific affordability ad housig eeds (accessibility ad supports). Need for more dverse range of dwellng Household size is i declie ad the umber of youg childre is droppig oticeably. More eed for seiors, sigles ad o-family households. Need for smaller dwellig uits. Public housig waitlist has approximately 400-425 applicats. Mantanng exstng stock s a challenge The public housig stock is agig. Buildigs rage i age from 30-70 years plus. 81% of the buildigs are over 38 years old. The Couties housig stock is cosiderably older tha the provicial ad federal average. Older housig i the private market that may be affordable is poor coditio. Implicatios of the costs of maitaiig the public housig portfolio. Affordablty s an ssue for a number of households Uemploymet rates are at a higher level compared to the provice. The average household icome i Leeds ad Greville was $66,355 which is well below the provicial average of $81,329. The average icome for teats retig was $35,640. The icidece of low icome is prevalet i may of the local commuities (Prescott, Brockville, Elizabethtow-Kitley). Need to esure that there is adequate affordable housig to meet curret ad future eeds. High eed areas are Prescott, Brockville ad Gaaoque. Limited affordable home owerships optios for moderate icome households. Avalablty of support servce and supply of specal needs housng s lmted Lack of emergecy shelters/trasitioal housig i Leeds ad Greville. Limited supply of supportive housig for seiors, itellectual disabilities ad idividuals with metal illess.
Page 1: Housing&Homelessness BACKGROUND HOUSING ISSUES · Housing&Homelessness 3. Locally Driven The Housing and Homelessness Plan must be relevant to and based upon the unique needs of persons


Hous ng & Homelessness


Sen ors populat on cont nues to grow faster than other groups

• Leeds a d Gre ville is agi g at a faster rate tha the provi ce.

• 27.5% of the populatio i Leeds a d Gre ville is 60 years of age or older.

• Specific affordability a d housi g eeds (accessibility a d supports).

Need for more d verse range of dwell ng

• Household size is i decli e a d the umber of you g childre is droppi g oticeably.

More eed for se iors, si gles a d o -family households.

• Need for smaller dwelli g u its.

• Public housi g waitlist has approximately 400-425 applica ts.

Ma nta n ng ex st ng stock s a challenge

• The public housi g stock is agi g.

• Buildi gs ra ge i age from 30-70 years plus.

• 81% of the buildi gs are over 38 years old.

• The Cou ties housi g stock is co siderably older tha the provi cial a d federal average.

• Older housi g i the private market that may be affordable is poor co ditio .

• Implicatio s of the costs of mai tai i g the public housi g portfolio.

Affordab l ty s an ssue for a number of households

• U employme t rates are at a higher level compared to the provi ce.

• The average household i come i Leeds a d Gre ville was $66,355 which is well below

the provi cial average of $81,329.

• The average i come for te a ts re ti g was $35,640.

• The i cide ce of low i come is prevale t i ma y of the local commu ities (Prescott,

Brockville, Elizabethtow -Kitley).

• Need to e sure that there is adequate affordable housi g to meet curre t a d

future eeds.

• High eed areas are Prescott, Brockville a d Ga a oque.

• Limited affordable home ow erships optio s for moderate i come households.

Ava lab l ty of support serv ce and supply of spec al needs hous ng s l m ted

• Lack of emerge cy shelters/tra sitio al housi g i Leeds a d Gre ville.

• Limited supply of supportive housi g for se iors, i tellectual disabilities a d

i dividuals with me tal ill ess.

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Hous ng & Homelessness

V s on

Gu d ng Pr nc ples

1. Persons Centered Approach

People a d their experie ces are ce tral to the pla i g a d developme t of housi g a d

homeless ess programs. Strategies are developed to e sure that people are supported a d

housed; whe a perso ce tred approach is used to provide housi g stability, people ca

better move forward with their lives if they are first housed. People accessi g housi g a d

homeless ess supports a d services will be treated with respect, dig ity, ho esty a d

i tegrity.

2. Commun ty Partnersh ps

It is critical i service pla i g that stro g part erships are created a d mai tai ed. The

private, public, a d volu tary sectors alo g with e gaged citize s are all importa t a d

i terco ected parts of the commu ity. Housi g a d Homeless ess pla i g requires a d

must i clude stro g part erships betwee all levels of gover me t, o -profit providers,

commu ity resources, health services, a d those i dividuals/families that require supports.

Creati g part ership opportu ities with commu ity stakeholders will stre gthe the quality

of services provided to perso s who are homeless or at risk of becomi g homeless.

Collaboratio with commu ity part ers is esse tial to providi g quality a d sustai able

services that are fiscally respo sible.

To encourage and support access to

safe, secure, su table and affordable

hous ng that reflects the chang ng needs

of the commun ty.

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Hous ng & Homelessness

3. Locally Dr ven

The Housi g a d Homeless ess Pla must be releva t to a d based upo the u ique eeds

of perso s i our commu ity. Each commu ity will have differe t eeds based upo the size

of the urba /rural area, a d the u ique resources such as the services a d supports readily

available i the commu ity. Leeds Gre ville will take steps to e sure that the voice of the

local homeless or at risk of homeless ess populatio is heard whe developi g appropriate

services a d supports for the local commu ity.

4. Inclus ve

All services, programs, a d pla i g will reflect the voices a d experie ces of all families

a d i dividuals, i cludi g those who are experie ci g homeless ess or at risk of

homeless ess. Services will be provided that are locally drive , based upo the local

populatio s eeds, a d created through stro g part erships with a holistic approach.

5. F scal Respons b l ty

There must be accou tability to the people we serve: the taxpayers, elected officials a d the

mu icipal a d provi cial gover me ts. The developme t of housi g a d homeless ess

support actio s will i clude bala ci g the fiscal reality of the ability to fu d services, while

mai tai i g quality services a d supports to those i eed.

6. Outcomes based

Priorities are developed that reflect the eeds of the local commu ities that ca be

measured a d evaluated to determi e program success, a d eed for improveme t.

Program outcomes will i clude: housi g those who are homeless, a d those at risk of bei g

homeless remai housed.

D scuss on Quest ons

1. Are there suggested rev s ons or alternat ves you would propose w th

regards to the prel m nary v s on statement?

2. Are these the gu d ng pr nc ples we should move forward w th?

a. Should they be changed? If so, how?

b. Are there any pr nc ples you feel are m ss ng? If yes, please

spec fy.

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Hous ng & Homelessness

Hous ng Goals and Act ons

1. Ma nta n current affordable hous ng serv ces and programs.

Move to a set a ual co tributio to the Commu ity Housi g Capital Reserve based

o amortizatio to e sure fu ds are available to mai tai /revitalize the existi g stock.

Work with mu icipal, provi cial, federal gover me t part ers, social housi g sector

age cies, o -profit housi g providers, commu ity age cies a d the private sector to

ide tify rege eratio /revitalizatio for the social housi g portfolio.

Support the fi a cial viability a d stability of o -profit a d cooperative housi g

providers by providi g the followi g assista ce:

develop a d mai tai budgets,

e courage co tributio to the capital reserve,

provide tech ical support for updates to buildi g co ditio assessme ts,

trai i g (i.e. Board Gover a ce),

atte da ce at board meeti gs,

schedule quarterly meeti gs,

part er with HSC to pilot the developme t of the e d of operati g

agreeme ts template,

stre gthe a d develop a more comprehe sive operati g agreeme t,

replace curre t operati g agreeme ts with re t suppleme t agreeme ts, a d

as part of the Rege eratio Strategy, co sider part eri g with o -profit

providers/sectors to meet the RGI targets.

Co ti ue part ership with Habitat for Huma ity for Home Ow ership Program.

Co sideratio to i crease re t suppleme t targets with mu icipal supports.

Mai tai a memora dum of u dersta di g with I terval House to provide services a d

supports for special priority.

The e tire housi g portfolio will be assessed a d required replaceme ts made as part

of the Gree saver Program.

Provide educatio regardi g cold water use to te a ts.

Co ti ue to impleme t recomme datio s of the 2009 e ergy audit, i cludi g:

lighti g retrofits, plumbi g upgrades, thermostat upgrades, weather strippi g

upgrades, wi dow replaceme t, replace air make-up with recover ve tilatio ,

upgrade vestibule glazi g, a d remove block heaters.

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Hous ng & Homelessness

2. Enhance Serv ces to reflect the chang ng needs of the commun ty.

Develop performa ce measures i alig me t with ew provi cial performa ce

i dicators.

Give co sideratio to e teri g i to Re t Suppleme t agreeme ts with ew o -profit


Advocate for additio al fu di g for re t suppleme t programs.

E gage with provi cial a d federal programs to access fu di g for housi g.

Develop a co solidated registry of all commu ity housi g programs. I ter al a d

exter al programs.

Develop a process for tracki g a d measuri g housi g eeds a d dema d for the

commu ity.

Develop a measuri g mecha ism to capture the hidde homeless.

E ha ce part erships with the Red Cross a d Police for the provisio of afterhours

emerge cy service to i dividuals a d families.

Develop a d impleme t a workshop pla for customers of OW a d Housi g. Topics to

i clude budgeti g, life skills, housekeepi g skills, job skills, etc.

Co ti ue to provide fu ds to modify u its to e able i dividuals a d families to remai

safely i their home.

E ha ce the curre t agreeme t with O tario March of Dimes for the provisio of

modified u its to assist those who are u able to live i depe de tly, without the 24

hour supports.

Pursue the ave ue of ope i g a additio al emerge cy shelter utilizi g vaca t Re t

Geared to I come u its.

Target mu icipalities with demo strated high eed based o eed a d dema d


That the service ma ager will create a la d availability registry that will be mai tai ed

through the GIS departme t.

Exami e the housi g portfolio to pursue the pote tial for re-allocati g existi g re t-

geared-to-i come u its based o the dema d.

Lobby a d e courage i frastructure for the provisio of low i terest loa s for ew

developme t of affordable housi g.

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Advocate for co ti uatio a d i crease to fu di g for affordable housi g.

Co sider a se ior’s desig atio for part of the public housi g portfolio.

Develop part ership with the O tario Aborigi al Housi g Services to ide tify gaps a d

possible opportu ities.

3. Involve all stakeholders n the development and mplementat on of the hous ng plan.

Use a commo defi itio of “affordable housi g”.

Pla a a ual housi g forum to share expertise, experie ces a d data o housi g a d

homeless ess.

Commu icate programs a d statistics through media releases, promotio al materials,

ewsletters a d website.

Work with commu ity part ers to develop etworki g opportu ities.

Commu icate fi di gs a d recomme datio s co tai ed i the Housi g a d

Homeless ess Pla . A d share progress reports.

Create a Housi g Table with represe tatio from various sectors.

Part er with commu ity health care practitio ers to deliver services (i.e. foot care)

withi the Cou ties housi g portfolio commo areas.

Develop part ership with commu ity me tal health a d developme tal service to

address supportive housi g issues.

Establish a hoardi g coalitio with commu ity health, me tal health, a d fire

preve tio age cies. Provide fu di g of resources to support te a ts to establish a

u cluttered, clea home.

Work with part er mu icipalities to waive / reduce developme t fees, zo i g

ame dme ts, tax i ce tives to promote a d e courage affordable housi g.

Develop part erships with private sector for ew a d rege eratio of affordable

housi g.

Work with the private sector to provide a greater u dersta di g of what is affordable

housi g.

Develop li kages with LHIN as this has bee a ide tified gap.

All pri ted material will use simplified la guage; format a d tra slatio will be

provided as required.


Hous ng & Homelessness

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D scuss on 2 Assista ce will be provided i the completio of applicatio s if eeded.

Work with Co ect Youth a d other age cies to develop a mecha ism to ide tify

(qua tify) a d develop a strategy to support homeless youth.

The Cou ties Official Pla will be completed by March 2015 a d will:

i clude policies co siste t with the Provi cial Policy Stateme t o affordable

housi g;

co sider objectives of “affordable housi g” as outli ed i the Housin and

Homelessness Plan; a d

provide for desig ated levels of affordable housi g withi ew developme ts.


Hous ng & Homelessness

D scuss on Quest ons

1. Are there any other act v t es that the Count es should nclude n ts

Hous ng Plan?

2. Wh ch act v ty do you feel should be the f rst pr or ty for mov ng

forward on the Hous ng Plan?

3. If t was necessary to el m nate one act v ty due to t me, cost or

other factors, wh ch act on do you feel the Count es could

el m nate?

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Hous n g Partners


Hous ng & Homelessness

D scuss on Quest ons

1. Wh ch partners should be nvolved n the mplementat on of the

Hous ng Plan?

2. Are there poss ble partners that have not been approached?

3. How do we engage partners who haven’t been nvolved n the past?
