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How are you leading your agile teams? Yael Rabinovich & Sagi Smolarski

Date post: 12-Aug-2015
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Connecting the Dots Management Agile Principles Engineering Leading Agile Software Teams

Connecting the Dots


Agile Principles


Leading Agile

Software Teams

Kahoot#1 (Sagi) - What is the approximate percentage of engaged people in your organization?

20% 40% 60% 80%





Not Engaged

Actively Disengaged

13% 31%


Managers Account for 70%

...of Variance in Employee Engagement

Takeaway #1 Employee engagement starts with

investment in the managers, and in particular in their ability to motivate and engage employees...

Kahoot #2 - Yael - How many times did you give instructions to others in the last two days less than 2 2-5 more than 5 1000

Provide solutions


Ask questions


Give instructions

Communicate Intent



I’m Listening Listen to me

Learning & Growth Get it done now


Teach Problem Solving

Do it this way

Challenge above all

Continuous training and


Provide focus

Self directed, responsibility

The know the organization’s goal and to

believe it

The need to see results

Knowledge Worker

Takeaway #2

Learn from David Marquet… Communicate using intent, be curious, help people think like managers More Coaching than management Understand Knowledge Workers drivers

Kahoot #3 . Sagi - If I want to improve team performance, my best investment will probably be in improving... 1. Talent of individual team members 2. Team communication effectiveness 3. Experience of team members 4. Reducing the age of team members



Sociometric Badge

What Contributes to Team Performance?

Team Communicatio

n Patterns

Team members’ talent

Team members’ intelligence

Team members’ experience & past accomplishments

Takeaway #3

Self-Organization makes good business sense. Leaders’ role is to design an environment which enables self organization.

Kahoot 4 - Yael - To maximize the value teams generate, my #1 goal in structuring the teams is... 100% utilization of team members Gender Balanced Minimizing dependencies to other teams A long lived team

3 reasons why 100% utilization is not a good goal ★ Multi tasking that results with task switch ★ Optimize the outcome, not the output ★ Remove slack = no time for improvement

and innovation

Don’t be afraid from slack. Use it as an opportunity for learning and improvement Maintain improvement backlog

Takeaway #4

Kahoot #5 - Sagi - When I make decisions which impact teams, What will affect people's willingness to commit? -  The team believes this is the right decision -  Decision making process was fair -  Decision was reached by consensus -  The decision relies on research and


Fair Process

Engagement Individuals are involved in decisions which affect them

Explanation Individuals affected by a decision must understand why the decision was made (transparency of intent and rationale)

Expectation Clarity

Once a decision is made, clearly specify the expectations & responsibilities


Takeaway #5

Fair Process is at least as important as good decisions Fair Process = Engagement + Explanation + Expectations

Kahoot #6 (Yael). What will you use as main measurement for progress? Consumed capacity Committed vs. Actual Average team member weight Done stories vs Total # of stories

Pay attention to what you measure.

Takeaway #6

“With people slow is fast and fast is slow”



The End

Connecting the Dots




Leading Agile

Software Teams

זה אותו הדבר

Our developers feel comfortable making changes in the code absolutely mostly sometimes rarely

Continuous Improvement

Big Picture In your organization, If I ask 10 team members, how many will be able to articulate the project\release goals and benefits? -  10 -  7 or less -  3 or less -  0

7. Which of these engineering practices has the highest proven ROI

Support 4

Are you catalyzing organizational change to support culture of value delivery? Are you able to effectively distribute resources across teams to maximize team value delivery, rather than striving for resource utilization per se? Agile values getting work done over having items in progress. The question for an Agile manager becomes, "How can I array people to best

increase throughput?" rather than "How can I maximize `my' people

being utilized at 100%?

lack of engagement is an issue that has always mattered, but it matters now more than ever, because knowledge-based organizations are totally dependent on the commitment and ideas of their employees


How is it related to Agile Agile frameworks take this into consideration 1. Communication frameworks 2. Patterns\Practices to enable Autonomy

\Mastery\purpose 3. Fast tangible results

The job of manager shifts from director / manager of the team’s work, to a position of coach, boundary keeper, obstacle remover and organizational change driver.

Individual Prep…!!!!!! -  Rehearse - 2 minutes per question -  Each question, link to agile -  Think about switching quickly from the

presentation to kahoot and back -  Make survey available and provide link

1.  What is the approximate percentage of engaged people in your organization? 20/40/60/80 2.  How many times did you give instructions to others in the last two days ? 0 / more then 2/ 20/ all day 3.  If we want to improve team performance, our best investment will probably be in improving…

o  Talent of individual team members o  Team communication effectiveness o  Experience of team members o  Reducing the age of team members

4.  To maximize the value teams generate, my #1 goal in structuring the teams is… ●  100% utilization of team members (everyone is busy) ●  More women ●  Minimizing dependencies to other teams ●  Long lived team

5. When making decisions which impact teams, What will affect people's willingness to commit? ●  This is the right decision ●  Decision making process was fair ●  Consensus was reached ●  External experts were consulted

6, What will you use as main measurement for progress ? ●  Consumed capacity ●  Committed vs. Actual ●  Average team member weight ●  Done stories vs Total # of stories

7. In your organization, out of 10 people how many will be able to articulate the project goals? 8. Can you specify a single improvement done by the team in the last couple of weeks ?
