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How calculations-go-wrong-in-strategy

Date post: 06-Jan-2017
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How Calculations go wrong in strategy when you don’t know strategy Agha H Amin The model was Roman and Greek and Persian but the British borrowed it and refined it , and did successfully practice it. Britains power was built on its navy and sustained by manipulation . But by 1863 British manipulation was being challenged and British bluffs were kicked aside by Russia when Palmertson threatened Russia at the time of Polish Uprising. The vast crevasses in British REAL POWER were exposed when Britain had no trained manpower to fight the German main attack right wing and was forced to employ the Indian corps in France , a policy always held as abhorrent by Britain till then , i.e never employing Indians against any white foe ! The Kaiser may have failed in France in 1914 but he had broken the backbone of the British Empire.
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How Calculations go wrong in strategy when you don’t know strategy

Agha H AminThe model was Roman and Greek and Persian but the Britishborrowed it and refined it , and did successfully practice it.

Britains power was built on its navy and sustained by manipulation .

But by 1863 British manipulation was being challenged and British bluffs were kicked aside by Russia when Palmertson threatened Russia at the time of Polish Uprising.

The vast crevasses in British REAL POWER were exposed when Britain had no trained manpower to fight the German main attack right wing and was forced to employ the Indian corps in France , a policy always held as abhorrent by Britain till then , i.e never employing Indians against any white foe !

The Kaiser may have failed in France in 1914 but he had broken the backbone of the British Empire.

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Such was British desperateness that Indians were granted commissions in the army , a policy that Britains English EastIndia Company had rigidly discontinued after rebellion of Yusuf Khan in 1750s.

Hitler may have failed in the war but again he broke the backof the British Empire.My grandfather serving as an AssistantSecretary in British Indian Ministry of Defence at Simla in summers and New Delhi in winters wrote a letter to his elderbrother Agha Abdul Rauf a superintendent in British Indian Police serving in Gorakhpur in 1938 , “ The British are here in India till at least 1995 and they plan to have minimum Indians as officers so send your son to engineering college”.

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Agha Abdul Rauf did send his son to Engineering College butthe British had fled India gracefully and wisely and Agha Manzur Rauf left the college to join Pakistan Army and rose to the rank of a major general.

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During the war Britain commissioned rankers and even bartenders and waiters as officers in Indian Army , previously seen as low class material in British snobbery standards ! Just to avoid Indians becoming officers.

Thus Britain in haste commissioned some 31,000 Britons , a large number from backgrounds previously regarded as socially unacceptable as officers in British Indian Army and granted war commissions to a puny 8,000 Indians although many more were eligible.

But Hitler had broken Britains back and the naval mutiny of 1946 was the last blow that broke Britains resolve to hold onto India and an inglorious retreat in 1947.

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The harsh truth emerged in Second World War that the west was saved by Russian blood .Some Ninety percent of fighting was done by the USSR and some 90 % of all allied casualties sustained by the USSR.

Yet another BLUFF called the Cold War was created and USSR finally disintegrated by manipulating Saudi Arabian oil prices to a record low in 1986-87.

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From the ashes of USSR emerged a Phoenix Russia under a Moses called Putin.

Nuclear power although an American breakthrough changed the equation and its acquisition by USSR and China entirely transformed the equation.

Manipulation by war was no longer possible.

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So the West and the USSR resorted to proxy wars and from proxy wars many bastard children like Mujahideen , Viet Cong , Taliban and ISIS were created.

The present situation has not turned out as Grand British Manipulation would have desired.

Key facts of the situation are as following :--

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1. NATO is a fangless and impotent alliance and its supreme ineffectiveness was proved in Afghanistan where 90 % NATO states played only a very apologetic and inglorious role , 98 % of fighting being done by USA and some 5 % by Britain.

2. The Syrian War designed to destroy Middle East and turn it into a NATO chattel has been check mated by Russia and Iran.

3. Iran and North Korea have successfully emerged as states that cannot be subjected to the Grand Manipulation Template.

4. Naval power over which the Atlantic Rims power was built is now being challenged by China and Russia and would no longer be a US British preserve.

5. Russia ,China and India are emerging as a major contender block to the west.

6. Europe or NATO has no willing manpower to be thrown into the oven of war as European elites could successfully do in 1914 or 1939.

7. What started as anti war brilliant propaganda stuff known as Wilsons 14 Points today has made EU a totally docile poodle dogs club.

8. Bogeys and false threats like Al Qaeda and Taliban and ISIS have failed to emerge as credible strategic ulcers and have been contained in Syria , Afghanistan and Iraq.

9. Ukraine remains a NATO failure and an unstable stalemate.

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10. US leadership is qualitatively deteriorating since 2000 first because of the war profiteering Bush presidency and later by the war profiteering Obama presidency and will be down to 5 % when Hispanics andnon whites become USAs elite in 2030s and 2040s.

The options that the west has are as following :--

Enjoy the rape and let Russia ,China and India dominate.

Trigger an India Pakistan war that can cripple both China and India .

Confront Russia and drag it into some Spanish Ulcer type scenario.

Option One seems safest option for the west .Take a break and concentrate on internal reform and regeneration .

Option Two is dangerous .

Option three is already a failure in Ukraine and Syria and Iraq.


In Afghanistan war Pakistans General Musharraf created a new Template of running with the foxes and hunting with thehounds and created a 95 % Pakistani proxy known as AfghanTaliban that killed 98 % of US troops in Afghanistan. The NATO knew it but failed to confront the Musharraf Template as USA had allowed Pakistan to acquire Nuclear weapons in 1983 so that it could counter any Soviet attempt to overrun

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Pakistan then , since Pakistan at that time was a major US concubine.
