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How can Data Science revolutionize healthcare? NIPS 2016 Notes

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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How can Data Science revolutionize healthcare? NIPS 2016 Notes Tetiana Kodliuk, Data Scientist

How can Data Science revolutionize healthcare? NIPS 2016 Notes

Tetiana Kodliuk, Data Scientist

In 2016, University of Tokyo’s

Institute of Medical Science

reported about the first case,

when Artificial Intelligence

saved the person’s life.

● continuous scientific research● powerful computing resources● government programs for health care


Carlson - is the first case of using drone in pedagogy

Trends in 2017 by Forbes

Artificial Intelligence

Big Data

Machine Learning


Example of ML algorithms for

problems solution

AI use cases in


Main directions in ML for Health

What do you expect from AI in Medicine?

Main directions

I. Personal medicine

Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care, Leo Seli

● Records analysis for millions of patients

● Compute disease risk from clinical report history

● Recommend treatment options● Recommend multiple drugs

based on drug interactions

Main directions

II. Decision support systems

Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care, Leo Seli

● Mouse-and-click for clinicians● 1-minute summary of patient

pathology● Continuously learn from

similar cases● Up-to-date medical


Main directions

III. Remote control

Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care, Leo Seli

● Heart attack prediction● Diet control● Doctor or clinic

recommendations● Drug-interactions analysis● Queues avoiding

Key challenges for Healthcare system

1. Better care at lower cost- e. g. Fee-for-service -> value based


2. Precision medicine- Reducing “number needed to treat”

3. Person-centred care- Treating people not organs

Fundamental theorem

>But not:


Use cases in Medicine

How can Data Science revolutionize his life?

Digital human

Electronic clinical records

1. Medical records analysis

Information extraction from unstructured data

Lab tests




Natural language processing

- Name- Time- Measurement- Diagnosis- Treatment- Drug- Analysis

Neural Networks

Entities recognitionPerson Treatment


I know everything about you!


Clinical data:● Structured● Unstructured● Medical Images

Behavioral data:● Social Network data● Mobile sensor data● Demographics

BioMed data:● Genomic● Proteomic● Drug responses

2. General data analysis

Heart rhythms from tracker sensors

What can Social networks tell us?

Convolutional neural network for images processing

What will happen to me tomorrow?

Health predicting

Goal: predict a person’s health, stress and happiness tomorrow

● self-reported health is strongly related to all-cause mortality

● stress increases susceptibility to infection and illness

● happiness is so strongly associated with greater longevity that the effect size is as cigarette smoking

● mood has historically been a difficult task, with typical classification accuracies ranging from 55-80%

Multi-task Learning for Predicting Health, Stress, and Happiness, Natasha Jaques

Daily features

Location Physiology: EDA Accelerometer Skin temperature

Behavioral surveys Weather Smartphone logs

What is good for one person is bad for another

Deep Learning

Happiness Stress Health

Recognize me by the image!

3. Clinical Images analysis

● Medical Images and Video parsing● Pathology detection from biopsy slides● Pathology detection from ultrasound imagery● Brain diseases detection from MRT● Pathology detection from endoscopic images


● Mammography is an “obvious” application for Deep learning

● Annotated datasets are small

● Augmentation is necessary

Augmentation analysis

Augmentation methods

Gaussian blur







Gaussian noise

Original dataset Augmentation Training Evaluation


Blur 0.885

Rotate 0.881

Shear 0.875

Scale 0.87

Flip 0.84

Jitter 0.81

Power 0.73

Noise 0.66

Categorizing Anomalies in Retinal Imaging Data

● Anomaly detection in Optical Coherence Tomography images is a difficult and unsolved task, though many patients are affected by retinal diseases that cause vision loss

● Philipp Seeböck proposes to identify abnormal regions which can serve as potential biomarkers in retinal spectral-domain OCT images, using a Deep Convolutional Autoencoder

OCT dataset processing

Healthy OCT

One-Class SVM model

Unhealthy OCT


Anatomy Classification Through Visualization

● The design of the CNN model does not necessarily need to be a trial-and-error process, solely focused on optimizing the test set accuracy.

● Through visualization we managed to incorporate domain knowledge and overall managed to achieve a much more informed decision process.

MRI analysis

Tell me my diagnosis

● by patient histories ● by medical literature

● by outside information ● by similar patients searching

Diagnostic Prediction Using Discomfort Drawings

A discomfort drawing is an intuitive way for patients to express discomfort and pain related symptoms.


Demographical Priors for Health Conditions Diagnosis

Input data

● Age● Race● Gender● Income level



How will you die?

Patient similarity matching

Idea: to determine the similarity of two ICD code sequences, one can compare their primary diagnosis


Matching algorithm

Drug, treatment similarity

Diet2Vec: personal diet

Diet2Vec: personal diet

Despite the vectors being generated based on meal co-occurrence, our resulting diet vectors still have intuitive interpretations in terms of macro ratios.

5. Security of the medical data

Anomalies in doctor’s behaviors

Can you improve lung cancer detection?

Thank you!

[email protected]
