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How did you attract/ address your target audience?

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How did you attract/ address your target audience?
Page 1: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

How did you attract/ address your target audience?

Page 2: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

Front coverMy front cover is bright with colours such as blue and white. This attracts my target audience as it is very appealing to the eye. On the shop shelves, my audience would be scanning all the magazines to find one to buy and by having bright colours, it allows the magazine to be easily noticed.

Page 3: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

Also, my previous research shows that listeners of EDM wear bright clothes and have bright make up when going to clubs/ festivals. I then used the idea of having lots of bright colours and made my magazine bright as this would then attract the audience.

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FontMy masthead is in the font AR DESTINE and my target audience have told me that it reminds them of electronics and things to do with digital technology which would be linked to EDM. Therefore, I chose this font as it directly links to the genre of magazine and it would attract my audience as they would then see it and think of EDM and would pick up the magazine.

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In addition, the white clearly contrasts the background and it makes it the first visible thing on the page. This would attract my target audience as after they have seen the font of the masthead they would pick up the magazine seeing that it links to EDM.

Examples of fonts that address EDM

Page 6: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

Strap linesI have addressed the audience through my cover lines as I have clearly directed the content of my magazine towards my audience. For example, in my ideal audience profile I had said that the readers will be creative and they would create their own music. I have then addressed this in my magazine by having an article about getting a gig as this would be the next step for my readers after they have made their own music.

Page 7: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

In addition, I have also stated that they may be aspiring DJ’s and this has also been addressed through the same strap line. This is because if they want to be a DJ then they would need to have some form of experience in actually showcasing their music live. A gig would be a perfect opportunity to get this experience which would then help them in the future.

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The strap lines would further attract my audience as they are in white which makes them very visible on the page. Also, the topic of the article is in a box which brings the readers attention to them and then they will read the actual strap line. One of my strap lines includes well –known artists and this would attract my target audience as more people would be likely to be familiar with them and so would buy the magazine. By having more than one artist means that I can attract different fans as then more people would be aware of the artists.

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ColoursThe colour scheme is black, white and blue. I have chosen black and white as they compliment each other very well and they contrast each other which would attract readers. I added blue as I feel as though this is a very common colour used in festivals and clubs along with pink and yellow. I felt as though yellow wouldn’t suit the model. During my research process I found that MixMag magazine have different colour schemes on each issue depending on the artist they used as their feature. I also took this idea on board as it creates variety throughout all the magazines which would attract my target audience. In this issue, I have used blue as the artist is a boy and stereotypically this is the colour that boys would go for. However, if in my next issue I had used a girl as my feature then I would use pink as my main colour. The black and white used in this issue are universal colours which stops there being any barrier for who would buy the magazine.

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Examples of how MixMag changes their colour scheme according to their feature.

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PriceAnother way I have addressed my target audience is by making my magazine cheaper than other EDM magazines. This is because they are young and would be saving their pocket money for other things and so by making the magazine cheap it makes them want to buy it as they aren’t feeling limited with their luxuries.

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Contents pageOne way I have attracted my audience is by making the contents page simple and easy to read. This is because my target audience wouldn’t spend a lot of time reading through pages and so by making key words bolder, it makes it much quicker for my readers to find what interests them.

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Images My first image would address my target audience as the model is listening to music and looks as though she is enjoying herself. In my ideal audience profile I had said that my readers would love listening to music and they would always carry their headphones with them which links to my image.

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My second image also addresses my target audience as they would be very social and hang out with their friends a lot. The second image links to this idea as you can see two friends together who look like they are enjoying themselves and having fun.

Page 15: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

ContentsMy main articles on the contents page are the ones mentioned on the front cover. The other articles would attract my audience –as previously mentioned- they love to listen to music and the following articles are based on music.

These two articles would attract my audience as they would be the first to know about new releases and so these would help them to gain that knowledge to share with their friends.

This would attract my readers as some may want to be a DJ and so by having the option to advertise their music, it would make the reader want to buy the magazine.

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CD informationI have included information about the free CD that comes with the magazine. This will attract my audience as if they aren’t aware of the artist then they have some background information on him. Also, there is a track list which would appeal to my readers as they would want to know how many songs are in the CD and they can also get a feel for what the songs may be like since most EDM songs aren’t lyric based.

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Double page spreadMy double page spread will attract my target audience as the whole page is very bright and it goes with the colour scheme. My border will attract my audience as when flicking through the magazine, the page will be easily noticed. Since it is the same design as on the front cover, it shows the reader that this is the featured double page.

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Quote The quote would attract my target audience as when they see it, they can get a feel for the artists opinions and it would make them want to read the rest of the article after having a glimpse of his personality. Also, many people in all music genres agree that music is like another language and so this could also attract members from outside the EDM genre. The quote is in black and underlined which makes it stand out against the picture so that it is easily noticed when readers first look at the page.

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In addition, the quote is informal which would address my target audience because they are teenagers. They would be using informal language as well and this would make the reader think that the article can be related to easily so they would read the article.

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Questions The article itself addresses my target audience and this can be seen through my questions. For example, the last question would be addressing those who are aspiring to be a DJ but aren’t sure on what to do. The article is almost giving readers advice on how to act if you come across difficulties and also the outcome if you act the right way.

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Image The image would attract my audience as the model looks fun and friendly which would be some of the personality traits of those who listen to EDM. It makes his music seem as though it is light hearted and creative which would appeal to my readers. In addition, the lights in the background would enforce the idea of EDM due to there being lots of lights in clubs and in other parties. Further more, the model looks very modern and my readers themselves would be modern and up to date on everything and this makes the artist seem similar to them. This would make the reader want to read the article as it makes him seem like an ordinary person rather than a famous artist, creating a friendly bond between the artist and reader.

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Page 23: How did you attract/ address your target audience?

Layout The layout of my double page itself is very different to other magazines as they normally have the main image on one page and then text on the other. However, my image is in the middle of both pages and the writing is on the sides. This would attract my target audience as they like variety and they like things to be different – hence why they prefer a non mainstream music genre. They would see the layout and would be intrigued as it makes the article seem different so they would want to read it.

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