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How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

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How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research,

planning and evaluation stages?

Microsoft word• Word was used in my researching and

planning as I had put my ideas on the blog by writing them into word, then uploading it onto slideshare. Also, word helped me write things for my blog as it made it easier to write it into word, and then make a PowerPoint from all the information I had written down. By doing this, it allowed me to edit sentences and also made it clear as it is a neat way to lay information out and makes it readable without getting myself, or my blog viewers confused. I also used Word for my evaluation as I wrote everything down first, and then made it into a PowerPoint/video/Prezi. This again, made it easier for me to just copy and paste what I had written and allowed me to read over it clearly.

Microsoft PowerPoint

• PowerPoint helped me make presentations. I used PowerPoint for many different things such as presenting my own ideas, star constructions, music video analysis, and general research on the music industry. By using PowerPoint, it made my work more presentable and also allowed me to add pictures to show examples of what I was explaining. This made my work visually appealing, which would make the audience want to stay interested in my ideas and what I’m talking about.

Slideshare• I used slideshare to upload

my PowerPoint presentations and Word documents. The slideshare website was very handy as it allowed me to upload my work quickly, and then embed the work onto my blog. This kept all my work organized, as whenever I needed to look at my work on slideshare, everything was kept together and I could easily replace files, rather than deleting the whole file.

Prezi• I used Prezi as an alternative to

PowerPoint. I felt that using Prezi allowed me to explore more with being creative. I used Prezi to analyse music artist’s websites and also research on music videos. I was able to be creative by adding the artist’s music video in within the Prezi, which would make it easy to play so the viewers don’t have to search it up. Using Prezi made it more organized. I’ve used Prezi for my evaluation as again I’ve used different methods of media in order to present my work and keep viewers/audience interested in what I have spoken about.

Powtoon• Powtoon is also very similar to Prezi and

PowerPoint. However, I believe this website has been the best in terms of creativity. I used Powtoon to analyse Digipaks. When analysing the Digipaks, I was only able to have writing which lasted 20 seconds. This was very useful as it made me realize that I need to write a minimum but explain as much as I can which meant I wouldn’t talk about random things, but get straight to my points. Also, I added music into the Powtoon’s which were from the albums I was analysing. By doing this, I feel that the audience would want to carry on watching what I have made and it would entertain them at the same time due to the music. I was also able to add in transitions and make the images and text come in time to the music which was good as it had a rhythm and again keeps the audience/viewers entertained and interested.

YouTube• YouTube was used for various things

such as uploading, watching and getting inspiration. I uploaded most of my work onto YouTube as I believe many people use YouTube and that way, my work could be viewed by people worldwide, and maybe they could comment on it, and tell me their views. I used YouTube as part of my research to watch music videos which allowed me to embed it onto my blog so blog viewers can see who and what I’m talking about. I watched many music video’s on YouTube to get inspiration and ideas for my own music video which was useful as it was free to watch and I was able to watch as many as I wanted.

Social Networks• I used social networking sites

such as Facebook and Twitter to see what stars were upto. This was part of my star constructions. Looking at these social networking sites makes it easier for the producer consumer relationship as I also sent my A2 music video through Facebook. This allows audiences to communicate with certain people/stars and share their thoughts about things.

StoryboardThat• StoryboardThat was used to

create my storyboard for my music video. I used this website twice as I had to change my first idea. Using this made it so much easier to do my actual filming, as I knew what I was going to film and how it was going to turn out and also what shot types I should use. Also after finishing my storyboard, it was so easy to download the images onto my laptop and then make it into a movie on Final Cut Pro. By putting it together I knew what was going to be where in parts of the song.

iTunes• iTunes was used as part

of my research as I was able to find songs that I wanted and then once I chose my song, it was easy to buy it and then use it. Buying it on iTunes made it easier than downloading it as when downloading music, it’s hard to find the original song as sometimes it could be pitched or speeded up.

Google Forms• I used Google forms and

sheets as part of my research. I made a questionnaire using this and then asked some people using social networking sites to fill the questionnaire out for me. This helped me significantly as one of the questions were ‘what do you look for in a good music video?’ which a lot of people answered ‘narrative’. I took this into consideration and ended up including narrative into my music video.

ConceptBoard• I used Google to search

for ways I could make a mood board and I ended up finding Concept board. This was very good for me as I was able to put ideas together in one place and write why I believe it would be considered as part of my theme and idea. However, the only reason why I didn’t like using this was I wasn’t able to embed it, and instead just had to insert the link onto my blog.

Vimeo• Vimeo was used to

upload my work. I used Vimeo as I thought using YouTube would mean I haven’t used different media sites. I organized my work and uploaded all my feedback onto Vimeo after I had recorded myself. I also done this as I thought YouTube may be too public for me to upload myself.

Final Cut Pro• Final Cut Pro was the most important media software I had used as I used it to edit

my music video and also other things. Final Cut Pro allowed me to do many things whilst editing my music video such as fading, cutting clips and also adding effects. This software is very organized as I was able to make bins and sort out all my clips which made it easy for me to edit. I also used Final Cut Pro to edit some clips of myself which I wanted to make into a video. For example I used it in my evaluation when I recorded myself for a question and wanted to add clips. Final Cut was also handy for editing test shots as it also gave me more practice on how I could edit and how I can experiment with many things and not effect my actual media product.

InDesign• InDesign was used to design my digipak. Using InDesign

helped me know where to put what images. This was because when using InDesign, I was able to download my own template for my digipak and after downloading it, it showed me where I should put what.

Photoshop• Photoshop was used to edit images that were used in my digipak.

This was useful as I was able to make it look professional. Also I used Photoshop to design my magazine advert which was easy as I knew how to use Photoshop before, however I also learnt new things by experimenting with tools I had never used before.

QuickTime• I used QuickTime to screen record one of my

edits and watch back my videos. The screen record option was handy as I thought I wanted to show my blog viewers how I edited my test shots and show my creativity skills.
