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How do Automation and Offshorability Influence Unemployment Duration and Subsequent Job Quality? by BERNHARD SCHMIDPETER RUDOLF WINTER-EBMER Working Paper 1805 July 2018 Corresponding author: [email protected] Christian Doppler Laboratory Aging, Health and the Labor Market cdecon.jku.at Johannes Kepler University Department of Economics Altenberger Strasse 69 4040 Linz, Austria
Page 1: How do Automation and Offshorability ... - cdecon.jku.atcdecon.jku.at/wp-content/uploads/WP_18_05.pdf · For workers who find re-employment, our results show that offshorabil-ity

How do Automation and Offshorability

Influence Unemployment Duration

and Subsequent Job Quality?




Working Paper 1805

July 2018

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Christian Doppler Laboratory

Aging, Health and the Labor Market


Johannes Kepler University

Department of Economics

Altenberger Strasse 69

4040 Linz, Austria

Page 2: How do Automation and Offshorability ... - cdecon.jku.atcdecon.jku.at/wp-content/uploads/WP_18_05.pdf · For workers who find re-employment, our results show that offshorabil-ity

How do Automation and Offshorability Influence Unemployment Duration

and Subsequent Job Quality?✯

Bernhard Schmidpetera and Rudolf Winter-Ebmerb,c,d,e,f

aInstitute for Social and Economic Research, University of EssexbChristian Doppler Laboratory Aging, Health and the Labor Market, JKU Linz

cIZA, Institute for the Study of Labor, BonndIHS, Institut for Advanced Studies, Vienna

eCEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research, LondonfCReAM, Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration, London

July 31, 2018


We analyze the effect of automation and offshorability on unemployment duration and post-unemployment outcomes such as wages and employment stability. Our rich administrative dataallow us to evaluate the importance of providing unemployment training in this context. Employ-ing a multivariate mixed proportional hazard model to deal with selectivity, we find that both theroutine content in tasks as well as the probability of off-shoring negatively affects the re-employmentpossibilities. Labor market training is helping workers to ameliorate these negative effects and isremarkably on the spot. For workers who find re-employment, our results show that offshorabil-ity (but not automation) affects future job duration and wages positively. Our analysis revealsinteresting differences by gender.

✯Corresponding author : Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Department of Economics;email: [email protected]. We would like to thank Matias Cortes, Jeff Smith, seminar participants atthe Occupations, Skills, and the Labour Market Conference in Mannheim, the ECB Frankfurt, the Meeting ofthe EALE Ghent and the ESPE in Berlin. This research was funded by the Austrian Christian-Doppler Society,the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Anniversary Fund, project number: 17391), the Linz Institute of Technology(LIT) and the ESRC Centre on Micro-Social Change at ISER (grant RES-518-28-001).


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1 Introduction

Over the past years, there have been substantial changes in the labor market with employment

increases overwhelmingly concentrated at the lower and upper part of the wage distribution

(Acemoglu and Autor, 2011). This “hollowing out”, also known as polarization, has been doc-

umented for numerous developed countries such as the US (Autor et al., 2006, 2008; Autor

and Dorn, 2013), Germany (Spitz-Oener, 2006; Dustmann et al., 2009) and the UK (Goos and

Manning, 2007). Recently, Goos et al. (2014) showed that it persists in 16 Western European


A large part of the existing literature, which explores this phenomenon, traces its devel-

opment back to an increasing routinisation of tasks in jobs found at the middle of the wage

distribution and a rising risk of offshorability (e.g. Autor et al. (2006), Autor et al. (2008),

and Firpo et al. (2011)). Making tasks routinisable is seen as a main pre-condition for later

automation of these tasks.1 On the one side, workers who are directly affected by changing

occupational requirements face diminishing employment possibilities, especially when trying to

re-enter employment from an unemployment spell (see also Cortes, Jaimovich, Nekarda and Siu

(2016)). On the other hand, some workers might benefit from these changes as they can com-

plement labor and increases employment opportunities (see, for example, Graetz and Michaels

(2015) and Caselli and Manning (2017)).

Despite the growing literature on automation and offshoreability of jobs surprisingly lit-

tle is known about the individual consequences, especially the impact on unemployed workers.

Occupational changes can not only affect the search behavior of unemployed workers but also

their post-unemployment wages and match stability. For example, workers who are negatively

affected by automation might have pro-longed unemployment spells and lower re-employment

wages. Assignment to active labor market policy (ALMP), in particular providing training

episodes, might mitigate these negative impacts. Understanding the connection between previ-

ous job contents, post-unemployment outcomes, and training programs is important for at least

two reasons.

First, the risks of automation as well as offshorability are likely to affect both the search

behavior of unemployed individuals and their ability to find stable post-unemployment matches.

1A different strand of the literature suggests increasing import competition, for example, from China, as anotherimportant factor. Autor et al. (2016) provide an overview over recent findings in the literature. We do notconsider this channel in this work. See also Acemoglu and Restrepo (2018) on the effect of robots on employmentin different industries.


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Unemployed individuals who have been negatively affected by such work environments might

have prolonged unemployment spells or choose to leave the labor force all together. Those

individuals who find re-employment might end up in worse matches and less stable employment.

This lowers tax payments and increases the strain on public finances.

Second, given that training programs are in general one of the most expensive labor market

programs available and their financing adds to the burden of tax payers, one would hope that

these are capable of mitigating the impact of structural changes. As routinisation and offshora-

bility will continue to pose considerable threats to employment, understanding the effect of

ALMP to ameliorate these problems is very important. Evidence on this is, however, scant.

In this work, we evaluate the effect of changes in occupational requirements caused by both

an increasing automation of routine jobs and a rising risk of offshorability on the job search

behavior of unemployed workers and post-unemployment labor market outcomes. In order to

measure occupational changes, we make use of the one-dimensional indices suggested by Autor

and Dorn (2013) and Blinder and Krueger (2013). In our model, we explicitly account for the

impact of ALMP on the unemployment duration and the chosen exit destination, and allow

for selection into the training assignment based on unobservable workers’ characteristics. We

allow the impact of ALMP to depend on both automation and offshorability which gives a

measure of its effectiveness in the current work environment. To the best of our knowledge,

this is the first research which not only provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of

changes in occupational requirement on unemployed workers’ labor market outcomes but also

an assessment of the efficiency of provided ALMP.

We find that both automation as well as offshorability significantly decrease the likelihood

of re-employment. The importance of each factor differs, however, strongly by gender. For men,

we find that offshorability is the dominant force with a one standard deviation increase in our

offshorability measure reducing re-employment by 22% compared to 6.5% for a similar increase

in our automation measure. For women, we find that automation is more important. Here, a

one standard deviation decreases the likelihood of re-employment by 30% compared to 23% for

the same increase of our offshorability measure.

Looking at outcomes beyond unemployment duration, we find that offshorability increases

future job stability and wages for men and women. In contrast, automation has in general a

negative impact on future wages and employment duration. Taken our findings together, our


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results imply that while job opportunities for workers previously employed in highly offshoreable

jobs decrease, those who are able to secure a job enjoy higher employment stability and wages.

Workers affected by automation have, however, lower job finding probabilities and job stability

as well as lower expected earnings.

Evaluating the effectiveness of ALMP, our results show that training assignment is incredibly

on the spot: training measures are predominantly assigned to persons with the largest problems.

ALMP also increases, in general, the re-employment likelihood to a large extent – in particular

of those who suffer the most from automation or offshorability. The impact of ALMP on later

wages or future employment duration is more mixed.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we discuss the data

used in our analysis and describe our measures of automation and offshorability. In Section 3,

we provide preliminary evidence on the effect of our measures on the re-employment probability

and show that, despite the shift in employment, medium-skilled occupations do not completely

disappear. Our estimation method is described in Section 4. We present and discuss our

estimation results in Section 5. Section 6 concludes.

2 Data and Measures of Skill Requirements

2.1 Data

Our analysis is based on the Austrian Social Security Data, a high-quality administrative data

set which comprises the whole universe of Austrian workers employed in the private sector. As

documented in Goos et al. (2009) and Goos et al. (2014), Austria has experienced a similar path

of employment polarization from the 1990s onward as most other European countries and the


Our data at hand contains daily information about the labor market spells of an individual,

demographic characteristics and yearly incomes, which can be transferred into daily wages. A

unique person identifier enables us to link every individual to firms. Zweimuller et al. (2009)

provide an extensive discussion. A drawback is that we cannot observe the occupation of re-

employment in our data. Hence, we cannot study whether switching out of a highly routinisable

job is worthwhile.

For our analysis, we choose all individuals who had at least one unemployment spell during


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the years 2012 and 2013, a period marked by stable economic growth2, and were, at the start

of the spell, between 25 and 60 years old. We set the lower age bound at 25 years as younger

individuals might choose to return to full-time schooling. The upper bound is chosen to be

around the official early retirement age, as we are interested in how changing skill requirements

affect the decision to leave the labor force, in particular toward out of labor force and retirement.

We exclude individuals previously employed in the mining sector or in the provision of utilities

such as energy or waste disposal.

After these adjustments our data consist of around 286,000 individuals. From these data,

we randomly draw 35,000 males and females, respectively, and for each individual we record the

number of unemployment spells during the time span under consideration. For each individual-

spell combination we obtain pre-unemployment background characteristics such as age, wage

earned in last job, tenure in last job as well as the length of the unemployment spell, the post-

unemployment destination, and if the individual has received training during the current spell.

We observe the last possible exit at the 31st of May 2014, implying that some individuals are

censored after 2 1/2 years while others are censored after 6 months, depending on the start of

the unemployment spell. Table 1 provides summary statistics for our data.

[ Table 1 ]

From the table one can see that each individual is on average observed twice in our data. The

outflow rate out of unemployment is 86% for both men and women, but there are substantial

gender differences in the chosen exit destinations. Around 60% of all men transit from unem-

ployment into new employment, while only slightly over 50% of women do so. In contrast, 33%

of all women and 27% of men leave the labor force.3 These statistics highlights the importance

to allow for non-employment as an additional exit option in our analysis.

In terms of background characteristics, one can see that while women have slightly higher

tenure in the previous job they earned substantially less. They are also less likely to hold an

apprenticeship or high-school degree, but are more likely to have received at most compulsory

schooling. The difference in the share of highly educated individuals between men and women

2Jaimovich and Siu (2015) show that routine intensive occupations are in particular affected by recessions andHershbein and Kahn (2016) argue that this is due to a movement toward high-skilled workers and labor savingtechnology.

3We consider an individual as out of labor force if she is not registered as unemployed anymore and the nextemployment spell starts at least 60 days after that date.


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is, however, small as is the age difference. Given the large divergence in important background

variables such as previous labor market performance, exit state, and training received, we will

conduct our analysis separately for men and women.

2.2 Measuring Occupational Skill Requirements

We are interested in how changing occupational requirements affect the search behavior of

unemployed workers. In order to capture these effects, we make use of one dimensional measures,

similar as in Spitz-Oener (2006), Black and Spitz-Oener (2010), Autor and Dorn (2013), and

Goos et al. (2014). We measure the impact of automation using the Routine Task Intensity

Index (RTI) of Autor and Dorn (2013). We define routine tasks as tasks which can be fully and

exactly described, as is e.g. done in a computer program. Workers in occupations with a higher

routine task intensity are therefore at higher risk of being replaced by computers or robots (see

also Autor et al. (1998)). The RTI summarizes the routine task activities in an occupation and

is calculated as follows:

RTI = ln






where TRo , TM

o , and TAo are the routine, manual, and abstract task inputs in an occupation o.

The measure is increasing in the importance of routine tasks within an occupation. It has been

used in various studies which investigate the effect of a changing work environment, such as

Goos et al. (2014).4

Solely concentrating on the effect of routine tasks on unemployment duration might miss

important points in determining the effects of a changing work environment on unemployment

duration. While high routine workers are at higher risk of being replaced by computers and

robots, individuals working in occupations which can be easily migrated to different countries

might also have lower career prospects. In order to measure this effect, we will make use of the

preferred measure of Blinder and Krueger (2013). They use the Princeton Data Improvement

Initiative to derive three measures of offshorability which are self-reported, inferred, and based

on professional coders. The last one is preferred by Blinder and Krueger (2013) which we will call

4In our analysis, we use the index provided in the data supplementary of Goos et al. (2014) which can be foundunder https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.104.8.2509. They map the US occupation classifi-cation system into the two-digit ISCO 88 classification which can be found in our data.


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Offshorability Index (OFF) hereafter. The OFF index determines the risk that tasks required

by an occupation, and therefore employment, might be “offshored” or outsourced to a different

country. It measures a different dimension compared to the RTI as it captures the risk for tasks

or jobs where the geographic location does not matter for fulfilling the job requirements. Thus,

a high RTI does not necessarily imply a high OFF index. For example, occupations with rather

low routine task content are call-center agent and taxi driver. Conducting the tasks required

to work in the first occupation are not restricted to certain geographic areas and therefore they

can be easily offshored, unlike a taxi driver who is bound to a specific location5.

In order to facilitate the interpretation of the results and to be able to compare both mea-

sures, we standardize the indices to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one in

the respective samples. In Appendix A, we provide further details on the occupations used

in our analysis, the share of each occupation within our sample and average pre- and post-

unemployment wages.

3 Descriptive information

In this section, we present results from a preliminary analysis. The goal is to investigate the

relationship between our measures of occupational task requirements and both the allocation

into training and the likelihood of finding new employment. We do so by first dividing our

sample into different parts according to the individual position in the distribution of both

the RTI and OFF index. We then concentrate on those individuals who worked before the

unemployment spell in occupations which fall into either the bottom third or the upper third

of the distributions.

Occupations which can be found at the lower part of the RTI distribution include, for

example, Science Professionals and Corporate Managers. Occupations which fall in the lower

part of the OFF distribution include Personal and Protective Service Workers and Drivers.

Examples of occupations which can be found at the upper part are Office and Service Clerks in

the case of the RTI and Science Professionals and Machine Operators in the case of the OFF

index. The example of Science Professionals, who can be found at both the bottom and the

top of our two measures, highlights the importance of concentrating on more than one measure

of a changing work environment. This is also mentioned by Cortes, Jamovich and Siu (2016)

5As it is the case with the RTI, we make use of the mapped index provided by Goos et al. (2014)


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who show that within a neoclassical model advances in automation technology on its own is not

able to generate the changes in occupational shares and employment propensity observed in the


We calculate for each sample the smoothed daily likelihood of re-employment and entering

training during the unemployment spell using the method of Muller and Wang (1994). The

results of this exercise are depicted in Figure 1 separately for men and women. The upper part

of the figure shows the transition probability into re-employment. The lower part depicts the

empirical estimates for the transition rates into training.

Looking first at the transition rates from unemployment to employment at the upper panel

of the figure, two features become immediately apparent. First, for both men and women

transition rates into re-employment are substantially higher at lower values of our indices during

the first six months of the spell. This is true for both the RTI and OFF index and provides

preliminary evidence that occupational skill requirements do indeed affect the probability of

finding a new job, especially in the short run. For long term unemployed individuals, the

occupational characteristics matter less which may imply that the previous occupation does not

matter any more, but stigma effects as a long-term unemployed may prevail (e.g. Eriksson and

Rooth (2014)). Second, one can see pronounced gender differences in what type of occupational

requirements are more important. Men with lower OFF index have a slightly higher transition

rate into employment. The opposite is true for women. Those previously employed in low

routine occupations have a 0.25 Percentage point higher transition rate after 2 months. This is

likely to be the result of gender specific sorting into occupations (e.g. Black and Spitz-Oener


[ Figure 1 ]

One explanation for our preliminary findings might be that jobs affected by structural change

simply disappear. To investigate this further, we also look at vacancy postings during our

sample period and calculate the average growth of the share of vacancies between 2011 and

2014. Unfortunately, the available information is provided at the 1-digit level so that only a

rough comparison to our indices is possible.6 Table 2 contains the yearly share of vacancies

6The data was obtained from Statistik Austria which provide only average yearly figures of vacancy postingsand only at a 1-digit level. Statistics for open vacancies can be found here http://www.statistik.at/web_

de/statistiken/menschen_und_gesellschaft/arbeitsmarkt/offene_stellen/index.html where we used the


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posted by 1-digit levels and the annualized growth rate.

Groups associated with both a high RTI and OFF index, such as office clerks, have experi-

enced a lower growth in the share of open positions over time. In contrast, positions associated

with management or professional positions have seen a rise in the relative share of vacancies

posted. The vacancy postings provide suggestive evidence that our measures of occupational

changes are related to job opportunities. The figures also show that, despite the well docu-

mented fall in the employment share in certain occupations, there is no evidence that these

types of jobs completely disappear.7

A possible implication of this finding is that, although employment possibilities decrease,

workers who are able to re-enter employment might have better post-unemployment labor mar-

ket outcomes. For example, if firms specialize in certain tasks (Cortes and Salvatori, 2016) the

total number of vacancies posted for a certain occupation decreases but remaining firms might

have higher productivity and are able to offer higher wages and better job stability. We will

explore this implication later in our work.

We find less clear evidence when looking at the impact of occupational requirements on

training assignment. The results are shown at the lower panel in Figure 1. At the beginning of

the unemployment spell, men at the upper part of the OFF index distribution do not receive

more likely training compared to those with high RTI values; later on there is a slight divergence

after 4 to 6 months. For women, we see small differences at the beginning of the spell. Those

at the upper part of the OFF distribution are more likely to receive training.

The results from our preliminary analysis show that occupational task requirements seem to

be important in determining the transition from unemployment to employment but there is less

clear evidence if decision makers are aware of the consequences. The simple analysis presented

here has, however, obvious shortcoming in order to form the grounds of a well-defined policy

debate. We have abstracted from covariates and unobserved heterogeneity of individuals which

are certainly important for a detailed analysis. In addition, we did not take the joint timing and

the decision process of the training assignment together with the exit decisions into account.

Allowing for correlation between these processes is certainly important.

document “Offene Stellen lt. Offene-Stellen-Erhebung nach ausgewahlten Merkmalen, Jahresdurchschnitt 2011bis 2016”.

7Autor (2015) points out that medium-skilled jobs require nowadays a mixture of tasks. For example, the taskrequirements for a modern office clerk comprises of doing the paper work but also organizing and planning. Hence,it is unlikely that these occupations completely “die out”.


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4 Econometric Framework

Disentangling the effect of occupational requirements from unemployment training is a difficult

task. Assignment to training during the unemployment spell is related to numerous factors and it

certainly may be related to the previous job content. The job search behavior of an individual

is likely to be affected by the expected career prospects, in turn influenced by unobserved

heterogeneity, occupational changes, and received training. In general, one can expect the

training assignment probability and the likelihood of leaving unemployment to be correlated.

In our work, we make use of the ’Timing of Events’ approach proposed by Abbring and

van den Berg (2003b) and jointly estimate the duration until exit and the duration until the

first training spell by means of a continuous-time multivariate duration model. Our method

exploits the access to multi-spell data which facilitates identification. Abbring and van den Berg

(2003b) show that the effect of the ALMP can be identified without any parametric assumption

or exclusion restriction.8 An additional advantage of the method is the possibility to model the

treatment effect in a flexible way (see Richardson and van den Berg (2013)). We will exploit

this when evaluating the effectiveness of ALMP in relation to structural changes.

The key underlying identifying assumption of our model is the so-called no-anticipation

assumption. This assumption implies that future program participants do not foresee the exact

assigned start of the course and, as an immediate implication, it is required that training only

has an effect on the exit hazard from the actual participation date onward. However, the no-

anticipation assumption does not imply that training has to be assigned completely at random.

Participants can hold believes about the probability of getting a training course and might know

when they are at a high risk, but they should not know the exact date of an assignment. The

approach has been widely used in the program and training evaluation literature for different

countries, see, for example, van den Berg et al. (2004), Lalive et al. (2005), Osikominu (2013).

Given the recent discussion in the literature (see, for example, Cortes, Jamovich and Siu

(2016)), we consider both the exit into new employment (NJ) and the transition into out of

labor force (OLF) in our analysis. By incorporating the possibility of choosing OLF as an exit

destination, we are able to measure the effect of job contents on the most likely selective decision

to participate in the labor market in the first place.

We assume that the exit and treatment transition rates have a mixed proportional hazard

8We do not discuss the technical requirements here and refer to Abbring and van den Berg (2003b) for a detaileddiscussion of the identification assumptions.


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specification. For a realized spell with duration T until exit and duration D until the first labor

market policy, the exit rate for e ∈ {NJ,OLF} is defined as

θe(T |x, νe, D) = λe(T )exp(x′βE + γRTI

e RTI + γOFFe OFF + δ(x)✶(T > D) + νe) (1)

In our exit hazard, λe(T ) represents the baseline hazard, displaying individual duration

dependence, which is fully flexible. The vector x consists of individual observable characteristics

and νe captures the unobserved heterogeneity on the exit rate. We are particularly interested in

the coefficients on RTI, our Routine-Index, and OFF, the risk of employment being offshored.

The parameter δ(x) captures the shift in the exit hazard due to labor market policies. We

allow δ(x) to depend on covariates. For example, in order to evaluate if training is more

effective in dampening the effect of changing task requirements or outsourcing, we model the

treatment effect to depend on routinisation and offshoreability job contents. 9 If an individual

receives training, we “stop the clock” and the time spent in training does not contribute to the

unemployment duration. We do this as individuals are likely to stop actively looking for new

work during the training activity.10

Likewise, we model the arrival rate of labor market policies (treatment hazard) as

θP (D|x, νP ) = λP (D)exp(x′βP + γRTIP RTI + γOFF

P OFF + νP ) (2)

Here νP captures unobserved heterogeneity on the treatment hazard and the vector x consists

of possible confounding factors. γRTIP and γOFF

P capture the dependence of ALMP on the

previous job content.

In our model we allow for selectivity and do not impose any restrictions on the correlation

of the unobserved components νe and νP . Hence selection into treatment can affect the exit

transition and vice versa. We assume that the distribution of heterogeneity to be a priori

unknown and approximate it by means of a discrete distribution as suggested by Heckman and

9The identification of this model was proven in Richardson and van den Berg (2013).10For the exit into out of labor force the reasoning is not entirely clear. On the one hand, individuals might be“locked” into training and do not consider leaving unemployment. On the other hand, it is also possible that theydirectly transit from training into non-activity. Here, we also calculate the duration until out of labor force netof the training duration.


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Singer (1984). The associated probability for having M possible mass points is parametrized in

the following way

pm = P (νNJ = νmNJ , νOLF = νmOLF , νP = νmP ) =exp(αm)

∑Mm=1 exp(αm)


Parameterizing the probabilities in this fashion avoids constrained maximization. In our

empirical specification we model individual duration dependence in a flexible way via a piecewise

constant function λj(T ) = exp(∑10

k=1 λj,k✶k(T )) for j = {NJ,OLF, P}. In total we distinguish

ten time intervals, where we keep the intervals small at the beginning of the unemployment

duration to capture changes in the benefit regime. For estimation purpose we normalize the

first parameter to 0 for each considered hazard.

We estimate the parameters by means of maximum likelihood. Having N individuals in

total with individual i having in total Ji spells, and observing the time to exit Ti (or censoring)

and the time to having a job Di, (or censoring) for each of these individuals, the log-likelihood

function for our empirical model is defined as

L =N∑










θe(Tije|xije, νme , Dije)

∆ij,e exp



θe(Tije|xi, νme , Dije)

θP (Dij |xij , νmP )∆ij,P exp



θP (Dij |xij , νmP )


where E is the total number of exit states considered and ∆i,e and ∆i,P are censoring dummies.

Note that our log-likelihood function imposes that an individual has the same heterogeneity

term across unemployment spells (see also van der Klaauw and van Ours (2013)). This restric-

tion greatly facilitates identification of our model and has the big advantage that the chosen

exit state is allowed to depend on the unobservable characteristics of the workers (Abbring and

van den Berg, 2003b; Abbring and Van den Berg, 2003a) . This is important in our setting as

we allow for selectivity in labor market participation..11

11 In certain circumstances it might be possible that an estimated heterogeneity parameter takes a large negativevalue, which makes it impossible to invert our Hessian matrix and obtain standard errors. In such a case, we fixthe heterogeneity parameter and leave it as a constant in the estimation. We do so for heterogeneity points ofless than -20. Furthermore, in the optimization process we account for possible degenerate distributions; see also


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We are not only interested in the effects of routine content and offshorability on unem-

ployment duration but also how these job contents affect post-unemployment wages and job

stability.12 As we have access to daily labor market spells, we can model the duration of the

first employment spell after exiting unemployment in a similar way as in Equation (1). Here,

the parameters give us estimates how both unemployment training and previous job content

is affecting re-employment stability. In order to investigate the effect on subsequent wages,

we make use of the estimator suggested by Donald et al. (2000). It allows us to estimate the

distribution function of wages in a similar way as hazard functions and can be incorporated

in our model in a straightforward manner. We will discuss this approach in greater detail in

Section 5.4 below.

5 Estimation Results

5.1 Basic Model

We start with a very basic specification where we assume a homogenous effect of training,

regardless of the previous occupation on the exit hazards. This is our baseline model and we

call it Model (I) in the following. In the next section, we discuss a simple extension where δ

is allowed to depend on both RTI and the OFF index. We report the estimation results using

seven mass points of support in our analysis, but the estimates do not depend on the exact

number of points chosen.13

Table 3 contains the estimation results of our Model (I). For the sake of brevity, we only

report the coefficients on our variables of interest. Panel A of the table contains the effect of

routine job content and offshorability as well as an interaction effect on the transition proba-

bilities. These are the main variables of interest in our analysis. We first discuss the effect for

men and concentrate on the hazard to employment.

Our results confirm available macro studies: both automation and offshorability have a

significantly negative impact on the hazard towards a new job. An increase in the RTI and

offshorability index by one standard deviation is associated with a fall in the re-employment

probability by 6.47% and 22% respectively.14 These effects are significant at the 1-Percent

Gaure et al. (2007a) and Gaure et al. (2007b) for more details on the optimization approach.12Arni et al. (2013) use a similar strategy by looking how sanctions and warnings affect subsequent employmentstability and wages in Switzerland.

13Detailed results for different specifications and covariates are available upon request.14Remember, we normalized our indices to have mean zero and a standard deviation of 1.


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level. What is striking is that the estimated impact of offshorability is almost four times as

high as our estimates for the RTI. While automation seems to have played the predominant

role in explaining changes in the occupational share, at least in Europe (e.g. Goos et al. (2014),

and Heyman (2016)), on a micro level offshorability is more important when explaining the

re-employment possibilities of unemployed male workers. The negative impact of both the RTI

and OFF index on the employment hazard is somewhat dampened by the positive interaction

effect (0.133 with a s.e. of 0.008). This means that routinsation and offshoreability share some


[ Table 3 ]

Looking at the impact on the transition into out of labor force, one can see that offshorability

not only decreases the re-employment probability but also increases the likelihood of leaving the

labor force. The estimated coefficient is significantly estimated but with an implied magnitude

of 4% rather small compared to the effect on the re-employment hazard. We do not find any

significant effect of automation (coeff. of -0.017 and s.e. 0.012). The effect of occupational

changes on selective labor market supply is only from secondary importance.

To put our results more into perspective, consider two individuals with similar background

characteristics but one worked as an office clerk while the second person worked in Personal

Service & Protection. As shown in Table A.1 both occupations pay, on average, very similar

pre-unemployment wages. The office clerk has, however, a 18% lower likelihood of finding re-

employment probabilities and a 7% lower likelihood of leaving the labor force. These differences

are quite substantial.

We find that both measures of occupational requirements have a large and significant neg-

ative effect on the re-employment hazard. An increase of the RTI and OFF index decreases

the re-employment probability significantly by 30% and 23% respectively. Compared to our

estimates for men, the estimates for the RTI is 5 times and for the OFF index more than twice

as large. These findings imply that women are stronger affected by structural change compared

to their male counterparts, which is in line with the findings of Black and Spitz-Oener (2010).

This might be partially traced back to gender specific sorting where women move from high

routine occupations such as office clerk to professional occupations.15 The estimated positive

15Unfortunately, our data provide no information on the re-employment occupation. Autor and Dorn (2013)


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cross-effect dampens the overall impact somewhat.

Looking at the estimates for the hazard out-of-labor force, we come to a similar conclusion

as for men. The coefficient on the OFF index is 0.047 (s.e. 0.012) comparable to the 0.039

estimated for men. We do not find any significant impact of the RTI on labor participation

decision. As before, the impact of our measures on selective participation is only of minor


5.2 Simple Training Effects

Having seen negative employment prospects for persons coming from jobs with a high degree of

routinisation and/or offshorability, we ask ourselves, whether labor market training could ame-

liorate some of these problems. In fact, we see, for both men and women, that case workers do

assign persons with job contents consisting of more routinisation or more offshoreability earlier

into training. Remarkably, this increased intensity corresponds exactly to the disadvantage they

have in the job search market: As men are more hit by offshoring, their training assignment is

faster than in the case of routinisation (11% vs 4.25%); the opposite patterns applies to women:

here routinisation is more job-search prolonging – we also find a faster assignment into job train-

ing. For both, men and women, the existence of both a high degree of routinisation and a high

risk of offshoreability does not lead to a corresponding increase in training assignment. Case

workers do not see these risks as cumulative – and they are right: we see the same phenomenon

in the employment hazard discussed above. If a worker faces the risk of routinisation and the

risk of offshorability, the interaction effect increases the hazard rate into employment.

In Panel B of Table 3, we report the effect of training assignment on the transition proba-

bilities. In line with the literature on unemployment training, as for example Richardson and

van den Berg (2013), we find that training has a significant positive effect on the re-employment

probability for men and women – Once an individual receives training, the log hazard rate in-

creases by 0.415 (s.e. 0.038) for men and 0.888 (s.e. 0.040) for women. Expressed differently,

the probability of an exit increases by 51% for men and 142% for women compared to someone

without training. The latter effect is comparable to recent estimates for Sweden (Richardson

and van den Berg, 2013).

Interestingly, we also find a significant positive effect of training on the transition into

provide evidence that a higher routine task share is associated with an increase in the female share in Manager,Professional, Technical, Financial, and Public Service occupations.


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inactivity for both genders. The log hazard rate increased for men by 0.321, which translates

into a 38% higher probability of leaving the labor force relative to someone without training.

Our results for women are similar with an estimated impact of training on the probability of

leaving the labor force by 33%. One explanation might be that training increases productivity

and therefore the reservation wage of an individual. This, in turn, increases selectivity of the

worker which type of job to accept. Those who receive a job below their reservation wage are

unwilling to accept and, as the job offer arrival rate falls with the duration in unemployment,

they may finally opt to exit the labor market.16 We investigate the effect of training on post-

unemployment wages further in Section 5.4.

Another reason might be that the result is mainly driven by older workers who use training

assignment to bridge the time until official retirement. Our results, however, do not indicate

that older workers are more likely to be assigned to training or more likely to transit into out

of labor force (results not shown). The results imply, however, that the benefits of training are


The results presented in this section extend previous findings of Goos et al. (2014) on a

micro-level and show that jobs which are routine-intensive and which are easily offshorable

impact the transition rate of unemployed workers. Our findings show that different measures

of occupational change have different gender-specific effects and that using only the risk of

automation in the analysis is likely to conceal important points, which is also the conjecture

of Cortes, Jamovich and Siu (2016). While there is a significant positive effect of ALMP on

the assignment of training to the most vulnerable and also a positive effect of training on the

hazard out of unemployment into employment, we want to explore ALMP effects further.

5.3 Can Training Ameliorate Specific Disadvantages Due To Job Content?

One natural extension of Model (I) is to allow the training effect to depend on our measures

of changing occupational requirements. This enables us to assess if current ALMP are able to

counteract the negative effect of routinization and offshorability on re-employment probabilities.

We do so by modeling the treatment effect now as δ(x) = δ + βRTIδ RTI + βOFF

δ OFF . We call

this Model (II). If positive, the coefficients βRTIδ and βOFF

δ can be interpreted as the additional

16This explanation implies that the reservation wage of a worker changes only with human capital and not with theunemployment duration. Schmieder et al. (2016) show that reservation wages are non-binding for unemployedworkers in Germany. Given the close institutional proximity between Austria and Germany it is highly likelythat the same is true for our sample.


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benefit of assigning ALMP for those at high risk of routinization and Offshorability.

Table 4 contains our estimation results for Model (II). A likelihood ratio test of a homogenous

treatment effect on our exit hazards results in a rejection of the null at all conventional levels.

This shows that the individual training effect is indeed heterogenous.

[ Table 4 ]

Comparing the selection into treatment from Model (II) to those obtained from Model (I),

one can see that the coefficients are quite similar. Likewise, the constant δ in Model (II) is

close to the estimated effect under a homogenous treatment effect. These findings support our

modeling approach as by extending the treatment effect in a simple way our baseline estimates

do not change by much.17

Looking at our heterogeneous effects for men, one can see that for persons with a strong

routine job content, training does not help, whereas for those with a large offshoring perspective,

the situation is different: A one standard deviation increase in the OFF index increases the

log re-employment hazard by an additional 0.072. This implies that for this group training

increases the re-employment probability by 64% in total compared to someone without training

and by around 8% compared to a training assignee previously employed in an occupation with

mean OFF index. We do not find any evidence that our heterogeneous training effect affects

the decision to leave the labor force. Both estimated parameters are not significant at any

conventional level.

For women, the estimated specific training effects for both of our measures are significantly

positive. Similar as in our Model (I), we find that automation plays a more important role.

The effect of the RTI on the log re-employment hazard is 0.138 (s.e. 0.024) which is almost

twice as high as the coefficient on the OFF index (0.078 with a s.e. of 0.023). Both, the general

and heterogeneous training effect are substantially higher for women compared to men. Women

are more affected by changing occupational requirements, but there is also more to ameliorate:

ALMPs can play a larger role to compensate women with particular disadvantages.

Summarizing these specific training effects, we see that training does help in three of the

four cases and the training effects are - both for men and women - strongest in cases where the

vulnerability of workers is highest. While it is important to know how structural changes affect

17As before, we do not report the full set of estimated coefficients, but the difference in coefficients between bothmodels is small in general.


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the search behavior of unemployed workers and how ALMP can interfere, it is also vital for a

well-defined policy debate how these factors affect post-unemployment outcomes. We will do so

in the next section.

5.4 Post-Unemployment Outcomes

In this section, we explore how occupational requirements influence re-employment wages and

job stability. Considering post-unemployment outcomes adds another selection problem to our

model. Taking up new employment or not is certainly endogenous and we need to take this

additional type of selectivity into account. We do so by estimating post-unemployment outcomes

simultaneously with training assignment and search behavior, and allow for correlation among

unobservables across different states.

We model post-unemployment job stability, our Model (III), similar as in Equation (1) but

take the duration in the new job into account. The hazard for the duration in new employment

after exiting the unemployment spell (PE) is given by

θPE(T |x, νNE , D) = λPE(T )exp(x′βE + γRTI

NE RTI + γOFFNE OFF + δ(x)✶(T > D) + νPE) (5)

where we model individual duration dependence as before. Notice that we now have a double

censoring problem as we only observe individuals in new employment who actually left unem-

ployment. Therefore, the likelihood contribution of an individual in this new model is given by[

θPE(TNJ |x, νE , D)∆ij,PESPE(TNJ |x, νE , D)]∆ij,NJ where S(·) is the survival rate. Here ∆ij,PE

is a censoring indicator if the individual has left her new employment before the end of our

sample period.

In terms of re-employment wages, our Model (IV), we use the estimator suggested by Don-

ald et al. (2000); see also Cockx and Picchio (2013) for an extension. They show that the

cumulative distribution function of wages can be modeled similar as duration hazards.18 The

wage hazard for new employment after exiting the unemployment spell (WE) is similar as

above, but the interval points in λNW (ω) are chosen to occur at every 10th percentile of

the observed distribution. As with post-unemployment job stability, we face a double cen-

soring problem here. An individual contribution to the likelihood in this case is given by

18The estimator requires censoring, so we follow Donald et al. (2000) and assume that wages above the 99thpercentile are censored.


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θω(ω|x, νE , D)∆ij,ωSω(ω|x, νE , D)]∆ij,NJ where ∆ij,ω is now the censoring indicator for wages.

When estimating Model (III) and Model (IV) we follow the same strategy as outlined in Sec-

tion 4.

Before presenting our results, we want to highlight that in terms of our post-unemployment

outcomes negative coefficients on our variables of interest can be interpreted as having a positive

impact. This is straightforward to see when considering job stability but it might be more

complicated when considering wages. The wage hazard is the instantaneous probability of

earning ω conditional on earning at least ω and has a similar interpretation as the unemployment

exit hazard. One can show that under the MPH assumption imposed the sign of the impact on

the wage distribution is opposite to the sign estimated on the coefficient of interest (Cockx and

Picchio, 2013). Hence, a positive estimated coefficient lowers the conditional instantaneously

probability of earning ω.

Tables 5 and 6 contain the results from Model (III) and Model (IV), respectively. Note that

we do not know which job content in terms of routine and offshorability the new jobs have. Our

basic estimates – for employment and out of labor force – are practically unchanged using our

additional outcome variables, which is reassuring for our strategy. The results considering post-

unemployment job duration presented in Table 5 suggest different effects of training by gender.

For men, we estimate a negative effect of ALMP, which increases the hazard out of the new job

by 27%. This implies that on the one hand ALMP increase the transition into new employment,

but at the expense of less stable new jobs. For women, we find the opposite: ALMP actually

decreases the hazard out of the new job by around 6%. Women seem to uniformly profit from

these labor market policies both in terms of transition into re-employment and finding a stable

new job.

[ Tables 5 & 6 ]

How does routine job content or offshorability affect post-unemployment job stability? By

and large, we see that persons with detrimental job contents end up in more stable jobs. This

holds for both routinisation and offshorability for females; but only for offshorability in the case

of men. As our data do not reveal which job (i.e. which occupation) these workers occupy after

their unemployment spell, we cannot say whether these workers, in fact, apply a structural

change into other occupations/industries to improve their future prospects or whether they just


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try to hold on this job more determined as otherwise.

It is interesting to see whether these positive post-unemployment tenure effects come at

the expense of lower wages. Table 6 shows the results when using the wage rate in the new

job as post-unemployment outcome variable. Note that – due to our formulation – a positive

coefficient implies a lower wage rate.

For men, the effects of specific job contents are similar with respect to post-unemployment

wages as to job stability. Higher routinization is associated with a significantly higher wage,

while a higher OFF index increases the wage. Hence, men in occupations which are affected

by offshorability who found re-employment do not only benefit from a stable work relationship

but also receive higher wages. Our results are similar for women. Routinization significantly

reduces post-unemployment wages while offshorability increases them.

For both men and women, ALMP clearly has a negative effect on re-employment wages.

For men, it seems that ALMP may have the primary goal of rapid re-employment with little

regard to post-unemployment outcomes such as wages and job stability (see also the findings

in Autor et al. (2017).) For women, our results suggest that job stability and wages are rather

substitutes for unemployed workers.

The estimates in this section give important implications on the impact of changes in occu-

pational requirement on unemployed workers. We find that higher offshorability increases both

post-unemployment wages and job stability while routinization has in general a negative effect.

These effects are, however, rather small compared to the impact on the re-employment hazards.

6 Conclusion

While there is a large amount of studies on aggregate effects of automation or offshorability on

employment, we look at the effect of changing occupational requirements on the re-employment

probability of unemployed workers and post-unemployment outcomes. In this line, we also

evaluate the current state of provided unemployment training and evaluate its efficiency. We

base our definition of changing occupational requirements on two one-dimensional indices which

capture the risk of automation and offshorability.

Our results show that all these occupational risks can significantly reduce the re-employment

probability of unemployed workers. There are pronounced gender differences in the size of these

effects. For men, we find that workers previously employed in occupations with high risk of being


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offshored have a substantially lower re-employment probability compared to workers affected

by automation. For women it is the opposite. In general, women face higher problems if they

come from jobs that are at risk to be outsourced or to be replaced by a robot.

What can labor market policy do to ameliorate these problems for workers? Active labor

market policy (ALMP) is in general helpful to these workers. Workers plagued by such risks,

do in general receive more training, in particular workers most vulnerable. The effect of this

training is also positive in 3 out of four cases, again with the highest positive effects for workers

with the largest re-employment problems.

These are important results. Digitalisation and globalisation most probably lead to large

gains to society, but – as in other structural changes – not all members of society will profit from

them. Having shown that ALMP can, in principle, assist some losers of these processes may lead

to larger policy potentials. One of them is a variant of the U.S. Trade Adjustment Assistance

(TAA) program. Such a program could also be introduced to assist victims of digitalisation –

and thus help a digitalisation strategy to fly.


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7 Tables

Table 1: Summary Sample

Men Women

Individuals & SpellsIndividuals 35,000 35,000No. of Spells 1.95 2.08

Outflow & TrainingOutflow 86.80% 85.71%to New Job 59.53% 52.14%to Out of Labor Force 27.27% 33.57%

Training Received 14.83% 20.22%

Pers. CharacteristicsAge 43.18 42.83Non-Austrian 18.37% 17.04%at most Com. Schooling 17.74% 29.41%Apprenticeship/ High-School 62.77% 51.84%Matura/ University 19.49% 18.75%Children 44.85% 63.34%Married 40.79% 45.26%Divorce 10.97% 15.76%Others 48.24% 38.98%

Last EmploymentTenure in Last Job (Days) 375.64 394.11Daily Wage in Last Job (Euros) 76.74 49.83Access to Extended Benefits 50.40% 41.79%

Inflow YearYear 2012 55.79 52.03Year 2013 44.21 47.97

Out of Labor Force refers to the state when an individual exits unem-

ployment and does not take up employment within 40 days. Matura

refers to the final entrance exam for the university in Austria. Others

refers to person who are either single or cohabitating with a partner.

UE-Benefits denotes the share of spells in our sample where the in-

dividual is eligible for at least 20 weeks of unemployment benefits.


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Table 2: Share of Total Vacancies Posted by Major ISCO Group

Years Ann. Growth Rate2011 2012 2013 2014 ∆2011−2014

Managers (1) 2.17% 2.31% 2.92% 2.72% 5.64%

Professionals (2) 11.67% 12.54% 11.21% 11.84% 0.36%

Technicians (3) 17.50% 18.44% 18.59% 18.24% 1.03%

Clerical Support Workers (4) 6.11% 6.77% 6.61% 4.96% −5.20 %

Service and Sales Workers (5) 29.85% 25.07% 31.34% 29.92% 0.06%

Craft & related Trades Workers (7) 16.28% 19.31% 14.44% 14.08% −3.63 %

Plant & Machine Operators, and Assemblers (8) 6.92% 5.33% 4.45% 5.12% −7.53 %

Elementary Occupations (9) 7.87% 8.36% 8.14% 7.04% −2.79 %

The table presents the share of average yearly vacancy posted for each major ISCO group as provided by Statistik Austria (http://

www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/menschen_und_gesellschaft/arbeitsmarkt/offene_stellen/index.html). ∆2011−2014 is the

annual growth rate in the share of vacancies posted of the respective ISCO group. Note that the %-Shares do not add up to one as Skilled

Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers as well as Unknown occupations are excluded from the table.


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Table 3: Model (I): Results for Homogenous Treatment Effects

Male FemaleTreatment Employment OLF Treatment Employment OLFhazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazardθTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force

Panel A: Occ. RequirementsγRTI 0.041 −0.067 −0.017 0.191 −0.362 0.00

(0.017) (0.009) (0.012) (0.017) (0.014) (0.012)

γOFF 0.101 −0.245 0.039 0.084 −0.265 0.047(0.019) (0.012) (0.014) (0.017) (0.015) (0.012)

γRTIxOFF −0.065 0.133 −0.020 −0.088 0.223 −0.018(0.014) (0.008) (0.009) (0.011) (0.010) (0.008)

Panel B: Trainingδ 0.415 0.321 0.888 0.281

(0.038) (0.040) (0.040) (0.034)

Unobs. Heterogeneity Yes YesControl Variables Yes YesLog-Likelihood -35,386.29 -44,080.61

Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Model contains control variables and unobserved heterogeneity with seven mass points. In

total, 98 parameters were estimated. OLF refers to Out-of-Labor Force


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Table 4: Model (II): Results for Heterogenous Treatment Effects

Male FemaleTreatment Employment OLF Treatment Employment OLFhazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazardθTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force

Paenl A: Occ. RequirementsγRTI 0.045 −0.066 −0.017 0.192 −0.375 0.000

(0.017) (0.009) (0.012) (0.018) (0.015) (0.0129)

γOFF 0.100 −0.251 0.041 0.083 −0.273 0.043(0.019) (0.012) (0.014) (0.017) (0.015) (0.013)

γRTIxOFF −0.065 0.135 −0.021 −0.089 0.219 −0.0162(0.014) (0.008) (0.009) (0.012) (0.001) (0.008)

Panel B: Trainingδ 0.425 0.312 0.871 0.282

(0.038) (0.040) (0.040) (0.034)

βRTIδ −0.025 0.024 0.138 −0.018

(0.028) (0.029) (0.027) (0.024)

βOFFδ 0.072 −0.028 0.078 0.023

(0.029) (0.029) (0.0274) (0.023)

Unobs. Heterogeneity Yes YesControl Variables Yes Yes

Log-Likelihood -35,355.59 -43,986.88

Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Model contains control variables and unobserved heterogeneity with a total of seven mass

points. In total, 102 parameters were estimated. OLF refers to Out-of-Labor Force


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Table 5: Model (III): Results including Post-Unemployment Job Duration

Male Female

Treatment Employment OLF NJ Treatment Employment OLF NJhazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazardθTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θNew Job θTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θNew Job

Panel A: Occ. RequirementsγRTI 0.043 −0.068 −0.016 0.032 0.167 −0.312 −0.013 −0.125

(0.016) (0.009) (0.011) (0.011) (0.017) (0.014) (0.012) (0.014)

γOFF 0.096 −0.252 0.040 −0.080 0.073 −0.224 0.035 −0.187(0.019) (0.012) (0.013) (0.014) (0.016) (0.014) (0.011) (0.015)

γRTIxOFF −0.061 0.135 −0.018 −0.004 −0.077 0.194 −0.009 0.098(0.013) (0.008) (0.009) (0.010) (0.011) (0.009) (0.008) (0.010)

Panel B: Trainingδ 0.393 0.338 0.237 0.810 0.238 −0.065

(0.037) (0.039) (0.047) (0.037) (0.033) (0.049)

Unobs. Heterogeneity Yes YesControl Variables Yes YesLog-Likelihood -49,302.96 -54,122.42

Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Model contains control variables and unobserved heterogeneity with seven mass points. In total, 129 parameters were

estimated. OLF refers to Out-of-Labor Force and NJ to the Duration in the New Job.


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Table 6: Model (IV): Results including Post-Unemployment Wage

Male Female

Treatment Employment OLF Wage Treatment Employment OLF Wagehazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazard hazardθTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θω θTraining θEmployment θOut-of-Labor Force θω

Panel A: Occ. RequirementsγRTI 0.043 −0.067 −0.015 0.040 0.175 −0.306 −0.014 0.024

(0.016) (0.009) (0.011) (0.008) (0.017) (0.013) (0.012) (0.011)

γOFF 0.098 −0.238 0.038 −0.095 0.071 −0.233 0.041 −0.098(0.019) (0.012) (0.013) (0.011) (0.016) (0.013) (0.012) (0.012)

γRTIxOFF −0.062 0.127 −0.019 0.093 −0.077 0.190 −0.011 0.034(0.013) (0.008) (0.009) (0.007) (0.011) (0.009) (0.008) (0.008)

Panel B: Trainingδ 0.398 0.343 0.329 0.815 0.281 0.152

(0.036) (0.040) (0.033) (0.037) (0.033) (0.036)

Unobs. Heterogeneity Yes YesControl Variables Yes YesLog-Likelihood -41,002.15 -57,053.38

Standard errors are reported in parentheses. Model contains control variables and unobserved heterogeneity with seven mass points. In total, 129 parameters were

estimated. OLF refers to Out-of-Labor Force.


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8 Figures

Figure 1: Empirical Transition Rates

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660

Duration (Days)


















Bottom Third - RTI

Bottom Third - BK

Top Third - RTI

Top Third - BK

a. Exit Hazards Men

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660

Duration (Days)


















Bottom Third - RTI

Bottom Third - BK

Top Third - RTI

Top Third - BK

b. Exit Hazards Women

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660

Duration (Days)











Bottom Third - RTI

Bottom Third - BK

Top Third - RTI

Top Third - BK

c. Training Hazards Men

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660

Duration (Days)











Bottom Third - RTI

Bottom Third - BK

Top Third - RTI

Top Third - BK

d. Training Hazards Women

The upper part of the figure presents the smooth daily exit hazard from unemployment to employment estimatedseparately for the upper and lower third of the RTI and BK index distribution, the lower part present smoothtraining assignment hazard separately for the upper and lower third of the of the RTI and BK index distribution.The indices are based on Autor and Dorn (2013) and Blinder and Krueger (2013), and were mapped to Europeanclassification as in Goos et al. (2014). Hazards were smoothed using the method outlined in Muller and Wang(1994).


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Online Appendix for “When Routine Jobs

Disappear: Task Input, Unemployment Duration,

and Subsequent Job Quality”’

Bernhard Schmidpeter

Rudolf Winter-Ebmer

September 19, 2017

A Routine Task and Off-Shorability Index

Our measure of both Routine Task intensity (RTI) and off-shorability (OFF) are based on theindices used in Autor and Dorn (2013) and Blinder and Krueger (2013). Goos et al. (2014)provide a mapped version from the US occupational classification system to ISCO 88 on a twodigit level. In this analysis, we make use of their index.1. In our raw data, we have informationon the occupation on a 4-digit level. In order to merge the information provided by Goos et al.(2014) to our index we convert the 4-digit level into 2-digit categories. Note that the OFFindex measure the ease with which an occupation can be offshored to a different country. Thisdoes not mean that occupations with high value have actually been outsourced abroad. In ouranalysis, we standardize both indices to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.This is in order to facilitate comparison.

Table A.1 gives an overview of the share in our study sample, RTI and OFF index, as well aspast and future wages by 2-digit occupational category. In the male sample, the highest shareof spells come from individuals previously employed in “Extraction & Building Trades” with25%, followed by individuals previously employed in Personal & Protective Service occupations.In the female sample, 40% of the spells stem from inflows from Personal & Protective Serviceoccupations, and 15% from Sales & Services. The figures in the table also highlight the fact thatmen and women sort themselves into different occupations with different RTI and BK index.This finding supports our decision to estimate our models separately by gender.

1The mapped indices can be found here https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.104.8.2509


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Table A.1: Summary of Occupations - 2-digit Level

Share in Sample RTI BK Wage Prev. Wage New

Panel a. Men

Corporate Managers (12) 2.19% −0.70 0.27 90.09 88.27Science Professionals (21) 1.09% −0.79 2.16 94.99 101.30Life Science & Health Professionals (22) 0.09% −1.03 −0.33 77.43 72.09Other Professionals (24) 1.60% −0.68 1.00 84.75 86.98Science Associate Professionals (31) 3.41% −0.24 0.54 91.51 92.10Life Science & Health Associate Professionals (32) 0.49% −0.15 −0.32 62.86 71.44Other Associate Professionals (34) 3.30% −0.29 0.86 77.28 79.69Office Clerks (41) 1.04% 3.24 1.26 74.34 76.84Customer Service Clerks (42) 0.91% 2.14 0.37 62.42 64.23Pers. & Protective Services (51) 15.75% −0.50 −0.57 68.29 73.04Models, Salespersons & Demonstrators (52) 3.61% 0.36 −0.51 67.21 71.28Extraction & Building Trades (71) 24.29% 0.04 −0.57 86.51 90.51Metal, Machinery & Related Trades (72) 12.62% 0.89 0.09 79.12 81.79Precision, Handicraft, Craft Printing & Related (73) 1.10% 2.38 2.99 77.69 77.38Other Craft & Trades (74) 4.34% 1.92 2.29 69.08 73.40Stationary Plant & Related Operators (81) 2.40% 0.71 2.90 83.24 88.66Machine Operators & Assemblers (82) 0.94% 0.94 3.93 67.34 72.64Drivers & Mobile Plant Operators (83) 14.04% −1.68 −0.66 72.55 78.00Sales & Services (91) 2.72% 0.32 −0.40 53.68 62.49Laborers in Mining, Constr., Manufac. & Transport (93) 4.07% 0.88 −0.19 65.76 67.16

Continued on next page


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Table A.1 – continued from previous page

Share in Sample RTI BK Wage Prev. Wage New

Panel b. Women

Corporate Managers (12) 2.00% −0.92 0.57 78.52 71.07Science Professionals (21) 0.37% −1.03 2.96 82.25 80.81Life Science & Health Professionals (22) 0.12% −1.30 −0.20 77.64 60.12Other Professionals (24) 2.23% −0.90 1.49 72.38 74.38Science Associate Professionals (31) 0.84% −0.40 0.91 65.79 70.19Life Science & Health Associate Professionals (32) 2.33% −0.31 −0.19 56.41 56.33Other Associate Professionals (34) 3.25% −0.47 1.31 69.31 67.41Office Clerks (41) 2.31% 3.50 1.82 61.42 60.02Customer Service Clerks (42) 4.16% 2.27 0.69 48.74 53.02Pers. & Protective Services (51) 40.56% −0.70 −0.51 50.45 53.71Models, Salespersons & Demonstrators (52) 17.21% 0.26 −0.43 47.25 48.13Extraction & Building Trades (71) 0.40% −0.09 −0.50 53.45 58.41Metal, Machinery & Related Trades (72) 0.39% 0.86 0.34 51.59 63.29Precision, Handicraft, Craft Printing & Related (73) 0.66% 2.54 4.02 48.38 50.43Other Craft & Trades (74) 2.75% 2.02 3.13 42.72 45.23Stationary Plant & Related Operators (81) 0.29% 0.66 3.90 50.27 47.95Machine Operators & Assemblers (82) 0.65% 0.91 5.21 47.52 48.71Drivers & Mobile Plant Operators (83) 0.93% −2.03 −0.62 43.48 44.90Sales & Services (91) 14.25% 0.23 −0.29 36.51 41.91Laborers in Mining, Constr., Manufac. & Transport (93) 4.31% 0.85 −0.02 49.33 49.68

The table present summary statistics by occupations defined on the 2-digit level. The corresponding ISCO 88 code isreported in parentheses. Wages are expressed in Euros per Day. Wage Next Job is calculated using those who find newemployment only. Both RTI and BK are normalized in the respective sample to have mean of zero and a standarddeviation of one


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Autor, D. H. and Dorn, D. (2013), ‘The Growth of Low-Skill Service Jobs and the Polarizationof the US Labor Market’, American Economic Review 103(5), 1553–1597.

Blinder, A. S. and Krueger, A. B. (2013), ‘Alternative Measures of Offshorability: A SurveyApproach’, Journal of Labor Economics 31(2), S97–S128.

Goos, M., Manning, A. and Salomons, A. (2014), ‘Explaining Job Polarization: Routine-BiasedTechnological Change and Offshoring’, American Economic Review 104(8), 2509–2526.

