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How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A...

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How do you form the past?
Page 1: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How do you form the past?

Page 2: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences?

A single action description

Done and over with Repeated action

-ed Was/were + -ingUsed to + -ing

Interrupts the background Sets the background

To tell what happened To make a suggestion (si on ….)

After words that indicate a specific moment in the past…un jour, tout d’un coup, soudain, une fois, lundi, au moment où…

weather when it sets the scene, to describe how things or people were in the past,

After words that indicate in which order a series of events occurred…d’abord, après, ensuite, enfin, finalement…

To emphasize you were in the middle of doing something when something else happened “en train de”

To tell how someone seemed to be (avoir l’air…)

Page 3: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How do you form the Passé Composé?

You take a helping verb, avoir or être and add the past participle….

Today we will look at avoir + past participle (which is how most verbs are formed)

Page 4: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How do you conjugate AVOIR?

J’ai Nous avons

Tu as Vous avez

Il/Elle/On a Ils/Elles ont

Page 5: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Forming the past participles….

With an –er verb

drop the –er , add –éWith an –ir verb

drop the –ir, add –iWith an –re verb

drop the –re, add -u

Page 6: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Some examples….J’ai chantéTu as finiIl a venduNous avons fermé la porteVous avez maigri depuis

juilletIls ont rendu le livre.

Page 7: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Of course, there are some irregular past participles!!!

Avoir euFaire faitEtre étéDevoir dûVouloir vouluPouvoir puVoirvu

Page 8: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Et encore plus…

Dire dit Prendre prisLire luOffrir offertDisparaître disparuAvoir euVouloir vouluOuvrir ouvert

Recevoir reçu

Boire bu

Ecrire écrit

Mettre mis

Voir vu

Connaître connu

Page 9: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How would you say….

I bought a french book yesterday?

He did his homework?We wanted to go shopping?They had to give back the

book?You washed your car?

Page 10: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

With the Passé Composé and AVOIR

You will NOT make agreement!Ex: Elle a grossiEx: Il a envoyé la lettreEx: Nous avons lavé la voiture

Page 11: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé with avoir….It rained Il a plu

They worked Ils ont travaillé

I was not able/ couldn't Je n'ai pas pu

He ate  Il a mangé

They were Ils ont été

He offered Il a offert

You made/did Tu as fait

She lost weight Elle a maigri

We waited Nous avons attendu

Page 12: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé with avoir….

We read Nous avons lu

I studied J'ai étudié

He learned Il a appris

She sang Elle a chanté

They gave Ils ont donné

We obeyed  Nous avons obéi

You sold Tu as vendu

 She didn’t gain weight Elle n’a pas grossi

Page 13: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

What’s the other helping verb we can use to form the Passé Composé ?

ETREWhen do we use ETRE?

with one of the 17 “House verbs” OR

with a reflexive verb

Page 14: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How do you conjugate être?

Je suis Nous sommesTu es Vous êtesIl/Elle/On est Ils/Elles sont

Page 15: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

What are the “17 House Verbs?

Naître Partir

Aller Devenir

Arriver Mourir

Entrer Passer

Monter Venir

Tomber Revenir

Rester Retourner

descendre rentrer


Page 16: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Forming the past participles… (same as avoir….)

With an –er verb

drop the –er , add –éWith an –ir verb

drop the –ir, add –iWith an –re verb

drop the –re, add -u

Page 17: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Of course, there are some irregular past participles!!!

Naître néMourir mortVenir venu

Page 18: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

With the Passé Composé and ETRE

You will ALWAYS make agreement with the SUBJECT!

Ex: Elle est partieEx: Nous sommes venu(e)s chez toiEx: Ils se sont lavés

Page 19: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé with être….

We arrived Nous sommes arrivé(e)s

You became rich Tu es devenu(e) riche

You all left Vous êtes parti(e)s

I went Je suis allé(e)

She died Elle est morte

We went to the bathroom. Nous sommes allé(e)s aux toilettes.

They went on vacation Ils sont allés en vacances 

He washed (himself). Il s’est lavé.

He shaved. Il s’est rasé.

Page 20: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé with être….

She got dressed Elle s’est habillée

We arrived at the party early Nous sommes arrivé(e)s à la boum en avance.

She took out the trash Elle a sorti la poubelle.

He was born January 5th. Il est né le 5 janvier.

I went to the game. Je suis allé(e) au match.

He came back home. Il est revenu chez lui/à la maison.

We left the restaurant Nous sommes partis du restaurant.

Page 21: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé with avoir or être?

I washed the car

We went to the store

He bought a car

They threw the ball

We went up

She washed her face

The boys arrived at the game

You left the store

Page 22: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Object Pronouns…they always go before the first conjugated verb….

Direct Obect pronouns: le, la, les (person, place, thing)

Indirect Object pronouns: lui, leur ( à + person)

Y: replaces à + place/thing or preposition + place/thing

EN : replaces de + place/thing or expression of quantity + place/thing


Tu laves la voiture Tu la laves

Il parle à Sophie Il lui parle

Nous allons au parc Nous y allons

Elle ne va pas chez toi Elle n’y va pas

Vous achetez dix livres Vous en achetez (dix)

Marie chante à l’église

Marc se lave les mains

Nous achetons beaucoup d’oeufs

Page 23: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Object Pronouns…they always go before the first conjugated verb….

EXCEPT: If there is an INFINITIVE, then it will go

right before the infinitive

Ex: Tu vas chanter la chanson

Tu vas la chanter If there is a positive command, it will

come after the verb

Ex: Ferme la porte!


Page 24: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Double Object Pronoun Order

Lui le


Le la


Me te

se n

ous v


Y en

Page 25: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Essayez les examples suivants:

Tu parles aux enfants

Manges-tu tes épinards?

Allons au cinéma!

Vous ne mangez pas beaucoup de frites.

Elle parle au téléphone à son fils.

Elle ne parle pas au téléphone à ses fils.

Ne parlent-ils pas au téléphone à leur fils?

Donne les biscuits à ta maman.

Page 26: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

With the Passé Composé and AVOIR and ETREYou will NOT make agreement UNLESS there is a PRECEDING DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN…

You will ALWAYS make agreement with the SUBJECT UNLESS there is a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN AFTER the verb

Il a envoyé la lettre S V D.O.Il l’a envoyée

Nous sommes venu(e)s chez toiNous y sommes venu(e)s

Nous avons lavé la voitureNous l’avons lavée

Ils se sont lavésIls se sont lavé le visageIls se le sont lavés

Il a envoyé la lettre à Marie S V D.O. I.O.

Il lui a envoyé la lettre

Elle s’est lavé les mains.Elle se les est lavée.

Page 27: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Essayez les examples suivants:

Tu as parlé aux enfants

As-tu mangé ta salade?

Tu es allé au cinéma!

Vous n’avez pas mangé beaucoup de frites.

Elle a parlé au téléphone à son fils.

Elle n’ a pas parlé au téléphone à ses fils.

Ne se sont-ils pas lavé la figure dans la salle de bains?

Elles sont restés chez elle.

Page 28: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

How do you create the Imparfait?

Take the nous form of the verb in the present tense, drop the –ons and add the following endings:

-ais -ions

-ais -iez

-ait -aient

Page 29: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Des examples….

Présent Imparfait

Je joue (nous jouons) Je jouais

Il mange (nous mangeons) Il mangeait

Elle fait (nous faisons) Elle faisait

Ils ont (nous avons) Ils avaient

Tu écris (nous écrivons) Tu écrivais

Page 30: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Il y a seulement une exception!

J’étais Nous étionsTu étais Vous étiezIl, Elle, On était Ils, Elles étaient


Page 31: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Special uses of the Imparfait…

C’était (It was…) magnifique! To express enthusiasm

C’était assez bien! To express indifference

C’était mortel! To express dissatisfaction

To tell how people seemed

Ils avaient l’air contents.

Use “si on” with the imparfait to make a suggestion

Si on jouait au volley?

C’était can be used in a variety of situations to describe how something was or used to be…..

Page 32: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

Passé Composé and the ImparfaitWhat are some differences?A single action description

Done and over with Repeated action

-ed Was/were + -ingUsed to + -ing

Interrupts the background Sets the background

Mercredi, un jour Le mercredi, tous les jours

quand Pendant que

D’abord, ensuite, puis… Si on, avoir l’air….

Soudain, tout d’un coup En train de

Two things to remember… Usually, in a sentence if you have two different subjects, one will be in the I, the other in the PC….And secondly… if the subject is the same, chances are it will be the same tense…Examples: Je lisais le journal quand le téléphone a sonné. Elle chantait pendant qu’elle dansait.

Page 33: How do you form the past?. Passé Composé and the Imparfait What are some of the differences? A single actiondescription Done and over withRepeated action.

PC vs ImparfaitA single action description

Done and over with Repeated action

-ed Was/were + -ingUsed to + -ing

Interrupts the background Sets the background

To tell what happened To make a suggestion (si on ….)

After words that indicate a specific moment in the past…un jour, tout d’un coup, soudain, une fois, lundi, au moment où…

weather when it sets the scene, to describe how things or people were in the past,

After words that indicate in which order a series of events occurred…d’abord, après, ensuite, enfin, finalement…

To emphasize you were in the middle of doing something when something else happened “en train de”

To tell how someone seemed to be (avoir l’air…)
