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How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience

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    We make our world significant by the courageof our questions and by the depth of our

    answers. -Carl Sagan,

    Radar, when a plane has a lock then it sends

    out more pings (well, what ever the light

    equivalent of sonar pings is).

    permalink parent

    [] Guysmiley777 39 points 3 years ago

    There are different types of radar guided


    Semi-active radar homing (SARH) missiles

    have a radar RECEIVER in them, but no

    transmitter. They rely on the launching

    aircraft to "paint" the target with their

    radar so the missile can home in on the

    radar reflections from the target.

    Active radar homing (ARH) missiles

    contain their own onboard full radar set.

    It can transmit and receive radar signals

    on its own and does not need support

    from the launching aircraft. These types

    of radars are much weaker than the ones

    carried by fighter aircraft, so what

    usually happens is right as the missile is

    fired it's told the target's relative locationand velocity. The missile guidance system

    then flies it using inertial guidance until it

    deems itself close enough to go active

    and turn on its own radar. Some active

    radar guided missiles can also receive

    updated target location info from a

    datalink (so the launching aircraft CAN if

    it wants keep the still quiet missile

    updated on the target position and


    Couple of things. Radar frequency inaircraft is very much dictated by antenna

    size. The smaller the antenna, the higher

    frequency that has to be used. Also,

    there are various "modes" that radars

    operate in. Modern radars can track

    multiple targets while also looking for new

    targets by moving the antenna in certain

    patterns as well as varying the

    transmitted pulse rate (and AESA radars

    can basically do black fucking magic).

    Here's the point I'm slowly trudging to: to

    guide a SARH missile like the AIM-7

    Sparrow, the launching radar has to go

    into a certain transmit mode (called CW

    for continuous wave). This basically

    screams "I AM SHOOTING AT YOU NOW!"

    to a radar warning receiver. That's how a

    pilot knows "he's got a lock on me".

    With active radar missiles like the AIM-

    120 AMRAAM, the onboard radar is in a

    distinct band and also loudly and

    repeatedly informs the target aircraft

    that it's tracking and you're in deep shit.Active radar homing has the advantages

    of letting the launching aircraft get the

    hell out of dodge immediately after launch

    as well as giving the target less warning

    time, as the missile doesn't go loud until

    it's relatively close.

    This is a REALLY good intro site to radar

    Switch to dark theme


  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


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    BrainSturgeon...and 389 more


    permalink parent

    [] [deleted]4 points 3 years ago

    Have there been any uses of radars

    that attempt to simulate a lock

    without actually launching (or

    perhaps even without acquiring a

    lock) to deceive an enemy craft into

    thinking they are in a worse position

    than they are? For example,

    convincing someone on your tailthat they need to evade a missile

    that doesn't exist?

    permalink parent

    [] Guysmiley777 7 points 3 yea rsago

    Well, not for convincing

    someone on your tail per se, as

    you'd need to be within the

    radar's azimuth and elevat ion

    limits, but yes in trainingexercises sneaky pilots have

    been known to intentionally

    change radar modes to bluff

    that they've launched a missile

    to try and get the other side

    to turn away and avoid what

    they think is an incoming

    missile. If both sides are using

    SARH missiles it becomes a

    game of rocket powered


    And like I said, AESA radars areFNM (fucking near magic) with

    what they can do. Not having

    to bother with a mechanically

    slewed antenna opens up a ton

    of possibilities, including as

    functioning as highly versatile

    jammers. If you're used to a

    radar being something that

    sweeps across the sky, check

    out this video of early F-35

    radar testing, notice how the

    radar seems to conjure up

    multiple independent beams

    basically at will.

    permalink parent

    [] [deleted]2 points 3 years ago

    It sounds like all the radar ones are

    easily susceptible to jamming. And if

    there is a data link, then

    theoretically you could redirect the

    missile (well prolly not, cus the linkis encrypted.. but still)

    permalink parent

    [] Guysmiley777 16 points 3 yea rsago*

    Electronic countermeasures are


  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    a really gnarly topic, made

    worse by the understandable

    level of secrecy on both sides.

    The battle between ECM and

    ECCM (yes, that's a term,

    'electronic counter-

    countermeasures) is never


    Couple of things to start with.

    #1: You have to know and be

    able to transmit on the same

    frequency as the threat. #2: Ifyou do so by sheer transmitter

    power, you are broadcasting a

    gigantic "I AM HERE" beacon.

    Many modern radar guided

    missiles have a Home on Jam

    mode where they can decide

    to merrily guide themselves to

    a jamming transmitter.

    It gets to be layers on layers

    on layers of attack versus

    defence. Take something likethe AN/ALE-50 and ALE-55

    towed decoys, which are

    expendable devices towed

    behind the aircraft that will re-

    transmit a "faked" radar return

    to an approaching missile

    which appears to be more

    attractive than the real radar


    permalink parent

    [] neurohero [S] 2 points 3 years ago

    That's great, thanks. This is exactly

    what I was looking for!

    permalink parent

    [] tsk05 -1 points 3 years ago*

    This is explained in equal or more

    detail (mostly more) in the manual

    for the game Falcon 4 AF. Lower,

    Guysmiley777 mentions ECM andECCM, this is again explained in fair

    detail in the Falcon 4 AF manual

    (which is like a thousand pages

    long). Suggest picking the game up

    if you want to learn more.

    permalink parent

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    [] MyNewAlias 1 point 3 years ago

    It's called a pulse.permalink parent

    [] bitwaba 0 points 3 years ago

    I'd imagine a ping is still a ping, no

    matter the medium nor source form

    (sound through water, light through

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience



    They work the same way. Send a

    PING, get a PONG.

    permalink parent

    [] Neato 1 point 3 years ago

    It's very variable depending on what kind

    of missle you have. You can have passive

    (listens only), active (emits and listens to

    track), semi-active (active part of thetime) and some variations of those. It

    also matters if it was launched from the

    surface to air (SAM) or Air to ground, or

    air to air.

    Many planes can tell the difference

    between different radar types. From ones

    that simply spot things in the air, to one

    thats try to measure the exact distance,

    height and angle, to ones that provide

    direct high-frequency guidance to the

    missiles after launch. Knowing which you

    are being tracked for determines how apilot reacts.

    permalink parent

    [] PhilxBefore 0 points 3 years ago

    Radar, not sonar.

    Sonar (soundwaves through a medium)

    are useless at supersonic speeds.

    permalink parent

    [] neurohero [S] 2 points 3 years ago

    Yeah, that's why I referred to the

    light (Radar) equivalent of sonar


    permalink parent

    [] ytwang -4 points 3 years ago

    Radar uses radio waves. The

    light equivalent would be Lidar.

    permalink parent

    [] bitwaba 3 points 3 yea rsago

    Radio waves are light. I

    think the Laser equivalent

    would be Lidar.

    permalink parent

    [] ytwang 2 points 3years ago

    No, radio waves are

    EM, but not light.

    Light is the portion

    of the EM spectrum

    from NIR to UV. On

    the other hand, the

    first letter of LASER

    stands for "light".

    permalink parent

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    [] neurohero [S] 1 point 3years ago*

    I'm sorry if my ignorance

    is showing, but I was

    given to believe that

    radio waves WERE light,

    just not of the visible


    edit: Never mind, I see

    that you've explained it

    below. Thanks!

    permalink parent

    [] tootom -1 points 3 yea rsago

    ...Well, radio waves are a

    form of light. It's just that

    coherent laser light and

    incoherent light used in

    radar have such different

    properties from an

    engineering view

    permalink parent

    [] JJEE

    Electrical Enginee ring |AppliedElectromagnetics

    6 points 3 years ago

    You have this


    permalink parent

    [] ytwang 2 points 3years ago

    No, radio waves are

    EM, but not light.

    Light is the portion

    of the EM spectrum

    from NIR to UV.

    permalink parent

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    [] voracioush 8 points 3 years ago

    Lots of planes have infrared detectors

    mounted throughout the plane with stored

    signatures built into the software that detect

    and compare to known missle plume

    signatures. So once a rocket is within some

    arbitrary range a missle detection warning

    would probably go off and also automatically

    launch flares (IR missle) or chaff (radar

    missle). Or perhaps both.I had a sensors class in college and a grad

    student did a presentation on IR sensors

    mounted on command staff planes and how

    they could detec t ground based launches

    (Surface to Air or RPGs). I would imagine air to

    air rockets work on the same principles.

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    permalink parent

    [] [deleted]5 points 3 years ago

    This is a question for another thread, but

    I'm intrigued as to how chaff works.

    permalink parent

    [] LongUsername 7 points 3 years ago

    It basically just provides a large

    radar reflection.

    You have a plane radar signaturethat the missile is following, then it

    splits in two. Missile can only follow

    one target, and which one it

    chooses would be based on how the

    missile was programmed.

    permalink parent

    [] voracioush 2 points 3 years ago

    From wikipedia: A radar

    countermeasure in which aircraft or

    other targets spread a cloud ofsmall, thin pieces of aluminium,

    metalized glass fiber or plastic,

    which either appears as a cluster of

    secondary targets on radar screens

    or swamps the screen with multiple


    Wiki Link

    permalink parent

    [] Neato 2 points 3 years ago

    Chaff is made to reflect radar

    signals. It is cut to specific lengths

    depending on the type of signal

    tracking it. This chaff is essentially

    thrown up like a ninja throws up a

    smoke cloud, confusing the seeker

    and giving it massive reflections.

    Flares are for IR sensors and work a

    similar way except they emit very

    bright IR signals to try to overpower

    or lead off the seeker from the

    exhaust and compression heat (fromwing edges, etc).

    permalink parent

    [] afrofuturist 5 points 3 years ago

    Put "Combat Flight Sim Buff" after this man's

    name. He deserves it.

    permalink parent

    [] geosmin 2 points 3 years ago

    What would you say is the best combat flight


    permalink parent

    [] obsCUR 9 points 3 years ago

    best as in most realistic: dcs : a10, but

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    only with 1 plane, the a10

    best as in overall realistic and with 6

    planes: lock on :flaming cliffs.

    permalink parent

    [] Aero_3 points 3 years ago

    Best non-modern flight simulator:

    Rise of Flight

    I've heard good things about

    DCS:Black Shark, too.

    permalink parent

    [] Incursus 3 points 3 years ago

    I just would like to add that

    IL2-1946 and Falcon 4.0 are

    also still relevant.

    permalink parent

    [] Aero_2 points 3 yea rsago

    Definitely. Though IL2 has

    a lot of "UFO" russianaircraft with questionable

    performance capabilities.

    Not a problem in

    singleplayer, but slightly

    annoying online.

    permalink parent

    [] Jerkmaan 1 point 3 years ago

    do/can you get in dogfights online in

    those sims?will I feel left out while playing if I

    don't invest in one of those cool

    flight control board and joystick


    permalink parent

    [] obsCUR 2 points 3 years ago

    lock on can be played online

    thru hyperlobby. also il2 '46.

    one needs some sort of

    joystick, nothing fancy though,something like 4 axis, 8 button

    + hat. don't worry about

    force- feedback, though some

    will debate. those fancy flight

    stick with lights and open-

    close latches and all that bull

    that borders on silly, well, no...

    permalink parent

    [] geosmin 1 point 3 years ago

    What about a good introduction to

    the genre?

    permalink parent

    [] obsCUR 1 point 3 years ago*

    we begin by assuming we're

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    not talking about arcade flight

    combat games: H.A.W.X,

    blazing angels, ace

    combat,etc.. ( i actually

    worked on both hawx 1 and

    hawx 2, proud me, what can i

    say.. ).

    many have started with

    novalogic's f22 lightning series,

    but they're kind of old. Cute

    games, really trying to blend

    sim features and broadaccessibility in a product that

    would run on a 486.

    lock on has detailed

    documentation and tutorials.

    il2 '46 has, as introductory

    features, tutorials, easy mode

    controls and flight model. i still

    play il2 '46 a lot. you can really

    start to get a feel for the

    game, and the genre for that

    matter, if you just start thequick mission editor, choose a

    plane and the game just

    spawns you mid air, no fuss.

    After that, you can start

    changing payloads, adding

    ground targets, enemy

    airplanes, start missions at

    night, tweak realism settings,

    etc, just from the quick editor.

    this is how i play the game

    mostly, endless fun that is, but

    than again, maybe it's just


    permalink parent

    [] lotti_talia 1 point 3 years ago

    Seems to be more of an engineer type

    question, I've always wondered this though.

    pertinent .

    permalink parent

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    [] Tobyirl 6 points 3 years ago

    Originally a Kalman Filterwas the technique used as

    the tracking method for missiles but I imagine now

    that things have advanced and perhaps a particle

    filter is used instead.


    [] 20bees 5 points 3 years agoKalman filters never go out of style.

    Regular accelerometers don't compensate for

    gravity so you don't get a perfect reading of

    the displacement of the object as you move it

    - you also have the force of gravity mixed in.

    So it's not as good on its own.

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    With a Kalman filter, you can use the an

    accelerometer to provide a reference point and

    edit out drift in your gyro as well as increase

    it's accuracy.

    an example:



    permalink parent

    [] melb_ev 2 points 3 years ago

    A standard Kalman filter is not really that

    good for such a situation, its very noisy

    and has jitter issues. That one was a

    good first try but was dropped and they

    switch to a complementary filter taken

    from another project called DCM which

    performs well.

    When dealing with nonlinear sensors a

    serious Extended Kalman Filter is needed

    for very good attitude estimation, for

    example as shown in this PDF in real



    permalink parent

    [] shavera

    Strong Force | Qua rk-Gluon Plasm a | Particle Je ts 5

    points 3 years ago

    As a funny sidenote, we are very fond of

    Kalman Filters in particle physics. We do a lot

    of our tracking of particles through our

    detectors using Kalman Fittings.permalink parent

    [] freedryk

    Fluid Dynamics | Atmospheric Science | Clima teModels

    2 points 3 years ago

    Weather prediction and historical climate

    reanalysis also use the Kalman filter to

    incorporate observations into the

    computer models.

    permalink parent

    [] typon 1 point 3 years ago

    I write this as I work on Verilog code for

    an advanced PLL (most common Kalman


    permalink parent

    [] [deleted]8 points 3 years ago

    Here's a cool video of the seeker head on a German

    air to air missile.



    [] [deleted]8 points 3 years ago

    that looks very expensive to just blow up.

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    permalink parent

    [] LongUsername 16 points 3 years ago

    It could be very expensive to NOT blow

    up the target.

    permalink parent

    [] Neato 10 points 3 years ago

    It might be a 100-500k USD missile, but

    that bomber or fighter it takes down

    could be worth hundreds of millions andthat plane's target could be the lives of a

    lot of your people.

    permalink parent

    [] [deleted]2 points 3 years ago

    Unit cost is 400,000 Euro

    permalink parent

    [] thecrikster 3 points 3 years ago

    That's kind of creepy no? Looks too much like

    a real eyeball.

    permalink parent

    [] Aero_1 point 3 years ago

    The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows

    this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting

    where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from

    where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a

    difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem

    uses deviations to generate corrective commands

    to drive the missile from a position where it is to a

    position where it isn't, and arriving at a position

    where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the

    position where it is, is now the position that it

    wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was,

    is now the position that it isn't. In the event that

    the position that it is in is not the position that it

    wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the

    variation being the difference between where the

    missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is

    considered to be a significant factor, it too may becorrected by the GEA. However, the missile must

    also know where it was.

    The missile guidance computer scenario works as

    follows. Because a variation has modified some of

    the information the missile has obtained, it is not

    sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it

    isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It

    now subtracts where it should be from where it

    wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this

    from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and

    where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and

    its variation, which is called error.




    [] garblesnarky 11 points 3 years ago

    That reads kind of like Douglas Adams

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    permalink parent

    [] neurohero [S] 2 points 3 years ago

    Thanks for your reply. I was wondering more

    about how the missile guidance system knows

    where to go, not how it knows where it is.

    ppod answered that quite eloquently.

    permalink parent

    [] Aero_6 points 3 years ago

    My response was intended to behumorous. Its a transcript of the .wav I

    linked to (which was widely circulated in

    engineering/military circles several years

    ago). It's engineer humor in that the

    description technically makes sense, it

    just doesn't offer any real insight into

    how the system works.

    permalink parent

    [] Enphuego 2 points 3 years ago

    Like the engineer and the hot airballoon joke?

    permalink parent

    [] Aero_4 points 3 years ago


    The Balloonist

    A man in a hot air balloon

    realized he was lost. He

    reduced altitude and spotted a

    man below. He descended a bitmore and shouted, "Excuse me,

    can you help me? I promised a

    friend I would meet him half an

    hour ago, but I don't know

    where I am."

    The man below replied, "You

    are in a hot air balloon

    hovering approximately 30 feet

    about the ground. You are

    between 42 and 44 degrees

    north latitude and between 83

    and 85 degrees westlongitude."

    "You must be an engineer,"

    said the balloonist. "I am,"

    replied the man, "but how did

    you know?"

    "Well," answered the balloonist,

    "everything you told me is

    technically correct, but I have

    no idea what to make of your

    information, and the fact is I

    am still lost."

    The man below responded,

    "You must be a manager." "I

    am," replied the balloonist,

    "how did you know?"

    "Well," said the man, "you don't

    know where you are or where

  • 8/9/2019 How Does Missile Lock Work_ _ Askscience


    you are going. You made a

    promise which you have no

    idea how to keep, and you

    expect me to solve your

    problem. The fact is you are

    exactly in the same position

    you were in before we met,

    but now, somehow, it's my


    permalink parent

    [] Xmonty 1 point 3 years ago

    OH MY GOD I almost lost it reading this.

    Garblesnarky thinks this reads like Douglas

    Adams, and I don't totally disagree, but this

    reads like the godawful technical

    reference pubs the Navy puts out.

    permalink parent

    [] purpsicle27 -4 points 3 years ago

    Seems to be more of an engineer type question,

    I've always wondered this though.


    [] Neato 1 point 3 years ago

    A lot of it is simple reflection. Getting your

    emitted signal back means there's something

    out there. There are measures to prevent

    ground reflection, but that can also be a

    problem for a plane. IDing your target(anything you can resolve with radar) is

    complex. A lot of it is due to knowing who

    supposed to be there, any friend-foe systems,

    and if you get a good enough signal, resolving

    what that reflection looks like. If you get

    lucky, that target also emitting a signal for it's

    own tracking and it's specifics can give you a

    lot of info about what instruments it is using

    and for what purpose. And can tell you a

    LOT about what it is.

    permalink parent

    [] aazav 0 points 3 years ago

    You do know that you are talking about movies, not

    reality, right?


    [] neurohero [S] 2 points 3 years ago

    Often, in movies...

    Yup, I got that. But judging by the responses,

    it's very real technology.permalink parent


    stabs out own eyes



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