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How Hris Helps in Induction Procedure of A

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How Hris Helps in Induction Procedure of A
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OVERVIEW1. Employee Performance

Management (EPM) → Employee Appraisal→ 360 degree evaluation→ Goal setting & Tracking.→ Training & Development.→ Performance linked bonus.

2. Recruitment Portal

→ Applicant tracking→ On Boarding→ Off Boarding→ Transfer Management

3.Human capital management

→ Employee Self Service→ Manager Online→ Compensation Planning→ Employee Database→ Payroll

4. Strategic HR Tools

→ Organization Alignment→ Succession Planning→ Manpower Planning→ Leadership Effectiveness Survey→ Employee Satisfaction Survey

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1. Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management (EPM) in context to HRIS is a set of web-based tools that enables an organization to develop employees by focusing on competencies, goals, training, performance evaluation and pay-for-performance.EPM Suite provides more than just an efficient means of performance evaluation. It helps implement HR best practices such as empowerment, engagement, objectivity, transparency, on-going skill development and performance based rewards. It contains five modules to help in all aspects of Performance Management:

a) Employee AppraisalEasy to use, Configurable and Quick to setup

eAppraisal is a web based tool to accelerate the employee evaluation process and enhance employee engagement. It includes measurement on goal achievement, competency evaluation, identification of development needs, performance potential and multi-rater review workflows. eAppraisal enables the HR Manager to continuously track the status of the appraisal process and use analytics to manage employee increments, bonus, promotions and training.

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Pre-configured templates: eAppraisal module provides many predefined templates for use in appraisals and these include Self Assessment, Goal Based Evaluation, Competencies, Development Plan, Relative Ranking, 360 degree evaluation.

Competency library: Competencies are available for employees of different departments such as Sales, IT, HR, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Services, Finance and many others.

Configurable: We can define new forms, ratings and workflows. Number of options are available for dynamic ratings, weights and calculation methods. It can be accurately mapped to our existing paper based forms.

On-line help: Templates includes writing assistants and online help to assist employees and managers to fill in forms quickly and correctly.

Workflows: Different workflows available based on our existing processes. Appraisal can be conducted multiple times on criteria such as calendar year, employee anniversary, next appraisal date, out-of turn appraisal, project completion and other career events.

Reporting and analytics: Significant analytics available for all levels. Helps track status at a glance and other reports.

Multiple employee relationships: Supports multiple reporting levels such as Line Manager, Reviewer, HR Manager, Dotted Manager and Head of Dept.

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b) Multi-rater (360 degree) Feedback

Get feedback from multiple sources for self development

This module allows employees to solicit feedback from their subordinates, peers and seniors to know how they are perceived by other employees they interact with. This feedback helps an individual to identify areas of improvement and thus prepare a self development plan. The management can utilize this module for 360 degrees appraisal of the employees.


Feedback form is fully customizable. Contains a configurable workflow that allows HR Managers to initiate the

process and specify the minimum and maximum number of peers, subordinates and seniors an employee can select while initiating the feedback.

Employees can choose from whom they desire to obtain the feedback. Management can nominate employees for 360 degree appraisal. The compiled feedback is shared without revealing respondent's identity. Provides a number of customizable reports including real time status

monitoring of the process. Provides spell-check and writing assistant. Can be used by HR consultants to manage 360 degree feedback for their


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Employee can select different ratees every time the feedback is collected.

Additional ratees for an employee can be added by HR.

Confidentiality can be provided for any information.

Helps an employee to understand his “Self - Development Needs” based on how others view him.

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c) Goal Setting & Tracking Each employee contributes to Organization Goals

Goal Allocation and Tracking module is a workflow based tool that facilitates the goal allocation process for all employees at the start of the year.

Module helps enhance employee productivity, adds objectivity & transparency to task allocation and helps organizations become more competitive and aligned.

FEATURES Allows setting of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reviewable and

Trackable) goals. Supports goal allocation based on:

– Organization Objectives (Top - down approach),– KRAs (as per Job Description of the employee),– Manager's Priority Tasks, – Self assigned goals by an employee and– KRAs of Dotted Manager, Reviewer and Head of Department.

Provides Configurable workflows. Allows goal allocation to multiple employees (team goals). Provides cascading and supports alignment across the organization. Supports auto escalation, notifications and messaging. Automatically integrates with the appraisal module and transfers goals into the

appraisal form. Allows tracking of performance for each goal.

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d) Training & Development

Growing organizations consider employee training as a strategic requirement.

Identification of training needs and developing skills & competencies of employees is an important part of Talent Management . It involves managers in creating a training schedule for each employee ensures empowerment.

Training & Development module helps in meeting all the training requirements. It can be customized to the specific needs of the organization.

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e) Performance Linked Bonus (Pay-for-performance)

Pay for performance is used by many leading companies as a performance driver. Calculation and compilation of this component of remuneration (often called PLB) is a time consuming and complex task that requires collossal effort by the HR. Performance Linked Bonus module automates the management process based on the allocated budgets .


This module facilitates setting up of performance indicators and their measurements. Provides a number of pre-defined measures to assist in setting up of performance

indicators and allows addition of new measures. Provides a mechanism to create performance sheets for each employee or target group

(team). Sends messages to employees to view their variable pay performance targets. Allows input of achievements for each performance indicator. Calculates employee

score based on the performance sheets. Can integrate with appraisal scores, employee attendance, training, and other employee

related issues which may impact performance pay. Automatically calculates performance bonus for each employee Enables export of the bonus details into the payroll software. If Payroll software is used,

the PLB details are transferred on approval automatically. Provides management reports & a tool for on-line analysis of financial impact.

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2. Recruitment Portal Selecting the right people is the only strategic option

Software Recruitment Portal provides a powerful approach to select the best fit talent for your company and also helps complete on-boarding formalities. Some highlights of different modules are as under:

a) Applicant Tracking

Track Applicants: Select the best talent

How do you cut recruiting costs and increase your ROI? Target the best candidates. Collect CVs online and save weeks searching and pre-screening the resumes. Manage your recruitment process in line with the strategic needs of business.

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Receives recruitment requests from the departments and managers. Links each demand with a Job Description. Creates a comprehensive vacancies list which contains Job Position , Approving

authority, Start & closing date, Job Description reference, Qualifications/skills/experience required, Number of vacancies, location, remuneration details, etc.

Enables posting of vacancy list on the company job portal (provided by existing HRIS software if not already available).

Supports creation & maintenance of records of recruitment agencies & contractors. Allows internal candidates to submit their CVs (obtaining Manager's approval is an

optional feature). Tracks all CVs including 'Reject' cases Automatically generates acknowledgment letters, interview invitations etc. Enables scheduling of assessment events like written tests and interviews. Informs

interviewers on test panel about the schedules. Enables recording of results & short listing of candidates as per the rules. Provides a psychometric test capture tool. Provides facility to record verification checks for selected candidates. Supports issue of Offer letters to candidates on select panel. Enables archiving of CVs of candidates not considered suitable for the Jobs. Provides a dashboard to track efficiency of the recruitment process.

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b) On-boarding On-line enrollment for new hires can save upto 6 hours per hire

HRIS software On-boarding & Off-boarding module manages the processes related to induction and exit of employees.

The web based structure allows new entrants to fill in their joining Forms from any location before they report to the organization. These Forms get automatically routed to the HRIS.

Induction process is tracked to ensure employee's orientation & initial training. Exit management supports three types of exits namely:Voluntary with notice,

Voluntary without notice, and Termination.


Permits customization of available Forms in support of joining formalities Permits addition of new Forms as per organizational requirement Has built-in editing and data validation facilities HR Edit of primary fields in employee details is restricted. Probation period is incorporated at the time of joining. Confirmation letters are printed by the system. Provides a customizable Exit Feedback and Interview process. Exit Dashboard provided to the HR manager.

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c) Off-boarding

On-line enrollment for new hires can save upto 6

hours per hire

Features are all same as On-boarding

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d) Transfer Management

70% of employee development is through Transfers, balance comes from training

Transfer of employees within the organization helps in employee growth and helps in multi -skilling of employee by providing experience in different jobs. Impact of transfers on HR is in terms of the change of Job Description, initiation of Appraisals for the period served in the prior job, setting of KRAs in the new position, making changes in the Personal data and so on. These activities need specific attention by the HR Department.

HRIS Software EmpXtrack- 'Transfer Management' module automatically initiates employee's Appraisal process by sensing a change in reporting relationship based on either of the following:Transfer of the Manager: Appraisal of all subordinates is needed. Transfer of the subordinate: Employee's appraisal to be completed, if due.

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Enables HR to make changes in reporting relationships. Issues notifications to the employees to initiate the Appraisal &

Goal setting process. On transfer of a Manager, it tracks initiation of Appraisals of

all the employees reporting to the manager. Provides overriding facility to the HR administrator if

Appraisal of an employee is not to be initiated. Handles sudden exit of Managers by enabling HR to nominate

an interim manager till a relief is posted. Is linked with Employee Self Service & Manager on-line modules to track transfer requests.

Provides workflows to obtain approvals for employee transfers. Enables HR Manager to generate Transfer orders. Tracks compliance of all transfers. Enables auto-update of experience profile of employees (HRIS

module). Provides a number of management reports.

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3. Human Capital Management

Making personnel administration paperless & interactive

Human Capital Management in context to HRIS SOFTWARE includes modules that manage employee data and provide work flows to automate paper based HR services. An Employee Portal allows single-click access to all the policy documents as well as personal records of an employee .

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a) Employee Self Services Completely paper-less employee services. A satisfied workforce.

HR department employees spend significant time in managing employee requests which are typically paper based. This is an extremely expensive, error prone, time consuming and repetitive mode of personnel administration. Automation results in savings in time, effort and a qualitative improvement in the HR services. The end result is speedy decision making, enhanced employee satisfaction and significant savings.

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Allows employees to view their personal details & update their data. This includes uploading of digital photograph, dependents information, contact address update, training details and certifications, experience profile etc. Includes an approval workflow which allows HR to verify the updates before accepting the same.

Contains workflows to manage HR transactions related to: – Leave requests,– Expenses,– Application for open positions,– Time sheet and attendance,– Request for training and seminars,– Conference room bookings,– Transport requests,– Travel approvals,– Complaint & Ticket logging and– Facilities requisition.

Allows employees access to company policy documents. Allows employees to view past salary slips. Allows access to company directory. Provides multiple-help desks (such as Leave Help Desk, Complaints Help Desk, Travel

Help Desk, Accounts Help desk etc.) to efficiently steer all employee related processes.

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b) Manager Online

Know the people you lead and manage them effectively.

EmpXtrack 'Manager on-line' module provides rich set of features that help managers get relevant data about the employees who report to them. Easy availability of employee data allows managers to take effective decisions.


The module contains different kinds of workflows: – Nominate for Seminars & Conferences. – Grant compensatory leave – Set up a spending account – Nominate for rewards or recognitions – Enter critical incidents – Store Counseling notes for subordinates.– Request for additional team members – Nominate an employee for an open position within the company – Initiate transfer process for an employee. – Authorize visitors access – Request for team events – Authorize travel for team members. – Delegate work & responsibility

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A Manager can view personal data of team members which includes: – Personal Records: Employee Details, Qualifications,

Experience Summary, Resume, Dependent Details, Salary Details etc.

– Training imparted.– Performance Reports– Rewards and recognitions.– Critical Incident record

The manager can initiate mid-term appraisal, training and compensation review process for the team member.

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c) Compensation Planning

Allowing line managers to participate in compensation planning process encourages empowerment.

This module contains workflows to gather feedback from managers about the suggested increments for each of their team members.


Allows the administrator to start an increment cycle synchronized throughout the company.

Involves line managers in helping decide increments for their employees.

Allows setup of rules by the HR (compensation planners) to define the increment bands, bonus criteria etc.

Encourages real time feedback to managers and a collaborative framework to allow full participation of both managers and HR to take decisions about the increments.

Generates annual increment award letters for the employees.

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d) Employee Database (HRIS)

Use a high Quality HRIS to improve organizational effectiveness EmpXtrack: HRIS is a comprehensive employee database. As a part of the

integrated HR solution, it also facilitates auto-update of employee records by other EmpXtrack modules. As a web based administrator tool, it allows the tracking of personal & professional information of all employees in the organization. Instant access to data and a variety of reports make HRIS as an invaluable decision support system for any organization.

FEATURESEmployee personal details (statutory information, address(es), photographs, personal documents etc..) Qualifications Profile Job Rotation data (in present organization) Training Records Leave Records Rewards and Recognitions Bonus Records Exit Interview Record Expenses Details

Dependants details & Nominations Salary details and Payroll records Advances and Loan related data. Applicable Benefits schemes Past Employment Records Promotion Records Pending Leave status Disciplinary Proceedings Records Performance Profile Final Clearances

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Benefits Provides an Org Charting tool to view organization

structure, vacancies and employees Empowers each employee to view & update personal

data by using the 'Self Service' portal. Management dashboards enable manpower planning,

recruitment, placements, job rotations, promotions and other HR functions.

Being an integrated data base, it helps in improving the quality of management decisions.

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Automatically capture data from different sources.

Organizations support multiple applications and databases to manage employee payroll records, performance rewards, expense reimbursements, loans & advances and attendance records.

EmpXtrack Payroll is a composite package which facilitates efficient administration of employee remuneration and supports complex taxation requirements for many countries and regions.

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Includes a rule engine that can handle the most complex payroll requirements.

Includes customizable tax tables, calculations and forms Supports multiple State and City Tax structures, as applicable. Tracks vacation, sick & holiday pay in addition to regular bonus and

commissions. Maintains Payroll history for each employee. Pays by hourly, weekly & monthly schedules, as applicable. Can manage employees engaged on salary or commission basis and also

non-employee contract workers. Maintains a Checks issue register. Generates Cost Accounting Reports,

Wage reports (monthly, quarterly & annual) and Management dashboards. Provides a Custom Report Builder: create your own reports Issues Pay slips to each employee Maintains all statutory records such as Tax deducted at Source, Provident

Fund contributions. Generates all year end and quarterly reports for electronic filing (NSDL). Generates all statutory forms such as Form 16, Form 12, Form 6, Form

24Q, Form 24 etc. required for filing quarterly and yearly returns.

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Cost Based Valuation

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4. Strategic HR Tools

HRIS Strategic Tools enable the management to align the organization to corporate objectives, create talent pools to man key positions and conduct periodic surveys to get a feel of the organizational climate.

a) Organization Alignment Create a focused organization: All looking in the same direction

Organizational alignment is a strategic HR process which enables all employees to contribute to the accomplishment of Corporate Objectives. This module works as an interface between employee performance & organizational performance.

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FEATURES 'Organizational Alignment' module from HRIS’s point of view,

has the following main features: Enables setup of Initiatives Master. Links each Initiative with Corporate Objectives related to

Finance, Customer, Internal improvements & other strategic parameters.

Facilitates allocation of initiatives to departments / teams/ individual employees.

Enables automatic transfer of initiatives based goals to the 'Employee Goal Sheet'

Integrates with the Goal Allocation & eAppraisal modules to assess progress on each strategic initiative.

Generates Management reports to monitor alignment.

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b) Succession Planning Manage key positions to mitigate corporate risks

Good organizations plan for the development of their people to occupy key positions. Succession planning focuses on building pipelines of employees for each key position.


Allows identification of key positions in the organization and their mapping to required skills, competencies, job descriptions, qualifications and experience profiles.

Facilitates identification of employees who meet the requirements for these key positions. Sophisticated search mechanisms are available for this.

Allows management to create three succession pipelines for each Key Position viz. short-term, medium term and long-term.

Maps employees to the succession pipelines with a development plan (with milestones) for each employee in each pipeline.

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Integrates with different HRIS modules to allow on-line viewing of various aspects of an employee for entry into succession pipeline. Some examples are:

– eAppraisal module displays appraisal scores, relative grading, strengths in core competencies, aspirations and development plans.

– Employee's Multi-rater (3600) feedback gives a view of his acceptability in the environment.

– Training profile of the employee can be obtained from the Training and Development module.

– Rewards and Recognition data can be viewed from the HRIS. – Critical Incidents Diary displays observed behaviors of the employee during

unforeseen incidents. – HRIS module provides information about employment history, promotions and


Notifies the HR administrator of changes in employee's profile such as transfer, promotion, exit etc to enable review of the succession pipelines.

Provides a comprehensive set of management reports to allow analysis of Key Positions, succession pipelines and development plans for each employee in the pipelines.

Has the facility to capture inputs from the 'Assessment Center Reports' for an employee.

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c) Manpower Planning

Managing human assets effectively increases profitability

Manpower planning is a dynamic process which enables growth of an organization through optimized used of its most important asset - its employees. It is a process which defines staffing requirements & maintains the same through promotions & hiring of fresh talent.

HRIS software EmpXtrack 'Manpower Planning' module provides tool to restructure organizations to meet the requirements of business growth.

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FEATURES Helps create organization structure through an intuitive and easy to use User

Interface. Enables mapping of 'Job Descriptions' on the structure and of employees

onto these Job Descriptions. Tracks creation of 'Job Descriptions' for new job positions. Enables review of staffing levels and identification of vacancies in any part of

the organization structure. Facilitates creation of new functional units through re-distribution of

available manpower. Various customization options include:

– Project based manpower allocations & control – Management of contract manpower – Structuring a matrix organization

Allows comprehensive 'what-if analysis' with on-line reports. Creates Dashboards for management to enable planning of promotions,

recruitments & transfers Permits on line viewing by HR Manager of the Personal Records of

employees for manpower planning

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d) Leadership Effectiveness Surveys How employees view their Leaders? Do not ignore!

Good organizations consciously evaluate the quality of their leadership at all levels. How employees view their Leaders & how open are the Leaders in accepting their feedback are the twin conditions which help in managing the Vision & Mission of an organization.

HRIS SOFTWARE EmpXtrack 'Leadership Effectiveness Survey' enables the top management to get feedback from the employees on the effectiveness of Senior Managers in managing various strategic initiatives launched by the company from time to time. Employee perceptions help in knowing the pulse of the organization and in planning various Leadership Development Programs.

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Ready to use surveys available to address the following Leadership parameters: – Strategy formulation & deployment – Trust & Motivation– Focus on employee development– Operational Efficiency

Addition/ deletion to the above parameters is permitted. Questionnaire is fully configurable & open ended. Rating scale & weights for each parameter are user selectable. Scope available to restrict the survey to one parameter at a time. Management can conduct survey on the attitude of specific leaders. Confidentiality of the respondent is ensured. Trend analysis available after multiple surveys. Integrable with your email system

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e) Employee Satisfaction Surveys

A satisfied workforce yeilds higher growth and profits

Employee Satisfaction Survey module of EmpXtrack is a web based survey tool which helps to periodically conduct on-line internal surveys to gather perceptions of employees on the HR environment of the company.

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1. Employee Satisfaction is related to one or more of the following parameters: 1. HR Policies of the organization 2. Work environment & Infrastructure 3. Responsiveness of HR staff 4. Training & development5. Performance Appraisals 6. Remuneration & incentives 7. Rewards & recognitions8. Promotions & Career Development 9. Personal & Organizational Values 10. Motivation & Welfare

2. Provides a customizable feedback questionnaire 3. Parameters are user selectable4. Permits allocation of weights to each parameter 5. Ensures anonymity of the respondent 6. Permits customization of algorithm to compute satisfaction Index 7. Allows multilingual questionnaires 8. Generates management reports on each parameter with drill down facilities up to

Department level 9. Integrates seamlessly with any email system to allow messages to be sent easily

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Integrated model for HR dataHierarchy of Jobs and PositionsMultiple fields for data contained in legacy

“position code”Clear definitions (regular/temp, benefits

eligible)Current, Future, and History datingShift from providing files to access to data

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