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How i met nikhil mehta1

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How I met Nikhil Mehta

How I met Nikhil Mehta

Happy Birthday Niku!!

We Miss you very much, work hard, party HARDER, but make sure

you look after yourself.

- Daddy

A very Happy Birthday to you sweetheart! Cant believe how time flies

and am sure very very proud of you and your decisions. We love you, just

be a good human being and be just like Salman Khan- means “ Being

Human”. We respect your feelings and decisions in life and always do

things to be proud of yourself. Maar Maar ke lohaa Bana diya toh ab

kya Darna. Be a Signature man working in Signature Building. Make

your life your way, do what you enjoy. But don’t hurt others.

- Mumma

This one is for you Brother.. Been ages since the last time that I've

cribbed bout you, picked up a fight wid you or even heard your voice for

dat matter.. Well, I'm gonna blame BENGALURU for creatin dat

unwanted space between us! Have a rocking birthday! How I wish I

could've been a part of it.. Miss you always..love ya..

- Pooja

First time I met nikhil was in pune @ Mcdonalds and the thing I remembered was he talked a lot & asked lot of questions. But when I met him london & I came to know he was dating my sister had one thing on my mind to give him tough time or to "BREAK HIS BONES" . Being Nikhil who always tries to make people around him Comfortable he says "Hi piyu you drink beer naah chal na let's go for a beer n pizza" That's it "ICE BREAkER" after being half drunk on japanese beer n awful pizza n nik still apologising for making bad choice of place to hangout, I realized how much he likes and tries his best to make other person with him comfortable n have fun. In the years till now I have come to know Nik as Crazy( quality matching his better half), Funny, Entertainer,Nautanki(Full to Bollywood hero), Salman ka duplicate bloke who I see more as my little brother .Wishing Nik to be more young, energetic, poora salman ka duplicate, be happy, go more crazy and have lots of success ( the bill gatewala success) in the years to come.Nik want u to drink atleast 30 pints on ur Bday love u bro n take care.

- Piu

I first met Nikhil at M&M's epic Hampton's party. Nikhil being himself

totally happy with an amazing body also next to him was a hottie! ;)

Followed by the many many unforgettable bollywood moves. The King

of Oola la..he can put Vidya Balan to shame with the oomph! he has

sealed my thoughts being the male version of vidya balan! I stick to my

opinion of him from the day I met him to now - Incredibly warm person

and a seamless entertainer! (This will be followed by a picture shortly)

- Ganga

Met Mehta 15-17 years back.. but i knew we were gonna be

friends for life when we along with others scammed our class in

school and siphoned of Teachers day celebration money and treated

ourselves to vada pav and thums up... Its been one bloody

amazing,never ending,mind-boggling partaayy ever since then with

Nikhil.. We had a swell time growing up and may we age with as

much fun as well... Happy Birthday my Man!! Have a large one

on that...

- Devendra

I met Nikhil the first day I moved to Bangalore this time around.

The first time I saw him, I thought to myself "too pretty, we'll

never be friends" How wrong was I? Plenty of questions and

multiple Rs. 10 exchanges later, I count him as one of my best.

- Gale

Mehta has been a surprise since day one. First time you meet him,

he will talk to you like he knows you for years. Makes you

comfortable around him by being uncomfortable and awkward

himself. He can make the most serious of conversations fun. Many

such conversations later, he still wonders if he has figured me out

or not - to which, I say, he hasn't. This keeps the mystery alive in

our friendship :)

- Manoj

The first time I met Nikhil was at a party... the 2 most striking

things abt him were- His FLASHING smile and the overdose of

BOLLYWOODNESS in him... Luckily, those things still remain,

which makes him everyone's fav.... :D :D Hope u always remain

the same.... Keeep dancing and 1 day u will definitely make it as a

background dancer.... :) :) :) Cheeeers !!!!!

- Anshu

Dont remember the first time i met him...cos it happend decades

ago!!! but i do remember how he forgot my surname, n very

seriously asked if its "chakraborty"!!! i gave him enuf grief initially,

but remember how much we laughed about it then, n continue to

even to this day!!! happy birthday nik!! n welcome to the 30's!!!

having got here myself 5 years back, trust me, it's not such a bad

place to be!! :p

- Mithun

Met Nikz for the first time in Kerela. I was super excited to meet

him as he’s married to my BFF and I had never met him (ironies of

life). I was warned that he will make me feel awkward and ask

questions that may irk me (knowing I have 0% patience) but we

clicked instantly and the tables turned (I guess he was more red

face than I). The two of us sat all night drinking, talking and

trying to put each other on a spot at the hotel lobby (yes we were

thrown out by pranks from the room), which continued in the bus

ride to his place, random bar hopping during the day, Mortal

Kombat moves, again talk till 6am (jeez 3 sleepless nights in a

row), the office tour with Rs 500 ka note (remember)!! His dance

move cracked me that I actually fell from the bean bag… he is a

total paisa vasool entertainer... Love you Nikz! Don’t change


- Mega

Hey Hi Nik’s….How u Doin? ;-) hahaha dude I remember first time I met you in Take5 and that time I never thought that we

gonna meet again. But you don’t know one thing about me, I like

meeting good human beings all the time ;-) I know I can call you

anytime for drinks and poker, not that you only like having fun

but also you are fun when you are around ..Keep having fun and

entertaining us

- Subhash

I first met “Mehta” in 2011, barely a few days away from my birthday. The first thing which struck me about him was the amount energy he

had to keep jumping around even, like a red bull can trying to open

itself! :P

A very calm and composed guy with a bucket of patience that I haven’t

seen before and only for a fleeting moment the anger is portrayed when

the “boys” kick his ass in Fifa! :D Lovely guy to hang around with, you

can talk about almost anything everything with him without being

judged which actually says a lot about him as person. I thank my good

luck that Mehta decided to shift to Bangalore and we happen to meet

and bond over beers, more beers and even more beers, irritate the women

with our Fifa craziness. He is like an elder brother in disguise. So Mehta

30 or not, whatever you do, don’t change for anyone!

P.S: You still haven’t figured me out J

- Dravid

I have more than one memory of meeting Nikhil Mehta. Thanks to our incredibly short attention spans and self-obsession, in my head,

the memory of first is all jumbled up. Hence I will select. I met

Nikhil Mehta and immediately knew Bangalore was going to be

insane. And it has been. When we met, We switched 5 topics in 5

seconds. Oh wait, which movie are we going to watch?

- Mansi

Kids, this is the story about the summer of 2011. I had recently met Mansi and Manoj

and was hanging out at their place, a little later that evening one of the couples from

their neighborhood joined us for a few drinks. The wife was this tall and gorgeous lady

with a disarming smile, but more on that later. The husband was a “Salman Khan”

type looking man who told me he was an engineer and worked at Microsoft, and I

thought to myself “big deal it is not like he works for Apple”. Over the course of the

evening I shared a few beers with him and bonded over things like places to hangout in

the city, gold’s gym, hot women etc., and towards the end of the evening I thought to

myself, hmmm nice guy!

A few days later both of us went to the gym together in the afternoon and I was really

curious to see what his workout regime would be. I watched him at the gym that day,

there was one thing he did the most during the one and half a hours we were there, he

looked at himself in the mirror and kept admiring himself. True Story.

After gym that day both of us went to Toit for one harmless beer, one became to two

and two became three, before we knew it we were closing the bar. That was the day we

really bonded and I really knew that I had found a friend. A friend with whom I could

share the most ridiculous, embarrassing, scandalous stories and we’d both create the

longest “hahahaha” chain right after.

I’m really glad we went to Toit that afternoon, cuz kids, that’s how I really met your

uncle Nikhil.

- Rohan

I have a story/confession. I met Nikhil at our house party in Richmond town. Gale then invited us the next day to his surprise

birthday party. I couldn't remember which one Nikhil was (there

were a lot of new faces. I was overwhelmed.) Anyway - I only

knew who he was when he came upstairs to his surprise party (I'm

still amazed I didn't shout surprise at the wrong person...).

Anyway from then it was pure bollywood dancing, St Paddy's beer

drinking madness! Wish you a VERY happy birthday from me!!

- Caroline

Once upon a time about 365 days ago was when I met Nikhil Mehta. The second meeting is more clear in my head

when Rohan called me and said he would bring Nik along

for my birthday party. What followed was Nikhil spending

half the evening talking to my mum and the other half

eating. I distinctly remember my mum saying what a sweet

boy . In the year I have figured he's is the closest I'll get to

Salman Khan. I love Nikhil , even though he stands me up

on Dabanng plans.

- Dipika

I met Nikhil at Caroline's party exactly one year ago. Nikhil and Mansi beacame my Gujju crazy friends. Nikhil was my bollywood

teacher and I should say we rock on the Chammak Chelo song !

Those 2 pictures are exactly the image I have of you and him:

crazy, dancing, colorful and very friendly. He always promised me

to show me a very famous bollywood movie, what he did with the



One truly meets Mr Mehta on the dancefloor.

- Priyal

I first met Nikhil at Jimi's on St Paddy's day last year. I don't really remember the details but what I do remember is being asked

a phenomenal amount of questions in a very short space of time. I

also remember thinking what a smoking hot couple he and

Priyanka made. Irma had a similar experience on meeting him, a

notable 'awkward' question was "don't you ever worry that people

don't like you?" this was promptly followed by Rohan apologizing

on his behalf. What an entertaining guy and I am glad he laughs

so enthusiastically at my bad jokes.

- Vicky

I met Nikhill first time at St.Paddys day, I think Robin told me

that he worked at Microsoft. The first conversation with him was

bitching about a guy we knew. We have been bitching about all of

you ever since :P

- Shirshank

I met Nikhil at the M&M house, at one of those epic M&M parties. I love that he takes his dances so seriously and cannot

understand what the heck everyone is laughing about... I mean,

HOW can you laugh at pelvic thrusts that are done with such

passion and perfection, right?! In time I have learnt that he's an

amazing duet singer and dance parner. The conviction with which

he sings 'A whole new world', and the sincerity with which he

dances to 'Ooh La La'. Nothing short of a world class

performance. Defintely the life of every party he's in! :)

- Priyanka PP

Seems like not that old, as if just few weeks back me n Priyanka were chatting outside one of d classrooms of our junior college where she first mentioned bout some guy she was in touch with(by that she meant dating ) online ( weird !!! was my reaction then), as I knew more I realised that this is "serious stuff " kept asking her wen r they meeting up? ! weirder answers kept coming! after a few YEARS finallllllly I think I met Nikhil for the first time in my first year of MBBS ,in YOGI ALL VEG restaurant n so did priyanka for d first time! !!!!!! ( or that was what being told )..........n now as we know ( courtesy Facebook )they living happily ever after ;p

Loads of love, n wishing u a very happy birthday :)

- Vrunda

Can Batman dance Bollywood? - Nikhil proved that he definitely can! Learned my first Bollywood moves with him and the song

'You are my Hero' on the rooftop overlooking the city of Gotham :)

It was the best welcome to India! Thanks Nikhil!

- Nina

I met nikhil exactly a year ago the day before his birthday. We met at our party in richmond town and bollywood danced the night

away...I think I knew him as the guy that brought the speakers at

the time but secured the friendship at his surprise party the next

night! the first time i watched a bollywood movie with nihkil and

even though it was the most ridiculously obvious and predictable

plot (like all bollywood movies) and had english subtitles, Nikhil

insisted on pausing every 15 minutes to explain the story! Haha

classic nikhil!

- Danielle

First time I met Nikhil I saw as “Mr. Dabang” and yes he lives

upto the image. “ Pure Bollywood”. Verbal Diarhoea and “Weiss”

are the few adjectives which I would describe him. Age is just a

number, I know that will not change you.

- Pooja

Not so long ago Imet Mehta for the first time at Chick-mandi. My first impression of him was that he reminded me of the guys from

Lokhandwala. But after numerous interactions and many rounds

of (the dreaded) 20Questions with NJM; i was right that he's very

Bollywood but also a really fun lighthearted guy who is not so

good at FIFA!

- Sharma

Was meeting Rohan for breakfast and Nikhil decided to join us,that's the very first day i hung out Nikhil Mehta. Man oh man

what a day it turned out to be!!! After breakfast went to jimmi's

and the rest as they say was history. A couple of awkward

question's later i was "Nikhil Certified". A lot of conversations

later and millions of fifa games (with a lot of trash talking) with

umpteen trips to toit over the months I must say have found a

dear friend in him.

Well happy 30th birthday "OLD MAN" :D Have a blast.

- Som

First memory of Nikhil: eating lunch at the only place and

hopping on his bike ripping down to tavern. Some tall woman

introduced us.

- Fahad

Nikhil ! The first time i met him was in Vivanta.. He said "Dude

we shud party more often" have'n stopped since then... Nik -

Complete entertainer..

- Srini

Met "MHEta" (as his friends in pune call him) about 10 years back. Since then he has been one who I look at as full

entertainment, even when he doesnt intend to be funny at times :P

. Super funny, witty & amazingly confused at times we love u the

way you are !! Happy budday :)

- Suvi & Omki

Met him 15 years back..became friends one afternoon when we blew all our money on vaishali food and ice cream..i looked at my

wallet and said "mhet..my wallet is as empty as an owl's

stomach.."..for some reason..we laughed hard..and the rest is

history..no really, HISTORY

- Nipun

I met Nikhil about 13 year ago in a random Yahoo messenger chat room, where I enjoyed talking to him but he really thought I was a boy. After repeatedly meeting in random yahoo chat rooms we became friends and one day we finally spoke. Don’t remember much of the conversation but was shocked to have found how he got my number. When I met Nikhil in person for the first time we were already dating…and soon this was gonna be real. Nervous butterflies in the tummy and few delayed hours of the bus ride made it even worse to meet a guy whom I just knew online. But once met I knew life would be a crazy love affair with his kooky, honest, personal questions ( which I was used to by then), online dates and “enjoying life at every minute” motto. To continue this madness, marrying him was the best decision of my life.

- Priyanka

Bhai, Bhai, one thing is clear. Ke you don't meet Nikhil Mehta, Nikhil Mehta meets you. Kamaal karte ho, yaar. Zindagi mein teen cheez kabhi underestimate nahi karna, I, me and myself, and Nikhil Mehta. Arre, I am not good at maths. I am Robin Hood Pandey, I can count criminals, not this. We may have met before but we really met when he saw London Dreams for the first time. When I broke the fake guitar on a fake stage in front of a theatre filled with actors, I felt his tears as they ran down the right cheek, falling on his t-shirt jolting him into reality when his friend walked in. His friend may have laughed at the bond between us but mujhpe ehsan karna ki mujhpe koi ehsan mat karna, but it was a true bond. We share that same tear on right cheek and laughter once in a while

- Salman

I first met Nikhil Mehta on an HD screen. He felt the shivers when I threw the T-rex at him. I felt his fingers as he increased the

volume further. He wasn't scared of me. We met eye to eye and

haven't blinked since then. Every time he has people over for

another Bollywood party and if they stay over, I am their

hangover cure. Loud and clear. Buddy, visit me on the Skull

Island sometime, will you now?

- Kingkong

Gotham doesn't need a hero. Gotham needs Nikhil Mehta. When

Nikhil ordered me from the US, I came packaged waiting to be

unraveled by a true hero. Heck, forget Gotham, Bangalore needs a

hero. A hero who entertains. A hero who stands by his ideal of

having a good time. A hero who truly rises. Err through his pelvic

thrusts but rises nonetheless

- Batman

Happy Birthday!!!
