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How I Overcame ME/CFS

Date post: 18-Dec-2014
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http://runningawaymembers.com/webinar for more information via a free webinar. In this slide presentation, Ali Christensen describes how Mark Bristow worked with her to overcome ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. Ali, in this frank and intimate conversation, reveals how bad the symptoms of ME/CFS and Fibromalgia can be and how they can be alleviated with modern techniques in the hands of a competent and dedicated practitioner. If you have ME/CFS and/or Fibromyalgia, much of what Ali talks about will be familiar. But Ali was lucky to have the attention of Mark Bristow who used cutting-edge techniques to not only alleviate Ali's symptoms, but to allow her to help her self in taking steps towards recovery. This is a must-read presentation if you suffer from ME, CFS or Fibrolmyalgia.
How I Overcame ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Ali Christensen
  • 1. How I Overcame ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Ali Christensen
  • 2. Mark came around. Okay,lets try that again. Youcant walk up a hill.And I said, No, and we didsome tapping and he said,You can do it. Lets lookdeeper at that. Lets look atthe emotion behind that.So, how did you feel whenyou couldnt get up thathill?Well, I said, I felt helpless.
  • 3. And eventually I was left up inmy bedroom at home, I hadmoved up into the attic roomand was staying in there and Ispent night after night afternight upset, lonely, isolated,hidden up in that room.It became a bit of a prison forme.So, he eventually took me tothat room that I had beenavoiding all the time because Ididnt want to revisit it.
  • 4. He said, Look at me. Yourethere. So, what do youwant?If you could do anything inthe world, what would youwant?You know what? Youregoing to get out of this.Youre going to get up.Youre going to leave. Youregoing to get a place of yourown. Youre going to beself-sufficient.
  • 5. Youre not going to feelbad anymore.Nobody is going to abuseyou anymore.Nobodys going to do this,and you just have to getout there and do it.
  • 6. Like the sun coming upAnd in the process ofdoing that, it almostblacked off all thehorrible times that I hadjust gone through.So, it was like the suncoming up.
  • 7. It Was Like Walking In The SunshineOnce Id dealt withthat, I talked tomyself, and mademyself feel so muchbetter back then thanall the other timesthat I had gone backthrough weredistinguished, weretaken away, and itwas like walking outin the sunshine again.It was such anincredible feeling.
  • 8. A Warmth In My ChestIt was almost like a warmthgoing through my chest,It was those sorts ofexercises that Mark wasusing doing, using tapping,of thinking of going backand remembering emotionsand remembering all theterrible things,and then just cleaning themaway, wiping them off.
  • 9. How Long Did It Take?To start showing a resultphysically, I would say it tookabout a month really,because Mark was comingaround 2-3 times a week,which was really helping.You would never get anothertherapist to do thatHe was pulling stuff out that Ihad so buried and I didntwant to revisit.I guess I thought I couldnthandle it all and thats why Iburied it so deep, but when itwas getting pulled out, it felteasy.
  • 10. In therapy sometimes when you are talking deeply with aclient,when things come up they can get really, reallydistressed,and the same with me and the same with any person.
  • 11. You remember stuff thathappens to youand you can be extremely,distressedand although it comes outand youve let it out, youmaybe carry it out with youthe rest of the day,your head thumps and its amemorybut youre trying to dealwith it.
  • 12. With this, he wouldsuck it out and take itaway.So, it was gone.Thats the only way Ican describe it whereit makes any sense.
  • 13. It would come out andthen say, Right. Lets getrid of it, and then itwould be gone, and itjust wouldnt come back,and it was incredible.Actually, Ive never comeacross anything like thatbefore.
  • 14. So, you had been ill fortwo years, Mark workedwith you for a month andit was pretty intensive,and 2-3 times did you say?
  • 15. There was no let up - I hadto do the tapping every day.He was checking up on me, Isuppose, and making sure Iwas keeping up with it.To be honest with you andto be honest with peoplethat will start with it, somedays when youre ill, youcant be bothered to tap,you know.
  • 16. Its getting in the frame ofmind and having thatsupport, somebody to sayto you,Lets do it. Just keepdoing it, really helpedBecause it pushed youinto do it, and the more itpushed you into do it, themore your energy levelsincreased.
  • 17. Support definitely fromMark was the key to this.Come on, keep doing it.You can do it. Get rid ofthat. Lets get rid of that.Keep doing it,and it was amazing.
  • 18. Want More?Join Mark & Ali ontheir free webinar Thursday 21st March 1pm GMThttp://runningawaymembers.com/webinar
