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SPECIAL MESSAGE Pious Ponsiano Kintu October 2017 PIOUS PONSIANO KINTU Page 1 www.avemaria832.simplesite.com HOW MODERNITY OFFENDS GOD HOW MODERNITY OFFENDS GOD Is our modernity a well-calculated powerful abuse of GOD by mankind, which is originating from Lucifer and his devils? GOD GOD GOD GOD The Almighty GOD The Omnipotent GOD The Alpha and Omega GOD The I AM WHOM I AM GOD did create us mankind to love Him, to serve Him, to give Him glory, all the days of our lives in this world, and this is from Age to Age. For example: » The Age of the times of Adam. » The Age of the times of Enoch. » The Age of the times of Abraham. » The Age of the times of Moses. » The Age of the times of the Apostles. » Our times. » And many more Ages to come, only known to GOD .
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SPECIAL MESSAGE Pious Ponsiano Kintu October 2017


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Is our modernity a well-calculated powerful abuse of GOD by

mankind, which is originating from Lucifer and his devils?


GOD The Almighty

GOD The Omnipotent

GOD The Alpha and Omega


GOD did create us mankind to love Him, to serve Him, to

give Him glory, all the days of our lives in this world, and

this is from Age to Age. For example:

» The Age of the times of Adam.

» The Age of the times of Enoch.

» The Age of the times of Abraham.

» The Age of the times of Moses.

» The Age of the times of the Apostles.

» Our times.

» And many more Ages to come, only known to GOD .

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In all of the different Ages, we, mankind, we are

supposed, we are obliged, we are commanded, by GOD

Himself, to love Him, to serve Him, to fear Him, to

respect Him, to call Him ABBA FATHER, all the days of

our lives.

To confirm to you this, read Deuteronomy chapter 5 and

chapter 6. And also read Genesis chapter 1 and chapter

2. They will confirm to you, to me, and to your family,

these obligations we have to do before our Creator all the

days of our lives.

But each Age gets compromised with evil

of some kind in order to tone down the

true respect to GOD .

More so, our Age of today.

For example:

~ The rampant profanation of Sunday

~ The increasing Abortions

~ Violent stealing

~ Unending wars

~ Indecent dress everywhere

~ Common misbehavior of youth before GOD and

their superiors

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~ Family wrangles

~ Highly publicized GAY-ism

~ Drug abuse

~ and generally being unruly.

These evils have deeper roots in today’s


What a disaster.

We are as if we were not created by The

GOD who created the past generations!

This generation is doing things the way it

feels, in the name of modernity, in the name

of science, in the name of education.

If you do an assessment of only 50 years ago, of church-

goers in the entire Europe or America, compared with

today, you lament and cry spiritual tears. In these

countries where people were fearing GOD , where going

to church was obligatory, modernity with modern man

have reversed this situation.

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In Europe and America, football pitches are full on

Sunday, compared to the permanent emptiness of

their churches.

You question yourself, who has bewitched these brothers

and sisters of Europe and America.

Is this modernity or a well-calculated powerful

abuse of GOD by mankind, which is originating

from Lucifer and his devils?

» European and American shopping malls are full on

Sundays, more than any working day.

» Car-boot markets of used and new items, in Europe

and elsewhere, on Sunday, is a welcomed on-going


» Car wash on Sunday in African and other third world

countries, is seen as a sign of being well off.

» Hair dressing saloons in Africa and other countries,

open on Sunday, and is seen as appropriate by the

elite African Mamas.

» And many other profit-making activities which are

conducted on Sunday.

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What does the Lord say about those who work on


Read and re-read, and share out to all your family and

friends, the following Bible passages about The Lord‟s


1) Exodus 31:12-18

2) Isaiah 56:1-5

3) Deuteronomy 5:11-15

4) Leviticus 26:1-5

5) Numbers 15:32-36

And I beg to quote: Deuteronomy 5:11-15 and Numbers 15:32-36

Deuteronomy 5:11-15

11”You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your

God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who

misuses his name. 12Observe the Sabbath day by

keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has

commanded you. 13Six days you shall labour and do

all your work, 14but the seventh day is a Sabbath to

the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work,

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neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male

or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of

your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your

towns, so that your male and female servants may

rest, as you do. 15Remember that you were slaves in

Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out

of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.

Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to

observe the Sabbath day.”

Numbers 15:32-36 The Sabbath-breaker Put to


32While the Israelites were in the wilderness, a man

was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. 33Those who found him gathering wood brought him

to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, 34and

kept him in custody, because it was not clear what

should be done to him. 35Then the Lord said to

Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly

must stone him outside the camp.” 36So the assembly

took him outside the camp and stoned him to death,

as the Lord commanded Moses.

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Its more than amazing how a modern

Catholic family, the modern Baba, the

modern Mama, and their modern

children, concludes The Lord‟s Day

Sunday, after attending Holy Mass.

And some do not even bother to attend Sunday Mass,

while others have forgotten that it is The Lord‟s Day, for

example the Catholic shop owners, the Catholic Petrol

Station owners, the Catholic small industry and large

industry owners, the Catholic restaurant owners, the

Catholic bus and other transport operators, and the like.

The modern Catholic family concludes their Sunday into

five major parts, namely:

1) Sunday, to them, is the day to go for shopping at the


2) Sunday is for taking the children for entertainments

like computer games etc, and treats like hamburgers,

chips, ice-cream and other types of commercial junk-


3) Sunday is for the elite modern Mama to go to the

saloon for them to modify her from the natural beauty

of GOD to something Something.

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4) Sunday is for the Baba to hook the entire family into

watching his favourite football entertainment, jumping

around the sitting room, accompanied by glasses of

whisky or cold beers to intoxicate the brain. In

addition, the modern jeep is being washed on Sunday.

5) Sunday is for each member of the family to catch up

on their texting and chatting, Googling and

downloading and other such activities, on their

modern gadgets: the cell phones, the tablets, the

laptops, you name it.

You wonder whether this modern family is living in GOD

„s blessings, or they are manufacturing curses on

themselves and on the generations to come. Kindly read

Deuteronomy 28:15-69, and Leviticus 26:14-46. These

passages will help you to know about curses.

» We, the so-called modern man of today,

how much daring, in bad, have we become?

» How much daring, in the wrong, do we take


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» How much daring, in the wrong, do we

guide ourselves?

» How much daring, in the wrong, do we

teach our children to behave?

Compared to what we read about Abraham, what we

read about Jacob, what we read about Noah, what we

read about Joshua, who said, “As for me and my

family, we shall serve the Lord”, what we read about

Job, what we read about Judith, what we read about

Esther, what we read about the Saints. They feared

GOD wholeheartedly.

They conducted themselves well

before GOD .

For the Lord said in Isaiah 56:1-2

“Thus says the Lord, „Observe what is right. Do

what is just, for my salvation is about to come.

Happy is the man who does this, the son of man

who holds on it, who keeps the Sabbath free from


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~ How much profanation is there in America, in

Europe, in the G8 countries, in the G20 countries,

and in the rest of the world?

~ How much profanation is there in you, in me, in

your family members?

~ How much profanation is there in your wife, in

your husband, in your modern children, and in

your fellow countrymen?

1. If it is there in your very self, where will you get GOD

„s blessings from?

2. If it is there in your spouse, where will he or she get

the blessings from?

3. If it is there in your children, where will they get the

blessings for their academics and employment from?

Due to these uncountable profanations,

that is why almost all of the different

families in this world are crying, are

confused, are troubled, are having high

blood pressure, originating from

profanation to GOD .

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Visit your spirituality, my brother, my sister, and

question yourself, where are you as far are all this is


1) Where is your spiritual gauge?

2) Where are your children‟s spiritual gauges on the

fear of GOD ?

3) Where are your children‟s spiritual gauges in this

troubled world of today, which is becoming more and

more pagan, surrounded by paganism and profaners

of GOD , surrounded by different misleading arrows

of every kind:

a) for example television episodes

b) for example rock or punk music

c) for example indecent dressing of women

d) for example profane language of youth and


e) for example profane adoration of football instead

of adoring GOD .

Where are we going?

Are we going to Heaven or are we heading to hell?

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» Question yourself deeply.

» Question your children’s behavior deeply.

» Question about your wife’s behavior deeply.

» Question about your husband’s behavior


Where you have gone wrong, start today a new journey

of recollecting yourself from being a prodigal child of


Start a journey of permanent recollection in good.

~ Let not the barbed wire of the world chain you in


~ Let not the barbed wire of evil of Lucifer and his

army chain you.

For in the book of Sirach 10:1-30

Pride is sin.

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» Do not pride yourself before GOD .

» Do not let your children pride themselves before


» Do not let your spouse pride himself or herself

before GOD .

» Do not let the shopping malls, hair saloons, car-

boot markets, football teams of the world,

computer games, chatting clubs, etc, cement the

virus of pride in you before GOD .

You are a child of GOD , endowed with

knowledge and understanding.

a) You understand very well that one day you were a 1-

day-old baby when you were born.

b) And by the grace of GOD , one day you became a 1-

week-old baby.

c) Still by the grace of GOD permanently, your being a

1-week-old baby became a 1-month-old baby.

d) Then, by the grace of GOD , you became a 1-year-

old baby.

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e) Now you could be a 20- or 30- or 40- or 50- or 60-

or 70 plus year-old child of GOD .

And all of these years you have lived, (the balance of

the years to live, you and me we do not know, except

GOD alone knows):

These years we have left are telling

you, telling me, there is GOD who

created you, who allowed you to come

in this world in order to serve Him,

love Him, glorify Him, without

profaning Him, all the days of your life.

And all the years of life you are remaining

with, they are silently warning you that if

you have been a prodigal son or daughter,

hurriedly amend your ways, and come back

to the loving Father in a repentance mode.

In prayer and fasting.

In total fear of Him,

Who is The Alpha and Omega,

Who is The I AM WHOM I AM.

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Mobile phones

Mobile phones have their usefulness, and they can also

be used as a tool of the demons.

First, to offend GOD in different ways, by

accelerating the breaking of the Ten


Question yourself, how many have gone to hell because

of these phones, and how many are on the queue for

hell, assisted by the demons through their mobile


~ Watch out on yourself

~ Watch out on your children.

~ Watch out on your spouse.

Are they on the way to hell because of the mobile phone?

Question yourself, and amend yourself.

We have become, I don‟t know what to call ourselves.

You and me, we go to Church, very well knowing

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that we are going to The House of The Lord, to ask

GOD for His blessing, to atone for our sins and the

sins of our families, but , and BUT, we very well

calculate that when we shall be in Church, deliberately

we shall put our mobile phone on Silent mode so

that anyone who could call you, you may see his missed

call after coming out of Church, or when you feel it is so

urgent, you distract GOD ‘s people by coming out

of the Church hurriedly, and after talking on the phone

you either go back in again, or you abandon the Holy

Mass altogether. Or you deliberately seat on the

back seats in The House of The Lord, because you

are expecting a call during the time reserved for

giving glory to GOD who created you and me. By

doing so, you and me, are we normal? Is our

understanding proper, if I may question you, and those

who do this? Do we know whom we are joking with?

The GOD who told Moses - take off your sandals for you

are standing on holy ground.

1) Are we really GOD-fearing or we are only imitating

those who are GOD-fearing.

2) Are we really looking for GOD „s blessing, or are

we trying to provoke GOD „s curse?

3) Are we tired of GOD „s blessing?

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4) Do we exactly know that the Church is The House

of The Lord, do we really know?

5) Do we really imply that our mobile phone

conversations are more important than The Word

of GOD ?

Then if we think so, very sorry, for we shall perish

with those telephone conversations.


GOD is not to be joked with.

1) His Holy House is not a market place, whereby you

can answer anyone who calls you when you are in

the market.

2) GOD‟s Holy House is not your office, or your home,

where you can answer any phone call as you wish.

GOD „s Holy House is not like your sitting room,

where you can answer any phone call at any given

time you wish.

3) GOD‟s Holy House is not a street of your city, of

your town, of your village, where you can simply

answer anyone because you are on the street.

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4) GOD‟s Holy House is not to be profaned by any

phone call, whether it is a Head of State or a

billionaire calling you. However important or

urgent you think your phone call may be, before

GOD there is no one or nothing more important

than Him.

Exodus 3:4-5 The call of Moses.

“When the Lord saw him coming to look at it more

closely, GOD called out to him from the bush,

„Moses, Moses‟. He answered, „Here I am.‟ GOD

said, „Come no nearer: remove the sandals from your

feet, for the place where you are standing is holy

ground.‟ ”


GOD is to be respected 100%.

GOD is to be venerated 100%.

GOD is to be called GOD 100%.

By all mankind.

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Dare not to fear Him, dare not to respect Him, dare not

to glorify Him, dare to joke with Him with your mobile

phones and your phone conversations in His Holy House,

you will open for yourself the gates of hell.

JESUS, The SON OF GOD and our Saviour, whipped the

money-changers whom He found doing their business in

The House of The Lord.

Those money-changers and those who receive the

phone calls from Church, and those who leave their

phones on Silent mode while in Church, have no

difference at all. For because the conversation is in

form of business, GOD will punish you, and will punish

all those doing this in The House of The Lord.

GOD is omnipotent.

You and me, our soul is immortal.

You and me, we did not pay anything to GOD in order

for Him to create us:

~ Not even Adam

~ Not even Noah

~ Not even Abraham

~ Not even Moses

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~ Not even Joshua

~ Not even Job

~ Not even Samson

~ Not even King David and his son King Solomon

~ Not even Daniel

~ Not even Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, and Jeremiah

~ Not even John the Baptist

~ Not any of the Saints.

All of these were great before the eyes of GOD , that is

why they are written in the Bible and the records of the


You and me, you and your family, shall we ever reach to

the level of theirs?

And for them, their greatness came out of their fear of

the Lord.

» They never profaned The House of The Lord.

» They never familiarized GOD in human matters.

» They never diluted GOD ‘s presence in their


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Sit down and meditate on this, and correct all of what

went wrong in you and in your family.


When you are in The House of the Lord, the Church, and

you see someone joking with GOD , answering a phone

call, or sending a message, or jumping out to receive a

call and coming back in, boldly, stop him or her.

Whether he or she is who or who, whether more

important than you, he or she is not more

important than GOD : not at all. And whatever they

are talking or texting is irrelevant before GOD .

Stop this person, stop this Mama, stop

this Baba, stop this youth, from

profaning The House of The Lord, using a

media tool called a cell phone.

Those who are heading to Heaven, they have

to be humble before GOD and before men


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Kindly, upon kindly, read:

1) Sirach chapter 1

2) Sirach chapter 2

3) Sirach chapter 14

4) Sirach chapter 15

5) Sirach chapter 16

6) Sirach chapter 17

7) Sirach chapter 18

8) Sirach chapter 19

9) Sirach chapter 20

I beg to quote Sirach 21:1-10

Sin must be avoided. “My son, if you have sinned, do so no more, and

for your past sins, pray to be forgiven.

Flee from sin as from a serpent that will bite you

if you go near it.

Its teeth are lion‟s teeth, destroying the souls of


Every offense is a two-edged sword, when it cuts

there can be no healing.

Violence and arrogance wipe out wealth, so too a

proud man‟s home is destroyed.

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Prayer from a poor man‟s lips is heard at once,

and justice is quickly granted to him.

He who hates correction walks the sinner‟s path,

but he who fears the Lord repents in his heart.

Widely known is the boastful speaker, but the

wise man knows his own faults.

He who builds his house with another‟s money,

he is collecting stones for his funeral mound.

A band of criminals is like a bundle of tow, they

will end in flaming fire.

The path of sinners is smooth stones that end in

the depths of the netherworld.”

Also read: 1) Wisdom chapter6

2) Wisdom chapter 7

3) Wisdom chapter 8

4) Wisdom chapter 9

You and me, you and your family, kindly respect GOD .

Kindly, do not provoke GOD „s anger upon you, through

many ways, but especially this one of the mobile phones.

I beg each and every one of you, wherever you are

seated in the world, to read:

1) Job chapter 39

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2) Job chapter 39

3) Job chapter 40

4) Job chapter 41

5) Job chapter 42

I beg to bring to your attention Job 38:1-7

The Lord‟s speech.

“Then the Lord addressed Job out of the storm and

said, „Who is this that obscures divine plans with

words of ignorance? Gird up your loins now, like a

man. I will question you and you tell me the answer.

Where were you when I founded the Earth. Tell me,

if you have understanding. Who determined its size,

do you know? Who stretched out the measuring line

for it? Into what were its pedestals sunk, and who

laid the cornerstone, while the morning star sang in

chorus and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy?‟ ”

GOD, that GOD who asked Job, He is the owner of the

Church, The Holy Roman Catholic Church. He is the

owner of you and your small hands which touch the small

mobile phone. He is the creator of your voice and your

senses. And you deliberately go in His Holy House of

Prayer and you joke with Him? And you provoke Him?

As if you are provoking your fellow human being? Better

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to provoke all the different Heads of State of this world,

insult them, abuse them, but do not provoke GOD .

Never ever go to The House of The Lord to call curses

upon yourself through your small phone, NEVER.

GOD is GOD .

GOD is The Most High.

GOD is The Most Venerable One.

» When the thunder He created thunders, rocky

mountains break into pieces.

» When the earthquake He created, when it quakes the

Earth, the soils bury the human beings.

» When the winds He created storm the waters,

hurricanes and tornadoes sweep mankind away in all

directions, with their small belongings. As if one is

sweeping dried grass.

By the time when the SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST found

the traders trading in The House of The Lord, and He

whipped them and turned their tables upside down, there

were no banks. There was no Central Bank. There was

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no World Bank. There was no IMF. So, whatever they

were doing, represents what we call banking in its

highest level. In those times of JESUS, there were no

Airlines flying to Dubai, to China, etc.

Today, one gets out of the House of The

Lord to receive a phone call about his

important bank transaction, or his urgent

airline booking.

» GOD will curse your bank transaction.

» GOD will curse your airline booking.

» You will trade in downfalls.

For how can you upset the entire

congregation of His, which has come to glorify

Him, which has come to get united to Him, by

receiving phone calls, by receiving or

answering messages, by distracting others by

going out to receive a phone call etc.

Which GOD will you deceive that you are His?

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How on earth can a normal GOD-fearing

person skillfully and with calculation, offend

The Most High Lord and GOD in such a


1) The GOD about whom the Psalms speak in

different ways of honour.

2) The Thundering GOD .

3) The Magnificent GOD .

4) The Majestic GOD .

5) The Powerful GOD .

6) The Most Exalted GOD .

7) The GOD who is above all the powers and

authority in Heaven and on Earth.

8) The GOD who reduced King Nebuchadnezzar to

zero for his pride.

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9) The GOD who punishes 4 generations of those

who offend Him. (Read Deuteronomy 28:15-69

and Leviticus 26:14-46).

10) The GOD who punished Pharaoh and cleared all

his armies in the waters.

11) The GOD who destroyed the people of Sodom

and Gomorrah for their excessive sins.

12) The GOD who wiped out the rebellious generation

during Noah‟s time.

13) The GOD who commanded ravens to bring bread

and meat to Elijah.

Is He the one to be joked with, using a small mobile

phone? Would that someone, before GOD , would they

be normal?

People of GOD , my brothers and my sisters worldwide,

enough is enough.

» Enough of your rebelliousness before GOD .

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» Enough of your rebelliousness to His Ten


» Enough is enough of your rebelliousness of different

angles and nature:

For example receiving phone calls in The House of

The Lord.

Question yourself this, and correct yourself immediately:

1) Will our Lord and our GOD , who asked Job,

“Where were you when I founded the Earth?” Will

He sympathize with you or with your children, who

joke with Him by sending or receiving messages in

His Holy House of Prayer?

2) Will our Lord and our GOD , who divided the

waters of the Red Sea so that His chosen children

may pass, will He tolerate you and your children,

when you use the mobile phone in His Sacred

House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

3) Will our Lord and our GOD , who commanded the

rains during Noah‟s time, and almost all of

humanity was wiped away except for Noah and his

family, will He tolerate you and your children,

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when you use the mobile phone in His Sacred

House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

4) Will our Lord and our GOD , who allowed the

rebellious children of Israel to remain in slavery in

Egypt for 430 years, will He tolerate you and your

children, when you use the mobile phone in His

Sacred House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

5) Will our Lord and our GOD , who allowed Elijah to

destroy the 450 false prophets of Baal, will He

tolerate you and your children, when you use the

mobile phone in His Sacred House of Prayer, the

Church (Ecclesia)?

6) Will our Lord and our GOD , who allowed the

young David to kill the mighty Goliath of Gath with

a little pebble, will He tolerate you and your

children, when you use the mobile phone in His

Sacred House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

7) Will our Lord and our GOD , who commanded

Moses to hit the rock in the desert and water

flowed out for the children of Israel to drink, will

He tolerate you and your children, when you use

the mobile phone in His Sacred House of Prayer,

the Church (Ecclesia)?

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8) Will our Lord and our GOD , who destroyed the

inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah for their

sinfulness, will He tolerate you and your children,

when you use the mobile phone in His Sacred

House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

9) Will our Lord and our GOD , who allowed droughts

at different times in Israel, because of His chosen

people‟s rebelliousness, will He tolerate you and

your children, when you use the mobile phone in

His Sacred House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

10) Will our Lord and our GOD , who commanded to

leave his Father‟s land, without Abraham knowing

where He is going to, will He tolerate you and your

children, when you use the mobile phone in His

Sacred House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

11) Will our Lord and our GOD , who created Samson

and overwhelmed him with extraordinary strength

in order to destroy the idolatrous Philistines, will

He tolerate you and your children, when you use

the mobile phone in His Sacred House of Prayer,

the Church (Ecclesia)?

12) Will our Lord and our GOD , who let the children

of Israel meander in the desert for forty years for

making and worshipping a golden calf at Mount

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Sinai, will He tolerate you and your children, when

you use the mobile phone in His Sacred House of

Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

13) Will our Lord and our GOD , who created John the

Baptist, the Thunder, empowering him with

heavenly bold words against sinners, will He

tolerate you and your children, when you use the

mobile phone in His Sacred House of Prayer, the

Church (Ecclesia)?

14) Will our Lord and our GOD , who took the prophet

Elijah up to Heaven in a chariot of fire, will He

tolerate you and your children, when you use the

mobile phone in His Sacred House of Prayer, the

Church (Ecclesia)?

15) Will our Lord and our GOD , who transformed Saul

the terrible persecutor of Christians into Paul the

great Apostle of the Gentiles, will He tolerate you

and your children, when you use the mobile phone

in His Sacred House of Prayer, the Church


16) Will our Lord and our GOD , who humbled the

great and terrible King Nebuchadnezzar to a lowly

animal state, because of his pride, will He tolerate

you and your children, when you use the mobile

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phone in His Sacred House of Prayer, the Church


17) Will our Lord and our GOD , who commanded the

Angels to guard Daniel as not to be eaten by the

hungry lions in the lions‟ den, will He tolerate you

and your children, when you use the mobile phone

in His Sacred House of Prayer, the Church


18) When Nebuchadnezzar‟s son, King Belshazzar,

profaned the sacred vessels from the Temple of

Jerusalem in his celebration in honour of his pagan

idols, GOD ‟s hand appeared and wrote his

punishment on the wall. His kingdom and his life

were taken away by GOD that very night. Will

our Lord and our GOD tolerate you and your

children, when you use the mobile phone in His

Sacred House of Prayer, the Church (Ecclesia)?

Mankind, you and me, mankind, you and your children,

mankind, you and your wife, you and your husband, how

daring have we become, we the so-called modern people

of today, how reckless have we become, you and me,

you and your family, how much has the evil of pride

penetrated in us, reaching to an extent of provoking

GOD in His Holy House, reaching to a magnitude of

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provoking Him, for His anger to be upon us. Refusing to

respect Him, refusing totally to venerate Him, up to the

level doing our communication with our small phones in

Church. In the House of Yahweh The Alpha and Omega,


The I AM WHOM I AM, who is so powerful,

beyond all the powers, for He is the source of

the power in all what He created:

1) The powers in the sun: and you dare joke with Him

with your small phone in His Holy House, coupled

with reckless breaking of His Ten Commandments,

Decrees and Statutes. Could you be knowing whom

you are joking with?

2) The powers in the winds: and you dare joke with Him

with your small phone in His Holy House, coupled

with reckless breaking of His Ten Commandments,

Decrees and Statutes. Could you be knowing whom

you are joking with?

3) The powers in the waters: and you dare joke with

Him with your small phone in His Holy House,

coupled with reckless breaking of His Ten

Commandments, Decrees and Statutes. Could you

be knowing whom you are joking with?

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4) The powers in the earthquakes: and you dare joke

with Him with your small phone in His Holy House,

coupled with reckless breaking of His Ten

Commandments, Decrees and Statutes. Could you

be knowing whom you are joking with?

5) The powers in the volcanoes: and you dare joke with

Him with your small phone in His Holy House,

coupled with reckless breaking of His Ten

Commandments, Decrees and Statutes. Could you

be knowing whom you are joking with?

6) The powers over life and death: and you dare joke

with Him with your small phone in His Holy House,

coupled with reckless breaking of His Ten

Commandments, Decrees and Statutes. Could you

be knowing whom you are joking with?

How dare the modern man, you and me, the

modern family, your family and mine, and all

mankind under the sun: to what level of

daring with GOD have we reached?

Ask yourself who has bewitched you, who has bewitched

your family, who has bewitched mankind, and to what


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Mentally knowing that you are in The House

of The Lord The Most High, you start rebuking

His graces and His blessings meant for you,

and meant for your family, for 4 generations.

How daring are you, mankind. I beg each one of you to

question these points deeply in your hearts:

1) Will GOD ever be pleased to someone who has

gone into the Church to start communicating on his

or her small phone, and thus distract and disturb the

other GOD-fearing children of GOD , will GOD bless

this person? Will GOD bless the conversation? Will

GOD bless the hand which is holding the small


2) Will GOD THE SON, the Redeemer of mankind,

present in The Blessed Sacrament, bless the one

who has distracted the Holy Mass in the name of

phone calls and messages, in the House of His

Father? Will GOD THE SON ever bless this person??

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3) Will GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, the Paraclete, ever bless

this person, who dares to abuse GOD in His Holy

House, and abuse GOD THE SON, and abuse GOD

THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself by distracting the entire

congregation, for you knew very well you are

entering the House of the Lord, but you deliberately

refused to switch it off in order to receive


Strongly check yourself, and check your

family‟s attitude in The House of The Lord.

Where you went wrong, hurriedly without looking behind,

look for a Priest, and get the Sacrament of Confession,

and never upon never repeat this again.

You and your family, us all mankind, how do we dare to

lower the House of The Most High, as to the level of our

offices and our homes?

Don‟t we know the difference between our

offices, our homes, our markets, our shopping

malls, between them and the Holy Sanctuary

of the Lord, The Most High?

» Have we lost the guidance of the Holy Spirit in us?

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» Have we refused GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT to guide us?

Question your very self, and answer yourself.

» How do you dare to desire to be dealt with, like

those whom the SON OF GOD whipped in the


» How do you dare to be like them?

» Where do you get the guts to do so?

Question yourself who bewitched you.

How do you dare, in life, by daring to joke with GOD „s

Holy House:

The Almighty GOD ,

The Holy of the Holies,

The Omnipotent,

The Supreme Majestic GOD ,

The Alpha and Omega,


The source of blessings and graces,

The source and provider of all what mankind needs,

The one who told Moses (Exodus 3:13-15)


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Dare to joke with Him again, by leaving your small

mobile phone on within the Church.

Mankind, you and me, you and your family:

» How do we dare to give thanks, by

disturbing The Holy Sacrifice of Mass?

» How do we dare to give thanks, by

receiving phone calls and sending text

messages during The Holy Sacrifice of


From now on, until GOD will call you from this

world, dare not joke with Him, with your small

telephone calls and messaging in Church, and your

breaking of His holy Ten Commandments.

Think twice, and make a U-Turn in holiness.

Renew yourself and regraft yourself from all the

pride which comes from the devil.

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Command your inner self to be holy and GOD-


Obey GOD wholeheartedly, graft yourself from all

the poisonous pride, from now on.


» You and me, we are not on His level, and we shall

never be.

» You and me, we shall never direct GOD .

» Get to know this once and for all.

» Get to know this, and you will be blessed.

From now on, in your life, and in the lives of your family

members, and in the lives of your fellow Parishioners,

and in the lives of your fellow countrymen, fear GOD :

Write the fear of GOD in your mind, and in

your heart and in your actions.

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» Respect GOD 100% in a non-negotiable fashion.

» Be with GOD and for GOD full stop.

» Love GOD wholeheartedly.

» Adore GOD with all your heart.

» Give glory to Yahweh ABBA FATHER,


» Repent all of your sins,

» and get the Sacrament of Confession.

Correct your state of life:

~ Whether you are young or mature,

~ Whether you are poor or rich,

~ In whichever social state of life you are living,

~ Whatever academic qualifications you have,

~ Even if you are a powerful Head of State, you were

created by GOD .

~ The air you breathe belongs to GOD .

~ Your entire being, and of your family members, were

created by GOD , belong to GOD and will remain of


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And do not doubt this: if you doubt this it

will be the opening of the evil spirit of

pride, which entered into the rebellious

angels who became the evil spirits of


» Respect GOD upon respecting Him.

» Respect all His Ten Commandments.

» Respect all the Sacraments in The Holy Roman

Catholic Church.

» Respect all of His Decrees and Statutes.



GOD will bless you for it.

On week days Holy Mass,

in the morning or evening,

before leaving your workplace to go to Church,

switch off your mobile phone(s).

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Beloved ones, brothers and sisters, wherever you are in

the world, may the holy light which entered Saul to

become Paul enter you, enter your family, so that you

can reach to a level near to that of Paul, which forced

him to say this:

2 Timothy 4:7-8 “I have fought the good

fight, I have finished the race, I have kept

the faith. Now there is in store for me the

crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the

righteous judge, will award to me on that


