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How Not To Be An Asshole Online

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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Want to know know how not to be an asshole online? Check out the notes in the presentation!
How Not to Be An Asshole Online 1

How Not to Be An Asshole Online


World Internet Usage

“WOW! My 1000 Friends” by Andrew Kuznetsov http://www.flickr.com/photos/-cavin-/2366764272/


The world’s changed tremendously in the last 20 years and it’s hard to remember what it was like before the web. Today there are over 2 billion Internet users around the world.

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Assholes Around the World





That’s a lot of potential assholes, isn’t it? In fact, assholes are an international phenomenon and are known in every language and culture. Take a look!

“History (80/366)” by Chealion http://www.flickr.com/photos/chealion/2349587639/

History of “Asshole”


According to Wikipedia, the metaphorical use of the word “asshole” in reference to a contemptible person dates back to 1933. By 1994 the word was used on network television and today, it’s probably every 5th word on the Internet :-)

“Arguments Yard” by the justfied sinner http://www.flickr.com/photos/the_justified_sinner/2048137758/

Hot Topics


Sometimes what makes someone an asshole depends on the context. Certain topics definitely seem to bring out the worst in people: • politics• religion• history • sex• race & ethnicity• war• the environment

Basically anything where people have strong opinions.


“Sonic Scream One” by Andrea Mason http://www.flickr.com/photos/a_mason/3993146/


In fact, there’s an epidemic of hostile behavior online.

You’ve got: • Google bombs• Twitter bombs• Facebook attacks• personal abuse• attacks on reputations• online lynch mobs • human-flesh searches

“Anger” by Jeff Hester http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffhester/255437938/

What’s Asshole Behavior?


So let’s start with a basic definition of asshole behavior:

Shutting or trying to shut someone else down throughfear or threat of being the target of unwarranted abuse, harassment, or lies.

= Silence

“Gag” by G. Ross http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonof/221493866/


In other words, taking away THEIR voice.

Examples of Asshole Behavior

“more like frustration” by [email protected] http://www.flickr.com/photos/39860392@N05/4309678733/


So what are examples of asshole behavior?

How about having a bad day at work, or having a disagreement with a friend, and then getting online and going crazy on someone to release your frustration.

What Else?

“Scream” by Max Shirley http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxshirley/42993434/in/photostream/


• Being overly focused on winning, no matter what• Feeling you have to prove the other person wrong and have the last word• Getting into a silly power struggle

“Anger Management I” by Dinesh http://www.flickr.com/photos/sidnid/3251196288/

What Else?


• Jumping to conclusions• Misinterpreting what was said • Insulting and name-calling• Belittling someone• Using ad hominem attacks

What Else?

“In’s In the Air” by Polina Sergeeva. Ross http://www.flickr.com/photos/polinasergeeva/3052378554/in/photostream/


• Attacking someone’s gender, age, race or intellect• Revealing someone’s personal or private information without their consent• Impersonating someone online without their permission

“fight club” by Alexandre Morin http://www.flickr.com/photos/genitalssky/2251197425/

What Else?


• Spreading half-truths or lies about someone or their family• Sending around intimate photographs of someone • Making threats against someone’s reputation• Making defamatory statements against someone

Hey, I’m Just Having Some Fun!

“McDonald’s Toys - My Little Ponyag” by RainMama http://www.flickr.com/photos/leaven/4775204677/


We’re not talking about being Miss Goody Two-Shoes here, or always saying “please” and “thank you.”

Blowing off steam every once in a while is ok.

Yeah, I’m Just Having Fun!

“rainbowz wallpaper desktopby Jelene Morris http://www.flickr.com/photos/jelene/3219203600/


Poking a little fun at things you see online or calling bullshit on them is fine.

What’s the big deal?

“Despair” by Lloyd Morgan http://www.flickr.com/photos/lloydm/2305701220


But when we ruthlessly attack others online, when our actions hurt people emotionally, physically and reputationally,

when they feel • anxious• frustrated • fearful• helpless

“Sadness” by Remara Tordai http://www.flickr.com/photos/remaraphotography/419159170/

What’s the big deal?


• hopeless• stressed, • depressed

then it’s gone too far.

Democracy & Freedom of Speech

“Free Speech = reason = Progress” by Simon Gibbs http://www.flickr.com/photos/sjgibbs/117704119/#/


Spirited debate and passionate dissent are what make a free society go around.

Thank goodness we’re able to do that in the United States and some other parts of the world.

Democracy & Freedom of Speech

“NASA GOES-13 Full Disk view of Earth December 17, 2010” by NASA http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/5269062390/


And we better damn well make sure we protect that by honoring the principles that underly democracy.

An online culture where

every person can freely participate in a democratic, open, rational and

truth-based exchange of ideas and information,

without fear or threat of being the target of unwarranted abuse, harassment, or lies.

Source: CiviliNation’s Mission

Let’s Do It


So wouldn’t it be great if we:

created an online culture where every person can freely participate in a democratic, open, rational and truth-based exchange of ideas and information, without fear or threat of being the target of unwarranted abuse, harassment, or lies.

Take A Stand

“For the Burma” by Roberto Ventre http://www.flickr.com/photos/robie06/1452454576/


Let’s make that happen!

Website: http://civilination.org/

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @civilination

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CiviliNation

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/civilinationtv

For More Information

