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How To Become the World’s Most ATTRACTIVE & FEMININE...

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How To Become the World’s Most ATTRACTIVE & FEMININE GODDESS

H o w T o B e c o m e t h e W o r l d ’ s M o s t


I recently started typing the sentence "why is it so hard to..." In to Google on my

search for an answer to a question. I don’t remember what that question was

now....but as Google likes to outsmart us these days with helpful "suggestions"

below the search bar; (suggestions that are based on search frequency, relevance

and popularity), the very FIRST google suggestion that came up was…

“Why is it so hard to be happy?”

I don't know whether it was the people who used this computer before me typing this type of thing in to the search bar, but it stopped me in my tracks. I paused for a minute to think about that ‘google suggestion’, forgetting my own search topic. I think I was stunned at first, seeing that as the first suggestion. Then I giggled under my breath. I understood. It's not so easy to be happy. Humans come with a tonne of survival instincts that function and cause us to act before thinking....these are instincts, and INSTINCTS simply aren't designed for happiness.

Of course, we sabotage our own happiness!

Then it made me think of how women (including me) damage our chances of finding an amazing man and passionate relationship through our almost refusal to be happy. And when I use the word happy, I really mean open and receptive to love; because to me, the word happy is suffocating. Anyone can "appear" happy. And try to fake it, and anyone can even be happy for a day or two or three days, but it's doesn't last. But you can't fake openness. Openness is rare, people that “appear” happy are not so rare.

Openness is Rare

If I had to give one major reason why some women fail to attract the right men, it's because of their lack of openness. Her heart must be OPEN to LOVE! It has nothing to do with their looks, the way they dress or their body measurements. It has everything to do with the fact that their soul is not open to feel and to love. The feminine energy is radiant and open by nature. It is attractive by nature. MEN are attracted to The Feminine Energy, not just a woman’s body parts or facial features.

It's like some of us have our "base" level of emotion that we go to as depression or unhappiness. Not openness. For some people, their 'base' or their equilibrium is just ‘contentment’, or worse - nonchalant; kind of like living with a veil over their face; they're not really present with life and can’t experience extreme pain or extreme pleasure. And because we have practiced our very own equilibrium of emotion so much in our past, it now takes us ZERO energy to go there. And then it shows up in our bodies, and men see the energy we put out.

This emotional equilibrium is the “New Permanent Normal” for that person's body. And it's dangerously bad for attracting good men. It's dangerous mainly because; as a woman it REALLY pays off to be overly expressive. A masculine man’s emotions don't range as much as ours; that's normal. But for a woman, to become even more attractive - she needs to talk with more expressiveness; and that's more excitement, more sadness; whatever is true in that moment.

I recently had a client of mine, whom I've decided I probably won't work with again, demonstrate this refusal to be happy that I just mentioned. It frustrated me so much, and so intensely, partly because it reminded me of who I use to be and that's a part of myself I now don't want to meet again. The other reason why talking to her was so frustrating was because I knew exactly why the man she was heartbroken over would have broken up with her. But of course, she didn't want to hear that, as we humans don't.

Sometimes we think we want our problem solved, but we don't. If we had our problem solved, then we would lose the justification for why we feel what we feel! So instead, we want to complain or just to take value from the person who we are supposedly upset over. She was and still is distraught over her now ex coming on so strong, telling her he never felt that way about another woman, and then suddenly disappearing from her life that she emails me on average 3-5 times a day about it. And it has been going on for months. Truth is, some men aren't right for you. And - some men are just assholes. But another truth is, no matter how strong a man comes on to us for the first few months, we can still leave a bad taste in his mouth, and so he moves on.

This bad taste has A LOT to do with our base level of emotion; ie: WHERE our heart is most of the time. We are all changeable; but when a man spends more and more time with us; he VERY quickly picks up on what a woman is going to be like to be around for the rest of his life; and e finds out if her emotional states make him feel terrible about himself – or good about himself. If her emotional states are bad enough - and when he tries to help her or cheer her up and she STILL shows him no happiness, no excitement and rewards when he actually TRIES to care for her; a man will get over her. He can't help it. Relationship is not a man's natural domain - men don't always SEEK out relationship. They seek feminine energy.

Which means, the only reason a man would enter in to a relationship with you in the first place is because of YOUR ENERGY.

See, none of this is your fault. It's nobody's fault; where your emotional equilibrium is. It's nobody's fault where their natural emotional state diverts to on average. We just do whatever helped us best survive, growing up; and we stick to it, for no reason other than we don't know any different. But when is now a good time to become aware of how your emotional state and interactions appear from a man's perspective? Even from a friend's perspective? See, as I learned myself the hard way, we have to take responsibility for ourselves. If we constantly attract jerks and it happens over and over, then it's something we are doing that is sending the message saying "Hey! You are welcome in my life! Your treatment is the type of treatment I am ok with!”

Your task as a woman, if y o u g e n u i n e l y a r e looking for love, and not just sex or a companion, is to radiate love and openness.

Here is what I learned along the way, through my turbulent life and all the ups and the downs… If you are withholding your openness, trying to control your emotions and withholding your radiance, then perhaps you aren't really looking for love with a man. You may be trying hard to be good enough as a woman in this chaotic world, but you’re not looking for love. They are very different things. Love doesn’t judge. Love doesn’t require you to put on a certain mask and layers and layers of social conditioning in order to be “liked”. Love is free, and it’s yours if you embrace it.

So from now on, I want you to practice rewarding any men you speak to for engaging with you. Listen to him, feel how he's interacting with you; and use your FACIAL expressions to show what you’re feeling. Here’s the NUMBER ONE RULE WITH MEN (if what you want is to be a super attractive goddess)… Do NOT BE BLAND! Do NOT be unresponsive, do NOT try to control ALL your feelings. I know that can be hard so I'm going to do my best to help you achieve this. Here's a way to open and shine as a woman: think of something you really want but you don't have. A new dress? A loving man? What is it? Think of it now. It could be anything.

Now think about having that thing that you want. Imagine that you already have it. Now, first things first: If you are too lazy to imagine yourself having it, then prepare to push men away - a lot. Because you refuse to open even at the minimum. If you already imagined yourself with this thing that you want, great! You are doing well.

Now. How would you be acting if you already had it? How would it make you feel inside to have this thing you crave? If you have a smile on your face right now and you’re lit up, then you got it. This is YOU at your most attractive! This is the YOU that is irresistible to men. This is the YOU that mesmerizes men. This is YOU becoming the World’s Most Attractive & Feminine Goddess.

Now imagine interacting with men in this abundant state of mind… When you are radiating joy, you are giving everyone a beautiful gift, and love will return to you multiplied.

It’s YOUR choice to be at your most attractive at any time… Or to close up, put barriers between yourself and others, and live life according to other people’s rules. Remember, how you show up everyday will ultimately determine whether you find love or find misery. Don’t diminish your own self worth & destroy your own value by thinking you can’t be open if you don’t ‘have’ the things you want. Don’t act SMALL because you don’t feel good enough. That’s a sad, tired story you keep telling yourself and it’s time to evolve beyond that sad story.

You are enough.

You have always been enough!

There’s nothing left for you to prove. It’s time to stop punishing yourself, and punishing men. It’s time to open and radiate your love to everyone you come across, even those who don’t seem deserving. It’s time to realize that you’ve always been enough, you’ve always had it inside of you. It’s time for you to become the feminine light that shines forever bright. …and be that goddess that men adore, worship and can’t get enough of.

Remember this… intimate relationship is not a masculine domain. It’s your domain. The feminine light draws masculine energy to it. So start practicing the art of “openness”. Start exuding joy and love. Start with your body language, your facial expressions whenever you are interacting with men, and you will soon learn how truly powerfully attractive you are… and what a limitless number of choices in men you really have. So go for it! Email me and I’d love to hear your story. Love always. Renee Wade TheFeminineWoman.com
