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How to Build, Manage, and Promote APIs

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WSO2 API Management Platform © WSO2 2011. Not for redistribution. Commercial in Confidence. lean . enterprise . middleware Chris Haddad VP, Technology Evangelism Paul Fremantle, CTO and Co-Founder Asanka Abeysinghe Director, Solutions Architecture
Page 1: How to Build, Manage, and Promote APIs

WSO2 API Management Platform

© WSO2 2011. Not for redistribution. Commercial in Confidence.

lean . enterprise . middleware

Chris Haddad VP, Technology Evangelism

Paul Fremantle,

CTO and Co-Founder

Asanka Abeysinghe Director, Solutions Architecture

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Business APIs

“APIs provide a way to make resources

available for internal and external

partners to access information and


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API Architecture

An API is a business capability delivered over the Internet

to internal or external consumers

• Network accessible function

• Available using standard web protocols

• With well-defined interfaces

• Designed for access by third-parties

A Managed API is:

• Actively advertised and subscribe-able

• Exhibits high Quality of Service (QoS)

• Available with Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

• Secured, authenticated, authorized and protected

• Monitored and monetized with analytics

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A note on our development

process • WSO2 uses an agile, iterative development process

• v1.0 is a Minimum Viable Product

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_product

• Just enough features to allow a subset of users to deploy

the system in production

• Each further release is aimed at meeting specific

user requirements

• Not everything we say today may end up in v1.0

• You can follow progress on [email protected]

• And by joining the Beta programme (details at the end)

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WSO2 API Management Platform

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API Store Features

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API Publisher Features

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API Management Platform Details

• Full support for web protocols:

• JSON/HTTP(S), REST interactions


• Non-blocking high-performance HTTP transport handles 000s of concurrent connections

• API Key Management based on OAuth2

• Get Key (with or without asynchronous approval process)

• Renew Key

• Revoke Key

• Monitoring and analytics

• Latency, Response Time, Failures vs Success, Total Transactions, Transactions by API Key

• By user specified time period as well as over the last 1m, 5m, 10m, 1hr, 4hr, 8hr, 24hr periods

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API Key Use Case

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Understanding the flow

• API Publisher adds API into API Manager

• [Optionally provides sandbox endpoint]

• API Governance / Admin approves publish

• …

• API Consumer finds API

• API Consumer subscribes to API Key

• [optional approval process]

• OAuth2 Bearer Key issued

• [optionally issue both production and sandbox keys]

• …

• API Consumer application makes a call

• API Key is validated

• API Key metadata is used to identify:

• Throttling / Rate limiting policy

• Sandbox / Production endpoint

• Event is metered/monitored against the API, Key, IP address, etc

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• “An open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.”

• Designed to solve the “LinkedIn/Facebook/GMail” problem

• “Valet Key”

• http://tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/

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Adding Security with BasicAuth/OAuth

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OAuth 2

• What’s wrong with OAuth 1?

• Crypto requirements are too onerous

• Requires special client side OAuth code

• OAuth 2 Bearer Tokens

• A simple secret token carried over SSL

• Allows OAuth2 keys to be used with CURL and common clients

• OAuth2 Bearer Tokens = API Keys

• A token that identifies the application calling the API

• Separate from the user who creates it

• Limited scope to calling one or more APIs

• Can be revoked/renewed without requiring a password change for the user

• Hence can be embedded in application code

• OAuth2 is not yet final, but is stable and implemented • From the perspective of the API client, no “OAuth2” specific code is required

• Completely implemented by the API Manager

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Improvements to the core mediation engine

• The “Gateway” component of the AM is based on our core mediation framework from the ESB

• For API Management there are some key improvements:

• API model

• Rate Limiting per Key

• Passthru performance

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APIs and Resources

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API Syntax

<api name="AccountManagementAPI" context="/am">

<resource methods="GET" uri-template="/accounts/{accountId}" inSequence="GetAccountIn" outSequence="GetAccountOut"/>

<resource methods="PUT" uri-template="/accounts/{accountId}” inSequence="UpdateAccountIn" outSequence="UpdateAccountOut"/>


Note that this syntax / model is internal to the API Manager and the average user will not need to know this. Advanced use cases can take advantage

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ESB Passthru Latency compared to previous models

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Scalable Deployment Architecture

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Scalable Analytics Deployment

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Demo Use Cases

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Roadmap Summary

• API Publishing:

• Documentation/Samples/SDK/Links to external docs

• Tagging

• Track consumers by API

• View Statistics by API

• API Subscribing

• Search - Rate - TryIt - API Lifecycle Management - Recommend - Post a review

• API Versioning

• Manage N APIs via the application concept

• OAuth2 based Key Management

• Throttling/SLA Limits per API

• Integration with BAM for API Statistics

• Skinnable UI

Q2 2012 (Planned)

Q3 2012 (Projected)

• Integration with 3rd party Key Management Systems

• Integration with 3rd party repositories such as GITHub

• Role-based views for usage reports

• User self-registration

• OAuth2 / OpenID based login

• Additional Collaboration Features

• Monetization

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* We are actively looking for alpha/beta customers to provide insight and validate the product design

Product Timelines

• WSO2 API Management Platform (WSO2 AMP)

• v1.0 Alpha – April 2012

• v1.0 Beta – May 2012*

• v1.0 Gold – July 2012

• v1.5 Gold - September 2012

• v2.0 Gold - December 2012

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Beta Programme



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