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How To Choose And Use Inflatable Water Walking Balls

Date post: 18-Jan-2017
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How To Choose And Use Inflatable Water Walking Balls?

How To Choose

And Use


Water Walking


Inflatable walking balls are

great to have a fun on the

water surface, especially

during the summer period.

They can be used for either

indoor (on the indoor

swimming pools) or

outdoor water activities on

the river, ocean, lake and

outdoor swimming pools.

They are designed in

different ways, regarding

the size, colors and shapes.

Therefore, before buying

such a ball you need to

consider some things.

First of all, you need to

check from which material

a certain walking ball is

made. This ball must be

100% waterproof and

resistant to negative

environmental effects.

Also, the walls must be

transparent. For this

purpose, the tarpaulin and

PVC are the best options,

so choose these fabrics.

The next thing that you

should consider when

choosing the inflatable

water walking ball is

design, ie. its appearance.

These balls usually have

globular shape, however,

there are also inflatable

walking balls, which are

made in some other

shapes. Also, they can be

colored in different colors

or simply to be colorless.

Some have stripes and

others do not have.

As you can see, there is a

great diversity of inflatable

walking balls, so take into

account all mentioned

factors when choosing.

When you finally select

one (or more) inflatable

water walking ball, it's

time to see how you can

use it. The first question

that arises is: “How to enter this ball?”. Well, there are several different

options on this issue.

The majority of these

water walking balls has

some kind of zipper in

their wals, which closes

the ball hermetically, so

that water cannot get in.

On the other hand, there

are also inflatable walking

balls which have opening

in the middle, but they are

more designed for rolling,

not for walking.

When you enter the ball,

someone outside need to

inflate the ball with an

appropriate pump, whether

electric or ordinary hand

pump. It is very easy to

inflate and takes from a

few seconds to a couple of

minutes, depending on

which type of pump use.

Finally, let's see how can

you use these inflatable

balls. It will be explained

several most common

ways of using, but you can

use it in some other way as

well. You just need to turn

on your imagination!

The most common and the

primary method of use is

for walking on the water

surface. When you move

inside the ball, it rotates

and you are “walking” on water. However, this in not

easy at all, and requires

plenty of exercise.

Also, you can use this

inflatable ball to sit and

relax in a unique way. If

you love adrenaline

activities, then you will

attach this ball with rope to

some boat powered by a

motor and to “run” on the water at high speed.

In addition to water areas,

inflatable walking ball can

be used on the mainland,

too. You can use it on

some flat lawn or on a

gently sloping hillside.

All these activities are

amusing in their own way,

so you will use it as you

see fit.

At the end, just to mention

one place where you can

find inflatable walking

balls. Just click on:


