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How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from...

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How to collaborate with a city & the idea of PopUp Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona Josep Perelló [email protected] @JosPerello @OpenSystemsUB / @CLabBarcelona ECSA General Assembly (29 October 2015). Disseny Hub, Barcelona
Page 1: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

How  to  collaborate  with  a  city  &  the  idea  of  Pop-­‐Up  Experiments  –  

sharing  experiences  from  Barcelona  

Josep  Perello  

[email protected]    @JosPerello  @OpenSystemsUB  /  @CLabBarcelona  

ECSA  General  Assembly  (29  October  2015).  Disseny  Hub,  Barcelona  

Page 2: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Since  2012  Barcelona  Laboratori  (BCNLab)  is  a  plaSorm  (Culture  InsUtute  of  Barcelona,  #BCNInnovació)      •  to  promote  and  stablish  

connecUons  among  people  and  communiUes    

•  through  ideas  and  creaUve  projects    

•  from  the  world  of  technology,  science,  knowledge  and  culture  in  the  city  of  Barcelona.  

DirecUon  of  CreaUvity  and  InnovaUon  of  Barcelona  

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What  is  a  lab?  The  city  as  a  lab  

Page 4: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

1.  OpenSystems  UB.  Art  and  parUcipacion  for  Science.    

2.  Grup  Freshwater  Ecology  and  Management  UB.    

3.  Observadors  del  Mar.  InsUtut  de  Ciències  del  Mar  (CSIC).    

4.  ICREA-­‐Laboratori  d’Ecologia  del  Moviment  (CEAB-­‐CSIC  i  CREAF).    

5.  Punt  d'Informació  Aerobiològica  (PIA,  UAB).    DirecUon  of  CreaUvity  and  InnovaUon  InsUtute  of  Culture  of  Barcelona  

CiUzen  Science  Office  

Page 5: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    

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•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  

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•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  •  Sharing  resources  and  knowledge  in  an  environment  of  trust  

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•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  •  Sharing  resources  and  knowledge  in  an  environment  of  trust  •  Having  a  large  and  shared  base  of  commiged  ciUzens    

Page 9: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  •  Sharing  resources  and  knowledge  in  an  environment  of  trust  •  Having  a  large  and  shared  base  of  commiged  ciUzens    •  GeneraUng  a  common  protocol  for  ciUzen  science  experiments  

with  the  complicity  of  government  bodies  and  city  management    


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•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  •  Sharing  resources  and  knowledge  in  an  environment  of  trust  •  Having  a  large  and  shared  base  of  commiged  ciUzens    •  GeneraUng  a  common  protocol  for  ciUzen  science  experiment  

experiments  with  the  complicity  of  government  bodies  and  city  management    

•  Data  repository  open  to  the  public    

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•  PromoUon  of  parUcipatory  pracUces  in  scienUfic  research    •  MulUply  the  power  of  each  project,  join  forces  •  Sharing  resources  and  knowledge  in  an  environment  of  trust  •  Having  a  large  and  shared  base  of  commiged  ciUzens    •  GeneraUng  a  common  protocol  for  ciUzen  science  experiment  

experiments  with  the  complicity  of  government  bodies  and  city  management    

•  Data  repository  open  to  the  public  •  Influence  to  policy  and  decision  making  at  the  level  of  city  

Page 12: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Available  at  hgp://issuu.com/bcnlabcienciaciudadana  

@cciutadana  /  [email protected]  

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Page 14: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

What  is  a  lab?  The  city  as  a  lab  

Page 15: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Research  in  the  wild  

Michel  Callon    (2003)  1. Researchers  in  the  wild  are  directly  concerned  

with  the  knowledge  they  produce  •  ProducUon  and  appropriaUon  •  IncenUves  are  of  a  different  nature  

2. Research  in  the  wild  makes  a  strong  contribuUon  to  the  formulaUon  of  problems  and  quesUons  

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Page 17: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Aerial  Cartography  of  a  Neighborhood  (Raval  Barcelona,  2015).  Public  Lab  

Fes7val  as  a  lab  

Page 18: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Paral·lel (Molino)Plaça de la Bella Dorita. BarcelonaFecha: 19.00h. 15 abril 2015Fotógrafos: Teb Raval; Basurama; Public Laboratory.Herramienta: MapknitterImágenes y mapa: http://mapknitter.org/maps/parallel-2015Licencia: Dominio PúblicoResolución: cm/pixelCoordenadas: Latitud 41.3745415 Longitud 2.1677728Cartógrafo: Pablo Rey Mazón


Cartogra a aérea de barri Dentro del festival NOVUM 2015.Taller de fotografía aérea con globos.






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Page 21: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona
Page 22: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Human  Behaviour  and  Games  

Board  Game  Fes7val  DAU  2012  •  160  volunteers,  3  research  groups  

engaged  and  an  actor  •  CooperaUon  as  a  funcUon  of  the  age.  

Results  •  TransiUon  from  reciprocal  

cooperaUon  to  persistent  behaviour  in  social  dilem  as  at  the  end  of  adolescence,  M  GuUérrez-­‐Roig,  C  Gracia-­‐Lázaro,  J  Perelló,  Y  Moreno  and  A  Sánchez.  Nature  CommunicaUons  5  (2014)  4362    

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Shaping  a  solu7on:  the  Pop-­‐Up  Experiments  in  urban  contexts  

Experiments   Bee-­‐Path(1)   Bee-­‐Path(2)     Coopera7on(1)   Coopera7on(2)   Mr.  Banks(1)     Mr.  Banks(2)   Dr.  Brain    

1.General  Informa7on  

Date   June  2012   June  2013   Dec  2012   March  2014   Dec  2013   July  2015   Dec  2014    

Topic   Human  Mobility   Human  Mobility   Social  Dilemmas   Social  Dilemmas   Decision  Making   Decision  Making   Social  Dilemmas  

Number  of  volunteers   101a   68b   168   52   307   42   580  

Number  of  records   10,312  GPS  points    10,315  GPS  pointsb   4,200  decisions   1,300  decisions   18,525  decisions   2,372  decisions   8,659  decisions  

Budget  (approx.)   4,000  EUR   3,500  EUR   2,000  EUR   1,000  EUR   2,500  EUR   1,300  EUR   1,000  EUR  

From  O.  Sagarra,  M.  GuUérrez-­‐Roig,  I.  Bonhoure  and  J.  Perelló  Ci3zen  Science  prac3ces  for  Computa3onal  Social  Sciences  research:  The  conceptualiza3on  of  Pop-­‐Up  Experiments  hgp://arxiv.org/abs/1509.06575    

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Page 25: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

A  Pop-­‐Up-­‐Experiment  (PUE)  is  a  physical,  light,  highly  adaptable,  parUcipatory  and  public  experimental  set-­‐up  for  urban  contexts  that      (1) applies  CS  pracUces  and  ideals  to  provide  

ground-­‐breaking  knowledge  and    (2) transforms  the  experiment  into  a  valuable,  

socially  responsible,  consented  and  transparent  experience.  

Shaping  a  solu7on:  the  Pop-­‐Up  Experiments  

From  O.  Sagarra,  M.  GuUérrez-­‐Roig,  I.  Bonhoure  and  J.  Perelló  hgp://arxiv.org/abs/1509.06575    

Page 26: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

Pop-­‐up  Experiments  along  ci7zen  science  framework  and  in  a  city  

1.  CollecUve  ExperimentaUon  sharing  publicly  the  risk  with  all  parUcipants.    

2.  Volunteers  should  be  first  users  of  the  scienUfic  knowledge  being  produced.  

3.  Natural  experiments  in  real-­‐world.  An  alternaUve  to  virtual  labs  and  to  byassed  populaUons  in  social  experiments.  

4.  Clear  definiUon  of  the  quesUon.  Appealing  concept:  ParUcipants  are  curious!  

5.  Time  and  space  frames  controlled  since  it  is  a  one-­‐shot  experiment.  

6.  Light  infraestructure  easy  to  adapt  to  several  contexts.  Always  expect  the  uncertain.  

7.  Quick  and  flexible  configuraUon  of  teams  (but  large  and  complex  to  manage).  

From  O.  Sagarra,  M.  GuUérrez-­‐Roig,  I.  Bonhoure  and  J.  Perelló  hgp://arxiv.org/abs/1509.06575    

Page 27: How to collaborate with a city & the idea of Pop-‐Up Experiments – sharing experiences from Barcelona

With  the  support  of  

Community  of  pracUce  in  CiUzen  Science  

CiUzen  Science  Office.  Science  Unit  in  the  City  Council  

Science  CommunicaUon  in  Bee-­‐Path    and  Complexity  Lab  Barcelona  (2014  SGR    608)  

Mecánica  estadísUca  para  "big  data”:  adquisición,  análisis  y  modelización  (FIS2013-­‐47532-­‐C3-­‐3-­‐P)  

HosUng  the  experiments.  Barcelona  InsUtute  of  Culture  

[email protected]    @JosPerello  

@OpenSystemsUB  @CLabBarcelona  

Big  thanks  to:   Isabelle  Bonhoure,  Mario  GuUérrez-­‐Roig,  Anxo  Sánchez,  Yamir  Moreno,  Jordi   Duch,   Inés   Garriga,   Nadala   Fernández,   Fran   Iglesias,   Pedro   Lorente,   Carlota  Segura,   Clàudia   Payrató,   Joan   Bernat   Ferrer,   DomesUc   Data   Streamers,   Oscar  Marín,  Outliers,  Albert  Díaz-­‐Guilera,  Oleguer  Sagarra,   Julia  Poncela-­‐Casasnovas,   Jesús  Gómez-­‐Gardeñes,  Julian  Vicens,  Roi  Sastre,  Helena  Andrés,  Edouard  Cabay,  Elena  Poropat,    and  to  thousands  of  volunteers.  
