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How to consistently get around sales objections

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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How to Consistently Get Around Sales Objections Michael Halper Founder and CEO SalesScripter
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How to Consistently Get Around Sales Objections

Michael HalperFounder and CEO


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What are Objections

• I am busy right now.

• Who are you with?

• What is this in regards to?

• I am not interested.

• Just send me some information.

• We already use somebody.

• We are not looking to make a change right now.

• We do not have budget/money to spend.

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Why this Step is Critical• Bad news:

– Face on just about every cold call and in a lot of sales meetings

• Good news:– There are only around 10 objections that we will consistently face– By simply preparing for those, we can see an immediate improvement in

performance– Improve mental fortitude

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Objections Handling Options

1. Comply

2. Overcome

3. Redirect

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Comply• To give in to the objection

• Example:

Prospect: “I am not interested” Caller: “OK, have a nice day.”

• Weakest response - only use as a last resort

• At some point, we have to comply

• Rule of thumb: Comply after two to three other attempts

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Overcome • To deal with the objection head on

• Goal is to defuse and resolve the objection

• Downside to trying to overcome:– Very challenging to change someone’s mind– Can be time consuming – Can give life to the objection

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Redirect• To redirect the objection into a related area

• Example:

Prospect: “I am not interested” Caller: “I understand. Do you mind if I ask what you are doing today in this area?”

• Goal of the redirect is to keep the conversation going without focusing on the objection itself

• Tactics:– Redirect qualifying questions– Redirect to value statement– Redirect to pain points

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Early Sales Process Stages

Initial Contact(First time to speak)

Cold CallInbound CallEmailEvent

2 to 5 minutes80% on prospect20% on you

First Conversation(Appointment/Meeting)

Phone CallFace-to-FaceDiscovery

20 to 30 minutes50% on prospect50% on you

First Meeting(Presentation)


1 to 2 hours20% on prospect80% on you

• Redirect• Goal is to get to the meeting• Try to pre-qualify

• Redirect or Overcome• Goal is to get to a presentation • Try to further qualify

• Overcome• Goal is to close (Sale or agreement to

move forward)

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Redirect to Value StatementObjection:

What is this in regards to? Is this a sales call?


(Redirect to value statement)

Purpose for my call is that we work with Chemical Companies and help them to improve inventory turnover by 20 to 25%.

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Redirect to Pre-Qualifying Questions


I am not interested.We are not looking to make an changes.We do not have budget to spend.Call me back in ____ months.


I understand. (Redirect to one of the qualifying questions) But if I could ask you real quick:

Are you currently using any automation tools to manage your inventory levels?

- Or -I understand.

(Optional defuse) And I want you to know that we are not trying to sell anything at this point.

(Redirect to one of the qualifying questions) But if I could ask you real quick:

Are you currently using any automation tools to manage your inventory levels?

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Redirect to Pain Points


I am not interested.We are not looking to make an changes.We do not have budget to spend.Call me back in ____ months.


I understand. (Redirect to one of the qualifying questions) When I talk with other manufacturing companies, the often express challenges with it taking too long to process orders and there are sometimes errors.

Have you ever been concerned by those?:

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Redirect the Info RequestObjection:

Just send me some information. (Early in a cold call – BLOW OFF)


Sure, I definitely will. So that I know exactly what to send you, let me ask you,

(Redirect to one of the qualifying questions)

Are you currently using any automation tools to manage your inventory levels?

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Redirect the Info RequestObjection:

Just send me some information. (Late in a cold call – NONCOMMITTAL)


Sure, I definitely can. Actually, there is a lot of information that I can send over to you. If you have some questions about anything, it might be easier and quicker to have a brief conversation with over the phone on another day instead of me sending over a bunch of information.

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Redirect to Direct QuestionsObjection:

We already use somebody for that.


Oh, good. How long have you been using them? How is it going? What product are you using of theirs? What do you like about working with them? Is there anything that you need that they are not able to provide?

(Redirect to any of the qualifying questions if applicable)

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Redirect to CloseObjection:

We are not looking at making a change right now. (Late in a call)


I understand. And I want you to know that we are not trying to sell anything at this point as we don’t even know if you are a good fit or not.

Our goal is to simply open the dialogue between our two companies so that if you reach a point where you are ready or looking to make a change, you will know who we are and what we have to offer.

Can I put a brief 15 to 20 minute call on your calendar next Tuesday or Thursday afternoon?

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Redirect to CloseObjection:

We do not have any budget / money to spend on that right now. (Late in a call)


I understand. And I want you to know that we are not trying to sell anything at this point as we don’t even know if you are a good fit or not.

Our goal is to simply open the dialogue between our two companies so that if you reach a point where there is budget available, you will know who we are and what we have to offer.

Can I put a brief 15 to 20 minute call on your calendar next Tuesday or Thursday afternoon?

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Overcome TacticsFocus on Differentiation


We already use XYZ Corp.


Oh great, so you already see the importance of this area.

We are actually different from XYZ Corp in a few ways. (Outline differences)

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Overcome TacticsGet to the Root of the Objection


You are too expensive.


I understand. What is it that drives your concern about price? Is there a budget that you are trying to stay with in? Or is it more of a cash outlay factor?

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Overcome TacticsIsolate the Objection


Your prices are too high.


Just to confirm, are you saying that everything else fine and that the price is the only thing that concerns you? (Isolate)

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Overcome TacticsFocus on ROI


Your prices are too high.


Yes, there is an investment (cost) with our service. But it does provide help to decrease labor costs by between 15 to 20%. That usually leads to a payback period of between 12 to 18 months.

If this paid for itself in a certain amount of time, would you still see the price as being too high?

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Overcome TacticsProvide Alternatives


Your prices are too high.


We do offer financing options that will breakdown the cost into monthly payments. Would that change how you see the cost of this or make it something you can consider?

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Overcome TacticsFeel, Felt, Found


Your prices are too high.


I understand why you feel that our prices are high. (Feel)

A lot of IT managers that I have brought over felt that same way. (Felt)

But once they switched over, they found that when you add in the reliability of service, the total cost of ownership actually lead to a lower total cost. (Found)

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Building an Objections Map• Tool to build to use as a guide for dealing

with objections

• List out anticipated objections

• Formulate best responses

• Can include redirects and overcome responses

• Can be organized to have cold call responses and meeting responses

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Reflect Back to Improve Forward

• When a call ends, reflect on what objections the prospect had

• Identify how you responded and if your responses were effective at keeping the call going

• Was there a response that could have been better?

• Update objections map– Add new objections– Improve existing responses

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Key Takeaways

• You are guaranteed to get objections on every cold call

• You can immediately improve your results by simply listing out the main objections that you can anticipate and scripting responses that stand to keep the calls going

• Not only can this improve results, but it can also help to decrease stress, improve confidence, and improve your mental state

• Focus on redirecting ahead of overcoming to keep calls going

• When a call ends, reflect back to improve your ability to handle future calls

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What is SalesScripter?

Cold Calling



Sales Messaging




Sales Process


Building Interest

Cold Emailing

Setting Appointments

Building Credibility

Call Cadence

• Provides complete clarity for what a salesperson should do and say

• Very practical and easy to understand / implement / adopt

• Consultative selling approach

• Many tactics are counterintuitive

One Half - Sales Methodology

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What is SalesScripter?

Cold Calling Scripts

Objection Responses

Key Questions

Marketing Tools

Voicemail Scripts

Meeting Scripts

Cold Email Templates

• Software platform that provides all the tools needed to execute the methodology

• Campaign-based (buyer persona) structure

• Makes it extremely easy to implement and reinforce the methodology

One Half – Prospecting Platform Software Application

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Complete Sales Training Solution

Cold Calling



Sales Messaging




Sales Process


Building Interest

Cold Emailing

Setting Appointments

Building Credibility

Call Cadence




Cold Calling Scripts

Objection Responses

Key Questions

Marketing Tools

Voicemail Scripts

Meeting Scripts

Cold Email Templates

Software PlatformResources and Services


Training Videos

One-on-One Coaching

Sales Consulting

Live Training



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• Five ebooks – Found at https://salesscripter.com/ebooks/– Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Calling– How to Get around Cold Call Objections– How to Build a Value Proposition that Generates

Leads– How to Build Sales Campaigns that Sell– How to Build Email Drip Campaigns that Convert


• The Cold Calling Equation – PROBLEM SOLVED– Found at


Our Books

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• Week 1– Understanding the Ideal Sales Process– How to Make Cold Calls– Appointment Setting Tactics– Voicemail Messaging Methodology

• Week 2– Sales Messaging Workshop– How to Get Prospect’s on the Phone– How to Get Around Objections– How to Incorporate Buyer Personas into Your

Selling– Overview of a 2-Step Qualifying Process

New Hire Onboarding Training Program / Sales Prospecting 101• Week 3

– How to Build Your Value Proposition– How to Focus on Prospect Pain– How to Get Around Gatekeepers– How to Perform the Perfect Takeaway

• Week 4– How to Build Rapport, Interest, and

Credibility– How to Improve Mental Strength When

Selling– How to Be a Better Closer

* Available through e-learning videos, live virtual, or live in-person* Can be tailored to your business

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What do you sell? ___________

How does it help? ___________

What problems do you fix? ___________

What questions should you ask? ___________

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If You Want More Help

• https://www.youtube.com/user/LaunchPadSol• Or search Sales Scripter• Over 130 videos• Sales Prospecting 101 Training Program• Webinars• Sales Tips• SalesScripter demo videos• Subscribe

Step 1 – Go to our YouTube Channel

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• Five ebooks – Found at https://salesscripter.com/ebooks/– Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Calling– How to Get around Cold Call Objections– How to Build a Value Proposition that Generates

Leads– How to Build Sales Campaigns that Sell– How to Build Email Drip Campaigns that Convert


• The Cold Calling Equation – PROBLEM SOLVED– Found at


Step 2 – Get Some of Our Books

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If You Want More Help

• Free 30 day trial– Found at https://salesscripter.com/members/signup

• Scripter Walk-Through– 2 hour coaching session– We answer all of the questions with you– Included with an annual subscription

Step 3 – Sign up for SalesScripter Trial

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If You Want More Help

• One-on-one Sales Coaching

• Sales Consulting– Script development– Strategy development– Sales process development

• Sales Training– Custom sales training programs– Content aligned with your information in SalesScripter– Delivered virtually or in-person

Step 4 – Contact us for Coaching, Consulting, or Training

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Michael HalperFounder and CEO

[email protected]

