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How to Construct a Rain Barrel

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  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Rain BarrelsRain BarrelsCollecting the rain that falls on your roof can help yourCollecting the rain that falls on your roof can help yourgarden and save some of your water usage. Learn how togarden and save some of your water usage. Learn how tostart your own water conservation system with easystart your own water conservation system with easy--toto--

    install rain barrels (install rain barrels (figure Afigure A).).

    It's estimated that during the hot summer months, theIt's estimated that during the hot summer months, theaverage homeowner uses 40 percent of the householdaverage homeowner uses 40 percent of the household

    water in the yard, and while so much water may make forwater in the yard, and while so much water may make forsome green lawns, all that water use is a huge drain onsome green lawns, all that water use is a huge drain on

    our already dwindling supply. Too often, rainwaterour already dwindling supply. Too often, rainwater

    becomes wasted water when it's channeled into alreadybecomes wasted water when it's channeled into alreadystressed sewer systems.stressed sewer systems.

    To save a little water from going down the drain, use aTo save a little water from going down the drain, use asimple, efficient, lowsimple, efficient, low--cost method for homeowners tocost method for homeowners to

    collect and recycle water. Installing rain barrels, which arecollect and recycle water. Installing rain barrels, which are

    simply large containers that capture rainwater at the endsimply large containers that capture rainwater at the endof your downspout can help conserve water. A quarterof your downspout can help conserve water. A quarter--inch of rain falling on the average home yields a littleinch of rain falling on the average home yields a littleover 200 gallons of water. A rain barrel can be filledover 200 gallons of water. A rain barrel can be filled

    within a matter of minutes during a good rain.within a matter of minutes during a good rain.

    figure A

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps to Make a Rain BarrelSteps to Make a Rain Barrel

    Step 1Step 1

    1. Start with a large, food1. Start with a large, food--

    quality, plastic barrel andquality, plastic barrel anddrill a hole in the cap ofdrill a hole in the cap ofthe barrel with a large,the barrel with a large,

    3/43/4--inch drill bit (figureinch drill bit (figureB). While plastic isB). While plastic ispreferred because it won'tpreferred because it won't

    rust, any large,rust, any large,waterproof container willwaterproof container willwork well.work well.

    figure B

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    2. Drill a second2. Drill a secondhole nearby (figurehole nearby (figure

    C) along the sideC) along the side

    of the containerof the containerabout 1 or 2 inchesabout 1 or 2 inches

    from the top.from the top.

    Step 2Step 2

    figure C

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps 3Steps 3 -- 553. Flip the barrel over and drill a third hole into the3. Flip the barrel over and drill a third hole into thebase.base.

    4. Determine the number of pipe adaptors (male)4. Determine the number of pipe adaptors (male)

    and couplings (female) needed to span the distanceand couplings (female) needed to span the distancefrom the hole at the barrel base to the outer edgefrom the hole at the barrel base to the outer edgeof the barrel.of the barrel.

    5. Wrap each threaded adaptor end of piping with5. Wrap each threaded adaptor end of piping withplumber's tape for a watertight seal.plumber's tape for a watertight seal.

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 6Step 6

    6. Screw the6. Screw the


    making suremaking sure

    they're securethey're secure

    and tightand tight

    (figure D).(figure D).

    Figure D

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 7Step 7

    7. Attach a curved7. Attach a curved

    coupling to the hole oncoupling to the hole onthe barrel base andthe barrel base andconnect the additionalconnect the additionaladaptors to the curvedadaptors to the curvedsection. Join a spigot tosection. Join a spigot tothe end of the attachedthe end of the attachedpipe section (figure E).pipe section (figure E).

    This will allow you toThis will allow you tocontrol the release ofcontrol the release ofthe collected water.the collected water.

    figure E

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 8Step 8

    8. The hole on the8. The hole on theside of the barrel isside of the barrel is

    for the spigot.for the spigot.

    Secure a smallSecure a smallpiece of PVC pipepiece of PVC pipe

    through the hole tothrough the hole to

    connect the spigotconnect the spigot(figure F).(figure F).

    figure F

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps 9Steps 9 -- 1010

    9. Join the spigot to9. Join the spigot tothe pipe.the pipe.

    10. Attach a garden10. Attach a garden

    hose to the spigothose to the spigot

    (figure G).(figure G).figure G

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 11Step 11

    11. To make a water11. To make a watercollection funnel, cut acollection funnel, cut a

    piece of window screeningpiece of window screeninga little bigger than the PVCa little bigger than the PVCcoupling and secure it withcoupling and secure it with

    a hose clamp (figure H).a hose clamp (figure H). figure H

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps 12Steps 12 -- 1414

    12. Slide the pipe into the large hole in the12. Slide the pipe into the large hole in thebarrel.barrel.

    13. To attach the rain collector to your13. To attach the rain collector to yourhouse, find a location that is level.house, find a location that is level.Remember that when the rain collector isRemember that when the rain collector isfull, it can weigh over 400 pounds, so it'sfull, it can weigh over 400 pounds, so it's

    important to place it in a level location toimportant to place it in a level location tokeep the barrel stable.keep the barrel stable.

    14. Place the rain barrel on stacked14. Place the rain barrel on stackedcinderblocks to raise it off the groundcinderblocks to raise it off the ground(figure I). This provides room underneath(figure I). This provides room underneaththe barrel for the release spigot and athe barrel for the release spigot and awatering can to access the rainwater. Makewatering can to access the rainwater. Makesure the cinderblocks are stable.sure the cinderblocks are stable.

    figure I

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps 15Steps 15 -- 1616

    15. About one or two15. About one or two

    inches above the barrelinches above the barrelalong the gutter, cutalong the gutter, cutout and hinge an elbowout and hinge an elbow


    16. Fit the base of the16. Fit the base of the

    section with a metalsection with a metalscreen (screen (figure Jfigure J).).

    figure J

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 17Step 17

    17. Place a pad17. Place a pad

    on the metalon the metalscreen to softenscreen to soften

    the sound ofthe sound of

    rain hitting therain hitting the

    metal (metal (figurefigure


    figure K

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 18Step 18

    18. When the18. When the

    barrel is full, thebarrel is full, thedownspout can bedownspout can be

    hinged closed tohinged closed to

    stop the flow ofstop the flow of

    water to the barrelwater to the barrel

    ((figure Lfigure L).).

    figure L

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Step 19Step 19

    19. Because most rain barrels19. Because most rain barrels

    hold only 55 gallons ofhold only 55 gallons ofwater, you can stretch thewater, you can stretch the

    garden's water supply evengarden's water supply even

    further for those dry summerfurther for those dry summermonths by adding additionalmonths by adding additional

    barrels (barrels (figure Mfigure M). Just make). Just make

    sure to redirect the surplussure to redirect the surpluswater.water.

    figure M

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    Steps 20Steps 20 -- 2222

    20. When you install your rain barrel, add an overflow pipe,20. When you install your rain barrel, add an overflow pipe,

    so that excess water can escape. Make sure that theso that excess water can escape. Make sure that the

    overflow pipe is pointed away from your home'soverflow pipe is pointed away from your home'sfoundation.foundation.

    21. Always keep a lid on your rain barrel to prevent any21. Always keep a lid on your rain barrel to prevent anycurious children or animals from toppling in, as well ascurious children or animals from toppling in, as well as

    preventing any potential mosquito populations frompreventing any potential mosquito populations from


    22. If you treat your roof for pests or wood, be sure to22. If you treat your roof for pests or wood, be sure to

    unhook your rain barrel for at least two weeks.unhook your rain barrel for at least two weeks.

  • 8/9/2019 How to Construct a Rain Barrel


    For additional information contact:For additional information contact:

    WVCA Watershed Resource CenterWVCA Watershed Resource Center

    1900 Kanawha Blvd., East1900 Kanawha Blvd., East

    Charleston, WV 25305Charleston, WV 25305--01930193

    Phone: 304.558.0382Phone: 304.558.0382

    FAX: 304.558.0373FAX: 304.558.0373

    EE--mail:mail:[email protected]@wvca.us

    Or visit us on the web at:Or visit us on the web at:http://www.wvca.us/wvwrc/http://www.wvca.us/wvwrc/
