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How to Convince Your Child to Brush Their Teeth by Kami Hoss

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BRUSH Their Teeth How to Convince Your Child to By Kami Hoss

BRUSHTheir Teeth

How to Convince Your Child to

By Kami Hoss

It can be a pain trying toget your children to

brush their teeth,and sometimes all of the

cavity monster talk in theworld just won't do the trick.

If you're having troublegetting your little ones to

brush, check out these tipsand tricks for getting their

teeth clean (hopefully)without all the fuss.

Try "playing" toothbrush.

Take a new toothbrush andhave your child practicebrushing their toys' teeth

and practice how it's done.Using it for playtime canthem see brushing as lessof a chore and more of a

way to play.

Let them brush your teeth.

While this probably doesn'tsound enticing, letting yourchild brush your teeth while

you giggle and jokethroughout it can help show

them that brushing teethisn't all that scary.

Plus it reverses the power dynamic in your relationship,letting them feel like they're in charge for once.

Consider skipping the toothpaste.

Dentists agree that when childrenare young, using toothpaste isn't ahigh priority, especially if it's thereason they don't want to brush.

In their early years, skip the toothpasteand have them focus on their brushing.

Sing along.

Sing your child's favoritenursery rhyme or sing-along

song while they brush.

Not only will it make brushing moreenjoyable, but your child will knowthat the brushing ends when the

song does.

Try different toothpastes.

There are toothpastes specificallydesigned for children as they tastesweeter and are often fluoride-free

since kids often swallow thetoothpaste.

Try different flavors untilthey find one they like.

Encourage your child.

Give your child positivereinforcement to motivate them

to keep brushing their teeth.

Compliment them when theybrush their teeth by themselvesor remember without having to

be reminded.

Make brushing a priorityand a family activity.

Make brushing teeth a routineactivity that your child gets usedto doing in the morning, at night,and - per your discretion - after

every meal.

Kids mirror everything that theirparents do, so if they see you

brushing your teeth regularly, it willencourage them to do the same.

Use brightly colored orfun-looking toothbrushes.

Kids are visuallystimulated and thereforeare attracted to things

that are brightly coloredor remind them of toys.

If they have a brush theyenjoy using, it will be easier

to get them to brush.

If all else fails, pretend like you love it.

Have your child in the room whileyou and the rest of your family

brush your teeth and make a showof how much fun you're having.

Children hate missing out, sowhether or not they enjoy it, they'llpretend like they do to be part of

the fun.

Above all else, be patient.

The worst thing you can do is holddown your child and force-brush

their teeth.

Imagine howtraumatizing that

would be!

Instead, encourage them withpositive reinforcement and little

bribes if necessary.

It may seem like a hassle, but goodpractices early on with help themdevelop the proper hygiene habitsthat will benefit them for the rest

of their lives.

is the co-founder of The Super Dentists, thelargest pediatric dental and orthodontic practicein the San Diego area.

Kami Hoss DDS, MS
