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How to craft a lead generating about me page that also increases your credibility

Date post: 11-Jun-2015
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Learn how to craft your about me page on your blog or website to be a lead generating machine! learn how you can increase your credibility and connect with your target market in 4 easy steps. Grab my free worksheets that will walk you through the entire process. http://www.jolynnoblak.com/aboutmews
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How to “Pimp Out” Your About Page to Increase Your Credibility + Generate More Leads Jolynn Oblak www.JolynnOblak.com Marketing Strategist, Trainer, Blogger
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How to “Pimp Out” Your About Page to Increase Your Credibility + Generate More LeadsJolynn Oblak


Marketing Strategist, Trainer, Blogger

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JOLYNN OBLAK About Mewww.JolynnOblak.com/about

Jolynn Oblak, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Blogger, Consultant to Home and Small Business Owners Who Need Support in Marketing Online

Life coach, motivator, fan of transformation Degree in Psychology and Sociology I spent 6 years as a counselor/case manager

working with at risk youth and children. Marketing Professional with over 10 years exp. in healthcare, medical device

industries. Marketing campaigns and communications- direct mail +advertising (print),

email, online, digital ads Product launches and managed services +educational courseware portfolio Training/Education- Complex medical training products, product differentiation

and market positioning. Connect you product to your customers pain points (What they struggle with). Used case Studies and testimonials

Interests: Personal branding Blogging Instagram Email Marketing Identifying Your Target Market with Psychographics- Focuses on the attitudes,

values, lifestyles, and opinions of your target market giving you a much deeper picture of what makes your market tick.

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JOLYNN OBLAK About Mewww.JolynnOblak.com/about

Is that really who I am?

I am a teacher and a mentor. I share my strategies for turning obstacles into opportunity and help people to realize their potential. I am an expert at transformation and I stand for hope and freedom.

I am a leader to follow because I show others how to break down barriers to having true success by not allowing fear to stop them.

Professional dream chaser with a talent for blatant honesty and a mad sense of humor…. I use these and other secret mind-bending skills to help motivate people to get over themselves, own their greatness and start living life on full-throttle….

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The Real Purpose of Your ‘About’ Page

• Sell your client on what can you do for THEM

• Encourage visitors to read more, contact you & hopefully make a purchase

• To demonstrate your value and to connect with them on a deeper level. • “Make your website a window and not a wall”.

• What Your Prospect Is Looking For……. Is there a real person or company behind the scenes Is your personality and philosophy in line with theirs How to get in contact with you

Does your ‘About’ page attract your ideal client?

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Who You Are, Your Why and Your Journey: Tell a Compelling Story• Your ‘voice’ should be apparent immediately

• Stories are instantly engaging

• How did you get from there to here?

• What challenges have you overcome –> Remember to not share too much

• Professional journey Avoid the “just the facts ma’am mentality”

• Share your value-Open up about who you are and what you stand for

• Your story must resonate with your ideal client– They need to see themselves in you– They need to see the possibilities for themselves

What does YOUR ‘About’ page say about you?

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How can you stand out from the crowd?

Objectively assess your business and consider what parts of it are unique. Then, position those elements at the front of your business.

Perhaps you work with Authors. Or other Coaches. Or you specialize in Women Entrepreneurs. Or boomers.

Potential clients are always looking for that special something about a business that sets it apart from others. Prospects have their choice between you and your competitors. Show them that you’re not the average business.

If you can’t think of anything unique about yourself… now’s the time to start brainstorming. This is crucial for attracting clients to you. After all, if you’re just a garden-variety business coach or life coach without a big promise, why would someone want to use you?

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Who You Are • Melissa Ingold’s story appeals to frustrated entrepreneurs because she

gives them hope

• Share your value-Open up about who you are and what you stand for

• Show personality

• How did you get from there to here?

• What challenges have you overcome –> Remember to not share too much

• Professional journey Avoid the

“just the facts ma’am mentality”

• “How can you help me”

Photos and videos to increase engagement

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Be Unique, Supercharge Your Headline• You don’t have to use ‘About’ as the page headline

• Be creative…entice clients to want to read more

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Let Your Personality Shine• Avoid ‘dry’ copy & sales-driven bullet points

• Be friendly. Be enthusiastic. Be who you are!

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Add Photos to Your ‘About’ Page• Marie Forleo shows what type of business coach she is through

her use of pictures

• Carefully select your photos– They should NOT be an afterthought!

• Photos should enhance your story & attract a specific client

• Think about the image you want to convey to your reader

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Types of Photos• Professional headshots

Gives a solid business look to your page Choose a photographer who can capture your personality & style Ask to see their portfolio, talk to past clients, read their testimonials Choose someone whose style matches your business & image Can be expensive

• Snapshots Family snapshots, vacation photos or selfies can work Avoid bright sunlight Smile & make eye contact with the camera If others are in the photo, you may need a model release Keep it recent Your face should be in focus What’s going on in the background?

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Using Video• Creates an instant connection

• Makes readers feel as if they have met you in person

• Clearly conveys tone of voice & body language

• Is interactive & engaging

• Solidifies your brand

• Keep it short – less than 4 minutes

• Keep it relevant – Who You Are Ask a Question “ Do you struggle with…..”

• Produce this video with the best quality you can afford Natural lighting is best Use a lapel mic instead of your computer’s built in mic IPhone video is great quality.

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Share how you can help them • Be specific about your product and services (link)

• What the site is about (The “value”)

• Highlight key areas on your website

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Go Beyond the Basics Opt in forms Contact info Testimonials Links to related content Things to buy Upcoming speaking engagements

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Opt In Forms• Make it flow naturally from the copy on your ‘About’ page

• Make it a no-brainer that people should sign up

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Contact Information• Yes, you should have a contact page

• But you don’t want your readers to work too hard to reach you

• Don’t let them click away from your site

• Include: Email Social media links A phone number A way to book an appointment with you

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Links to Other Pages or Posts• No page on your site should be a ‘dead end’

• Always give the reader something else to read

• Don’t rely on them clicking the ‘back’ button… they can just as easily click off your site

• Other things your reader might enjoy: Most popular blog posts Your podcast Best selling products or coaching packages Your resources page

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Demonstrate Your Value: Never Miss an Opportunity• Promote yourself!

• Tell the world if you’ve been featured in a magazine or on television

• Include upcoming speaking engagements on your ‘About’ page (a MUST if you’re a speaker)

• Make it easy for visitors to find the info they need

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Example: Maritza Parra

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To Summarize: What to Include in Your About Page

 1. Share who you are, your “why” and your Journey

• Share your value-Open up about who you are and what you stand for• Show personality• How did you get from there to here?• What challenges have you overcome –> Remember to not share too much• Professional journey Avoid the “just the facts ma’am mentality”• “How can you help me”• Photos and videos to increase engagement

2. Share how you can help them • Be specific about your product and services (link)• What the site is about (The “value”)• Highlight key areas on your website

3. Demonstrate your value

• Social Proof, Testimonials• Speaker? Author? • Won awards?

4. Optimize for Leads• How to do this in a unique way• Opt In Forms and Offers

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Visit My Websitewww.JolynnOblak.com/aboutmews
