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How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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Create a 100MB partition that windows should support
Page 1: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Create a 100MB partition that windows should support

Page 2: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Run fdisk /dev/hdd command and type m for help and n for creating new Partition

Page 3: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Select partition type(l) and press First blank Enter and then type +100M

Page 4: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Type l to list partition types and select b(W95 FAT32)

Page 5: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

Type t and enter partition number and type Hex code b and save with w

Page 6: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

format partition with mkfs.vfat /dev/hdd15

Page 7: How to Create 100 mb partition that windows should support in centos

make a directory with command mkdir /new and mount the hdd15 in it.

With command mount /dev/hdd15 /new

partition has been created and mounted in /new directoryto make persistent make an entry in /etc/bashrc file edit bashrc file with vi /etc/bashrc and make entry as mount /dev/hdd15 /new and save with :wq and exit

it will be shows in windows as well
