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How to Create an Email Id and Send Email

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  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Email Id and Send Email


    Submitted to: Submitted By:Mrs.Hardeep kaur Miss.Kamaljeet kaur

    Mrs.Harpreet kaur



  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Email Id and Send Email


    This is to certified that Miss. Kamaljeetkaur D/o

    S.Malkeet Singh Student of Class +2

    Commerce Roll No 260210 Guru nanakKhalsa Girls Sr. Sec. school has done thee-bussines Project her self under thesupervision of class teachers.


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Email Id and Send Email



    I am highly indebt to my esteemedlearned E-business Teachers for their richKnowledge and experience, invaluableguidance constant supervision andconstructive suggestions, which they hadbeen patiently imparting to me andwithout whose help the completion of the

    present work would not have possible.Kamaljeet




  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Email Id and Send Email


    Creating an email account using Gmail

    Step 1 -Open the Gmail web siteTo create your Gmail account you only need a web browser - the

    program you are using to read this page - and an internet connection.

    You should now get to a page that looks something like the one

    below. At the time of writing Gmail offers a little over 7Gb of inbox

    space - though not unlimited but still more than enough to keep any

    prolific emailer occupied for years.

    Click on the Sign up for Gmail link that I have circled in thescreenshot and then proceed to the next page to get your free Gmailemail address.

    This page describes the process of getting a Gmail email address for

    yourself and continues from the previous page.


  • 8/9/2019 How to Create an Email Id and Send Email


    Step 2 - Enter all the required information in the "Create

    an Account" online formAfter you click on the signup link, you shall be shown the Create an

    Account form with several fields that need your inputs.


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    Do not worry if the screen displayed to you and the screenshot image

    on the left are not exactly the same.

    You now need to start filling the form. Once you have entered your

    first and last names, it is time to choose a login name. This is

    important as your login name will decide the email address you

    will get, and in case of a Gmail account, would be your-chosen-

    [email protected]. So be sure to pick a login name, also

    called the username, with care.

    Step 3 - How to choose a login name or username foryour email address

    Choosing a login name is part art and part common sense. And

    because it determines what your email address will be, I suggest you

    spend a little time over it. Since, email addresses need to be unique

    which means no two people in the world can have the same

    address, there is no guarantee that your preferred login name would

    be available - more on this below. The following is my advice and

    suggestions on how to choose a login or username


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    The availability of a login or user name can be verified by entering it

    first in the text field and hitting the check availability button.

    Step 4 - Choosing a password for your email

    Securing your Gmail email account with a strong> password is

    imperative. Think of the password as the key combination to your

    safe and you need to give the same amount of importance. A


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    combination of uppercase and lowercase letters with some digits

    thrown in would be a strong enough password. on the right of the

    textfields in which you enter your password a sort of meter would

    indicate the strength of the password.

    You need to enter the password twice and you can leave the

    "Remember me on this computer" box unchecked.

    Step 5 - Protecting your Gmail account with a security

    questionYou now need to either select a security question from the drop down

    list or enter one - and you need to provide the answer. This additional

    security helps in getting your email account password if you forget it.

    You may also enter a secondary email address but this field is

    optional, i.e. you can leave it blank. And rightly so, because if the

    Gmail address is your first email account you will not have an

    alternate email ID.


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    Step 6 - Word verification and confirmation

    After providing your secondary email address - you can leave this

    blank, if you don't have one - and your location, you need to enter the

    characters that you see in the picture above the field in your form.

    Why is this required? So that Gmail knows the inputs are from a

    human being and not some automated program.

    Now that everything is set, you can go through the Terms of Service

    and click on the "I accept. Create my account." button which will

    create your very own free Gmail account! Hurrah and congratulations.

    To access your Gmail account in future, you need to go to the web

    site (links mentioned above) using a web browser and enter your

    username (login name) and password once again.


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    Solutions to some problems in getting your Gmail email


    Here are solutions to two common problems faced by account creators:

    Login names of my choice are not available

    Gmail is a very popular service and it is likely that the login names

    you choose are no longer available. The only solution to this dilemma

    is to keep trying to work with different permutations and combinations

    and also brainstorming to come up with new ideas.

    Gmail Account Creation FailedOccasionally you might get a screen like one below that displays an

    "Account Creation Failed" message.

    The error message is a result of Gmail's spam filters working

    overtime! As mentioned on the help pages, Gmail refuses to create

    email addresses from a computer/connection if it exceeds a defined

    limit. Web users trying to create a lot of addresses at once, like a


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    class or a group, may hit this limit. This is Gmail's way of protecting

    itself from users who they believe will be creating email addresses for

    spamming. The solution is to go through the process of getting your

    Gmail address from another computer using a different.

    Send a Gmail email - how to create and sendan email message

    Compose a new email message in Gmail

    Click on the "Compose Mail" link located under the Gmail logo (top-

    left). You'll now see an online form (the email composition section)

    with three fields. Ideally, to send Gmail email you need to provide 3

    little bits of information - the email address of the recipient, the email


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    subject and email body/message. So what are these?

    The email address of the recipient

    It's the only item that's required to send an email and rightly so

    because trying to send an email without specifying an address is akin

    posting a blank envelop in the mail box - you need to address it to

    someone... right?


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    The email subject line

    This can be anything you want - you can also leave it blank but I don't

    suggest that. The email subject is like a one-liner that describes what

    you are about to write. It doesn't need to be very long; just a few

    words would be fine.

    The email contents - the main message

    The main email message goes in the big (huge) box. You can write

    as much as you want and we shall also look at saving an email

    message and continuing it later if you need to abandon it in middle.

    Start by entering the recipient's email address in the To: field. By the

    way, you can send Gmail email to more than one recipient; all you

    need to do is enter the additional email addresses separating each

    one from the other by a comma. You can also send the email to

    multiple recipients through Gmail Cc and Bcc. Now type the one line

    email subject. Finally come to the third field in which you shall write

    the actual message.

    Plain text or rich-text email

    Gmail allows you to compose email of two types -plain text and rich-

    text. And what is the difference you ask?


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    As their name suggest, plain text email is simple vanilla flavour

    without any formattingwhich mean text will be in black and white

    default font face. I guess you can understand the dissimilarity better

    when we compare it with rich-text email message.

    With rich-text message you can embellish your email message with

    various fonts in different colors and sizes, web links, emoticons,

    alignment and much more. For details, refer the tip on how to write

    Gmail e-mail with rich-text. But here is a brief anyway because we

    don't want to lose track of our topic at hand, do we?

    Right above the text box in which you type in your email message is

    what I like to call the "formatting bar" - see image below. It has

    several buttons/icons and you can understand what each one does if

    you move the mouse cursor over it. If you don't see this toolbar, you

    are probably using the older Gmail version - switch Gmail versions

    read to know more.

    Some of the rich-text formatting that I use quite often include:

    putting text in bold and/or italics

    changing font size and font type (the font family)

    adding color to selected text


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    highlighting text

    including a web link (URL), emoticons

    adding formatted lists - ordered or unordered (bulleted)

    If you are writing a long email (we've all written a few in our lives) and

    have to run off for an errand, you can always save it (the "Save"

    button is at the top and the bottom) and it will send to the "Drafts"

    folder. Once you get back in front of your computer, go to the Drafts

    folder, click on the email message and resume your efforts. FYI,

    Gmail automatically saves the email message you are composing so

    that you don't lose what you have already written - can be really

    frustrating if you've ever gone through this ordeal.

    Send the Gmail email... quickly

    When you have finished writing your email, click on the Send button

    and the email will be on its way. When you send a Gmail email, a

    copy is placed in the Send Mail folder for your future reference. This

    is really helpful sometimes when you either need to dig out old

    correspondences or forward / resend the message. And I hope you

    checked the email for spelling mistakes using the Gmail spell

    checker; if not, there is always next time...


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    Send an email from Gmail to me at [email protected]

    letting me know if you were successful.

