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How to Create Positive Energy in Your Life

Date post: 12-Nov-2014
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You’ve always heard people talk about positive energy. You’ve also seen people so positive it shows on their faces –a look that says they’ve won a million bucks. Sometimes the positiveness of one person can be very contagious it catches on at the blink of an eye. But really, what is positive energy and how does it affect one’s life? Can you actually create positive energy in your life?

How to Create Positive Energy in Your Life: Ways of Attracting Positive Energyhttp://wellness-for-my-boddy.blogspot.com/

Youve always heard people talk about positive energy. Youve also seen people so positive it shows on their faces a look that says theyve won a million bucks. Sometimes the positiveness of one person can be very contagious it catches on at the blink of an eye. But really, what is positive energy and how does it affect ones life? Can you actually create positive energy in your life? A precious gift They say that positive energy is a precious gift. Nevertheless, you should know that all energy is neutral until YOU personalize it. The subconscious and conscious are similar to mental software; your life experience is the printout. If you hold limited, judgmental, and negative beliefs, whether subconsciously or consciously, your life and body experience will reflect these distortions. Therefore, removing all these distortions will have a positive effect on your life. Getting rid of limiting and mental distortions is referred to as Clearing. Clearing is held by the traditions of enlightenment and great mystics that the essential nature of a person is eternal, perfect, and at one with an all-loving Creator. The many ways of meditation can also create positive energy in ones life. The role of meditation in transforming negative energy into a state of divine joy and love is very helpful in generating positive energy. One can build a deep headway on the pathway to personal transformation, and produce personal satisfaction and unrestrained shifts in consciousness. It is

helpful to remember that the self is a spiritual being even if one encounters physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Understanding the bodys Positive Energy Centers Have you ever had the feeling of being energized on a particular day and feeling tired the next? Some say that the energy centers of the body or chakras affects ones greatest strengths. The changing feelings of being energized and tired can be caused by an unbalanced energy centers. It is said that it is important to find your energy powerhouse and how to tap into your greatest strengths. Chakras means wheel in Sanskrit, and the body has these spinning energy centers that appear like spinning wheels. As with everything in reality, these wheels are linked to light, color, and sound. To heal would mean bringing these chakras into balance and alignment, and understanding the nature of creation and ones purpose in it.

Positive versus Negative The words positive and energy are associated to various subjects. Positive energy can be a concept that relates to people and personal situations, making the world a better place for living. Positive energy can also be related to human products and natural powers that make modern life what it is today. Negative thinking empowers negative energy and starts the problem. It takes a person out of harmony. It destroys and sabotages, and has a prevailing life of its own. On the other hand, so does positive energy. Every day one asks themselves what is good and what is right about their life, their work, their conduct, their relationships, their recovery, and the people

around them. Positive energy conducts love, heals, and transforms the body, mind, and soul. Positive Energy as a tool Discovering your souls purpose is the first step to a spiritual journey. Recognizing your intention in this life is vital for making wise decisions and finding happiness in every moment, instead of always struggling to discover something in the future that would bring you happiness. Positive energy is the tool for discovering your purpose in this life and what youre here to share. Keep in mind that positive energy is not the privilege of the selected few; with commitment and self-discipline, one can build their own foundation of positiveness. You can create positive energy; you simply need to clear a way for it. Creating Positive Energy There are different ways of creating positive energy. Some people choose to enhance positive energy through much deeper ways like yoga meditation, intuitive learning, and spiritual practices. On the other hand, others simply choose the ways of positive thinking to create positive energy. Whether you want a profound source for discovering the positive energy in you, or just want to surround your life with positiveness, you can create positive energy in your life. Dr. Judith Orloffs Positive Energy A practicing psychiatrist, lecturer, author, and empathy, Dr. Judith Orloff states that there is an energy vibe or field that emanates from everything that one encounters. From the food they eat to the friends they have to the current events. How one responds to these vibrations can undermine or enliven ones sense of vitality. Here are her ten prescriptions of creating positive energy:

Prescription one: Be aware of energy The language of energy is intuition. This is a direct connection to the God force and us. The first step is determining your level of sensitivity are you an empath? A person referred to as an empath, is one who process every stress in their body, and are more vulnerable to absorb the energetic residues of global and personal traumas. Theyre prone to negativity, be it small or big, and a lot of empaths have constantly low energy. They experience intuitive overload that causes psychosomatic symptoms, addictive behavior, and depression. Some empaths may have been practicing maladaptive patterns like overeating, to armor themselves. A countering technique to armoring is centering meditation. Prescription two: Find a Nourishing Spiritual Path Pray, meditate, let go, incorporate silence, and breathe. The key to surviving globally and personally is awakening the heart. A fundamental act of self-love is giving ones self the gift of spirituality. Prescription three: Design an Energy-Aware Approach to Diet, Fitness, and Health Generally, eating disorders are energy-based. People, specifically those who are highly sensitive, often eat to block out worrying energies. Pinpoint the stressor, even the littlest ones. Breathe negative energies out of the system. Pray to let go of the craving, burn sage, or take a shower. Find food that energize the body, add physical exercise, and have enough sleep.

Prescription four: Generate Positive Emotional Energy to Counter Negativity List down all your fears. Answer them. Listen to deeper truths, pray, and make a gratitude list. Visit a place thats energetically uplifting. The energy fields lodge old traumas, so look for energy work like acupuncture or healing massage. Avoid the absorption of other peoples fears. Release anger, negative states, and self-loathing. Forgiveness liberates ones energy and enhances their life force. Prescription five: Heart Centered Sexuality Find the soul and the rest will follow. Heart-centered sexuality emerges from ones connection with their true selves. Theres no need to surrender ones sensuality if theyre not in a relationship. When in love, one feels more passion with the partner and individually. Connect in a more profound way by releasing old wounds, exploring greater self-expression, opening the heart, and strengthening ones health.

Prescription six: Open Yourself to the Flow of Inspiration and Creativity Creativity and energy are master motivators. Expressing, creating, being

inspired, and writing are natural antidotes for depression. For one to be truly authentic, they must be inwardly moved before performing an action. If a person is inwardly connected, their outward expression simply flows without struggle. Ones longings are energies. Become aware of them and mindfully examine and experience instead of suppressing them. Find inspiration it will catalyze ones life in such a way that they become beacons of light. Prescription seven: Celebrate the Sacredness of Laughter, Pampering, and the Replenishment of Retreat

Everybody needs a break. Laughter liberates the spirit and instills a person with positive energy. One needs to nurture their hearts and respect their subtle bodies. Regular schedules of pampering will allow the mind to relax warm baths, regular massages, time with nature, and creating sacred space. Eight Prescription: Attract Positive People and Situations It is important to first energetically embody what you want to attract. Recognize your strengths and start to focus on them. Extend heart energy outward, and let the love flow through you. Meditate on a regular basis to give rise to consciousness, overall quality, and mood levels. Commit to emotional housecleaning by not letting negativity build-up. Prescription nine: Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires Energy vampires will suck energy. During the time that one is in its midst, theyll feel compulsive, drained, or tired. Energy vampires are those people that suffer the unquenchable need to be fed because of the energy leaks they have developed during a disrupted or neglected childhood. Some common vampire methods are the sob sister, the blamer, the drama queen, constant talker or joke-teller, the fixer-upper, nice socializer, go-forthe-jugular friend, crowds that drain, and unintentional sappers. Fixer-upper is person always playing advisor or therapist; they have lots of potential yet no commitment to make it into reality. Prescription ten: Create abundance Give generously, tithe money, volunteer anytime, good deeds, and appreciate what you have. Understand that everything is bonded together energetically, so

that whatever is given out mirrors what will be given back. Release this formula and offer generosity from the heart.

The Power of Positive Thinking When a person feels worried and down, you always hear somebody tell them to think positive! Lots of these people dont actually take their words seriously, as they dont understand what the power of positive thinking really is. Some simply dont believe it to be effective or useful. To think positively means to admit into the mind only the words, images, and thoughts that are conductive of success, expansion, and growth. Its the expectation of favorable and good results. Positive mind expects joy, happiness, success, and health as the outcome of all actions and situations. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Positive energy yields positive things You can create positive energy. It is quite simple. Look around you, become aware of whats wrong. It always takes practice to see what is right. Lots of people have lived in negativity all their life, and nothing good has come out of it. Be realistic, accept reality, and invest in raising your consciousness. When you have positive energy, its similar to coming out of a caves shadowy landscape and into a brilliant and gentle light. Like a strong magnet, positive energy attracts positive things. You will find more information on http://wellness-for-my-

