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How to dominate Frelancer,iwriter,elance and even fiverr

Date post: 17-Jul-2015
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The Freelance



I am not going to thank you for

buying this product.

The only reason I wrote this book is because 90% of

those who bought this course will not really use it.

Most will read it through then look for the next shiny


Well if you do that then congratulations you just

bought me free lunch.

Now how about a challenge from the DealMaker apply the

knowledge given here and if it works holla me at

[email protected] and I will be happy to

congratulate you and probably send youa big bonus.

Standing ovation style. You deserve it.

The DealMaker conspiracy.

Pssst!!!!All hail the great and powerful Google. *Hail*

Google has made 2014 the year of the freelance writer

in many ways. Its going to be the year of content

marketing the freelancers.

There are currently more freelance writing jobs then ever available

online. With the average writer online earning up to $26.00 an hour

with a 6% growth increase over the next decade, it is definitely a lucrative career path..SEOs produces everywhere are

establishing teams of writers who will be producing 20+

posts per day.

Lets start with some kick -ass


This is aimed at get in you off the rat race

Just click here or copy paste the link below to your

browser to get it.



Ooops! I forgot to mention that am a minimalist thus

prefer squeezing only the few drops of importance from

the rock of content.

The road ahead.

First I would like to shock you by telling you the

reality. This aint some bull-shitting “press this shiny

button and Bam! You now rich here is the key to your new


No this is the part where you roll up your sleeves and

start digging. I believe in hard work and the journey

ahead will require constant consistent and regular work

using the formulae given. It works because its designed

to work damn it!!!

Chapter 1:




Sign up for an iWriter account at


go on do it I will wait…

(Join https://www.facebook.com/groups/kenyanfreelancers/

to while your at it.)

The best time for article

writing.(standard level only. )

The best time for article writing is early morning way

early. I prefer working from 2am to 8am,though the range

is form 10pm to 9am


1.You get very many projects to choose from.

2.You are the first writer for most projects.

3.Your less distracted since few are awake.

4.Internet is fastest at this time since few are using


Choosing an article.

Mind the following:

1. be the first writer to take up the project.

2. take the most recent project possible.

3. the guy you writing for must be 5 star.

4. nearest to 100% approval.

5. 500word articles preferred

6. make sure you follow step 1 to 5

Writing an article.

You have now chosen an article and the timer is

ticking, take another sip of that morning coffee.

Open a new text document and save it as keyword.txt on

your desktop and copy-paste the keyword in it. Save.

Open “get article lite” (http://www.get-

article.com/free/l-i-t-e.zip)and import the keyword.txt

Create a new folder on the desktop. Select it as the

folder to save to.

Go to directories and select all.

Click start. I stop at abut 8 articles

Go to the save folder and do your research there.

You may get a notebook and scribble important relevant and useful


When done open Microsoft word and write your awesome article.

Make sure to use the Keyword in various different forms and

phrases.1% max keyword density is enough or as recommended.

Edit it and copy paste it to the iWriter window.


(Oops! Copyscape detected something, edit your article again.)

Congratulations you’re an iWriter freelancer.

NB: Start all over with a new account using a different email if

that first article isn’t accepted. Make sure you get at least a 5

star on your first few articles. Its a matter of mean score the

further you go the harder it gets.

Dealmaker Black Ops tactics.

The reason almost every body is a standard writer in

iWriter is because they were never taught by the deal

maker. :)

No black hat tactic here though I have and still work

on several black hat methods.

The problem with black hat method is that you always

get caught. If not now eventually, which leads to

starting over(,which sucks Big time!)

I will sum it up real quick n easy:

1.Follow client instructions to the letter.

2.Ensure god OnPage SEO optimization.

OnPage SEO optimization(curated

from Moz)

Article targets a single searcher intent(and associated keyword phrases.)

Primary keyword phrase is the first words of the tittle.

Content is logical & comprehensive, employing related terms/phrases

Page has inherent sharing value( i.e.. those who share it will be praised by their audiences, and additional amplification is likely.)

Primary keyword found in body content 2X+

Secondary keyword appear in headline(s)/title/body as appropriate

Title <75 characters

At elite level you can do this:

Once you reach elite level stop writing immediately, you can sell

that account for a hefty $80-$120 .

This is because the standards f articles required at elite status is too high for most writers and if you get a reject you will most likely go

back to premium immediately another reject and you will never see

elite status again due to law of averages.

Alternatively you can use this to upgrade your CV for more bucks on

Elance by putting a link to your Elite account.

Just for the record:

When free just jump onto http://crowdspring.com and try naming

products and stuff.

Bid on as many projects as you can.

Once per month you may get a strike and bag some easy $200.

Just remember to overdeliver.

Look at the guy who won the projects profile and work to get

insights on how to get better at it.

Chapter 2



Fiverr: The next big thing.

I love http://fiverr.com its in fact a genius concept.

Some of those ideas that leave you banging your head on

the table questing why you hadn’t thought of it

first.(I did that too when I discovered the brilliance

in iWriter.)

Simplicity is indeed the key.

Now that you have written a few articles on iWriter as

a newbie standard writer, head over to fiverr.com and


The Three Musketeers

There are three key elements you should work on:

1.Your profile.

2.Your gig.

3.Your back-end

Lets load up that shotgun(or crossbow for a

musketeer)and get ready to kick some competitions ass.

The profile

Lets start with your profile picture:

Keep it female and sexy at that(but don't exaggerate.)

Now think families and pets while your at it.

The gig

Ensure you give more than your paid for

e.g. ”I can write two 500 word SEO articles for $5”

Get the short end of the stick first as you build your


That’s cheap as hell but the offer is irresistible for

a lazy chap looking for content.

Now that word count should lower after several good

ratings on your content. Keep turn around at 4 hours


An oldie but goodie:-paraphrase what the top seller has written but

with more value for money.

The back-end

This is the most important part.

You have to ensure all your clients love you and what

you do.

The amount of quality you give should be as high as

possible. No one wants one freaking article no way all

the Google slaves must produce tons of quality content.

If they can get HQ they will surely come back.

BOOM!!!! Time for a bonus.

As I was conducting my research I was able to get a

better more precise guide to the Fiverr system that I

will be selling as a single product but will give to you

for free(A bonus should always be expected while dealing

with the dealmaker):

Just click here or use the link below


Yes I admit it am not a Fiverr master.

The Social media

content creator.

The Demand for Social Media Writers Will Increase in 2014

Social media has created a need for writers who

specialize in this medium. What exactly is a social

media writer, and how does it differ from SEO writing?

As discussed in the post, What Is Social Media Writing

and How Does It Differ from SEO Copywriting?: Social

media (SM) writing can be defined as writing content

with the specific intent of getting it widely

distributed on social media outlets like Twitter,

Facebook and LinkedIn (which, by the way, are the three

largest social media outlets as of this writing). One

word that I would say perfectly describes this type of

content is “linkbait.”

How to be a social media pro

First, set a good example. You can do this by either buying a

Facebook group or twitter account with massive following .

Alternatively you can start from scratch.

You need to be a master of one rather than a jack of all.

I prefer Twitter or Facebook since there the two most used social

media platforms in Kenya.

Once you do go knocking on Medium to large businesses offering to

boost their social media presence.

Not much to be said here since its out of my circle of competence.

Movin on…

Be a ghost writer.

Business blogging is the new trend.

Here is the latest research:

54% of B2B marketers will increase their spend on content marketing

over the next 12 months

33% of B2B marketing budgets are now allocated to content


Companies with fewer than 10 employees allocate 42% of their

marketing budget to content marketing

Companies with over 1,000 employees allocate 24% of their

marketing budget to content marketing

Now let me share crucial research why all this

businesses are waiting for your services.

Sample email for ghostwriting services.

Dear {Mr. Jones},

My name is Dr. {your name}.

I am a great fan of your service and I think its quite awesome.

I’m a {your specialty}, specializing in {service} and {service}.I have a team of expertly trained writers who can create as much content for your site as needed and within short time frames. The content is 100% original and Search Engine optimized and as a bonus uses special writing methods that will make readers want to share it. This in turn will cause your website to get and maintain high traffic and rank highly on Google and other search engines.{ I've been published in {prominent ezine name} and {name}several times (along with dozens of other ezines).}I really think your readers would enjoy and profit from my teams writing services. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this service. Hope t hear from you soon



PS. If you want to see a few of my past articles -

check out: {link to your article page}

Just as a heads up!

The conversation that will follow should try to address each of the problems listed


Be creative and do some research about the business.

The business should be one that doesn't have a blog or has an inactive blog with

last article 3months ago.

Be clear and try to explain yourself as if your dealing with an eager student.

Remember to always underpromise and overdeliver.

Infact make that a motto from now on.



There you have it.

Create a nice blog about a topic you love.

Establish authority as a blogger in that topic.

Let the initial articles be 2000-2500 words, ensure to integrate your

keywords and keyword phrases to be at least 1.5-2% of the word


These first few articles will help Google understand what your blog is

about and reduce bounce rate(people hitting the back button

after they access your site.)and keep the on your site longer.

Remember to tell stories as a means of expressing yourself.

You can start running your site on wordpress.com then transfer it to

paid hosting once it gets at least 100 unique visits daily.

Why I am quitting freelance writing.

Yes am done with freelance writing.

This is probably the last book I’m ever gonna write about freelance work.

Here is what happened: ARBITRAGE UNDERDOG.

This is a bot that harnesses data directly from craiglist and fiverrmainframes.

Craiglist ndo Olx ya majuu. People post projects there with a range of $100-$400 per job.

Now here is the trick the same tasks can be done on Fiverr for $5 or $10 if you need it done fast.

Arbitrage is basically taking the project from the Craigslist guy and getting the Fiverr guy to do it and pocket the hefty difference.

Roll up your sleeves and be



