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How to Edit Your 360 Project Site Lists and Libraries and Calendars

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  • 8/10/2019 How to Edit Your 360 Project Site Lists and Libraries and Calendars


    How to edityour 360Project Site

    lists andlibraries and


  • 8/10/2019 How to Edit Your 360 Project Site Lists and Libraries and Calendars


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    How to create a new Project Task ........................................................................................................................................................4

    Why do you need to update the status of a project task? .....................................................................................................................7

    How to update the status of a project task ...........................................................................................................................................8

    How to create an announcement on your 360 Project Site ..................................................................................................................9

    How to create an issue log for your project ........................................................................................................................................10

    How to update the status of an issue .................................................................................................................................................11

    How to add key contacts to your 360 Project Site ..............................................................................................................................12

    How to add a links list to your 360 Project Site ..................................................................................................................................13

    How to add key dates to your project calendar on your 360 Project Site ...........................................................................................14

    Synchronise your project calendar with your MS Outlook ..................................................................................................................15

    How to colour code categories in a project calendar on your 360 Project Site ...................................................................................17

    How to edit any item in a lists on your 360 Project Site ......................................................................................................................21

    How to delete any item in a list on your 360 Project Site ....................................................................................................................22

    Export your project lists to Excel ........................................................................................................................................................23

    How to delete a list or library from your 360 Project Site ....................................................................................................................27

    How to delete your 360 Project Site ...................................................................................................................................................28

    Why you should use a presentations library in your project? .............................................................................................................30

    How to upload files to a library ...........................................................................................................................................................31

    How to edit or delete a file in a library ................................................................................................................................................32

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    Benefits of checking in and out documents from your project libraries ...............................................................................................33

    How to check out a document from your project library......................................................................................................................33

    How to check in a document to your project library ............................................................................................................................34

    How to discarding a checked out document from your project library ................................................................................................35

    How to email a document internally without using attachments .........................................................................................................36

    How to create a project countdown web part on your 360 Project Site ..............................................................................................37

    If you are delivering a project for an external client, take a look at theProject Libraryand start filling out your own data sheet.

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    How to create a new Project Task

    You can use project tasks lists to track the work required to complete a project. Work is captured as individual tasks, and each taskis entered into a row in the list. As work progresses on each task, you can update task information on the list to provide a high-levelview into the projects current status.

    In a project tasks list, complete the following columns for each row in the left table portion of the view:

    TitleType the name of a task in your project.

    Start DateEnter the date when the task should begin.

    Due Date

    Enter the date by when the task should be completed. Task Status

    Choose the descriptor that most accurately reflects the status of this task. If you are just planning a project and none of thetasks have begun, choose Not Started.

    PriorityChoose the priority level that most accurately reflects the importance of this task, as it relates to the other tasks in this project.

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    1. Select Add new item.

    2. A window will appear for you to fill out.

    a. Create a task Title.

    b. Priorities the task High, Normalor Low.

    i. High= Tasks in thecritical pathof the project.

    ii. Normal= Tasks that need to be completed following the

    High Priority tasks or by the specified date.

    iii. Low= Tasks that need to be completed following the

    Normal Priority tasks or by the specified date.

    c. Assign an owner to the task.

    Please note, My Project Tasksis a targeted Web Partto specific individuals. For example, if you assign

    yourself as an owner to a task it will appear under your My Project Taskswhen you visit the Project Site. If

    another member of your project team visits the site, they will see their tasks under My Project Tasks.

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    d. Optional:

    i. Provide a Descriptionfor the task.

    ii. Provide aStart Date.

    iii. Provide a Due Date.

    e. Click Saveor Cancelto discard.

    3. All tasks will appear in the Project Gantt Chart.

    4. Repeat this process to Add new item.

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    Why do you need to update the status of a project task?

    Its important to return to your project tasks list as your project progresses, and update the columns pertaining to each tasks status.This helps to communicate whats going on in your project with those who may not be tuned in to the day-to-day details of yourprojects tasks.

    In your project tasks list, complete the following columns for each task to provide an update on your project:

    % CompleteType your best estimate as to how much work has been completed on the task, using a percentage. For example, if a task isabout halfway complete, type 50% in the % Completecolumn. This percentage is used to draw a progress overlay on theGantt bar for the task.

    Task Status

    Choose the descriptor that most accurately reflects the current status of this task.

    In addition, you may run into other changes to your project that requires updates to your project tasks list. For example, the StartDateor Due Datefor a task may change if a task gets started earlier than planned, or gets delayed. You can update these columnsin the table portion of the view, just as you would any other column. In some cases, the person who is currently working on a taskmay no longer be available to the task. You can also update who is assigned to the task by updating the Assigned Tocolumn. Formore information, seeAssign people to tasks in a project tasks list.

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    How to update the status of a project task

    1. Select Project Tasksunder Listson the left hand side of the page.

    2. Hover over the title of the task, select the dropdown arrow and click Edit Item.

    3. A window will appear.

    a. Update the Status; and

    b. % Complete.

    4. Press Save.

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    How to create an announcement on your 360 Project Site

    1. Select Add new announcementunder Announcements.

    2. Fill in the window that appears.

    3. Optional;

    a. Attachment File

    4. Press Saveor Cancel.

    5. The announcement will appear in the Announcements list on your site.

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    How to create an issue log for your project

    1. Select Add new item under Issues.

    2. A window will appear for you to fill out.

    a. Create an issue Title.

    b. Priorities the task High, Normalor Low.

    c. Assign an owner to the issue.

    d. Select an Issue Status, Active, Resolvedor Closed.

    3. Optional:

    a. Provide a Descriptionfor the task.

    b. Provide a Due Date.

    c. Assign Related Issues

    d. Attachment File

    4. Press Saveor Cancel.

    5. Your issue will appear under Issueson your site.

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    How to update the status of an issue

    1. Select Project Issuesunder Listson the left hand side of the page.2. Hover over the title of the task, select the dropdown arrow and click Edit Item.

    3. A window will appear, update the Status of the issue.

    4. Press Save

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    How to add key contacts to your 360 Project Site

    6. Select Add new item under Contacts.

    7. A window will appear, fill in as required.

    8. Optional;

    a. Attachment File

    9. Press Saveor Cancel.

    Your contact will appear under Contactson your site.

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    How to add a links list to your 360 Project Site

    When researching a project you can find a number of useful websites that you want to use as reference materials. To help

    you store them, you can create a links list on your Project Site.

    1. Select Site Actions, click More Options

    2. Select Listand then Links.

    3. Name your list and press


    4. Your Links Listwill appear under

    Listson your Project Site.

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    How to add key dates to your project calendar on your 360 Project Site

    1. Select Project Group Calendar under Lists.

    2. Select Eventson the CalendarTools,

    click the New Eventicon.

    3. A window will appear, fill in as required.

    4. Optional;

    a. Attachment File

    5. Press Saveor Cancel.

    6. The event will appear in your calendar.

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    Synchronise your project calendar with your MS Outlook

    If you spend a lot of time in Microsoft Outlook, manage your project calendar by synchronising it with your Outlook.

    1. Select the Calendar ribbon on the CalendarTools.

    2. A warning message will appear, select Allow.

    3. The system will ask you to allow SharePoint (Remember 360 is SharePoint)to connect to your Outlook. SelectYes.

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    4. Your ProjectCalendarwill appear in your Outlook. You can now edit the calendar from your Outlook.

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    How to colour code categories in a project calendar on your 360 Project Site

    You may want to be able to assign colours to categories in a calendar within 360, the way you can in Outlook. An example of

    when this would be useful is if you wanted to be able to quickly and easily see who each event was related to. If each person

    was assigned a colour, then you would be able to clearly see this information.

    1. Modify the default categories created in the Calendar by clicking the CalendarTabon Ribbon then ListSettings

    2. Scroll down to the section titled Columnsand click on Category.

    3. Under AdditionalColumnSettingsyou will see the default categories (Meeting, Work Hours, Business etc.) modify thesecategories to suit your requirements. For example if you would like to be able to identify different colleagues by colour then enterthe names of these people here. Please note that you can enter a maximum of 10 categories.

    4. Click OKand go back to your calendar.

    5. Create a separate view to display each category by clicking on CreateViewunder the Calendartabon the Ribbon

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    6. Under the heading ChooseaViewFormat, select CalendarView.

    7. The view name should be the same as the first item you listed in your categories in step 3, so in this example I am calling my

    view John.

    8. Scroll down to the heading titled Filter, tick the radio button that says ShowItemsOnlyWhenTheFollowingIsTrue, selectCategoryfrom the first down box and enter the name of your first category in the text box, so in this example it will be John.

    9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each of your categories.

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    10. Once you have created a view for each of your categories you now need to create one view that will pull all of the events

    from each individual view into one. To do this click on createviewunder the CalendarTab, select the CalendarView(as you

    did in steps 5 and 6) and give the view a name (i.e. Colour Overlay View) tick the box to say MakeThisTheDefaultView.

    11. Under the heading Filterselect Category, but then leave the text field blank.

    12. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click OK

    13. Click on CalendarsOverlayunder the Calendartabon the ribbon.

    14. Click on NewCalendarand name your calendar the same as your first category, then select the radio button that says


    15. Under CalendarOverlaySettingsselect the colour that you want to represent this category and click Resolve. This will

    automatically populate the List boxes (List View should always be Calendar.)

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    16. Tick the box that says AlwaysShowand click OK.

    17. Repeat steps 13-15 for each of your categories.

    18. When you go back to your calendar view you will see the legend in the left hadn navigation bar,

    showing what category each colour refers to.

    19. Now when you create an event in the calendar you will be able to associate the item with a colour coded category to help

    identify events at a glance.

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    How to edit any item in a lists on your 360 Project Site

    1. Select desiredProject Listunder Listson the left hand side of the page.

    2. Hoverover the title of the task, select the dropdown arrow and click Edit Item.

    3. A window will appear, edit as required.

    4. Press Save.

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    How to delete any item in a list on your 360 Project Site

    1. Select desiredProject Listunder Listson the left hand side of the page.

    2. Hoverover the title of the task, select the dropdown arrow and click Delete Item.

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    Export your project lists to Excel

    Synchronizing list data with MS Excel to create an;



    Charts are used to display series of numeric data in a graphical format to make it easier to understand large quantities of data andthe relationship between different series of data.

    APivotTable report is useful to summarise, analyse, explore, and present summary data. A PivotChart report can help you

    visualise PivotTable report summary data so that you can easily see comparisons, patterns, and trends. Both a PivotTablereport and a PivotChart report enable you to make informed decisions about critical data in your enterprise.

    1. Select your desired list.

    2. Select the Listribbon on the ListTools.

    3. Select Export to Excel.

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    4. A window will appear asking you to Open, Saveor Cancel.

    a. If you select Open, an excel document will open with a window asking you to Enableor Disabledata

    connections. Select Enable.

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    Please note, any changes you make in this document while it is enabled will be updated to your task list on your site

    when you select Save and Close.

    b. If you select Save, it will ask you to save the document in a location on your computer. Once you have saved

    the document it will ask you to Openthe document.

    If you select Open, an excel document will open with a window asking you to Enableor Disabledata

    connections. Select Enable.

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    Please note, any changes you make in this document while it is enabled will be updated to your task list on your site

    when you select Save and Close.

    c. If you select Cancel, the process will be cancelled.

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    How to delete a list or library from your 360 Project Site

    Before deleting a list or document library, it is important to ensure any files contained within the library can be deleted. Once the listor document library is deleted, all items will be deleted as well. Only delete a list or document library when it is no longer needed.

    1. Go to the list document library you want to delete2. Clicking on theLibrary orList ribbon on the tool bar.3. Select Library Settings.

    4. Under Permissions and Management, click Delete this list or document library.

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    How to delete your 360 Project Site

    Only delete a site when it is no longer needed.

    1. Select Site Settingsfrom the dropdown menu under Site Actions.

    2. Select DeletethisSiteunder SiteActions.

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    3. A warning message will appear.

    4. Select Delete to continue or Cancelto end the process.

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    Why you should use a presentations library in your project?

    Share your MS PowerPoint slides with your project team.

    In 360 a Presentations Library can be also referred to as a Slide Library, they are the same thing. Slide Libraries help you share,store, and manage Microsoft Office PowerPoint slides. When you publish a presentation to a slide library, the slides upload asindividual files, so they can be modified and tracked independently. The library maintains a link to the presentation, so that you arenotified when slides change. The library allows you to sort slides, check them out, and can help keep track of history.

    You can share and reuse MS PowerPoint slide content by storing individual slide files in a Slide Library. When you upload apresentation to the Slide Library, the slides are saved as individual files. Therefore, each slide is available for you or other people tomodify it independently from the original presentation.

    List properties, such as a thumbnail image of the slide, the name of the presentation it is part of, and a description of the slide, helpyou easily find slides and view the list.

    You can choose to enable versioning on the library, which saves a copy of each previous version of the slide. This makes it easy toview history and to revert to an earlier version, if necessary.

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    If a slide in your presentation has been changed in the library, when you open the presentation in Office PowerPoint you are giventhe opportunity to compare the new version of the slide with your current version or update your presentation automatically.

    How to upload files to a library

    1. In the library where you want to add the file, click theDocumentstab on the ribbon.

    2. Click Upload Documentor Upload Multiple Documents.

    3. Browse to the document and then click OK.

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    How to edit or delete a file in a library

    1. Point to a file and then select the check box that appears next to the file.

    2. On the Documents tab on the ribbon, click either Edit Documentor Delete Document, as appropriate.

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    Benefits of checking in and out documents from your project libraries

    There may be times when you want to restrict other people from editing a document stored in 360. For example, you may be

    working on a document offline and not want any changes to be made to the version stored on 360 in the meantime. In this

    instance, you would check out the document so that other people can access the file in a read-only view, but cannot edit it.

    How to check out a document from your project library

    1. Select the documents you want to check out.

    2. In the library where you want to check out document, click the Documentstab on the ribbon and click on Check Out.


    checkout arrows are appended to the selected files to indicate that they are now checked out to you.

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    How to check in a document to your project library

    1. Select the documents you want to check in.

    2. In the library where you want to check out a document, click the Documents tab on the ribbon and click on Check In.

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    How to discarding a checked out document from your project library

    You may sometimes decide that you do not want to keep updates you have made in a checked out document, and you therefore

    want to revert the document to its version before you checked it out. In this case you can simply discard a checkout.

    1. Select the documents for which you want to discard a checkout.

    2. In the library where you want to check out document, click the Documents tab on the ribbon and click on Discard Check Out.

    3. ClickYesto confirm that you want to discard changes you have not checked in.

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    How to email a document internally without using attachments

    Instead of attaching documents to emails, 360 enables users to send each other links to the original document. This means

    that everyone will work from the same document and reduces the risk of using an out-of-date version.

    1. In the relevant document library, hover over the document name and click on the drop-down arrow that appears.

    2. Select Send Toand then Email a Link.

    3. An email with the link embedded into it will be created in a new window.

    4. Write the rest of the email, enter the recipients and click Sendto send the email as usual.

  • 8/10/2019 How to Edit Your 360 Project Site Lists and Libraries and Calendars


    How to create a project countdown web part on your 360 Project Site

    The countdown web part that counts down to a specified event. It can display the number of days, hours, minutes and

    seconds until a date. You can link it to your project page to display your project deadline.

    1. Contact the 360 IT team via thequeries or feedback forum to help you create the countdown web part.

