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How to Implement a Mobile First Digital Strategy - Tania Seif, Coral

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How to implement a mobile first digital strategy Tania Seif Head of Social Marketing @Coral

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How to implement a mobile first digital strategy Tania Seif Head of Social Marketing @Coral

Decline in desktop versus growth of mobile

71% of UK adults have a smartphoneSource: Ofcom

Increased spend on mobile in 2015

Source: eConsultancy: Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: The Quest for Mobile Excellence, April 2015Are you planning to increase your mobile investments in 2015?

79% of SMARTPHONE USERS keep their phones with them for all but two hours of their waking day Source: Facebook for Business

From push to pull; from planned to always on


The personal nature InteractivitySpeed of information Always on What makes the mobile proposition so different?

Source: FLURRY, April , 2014: http://marketingland.com/google-takes-mobile-revenue-deserves-time-spent-78540

Apps and social networks dominate time spent

Source: Conjure, 2015

Relevancy and utility is key

1) Put your data to use



Facebook custom audiences Have you used your Coral Connect Card in the last 2 weeks?(Total Customers)Source: Social Media Survey, May 2015, n=1164

2) Focus on usability

65% of Facebook users research products on a mobile device but 60% swap to desktop or laptop to finally purchase

Mobile conversion rates are 0.3% versus 1.1% on a desktop Source: Facebook for Business & http://www.marinsoftware.co.uk/resources/news/marin-software-mobile-ad-spend-to-overtake-desktop-by-end-of-2015


UK consumers time spent on a mobile device

Source: eConsultancy: Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: The Quest for Mobile Excellence, April 2015

Marketing focus for mobile 2014 v 2015

Source: eConsultancy: Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: The Quest for Mobile Excellence, April 2015Which of the following have you employed as part of your attempts to optimise for mobile?

Speed, reliability and ease of use key for consumersAvoid flash & ensure file size is optimised for short loading time Link to correct landing destination to make it easy for them to navigate Registration forms & payment gateways are customer facing pain points, usability testing at data collection points is essentialRe-target mobile drop offs on desktop Consider alternative copy and image use for mobile versus desktop Optimise for the mobile user journey

80% of global internet users have a smartphoneSource: http://www.smartinsights.com/mobile-marketing/mobile-marketing-analytics/mobile-marketing-statistics/Most popular global devices for search, 2015


22% of the top 30 pages in mobile search results used responsive design to automatically adjust the format to suit the users deviceOn average the highest ranking results applied a significantly larger font size above the fold versus desktop, but smaller body font below the foldFewer images and fewer interactive elements72% of the top 30 pages contained at least one unordered listOverall file size was 25% smaller than on top-ranking desktop pages

Optimise for mobile search

3) Dont be a space invader Respect your environment

Know your audience


61% - when they dont correspond to where they are & what theyre doing

56% - when they arent tailored to their needs & interests 27% - when they make them feel like the brand doesnt know them The impact of irrelevant marketing Source: http://www.boxever.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/InfographicPDF_What_Consumers_want_from_personalized_Marketing_June-2015.pdfWhat makes consumers ignore communications from brands they follow?

Trend marketing in real-time on Twitter

Trend marketing in real-time on Twitter



