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How to Kill a Man With Your Bare Hands

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2Survival Life Special Report How To Kill a Man With Your Bare Hands

Introduction – What You Must KnowIf you’re reading this, something has already gone

horribly wrong. You’re under attack. You don’t have a

gun. You don’t even have a baseball bat. You have your

hands and your brain. Luckily for you, your brain

is an incredible weapon. You can use it to learn an

assortment of ways to disarm, disable, or kill a larger,

better armed opponent.

If you need to use lethal force, you can’t afford to

second guess yourself. You need to go on the offensive

and stay there until you win. Don’t stop to see if your

attacker has had enough. Don’t change tactics and try

to reason with them halfway through. They’re running

on pure adrenaline at this point, and you need to

use that to your advantage. Many of the techniques

(especially Brazillian Jiu Jitsu) teach you how to

immobilize an attacker so you can take stock of your

situation from a position of strength. Until they’re

on the ground and unable to move, don’t stop. Keep








Inside This Report






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you power. Literally. It increases your blood

flow and pumps more oxygen into your

bloodstream. You’ll be both stronger and

more alert. Third, let’s be honest, if you’re in

a life or death situation, you could probably

use some help. Screaming attracts attention,

which increases your chances that someone

will try to help you out. Your goal here

is survival.

The 6 Deadly Disciplines of the WorldIf you’re not Jason Bourne or James Bond,

your best bet is to get some training. Karate

is great training for killer action movies, but

if you want killer “real life” moves, there are

six disciplines that will make sure anyone

who attacks you goes down and stays down.

Sambo - Russia

Any country that could produce someone

as manly as Vladimir Putin (second only to

Teddy Roosevelt for Manliest World Leader)

is bound to produce a fighting discipline of

unrivaled physical prowess.

“Sambo” is a Russian acronym for a phrase

that literally translates to “self defense

without weapons.” They blended the kind

of folk wrestling performed by people who

have beauty pageants for goats with

attacking. Use your speed, your strength, and

your knowledge. Too many people lose the

upper hand because they hold back.

Scream for your lifeWe’re taught not to cry, not to whimper, not

to be a coward. If you’re defending your life,

throw all of that out the window. It’s time to

use your voice to your advantage.

Scream. Use the full power of your lungs and

don’t stop until they’re harmless or dead.

For one thing, it will scare and intimidate

them. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from

movies, it’s that only crazy people attack

while screaming. Make them regret coming

after you by making them worry they’ve

picked the wrong crazy person to fight. For

another thing, the act of screaming gives

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backs and strong legs. You don’t need to

be gracefully limber, but you do need to be

comfortable wrapping your legs around an

attacker’s torso while you take them down.

Muay Thai - Thailand

If you think you only have four limbs,

you haven’t paid attention to those hinges

halfway down your arms and legs. Muay

Thai, also known as “The Art of Eight Limbs,”

treats knees and elbows with as much

respect as it does hands and feet.

That’s one heck of an advantage against an

untrained opponent. Someone coming at

you with a knife isn’t expecting you to knee

them in the jaw, grab their shoulders for

balance, then kick them in the gut while

you happen to have your leg up there

anyway. It’s brutal. Muay Thai began as a

way for soldiers to defend themselves if they

lost their swords.

It quickly developed a reputation for being

worse than a stabbing.

some Japanese Judo and Russian Red Army

hand-to-hand combat. The end result is a

no-holds barred discipline designed to take

your enemy down and keep them from ever

getting up again.

It lacks any of the elegance of normal

martial arts. Most Sambo videos you find

look like a bare-knuckle, back alley boxing

match was interrupted by a wrestling

coach. Sambo teaches you how to avoid

injury while getting the other person on

the ground and immobi- lizing them – fast.

Attacking a Sambo practi- tioner with a

knife is a good way to get your own throat

cut. Not that they’d need to. With practice,

it’s frighteningly easy for someone skilled at

Sambo to take you down and hu- miliatingly

tap all the dangerous weak parts of your

body as a reminder that they could kill you

at their leisure.

Much like karate and other martial arts,

Sambo has a hierarchy of levels ranging

from Novice (also known as the people

thrown around like rag dolls during

demonstrations) to Distinguished Grand

Master (the deceptively bored looking elderly

men sporting giant mustaches and pot bellies

who can take a knife away from a 20 year

old, press the flat of the blade against his

throat, and drop some cigarette ash in his

eye all in under 10 seconds.)

If you’re looking for a deadly discipline,

Sambo is a good choice for people with bad

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into increasingly dangerous places where

they were expected to pacify people without

putting them six feet under. If you’d rather

kill your attacker than risk them getting up

again, find some Marine vets willing to teach

you LINE.

The newer Marine Corps Martial Arts

Program is a kinder, gentler version of LINE

which trains the Marines to do anything

from cause severe pain to functionally

destroy whatever body part they attack. The

Marines are trained to not only use their

bodies, but also to find objects in their

environment (rocks, bricks, and sticks) as

well as knives and all the parts of a gun that

don’t go “bang”.

This is a good discipline for people who

might end up in a situation where their

attackers are confused. If your attacker

might be under the influence of drugs,

mental disability, or frightening trauma,

MCMAP is a good way to quickly stop an

One of the drawbacks to Muay Thai is the

person on the offensive will end up pretty

darn bloody. All those brutal blows take

their toll on fragile hands and knees. On

the other hand, legend has it, a sufficiently

advanced practitioner can use it to take

down a buffalo.

Muay Thai isn’t subtle or graceful. It’s all

about giving an attacker such a brutal

beating they never get up again. Imagine

all the rules of boxing designed to protect

the athletes. Muay Thai considers them an

instruction manual for success. You can

specialize in learning advanced techniques

for attacking people with your elbows,

knees, feet and fists. Since most people who

participate in Mixed Martial Arts don’t end

up hospitalized, that sport is sometimes

trotted out as an example of watered down

Muay Thai.

If you don’t have any joint troubles, aren’t

bothered by the sight of blood, and have

some anger issues, Muay Thai is an excellent

discipline for protecting yourself and your

loved ones.


The United States Marines jokingly call this

“Semper Fu”. Up until the 1980’s, Marines

practiced the LINE system (Linear Infighting

Neural Override Engagement). The problem

was LINE was that it was too darn deadly.

By the 1990’s, the Marines were being sent

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busy fighting for their lives. Silat is Malay-

sia’s ongoing response to countless waves

of invaders. Unlike karate or Tae Kwon Do,

there’s no pretense at it having a spiritual

side. The Malaysians paid close attention to

every wave of invaders, adopting the most

useful parts of all their fighting techniques

until they ended up with Silat.

Both Malaysian and Indonesian soldiers

were taught Silat for centuries. If someone

attacks you, the goal is to close the distance

fast, keep them off their guard, and take

them down before they can muster a

defense. When they’re down, then you

brutally kick them in the face, throat or ribs

so they don’t get back up again.

There isn’t as much kicking or joint work as

Muay Thai. The key to success with Silat isn’t

beating your opponent until they fall over.

Instead, it’s getting them down quickly, then

delivering a killing blow before they can call

attack without necessarily killing them.

Because MCMAP has a huge focus on

teamwork, if you’re attacked by a larger,

better armed group, MCMAP teaches you

how to take down the most dangerous

people first while still leaving you in good

enough shape to handle whoever comes at

you next.

Silat - Malaysia

Honor and fairness are for people who

aren’t busy fighting for their lives.

Silat is Malaysia’s ongoing response to

countless waves

of invaders. Unlike karate or tae kwon do,

there’s no pretense at it having a spiritual

side. The Malaysians paid close attention to

every wave of invaders, adopting the most

useful parts of all their fighting techniques

until they ended up with Silat.

Honor and fairness are for people who aren’t

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is the way it teaches people to use the

same motions bare handed, with sticks, or

with blades and always come out resulting

in deadly force. People know Eskrima for

the distinctive, short sticks, but knocking

them away doesn’t disarm a practitioner –

it just frees their hands for new levels of

brutal violence.

There’s a fast -paced Hong Kong movie feel

to Eskrima that makes it appealing to people

who want a dramatic fighting style. However,

when two people who know it go up against

one another, they typically both come away

seriously bloodied. You can do incredible

damage with hands, sticks or knives, but

the result is that you’re going to take a

beating, too.

Krav Maga - Israel

Krav Maga is what happens when action

movies meet real life. It starts with the

assumption that you, an unarmed innocent,

will be attacked by a group of people armed

with guns, knives, and some extra weapons

hidden away that you can’t see. It ends with

you disarming them, disabling them, and

running the heck away before they can call

for help.

It was developed in the 1930’s to help Jews

survive and flee from Nazi attacks. After

the creation of Israel, it was adopted by the

Israeli Defense Forces. Because of its focus

for help. There’s no shame in attacking from

behind or stabbing someone in the back.

Since it was a functional part of war for

centuries, training also included pain

tolerance techniques. Unlike Sambo or Muay

Thai, Silat training includes use of a dagger.

Considering how much Sambo practitioners

pride them- selves on their ability to disarm

an attacker, it would be very interesting to

see a fight between people trained in Sambo

and Silat. Silat is best for younger people

with good reflexes, well-oiled joints, and few

pre-existing aches or pains.

Eskrima - Philippines

Eskrima is a deceptive martial art. It can look

like harmless dancing or some lightning-fast

play with a couple of sticks – right up until

the point when someone takes you out.

Eskrima had to be carefully disguised as

a harmless folk art because the Catholic

Church banned it for 450 years. Magellan

(of globe mapping fame) converted an

entire Philippine tribe to Catholicism. The

neighbors took the change personally. They

hamstrung him, then used Eskrima to beat

him so savagely even the people behind the

Spanish Inquisition were horrified.

The Filipinos quickly learned to disguise

Eskrima as a folk dance whenever Spaniards

were around.

One of the really useful things about Eskrima

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The 8 Natural Weapons Telling you to take a

Krav Maga or Sambo class this fall is useless

if you’re attacked tomorrow. Luckily, your

body already comes equipped with some

surprisingly useful self defense tools in the

form of your hands, feet, knees and teeth.

If you know how to use them properly,

you can do some serious harm to an

untrained attacker.

Knife Edge of Your Hand

If you’re in close quarters and have some

leverage, use the road, outer edge of your

hand in a fast, hard blow against the

temple. Let’s be honest, you’ll probably have

to do this a few times. The goal is to crush

the artery and nerves close the surface. If

you use an open hand or close your fist in

a punch, you’ll create a wide surface area,

diffusing your impact. You want a narrow,

focused, sharp blow. If you hit the right

spot, you can either give your attacker a

debilitat- ing concussion or, if you’re spot

on, kill them outright. An untrained person

on real world situations, it’s popular with

quite a few other national defense forces

around the world.

Unlike Sambo, with its emphasis on

wrestling your opponent to the ground,

Krav Maga stresses keeping off the ground at

all costs. Once you’re down, you’re vulner-

able to being kicked to death by a crowd of

attackers. Therefore, the goal is to use low

kicks to vulnerable areas like feet and shins,

a variety of punches, and a huge emphasis

on flowing naturally between offense and

defense as you disarm your attackers.

One of the things that really sets Krav Maga

apart is the encouragement to disable your

attackers enough to run away. Sure, you

should be able to take on half a dozen knife-

wielding attackers, but there’s no illusion

you can outlast them all. Disarm them, get

to safety, and regroup with allies. Then you

take them down, permanently.

Krav Maga also always assumes that you’re

unarmed and your attackers have multiple

weapons. This means you don’t need to

carry a weapon- other people do it for you.

Once you’ve disarmed someone, there’s

training on how to use their gun or knife

against them.

The huge emphasis on surviving real,

modern attacks makes Krav Maga the

most versatile and useful of the Six Deadly

Disciplines. There are few situations

in which a well-trained practitioner

couldn’t survive.

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real life. Realisti- cally, an untrained person

is more likely to break someone’s nose than

they are to drive it into the brain. However,

think about your own nose. It’s full of nerve

endings. Don’t consider it a failure if you

merely leave them bloodied and in a world

of pain. They’ve stopped attacking you. Now

you can take a breath and think about your

next move.

Your Boot

What can’t you do with a boot? Remember,

in Krav Maga, one of the greatest goals is

to avoid going down to the ground. Once

you’re down, it’s easy to kick you to death.

If you’re in durable boots, kick the front

of their shin in an attempt to break it. Step

on the middle of their foot to damage the

arch. Do whatever it takes to get them on

the ground. Once they’re down, a stomp to

the nerve-filled mouth will set off fireworks

of pain. A swift kick to the temple – the same

place you were attacking earlier with the

will have some difficulty finding the right

spot, though, so assume you’re going for the

concussion and just might get lucky.

Fingers Folded at Second Joint/ Knuckle

Ribs are a lot more fragile than people think.

Punch so your fingers are folded at the

second knuckle and you have good odds of

achieving the kind of sharp force necessary

to break a rib. A wider blow will only bruise

them. Fair warning – while this will hurt

them more than you, you’re still going to

come away with a sore, bruised hand.

The Protruding Knuckle of Your Second


Find the solar plexus where the ribcage ends

and the fleshy part of the stomach begins.

Use the power of your entire torso to punch

there with your hand bracing the protruding

knuckle of your second finger. The bundle of

nerves located there is buried deep, but are

still vulnerable. A solid blow there will leave

your attacker doubled over in severe pain,

possibly leading to unconsciousness.

The Heel of Your Hand

You’ve seen it in movies. The action hero

braces his arm and shoves the flat part

of his palm along someone’s face, hitting

the nose from the bottom up and driving

the cartiliage into the brain, killing them

instantly. Believe it or not, this can happen in

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take a breath and plan your next move. If

not, you just prevented them from grabbing

your arm.

Your Knees

Knees can do incredible damage. Knees

are well known for their effectiveness to

the groin. If you can grab your attacker’s

head, bringing it down hard on your knee

has all kinds of dangerous repercussions.

Depending on the speed and angle, they

might do anything from bite through their

tongue to get a concussion.

If you’re behind your opponent, using your

knee to push them to the ground or pin

them to the ground gives you an instant

advantage. Get them down, and you are

in control.

Your Teeth

From an early age, we’re taught not to bite.

People don’t expect it. If you’re in a life or

death situation where your face is anywhere

close to the other person, though, open

your mouth and chomp down. You can do

serious damage biting someone’s nose or

ear. In addition to the shock value, there are

ample nerves there, plus your attacker will

face a sudden fear that they’re disfigured.

If you’re down and being kicked, try to grab

the person’s foot and bite hard into the back

of the ankle. At the very least, you’ll cause

severe pain. At the most, you’ll sever a nerve

knife edge of your hand has a good chance

of concussing or killing someone. If your

attacker is male, never forget the power of

a good solid kick in the groin. It won’t kill

them, but it’ll keep them down while you

work on your next move.

Your Elbows

The elbow is a hard, angled blunt

instrument. You can use it against someone’s

face the same way you did the flat of your

palm. Slamming it into someone’s throat

is also incredibly effective. The drawback

is necks are small and arms are big. If you

miss, you’re giving them your entire arm as

leverage to use against you. It’s best used

when either your attacker’s face or a soft,

fleshy place is exposed. Don’t be shy about

scuttling backwards after your attack to

make sure it was effective. If so, you can

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you’re a swimmer doing the breast stroke.

While your arms are out, use each hand to

grab a bicep. Brace your head against your

attacker’s chest and use the leverage you’ve

created to pull their arms down around

their back. This also puts you close enough

to wrap a leg around their nearest leg,

immobilizing them. You’re now in control

of one or both of their arms and one of their

legs. They can’t kick or punch you. It’s a

good time to call for help.

The Rear Takedown

Once you have someone in The Cinch, you

can sweep their immobilized leg, taking

them to the ground.

The Mount

When your opponent is safely on the

ground, simply sit on their chest and hold

their arms down. Gravity and leverage work

in your favor. From this position, you can

typically hold down someone noticeably

running along the back of the leg and down

into the ankle, leaving them unable to walk.

The Top 10 BrazilianJiu-Jitsu MovesBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been used by cops

since the 1980’s. With a little training,

someone who isn’t in great shape can still

hold off an average attacker long enough

for help to arrive. If you’re in a life or death

situation and haven’t had time to take Krav

Maga, this is a good alternative.

Like they teach in Krav Maga, the goal

here is to always get your opponent to the

ground. Once you’re down, you’re done. If

you’re under attack, getting your opponent

down to the ground gives you time to either

call for help or formulate your next move

from a position of strength.

The Clinch

The goal here is to get in so close they can’t

get any leverage for a punch. Once you’ve

deprived them of that basic street attack,

you take them down. Do this by moving in

fast with your arms raised up around your

head, fists out. You create a confusing target

and protect your face from attack. When

you close in, sweep your arms out like

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your best to pull them down with you. If

they’re on top of you, punching or attacking,

keep your head bowed to your chest in order

to protect your face. Use your arms not to

deflect blows, but to distract, luring their

attention upwards. While you have them

distracted, wrap your legs around their torso

and pull them down. From here, reach up

and grab the back of their head, pushing

hard. You can trap them in an awkward

position where it’s impossible to sit up or

move their head. It’s hard to hold this for

long, though, so start calling for help.

The Kimura

If you’re in the Closed Guard and need more

leverage, unhook your legs, sit halfway up,

heavier. Be patient while they thrash. The

more they kick around, the more they

exhaust them- selves, making them easier

to control.

The Back Mount

The Back Mount is exactly the same as the

mount, except your attacker is face down on

their stomach. If you can get them down in

this position, you’ll have a real advantage. It’s

nearly impossible to get up when someone

is sitting on your back like they’re a human

turtle shell.

The Closed Guard

If an attacker knocks you to the ground, do

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in hard. Remember to scoot down far enough

that you’re not putting pressure on the ribs

or sternum. The goal here is immobilization,

not a broken ribcage. It’s surprisingly

easy to do.

The Rear Carotid Restraint

This is a classic television restraint. Wrap

your arm around your attacker’s neck,

immobilizing their head. Meanwhile, pull

your arm tight around their neck. It helps to

reach up as high as you can and grab a fistful

of your own shirt as an anchor. Put your free

hand behind their head and push it forward.

At this point, they can barely breathe.

They’re not going anywhere.

and reach between your attacker’s arm

and ribs to grab their wrist. Pull hard. This

should put their head in your elbow and

their arm under your leg. You can hold them

that way for a long duration more easily

than with the Closed Guard.

The Open Guard

If you’re a lot smaller or weaker than your

attacker, you may need to switch to the

Open Guard. Brace your shoulders and head

against the ground.

Bring your hands up to your chest to protect

your face. You have your legs around their

waist. Now scoot your butt back and try to

move further up their chest. The goal here is

to keep them pinned while you wait for help

but also keep their fists far away from your

face and neck.

The Cross Side

If you have your attacker on the ground,

face up, try pinning at least one arm under

their back while you lay across their chest.

You’re using simple weight to keep them

under control, but sometimes that’s all

it takes.

The Knee Mount

If your attacker is on the ground, face up,

you can put your knee in their chest and lean

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You can actually kill yourself by sneezing too

hard and pinching here. Imagine what you

can do with a well-placed kick or a hard, fast

elbow slam.

Hook to the Jaw

If you’re strong enough, a powerful blow

to the front of the jaw can snap a person’s

neck, killing them instantly. There’s a reason

that in boxing, this punch is sometimes

called The Widowmaker.

Adam’s Apple

A sharp, hard blow to the Adam’s Apple can

crush the windpipe, making it impossible for

your attacker to breathe.

Small of the Back

A solid kick or power drive with the elbow

can cause instant spinal damage, often

leading to death.

Cerebellum Base

At the other end of the spine, a hard, fast

blow just below the skull can knock it off

the spine, causing instant damage and

possibly death.


While rare, a powerful enough blow to the

testicles can cause so much pain the person

goes into shock and dies. Worst case, you

have them down on the ground, where you

can do a world of other damage.

The Top 25 Kill Zones/ Techniques


You have two – one on each side of your

head. It’s a little bundle of nerves and major

blood vessels. With the right blow especially

with a boot – you can kill someone instantly.


This is the classic cartilage blow to the

brain. If you’re in a life or death situation,

try to avoid crushing the naison with a brick

or baseball bat. It will leave a nasty scar,

but it’ll heal. You want to drive it up into the

brain for Instant, lethal damage. Use the flat

of your palm or the base of a baseball bat.


This thin flap of skin between the top of

your upper lip and the bottom of your nose is

full of all kinds of dangerous nerve endings.

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legs. Fold them in half by pinning their

shoulders to the ground and then pinning

their legs to their shoulders. Then sit on their

legs, bouncing hard on the base of the spine.

This should break their back, killing them.

Heart Punch

If you’re incredibly strong, a single hard

blow to the chest can crumple a person’s

heart. This doesn’t work often, but it’s

dramatic when it does.


This is a good underdog punch. Come at

them from below, swinging hard and causing

their neck to snap upwards. With enough

force, this single blow can prove fatal.


Pummel someone in their gut hard enough,

and eventually you’ll damage some organs

to the point of failure.

Rib Cage

Remember all the advice from earlier on

not damaging someone’s ribcage? Reverse it.

Damaging the ribs can not only cause pain,

but also potentially puncture a lung or other

organ, leading to fatal complications.

Head-to-Wall Punch

If you’ve backed your attacker up near

(but not directly against) a hard wall, a

sufficiently violent punch can bounce their


If you kick the tailbone inwards and

upwards hard enough to break it, the shock

to the spine and nerves can be fatal.

Full Nelson

If you can get behind your attacker, put your

arms underneath theirs, like you’re coming

in for a cuddly hug. Then shove their arms

upwards, like they’re about to put their

hands on top of their heads. This gives you

the leverage to push their head forward and

snap their neck.

Half Nelson

This is the same as a full nelson, except one

of your arms is preoccupied by restraining

one of your attacker’s arms.

Brain Buster

If you’re fighting outdoors on concrete or

gravel, pull your attacker towards you. Now

grab their belt or the loops of their jeans.

Use your leverage to haul them into the air.

Fall backwards onto your back. This should

result in them literally going heels up and

slamming their head into the concrete.

Gravity and the combined weight of both

your bodies should crumple their neck.

Russian Omelet

If your enemy is on the ground, cross their

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pressure, you can break the windpipe and

crush their neck.

Head Yank

Bend your attacker forward, grab their head,

and quickly pull it backwards as hard as you

can. This can snap the spine.


In rare cases, simultaneously clapping both

hands hard over a person’s ears can rupture

their eardrums and lead to death. Most of

the time, it will merely disorient them.


Large nerves branch off of the kidneys.

If you pummel someone hard enough to

damage these, you can kill them.


The classic Three Stooges maneuver works.

Point your fingers in a V and poke into a

person’s eyes. You might drive them away,

you might blind them, and if you do it with

enough force, you might hit the optic nerve

and kill them from shock.

head off the wall, shattering part of their

skull. You need to be both pretty strong and

pretty angry to pull this off, but at the very

least, you’ll give them a very dangerous


Pinned Drop Kick

This is one of those dramatic movie poses

which actually works. It’s hard to get into,

but surprisingly effective. From behind, grab

the person’s arms and pull them straight

back. Kick the base of their spine as hard as

you can. This has the potential to severe the

spine, killing them.

Head Wrench

This is another movie action which can

work when done right. It’s not as easy as

Hollywood makes it look, but you can grab

someone by both sides of the head and turn

fast and sharp, snapping their spine and

killing them instantly.

Choke Hold

Wrap your right arm over their

right shoulder.

Wrap your left

arm over their

left shoulder then

reach across their

neck and grab

your right arm. If

you apply enough

Page 17: How to Kill a Man With Your Bare Hands

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