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How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr

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  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life


  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life

    How to Live a

    Holy LifeCharles Ebert Orr

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  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life


    A person may almost be known by the books he reads. If hehabitually reads bad books we !an pretty safely !on!lude that

    he is a bad man" on the other hand if he habitually reads

    reli#ious books we !an reasonably presume that he is a

    reli#ious man. $hy is this% It is be!ause the nature of a

    person&s books is usually the nature of his thou#hts" and as a

    man thinks so he is.

    Conse'uently our readin# devotional literature is a #reat aid to

    our bein# devotional. (oo few I fear reali)e how important to

    our spiritual advan!ement is the !ultivation of a taste for

    devotional readin#. As a rule those who have a taste for

    spiritual books and #ratify that taste prosper in the Lord while

    those who have no relish for su!h books labor at a #reat

    disadvanta#e. *ome one has said that +he who be#ins a devoutlife without a taste for spiritual readin# may !onsider the

    ordinary diffi!ulties multiplied in his !ase by ten., (he most

    spiritual men of all a#es have had a stron# love for readin#

    spiritual books. If however my reader happens not to have

    su!h a taste or su!h a love he should not be dis!oura#ed for it

    !an be !reated and in!reased throu#h perseveran!e in readin#

    devotional literature. -ust as a person who does not relish a!ertain food may learn to like it if he will persist in eatin# it so

    a person who does not have a taste for devotional books may

    !ome to enoy them if he will dili#ently and prayerfully peruse


    *piritual readin# invi#orates the intelle!t warms the affe!tions

    and be#ets in us a desire for more of /od&s fullness and for amore heavenly life. It is espe!ially helpful to prayer. $hen the

    mind is dull and the spirits low and we have no inspiration for


  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life

    prayer the readin# of a spiritual poem will often so stimulate

    the mind raise the spirits and animate the soul as to make it

    easy for us to pray.As to what books to read the ible of !ourse is the best of all.

    ut we need others. Althou#h no other book !an take the pla!e

    of the ible and none of us should ne#le!t readin# it there are

    many books that !an profitably be read in !onne!tion with it.

    ut whatever devotional book you are readin# do not read too

    fast. (hink and di#est as you #o. Let there be a fre'uent liftin#of the heart to /od in prayer. It is not the bee that flies so

    swiftly from flower to flower that #athers the honey but the bee

    that #oes down into the flower. A few senten!es taken into the

    mind and heart and dwelt upon until they have be!ome a part

    of us are better than many pa#es read superfi!ially.


    If the readin# of this little book en!oura#es any on their pil#rim

    way" if it arouses them to #reater dili#en!e" if it !reates in them

    a stron#er desire to live more like Christ" if it #ives them a

    better understandin# of how to livethis poor servant of the

    Lord will be fully rewarded for all his labor.

    Even amon# the !hildren of /od in this beautiful #ospel li#ht of

    the evenin# there is an in!lination on the part of a few at least

    and maybe more than a few to slow down and not be their very

    best and most a!tive for /od. $e hope that this little book will

    arouse su!h ones to #reater )eal and earnestness. 3ili#en!eyea !onstant appli!ation is the se!ret of su!!ess in all manner

    of life and espe!ially in the Christian life.


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    (his volume is written for all those who desire to please /od

    with a well spent life. It is sent forth in -esus& name with a

    prayer that /od bless and help both the reader and the writer tolive life at its very best and fulfill the purpose of /od

    !on!ernin# them.

    5our humble servant in Christian love

    (he Author.


    $e have only one life to live only one. (hink of this for a

    moment. Here we are in this world of time makin# the ourney

    of life. Ea!h day we are farther from the !radle and nearer the

    #rave. *olemn thou#ht. *ee the mi#hty !on!ourse of human

    lives" hear their heavy tread in their onward mar!h. *ome are

    ust be#innin# life&s ourney" some are midway up the hill

    some have rea!hed the top and some are midway down the

    western slope. ut where are we all #oin#% Listen and you will

    hear but one answer6+Eternity., eyond the fadin# dyin#

    #leams of the sunset of life lays a boundless endless o!ean!alled Eternity. (hitherward you and I are daily travelin#.

    (ime is like a #reat wheel #oin# its round. On and on it #oes.

    *ome are steppin# on and some are steppin# off. ut where are

    these latter steppin#% Into eternity. *ee that old man with bent

    form snowwhite lo!ks and totterin# steps. His has been a lon#

    round but he has made it at last. *ee the middlea#ed. His

    round has not been so lon# but he must step off. *ee the youth.

    He has been on only a little while but he is brou#ht to the

    steppin#off pla!e. He thou#ht his round would be mu!h lon#er.


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    He supposed he was fairly #ettin# started when that i!y hand

    was laid upon him and the usher said +Come you have made

    your round and you must #o., (he infant that #ave its first faint!ry this mornin# may utter its last feeble wail toni#ht. And thus

    they #o. ut where% Eternity.

    If you were to start today and ask ea!h person you met the

    'uestion +$here are you #oin#%, and if possible you were to

    travel the world over and ask ea!h one of earth&s inhabitants

    there !ould be but one answer


    +Oh eternity

    Lon# eternity8

    Hear the solemn footsteps

    Of eternity.,

    Only one life to live8 Only one life and then we must fa!e vast

    endless eternity. $e shall pass alon# the pathway of life but

    on!e. Every step we take is a step that !an never be taken a#ain.

    $ith this fa!t in mind who does not feel like !allin# upon the

    All wise to dire!t his every step. If when we make a misstep we

    !ould #o ba!k and step it over then there would not be su!h

    #reat ne!essity to step !arefully. ut we !an never #o ba!k.

    $e are leavin# footprints. -ust as our steps are so will the

    footprints be whi!h will tell the story of our life. If we had a

    s!ore of lives to live how to live this one would not be of su!h

    #reat moment. $e should then have nineteen lives in whi!h to

    !orre!t the errors and sins of this one" but alas8 we have but

    one. $hat then should we seek more earnestlythan to know how to live%


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    $e doubt not but there is in the heart of the reader a stron#

    desire to live life as it should be lived. (hank /od you !an.

    5ou desire your life to be like the fertile oasis where the wearytraveler refreshes himself. 5ou have seen the rays of li#ht

    lin#erin# upon the hillside and treetop and #ildin# the flee!y

    !loud after the sun had #one down. 5ou desire the beautiful

    rays of li#ht from your life to lin#er lon# after your sun has

    #one down. 5ou !an have it that way. (he deeds you do will

    live after you are #one. (hey are the footprints. *ome one has

    said that we ea!h day are here buildin# the house we are #oin#to o!!upy in eternity. If this were true nothin# should !on!ern

    us so mu!h as how to live. *ome men are devotin# their time

    and the power of their intelle!ts to invention" some are studyin#

    statesmanship" some are studyin# the arts others the s!ien!es"

    but we have !ome to learn a little more about how to live. :any

    are thinkin# mu!h about how they wish to die but let us learn

    how to live. If we live well we shall die well.

    *in!e we have but one life to live and with it we must fa!e

    eternity I am sure there are many who want to make the most

    of life. (here are many who want to be their best in life. (his is

    not a play#round or a pla!e to trifle with time. It is a pla!e of

    work and effort a pla!e of purpose and earnestness a pla!e to

    do somethin#. Life is not #iven us to s'uander nor fritter awaybut was #iven us to a!!omplish a purpose in the mind of the

    Creator. If we will set ourselves to live as we should /od will

    help us and no man !an hinder us. $e are pur!hasin# treasures

    for eternity by makin# a proper use of time. (o trifle away time

    is indeed to be the #reatest of spendthrifts. If you s'uander a

    dollar you may re#ain it" but a moment wasted !an never be



  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life

    (here is #reat responsibility in life. It means mu!h to live. (he

    time was when you and I were not now we are. $e are and

    there !an never !ome a time when we shall not be. 5ou and Ishall always e

  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life

    An old sea!aptain made reply

    ?His lo!ks with saltspray wet@=

    +&(is not the wind de!ides the !ourse"(is way the sails are set.,

    B B B B B

    I stand beside the sea of life"

    (he ships #o sailin# by"

    (he winds blow fair from heaven&s land"o !louds bedim the sky.

    ut one sails eastward one sails west

    One north one southward #oes=

    How !an ships sail this way and that

    $ith selfsame wind that blows%

    A voi!e made answer to my soul=+&(is not how blows the #ale"

    Ea!h voya#er de!ides the #oal

    y way he sets the sail.,6*ele!ted.

    How to Live a Holy Life


    In doin# anythin# it is always well to have a model by whi!h to

    fashion our work. In fa!t nothin# is done without a pattern

    either real or ima#inary. (he little boy makin# a toy has in inhis mind a model by whi!h he is framin# his work. Likewise


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    the s!ulptor has in his mind a model and as the +marble wastes

    the ima#e #rows, into the likeness of the vision in his soul.

    (o live this one life of ours as it should be lived we must havea perfe!t model after whi!h to pattern. (hank /od this perfe!t

    model of life !an be found. Of all the vast number of lives that

    have been lived sin!e Adam down to this present day there has

    been only one that we !an take as a model. (his one is the life

    of -esus. He says +I am the life., (o live this life of ours well

    to live it to the hi#hest de#ree of perfe!tion we must fashion it

    a!!ordin# to the #lorious life of Christ. (he life of -esus is the

    model life for every other human life. He invites us yea

    !ommands us to follow him to step in his steps to walk as he


    (here have been many #ood men in the world but none of them

    afford us a true pattern of life. (here was a man who said +e

    ye followers of me, but he immediately added +even as I alsoam of Christ., :an may so live as to reveal to us the life of

    Christ. $e !an then follow not them but the Christlife they

    manifested throu#h them.

    Let me here say a word on a sube!t on whi!h we may have

    more to say hereafter. (he #randest noblest work man has ever

    done is by his life to reveal the life of Christ to another therebyhelpin# that person to be fashioned more after the ima#e of

    -esus. A little flower #rew in a pla!e so shaded that no ray from

    the sun !ould fall dire!tly upon it. A window was so situated

    that at a !ertain time in the afternoon it refra!ted the sun&s rays

    and threw them upon the flower thus #ivin# it !olor and

    beauty and aidin# it to bloom. *ome people are livin# in the

    dense shade. o li#ht from Christ has ever shined upon them.If you so live as to refra!t the life of Christ and turn it upon

    them and thus stamp upon them a holier life you have not lived


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    in vain. (o set the life of Christ in its purity and beauty before

    some one and influen!e him thou#h only a little to live better

    and love -esus more is a work the worth of whi!h !an never be!omputed. He who helps another to a better way of livin# does

    more than he who #ains #reat worldly honor and ri!hes. lessed

    indeed is that life whi!h !auses some other life to be more like

    Christ. Oh may this thou#ht sei)e upon our hearts and fill us

    with a #reater passion to live the life of /od.

    $e are told by the voi!e of *!ripture to be +followers of /od as

    dear !hildren., $hen !hildren are dear to the heart of the

    parent he loves to have them obey him. /od&s !hildren are dear

    to him and he would have them follow him. (o follow /od is

    to imitate him or be like him. (his is the true way of life.

    A te

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    over the turbulent river of death to the sunlit shore of eternal


    :any times we may be!ome wearied and think the toils of theway almost too heavy" but when we remember that it is the way

    that -esus trod then the heavens open to our view we look

    forward to the mansion prepared for us and the toils of the way

    #row li#hter.

    *ee that a#ed pil#rim ourneyin# down the western slope of life.

    (he sun is nearin# the settin#. Lon# and toilsome has been hispil#rima#e but he has walked in the path his *avior trod. or

    many years his life has been hid with Christ in /od. In Him he

    has lived and moved and had his bein#. ow he is makin# his

    last step on the shore of time" he passes out of our si#ht throu#h

    the #ates into that land where toils are ended and the sun never

    sets. ut his life was the life of -esus. He was holy as /od is

    holy" he walked as -esus walked. (his is how to live. (his is thetrue way of life and the only way to life eternal. He who does

    not live with Christ on earth !an not live with him in heaven

    and he who does not live as -esus lived does not live as he

    should. (he life of Christ was the perfe!t life. Ours is perfe!t to

    the de#ree that we imitate him.

    (ake my life O Christ divine:ake it holy ust like thine"

    Every a!t and thou#ht and word

    e an outflow from my /od.

    /uide my feet and keep my heart"

    Let me not from thee depart"

    Let me breathe thy warmin# love(hat my soul be drawn above.


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    3raw me -esus !loser draw"

    (hy stron# arm around me throw"

    3raw me to thy pier!ed side"In thy bosom let me hide.

    (ea!h me all thy will and word

    (hat my life be filled with /od"

    (ea!h me Lamb of Calvary

    How to live this life for thee.


    :an !an not naturally live the Christlife. ut Christ haspromised to !ome into our hearts and live in us. In order that we

    may have Christ dwell in our hearts and that we may live his

    life there must be a #ivin# up of our selflife. (here must be

    annihilation of self that Christ may live. It is truly wonderful

    and as #lorious as it is wonderful that man !an live the life of

    Christ in this world. ut here is the se!ret= it is man !easin# to

    live the selflife and Christ livin# in him.

    Ima#ine a hollow brass fi#ure in the e

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    On!e in you !an use all the members of that ima#e for

    yourself. 5our body is that ima#e. (here was a life in you that

    used all the members of your body in the interest of self. utthere has been a !han#e. 5ou were made a new !reature. (he

    life you on!e had was put to death6was !ru!ified" then Christ

    stepped into your heart and now he uses all the members of

    your body for himself. 5ou still live yet not you but Christ

    lives in you. On!e you did thin#s for yourself" now you do them

    for Christ. -ust as you on!e lived purposely and intentionally

    for yourself now you do thin#s purposely and intentionally for-esus be!ause it is he that lives and not you yourself. 5ou

    remember how on!e you would plan for yourself. In the

    evenin# as you lay upon your bed and a#ain in the mornin# and

    throu#hout the day you would think about what you were #oin#

    to eat or drink what you were #oin# to have for !lothin# where

    you were #oin# to live where you were #oin# to #o and what

    you were #oin# to do. ut now you are !han#ed" you are a new!reature. ow it is not you that lives but Christ lives in you.

    ow you eat not for yourself but for -esus. 5ou now #o not

    where self would lead you but where that life in you loves to

    #o and would have you #o. 5ou do thin#s not for yourself but

    for -esus.

    O Christ I die that thou mayst live(hat thou mayst live in me"

    (hat all I think or speak or do

    :ay be O Lord for thee.

    :ay not the least of self remain

    ut all be put to death.

    Oh may I nothin# do for self

    or draw one selfish breath8(o have my *avior live in me

    (o o!!upy the whole


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    (o make my heart his royal throne

    And take !omplete !ontrol6

    (is all I ask" tis all I wish"(is all my heart&s desire

    Content if but a wayside bush

    (o hold /od&s holy fire.

    Low at thy feet O Christ I fall

    A yielded lump of !lay

    or thee to mold me as thou wilt

    (o have thy own sweet way.

    THE "I"LE WAY.

    If the ible had not been #iven us we should not always knowthe way that -esus walked. ut he has #iven us his $ord. (he

    way of the ible is the way of Christ and is therefore the true

    path of life. O pil#rim to the heavenly kin#dom the $ord of

    /od will be a lamp unto thy feet and a li#ht unto thy way. It

    will li#hten you home. (here will never be a day so dark but the

    beams of li#ht from the blessed ible will pier!e throu#h the

    darkness and fall with a bri#ht radian!e upon your pathway. If

    sometimes you !an not see ust where -esus stepped take the

    pre!ious ook of /od and it will be a lamp to show you the

    way he trod. One wintry mornin# a father went a lon# distan!e

    throu#h the deep snow to feed his sheep. A few hours later a

    little boy was sent to !all his father home. (he !hild was

    !arefully steppin# in the footprints before him but soon a dark!loud arose and the blindin# snowstorm so dimmed his eye

    that he fre'uently stepped aside. In the beautiful !lear li#ht of


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    the ible we !an see all the way that -esus trod. If we will walk

    a!!ordin# to the ible we shall walk as -esus walked and not

    show a double tra!k. :ake the blessed $ord of /od your #uideif you would walk ari#ht the path of life and be happy.+And

    often for your !omfort you will read the /uideand Chart=

    It has wisdom for the mind and sweet sola!e for the


    It will serve you as a mentor" it will #uide you sure

    and strai#ht

    All the time that you will ourney be the endin# soon

    or late.,

    (he *!riptures are #iven by inspiration of /od and are

    profitable for do!trine for reproof for !orre!tion for

    instru!tion in ri#hteousness that the man of /od may beperfe!t& 2 (im. 0=19. If by faith we re!eive into our hearts the

    instru!tion in ri#hteousness as #iven by the *!riptures it will

    make us perfe!t in this life. O reader if you would know how to

    live study the ible. It points out the way !learly and plainly.

    Let its truths in all their power rea!h to the depth of thy heart.

    Let thy soul sei)e upon the ible and drink its stren#th and

    sweetness as the bee sips the sweetness from the flower. As theanimal eats the plant and by assimilation !onverts it into animal

    life so eat the ook of /od and !onvert it into human life. It is

    the food of an#els. ut rather than its bein# the ible !onverted

    into human life it is human life transformed into the purity of

    the ible. (here are #reat depths to the ible. (he simplest te

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    see mu!h of this perfe!t life by a passin# #lan!e. It is he who

    looks into the perfe!t law of liberty and !ontinues to look that

    will see the perfe!t life whi!h it pi!tures. (he artist must looklon# at the lands!ape and #et it ima#ed upon his soul before he

    !an produ!e it upon the !anvas. (he ible des!ription of the life

    of Christ must fill your soul with admiration and with a stron#

    desire to possess it. 5our heart must lay hold upon it until that

    life is fo!used and printed upon your own soul. It is like the art

    of photo#raphin#. (he obe!t must be set before the heart.

    (he ible is the li#ht that shines the ima#e of Christ upon the

    soul. or the pure in heart to develop into hi#her spiritual life

    they must #ain su!h an admiration for the beauty of Christ that

    they will lon# to possess him in #reater fulness. (he pleadin# of

    the heart will be +Lord let thy beauty be upon us., (heir souls

    will follow hard after his perfe!tions. In no other way will the

    soul unfold and develop into the hi#her Christian life. He whohas not learned how to #row in #ra!e has not yet learned how to

    live. (o live life in the best possible manner is to be makin#

    !onstant pro#ress. Oh let us #ive this world our best life8 $hen

    we are nearin# the end of the way and life&s sun is sinkin# low

    if on lookin# ba!k we !an see nothin# but a life spent in the

    servi!e of /od walkin# in the li#ht of his $ord this will afford

    us untold satisfa!tion.O blessed $ord of eternal life

    (he lamp to #uide the way

    (hrou#h this weary world of sin and strife

    (o heaven&s perfe!t day8


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    How to Live a Holy Life


    (here is a heaven. (here is a pla!e of rest and happiness. I havenot #one to heaven but heaven has !ome to me" therefore I

    know there is a heaven. :any who have eaten oran#es have

    never been in a land where oran#es #row but these persons

    know there must be su!h a land be!ause they have tasted its

    fruit. Likewise I know there is a heaven be!ause I daily taste its


    ot only is there a heaven but there is a way to heaven. All !an

    #o who will. Heaven is a holy pla!e and the way to heaven is a

    holy way. A prophet of /od said +An hi#hway shall be there

    and a way and it shall be !alled the way of holiness., (he

    Christian dwells in a heavenly pla!e.

    (he writer to the saints at Ephesus says +He hath raised us up

    to#ether and made us sit to#ether in heavenly pla!es., (o livein a heavenly pla!e we must live a heavenly life. (hose who do

    not live a heavenly life on earth will never live in heaven. (he

    heavenly life is the only life worth livin#. It is the only life that

    ends in heaven. (he way of holiness is the way of happiness.

    Holy and happy is the true and ri#ht life of man. (his one brief

    life of ours should be !onstant holiness and happiness. $ithout

    these life is not as it should be. It is our privile#e in Christ to

    walk the path of life in perfe!t pea!e and oy and in perfe!t

    holiness. *u!h a life will flow out into an eternity of oys


    $ait thou on /od O soul of mine8

    Listen to know his will"

    Li#ht will !ome from the #olden throneIf thou O soul be still.

    If thou wouldst sail on tran'uil sea


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    $ait thou on /od my soul.

    *peak a!t and think alone in him"

    *weet rest shall be thy #oal.If thou wouldst have life&s way to be

    Gerdant as the #rowin# sod

    (ake ea!h step neath the #uidin# eye

    Jeep in !lose tou!h with /od.

    *weet heavenly life8 sweet happy life8

    (hy oys in!rease ea!h day.

    O soul of mine press up and on(his hi#h and holy way.


    /od&s $ord is pure. Heaven itself and the #reat white throne is

    no more pure than the $ord of /od. (hat life may be pure it

    must be in sweet harmony with the blessed ible. A life that is

    lived in obedien!e to the ible is as pure as the ible. *u!h a

    life is pure enou#h for heaven. (he writer of Fevelation bein#

    in the *pirit saw +a pure river of water of life !lear as !rystal

    pro!eedin# out of the throne of /od and of the Lamb., (his

    pure stream was the wonderful word of life. It was as pure as its

    sour!e whi!h was the throne of /od. (he life throu#h whi!h

    this pure stream flows will be as pure as the throne.

    One of the salmwriters said +(he words of the Lord are pure

    words= as silver tried in a furna!e of earth purified seven

    times., +(hy word is pure" therefore thy servant loveth it., (hewriter of roverbs says +Every word of /od is pure., $hen the

    veil is drawn aside and our souls are brou#ht fa!e to fa!e with


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    the purity of the ible then we understand that a ible life is

    the best purest noblest and holiest life that !an be lived upon

    the earth.O soul of mine unveil thine eye

    Look upward to thy /od

    A wreath of purity to see

    Crownin# his every word.

    In the followin# words we have the sum of all true and ri#ht

    livin#= +Let us hear the !on!lusion of the whole matter= fear

    /od and keep his !ommandments" for this is the whole duty of

    man., E!!l. 12=10. (his te

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    +lessed are they that do his !ommandments that they may

    have ri#ht to the tree of life and may enter in throu#h the #ates

    into the !ity., Fev. 22=14. O traveler to eternity your entran!einto the beautiful #lorious !ity of /od depends upon your

    !ondu!t respe!tin# the !ommandments of /od while you are

    makin# the ourney a!ross the turbulent sea of life. Jeepin# the

    !ommandments of /od is man&s whole duty. If he does his

    whole duty throu#h life he will !ome up out of the dark valley

    and shadow of death and find the #ates of pearl unfoldin#.

    $ho will not !leave to the !ommandments of /od% $ho willnot obey his voi!e and walk daily in his holy ways% (he

    obedient will be rewarded by an unfadin# inheritan!e in that

    eternal !ity of #old. (here is a beautiful mansion in the #reat

    house of /od for every obedient soul. Oh how blessed8

    I am thinkin# of heaven toni#ht

    Of the mansion prepared there for me$here -esus my *avior now dwells

    And where I am lon#in# to be.

    $ill not heaven be well worth a life of obedien!e to the $ord

    of /od thou#h obedien!e !alls us throu#h storms of

    perse!utions furna!es of trials o!eans of tribulations and years

    of toil and sufferin#% (o :oses the reproa!hes of Christ were#reater treasures than the ri!hes of E#ypt +for he had respe!t

    unto the re!ompense of the reward., *it 'uiet for a moment and

    by a stron# eye of faith look away into heaven and see that

    bri#ht mansion prepared for you. *ee those asper walls those

    pearly #ates and those #olden walks. *ee the !rown of life the

    harp of /od and the li#ht of the Lamb. *hall we not bear the

    trials of life a little lon#er in patien!e% *hall we not be wat!hfulto walk in /od&s ways and obey him that this ri!h inheritan!e


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    may be ours forever% :ethinks I !an hear a reply !omin# from

    the depths of many a sin!ere trustin# heart6

    +5es I will live in humble obedien!e to /od on earth that Imay be with him forever in that !elestial !ity of li#ht., /od

    bless you8

    eyond the shores of time and the kin#doms of this world is a

    kin#dom !alled the kin#dom of heaven. It is the pla!e where

    /od has his #reat white throne around whi!h the an#els play

    upon their #olden harps and shout +lessin# and honor and#lory and praise and mi#ht be unto /od forever and ever., It is

    around this throne that those who have passed throu#h the

    tribulations and the tryin# s!enes of this lower world and burst

    throu#h the #ates of death are sin#in# redemption&s sweet son#.

    $ho does not desire to oin that happy heavenly thron# and

    wave those palms and wear those white robes and sin# those

    sweet son#s over beyond the shadowy vale of death% I seem tohear many voi!es sayin# +I hope to be amon# that blood

    washed thron#., Let me tell you in all tenderness and love but

    very plainly that the reali)ation of your hope depends entirely

    upon how you live while here in this world. Oh how mu!h in

    that #reat and awful future is dependin# upon our manner of life

    in this timeworld8 Let us learn to live well to be our best every


    $e may dream of a home in heaven" we may entertain hopes of

    seein# -esus and of inheritin# a mansion on the shores of

    eternal bliss" we may ima#ine ourselves walkin# throu#h the

    bloomin# fields of paradise and sittin# beneath the tree of life"

    but our dreams our hopes and our ima#inations will never be

    reali)ed unless we !arefully keep the !ommandments of /od.:ore than a profession is ne!essary" obedien!e is the only door

    into the kin#dom of /od. -esus said +ot every one that sayeth


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    How to Live a Holy Life

    unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kin#dom of heaven" but he

    that doeth the will of my ather whi!h is in heaven., Kntil our

    faith pier!es throu#h and beholds the beauties and the realitiesof /od so we !an say from the very depths of the soul +I

    deli#ht to do thy will O /od., and +:y meat and my drink is

    to do the will of Him that sent me, we have not fully entered

    the true and ri#ht pathway of life. Jeepin# the !ommands of

    /od is the whole man and the whole of a perfe!t life.


    I want to remind you a#ain that the mission of this little volume

    is to tea!h you how to live. (he life beyond depends on the life

    here. Let me emphasi)e what I have repeatedly said before= to

    live as we should we must live by every word of /od. (o live

    by every word of /od is not only to hear it but also to do it. $e

    have learned that in order to enter the !ity of /od and eat of the

    tree of life we must iMdoNiM his !ommandments and also

    that it is not +every one that sayeth Lord Lord that shall enter

    the kin#dom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my ather

    whi!h is in heaven.,

    ow I will read you a te

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    as ye would that men should do to you do ye also to them

    likewise., Luke 9=01. If it !omes most natural for us to live

    a!!ordin# to these te

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    How to Live a Holy Life

    of a home provided the house be built upon a sure foundation.

    A man who hears /od&s $ord and does it is likened to su!h a

    man. (o build up a Christian !hara!ter in obedien!e to the ibleis the #reatest wisdom. (hat is buildin# a mansion in heaven.

    A real true Christian e

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    labor li#ht. It is not an irksome thin# to obey /od when we love


    It is possible to make a profession of love to /od and not reallylove him. It may be that many are de!eived at this point. One

    s!ripture says +If any man love /od the same is known of

    him., -esus says +$hy !all ye me Lord Lord and do not the

    thin#s whi!h I say%, Love is somethin# more than mere words.

    It is useless to make a profession of love to -esus and not do

    what he says. A husband !an not !onvin!e his wife of his love

    by a mere profession of love but he !an !onvin!e her by his

    a!ts. $e are to love not in word and ton#ue only but also in

    deed and in truth. A#ain -esus says +If a man love me he will

    keep my words., Here is an unfailin# test of love. If you will

    not obey /od he knows you do not love him no matter how

    mu!h you may profess to love him.

    *o a#ain we are reminded by the Holy ible that in order tospend this brief life of ours as we should we must keep the

    !ommandments of /od. o other life will find a!!eptan!e with

    /od. o other life will please him. He desires your love most

    !ertainly but he wants su!h love as will prompt you to obey

    him. 3o not measure your Christian e

  • 8/13/2019 How to Live a Holy Life By Charles Ebert Orr


    How to Live a Holy Life

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