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How to Live as Physically Immortal An Interview with Mony Vital, Ph.D.by Kirstin Miller for The Psychic Reader, March 99 We talk about time a lot. Usually, were complaining to each other that we don’t have enough of it. In the back of our minds, we cant see how well ever be able to squeeze in everything we want to experience before our time is up and were, you know, dead . If we enjoy living, time keeps getting more precious as we march on towards the grave. We don’t want to waste it. On the other hand, if we don’t particularly like our life experience, we look forward to either better times in heaven, or having another go of it in some other incarnation. But whether we love life or just tolerate it, most of us would agree that its going to end at some point. So, for most of us, the concept of living forever (in the same body) isn’t even a logical topic for discussion. Immortality is something that concerns the undead vampires and ghoulish creatures, ala Bram Stocker and Anne Rice novels. Lets face it, death is just a fact of life. Or is it? What is death, anyway? Is it a concept, or purely a biological outcome of the human condition? What do we mean by life expectancy an expectation, an educated guess, a statistical degree of probability?
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How to Live as Physically Immortal

An Interview with Mony Vital, Ph.D.by Kirstin Miller for The Psychic Reader, March 99

We talk about time a lot. Usually, were complaining to each other that we don’t have enough of it. In the back of our minds, we cant see how well ever be able to squeeze in everything we want to experience before our time is up and were, you know, dead.

If we enjoy living, time keeps getting more precious as we march on towards the grave. We don’t want to waste it. On the other hand, if we don’t particularly like our life experience, we look forward to either better times in heaven, or having another go of it in some other incarnation. But whether we love life or just tolerate it, most of us would agree that its going to end at some point.

So, for most of us, the concept of living forever (in the same body) isn’t even a logical topic for discussion. Immortality is something that concerns the undead vampires and ghoulish creatures, ala Bram Stocker and Anne Rice novels. Lets face it, death is just a fact of life.

Or is it?

What is death, anyway? Is it a concept, or purely a biological outcome of the human condition? What do we mean by life expectancy an expectation, an educated guess, a statistical degree of probability?

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What if we all expected to live for, say, five or six hundred years? Or forever?

I recently met a man who does expect to live forever. Mony Vital, Ph. D., is the author of Life Unlimited, An Exploration of Physical Immortality as Clinical and Therapeutic Model. His book explains how to go about living as though you're never going to die. Farael’s views on life and death definitely challenge the basic tenants of our present cultural mindset. If nothing else, our conversation forced me to take a closer look at some of the core beliefs on which I base my reality.

Lately, I’ve even been thinking: What if I could live forever or at least three or four hundred years? Maybe, just maybe, there really are no limits....

Kirstin: What’s our current take on life?

Vital: The general belief right now is that we have no choice but to end up old and dead. These beliefs that we accept are cultural beliefs. They work for the culture. However, as individual human beings, its not practical for us to be living within a framework of death.

You talk about our struggle to cope within this cultural mindset. As a result, you say that we exist in a constant state of unease physically, mentally and emotionally. Can you comment some more?

The belief in death is the deepest and most profound belief we ever take on. Once we accept this, it becomes part of the blueprint of our bodies. Every cell, every action we take, is connected to this belief. So basically, what’s happening to us is

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that we are not able to function as alive humans. Instead, were functioning as dying beings. That itself promotes decay and dysfunction in the body, whether its mental, emotional or physical.

So we have programmed our bodies to operate within a specific framework of time. What does the body believe before it gets programmed? A baby is born free. A little child doesn’t know anything about death. They have no idea. They are alive, they have lots of spirit; as a matter of fact, to introduce themselves they sometimes take their clothes off and display themselves naked to their guests! That’s because they’re connected to their bodies.

However, the moment they start learning about the cultural beliefs of aging and death, they start fearing life. The way the system works, once we get the belief, it goes into the subconscious. The subconscious affects the immune system directly. I’ve found out that we actually have two immune systems: a primary and a secondary. This will be proven years from now. The second immune system is a very fluid system that can instantly effect our behavior physically and emotionally. Within minutes of accepting an idea, we can switch and change the totality of our energy. At the same time, we can reverse whatever we brought in previously. This secondary system is very powerful. Its wonderful, actually, because it works for us as much as it works against us.

Its a very interesting proposition.

Its definitely an eyebrow raising statement. My doctorate is in clinical hypnosis. And after doing this work for many years, I realized that if I can

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change the belief about a behavior, of the function or dysfunction, I can change the outcome of that behavior. If I can do it with ease for small things, I can do it with the larger view of the human. Its all built on a belief system. No human can die unless they believe in death.

That’s hard to believe! But then, in the beginnings of the Biblical era, people seemed to live four and five hundred years on average.

Everybody before Abraham lived hundreds of years. You want to know why? Its because they didn’t believe in death. It wasn’t an issue. It wasn’t discussed. They just lived in the given moment and enjoyed their lives. Any death that occurred was not from age, but from accident. Abraham was the turning point in the course of human development. He created organized religion as we know it. As a matter of fact, his action is the number one cause of death in the human. Ill explains that to you: Abraham brought two aspects of life into one place. He brought the concepts of God and death together. All organized religion, or any sect, or any group of people, must have that element to become organized.

And to control.

Yes. You cannot be a group unless you have those two issues available to you together. Separately, they don’t work. God by itself has nothing to do with death. Death by itself has nothing to do with God. But brought together, the death issue is the hammer and God is the carrot. Its a system created to scare you, to make a need for you to obey. It uses fear and intimidation, and on the

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other hand, uses God as the savior, as the figure of He who will take care of you.

But He wont really reward you until after you’re dead, right?

Yes. This system is very efficient. Its the most productive marketing tool ever created in human history. There’s been no adjustment needed from the time of Abraham until today.

What about the other religions?

They’re all the same. Even the beliefs of tribal people they have to believe in death and in God. Those two together.

So I don’t suppose you have a religion.

Yes, this is the only philosophy that does not include death in it. Therefore, it is not a religion, because you cannot have a religion that’s not based on death. My belief is based only on life. I do not accept death as a possibility; in my life or anybody else’s life, unless that person accepts it, wants it.

The prevailing attitudes of the culture right now are centered on modifying their stand about departure from this life. Many people are converting to other religions. They are confused. They can’t find answers, so they switch from one religion to another. But it doesn’t help. It’s only the stories that are different. The outcome is all the same.

What are we looking for?

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Once a person gives up their physical body option in favor of only a spiritual option, they’ve already decided they’re going to die. Therefore, the only safe place left to go is into the mind. Then it’s only a matter of time before the body begins to deteriorate. So it really doesn’t matter what religion a person is accepting.

Just variations on a theme...

Once you decide something, the body will create it for you. Every time you say something to your subconscious, your subconscious prepares you to do that. The job of the subconscious is to facilitate all your wishes, needs and beliefs. If we want to die, then we facilitate this process. Actually, the body already knows the date of its death. We’ve all thought about it, we’ve seen it in visions, we’ve made a decision about it according to the belief system that we know.

When do we make this decision?

Probably in the teen age years. However, we can change those conditions. We can change our view of death. All we have to do is change our perception of who we are. We can rid the death beliefs from our bodies.

That’s the process you write about in Life Unlimited.LAPI. Its a process.

Can you talk about some of the components?

To start with, you have to discard all death beliefs from your body. You have to deprogram your body: physically, mentally, and emotionally. You have to get the beliefs of death out of every cell. Then, you

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have to bring in beliefs of life. You see, in this culture, everybody assumes we are alive just because were breathing. And that’s totally and absolutely not true. This is only a belief. There’s no such thing as aging either. Aging is just a nice word for this person is dying. The culture finds nice words so as not to offend or disturb that person in the process of dying that person who has no future, no possibility. There is only pretending, misery and pain.

Softened by material comforts.

Absolutely. Unfortunately, that’s the stereotype of people who have no future. You must have a future every day! So, to go back to your question. We must choose to be alive every day. We must make that choice! You see, if we don’t make the choice, we are accepting the cultural belief. We are running on a default mode. Its like a computer. If you don’t choose, the computer chooses for you.

But isn’t that sort of an overwhelming task? Its a pretty well ingrained belief. At least, there’s lots of evidence out there in favor of the certainty of death.

Well, lets talk about that. What’s important to us? Is the culture more important than you? You see, you have to make a distinction here, a definition of who you are. Who controls you? Are you going to control yourself as a free and unique human being? Or are you going to be like a sheep, following the leader? Of course, if you are thinking differently and behaving differently, people are going to look at you like an abhorrent, like a stranger, like a freak. And they will be afraid of you because they don’t know about you. People want to be

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They want a group agreement about how its going to be.

They all want to agree. If they don’t feel comfortable with it, then there’s something wrong with you and they’re shy of you. I say to consider this: What are the possibilities? What are the choices? How do you want to take care of yourself? I’m here for me, because the only changes I can make are within me. I can’t change you or anybody else.This culture that we live in is a culture of death. I have nothing against it. I’m part of the culture. I love the people here. This is my world. But I can look at it from another point of view and give you my observations.

But you must care about others.

Caring is one thing. But changing reality I can only do within myself. I can change my behavior. I can change my cells. I can change my beliefs. I can change my actions. But I cant do it in anybody else. Each one of us as an individual. But that’s not the belief of the culture. The culture says that we must be responsible for everybody else. That’s one of the beliefs that keep us down. Its not good for our health. Its good for the cultural health, but its not good for the individuals health.

Were born, we get an education and then a job so we can buy things. Then were usually allowed to have a little fun before we get really old.

We live in fear, because were afraid were not going to live as long as we need to live. Were constantly reminded of our mortality. And that in itself keeps

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us from being an alive human being!

If we all thought we were going to live forever, or at least for a few hundred years, I think wed treat this place, this planet, differently.

That’s right. Wed treat the planet differently; wed treat each other differently too. Most people, when I tell them I’m speaking about physical immortality, their first reaction is, Oh no, I don’t want to be alive, I want to leave because I don't really like my life. Maybe they think if they leave and come back with a new body they wont have any more problems. This is because they’ve discarded the physical option in favor of a spiritual solution. Now, Ill ask you: Are we a spiritual being have a physical experience, or are we a physical being with a spiritual attribute? I don’t know. Which ever it is, we do know we belong to that one body. Once we give up the physical option, that’s it for that body. Once were dead, we don’t know what’s really going to happen, because nobody has come back from the dead to tell us. All the beliefs we have about the afterlife are based on myths. They are beliefs. And all beliefs are baseless. If you look in the dictionary under belief, you’ll see its acceptance without complete certainty. However, once we accept a belief as a truth, we project it outward and it becomes our experience.

So you’re saying the body is the only sure thing.

The body is the only thing we have that contains all of us. All of our energy is in the body. Our mind, our spirituality, our organs, everything is housed in this body of ours. We have to treat our body as though its a kingdom. Because without a body,

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who are we, really?

Deepak Chopra talks about the mind-body connection and people are listening to him. Do you agree that this dialogue is becoming more mainstream?

A little bit. Deepak started this conversation. He brought to our consciousness new possibilities and asked very beautiful questions. For example, he asks: If our bodies are reproducing our organs every few months, why do the same dysfunctions appear in the organs again over time? What controls this? Our brain? What is it? What keeps this dysfunction alive in the new organ?

The answer is, we have not changed the beliefs and so the organ cannot change. If a person changes his beliefs about himself long enough to have a cycle of growth, then the new organ can replace itself without the dysfunction!

I think most people would call that a miracle.

The medical community uses this term so they don’t have to prove it.

You say that when living as physically immortal, fun and joy are standard choices, and your work should be something that you love, otherwise its not an option.

Physical Immortality is a process where we are free to choose. At times, you have to practically step out of your body to have the power and the vantage point of looking down at yourself. You have to see yourself in the context of your environment, your neighborhood, your city, your country, with your people. Look at how you are

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acting. How is your life? Is this what you need? Make choices from that place, where you can see the bigger picture, from a place where’s there a future for you to look at. As our culture operates right now, we have no vision of the future because everything operates within the cultural beliefs.

There are so many limits.

Its all about limits. We are so limited that we cant even see the limits themselves! You really cannot ask questions if you don’t know what they are. They are not available to you. You must know about them to learn about them. In the accepted realm most of us live in, we don’t know what we don’t know. And of course, this culture does not look very nicely on people who speak of physical immortality. Its taboo.

Its blasphemy.

Its blasphemy, and this is a taboo conversation, because we must have God involved and death involved. Now, I believe in God. I totally believe in God. I’m connected to God. I speak to God every day. I tell my Creator everything that I’m going to do. But I must make the decision for myself first. I choose what I want to do, then I get the Creators okay on it. I’m not asking the Creator to do it for me. I make my own decisions. The bottom line is, if I don’t take care of me, nobody will.

The culture really doesn’t care about your well being. The doctor doesn’t. Its a business. Medicine doesn’t care if you’re healed or not. The only person who really cares is you about you, for you. You have to make those decisions. We give our

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power away. We give 20% to the clergy, 40% to God, and the rest we give to the doctor!

So besides changing our beliefs, what does living as though physically immortal entail? Any special regiments?

Well, like I mentioned, to start with you have to reprogram your belief system.

That might take awhile...

Its an ongoing process. Its a life work, but its not a hard work. There’s no investment; you don’t have to buy anything. There are no pills or vitamins involved. Its all about you being you. Affirm yourself every morning. Say to yourself, I love you, Ill takes care of you, Ill makes you feel safe and happy. That means all day, the subconscious is going to try to make you feel good. If you don’t do that and you’re listening to the radio, all you’re going to hear is how many people died in car accidents or how bad the traffic is. That’s going to set the tone for your day. You are going to be depressed from the get go. Same with TV. All they’re doing is getting your mind off your own problems. That’s what its set up to do. Its called Soft Mind Control. The industry uses that term. That’s how they sell you things. If you go to church, its a deeper mind control. There's an instant altered state when you walk into a church or synagogue or mosque. So what we need to do is get rid of the death beliefs, affirms our lives every day, and clear up our childhood trauma. This is what holds us connected to our death beliefs and dysfunctions.

What do you mean by childhood traumas? Do they have

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to be really bad or does everyone have them?

Well, they’re no such things as a perfect childhood. Issues and events arise, and we make decisions accordingly. We have to clear them so we can make decisions knowing that the past is not affecting our vision. We don’t want to cloud our vision of the future by bringing the pasts influence into it.

But there’s always going to be traces of the past there.

The past is always with us. We cant get rid of it, we cant change it. But we can make it work for us. That’s one of my specialties. I do childhood trauma clearing. I do not do psychotherapy or counseling. I stick to this specific process. Right now I work with energy medicine. Its very effective and very fruitful. I get excellent results.

Now that you are reprogrammed and clear of trauma, how do you think about life? Do you see things in big huge chunks of time? How do you go through your day?

I affirm myself every morning. I tell myself how much I love myself, how much I appreciate my life. That sets the tone for my day. So I get up with energy and vitality. Time is not an issue. I’m not in a hurry.

Do you make plans?

I make lots of plans. Absolute plans. I’m good at counting on time when I make a plan. There’s no rush. I can plan years in advance. I can see myself in one hundred years two hundred years into the future and more.

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We need to see ourselves alive in the future. That’s the key. You see, most people who believe in death cant see into the future. When I ask a person at the age of fifty to close his eyes and look twenty years down the road, he’s probably going to say he’s old, sick or dead. He has no vision of the future for himself. From that moment on, he’s practically dead already. But if he changes that, if he says, what are my possibilities? Can I live thirty more years, or more? If he can, his subconscious is gong to accept this more beautiful vision. It’s called a Future Self vision. We can personally design the way we look, the way we feel, our hobbies...all in the vision. If there is no vision, there is nothing.

Nowhere to go.... A dead end.

You must have a dream, a vision, for it to happen. You must call it by name. If there is no name to it or a description, its not there. It’s nonexistent. So this one thing you always have to do. You have to see it, visualize it, call it, name it, make it happen.

Not just wish for it.

Oh no. Make it happen. You see, the universe will let you have everything and anything you want if you know what you want. Most people do not know what to request in their life. They accept the culture that says they must live in pain and misery. They think that’s okay because that’s what’s expected from them and because that’s the way of God. That’s totally untrue. I don’t see why anybody in their right mind would accept pain and misery and say that’s okay.

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Ten Components for Mastering Physical Immortality

1 Desire – one must want it.

2 Believe – the sacred intent must be made available in one’s mind – a philosophy of achievement, manifestation that Immortal awakening is available now, must be reached, actualized, cultured.

3 The removal of: the Death Brain Virus and its needs – Death Wish – clinging to darkness - the Long Sleep – love of reincarnating – love of Religion for religion’s sake – Elitist death ploys – love of battle – psychological dependence on physical death as a truism.

4 Cleansing the body of all parasites and the waste accumulation, and keeping it clean; development of self-educating and practice of long term sustenance with high identity of Immortal flow; positive will Immortal DNA building.

5 Regenerating the organs to their original optimum re-youthing capacity –

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by establishing a daily diet of Youthing and regenerating food stuffs and herbs, and harmonious exercise – stretching, yoga, swimming, deep breathing.

6 Opening, balancing and spinning the chakras for optimum power, awakening of the deep Kundalini by meditation, exercise, crystal empowerment.

7 Protection from negative cosmic rays by underground living shelters or implementation of domes made of protective sheath materials.

8 Work and professionalism that of immortal intent – your product, goods, services must reflect your wish to remain physically immortal. Your work must serve the betterment of your host and house – in this case Mother Earth and human physical body.

9 Create and keep borders from those who do not want to be physically immortal, (i.e. prefer chaos and atrophy, religious fervor, dogma) – do not allow them to take you off the path – educating others as best you can but knowing there are those who are not ready, and allowing

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this to be a simple fact of the times, for now.

10 Influencing others to help return to the physical immortal state, so that offspring can know this.

One must KNOW they are Immortal, this must be discovered. This is not easy to obtain and is often accepted in its many artificial supportive states.

Herein are contained 13 keys to Physical Immortality by Robert Coon

Mastery of each key will Build a Foundation that is Eternal...

Key 1

The Entire process of Initiation is set into Motion by your sincere Invocation of the Spirit of Truth...

Establish a powerful and loving relationship with The Spirit of Truth. Pray to be guided by the Living Spirit of Truth, and the Truth shall set you Free. The most sacred Truth contained within you is that of Everlasting Life, Physical Immortality.

With breath and meditation, fill your body, spirit, heart and mind with Light and Joy ...Then invoke the Spirit of Truth to fill you with the wisdom and illumination needed at the present moment of Life. Speak your invocation aloud.

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All truth is contained within your own Heart. The Living Spirit of Truth is that creative intelligence which is able to spotlight the perfect Wisdom and understanding of the Divine True Will that is needed at every step of growth. Breathe, meditate, pray, Invoke ... Do this as soon as possible - and frequently!

Key 2

Discover that you have The True Will to attain Physical Immortality. This True Will is contained within each of us. It becomes conscious to you in a unique way and at the perfect time.

There is only one thing to do when you have discovered that you have the True Will to be Immortal: Devote your every thought, action and word to the full and perfect manifestation of that Will. Pray every day that all that you think, do, or say, contributes to the manifestation of the True Will for Physical Immortality within every Being!

Once you have discovered that you have the True Will for Physical Immortality, then you will never doubt or waver - your Flame will shine Eternal!

Key 3

Proclaim your Body and Spirit united as one in Everlasting Peace! Blessed are the True Creators of Peace - for they are the Immortal Sons and Daughters of the Divine! Only the Immortals who have created this inner Wedding of Matter and Spirit are able to establish Everlasting Peace upon this Earth!

Pray to know that the Divine Will of Gaia, this earth, is for All matter to be uplifted, vitalized, and transformed by Light, Love, Immortal Life, and Liberty.

You are at Peace when you are clearly expressing your True Will for Physical Immortality through the activities of your daily life. Be Still - And hear, feel, see the Word of Everlasting Life, Physical Immortality, resonating throughout the Temple of your Being.

Key 4

Bless the Birth of every Being. Begin by radiating

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Thanksgiving for your own Birth as a baby and for all circumstances connected to your Birth. Make the source or Foundation of your present incarnation a wellspring of Joyous Life. No one can attain Immortality if they regret their own birth.

After you are clear about being grateful for being absolutely, totally Here Now, then pray forth with Light and Joy your Thanksgiving for the Birth of every Being throughout time and space without exception.

Key 5

Trust the Word of Everlasting Life within You. Give all Trust and power to this " Christ " within - and this inner Word will come forth to establish itself throughout your Flesh.

After you clearly Trust your Immortal Self, then practice Trusting the Immortal Nature within every other Being. If you see only the Christ within every being you meet, then you are nourishing their Immortal growth.

Key 6

Dedicate your Creative Energies to the Glory of the Divine! To "Glorify" means to make visible the Immortal Nature. Make sure that your True Will is clearly dedicated to Acts of Creativity that enhance the vitality of all Life.

Begin to express your Immortal experience and Vision through Creative Art. This is very important. Poetry, music, painting, dance, or any other Art Form - Create regularly through at least one of these mediums. The actions of Creative and artistic expression help immensely to root the Great Truth of Everlasting Life within your Flesh.

Key 7

Unite and direct all your spiritual powers Through The Open Heart. Through breath and Inner Vision, develop a warm, radiant and tender Compassion that Opens your Heart Centre. Be forever willing to give and receive the Immortal Fullness of Life through your Open Heart.

The Way of Everlasting Life is the Way of Total Compassion.

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The Truth of Physical Immortality is the only power able to rid this world of pain, suffering, and death. The Open Heart is able to respond to the cry of all Life for Liberty, Light, Love and Immortality.

Work to create a Life-style that does not contribute to the suffering or death of any Being. Compassion is rightly called "the ultimate ethic". If you have not already done so, begin to evolve your diet toward Vegan (no animal, fish, dairy, or eggs). We cannot build our Immortality upon the death of others.

Key 8

Purify your Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, and all Relationships with the Sacrament of Touch. Meditate upon and Master this Great Truth: "At the point of Touch we interchange the Sacrament of Everlasting Life!"

Train your senses to give and receive the Full Blessings of Immortality through the Touch of your Being with any and all phenomena. The Flame of Divine Praise illuminates the Highway to Physical Immortality!

The Divine Image of Immortal Form comes forth from within you. The Spirit of Purity continually recreates you until your entire Being manifests into full visibility this emerging Immortal Form. This is Purification.

Disciplines such as physical exercise, yogic breathing techniques, fasting, the refinement of diet, and many others are useful for purification. Purify your thoughts! Be an Alchemist of Thought. Fill Every Thought Form with the vitality and Will of Everlasting Life! The Fire of Praise is the Most Powerful form of Purification.

Key 9

Develop your radiance of Gratitude: Actively send forth joyous, light-filled Gratitude for every experience of life. Every event of Life contains a Divine Blessing - you obtain that Blessing by embracing the event with Gratitude.

There exists a company of Physically Immortal human beings who have emerged from all times and cultures and religions

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and who are working to reveal the Truth of Physical Immortality. They are known by many names such as the Church of the First Born, the Rainbow Starhood, or - in Crowleyian terms - the Secret Chiefs of the A.·.A.·.

Begin to feel that you are a part of the Global Starhood - the collective body of Immortals and Immortalists who are truly dedicated to creating the New Jerusalem of Everlasting Life upon this earth.

Key 10

Devote yourself to the Mastery of the 3 spiritual laws of Praise, Love and Gratitude. Circulate the Immortal frequencies of these qualities regularly throughout every atom and cell of your physical body. Know and feel that your Body is being quickened toward incorruptibility through the practising of these virtues.

In prayer and meditation, radiate your highest Blessings to all Immortals and their Work. Name and visualise those that you know. Open yourself to the Blessings of Immortals that are being directed onto your Pathway. Seek to understand and express the Laws and Archetypes of this Aeon of the Immortal Child.

Key 11

The Great Foundation Stone of this New Aquarian Aeon is the Truth of Physical Immortality. Dedicate yourself to building a global culture of Life Abundant arising from this Eternal Foundation. Dedicate yourself through a written and spoken Vow. Commune with the radiant Wisdom within yourself and all Creation. Proclaim the Word of the Aeon - Physical Immortality, Everlasting Life - with your every thought, word and deed.

Key 12

Pray to be an Agent of Clear Expression for the complete manifestation of the Divine Plan for Creating Physical Immortality, Everlasting Life, upon this earth and throughout this Universe!

The Divine Plan is the sum total of all Highest Purposes. If you

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add the unique True Will of every Being together, then the sum of this equals the Divine Plan.

Do you Know that your were present at the Foundation of this Universe? Remember. Assume your full responsibility as a Co-Creator of this Reality we share. Know that the Divine Will for Everlasting Life was Proclaimed in the Beginning and is forever proclaimed by every Living Being as the deepest and most precious Word of their own True Will.

The Immortal Truth Has been made Flesh within certain individuals And within the Heart Chakra of the Earth. The individual and global Omega Points have been established. This permanent grounding of Immortal Life guarantees that, in time, the entire Universe shall be quickened to resonate in perfect harmony and in full enjoyment of this Everlasting Truth! Celebrate this spiritualisation of all matter - this Christing of all Flesh!

The Global Omega Point was activated within the planetary Heart Chakra at Glastonbury Tor at Sunrise of Easter in 1984. Pray to Know that this is so, and Honour this Truth. To acknowledge this Foundation Stone for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan for Immortality upon this planet empowers your own Immortal Work! Pray often to see clearly, and to support, this Divine Plan.

Key 13

There is a Certain proof of this Revelation of Physical Immortality. It is the only sure proof. There are exact Spiritual Laws, that when acted upon, lead you step by step into the vibration of Everlasting Life. Dare to take one tiny step upon this pathway; place one little toe within the waters of the Grail, and Your proof shall begin to unfold! The Law of gratitude is the most powerful beatitude or attitude of Being for rapid acceleration upon the Immortalist Way. Generate Heart gratitude for your own birth, for all things in time and space without exception until you automatically accept All experience as the most divine, precious and beautiful gift of a Jewel given personally from God to You. And at that moment when your Gratitude for the Divinity of all phenomena is perfect, this I promise - You shall be transformed into a physically Immortal human being! Your faith in this Way will

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Then be transformed into perfect knowledge. Your own Bodily Translation is the only absolute proof of Divinity. The Second Birth of Creative Fire awaits Thee! You are ready for the Liberty of Bodily Translation.

Have you fulfilled Every suggestion without exception that is contained within these 13 keys? Review each key very carefully and make certain that you have mastered each one. The entire record of your Mastery should be contained within a Spiritual Diary that you have been keeping.

One ability that an Immortal should be able to master before the age of 300 is that of Bodily Teleportation. Prepare yourself for this in the following manner: Sit in joyous and peaceful meditation upon a hill or site that you dearly love. Choose a second location within Visible sight, quicken your Flesh with the highest outpouring of Light and Joyous Thanksgiving you can generate, and Imagine that your entire Being shifts into the frequency of a Light Body and flies quickly to reappear at the second site. Sit at the second location and practice this exercise in the reverse direction. Teleporting Immortals are able to follow the Magnetic Pull of anyone who needs their physical presence for Healing.

Would you be impressed if someone appeared or disappeared before your eyes? It is very crucial to understand this matter. The strengthening of faith upon the Immortalist path is never dependent upon visual display. This maturing of Faith into Knowledge is always an inner affair of the heart. When we meet an Immortal we shall be as they - Joyous, Whole and Eternally Free! The proof of Physical Immortality is gained as you move fearlessly in right action upon the Way.

Why Consider Physical Immortality?

Our basic beliefs have a profound effect upon the structures of society. What is the meaning and purpose of life? If physical immortality is accepted as a valid possibility for individuals, then basic beliefs and cultural structures will undergo major, positive changes. The purpose of this site is to contribute to social change by providing information about physical immortality.

There is no effort to evangelise, or to convince anyone who

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doesn't want to be convinced. There are no classes to attend, or groups to join. The information given here is designed to educate. The goal is to make it clear that, throughout the world, the choice of everlasting life exists. For it is not possible to either choose or reject a pathway of bodily immortality until you accept that such a choice is possible for yourself.

To accept that this choice exists greatly expands perspectives on many things. Above all else, this is an issue of greater liberty and freedom. An incredible number of new possibilities open up when you decide to operate as an immortal. Try to think of things you would really like to do, but feel unable to, or are hesitant to attempt, because of the limitations created by a belief in mortality. Adopting the immortal point of view overcomes these limitations, and energises you with a new, liberated force which allows you to do all those things that are patiently waiting to be done. Freedom from the restrictions of physical death greatly expands every horizon. It is only in the liberty of physical immortality that one can dare to begin to truly dream one's highest dreams.

Immortals are people who deeply love life. They are in society, and are normal individuals. Immortals have some friends who are mortal, and some who are immortal. Immortals absolutely respect the right of anyone to not choose eternal life. And if they have decided to take the Immortal direction in their lives, then they expect this choice will be absolutely respected by the culture in which they live, and by all individuals who are a part of that culture. A simple and fundamental difference between deathist philosophy and Immortalists: Immortal Consciousness contains and constructively deals with the fact of death. Deathist thought excludes Physical Immortality and does not admit to its Here and Now existence.

Immortals do not regard themselves as being, in any way, superior to mortals. The expansive, inclusive nature of physical immortality precludes such things. There are no separations, divisions, or hierarchies present in the immortal point of view. We are all in life together here on earth. All of us, regardless of the length of our life spans, have useful and creative contributions to make to the quality of the cultures in which we reside, and to the quality and direction of the greater planetary civilisation as it develops over the coming decades and centuries.

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Over the last 40 years or so, there has been a growing interest in the possibility of physical immortality. This interest has increased scientifically, spiritually, and imaginatively. The idea is utilised in the media, on TV, in movies, in literature and art. There are humanist, agnostic, atheist immortalists. There are immortalists within all of the world's major religions. There are spiritual immortalists who are not part of any group. Compared to four decades ago, there are many more individuals who, today, regard themselves as Immortals now. Physical immortality is not a future evolutionary possibility. It is the daily, normal point of view for a significant growing sub-culture present in the world today.

Concomitant with this growing interest in physical immortality is an increasing awareness of the extensive amount of historical material available on the subject. This site regards everlasting life as a reality which has existed on the earth for a very long time. It is important to assimilate the best from previous immortal traditions, in terms of wisdoms and techniques. There is an Immortal momentum in history and evolution which is growing in strength. We can contribute to the construction of a global immortalist civilisation more readily if we acknowledge the presence of this momentum, and then harmonise our own efforts with it.

Physical immortality has featured in imaginative literature for many centuries. It is often found as a motif in science fiction. Some visions of immortality are restrictive and negative. Others are positive and inspirational. It is important to remember that real everlasting life is always an advance into greater liberty and conscious control over the choices in one's life. Physical immortality is the perfection of liberty. It is a pathway which progressively overcomes all restrictions. It is a pathway which leads to superabundancies of health, joy, and creativity.

Would you like to be able to totally create your own future? Would you like to have youth, health, and physical agility forever? Would you like your experiences of peace, beauty, love, and creativity to deepen and grow more wonderful over the coming centuries? Would you like to have the time to do everything that you truly would like to do? Would you like to see the sun rise and hear the birds sing a thousand years from now? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions,

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then consider physical immortality. It might be the right choice for you.

Where is the proof of everlasting life? It is not in demonstrations by others. We each have to find our own way in life, and discover and prove the eternal laws for ourselves. Discover your True Will for physical immortality and then do your best to interpret all the experiences of your life from this eternal view point. You don't need to attend classes or find a human teacher. If you vow to live the Immortal life, then the universe will be your teacher. Discover the immortal laws, and then practice them in your daily life, at every instant. If you do this, then the proof of everlasting life will come to you.

The purpose of this work is artistic. It is best interpreted as a work of art in progress. And, as a work of art, we hope that it inspires and energises artistic and creative forces in others. Everlasting Life is an Art of great beauty which should be enjoyed at all times. To those who read these pages: May enjoyment and great beauty always be a part of your experience of life. Make your Life the best work of art possible.

Start Your Journey on the Immortal Pathway

Immortality work

What follows is a series of suggested activities for those interested in furthering their immortality work this year.

Before you start you need to be aware of several things:

1. The approach to physical immortality outlined here is a spiritual one. It presupposes that you are able to acknowledge that there is more to the Universe and reality than what is seen, and that there is a Divine Purpose to it all. There are no Immortals who are atheists. Immortality always has been and always will be a spiritual pathway Open solely to those who are Pure in Heart. We hear of the Quest for the Holy Grail; Elixir of Life; Fountain of Youth; Philosopher’s Stone; Nirvana;

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Great Work etc. – all are synonyms for the Immortal Pathway. And as with all truly spiritual pathways there are no short cuts. There are no recipes for ‘fast food’ physical immortality. There is the long way, or the long way.

2. Don’t be deceived by the apparent simplicity of the exercises and information about immortality on this site. The Immortal Pathway is obviously the most difficult of all spiritual pathways to pursue, which is why there are so few immortals around today. Although there are no exact figures (no one keeps a register of Immortals), in a world of 6 billion people immortals must total less than 0.001 per cent, if that. Hardly enough to make a dent in the Culture of Death that is prevalent upon the planet.

3. The phrases "Physical Immortality" and "Everlasting Life" as used here refer to achieving bodily immortality while living upon the earth as a normal human being. There are no spaceships coming to take you to another planet to live out your everlasting years, no tenth dimension to disappear into because you're sick of the world, no land in the clouds where you'll sit around with others in your white robes twiddling your thumbs and mouthing hollow words. Through the Glorious process of Immortalisation the cells of your physical human body will resonate to a higher frequency until they are beyond corruption. Will you still wear clothes and walk with your feet on the ground? Probably.

4. "Immortals" refers to those few humans in history who have Mastered the Laws of Immortal Life. The most famous immortal of the last couple of millennia in the western world would be Jesus, and look how mortals treated him. This is one of the reasons why Immortals don’t appear in public, because they would be either worshipped or crucified. There is more resistance to the idea of immortals on the planet than there is to aliens in outer space.

5. It should be pointed out also that the Pathway of Everlasting Life is not about the preservation of the ego for all eternity. Immortals are insignificant to themselves. Physical Immortality is much more about achieving Union with God than with avoiding wrinkles. Nor is immortality about being in denial of death or afraid of death. The dissolution of the ego is the beginning of the Immortal Pathway.

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6. Immortality is about self-reliance. It is a solitary path, not a “group thing”. If you’re not prepared to spend eternity without your friends and family then you’re in for a shock. This doesn’t mean that you won’t get to share your immortal journey with those you love, just that you should be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually free from the need to have others see and appreciate your point of view. You'll find it easier to navigate the immortal highway if you are focused on your relationship with God/the Divine.

7. It would be fair to say that people who have not yet discovered their Highest Purpose in life are unlikely to be interested in physical immortality. When you have discovered that unique something that only you can do - that Special Contribution to the World that is yours and yours alone to make – the notion that your time here is finite will not seem attractive at all. If you are here to serve the Divine – if your existence is dedicated to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth - then you will want to stick around for as long as possible. But a person who is bored, purposeless, and tired of life and living will find the idea of living forever a horrible one indeed.

8. Immortals have no interest in the subject of reincarnation. The purpose of Existence is to awaken and evolve to the Knowledge and Understanding of Everlasting Life. If you think about it, reincarnation is far more subjective and less provable than physical immortality. Anyone can say “I was so and so” in a previous life. Immortality is about who you are Now.

9. On the Immortal Pathway, when the Student is ready, the Teacher disappears...



Make a Holy Vow dedicating yourself to the Immortal Pathway. You may choose to compose your vow spontaneously, or take some time to write it down. It should be spoken aloud, preferably outdoors somewhere in nature, such as a forest, bushland, near the sea, a park, or even your back garden.

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Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths, and relax. Turn your awareness to the movements of the earth going on all around you.Whether you choose to make your vow alone or in the company of others, remember that the Holy Vow is between you and the Divine. Accordingly, invite the Divine/God/Universal Intelligence to witness your vow.Simple, or complex, say your vow with heart, with feeling – and mean every word you say.

The Three Beatitudes: Praise, Love, and Thanksgiving

These three frequencies, if developed sufficiently, produce everlasting life. Each frequency is a virtue, an emotion, and a magickal force for creating change. They are not abstract, intellectual concepts. Here are a few ideas and proposals to further their development in society, and in the individual.

PRAISE: Praise is a fire, or light, which needs to be established within the heart. It is our most sacred duty to keep this fire burning perpetually, in the midst of all situations. If we do this, then, in time, flames of praise spread from the heart and ignite eternal fires within every atom and cell of the physical body. Praise has two functions:

1. Purification - As a fire, it consumes all illusions, limitations, and judgements. All that is not immortal vanishes in its blaze. 2. Illumination - Praise casts a light of awareness upon the presence of beauty, eternity, infinity, and immortality which are in all things. Praise does not ask for anything; nor does it give anything. It simply recognises the omnipresence of immortal reality. Nothing else exists.

Self-awareness is essential for the strengthening of all virtues. It is always preferable to discover one's own strengths and weaknesses, rather than to have someone else tell you about them. Look around you now... Do you see the Immortal Presence in all things? Write down what you do see it in, and what you don't. Set aside some time every day and use this time to praise, one at a time, anything on your list. Make sure that you have a True Will to Praise all things, and that it makes intellectual sense to do so. Exert your will and imagination to feel flames of praise emanating from your heart and body towards the object or the situation you are

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concentrating on. The development of any quality is like the exercising of a muscle - regular exercise is essential, in order to develop the strength and consistency of any immortal virtue.

If interested, try this experiment: Get a list of all the times that transiting Mars conjuncts anything in your natal astrological chart. Mars will conjunct everything in the chart over a two year period. Set aside a couple of hours embracing each time and use these periods as special occasions for working with Praise.

It is a great delight to see the Immortal Presence in all things, all the time. Do not perpetuate illusions; do not make spiritual judgements about anyone - the person you are judging may be an immortal in disguise. Don't place any limitations upon the potential for any situation to give the highest blessing.

Have faith in your ability to exert your Immortal Will in all situations. There are no initiations to be gained by praising what is easy to praise. Select a challenge which matches your faith and courage. Start with the little challenges, and work your way to the larger ones. If you do this, you will find that your faith and courage also increase, step by step, as you go along. Eventually, only the Immortal Reality will remain. Persist and be patient - you have all the time in the universe.

LOVE: Love is the immortal substance of nutrition. Overcome all barriers to either giving or receiving love, between yourself and the entirety of the universe, and you will gain the ability to perfectly fulfil your highest purpose. Love nourishes the True Will. Thus, love gives one the ability to completely manifest the True Will. Develop the True Will to direct your own energies of love in constant dedication to the nourishment of every Highest Purpose throughout all of creation, without exception, and with equality of force and grace. Find the Holy Grail within your Heart, and direct its waters of love throughout all time and space. Write your own interpretation of exactly what this means.

The sun nourishes almost every life form on earth. So, as Mars is a symbol for praise, the sun is the archetype of love. Work with the energy of the sun to expand and develop the virtues and emanative qualities of your heart. Breathe in its warmth and radiance, and hold these feelings in your heart area for a

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few seconds before you exhale. Go to a rose garden, and do the same with the fragrance of a living flower. Within your heart, let the fragrance of the rose fertilise the prana of the sun. Open your heart and give birth to a love which nourishes and fulfils the ultimate evolutionary purpose of the universe.

Unite Love with the True Will at all times, and the structures of coercion will dissolve. Then, the art of liberty shall be revealed. Never presume to know what the True Will of another being is. Love given with this presumption perpetuates all structures of coercion. The love you give is an energy liberated by will from all structure. The love you receive is given structure by the wisdom of your eternal spirit - which is your True Will.

Observe yourself throughout an average day. Are you giving an energy that nourishes the true purpose of every being you encounter? Record your observations. Regularly consecrate your every thought, word, and act to the giving of love to all things. Again, work to improve any noted weaknesses, beginning with the easier challenges, and working up to the more difficult ones. Don't just read positive advice - put it into concrete action. Develop a strategy, and keep with it. Keeping a special journal is always a useful thing to do.

Some people are better at giving love, than they are at receiving it. Again, make a conscious effort to absorb love from every situation in your life. Love is at the foundation of the universe. It is the substance that makes things exist. In other words, it is everywhere, and it is possible to assimilate it directly into your body at the cellular and atomic levels. Love emanates from all beings, and from all objects. Animism will increasingly be seen as a useful philosophy for living harmoniously in the 21st century. If you are totally open to giving and receiving love in all situations, then you become a superconductor of love. Then, it becomes possible to subsist solely on love, as a form of nourishment. This is amorianism (from the Latin amor - love). Amorians are able to create nutrition from the prana of love which is in all things. For example, an amorian can extract food from breath, sunshine, stars, rocks, the wind, a painting in an art gallery, etc. Love exists in equal density in all phenomena. Create changes in your life which allow you to arrive at the full experience of this truth.

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THANKSGIVING: The universe is a living, conscious being that is dedicated to change. When this universe was created, a great explosion of joy and gratitude was created. Today, this thanksgiving exists as a subtle radiation permeating every galaxy. Work with this frequency of thanksgiving, and you accelerate the universal evolutionary agenda.

Jupiter is the planetary symbol for gratitude. The Horn of Plenty, or the Unicorn's horn, is an emblem. Magnification, expansion, abundance, and prosperity are the results of thanksgiving. Life is the most precious gift in the universe, no matter what galaxy you are living in. Always work to strengthen the joy and gratitude you feel for the precious gift of your own life.

As you strengthen the force of your thanksgiving for life, direct the abundancy of this feeling towards all other life forms. Be thankful for the presence of every being, and work to preserve all life, without exception. The purpose of truth, and the way of truth, is to make life more abundant - to raise the quality of life for all beings. Joyous thanksgiving is the primary instrument for the fulfilling of this purpose.

It's a simple process to find things to be more grateful for. Every Thursday (the word is associated with Jupiter) try this experiment: Go about your day and, approximately every 30 minutes, pause and record anything within the last half hour that you recall that you haven't been radiantly grateful for. Also record any less than grateful memories about the past, or thoughts about the future. If it is convenient, go back to the physical locations of any place where you were not thankful, and irradiate the site with feelings of joy and gratitude. If it is not easy to get back to these places, on the day or on any day, then re-image the situation and permeate it with these qualities. Never go to sleep if there is something that happened during the day that blocked you from speeding up the universe's evolutionary plans with your magick of joyous thanksgiving.

If we are ungrateful for something, it is very likely that life will conspire to recreate the same situation again and again, until finally we have the strength to embrace it with open-hearted gratitude as it happens. When, finally, we do this, then initiation occurs - and we move on to new experiences and

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challenges further along the spiral of the immortal journey.

Have faith in the law of gratitude. Even though your mind or your emotions may not always think that you should be grateful for some particular experience, exert your True Will, and use the magickal law of gratitude. If you eventually master this law in your life, 24 hours a day, every day, then forgiveness becomes inappropriate in all situations. Healing becomes obsolete. Healing can only exist as a temporary illusion in linear time, formed by some lack of joyous thanksgiving for something. Physically immortal beings are equally grateful for all of the experiences of living. Recognise clearly that this is the standard you are striving for. Nothing less will suffice.

So, do you have enough praise, love, and thanksgiving? The development of all eternalising qualities is an open-ended process. Each virtue can only be raised to new intensities of grace, truth, and magick. Develop an ability to feel each quality in your heart area, and throughout all of your body. Feel and understand how the three qualities differ from each other. Then work to integrate the three virtues into one, integrated instrument for magickal change.

Praise purifies, love nourishes, and thanksgiving multiplies. The Immortal Way - an initiatory journey which forever expands into a more abundant and joyous experience of living - is always a way of purification, nourishment, and multiplication. Eventually, the growing strength of these three frequencies unites matter and spirit into one substance. All entropy is thus eliminated from the eternalised physical body.

Is it part of your unwavering eternal Purpose to completely master the laws and frequencies of praise, love, and joyous thanksgiving in every instant and situation of your life? If so, then you are on the Immortal Pathway. The Immortal Fruit of this journey is always present - and being offered to you - in each and every situation and moment of your experience. Look around you, and look within... Wherever you look, Immortality is Here Now. Lay bare the beauty and eternal nature of all things. With praise, love, and thanksgiving, excavate this Truth - for yourself, and for all beings. Nothing less than this is worthy of being called the Great Work.

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23 Physical Immortality

Physical Immortality is mastery of the Art of Living. The Immortal Art can only be mastered through a complete embrace of the present instant. Right now, the universe is offering you the sacrament of Everlasting Life. Find the Holy Grail, and you are Immortal. Do not be thrown from your pathway by regret for anything from the past, or by fear of anything in the future. Immortality is experienced in the everchanging perfection of the now. Receive the deep blessing of your present experience, and the present instant will expand into the greater possibilities of the eternal now. Time is very different for Immortals.

Movement through space also changes for an Immortal. It is possible to always be at the right place at the right time. Bless all things. What do Immortals do? Really, only one thing: They bless all beings and all pathways, without any judgements. Yet each Immortal does this blessing in his or her own unique, creative way.

You can not be physically immortal, if you try to base your immortality upon the death of other beings. For this reason, in every case history of physical immortality, you find there is a continuing experimentation with sources of nutrition. Immortals, because their hearts are continually opening, develop a great compassion for the right of all beings to live. Vegetarianism is a minimal requirement for true physical immortality. Advanced immortals learn to live on even less - fruit, or the energies of love which pervade all things.

Physical Immortality is about Liberty. This is a key signpost for you to keep track of. At every step of your way into greater, more abundant life, you should be gaining greater individual freedom. Physical Immortality is about the overcoming of restrictions, barriers, yes - and the eventual overcoming of physical death.

If you praise the Immortal Presence with a fire in your heart at all times; if you devote yourself to giving and receiving the nutrition of love in all situations; and if you embrace every experience of your life, without exception, with total joyous

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thanksgiving, then, in time, the atoms and cells of your body will raise their energies and alter their structures, until spirit and matter are one. At this point, you are Immortal, and have the liberty to come and go as the wind, in your physical body.

The Joys, or Fruits, of Everlasting Life are all experienced as you live your life, in each Immortal instant. The only proof of Physical Immortality is from your own experiences of its Way. Live the Life of Immortal Magick - and enjoy!



Since the dawn of Creation, the Divine has patiently looked for ways and means to bring forth the Truth of Everlasting Life. What is your highest ideal or wish for yourself and this universe? Dreams in harmony with highest Truth come True. A new Universe is born...

Every individual has an absolutely unique purpose, or True Will. Only you can discover what that True Will is. The purpose of Life is to discover this True Will, and then to manifest it. Both the discovery and the manifestation are eternal processes, with no beginning and no end. The only Right, or Liberty, you have is to "do" your True Will to the best of your ability. This is the Great Work. Dedicate yourself to doing your True Will and the creative intelligence everywhere present in the universe supports you in the fulfilment of your dedication. Every experience of your Life in the here and now is given to you for the illumination and fulfilment of your True Will.

Somewhere in the New Testament you will find a passage where the prophet Jesus is talking about what happens to your mobility once you have recreated yourself through the second alchemical birth of fire. When you've eliminated entropy from your self, then you gain the ability "to come and go as the wind, so that no one knows from where you have come, or to where you go." If you make a thorough study of comparative religion and the great mystical traditions, you will find many stories and myths and legends throughout the world about Immortals who travel like the wind and don't use doors.

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In its infinite wisdom, the universe does not create or repeat anything twice. If you see that what's happening to you right now will never be repeated, then your enjoyment of the preciousness of this instant will geometrically progress forever. All events are non-repeatable and are open to anyone at any time. If you like the idea of a strange man, or a strange woman, suddenly appearing in your room - without using the door - then it's likely to happen when you least expect it to. It's more fun if you can't predict it in advance. Orthodox Jews make a space in their reality for such a situation: they leave an empty chair for Elijah at the Passover meal. Make sure you design your reality system so that unexpected change is always welcomed and cherished as the honoured guest.

Every overcoming, every manifestation of Body Translation, is rapidly accelerating the Full Flowering of your Star's Perfection... For you to Manifest this Truth - That Is the Great Work! You are a Star Shining in the Heart of Heaven... Most Holy is Your Victory!

Every world saviour is born in a miraculous and immaculate way. As a prospective Messiah, You were born in such a felicitous manner. Your present incarnation is the perfect time to become an Immortal. When you ascend, you uplift the entire world also. It is your responsibility to Immortalize this earth and thus to establish Paradise.

The most powerful form of prayer is to joyfully thank the Divine for having already given and established that which you desire. The True Will for physical immortality is inscribed within every atom of your being. Do you believe this to be possible? Do you Know this to be True? Dare to frequently affirm with growing confidence that the Word of Immortality made Flesh IS established within your own Being and within all beings!

Where and what is Heaven? Heaven is the frequency of Immortality. This frequency is everywhere present. We begin to establish Heaven on Earth through the actions of our own True Will when we recognize and honour the Truth of Bodily Translation, or the Word of Immortal Radiant Flesh established within our own Being.

Immortality is produced by the operation of simple, natural laws. Immortality produces great Change, but it is not a threat

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to the well-being of anyone.

We shall meet the Immortals when we are as near their frequency as possible. We who hold this Truth of Immortality to be the most precious Gift of the Divine need to do what we can to purify and strengthen our entire Being - Body, Mind, and Spirit - so that when we do encounter an Immortal, the sharing and communion of the Grail will be as balanced and as mutually beneficial as possible.

The vessel of the Grail is the Physical Body. Gratitude is the most expansive spiritual quality... a well that never runs dry. Immortal Flesh continually radiates thanksgiving from every atom and cell of the Body. To be in the presence of the Grail is to be in the physical presence of a physically Immortal human being. The image of the Grail has been used for thousands of years to project and share the Revelation of Life Abundant and Eternal. To seek the Holy Grail is to seek Physical Immortality.

In this New Aeon we are witnessing the spiritual Liberation of matter. In the old age we were wrongly taught that Liberty is obtained by escaping from matter. Contained within the Heart of all matter is the True Will for Everlasting Life. When this Will is expressed, then matter and Will are liberated.


23 -The Number of Physical Immortality

Each of the prime numbers has its own identity. 23 is the number for physical immortality, everlasting life, eternal youth, and the secret of the Holy Grail. Prime numbers are those numbers that can not be divided by any other number. Other primes: 11 is the number of magick, 13 is feminine unity, 17 is masculine unity.

The association of 23 with physical immortality has been developed in the writings of Aleister Crowley, Robert Anton Wilson, and myself. Crowley gave meaning to all the primes between 11 and 100. He felt that 23 was the frequency of the life force at its highest in nature, at the spring equinox. For mystics, immortal life is present in nature, and to find life at its highest vibration anywhere is to touch the secret of the Grail.

Wilson, who is greatly influenced by Crowley, made 23 into his supreme number for synchronicity. Be aware of 23 as it

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appears in your life, and it will guide you along your pathway of magick and greater life.

It seems as if the universe has mysteriously placed 23 in many locations to act as signposts for the journey. Thankfulness is the quality of physical immortality. Try to generate this virtue in every environment in which you notice the magickal prime, 23.

The Significance of the Phoenix

Various tales abound concerning the mythical firebird, the Phoenix. From east to west, and north to south, many have caught a glimpse of its unrivalled beauty, but few have heard its undying song. Its colour is crimson (Mars) and gold (Sun) with a plume of purple (Pluto). The flames of its funeral pyre are fuelled by frankincense (Love) and myrrh (Law). Eternal symbol of Physical Immortality, the Phoenix makes its nest in the top of the Everlasting Tree of Life.

The Phoenix is the higher frequency symbol for Aquarius, the Bearer of the Cup containing the Waters of Life. The Phoenix of Aquarius represents the collective or planetary gaining of Everlasting Life. Those who have the Seal of the Phoenix upon them are the torchbearers of Immortality. They have discovered their Highest Purpose is to attain Physical Immortality in this Life and dedicate themselves to directing Immortal energies for the Evolution of a New Planetary Structure capable of supporting Greater Expressions of Life. If you are one of these beings, then visualize the Seal of the Phoenix upon your brow, or third eye, chakra. The Spirit of the Aquarian Phoenix anoints thee! This Touch of the Fire Bird upon your forehead ignites the pyre that consumes all Chains of Mind and creates Perfect Freedom. Life can not confer the Seal or Grade of the Phoenix upon you until you take the conscious Vow to overcome death and to dedicate yourself to the communication of the Immortal Way.

The Truth and Way of Life Eternal is a most precious Gift to share!

Copyright © 2005-2009 Robert Coon

"Most beings spring from other individuals; but there is a

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certain kind which reproduces itself.The Assyrians call it the Phoenix. It does not live on fruit or flowers, but on frankincense andodoriferous gums. When it has lived five hundred years, it builds itself a nest in the branchesof an oak, or on the top of a palm tree. In this it collects cinnamon, and spikenard, and myrrh,and of these materials builds a pile on which it deposits itself, and dying, breathes out its lastbreath amidst odors. From the body of the parent bird, a young Phoenix issues forth, destinedto live as long a life as its predecessor. When this has grown up and gained sufficient strength,it lifts its nest from the tree (its own cradle and its parent's sepulchre), and carries it to the cityof Heliopolis in Egypt, and deposits it in the temple of the Sun."- Ovid

The Phoenix's "instinct teaches him to keep out of the way of the tyrant of the creation, man,for if he were to be got at, some wealthy glutton would surely devour him, though there wereno more in the world."- Alexander Ross

The Phoenix Bird by Hans Christian Andersen

In the Garden of Paradise, beneath the Tree of Knowledge, bloomed a rose bush. Here, in the first rose, a bird was born. His flight was like the flashing of light, his plumage was beauteous, and his song ravishing. But when Eve plucked the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when she and Adam were driven from Paradise, there fell from the flaming sword of the cherub a spark into the nest of the bird, which blazed up forthwith. The bird perished in the flames; but from the red egg in the nest there fluttered aloft a new one—the one solitary Phoenix bird. The fable tells that he dwells in Arabia, and that every hundred years, he burns himself to death in his nest; but each time a new Phoenix, the only one in the world, rises up from the red egg.

The bird flutters round us, swift as light, beauteous in color, charming in song. When a mother sits by her infant’s cradle, he stands on the pillow, and, with his wings, forms a glory around the infant’s head. He flies through the chamber of content, and brings sunshine into it, and the violets on the humble table smell doubly sweet.

But the Phoenix is not the bird of Arabia alone. He wings his way in the glimmer of the Northern Lights over the plains of

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Lapland, and hops among the yellow flowers in the short Greenland summer. Beneath the copper mountains of Fablun, and England’s coal mines, he flies, in the shape of a dusty moth, over the hymnbook that rests on the knees of the pious miner. On a lotus leaf he floats down the sacred waters of the Ganges, and the eye of the Hindoo maid gleams bright when she beholds him.

The Phoenix bird, dost thou not know him? The Bird of Paradise, the holy swan of song! On the car of Thespis he sat in the guise of a chattering raven, and flapped his black wings, smeared with the lees of wine; over the sounding harp of Iceland swept the swan’s red beak; on Shakspeare’s shoulder he sat in the guise of Odin’s raven, and whispered in the poet’s ear “Immortality!” and at the minstrels’ feast he fluttered through the halls of the Wartburg.

The Phoenix bird, dost thou not know him? He sang to thee the Marseillaise, and thou kissedst the pen that fell from his wing; he came in the radiance of Paradise, and perchance thou didst turn away from him towards the sparrow who sat with tinsel on his wings.

The Bird of Paradise—renewed each century—born in flame, ending in flame! Thy picture, in a golden frame, hangs in the halls of the rich, but thou thyself often fliest around, lonely and disregarded, a myth—“The Phoenix of Arabia.”

In Paradise, when thou wert born in the first rose, beneath the Tree of Knowledge, thou receivedst a kiss, and thy right name was given thee—thy name, Poetry.

he Grail Quest.

You are upon the High Way of Divine Life. The Universe is observing your spiritual journey with great interest. On special occasions, our individual Ways have intersected and communed within profound densities of Life and Joy. I am certain that our Pathways shall cross in Service to the Divine on many occasions as we travel deeper into the Heartland of the New Aeon which is now unfolding. May each such crossway Anoint the Lord of Life within every Being.

As we enter the 21st century, I perceive that both we and the

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earth are entering very important phases of our personal journeys. The challenges, purifications and initiations of Bodhisattvahood are beginning to manifest frequently and visibly within our experience of Living and Serving upon this earth. This business of becoming a Bodhisattva is a very tricky one! Especially here in the West. I wish you every success within the birth-chamber of your initiation.

The Bodhisattva

The Bodhisattva is known as The Master of the Grail. For the Bodhisattva is a woman or a man who has managed to remove all limitations of ego from Self so that there is no inner resistance to either receiving or giving the Communion of the Holy Grail. When we have removed all resistance to giving and receiving from our Wills, our Minds, our Hearts, and our Bodies, then the Richness of True Communion begins to be experienced in every situation. There are five degrees of Initiation beyond the Master of the Grail - the Bodhisattva. Through each of these five degrees, the magick of Divine Communion becomes deeper, more creative, and more expansive. In the final stages of this process, all resistance to perpetual Communion with Total and Infinite Life is abolished from the physical Body. This is the Christing of Flesh - the attainment of Physical Immortality, where the alchemical Wedding of Body and Spirit is consummated. Through Total Communion, the Triumph of Life is Complete.

Illusions are parasites dependent upon dualities. Dualities are not real. At the Heart of Communion, Immortal Transformation - complete Union with the Divine - occurs, and all dualities and all illusions vanish. Only the Eternal Joy of Radiant Truth remains... The Word is made Flesh... You and the Father-Mother are forever and ever One.

The Magick of Communion

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In Service to the Theme of Life, I would like to devote the pages of this essay to an exploration of the Magick of Communion. Let us breathe together - You and I - in the Here and Now. And Let us invoke - You and I - the Living Spirit of Truth, Here and Now, to Be With Us and to Illuminate the Way of Communion... Oh Let It Be!

We begin exactly where we are: What can I assume about you here in this instant? You are alive and you are choosing to let these words and thoughts into your consciousness - into your Life. Here we have the basic conditions needed for Communion. For Communion is always about Life, Choice, and Change. The Art of Communion is Pure Magick, for Magick is the Art of giving birth to Change that is in harmony with your Unique True Will. These words are Alive - radiant with the Abundance of Immortal Joy... Feast upon these Words... And may the Recreation of Christed Life be established throughout thy Flesh!

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Holy Spirit is invoked to activate the bread and wine. This is a Ritual of essential importance. The conscious and sincere Invocation of the Living Spirit of Truth increases the potency of Divine Grace within every form of Communion. Let us, once again, consider our present situation: In this instant of time, I am writing these words. In this instant of time, you are reading them. Through Communion, our experiences are transcending linear time. In Eternity, the mutual interchange of all experience is complete and simultaneous at all times. The Divine knows your needs before you ask - but you still need to ask! The Invocation of the Holy Spirit is the most effective way to do this asking.

If the white wafer used in many Christian Churches can act as the Body or Flesh of Christ, surely any object can. These wafers contain no nutrition and look like they are made out of plastic. The humble nature of these wafers is something to meditate upon... I urge you to try this experiment now: Let these words take the place of the white wafer. To take the Christ Nature which is Alive within these words and to absorb them into your Life - this is Communion. Invocation maximizes the efficiency of this Divine Process.

Now let us give our spiritual attention to this experiment: Breathe deeply for a few minutes; create a heart-centered

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energy of radiant thanksgiving and peace through this breathing: visualize this sphere of generated divine qualities expanding with every breath cycle to permeate the immediate area surrounding you to a distance of at least 10 feet in every direction. You have now created a resonating field that is naturally attractive to the creative intelligence of the universe. Continue to breathe and to hold this meditation...

To awaken and activate the Spirit of Truth is the next step: Add the additional outward heart-radiation of Divine Praise to your generating sphere. The Fiery Quality of Praise always has a very special effect - the Shekinah, or Visible Manifestation of the Divine, is nurtured and illuminated by such a baptism of Praise. The final step before actual Invocation is now to be accomplished. Verbally and silently, affirm and pray with heart and will united in this effort - with energy, belief, thought and word, praise the Living Spirit of Truth. Send forth this radiant Praise to the Holy Spirit of Truth for several minutes, until you feel a Creative Connection has been established. It is essential to offer this Praise to Truth for two main reasons: (1) We need to give Divine Blessings before we can receive; (2) As stated above, Praise brings out the Shekinah or Visible Nature of the Spirit of Truth, so that all the spiritual senses may have something tangible to work with during and after Invocation.

We are now ready to consecrate All Life by Invoking The Living Spirit of Truth. The best invocations are always created in the Here and Now. I will not offer you a written invocation here - it's best to make up your own. When the Will is clear about the purpose of the prayer or invocation, then the Words flow with ease from the Heart. Our purpose in this experiment is simple and clear: We are to invoke the Living Spirit of Truth to fill this moment with Divine and Creative Blessings so that our Communion with it shall be of the Highest Use. We seek to establish a Spiritual Relationship with these words so that its Christ Nature may flow into our Body Temple and Aliveness in a totally efficient, fertile, and unrestricted manner. We seek to establish a "superconductivity" of Divine Relationship so that the Total Truth may encounter no resistance as it Joyfully Recreates our individual unique expressions of the Divine.

It is important to develop your own style of Invocation. Here is one classic style: When ready, raise your hands, with palms upwards, to the heavens. Verbally make your Invocation to

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the Holy Spirit of Truth. Inhale the Holy Spirit into your hands, and then bring this energy down into the center of your heart. Let the Holy Spirit unite with the Blessings of your Heart for an instant. Then exhale the combined Grace of the Holy Spirit and your own Heart out through your hands and directly into the world. If appropriate, the verbal Invocation may extend over both the inhalation and exhalation phases of this process. There are several variations involved here which you will discover through experimentation.

Now that our wafer is consecrated, it's time to feast! May these offerings contribute to a deeply experienced Inner Communion with the Divine in a wide variety of situations, relationships, and sacred locations in your life. Through the magick of this consecration, may your interaction with these writings create change, illuminate synchronicities, and initiate ever-deepening experiences of individual liberty. Take your time and enjoy... If you come across a thought or passage contained herein that particularly interests you, then pause and breathe, meditate, invoke, commune, explore... The Waters of Infinite Life may burst forth from any and every situation.

Aeon of the Immortal Child

In this new Aquarian Aeon of the Immortal Child which we are now entering, the Liberation of Communion is destined to develop as a principal description of the global and individual changes we shall experience. In old ways of thinking, communion is something reserved for special times and is only available from an intermediary priest. This Piscean Age attempt to limit certain times and certain situations goes against the very nature of the Christ Life which Is True Communion. The Christ Nature within each of us is forever proclaiming: "I am the Way of Everlasting Life! I am the Way of Life Triumphant, Beautiful and True!" The Kingdom of Infinite Life is within You. Share this infinite Kingdom with the creator and the creation through every thought, word and action. In this Way, you fulfill your role in the Aquarian Liberation of Communion. Christmas Everywhen and Easter

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Everywhere - the Birth of Christ and the Triumph of Christ through the Immortal Transformation of Matter: These two events are perpetual and are happening totally all the time and in every situation. Mastery of the Art of Communion makes this Truth evident and opens the Way for you to become a Co-creator involved in both the Birth and the Triumph of Immortality at all times. In the Judaic-Christian Tradition, the True Masters of Communion are known as the High Priests and High Priestesses of Melchizedek.


Melchizedek is one of the most ancient Immortals mentioned in the Bible. One esoteric tradition suggests that he attained his Physical Immortality at the age of 52, after developing a perfect Angelic Communion with the Archangel Michael. Michael is the angel of Trust, Intuition, Sharing, and all forms of Communication - all ideal qualities inherent within the dynamics of Inner Communion. Michael is associated with the planet Mercury and Tree of Life sphere Hod. Fifty-two is one of the great sacred numbers: It is 4 × 13. Thirteen is the number of feminine unity: 52 extends this Shekinah quality to the four directions. Fifty-two is the number of years in one Heaven cycle in the sacred Aztec Calendar. We entered such a 52-year cycle at sunrise on 17th August, 1987 Mexican time. This event was well publicized and was popularly known as "Harmonic Convergence." In the Hindu Tradition, there are said to be 52 different interpretations of the Veda and 52 corresponding pronunciations of "Aumgn (Om)" to go with each interpretation.

From the beginning, Melchizedek has always been devoted to the creation of the New Jerusalem, or the Earthly Paradise. This devotion of Will was clearly formulated during his Immortal Initiation through Michael. The present Work of the Melchizedek Priesthood is developing in harmony with the 12 year cycle of Jupiter. The present cycle began in February 1999 and culminates in 2011. The primary goal of this period is to begin the activation of 52 Cardinal Sacred Sites on the planet. This work is to be accomplished in four 19 year cycles,

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activating 13 Cardinal Sites each, over the next 80 years. As these locations open, they are destined to become places where the outpouring of the Grail Communion from Gaia intensifies to a state of superabundance and rapidly transforms the entirety of the planetary culture. Over the coming years many vision quests and individual creative activities at sacred sites throughout the world are destined to contribute to this Melchizedek Work. Additional information on the 52 sites is contained in my books New Aeon: The Structural Dynamics of the Age of Aquarius and The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail, and on the World Alchemy Website.

The Melchizedek Priesthood

At the present time, the space and time dynamics of the planetary heart are expanding. This expansion of Gaia's Heart is creating a situation where suddenly, as we move into the 21st century, there is more spiritual space in which to move. Relationships that have been stuck in positions of rigidity are now finding that new movements, and thus new relationships, are possible. The Immortalist Annalee Skarin has stated that more men and women shall emerge as High Priests and High Priestesses of Melchizedek during the next 30 to 40 years than ever before in the history of the planet. This is due to the expansion of the Gaian Heart which we are now experiencing.

Paul, in the 8th chapter of Romans, has a profound Vision which describes the planetary Heart-Change which we are now in the midst of. He feels that all of creation is in the throes of Childbirth, waiting for the birth of the many Immortal Sons and Daughters of the Divine. For when these beings appear, then the entire universe shall be certain of Liberty - for the work of these Children of the Divine is to uplift all matter into frequencies above entropy, decay, and death. Paul was way ahead of his time in seeing the essential relationship between Gaia and individuals. The Heart-Womb of Gaia expands - and the Immortal Children of Global Regeneration emerge.

Rene Guenon, in his book The Lord of the World, offers many

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valuable insights into the Melchizedek lineage. The name itself is originally spelled Melki-Tsedeq, which means the Tsaddik of Malkuth. In English, this is translated as the Just Adept of the Earth. The Tsaddik is one who has adjusted his or her Being to a point of perfect harmony while Living on the Earth. In the Hassidic tradition, there are always 36 Tsaddiks on the earth at all times. When the process of Tiqqun, or material ascension, is complete, then Messiah appears as the 37th Tsaddik.

These 36 Tsaddiks are Perfect Heart-Masters, are physically Immortal, and are thus forever able to offer the Communion of the Grail. I would like to explain why there are traditionally 36 and to show their connections to the numbers 37 and 666. We often hear of 666 being the number of the Solar Logos and the ideal length of Glastonbury Abbey. These associations are all derived from the Hebrew Cabala.

In the Cabalistic Tree of Life, spheres are traditionally numbered from the Crown Chakra-Kether downwards. The Heart chakra-Tiphareth is numbered 6 in this pattern. Each sphere has a magickal square. The square for Tiphareth-sun-Heart chakra is constructed by using its number 6: A square with 6 columns and 6 rows, or 6 × 6 = 36 sub-squares. Then the numbers 1 through 36 are placed in these 36 boxes so that each row or column adds up to 111. Thus the total value of the square of the sun is 666 - the Solar Logos. Six hundred sixty-six is 18 times 37. Thus the 36 Tsaddiks maintain the planetary grid which grounds the solar-666 force which is Christing Gaia. In Cabala, the term which describes the work of the Tsaddiks, Tiqqun, also has the value 666. Tiqqun means the translation of all matter into Union with the Immortal Frequencies of the Divine - this brings us back to our theme of Communion. For True Communion always has as its Divine Purpose the Total Transformation of Matter in a Way that Glorifies Aliveness, Liberty, Light & Love. This is forever the Work of the Heart Master.

Each of the 36 Tsaddik Heart Masters is responsible for giving Immortal Grail Communion to 4000 individuals. This is how the number 144,000 is generated out of the Heart, for 36 × 4000 = 144,000. This number has been associated with the planetary changes initiated by Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. To fulfill the prophecy of the Annalee Skarin,

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we are now in the process of creating over a hundredfold increase in Immortals on the earth.

At the present time the original 36 Heart Masters are focused in 12 groups of 3, each triune group acting as midwife at each of the 12 primary Gates of the New Jerusalem - 12 specific sacred sites which are giving birth to the New Aeon. One Child is emerging from 12 wombs... When this 12-womb birth is manifested and rooted, then the 36 Tsaddiks shift locations so that there is one Tsaddik at each of 36 distinct sacred sites. Within the next 30 to 40 years each Tsaddik shall have initiated a minimum of 4000 individuals into Mastery of the Way of Everlasting Life - Physical Immortality. The 144,000 are all now alive, incarnate. Rituals conducted in the Andes - at Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu - on the Wesak Full Moon in May 1987 were specifically dedicated to Blessing the Birth of these 144,000. It should be noted that this number is a minimum figure - I am sure that many more than this shall find the Way of Immortal Communion before we advance to the mid-point of the 21st Century.

In this vision of earth evolution, Tsaddiks may be interpreted as initiatory spirits of location, or as individual beings working in conjunction with the Gaian Will. The archetypes of Planetary Surrealism may be interpreted in many ways...Always remember that this work is Creative and Artistic.

The above information on Melchizedek and the Tsaddiks is important. These ideas may be new to many readers. This is to be expected - for whenever we enter a new Aeon, in this case the Aquarian, the archetypes, spiritual laws, and ways of thinking change. The sleeping truths of old traditions awaken and join forces with the Activities of the New. Before leaving this contemplation of Melchizedek, I would like to illuminate our Theme a little further in one area...

The Virgin Mary is one of the most famous physically Immortal High Priestesses within the Order of Melchizedek. She has been appearing in many locations over the last 150 years. It is important to understand the Immortal Nature of Mary. She did not die. She consciously translated her physical Body into an ascended Immortal Body. I have a strong Vision of her Dancing a Sacred Dance in Praise of the Divine at the Sacred Instant of her Bodily Translation. Three locations claim to be

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the site of this event: Ephesus, Jerusalem, and Glastonbury. People living at Glastonbury, the planetary heart Chakra, like to see her dancing in the area of the Chalice Well Gardens at the instant of her Translation.

It is said of every Melchizedek High Priestess or High Priest that they are not born of earthly father and mother. This needs to be clearly explained according to the esoteric Judaic-Christian understanding of this idea. All of us, including Melchizedek, Enoch, Jesus, etc., are first born through the water-womb, with earthly mother and father. As we deepen our Mastery of Total Communion, we eventually reach the point of second birth. This preparation for the Birth of Fire may take many lifetimes or it may only take a few years. When we are Re-birthed, or Born Again, the Divine Within recreates us anew so that the entirety of our lineage or inheritance comes directly straight from the Divine. At this point we are born without earthly mother or father - not before. This second birth, where we are Born Again, is always identical to the Translation of Flesh - Physical Immortality within the present incarnation. Never put off to a future Lifetime what can be attained in your present Life! All the Wisdom and Spiritual Techniques are available so that anyone who dedicates their Self to the Way of Everlasting Life can achieve Victory over all limitations - including the limitations created by the rejection of the physical body by the spirit. The marriage of Body and Spirit into a Living Unity in Service to God has always been the Highest Ideal of Divine Will within each of us. "Know ye not that your Body is the Living Temple of the Immortal Divine?"

The Holy Grail

The archetype of the Grail has always been at the heart of the Melchizedek Communion. As many of you know, the Grail Cup is far older than Christianity. It was used during the Atlantean Era by Enoch. It was used by Melchizedek to Bless Abraham atop Mt. Tabor and thus initiate the Jewish Spiritual Current. The Cup of Manna is one of the key forces within the Ark of

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the Covenant. Traces of the ancient Atlantean-Enochian Cup can be contacted through the Celtic myths of Ireland and Wales. The Cup which gives everlasting Life is found in many different religions.

The Arthurian Quest for the Holy Grail is the Quest for Perfect Communion. There is a Grail lineage and there is a Grail Communion. The lineage consists of all members of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Grail Communion literally delivers what the outer churches symbolically offer - Christed Translation of the Physical Body Temple, or Physical Immortality. In alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone is identical to the Grail. The Elixir of Life and the Fountain of Eternal Youth are additional synonyms. The Christing of all Flesh is an inevitable result produced by Total Communion. This Christing of the Flesh is a Planetary and Individual process - hence the absolute importance in the 21st Century to establish a deep and creative relationship with the Immortal Will of the Living Earth.

When a New Revelation manifests upon earth, all the old Ideals which are asleep awaken and rally to the Eternal Cause. The Return of Arthur and Merlin as potent and creative forces at the present time are prime examples of this. We seek the Communion which transforms the Universe - this is always the High Way of Fruitful Travel... All experience upon this Way offers the Infinite Magick of Immortal, Christing Communion...

Every experience offers Immortal Communion - yet how often do we completely accept and integrate at every level of being this Divine Offering? This New Aquarian Aeon is destined to be a cycle in time when humanity finally discovers how to accept and integrate this Communion. We all have a constant and everchanging opportunity to partake of this Communion. Every instant of your experience is unique and shall never be repeated again. Each such instant of Living is offering you the Holy Grail. Certain mystics have always recognized this Truth. Now, in this New Aeon, all beings shall become Masters of this Communion. These Laws are very simple to state and can be practiced in any, and every, situation.

The Way of Inner Communion leads to Perfection of what is known as "the Practice of the Presence of God." The ecstatic embrace of the Divine in each and every experience of Living

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is the Fruit of this Practice. Through the Way of continually increasing your Heart's radiation of the transformative qualities of Divine Praise, Love, and Joyous Thanksgiving, the visible presence of God becomes more manifest to all senses until only God is present. The totality of our spiritual senses unite with God in a tantric embrace which never ends at this point. This is Loving God to the point of Absolute Distraction. This is the state of True Communion. Total Communion always occurs at the point of Touch. In the Words of the poem The Invocation of the Omega Point, "Oh Let my Touch be the Highest Manifestation for the Will Divine!"

The Communion of the Holy Grail is always transmitted through the interface of Touch, which is at the borderline between Self and God that vanishes during the ecstatic embrace described above. Consecrate and dedicate your senses to transmitting and receiving the Immortal Frequencies of the Divine totally through each and every experience of Living. It matters not whether your experiences appear to be either positive or negative - all experience is offering you the Communion of the Holy Grail. The embrace of all experience by the Radiant Heart of Joyous Thanksgiving unlocks the deepest Secret of Living here on earth and illuminates every Step upon your Way to Perpetual and Ecstatic Unity with the Divine. "Ye who are Grateful in All Things: Your bodies shall be filled with Light; and ye shall witness the Universe of Infinite Life outpouring from the Fountains of your Hearts!"

For far too long, the traditional Christian Churches of the world have obscured the Way of Physical Immortality which Jesus teaches. This Way has been mastered by adepts from many cultures and religions. There are many Chinese Taoists who are Immortal like Jesus and Mary. There are many Immortals within the lineage of Black Hat Tibetan Buddhism. This Aquarian Aeon shall quickly witness a shift of focus from death to life - from the illusion of the crucifixion to the Truth of the Triumph of Life. Jesus was Physically Immortal prior to his crucifixion. Now is the Aeon to Regenerate the Universe through Living. In this Aquarian Aeon, death redeems no sins whatsoever: The Immortal Waters of the Holy Grail pouring forth through the Living Heart redeem everything. The Water-bearer of Aquarius regenerates the earth. It is a profound Blessing to be Alive at this time upon the planet - for it is only through Living and Loving that the Will of the Earth is Fulfilled.

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May we each contribute our own Divine Unique Gifts to this New Aeon!

True Communion produces a change within the physical body. When Moses communed with the Divine upon Mt. Sinai, his physical body became so charged with the Light of Truth that others could not directly look at him for a considerable time. When the Physically Immortal beings, Moses and Elijah, communed with Jesus atop Mt. Tabor (The Transfiguration), the Bodily radiance of all three was, again, too much for mortals to behold. When we blow our breath upon kindling to ignite and brighten a fire, we are following the same pattern to be found in Communion. In any direct encounter with the Immortal Divine, we have entered into a relationship which allows the Breath of the Divine to blow through our physical body at a sub-atomic level. Our Body could not become a Blazing Star in such a communion unless there was already alight spiritual kindling within every atom of our Flesh. We all have this spiritual kindling alight - it is called Life.

Mastery of the Art of Communion becomes possible when we learn the Way of making this Immortal Bodily Radiance perpetual. When the Breath of the Divine flows through the Flesh, the Light of Life becomes brighter. This Inner Illumination of the Body Temple reveals aspects of Divine Wisdom that previously were in darkness. The Divine Laws in Action during such communion become clear to consciousness.

We are all Christs in disguise searching for Ways of dropping the disguise. We are constantly trying to get the formulas right: How much should I give of myself in this situation? How much am I willing to receive? What do I have to give? To whom? Our minds generally do us very little good in this game. All too often, the mind, for an endless variety of reasons, places limitations to our giving and receiving of True Communion. I know of no Immortal who attained his or her Immortality through devotion to the mind. Ancient disciplines such as Zen are very valuable because they help us to create a state of No-mind. It is profound Initiation, especially for a left-brain intellectual, to discover that one is not identical to one's thoughts. Thoughts can be creative if we realize that thoughts are the servants of the Divine. In the West, we often say "I think, therefore I Am." In the East, we often say the opposite, "I cease to think, and thus experience my True Self."

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Communion creates New Life. If we want to reconcile the above East-West polarity regarding thought, we need to unite with the forces which create thoughts. Every form of Communion involves Relationship: At least two Divine points-of-view agree to create an exchange of energy and information. To give New Life into a Thought, the two aspects which must agree to Communion with each other are Will and Love. Love is the Law - Love united with Will. Heart chakra united with Crown chakra; Tiphareth with Kether; Glastonbury (planetary Heart centre) with Mt. Kailas (planetary Crown centre) - in every situation, the Wedding of Love and Will is at the Foundation of True Communion. The Will to Love creates a Divine Relationship which makes Communion possible. True Love is the exchange of Immortal Divinity and always produces Joy. If you are breathing in the Fullness of my Christ Nature and I am breathing in the Fullness of your Christ Nature, then we are experiencing the Joy of True Communion. True Love is experiencing and sharing Immortality with a Point-of-view other than your own. Intellectuals who are attached to the "my thoughts are me" illusion find True Love very difficult.

Immortal Communion

In far too many traditions, the physical body and matter have been relegated to the bottom of the totem pole. The spirit, abstract ideals and archetypes, the intellect - all these things have been seen as somehow more Divine than the material. At best, the material has been seen as a passive substance which may be sculpted or shaped by the supposedly higher forces of the spirit and the intellect. In this New Aeon, this attitude is changing. The material is Alive, Intelligent, Divine, Creative...

The Divine is meaningful only when it is perceived and experienced. Without the material, the experience of the Divine is impossible. "The Body is the Temple of the Spirit." As is evident in such great Cathedrals as Chartres, the Temple is capable of creatively using Spirit so that Spirit becomes meaningful, useful and beautiful Rather than Spirit spiritualizing matter, it is matter which is materializing spirit.

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The New Age concept of our material earth as Gaia, the Living Planet with a Creative Will of her own, is another sign that respect for the material is increasing. The physical body is more intelligent than the mind, the cells of the body are more intelligent than the physical body, the atoms are more intelligent than the cells, and the iota particles (smallest possible units of existence) have the greatest Creative Will and Intelligence of All.

If we go within and listen to the Wisdom of our iota particles, we drink of the highest and most profound Communion, for "the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You." Every iota particle is a bi-polar unity which is Immortal and offering the Communion of Love. When we communicate with this Level and honor this Will devoted totally to Immortal Love, then we begin to recreate our Being - this is often called "bringing forth the Christ within." Physical Immortality is the complete manifestation of the Iota Will. Let thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven - Let thy True Will be established without as it is already established within.

When we are born, the Divine gives us a Body Temple. It is the purpose of Life to translate this Divine Gift of the Body into Living Sacrament, and then to share forever this Immortal Life with the entirety of the Universe until all Creation is upraised to joyous frequencies of Liberty and Love. To be in the Presence of the Holy Grail is to be in the presence of a being who is Physically Immortal, or Christed. The resonating energy field of such a Grail Master radically transforms the immediate environment. The Immortal Will within the iota level of the surrounding environment - rocks, trees, animals, you - naturally responds to this Resonance of the Grail - inner and outer Immortal Will, the same in essence, unite to roll away the stone... to Liberate All Life.

In ancient China, the yoga of total Communion is known as the Way of the Tao. This Tao is best defined as the ever-changing Perfection of the Now. At every instant of our journey, there exists a way of relating to our experience which joyously maintains our ecstatic embrace of the Divine. As we advance upon our Mastery of the Way, our understanding of its dynamics changes from the complex to the simple. Whether the adept is Shinto, Taoist, Christian or Jew; the simple Fruit of the Quest almost always ends up the same in formulation:

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Embrace your experience of Living in the Here and Now with absolute joyous Thanksgiving. The totality of all additional Wisdom and Theology is devoted to explaining why and how to attain this Divine Embrace... Through Faith and Action, the why and how - which are eternally inscribed upon your Heart - become obvious and precious. May the Everlasting Waters of the Holy Grail Grace and Bless thy Journey Forever and Ever!

The Communion of the Holy Grail may only be received in the physical body. Contrary to old Aeon ways of thought, death decreases Liberty. The separation of the spirit from the Body Temple at death is not in harmony with the highest Ideal of Divine Will and Plan. At death, the spirit sinks into a darker level of spiritual reality where illusion limits choice. As Stanley Spears says, death is a grave mistake. All humans who die eventually find their Ways back into the Physical Body until the Christing of Flesh through Immortal Communion is attained. It is only through Life and its Living that All things may be overcome. The Triumph of Life is the Highest Purpose of the Grail Communion. When the false duality between body and mind vanishes, then True Living begins. As the English poet, William Blake, realized, the Body and Spirit are One, not Two - they are literally the same thing. This alchemical Wedding is the constant and joyous experience of every Immortal, from Enoch to Mary to Fulcanelli... And now the Immortalisation of Gaia, the Living Earth, is beginning to manifest. We are Now Alive within the Birth-Joy of the Planetary Christ.

As stated above, this Planetary Christ-Child is emerging initially from 12 Wombs of Gaia - 12 specific sacred centres.May Blessings of Immortal Birth be upon You and All Beings forever and ever!

The Power of Immortal Communion is infinite. Each and every experience of Living may be Transformed into Divine nourishment. Events which may appear to be vile, poisonous, or filled with sin can be Changed into the Wine of Grace. The practice of Mary's 5-point program given at Medjugorje - faith, Dedication to the Divine, prayer, fasting, and peace - accelerates one's Mastery of the Art of Communion. To those of you who receive Divine Nourishment and Inspiration from your Communing with these writings, I make this suggestion: After finishing this book, go within your Body Temple, invoke the Holy Spirit of Truth, and write 5 meditations relating

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Communion to each of Mary's Keys listed above. If you get some good results, share them with those you love!

Inner Communion with the Divine develops when we learn to Trust the Word Alive within the Heart - and to Act upon what we Hear. This is Intuition. Trust your Divine Intuition and Act. Do this, and the Divine can do business with you. Love and Will are shaping a Living Word within your Heart... Go within... Commune... The Divine has something unique and precious to Share with you Now. Together - in the Spirit of Sharing - may we spread our Fruits of Communion upon the Round Table of the World in Celebration of the Triumph of Life Abundant and Everlasting... May your experience of Magickal Life contribute to this Feast!

The Greatest Gift

"The body is a temple and is designed to express physical immortality, if the manufacturer's instructions are faithfully followed. The warranty is forever."

Offered the idea of immortality or extended life some people say "Who’d want to live that long, let alone forever? It wouldn’t be right."

Wouldn’t it? Life is the greatest gift. All other gifts are meaningless without it. There is no way to experience the treasures and riches the world has to offer without our physical bodies.

Sure we can theorize about some possible heavenly hereafter, a spiritual dimension, a different planet to incarnate on, or reincarnation on the earth itself - another chance maybe that we’ll play our cards right next time. All of this is pure speculation.

The only truth you have is that you are alive, here, right now. This moment will never happen again. When you fully realise this, complete and utter gratitude for all life comes easily. Everyone, everything and every instant of your life is seen to have its purpose - the divinity of each sacred moment waits with patience to be unveiled by your open heart.

Though, having said this - that life is a precious gift - does that

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make eternal life our sole objective? The only goal worth reaching at all costs? No, far from it. Once we each realise that it’s our True Will to be immortal then, surprisingly perhaps, immortality takes a "back seat." It ceases to be our main concern.

What then takes priority for immortals rather than their own immortality? Service. Physical Immortality is the perfection of service. If you desire to be of the highest possible benefit to the universe, then you will seek to perfect the art of service. We all have many abilities.

As an Immortal, dedicate your every thought, word, and action to being of the greatest possible usefulness to the efforts of every individual to discover and to completely manifest their own True Wills. Master this dedication, and you will grow to experience the truth that physical immortality is the perfection of service.

Tell the universal life force that you want to be of the greatest service to it at all times, and in all places. Immortal service is forever. There is never a time where you retire. Mean what you say if you are telling the universe that you want to be of highest benefit at all times - for among all these times is eternity...

Immortality and Vegetarianism / Veganism

The goal of the Immortal Pathway is to see and appreciate the sacredness of all Life and to vow to protect that Life. We cannot underestimate the importance of anything on this planet, even the dust swept into the trash can. Every atom of every being - of every object - is permeated with the spark of creation. If we dedicate ourselves to seeing this spark within all things then we each make one of the greatest contributions towards establishing Heaven on Earth.

If a single blade of grass was found growing, or a single bug seen crawling across the rust coloured surface of Mars, then scientists on Earth would most likely applaud and be filled with elation. For where there’s Life – even the remotest sign of Life - there’s Hope…

Bearing this in mind, at some stage on the Immortal Pathway it becomes necessary for each of us to examine our individual

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relationship with the Earth and its creatures. Physical Immortality means Liberty for All Beings, not just humans.

A truly Immortal Culture can only begin to operate on this planet when we acknowledge the truth that all beings have the right and will to live. This includes the smallest ants, flies and mosquitoes, to the greatest elephants and whales. From the Earth’s point of view all forms of life are equally sacred. If you doubt this, then sit alone in Nature, either in a park, or garden, or in the wilderness, and sincerely contemplate the wind, the birds, the flowers and trees, the soil or sand beneath your feet, or the ocean or stream nearby. If you’re sincere, the Earth will show you how it regards every life-form as precious and irreplaceable. No two leaves are the same.

All Immortals take a conscious vow to honour and preserve Life. From an Immortal point of view there can be no excuse for depriving another being of its right to live. Much reverence is given to ancient cultures and their customs, often to the point of idealised romanticism, but none of these older civilisations perfected the Art of Immortality, or they’d still be standing today. Instead, we have abandoned monuments to remind us that they tried – and inevitably failed.

All Immortals dream of the time when the Truth of Immortality shall Blossom Eternally: A time when the Fragrance of Joy and Hope for all of creation permeates the air, rather than the stench of death. But this Rare Flower of Creation needs a fertile garden - one nurtured by hearts and hands of Compassion and Peace.

One of the great projects of the New Immortal Aeon is the transformation, among animals, of pain and suffering into happiness. Jesus suffering upon his cross was a great icon of pain during the Piscean Age. That image is now replaced by the reality of animal suffering. The suffering of animals, inflicted by humans, becomes the equivalent of - and replaces - the crucified Christ for the Aquarian Aeon. Existence should be experienced as pure joy by all beings, human and non-human.

Essential Virtues of the Immortal Pathway.

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There are many virtues or qualities which contribute to everlasting life. After you have discovered that you have the True Will for physical immortality, then work to strengthen all the positive virtues. Virtues are not abstract ideas, or principles. They should be felt in the body as positive frequencies, as radiant energies. As you strengthen the frequencies of these virtues, your body should begin to glow as a synthesis of all developed qualities.

Observe how individual liberty functions in your own life, and in the world. Seek to increase this principle. Immortal Life is incandescent with a passion for liberty. Master flexibility, adaptability, and change. Become a pure expression of change, and use this quality to adjust all situations into states of greater beauty, harmony, and justice. Adjust your own life until liberty and justice unite to give birth to physical immortality.

Explore the frequencies of peace in the earth, in nature. Form a relationship with the living earth based on the exciting dynamics of peace. Let peace interact with liberty and justice. Explore the mysteries of birth and creation. Consecrate the radiance of your life to be a perpetual blessing to all births. Recreation is play. Create something completely new. Renovate the universe with your activities.

Trust totally in your own eternal nature, and in the same quality present in all things. Eternity is dependable at all times. It can be wholeheartedly trusted. Have a deep faith and confidence in the principles of everlasting life. Don't waste energy distrusting that which is not Immortal, for energies given to what is not eternal will only prolong illusions, and delay the unveiling of the Immortal Child - crowned and triumphant and everpresent within all phenomena.

Upon the foundation of trust, explore your own uniqueness and become the master artist of your own life. Dedicate all your creative energies and abilities to the highest ideals which you can imagine for yourself and the universe. Use beauty to reveal truth, wisdom, and the presence of eternity in all things.

Open your heart to the widest dimensions possible. As you do this, deepen your humility and courage every step of the way. Physical Immortality is the total purification of the heart. With

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wings of humility and courage, let love fly to the summit of every quest. Let the heart expand until the Holy Grail is revealed, and its waters are released.

Overcome gravity with laughter, enthusiasm, and joy. Fuel the fire of praise within your heart so that all judgements are burnt up within its flames. Direct your praise so that it illuminates the Immortal presence in all things. Work with the energies of thanksgiving until its powers of multiplication are fully experienced. Physical Immortality is the absolute abundancy of life. Joyous thanksgiving for all things, without exception, is a golden, alchemical key to full experience of this eternal reality.

Seek the truth and trust in your own experience of life. Maintain a healthy skepticism and find the proof of Physical Immortality present within yourself. Let your every action embody the vibrancy of eternal laws. Immortal laws are living forms. Explore every law until you discover and marvel at the flow of life within its form. Laws connect life to greater life, and then transmit elixirs and ichors of magick to create beautiful and abundant change. Liberty is born through mastery of Immortal Laws. Seek the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Distill all experience until the energized wisdom of your distillation shines brightly throughout all time and space. Fathom the infinite possibilities contained within every instant of time. Dive deeply until you find the jewel contained within this day, within this hour, within this minute, within this second.

Create new pathways of Everlasting Life. Maintain the Immortal health of all things. With grace and beauty, harmoniously dissolve all illusions. Unite Love and True Will, and within this union, find compassion. There are many qualities and principles awaiting discovery upon the road of Everlasting Life. At all times, enjoy this great adventure.

Evidence of immortality

“Show me evidence of immortality – and immortals – and then I’ll believe…”

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Evidence of immortality may be found, but not in public display. The earth itself has been alive for billions of years - to most people this would seem like eternity. Close your eyes, and then meditate on as many possible scenarios as you can think of where ‘normal’ evidence of physical immortality could be offered. In all honesty, wouldn’t most people still be sceptical? If you have doubts about immortality ask yourself what would it take to convince you that physical immortality is possible?

If a birth certificate was produced declaring someone to be three hundred years old, who would believe a piece of paper? It could be fake. If an immortal showed great detailed knowledge of history, we’d say it could have been learned in a book. If he or she looked youthful and wrinkle free, today we’d probably think they’d had laser treatment, or cosmetic surgery. If the immortal levitated in front of a thousand witnesses it could be said to have been caused by mass hypnotism, or an optical illusion. How much ‘normal’ evidence would be enough?

The truth can be staring people in the eyes but still they don’t see it. The same with immortals. There is a strong tradition of immortals in Chinese culture that comes from Taoism. People in China readily accept that immortals exist yet it is not enough to motivate everybody to seek immortality for themselves.

How would you recognise an immortal if you met one? Because the immortal said he or she is immortal, because the immortal performs some death-defying feat, or walks on water? Again, it’s important to meditate and thoroughly imagine all possibilities and how you might react to them if they did occur. Imagine an immortal appearing to you seemingly “out of thin air” without using the door. Would you be surprised? Would you believe your own eyes? Would it shock you? Would you question your sanity? You may be surprised at how you’d really deal with such an event if it happened.

Supernatural abilities are not proof alone of immortality either. Yogis in India have been demonstrating unusual abilities for many years without being immortal. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to manipulate a few atoms and molecules. It is harder to

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remain pure in heart and achieve physical immortality. Indeed, immortality is not an easy path to tread. One needs to be completely, utterly, devoted to immortality. It really does mean giving up the ‘reality’ you have come to know. How many people are truly prepared to do this? Not for nothing is it called THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE.

"That golden keyThat opes the palace of eternity." - John Milton, Comus (l. 13)

Our Earth: The Most Important Teacher of Everlasting Life

The earth is the most important teacher of everlasting life. We spend more time in the company of the earth, than with any other being. The earth is alive, has a creative will or purpose, and is able to communicate. A mystic is someone who directly communicates with universal intelligence, without an intermediary. Almost all mystics developed this ability in conditions of solitude. But they are never really alone. They are always in the presence of the living earth.

Physical Immortality is only for those who deeply love the earth. And if you love the earth, the earth will nurture and expand your life until you arrive at the state of incorruptibility. What is not yet understood widely is that the earth is an Immortal. Of course, you would have to live for a few billion years in order to begin to either prove or disprove this statement. Be a skeptic and stick around long enough to decide for yourself. See every instant of your daily life as a unique gift, given to you by the earth. Use this gift, instant by instant, to glorify all life. To "glorify" is to make more present to consciousness the existence of eternal qualities. When you use your creative talents to glorify all life, you are helping to make more visible the magickal and eternal qualities of things.

The earth is speaking a very powerful message, and we need to learn the art of listening to it. If we master this art of listening, then we are able to hear its message at all times and in all places. The entire body of the earth is sacred. But, if we are just beginning to learn this art, then it is sometimes easier to travel to someplace on the earth that is sublime and powerful with its energies. In every culture, such places are recognised as sacred sites, and attract visitors from afar. It is

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at these sites, which have been developed for centuries, that the eternal message of the earth can be most clearly heard.

The Immortal teachings of the earth are not directed primarily at the human species. The evolutionary purpose of the earth is to advance all beings, human and non-human, towards the direction of physical immortality. In order for Homo Sapiens to evolve to Homo Immortalis, we must learn to recognise that this great adventure is a cooperative effort evolving all species.

The archetype of the Immortal Child is a sufficient pole star to guide all species into participation in a global culture where knowledge of physical immortality is widespread and true harmlessness is practiced universally. If you want to arrive at the place where the lion lies down in harmony with the lamb, then let a little child lead you there. Humility and a deep appreciation of the beauty of the present instant of your experience are essential, if you are not to lose sight of the eternal pole star of your voyage.

It is absolutely essential to develop a perfect relationship with the living earth if you want to be physically immortal. To ignore this requirement is to exhibit an ignorance of biology and the functions of the human body. Our bodies are designed to function within the special environment maintained by the earth. Immortals are designed to breathe the atmosphere of the earth, and feel the same warmth of the sun that everyone else feels. You can not ignore the earth and become Immortal. Many have tried, and all have failed. All who have overcome death love life and love this earth and its eternal wisdom. In this Great Work, the earth is always our greatest teacher and our greatest ally.

Physical Immortality: The Ultimate Phase of Initiation.

Physical Immortality is attained in Hinduism only when a perfect balance of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva is attained. Brahma is the principle of active creation, Vishnu acts to preserve the physical body from the forces of entropy and decay, Shiva acts to destroy illusion and thus to reveal Truth. Avatars who work at incarnating only one of these three tend to die eventually. Shiva specialists tend to abuse the divine gift of the Body Temple by casting it off at will. True Vishne

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Avatars are always more respectful to the Bodily structure of Life. Only those who incarnate All three by constantly recreating themselves anew, preserving Life and Truth, and by destroying illusion, are able to attain absolute Physical Immortality.

I would like to share with you one of the great statements on Physical Immortality by the Vedantic Hindu scholar, Haridas Chaudhuri. There are those who think themselves trapped in the Flesh and who think that they can become out-of-body Masters superior in attainment to those who dwell in the Flesh on the earth. This statement from Chaudhari's book, Being, Evolution, and Immortality, is a great and classic response to such erroneous thinking. I have given this excerpt my own title -

Physical Immortality: The Ultimate Phase of Initiation.

Meditate upon this:

Finally, the concept of immortality implies a harmonization of the entire personality and a transformation of the physical organism as an effective channel of expression of higher values. This may be called material immortality (rupantar mukti).

There are some mystics and spiritual seekers who strengthen and purify their bodies just enough to be able to experience the thrilling touch of the Divine. They use the body as a ladder, by climbing which the pure spiritual level - the domain of immortality - is to be reached. On attaining that level, the body is felt as a burden, as a prison house, as a string of chains that holds one in bondage. Dissociation from this last burden of the body is considered a sine qua non for total liberation. Continued association with the body is believed to be the result of the residual trace of ignorance ( avidya lesa). When the residual trace of ignorance is gone, the spirit is set free from the shackles of the body.

The above view is based upon a subtle misconception about the purpose of life and the significance of the body. The body is not only a ladder that leads to the realm of immortality, but also an excellent instrument for expressing the glory of immortality in life and society. It is capable of being thoroughly penetrated by the light of the spirit. It is capable of

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being transformed into what has been called the "Diamond Body." As a result of such transformation, the body does not appear any more to be a burden upon the liberated self. It shines as the Spirit made Flesh. It functions as a very effective instrument for creative action and realization of higher values in the world. It is purged of all inner tension and conflict. It is liberated from the anxiety of repressed wishes. It is also liberated from the dangerous grip of the death impulse born of self-repression. Mystics who look upon the body as a burden suffer from the anxiety of self-repression and the allurement of the death wish.

Material immortality means decisive victory over both of these demons. It conquers the latent death instinct in man, and fortifies the Will to live as long as necessary, as a channel of expression of the Divine. It also liquidates all forms of self-suppression and self-torture and self-mutilation. As a result the total being of an individual becomes strong and steady, whole and healthy. There is a free flow of psychic energy. It is increasingly channelled into ways of meaningful self-expression. Under the guidance of the indwelling light of the Eternal, it produces increasing manifestation of the Spirit IN Matter. Copyright © Haridas Chaudhuri

This clear and succinct statement is perfect. Every sentence could be expanded into a powerful chapter of Immortalist Philosophy. The living experience of every person tuned to the Immortal Flow of the Two confirms, at every instant, Chaudhuri's message.

The Mechanics of Physical Immortality

What are the mechanics of physical Immortality? How can a human body appear and disappear at Will? What about Bodily Teleportation? Recent advances in physics are making these mysterious phenomena much more comprehensible to the intellect. I am sure that, one day, scientists will be able to explain Immortal activities. Fortunately - just as we don't have to master bio-chemistry in order to live - we don't have to be nuclear physicists and mathematicians in order to be Immortal!

The basic idea descriptive of the Immortal process is this: It is possible to make a transformational shift of bodily structure

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and energy to both higher and lower frequencies. As wave length patterns throughout the Living Form shorten and increase vibratory frequencies, the individual reaches a level above entropy and decay. At this point, an observer may think that the Immortal has dematerialized because he or she is no longer visible. This is not accurate. "Bodily Translation" is a more descriptive term. The Immortal Body maintains its essential structure as it subtly shifts in and out of the visible spectrum. Certain gifted individuals are able to perceive Immortal Beings who are vibrating only slightly above the normal range. A current example of this - the Yugoslavian children who can perceive and TOUCH the refined physical body of the Virgin Mary.

What controls this transformational shift? Is there a button we can push? A dial we can turn? "Beam me up, Scotty!" How do we translate and teleport without having to depend upon the sci-fi technologies of Star Trek? The Immortal answer is this: There are Divine Qualities of energy that may be radiated consciously from any Being who is capable of making decisions and directing the True Will in a Creative Way in SUPPORT of these decisions. An Immortal example of this may be understood by considering the spiritual quality of PRAISE. Have you ever praised the Divine within and radiating from a beautiful sunset? Immortals practice the Praising of the Divine at Work within All Phenomena. This quality of Praise has a feeling of Light, of Joy, of Fire. These feelings are felt throughout the consciousness and the material body of the person who is generating this energy. The generation of Divine Praise, or any other Immortal Quality, produces REAL frequencies of energy with specific wave lengths and with specific effects upon ALL structures and energies in the environment which these forces Touch.

The atoms and molecules of the universe "jump for joy" whenever they are irradiated by Immortal frequencies produced by the actions of Conscious Will. The most effective forms of morphic resonance are activated by Immortal activities - for Immortal frequencies DO NOT DECAY when projected over great distances. Scientists have recently discovered that a vibration originating from what they inaccurately call "the big bang" still pervades the universe in an incorrupt state. On the spiritual level, what they are detecting is the True Will for Universal Physical Immortality

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generated at the Primal Source of Creation upon the spiritual wavelength of unlimited Gratitude - which IS a physically Immortal, Transformative quality. This is the Grace of the Divine everywhere present in equal concentration - invoke this Divine Force and open the atoms of your being to its Magick. Breathe it in and out with every breath: This is the fulfillment of Divine Will emanating from the Fount of Original, Ancient Creation, the Ancient Will NOW speaking its Pure Word within every iota particle of your Being: Your Destiny is Union with Me in a never-ending Ecstasy of Creative, Joyous, Everlasting Life!

The reason that your every atom "jumps for joy" when bathed with Immortal Radiation is this: Every iota particle (The iota particle is the smallest conceivable yin-yang particle in existence) has the True Will for Physical Immortality. In order for this True Will to be fully manifested, the consciousness in control of the specific Life Form must discover the Way of Fulfilling its own Happiness and Destiny by the clear and powerful generation of Immortal resonating Morphic frequencies. When such Immortal frequencies as Praise, Love, and Joyous Thanksgiving are broadcast 24 hours a day, then Physical Immortality is certain. The True Will for Everlasting Life, alive and conscious within every iota particle, is Liberated, Fulfilled, and made Manifest. The Living Being awakens to the direct and continual experience of its own Divinity. This attainment is the ONLY absolute proof for the existence of God. All else is mental gymnastics; or the locating of one’s potential proof somewhere in abstract dimensions dislocated from the Here and Now. In the words of the Prophet Jesus (John X:34) - Know Ye not, that Ye Are Gods?

When the True Will creatively generates Immortal Qualities of sufficient intensity, the Body awakens and responds. It is not entirely accurate to say that thought sculpts the flesh. This is too passive. In truth, the Supreme Will and Intelligence inherent within your atoms, molecules, cells, responds to the emerging Word of your Illuminated True Will and, together, they co-create, they recreate Immortality. The Kingdom of Heavenly Immortality, the Kingdom of Everlasting Life, is within You...Listen to the wisdom arising from the sub-atomic depths of your being... Invite this Word to come Forth... be midwife to your own Divinity... Oh Let the Word of Everlasting Life now be made Flesh! Proclaim in Victory over death:

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Behold! I make All Things New!

"I've Taken My Vow: Now What?"

You’ve discovered that you have the True Will for Everlasting Life. You’ve made a Holy Vow of your dedication to the Immortal Pathway. Where do you go from here? Hopefully your pathway will grow ever brighter, lit by the fires of praise that come from an open Heart and a burning passion for Life.

Trust is a key element when we first dip our toes in the uncertain waters of eternity. The ability to swim in a sea of gratitude fills the gap between the past and future. We float buoyed by love on Waves of Certain Change; the universe is a completely safe place for those who trust in their own Immortal natures. Eternity unfolds with maximum harmony as all pains, sufferings, and deaths dissolve. This dissolution of all limitation and illusion releases energies which have been restricted.

You discover the Art of overcoming death by trusting in, and listening to, the oracle of your Heart. It is here that the Will unites with Love forming a Chariot of Ecstasy to the Stars. Through the twin marriages of True Will and Love, and Trust with Thanksgiving, the Holy Grail appears upon the High Altar of your heart - and you clear the Way for the total communication of your Being to the Destination of Highest Desire.

Dare to Trust completely. If you place limitations upon your Trust of Immortal Wisdom within, then you delay your ascent to the Citadel of the Grail - and beyond. Dare to abandon all doubt and begin to utterly Trust the Magick of Immortality in all things. Do this, and the Initiatory Pathway shortens and accelerates.

As your Immortal Word manifests itself, its radiant structure renews every atom and cell of your Body. Your Immortal Body Is the Ideal Form, or archetype, of this Word.

Total communication of Being is Bodily Teleportataion. In order to make this Word of Hermes Flesh, three things are needed: The total devotion of one’s being in Service to the evolutionary

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design of Immortality in the universe; total Trust; and actual travel within the pure vibratory vehicle of Joyous Thanksgiving.

Communication implies relationship. Trust is the foundation for all types of exchange among all beings. The Earth, as a living being with a creative will of its own, entrusts itself to Life - in all its diversity. We do not own the Earth. The Earth entrusts itself into our keeping. If we break that Trust, then the earth has a right to revoke it. Learn to listen to the Will of the Earth. Trust in its Word.

Listen to the democratic vote of billions of cells, atoms, and iota particles deep within you. This message, rising from deep wells of wisdom, is devotion to Immortal Life throughout the universe. With humility, vow to be the servant of this democratic Will.

A Commentary on


by Robert Coon

(Note: The Omega Point Invocation is a poemwritten by Robert Coon © 1975)


This thirteen line alchemical prayer was delivered to me in circumstances of the utmost singularity. If we have the luxury - and there is very little probability that we do - of looking back in time and place along the Immortal Pathways of our various journeys, we behold those most luminous pearls of memory embracing the unbroken thread of our quests for Greater Life. Such instants of ecstatic experience effortlessly project their radiant signatures beyond the fullness of the Here

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and Now, thus negating the necessity of retrograde Vision. My reception of The Invocation of the Omega Point in 1975 was one such epiphany - a direct manifestation of the Divine interpenetrating all space and time. When next you thread a pearl of unforgettable Initiation, know that I see my most singular epiphany both reflected and magnified in the Beauty of your Joyous Passion...

I chose to celebrate the instant of the Virgo new moon, 5th September, 1975, alone upon a sacred mountain, in prayer, and in deep silent meditation. I knew that I was to be by myself. I knew not why. I have learned to trust my intuition in such cases. This particular new moon was very auspicious for both religious and astrological reasons. As the closest new moon to the autumn equinox, it was Jewish new year - Rosh Hashonoh. And in the solar system, there was a conjunction between Mercury and Pluto, the innermost and outermost planets, in the ninth degree of Libra that culminated only 18 minutes after the inception of the new moon. Within that narrow gap of time - between the birth of the Rosh Hashonoh new moon and the exact union of Mercury and Pluto - something extraordinary suddenly began to unfold.

After harmonizing myself with the beautiful woodland nature temple I had been coming to for years, and deep silent breathing, I invoked the Living Spirit of Truth to anoint the hearts and wills and minds of all beings with greater Life , Love, Light and Liberty. Unexpectedly, I was immediately surrounded by a circle of between 11 and 13 Ascended Immortals - all of the Jewish lineage. In the language of the rabbis, perhaps these individuals could be termed Tsaddiks, or perfected human beings.

I could only see them as magnetic light-spheres, each individual in personality. Over the next hour, they communed with me and touched my physical body in very purposeful ways. One at a time, each Immortal tsaddik placed his or her hands on specific pairs of my spinal accupressure points - beginning at the base and working upwards. I resisted this invisible laying on of hands, as it initially seemed to be without my permission - an invasion of my privacy. Looking back on this experience over 15 years later, I think my story roughly compares with the many tales we have of individuals who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs and have had their

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bodies used in experiments before they were released. One major difference in my case: I wasn't taken anywhere and - although I was held by these beings for an hour - I could walk about physically in any direction I chose.

My Immortal friends made it clear to me in a friendly but absolutely firm way that they would not let me go until the process was complete. When the first being laid hands on both sides of the base of my spine, one structural dimension of my Body Temple was raised in frequency to its incorrupt, Immortal vibration. Then, one by one, each individual quickened a different aspect of my being until the process of my Bodily Ascension was complete.

As each Immortal moved in, from the outer circle, to touch me in turn, I began to realise that any resistance on my part was only causing me pain. So I decided to cooperate and have faith that my higher Self had arranged this event in advance. After the final being had anointed my head with Everlasting Life and Liberty, and rejoined the surrounding circle, the initiation entered a new phase.

Again, in turn, one by one, I was asked to commune in thought and meditation with each being. I would estimate that each meditation lasted an average of 3 to 5 minutes. At the conclusion of each one on one meditation, two things happened: First the title, and then one line at a time, The Invocation of the Omega Point was created. I should make it clear that I do not claim that the lines were received by telepathy. I regard the invocation as a poem created during an inspirational experience, like any other poem. And as soon as I wrote down the line, an aspect of Bodily Ascension held in place by that particular Immortal was removed from me. I quickly realized what the game was here: I would be completely released from my captivity the instant I finished writing the final line received by meditating with the final member of the circle. This is exactly what happened.

In retrospect, it is clear to me why my atomic bodily structure had to be temporarily altered. It was necessary for me to be completely unified with my visitors so that the alchemical purity required for the creating of the Invocation was present.

After I wrote down the final line, the Immortals told me two things: This invocation is given to the world to creatively use

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as a ritual and meditative device for the building of the Planetary New Jerusalem and the attainment of individual Physical Immortality, and, secondly, that The Invocation of the Omega Point is to specifically replace "The Great Invocation." Although I had never personally used this "Great Invocation" I did know what they were referring to. The Jewish Immortals said that EVERY line of the new Omega Invocation resonated on a spiritually higher frequency than the corresponding line of the Great Invocation - and that anyone who took the time to read them aloud would immediately feel the difference in the heart area. They told me that the older invocation had served its purpose completely and was now to be replaced.

When I returned to my apartment in San Francisco later that day, I quickly found a copy of this Great Invocation in my large reference library and noticed that both old and new invocations had 13 lines. I tried the experiment by reading both, line by line, and feeling the aliveness of each phrase in my heart area. The new world prayer was superior in every way. That was the first and the last time I ever read the Great Invocation aloud - it had no further use in the context of the New Immortal Aeon. I was asked to publicly speak this Invocation at the exact instant of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Theosophical Society, which I did in November, 1975 at the Metaphysical Centre on Sutter St. in San Francisco. Also, I was to speak the Omega Point Invocation atop Glastonbury Tor at the activation rituals for the global Omega Point. This event in 1984 resulted in the opening of the Gaian Heart Chakra so that the spiritual contents of the planetary heart could begin to externalize throughout the global village for the purposeful building of the New Jerusalem.

One additional detail of my day on Mt. Tamalpais: The title was written down at my meditation retreat in Blake Canyon. Then I was directed to walk up a steep hill approximately 100 steps - surrounded by the ring of Immortals which moved with me - and then stop until the next line was written. The final line was given exactly at the summit of the hill at Excalibur Rock. My Joy at completing the initiation was immense, and remains absolutely vivid in my memory 15 years later.

I believe that Enoch, Melchizedek, Elijah, and Moses were among the Immortals who participated in this birthing of The Invocation of the Omega Point. I do not know the others by

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name. But they were all of the Jewish lineage - which is appropriate, as the event occurred during the early hours of Rosh Hashonoh, (Jerusalem time), the Jewish new year day. They didn’t introduce themselves, so perhaps indentities were not relevant.

Astrologically, there is a parallel between the receiving of the Invocation in 1975 and the usage of it at Glastonbury in 1984. It was given exactly on the conjunction of Mercury and Pluto. And it was spoken atop the Tor exactly at Easter Sunrise, when Mercury was exactly conjuncting the rising sun. In cabala, Pluto is Kether, Divine Will. Mercury is Trust and Communion. The sun is Heart, Holy Grail. So in the context of the Tree of Life, the 1975 event was a pure manifestation of Divine Will, while the Easter 1984 activation was an equivalent manifestation of Divine, Planetary Heart.

Also, The Invocation of the Omega Point was given during a Melchizedek Revelation year. Once every 12 years, when Jupiter is in the sign of Aries, the Physically Immortal Melchizedek Priesthood initiates new spiritual programmes and information. My 1975 experience occurred almost exactly halfway through the Melchizedek year which ran from March 1975 to March 1976. Near the end of this year I was sent to El Tule in southern Mexico to plant a ruby and an emerald beneath the roots of the Living Tree of Life. These stones were encoded to activate at the instant of sunrise 17th, August of 1987. This event was popularly called "Harmonic Convergence”, and was based on a prophecy derived from the Aztec calendar. It is interesting to note that, at the time of Harmonic Convergence, Jupiter had reached a stationary position in the final degree of Aries - as late as is astrologically possible during the once every 12 years Melchizedek Revelation period. As I have stated elsewhere, much new material was given me by the Immortals during the 1987 Melchizedek year. I greatly look forward to the next such Initiatory year, which runs from February of 1999 to February of 2000. May we all have experiences of Immortal Joy and Beauty during that time!

It is advisable to only use THE INVOCATION OF THE OMEGA POINT on very special occasions, and only when you are truly inspired to do so. It should never be used as part of a regular, habitual ritual or church service. As a general principle, prayer

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should be spontaneous and in your own Heartfelt words. However, occasionally, a prayer can be written down and used effectively more than once. This Omega Invocation is, exquisitely, one such prayer.

From meeting with my Elijah-Merlin figure in full visible flesh at midnight 1st July, 1967 until the activation of the planetary Omega Point at the instant of Easter Sunrise, 1984 atop Glastonbury Tor - the Gaian Heart Chakra, the reception of THE INVOCATION OF THE OMEGA POINT on Rosh Hashonoh, 1975, stands out as the spiritual and initiatory midpoint within that sacred period. I pray that my Joy experienced while receiving this Divine Invocation may be tred, completely shared, and magnified within the Hearts of all beings who have occasion to speak aloud THE INVOCATION OF THE OMEGA POINT during the coming Aeons...

From my present vantage point (1990) I offer the following written commentary of this Invocation, beginning with the title:

The Invocation of the Omega Point

The Divine Purpose of this prayer is to invoke into complete manifestation the Omega Point. This canticle is alchemically designed for this sole function. Perhaps we should begin by exploring the three key words of the title - invocation, Omega, and point. If we understand the nuances of these terms from the beginning, then the entire invocation is illuminated in its structure and spiritual energy.

Invocation: To invoke is to call into being a consciousness, relationship, or Divine quality which was not noticeably present prior to its being summoned. Invocation is an activity of Will which seeks to produce change. True invocation is that movement, or dance, of the True Will within creation which acts to more clearly reveal the visible glory and presence of the Divine.

There is a technical difference between invocation and evocation. To evoke is to call up something from within one's self. To invoke is to call upon a creative force that is considered to be outside of the self so that a relationship with

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that force can be utilized in service to Divine Will. Of course, the above distinction depends on exactly what one defines as the self, or individualized point of view. Among certain mystics, the supposed difference between invocation and evocation melts.

So the purpose of this prayer created upon Rosh Hashonoh is to make visible the Omega Point so that constructive relationships may be established. If we understand what the Omega Point is, then our desire to bring it into global awareness is expressed throughout the act of invocation.

Omega: The Greek word Omega is used three times in the Book of Revelations and always represents a state of Divine, fully manifested Perfection. The Omega state is individualized consciousness contained within structure - where both energy and form are operating free from the influence of entropy, decay, death.

This Omega Invocation is to be used to create individual, global, and universal Omega Points. The individual Omega Point manifests when an individual experiences the initiation of Bodily Ascension. This is the alchemical wedding of spirit and matter - physical Immortality. Every man and woman within the Melchizedek Order has attained this Omega State.

The global Omega Point is this same Bodily Translation manifesting throughout the fabric of Gaia, the Living Earth. Numerous insights into this planetary Omega state are to be found in the writings of Teilhard de Chardin. What I have to say here on the subject builds upon and expands from the foundational thinking of de Chardin.

The global Omega Point is a highly concentrated locale in space and time where the boundaries between all dimensions vanish and total communion among all points of view is constant. This total interaction among all beings generates a Wisdom that, when completely manifested, liberates the Universe, abolishes death, and establishes Immortal Joy and Life forever.

As stated in several places in my writings, this planetary, or Gaian, Omega Point was establishes at the instant of Easter Sunrise, 1984, within the summit area of Glastonbury Tor in England. Gaia, our living earth, has a chakra system that

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centres on major sacred sites interconnected by ley lines or arteries of vitalizing energy. The heart chakra of Gaia is centred at Glastonbury Tor. The Global Omega Point is alive and active within the centre of the centre of this Heart. When we invoke this Omega Point, we summon forth from out of the heart of Gaia, the energies and structures of the Planetary New Jerusalem. And in the fullness of time, this Omega Point expands to creatively incorporate the totality of Life upon this planet and, ultimately, the entirety of the universe.

We are now at the state of planetary evolution where this established Omega Point is beginning to expand upon its journey towards completed Omega Sphere. Individually, we contribute to this expansion by finding and faithfully following the pathway of Bodily Ascension. Each individual Immortalisation automatically invokes the Global Omega Point into a greater and more expansive Divine Manifestation. All our highest Ideals and Visions are contained within the Holy Grail that is the Heart of Gaia. These Ideals and Visions are now pouring forth to uplift and liberate the Universe.

In the words of the Living Spirit of Truth:I am the Love and Liberty of the world.I am the Alpha and the

Omega,The Foundation and everchanging PerfectionOf Everlasting Life and Light!

And now let us turn our attention to the opening words of this invocation:

Know, Oh Universe, that I Love You...

The entire Invocation is addressed directly to the Universe. We have an absolute faith that the most distant galaxy - and all consciousness within it - can clearly hear the Word of our Divine True Will, and respond to it. If one is to speak a great and holy Vow, Universal Intelligence should always be invoked to bear witness to it. There is a positive confidence in the opening word, "Know." The Universe knows that you love it because it experiences the nourishment of your love throughout every aspect of its Being.

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Divine Praise purifies, Love nourishes, and Joyous Thanksgiving multiplies. These are the three essential dynamics of Bodily Ascension. Love feeds the Universe. We begin to starve our own Divinity when we break the Universe into separate fragments and attempt to love one part more than another. The Invocation of the Omega Point is a Vow of Total Love.

Within the microcosmic concentration of the Omega Point is contained the Living Perfection of every point of view to be found throughout the space and time of the macrocosmic Universe. Thus, to absolutely declare your total Love to the Universe is to set in motion the manifestation of the Omega Point. Know that the Universe responds to your Love. This response establishes a creative relationship which illuminates the Way to the absolute Victory of Life. Love Life and Life Loves You... Without exception, we are called upon to Love Life in all its infinite and amazing variety.

...with All the Grace, and with All the Power, of the Love of Messiah...

This reinforces our fidelity to the Universe. We desire to love all phenomena without exception and pray that our love is as completely received as it is completely given. Here, the word "Grace" carries its two primary meanings of elegance and spiritual blessing. To artfully give love we need to develop a great intuitive sensitivity of heart. Every being in the Universe is unique and desires to receive love in energies and forms ideally suited to its own unique point of vantage. We give with Grace when we consult the Divine True Will of the person or being we desire to bless, for all True Wills are in harmony with each other. What do you want more than anything else? The Omega Point contains in itself the totality of all highest Gifts. If we sincerely invoke the Omega Point, we draw onto our Pathways the highest and most perfect Gifts of Love.

In this new Immortal Aeon, the concept of Grace as a spiritual blessing is elevated and refined. In the antiquated way of thinking, grace is often described as the undeserved kindness of the Divine. This is utterly ridiculous. Total love is being offered to all beings without discrimination with total power at all times. Every being deserves this love. Some beings need to

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learn the art of receiving this Abundance of Grace.

Grace is a higher law than the general conception of karma. All things are possible. An instant of Grace can wash away Aeons of ignorant actions. Open yourself up on every level to receive the Sacrament of Everlasting Life that is, always and forever, being freely offered to you!

There is a great paradox involving the Messiah and Power. This mystery is hinted at in the teachings of certain Hassidic Masters. The Messiah is the Master of absolute spiritual power and is thus the Master of Perfect Uselessness. Anyone who is waiting for the Messiah to come and save them is destined to wait forever - for the Messiah only comes when he or she is no longer needed by any being. We begin to create the condition of absolute Liberty essential for the Coming of Messiah when we directly thank the Universal Divine for every experience of Living. We restrict the Liberty of Messiah whenever we discriminate in our giving of gratitude and attempt to only give it to the individual being who appears to be giving us something. Try this spiritual exercise: The next time someone does you a favour, and you say thank you - are you radiating Joyous heart-felt gratitude directly to All aspects of the Universal Divine?

The Messiah loves the Universe so completely that the Universe and the Messianic Love are One. Thus, to praise or give thanks to one individual while withholding our equal blessings to all phenomena - this is an act of blindness. The personal signature of the Messiah is forever inscribed within the heart of every particle of your Being. This is not mysticism. This is simple Truth.

In The Chalice of Life, in my book Voyage to Avalon, I describe certain structural pre-conditions which need to be created before the appearance of the Messiah. According to Prophecy, a planetary matrix of 36 sacred areas is to be activated by the work of 36 Immortal Tsaddiks between 1991 and 2008 AD. This grounding of the planetary New Jerusalem in its cardinal, fixed, and mutable functions could be completed at any point between the above dates. Only then can the 37th Tsaddik, the Messiah, emerge in a way that preserves his or her liberty. Within the A.·.A.·., this Messianic consciousness is attained within the 10th degree, Ipsissimus, initiation. Further

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information relating to these themes may be found in my various writings.

Through the sincere proclamation of the opening sentence of the Omega Point invocation, we begin to liberate the Messiah. If we love the Universe with all the love of the Messiah, then we honour the Messiah's Divine Uselessness and contribute to his or her freedom. If we regard our love as always less than that of the Messiah's, then we bind that being with chains of limitations and obligation. Speak forth this opening sentence until the full energy and joy of its meaning resonates clearly within your Heart!

That my awareness is Eternally caressing all Forms of Reality...

As a result of our love interpenetrating all time and space, we are forever awake to enjoy the ecstatic embrace of the Body of the Universal Divine. Our awareness is an energy and an intention that is constant in a state of loving movement. This moving caress changes every form. There is a perfect and beautiful form that is ideal for every state of energy. Immortal forms reveal the full glory and beauty of the Divine.

Move in consciousness beyond the speed of light and simultaneously occupy every point of view. Now feel your awareness caressing all forms of creation forever and ever. This feeling is the ecstasy of cosmic consciousness. This ecstatic touch of awareness is always faithful to the Great Work of the Aeons - the Bodily Ascension of the Universe... Since Easter of 1984, this awareness has been radiating its transformative touch from out of the activated Omega Point, within the Opening Heart of Gaia, at Glastonbury. When we dedicate our awareness to the same Great Work, then we accelerate this opening of the Planetary Heart, and contribute to the Divine Movement of Omega Point to Omega Sphere...

Sharing this Bliss in the most Beautiful and Creative Manifestations...

The perpetual contact of awareness and form generates Bliss. Bliss is the happiness experienced by Immortals. This highest happiness is naturally shared with others through Immortal Works of Beauty and Joy. The eternal caress gives birth to the

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most beautiful and most creative thoughts, words, and actions that are possible to share. At the touch plane where awareness and form unite, the fertile and totally abundant Bliss of Gratitude is forever being born. All manifestations arising from this birth are filled to overflowing with creative Live and Immortal Beauty. Blissful Joy and Thanksgiving form the fertile soil which nourishes the Tree of Everlasting Life growing within every Being...

Let my Heart be possessed by the Spirit of Truth!

In the opening lines, this Invocation proclaimed with certainty the nature of our relationship to the Universe. Now, with this line, we begin a series of six sentences - each one a prayer to the Universe asking for its support of the six desires expressed. We begin by praying that our Heart be always filled completely by the creative and Living Spirit of Truth. Let your Heart be consecrated as the most Holy Temple of the Spirit of Truth throughout all time and space. Make your Heart a home of such beauty, peace, and joy that the Spirit of Truth is compelled to claim it as its favorite space to operate from.

In the Light of Wisdom, we know that the creative Truth Spirit is everywhere present and is activated whenever anyone sincerely calls upon it from the heart. The central function of this Spirit is to illuminate the Pathway of Everlasting Life. In time, the Pathway, the Spirit of Truth, and your Heart merge and become one - indistinguishable from each other. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life... The journey to this Divine Fusion is advanced by our calling upon the Spirit of Truth to be with all beings. The ascent to the summit of Zion is the Way of the total Purification of the Heart.

At Glastonbury, ascend to the summit of Zion and bathe in the radiance of the Omega Point now and forever emanating the Living Spirit of Truth from out of the green, emerald Rose which is the opening planetary heart of Gaia. Imagine that you are the Living Earth speaking forth The Invocation of the Omega Point. When you do this successfully, then the identity of your individual Omega Point is revealed to be the same as the Gaian Omega Point. This Invocation is the Voice of the Heart of the Earth speaking to the Universe. Gaia is giving birth to the Planetary Messiah. At major sacred sites, the

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structural dynamics of this Planetary Christ are being revealed. Open your Heart and the Global Heart and listen...

Let my Existence be Dedicated to the enlightenment of All Consciousness throughout the Universe!

From this point onwards, let us know that our Voice and the Voice of Gaia are speaking these lines united as One Voice. Thus, the Sacred Mission of our planet is revealed in the above sentence. Few of us yet realize exactly how Alive this earth is. Gaia has the True Will for Planetary Ascension, or complete Immortal Bodily Translation. When this global ascension is complete, then Gaia radiates its transformed Immortal frequencies throughout all time and space until Universal Ascension is complete. When we speak this vow in union of Will with Gaia, then we begin our Immortal Journey to the stars...

Let my Enthusiasm be a Light of Love and Truth for all to Feel!

When the breath of the Divine is drawn in to the centre of your being, enthusiasm is the result. Enthusiasm is Joy, Movement, Aliveness. Inspiration is to breathe in the fullness of your Divine Nature. Through the power of breathing, we brighten the Light of Love and Truth burning upon the High Altar of our Heart. Our total enjoyment of Living totally communicates itself to all other beings to the extent that they can feel our enthusiasm quickening every atom and cell. The Immortal energies of eternal springtime awaken New Life...

When we discover exactly what our True Will is, and recognize its unity with the Gaian Will, then we begin to consciously do the Great Work of manifesting the True Will. The radiance of our absolute Joy in the doing of this Work effortlessly illuminates and blesses all other Pathways.

Oh Let my Touch be the Highest Manifestation for the Will Divine!

This is the fourth of the six prayers to the Universe that begin with the word "let". The sequence of nouns involved is: Heart, Existence, Enthusiasm, Touch, Action, Body. There is an Immortal logic in this pattern that begins in the Heart and

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culminates in the Physical Body Glorified. With "Touch" we reach the key to Everlasting Life as expressed in this Invocation. Touch is elevated into the highest spiritual importance where it is wedded to Divine Will. Immortals are completely "in touch" with the Divine at all times.

Meditate for a while and imagine what would be the ultimate, most wonderful manifestation of Divine Will in the universe that is possible... Now look around and touch an object, any object. The exchange of energy and information that you are experiencing through your touch right now is of greater Divine Purpose than anything you imagined. If we can master this concept, then the Way of both individual and planetary Ascension is open.

I have written frequently in recent years about this important concept. the Liberation of the Sacrament is achieved through the sanctification of all aspects and modes of Touch. The five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and bodily touch all need to be dedicated to the Highest Service of Divine Will. Other forms of touch need to be located and also consecrated. The outer touch area of the aura, for example. Also, projections of light, divine qualities, and thoughts are all ways we touch others. The Divine Plan is coming into complete Manifestation through purified "Doors of Perception", in William Blake's phrase. These Doors are the totality of our ability to Touch. They must be opened so that the giving and receiving of the Holy Sacrament of Everlasting, Infinite Life flows in both directions, in a superconductive Way, at all times. This is the Highest Delight of the Divine Will in action and is the sole purpose of existence. Ultimate Creative Joy is our Living experience when we dedicate our Touch to being the Highest, most perfect vehicle for the expression of Universal Divine Will.

Practice this exercise: Try to consciously locate the place where you are touching that which is outside of your biological organism. First speak a Holy Vow or dedication offering the point of touch you have consciously located to the Service of the highest purpose of Divine Will. Then ask yourself if you are now ready to totally give and receive the Sacrament of Everlasting Life through the vehicle of that point of touch. Then begin to breathe in and out, to project and radiate in and out through your open and purified "Door" of Touch the

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Sacrament of Joyous Immortality. If you practice this frequently, and in many different environments and situations, then, in time, your entire being begins to automatically serve this Ultimate Divine Function. Total Liberty, Joy, and Love - and the Fulfilment of your unique True Will - are the inevitable results forever gained through the Mastery of this Way.

Let my every Action transform this Reality into Greater and more Loving Perfections!

This sentence is the logical extension of the previous one. If our force of Touch is totally expressive of the highest Divine Purpose, then everything that we do is this force of Touch in spiritual action. And therefore, each such action increases the amount of love everywhere in the Universe and also transforms or re-creates all reality into a yet greater Perfection. Note that this sentence clearly states that the Universe is already Perfect in all aspects.

In the Arthurian mythos, we are "Masters of Excalibur" when we are manifesting this ability to transform whatever it is we are touching into a Reality that is greater in its Beauty, Joy, Light, Love, Liberty, Life. If we lose this ability, then we have temporarily lost Excalibur and must go on the Quest until we regain the transformative power it represents.

Perfection is not static. It is ever-changing, alive, growing, re-creating. The instant that we make a judgement declaring one part of the Universe to be less than perfect, we contribute to separation and imperfection. It is important to begin in the very beginning with Perfection, and then devote ourselves to increasing all the Divine Qualities of this Perfection forever and ever. There will never be a greatest perfection. There will always be ever "Greater and more Loving Perfections!"

If we hear the last two lines as the Voice of Gaia speaking, then we have a vision of our earth being a very sacred being who is the focus of the greatest Divine activities. All life forms are dependent upon the "touch" of the earth for their existence. The relationship between Gaia and each individual life form is the highest expression of Divine Will. The Creative Will of Gaia is acting to transform all phenomena upon her body into higher and more loving perfections.

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Analyse your every action, word, and thought and ask yourself: Are these activities transforming the Universe into a more Loving reality? To make all things New at every instant is the ideal. That which is most New has the greatest potential for greater Life. If the Universe is eternally recreated Anew at every instant, then Everlasting Life and Joyous Liberty are able to flourish to the maximum degree. This is the reality of the Planetary New Jerusalem. The radiation of joyous, light-filled thanksgiving from the heart, developed and strengthened day by day, illuminates the ideal individual pathway for each of us to pursue if we desire to contribute to the building of this collective, planetary Paradise. If we follow this way in the here and now, one step at a time, universal Victory is certain.

Let my Body be the Most Sacred Temple of Truth!

Here, the Voice of Gaia and our own Words are resonating in Immortal Harmony. This planet earth is the most sacred and miraculous Temple of Truth and Initiation. In this New Aeon, we are quickly developing a new philosophy of animism - the earth is alive and conscious and has a creative will. This new and matured animism - once thought to be an outmoded and primitive view - is now destined to provide the meeting place of harmony where all major world religions can come together in mutual devotion to the sacredness of Life. This Living earth is the supreme university for spiritual development in every aspect. We graduate only through the Fire-Birth of Bodily Ascension. Only such physically Immortal beings are in complete harmony with the Body, Consciousness, and Will of Gaia, our most Sacred and Immortal planet.

The Kingdom of Everlasting Life is within you. Your full Divine Potential is inscribed upon the inner fabric of your Being. The Divine Opportunity to make contact with this Infinite inner treasure is only possible while incarnate in your Body Temple. The gift of Life through physical birth is the Divine's most precious Blessing directly to you. The Way to the Kingdom of Everlasting Life is impossible to travel, in fact, it does not even exist, unless you are Alive and breathing within a material body. At the instant of first birth - the water birth of the womb - we are given the precious gift of Life. We complete the circle by giving our Diamond Body back to the Divine by the process of the second birth - the birth of creative fire. This second

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birth is the Bodily Ascension. Those who achieve this Initiation are beginning to grow in numbers as we move deeper into the Immortal Aeon.

The physical body is the deepest well of Wisdom. Only the material has a capacity deep enough to contain the Waters of Immortal Life. The Creative Spirit delights in the challenge of reaching to the ultimate depths of the Body-Well. The Waters of Infinite Life drawn upwards and out through the Heart originate upon the borderline of void far below the most minute levels of material structure. When these Waters are drawn through every level of the Body Temple, and then are sent forth freely from the heart, the Universe is Liberated. When first the waters begin to rise, the sub-atomic particles of the Body begin to sing in a great chorus which is joined by atoms, tissues, chakras, entire transformed organism, planet, solar system, galaxies - until the entire Universe resonates the most sublime symphony celebrating the Total Triumph of Immortal Life!

The Omega Point is Here!

This is the culmination of this Invocation. The Omega Point is contained within the Body of the speaker. Within the physical body of Gaia, the global Omega Point is located at the centre of the planetary Heart Chakra - Glastonbury Tor. This is a Divine acupressure point of the earth's body, that, when touched, begins to release an Infinity of Joyous Life. The Omega Point is a cornucopia of Immortal Abundance which is expanding through space and time towards its fulfillment as universe embracing Omega Sphere. Each of us can contribute to this Divine Movement by calling upon our own Omega natures to come forth and by invoking these same Waters of Everlasting Life to come forth from the Gaian Heart centre at Glastonbury, and from every opening sacred womb of earth.

On the first of July, 1967, I was given a Grail Cup containing the totality of every being's highest ideals. The Prophet Elijah told me to take this Cup to Glastonbury and to pour forth its contents upon the summit of Glastonbury Tor at the instant of Easter sunrise, 1984. In 1975, I was also given this Invocation of the Omega Point. According to the instructions of the Immortals, it was to be spoken aloud at the same time as the

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contents of the Grail Cup were poured into the opening Heart of Gaia. Now both the Cup and the Invocation belong to the Living Heart of this Earth. Listen to Gaia. Your highest Visions and Dreams of the Divine are now shining forth in Immortal Glory from out of her Heart. The most precious Word of your Being is born Immaculate from out of the Womb of Gaia. This Invocation is given to the world in dedication to the complete manifestation of every Highest Dream. It has the alchemical power to fulfil this function. Use it wisely and use it with Joy!

Clarity of Vision has been Redeemed throughout the Universe!

I have been given a specific prophecy concerning this final line: On a level of global, planetary culture, acceptance of the truth contained in The Invocation of the Omega Point will be complete at the time of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, in Capricorn, in January of 2020 AD. This is some kind of cosmic humour: 20 20 vision is, in some standards of measurement, perfect “Clarity of Vision”. De Chardin’s Global Omega Point was first activated in 1984. 36 years later, in 2020 AD, the planetary village recognises this Truth. I look forward to the celebrations of that time!


by Robert Coon

Know, Oh Universe, That I Love You with All the Grace,And with All the Power, of the Love of Messiah...That my

awareness is Eternally caressing all Forms of Reality,Sharing this Bliss in the most Beautiful and Creative Manifestations...

Let my Heart be possessed by the Spirit of Truth!Let my Existence be Dedicated to the enlightenment of All

Consciousness throughout the Universe! Let my Enthusiasm be a LightOf Love and Truth for all to Feel! Oh Let my TouchBe

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the Highest Manifestation for the Will Divine!

Let my every Action transform this Reality into GreaterAnd more Loving Perfections! Let my Body beThe Most Sacred

Temple of Truth! The Omega Point is Here!Clarity of Visison has been Redeemed throughout the Universe!

THE TRANSMISSION OF HONESTYfrom The Phoenix Sutra of Ho Neaou Kun

Devotion to the fragrance of Truth guides the ButterflyVoyager relentlessly to the Flower of Perfect Honesty.The Dharma Queen can not count the gateways to her Garden,For their number is greater than the stars of Heaven.Between the thief and the king, every step is different,Yet the Way is forever the same.

The Dharma Queen beholds the different journeys beyondnumber to her Garden of Honesty - and in her contemplationof this unique diversity, she finds her Greatest Joy!With her laughter she shakes the Western Mountains of Light!Yet the Way is forever the same.

The Sage Tsing Lung dwells high atop the Middle MountainOf Chung Shan. His duty is to feed the Celestial Carp,which swims its Way to the source of Diamond Riverupon the first day of the Dragon. This day of Renovationoccurs but once every twelve years - 156 Moons ofFullness must wax and wane before the Heavenly Fishreturns again. During this long period of waiting,the Sage Tsing Lung sits upon his Azure Throne inPerfect silence, contemplating the Elixir of LifeFlaming within the Cauldron of his Heart...

Today, Tsing Lung descends from the Azure Throne to feedthe Celestial Carp. For the first time in twelve years,Tsing Lung speaks to his friend: "How fare the Fishermenof Diamond River since we last held converse here atthe Fountain of Beginnings?"

"Among the race of Humankind, I have met thirteen whoare seeking the Garden of Honesty," replied the GoldenFish. "One man may find his Way to Peach Blossom Grottobefore the waning of Jade Moon, which is nigh upon us.""This news shall

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give the Dharma Queen great happiness!"exclaimed Tsing Lung. "Tell me of your experiencewith this man."

"As I was ascending the Cataracts of Heavenly Instruction,I beheld a Light like unto the Morning Star shining fromthe mortal Shore of Woven Karma. Curious to discern theIntent creating this Light, I swam closer to the MysteriousBrilliancy and arose from the River. There upon the mossybank, I saw a naked man sitting in deep inner meditation.Twin streams of joyous tears cascaded down his countenanceto fall as jewels upon the earth. He appeared to sensemy close proximity, opened his eyes, and greeted me witha radiant smile of welcome."

"The Love of Liberty shining from your Star has drawnme to your presence. Tell me of your Journey. Fromwhere have you come and to where do you go?"

"Oh Celestial Carp," the man replied, "I have journeyedfrom the Land of Betrayal and Falsehood. I have leftbehind those who mock my Quest - Yet still they sendtheir minions, who seek to chain and bind me and toforce me to slave within the Pit of Unbelief. Whenthese deluded ones approach too near, I turn - andthe Flaming Sword of Honesty speaks from my mouth tocut the Ideogram of Thankfulness upon the blackness oftheir souls. And many, so cut, have abandoned theirmasters and now seek the Greater Way of Truth and Love.For this Great Blessing, I shed these tears of Joy.And now a Song of growing Peace begins to consume theCitadels of Fear!"

"I have held fast to my Vision when those I love dearlybecame Demons of Doubt. And now I seek to build aBridge over the Chasm of Unborn Dreams, so that theSons and Daughters of Faith and Trust who follow meshall find their Way without fail into the Garden of the Immortal Alchemist - there to rejoice, in Beautyand Humility, forever!"

The Sage Tsing Lung is well pleased with this recountingof the Heavenly Fish. He reaches within his Heartand draws forth the Phoenix Cauldron of Resurrection."Oh Eternal Friend, swim again the Diamond River andcarry this Cauldron to the naked Fisherman buildinghis Bridge upon the shore of Woven Karma. Entrust himwith this Gift and tell him that the Dharma Queenawaits his arrival within Peach Blossom Grotto."

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"And now the Prophecies begin to be fulfilled! I feel thetwo Great Dragon Wheels, male and female, which encirclethis earth, begin to turn! Their Mating Dance withinthe Western Mountains of Light gives birth to countlessChildren of Noble Form and Everlasting Life. And theProphecy of the Ancestors is this: These offspring ofthe Dragon Marriage shall inhabit the Pure Land of Honestyand Trust which now grows Visible upon every continent.Their Teaching of the Perfect Way shall banish all deathfrom this Creation and its Creator.

"May the Phoenix Elixir of Eternal Thankfulness strengthenthe True Manifestation of Every Will! And Now theImmortal Ancestors leave Shambhala and begin theirjourney toward the Abyss of Unborn Dreams - There, toculminate the fulfillment of all Prophecies, and toGreet the naked Fisherman as he carries the PhoenixCauldron Across his Bridge of Faith..."

Contemplating the Elixir of Life flaming within hisHeart, Tsing Lung cleans the Azure Throne in perfectsilence. And then, turning, he too begins to journeyto the Bridge of New Beginning...The Fragrance of Truth permeates the Universe... Drawn bythis perfume, a Butterfly alights upon the Flower ofPerfect Honesty... The Dharma Queen laughs...The Heavenly City descends! The Way is forever the same!Thus ends the Transmission of Honesty, taken from "The Phoenix Sutra of Ho Neaou Kun", inscribed upon the Northern Wall, within the Temple of Transmutation, Shambhala...

Eagle Gifts of Immortality

by Robert Coon

Angel of Revelation!Blaze forthUpon Star lanesEmbracedBy canopy of Nuit!Herald this final stratagemOf eagle sagesSmiling at Shambhalla...Oh let my hymn ascendOnto the diademOf the new born PhoenixFor I have fathomedThe

cypher of thy Play!Fly onThrough limitless cavernsOf Buddha MindIlluminatedBy

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thy passing torchOf clarityAnd I will followIn your wake of visionEnrobed in lightning -My eyesEver faithfulTo the pole

starOf this voyage...Hold fast thy ankhOf immortalityAs we run upon a boulevardFrom Saturn to the sun -For we have seizedThe reins of Life

From deathAnd drive the chariotOf the GrailInto the Holy KingdomOf the City of the PyramidsAnd beyond!

Serpentine fibresOf thy loveTwine about my heartAnd guide meTo the rootsOf the Tree of Life...My path is clear!This -The

hour of transmutationSpoken ofIn perfect silenceAt the foundationOf this world...I write this sacred oathOf alchemyUpon a golden scroll:I shall nourish these rootsWith laughter of StarsAnd Praise of SaintsUntil a FruitNever known beforeIn All CreationAnoints the tongueOf every being nestingIn this

Tree of AspirationWith a tasteRegenerating Paradise!Now place the capstoneOf thy WillUpon the SummitOf the Great Pyramid...All prophecies are fulfilled!Reveal to allThe glorious destinyOf our planet!May every StarAssume the

rightful MasteryOf its own realm!Open this giftAnd show meThy eternal Godhood!

Commentary on "Eagle Gifts of Immortality":

Angel of Revelation! Blaze forth upon Star lanes embraced by canopy of Nuit!

The Great Revelation coming forth in this Aquarian Age to enflame the Imagination of humanity is that of Bodily Translation or Physical Immortality. The Art of Revealing this Truth so that it takes root in a Heart with clarity and enthusiasm can be mastered through prayer and practice. We pray that this Immense Truth thrill your entire Being with its touch! Like Archimedes of old, may your Song of triumph shout forth: Eureka! I have found it!

The Spirit of Revelation often floods the consciousness at very unexpected moments. Lightning strikes - and you see a Great Truth that you have never seen quite in the same way before. What qualities may we cultivate to attract the lightning bolt? A total dedication to the Quest for Truth and an intense enjoyment of Living are very useful. Come, the game’s afoot! If you spy the Beauty of Truth in Nature, in consciousness, in relationships, in the world - pursue that gleam of Divinity until it yields to thee the entirety of its Blessing. Every instant of

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Living contains a tremendous potential of spiritual charge, ready to burst forth as epiphany - as revelatory manifestation of the Divine.

Pray that the Spirit of Truth illuminate the pathway, or star lane, of every Being with the “Blaze” of Revelation! Life is one continual Revelation. Moses heard God speak out of a burning bush. After the Great Vision is received, then the Way of Sharing must be found...

The concentration of Truth received in Great Visions is often communicated to others through art, prophecy and the many forms of creative love. In order for the Transmission of Vision to be continual, we need to be in a constant and open state of both receiving and giving. May your every action transmit the Joy and Beauty of Immortal Revelation!

The pathways of every being are embraced by the love of Nuit. Nuit is an Egyptian goddess who symbolizes the infinite possibilities and potentialities for each of us throughout this Universe. Every life form is a Star within the Body of Nuit. You are constantly being offered the choice to be exactly who you want to be. May the Angel or Spirit of Divine Revelation illuminate the deepest, most profound, and beautiful choice for you at every instant of thy Quest!

Herald this final stratagem of Eagle Sages smiling at Shamballa...

The final stage of the Great Work is now in motion upon this planet. The strategic gem of the emerald Rose has been rooted at Glastonbury through the wedding of the 4th and 6th global chakras. The 6th chakra appears in a specific geographical area when it is time to initiate a new Aeon. Always, it shifts 1/12th of the way to the west, around the world, from the area of the previous Age. At the dawn of the Aeon of Pisces, the mobile 6th chakra was in the Middle East. Now it is conjunct the world heart chakra in western Europe. Glastonbury is the global 4th centre - the Heart. Both centres are now united through Glastonbury Tor in dedication to broadcasting the Revelation of Everlasting Life world-wide. The events of August 17, 1987 were an essential part of this final stratagem. The Eagle Sages are the Immortals - they are smiling their Grace upon the world through the Shamballic focus of Avalon... I pray that the Spirit of Revelation reveal to

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all beings upon this planet the shape of this Divine Plan now in operation! May we join with the Company of Immortals to build our New Jerusalem as rapidly as Love allows!

Oh let my hymn ascend onto the diadem of the new born Phoenix for I have fathomed the cypher of thy Play!

I send forth my Blessings as Flames of Praise illuminating the Divine Presence throughout this Universe... The Emerald Rose is contained within the throat of the Phoenix of global resurrection - Glastonbury Tor. The Word is being Spoken and established within all Flesh. The Phoenix was new born or activated in 1984, the 800th year cycle from the destruction of the wattle church by fire at Glastonbury, which occurred in 1184 AD. The New Word is born through the Fire of Divine Praise. The Word of the Phoenix is now purifying this earth. The Divine Plan for the abolition of death is certain of Victory!

I have been given a great Revelation that I am sharing with you through my writings, life, and work. May my thanksgiving for having received and fathomed this Vision illuminate the Crown of Glory overspreading all Life!

Fly on through limitless caverns of Buddha Mind illuminated by thy passing Torch of Clarity...

Clarity of Vision is a key theme within the Great Work. Note the ultimate line in the original version of the Invocation of the Omega Point... Here we speak of the Liberation of Mind. May the Spirit of Revelation guide thee into the full Creative Mastery of thy Mind! The Thought of Immortal Life is now within your Mind. What do you do with this Great Thought? Invite this thought to stay and dwell forever within the Temple of your Mind! Do this and you will discover that this Thought is Alive and is a Great Teacher... Let the Thought of Immortality do its spring house cleaning and soon your Mind will be filled with Light, Compassion and Joy!

...and I will follow in your wake of Vision enrobed in lightning - my eyes ever faithful to the pole star of this voyage...

The word “Wake” carries a triple meaning in this line: 1. a radiant trail like a comet’s tail... 2. the Vision of Everlasting

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Life awakens wherever it goes... and 3. a wake that is a celebration for the death of death...

Enrobe thyself in Lightning! May your entire Being radiate the Full force of Immortal Revelation! Don your seamless garment whiter than mountain snow beneath the noonday sun! Advanced Immortals have the ability to materialize their clothing - it greatly decreases the launderette costs! A woman who touched the garment of Jesus in passing was healed... When I met my Elijah-Merlin character in 1967 he wore such a white robe - its radiance is forever etched within the fabric of my Being...

I have dedicated myself to being an agent of the Divine Plan for Life Immortal and Abundant. To be faithful to this Voyage is to always express the True Will for Physical Immortality in every thought, word and deed. High above the Ocean of Infinite Love the Guiding Star forever Shines! The Pole Star of the Navigator is the True Will for Life Immortal, Light, Love and Liberty! The Universe says Yes! Yes! to those who do their True Will. Thus it has always been and shall ever be...

I am that I am, the flameHidden in the sacred ark.I am the unspoken spark.I am never-dying youth.I am Love, and I am Truth.I am he that lifteth up Life,And flingeth it afar;I have filled the crystal cup;I have sealed the silver star.I am the creating Word...Author of the Aeon...I am the eternal one...The fountain of the sun!For I am He that ever goeth,Being in myself the Way...

- from “The Ship,” by Aleister Crowley

Hold fast thy ankh of immortality as we run upon a boulevard from Saturn to the sun -

The ankh is the ancient Egyptian symbol for physical Immortality. It is also the symbol of Going - for Immortal Life is an eternal movement, forever changing, expanding, going... Thus the ankh keeps you connected to the movements of the True Will for Everlasting Life. The ankh is the image of the spiritual sun rising over the cross of matter - the transmutation of the mortal flesh of lead into the Immortal Flesh of Gold... The power of the Ankh is used for Bodily Teleportation by advanced Immortals in service to Divine Will...

When the Master of Excalibur leaps the abyss to become a Master of the Grail, he or she has arrived within the Cabalistic

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sphere of Binah. Saturn is the planetary symbol of this attainment. Upon arriving in the realm of the Bodhisattvas one chooses a sphere below the abyss to establish a connection useful to those following the pathway of initiation. An initiate totally self-contained within Binah would disappear from the creative garden of human relationships and thus would be of little use to the Divine Plan.

For instance, the return is from Saturn to the sun, or Heart. In the cabala, there is a pathway between these two spheres. In my opinion, the solar sphere is the most powerful choice of return for the new born Bodhisattva. The Master of the Grail uses the Waters of Everlasting Life to illuminate the Great Spiritual Laws of Life within the Hearts of those who are ready. The Master of the Grail is a Lord of the Heart and is able to commune with the Holy Guardian Angels of all who seek Truth. The creative conspiracy forged between one’s Guardian Angel or True Will and a Master of the Grail has the power to open wide the Heart - so that Waters may spring up forever as a source of Life Abundant and Eternal. (see John 7:38 and 4:14)

For we have seized the reins of Life from death and drive the chariot of the Grail into the Holy Kingdom of the City of the Pyramids and beyond!

A clear channel between Saturn and the sun is further established. Imagery from Tarot is used here. There are 2 tarot cards that may be used for meditation upon the various cabalistic pathways. The cards are, in this instance, the Chariot and the death cards. The death card is attributed to the ascending impulse from the sun to saturn; while the chariot governs the descending path. The Chariot is a key image in Jewish cabala, and derives from the image of Elijah achieving physical Immortality by ascending in a Chariot of Fire. The Chariot is a vehicle for the motion of Immortal Life. By combining the 2 cards into one image, we have the power of the Chariot conveying the Holy Grail to overcome death.

We gain the ability to Drive this Chariot of Life when we uproot the false foundation thought of death and replace it with the Truth of Immortality. The reflex movements in fear of death are replaced by the Divine True Will for Life Everlasting enthroned within the Heart. This is a major change of viewpoint that more and more individuals are attaining in this

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New Aeon. An astrological note: at least once a year there is a Saturn conjunct Sun. This is an ideal time to pray and meditate on this pathway. The working of the Laws of Praise, Love and Gratitude through the Love waters of the Heart is the central theme of this conjunction.

The Pyramid is mentioned twice in this 8th day meditation. Here we find “the City of the Pyramids.” This is a title used to describe Binah, or Saturn. Ascending, we vow to carry Physical Immortality beyond Binah to Chokmah and all higher spheres. Descending, we vow to take the Word of Life Triumphant to Cairo and the Great Pyramid. This mission was carried out on the autumn equinox of 1979 - after the completion of the writing of the 12th day at the beginning of that year. In Cairo, the Stele of Revealing was rediscovered and consecrated to physical Immortality and the Word of Physical Immortality was implanted into the collective consciousness of humanity through the global throat chakra of the Great Pyramid. Further information regarding these 1979 activities is contained in my essay, The Cairo Working.

Serpentine fibres of thy love twine about my heart and guide me to the roots of the Tree of Life...

This poem is addressed to the universal Spirit of Revelation and also to that innate power within the True Will or Nature of every Being. There is both an exterior and an interior force of Spiritual Revelation at Work. We must cultivate both modes of magickal unfoldment... Follow the movements of thy Heart! Spiritual Revelation delights to walk the pathway of Love. Let Will, Mind and Body follow the lead of the Heart. In Cabala, the great symbol of Life is the Tree. To nourish the roots of this Tree is to maintain and vitalize the pathway of every Living Being!

Within the context of global earth chakras, the geomythic Tree of Life is El Tule in Southern Mexico - half-way between the planetary 1st chakra of Mt. Shasta and the planetary sexual chakra at Lake Titicaca. In February of 1976, I journeyed to this Tree to charge its roots with the Will of Physical Immortality. This work was in preparation for the events of August 17th, 1987. Through a large global effort, the Immortal Will was successfully invoked from El Tule, from Roots to Crown, and circulated around the world through 2 Great

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Dragon ley arteries. This Will was called the Quetzalcoatl spirit. Since August of 1987, it has become much easier to share the Revelation of Everlasting Life with many more individuals.

My path is clear! This - the hour of transmutation spoken of in perfect Silence at the foundation of this world...

Throughout my Work, there is an importance placed upon getting the Truth of Physical Immortality established, or activated at the deepest roots, archetypes, foundations of Life... I am dedicated to resonating my Word eternally and with clarity at the deepest, most intimate heart of every Life and Relationship. You and I were present at the Creation of this Universe and this earth. In the full, prophetic expanse of that great Event, we beheld the future destiny of all Life upon this planet. We beheld a world where death has been abolished. Remember this Great Vision and Act!

The hour of transmutation spoken of here refers to two events: it specifically says that the activating of El Tule in 1987 was imaged within Divine Will at the beginning of this Universe! The hour of Transmutation is also that initiation that comes to each of us at the right perfect time: when we remember our reason for being on this planet and dedicate ourselves to the building of the New Jerusalem where death is no more... Clarity of Vision begins at this point of Life! The prophecy of Immortality was “spoken in perfect Silence” within each of us long long ago. In deep creative Silence, the Word of Life Immortal is experienced within every iota of our Being. On the symbolic 7th day of Creation, a profound Silence spread over all consciousness as we beheld the Entirety of our New Creation. We experienced the Birth and the Fulfillment of Life Everlasting speaking its Word made universal Flesh through Eternity... I write here of deep and profound memories inscribed within that summit of mystical experience some call cosmic consciousness. Pray to remember - and our universal Body shall be reunited through the bond of our shared Will for Life Joyous and for Life Triumphant over all things! So it was, so it is, and so it shall ever be!

I write this sacred oath of alchemy upon a golden scroll:

Any great Vow or Dedication of the True Will should be inscribed upon the permanent Flesh of the Divine. Call upon

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that Witness which is Eternal to hear your Vow. If you look closely, you may find a familiar signature written within the fabric of all Creation... Know this as Truth: I have signed my Vow upon the golden parchment of thy Soul!

I shall nourish these roots with laughter of Stars and Praise of Saints...

When the first baby laughed for the first time,The laugh broke into a thousand piecesAnd they all went skipping about,And that was the beginning of fairies.

- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

The laughter and Joy of the Eternal Child is creating this New Aeon. In the Egyptian Interpretation of the Dawning Age, Horus is the alchemical synthesis of all previous aeons - Immortal and forever young through the perpetual re-creation of your Heart. Hear the Child Horus laughing within your Heart!The Foundation Stone of every Being is being constantly Blessed and purified by the Divine Praise of the Immortals. I praise the Divine Nature within You - from which All Blessings flow! I praise the Divine Will for Everlasting Life within You - for therein lies the Greatest Blessing!Now sound the Horn of PlentyThrough all time and space!Now sorrow and deathVanish without trace!

With laughter and praise, we forever celebrate the triumph of Divine Will! Dance within this Flame of Praise and Feast amidst the Laughing Stars! For the Victory of Everlasting Life has been Crowned throughout this Universe!

...until a Fruit never known before in all Creation anoints the tongue of every being nesting in this Tree of Aspiration with a taste Regenerating Paradise!

Here we have another reference to 17th August, 1987: Tony Shearer made this prophecy in 1971 about this event: on the 17th August, “The Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the Creation...” This is the Fruit of Everlasting Life.

To anoint the tongue is to empower an individual with a creative ability to speak the Word made Flesh. The word “Christ” means to anoint. The Divine Touch stimulating Everlasting Life is what being Christed means. We use our

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anointed tongue to build Paradise on Earth. May light and the Will for Physical Immortality fill to overflowing every Word you Speak! In the Beginning is the Word!

In the cabalistic Tree, seekers of Truth may build their nests within any of the spheres from Malkuth to Kether and beyond. Through Initiation we move our nest to a higher sphere. The Fruit of Immortality is to be given to all beings - regardless of where they are “nesting.” The Tree of Aspiration means the Tree of Breathing in dedication to Life... “Aspiration” means to breathe for a purpose. Dedicate thy every breath to the establishment of Immortal Life and your shall ascend unto the Crown of the Tree of Aspiration. Related breath words are: conspiracy - to breathe together for the establishment of Everlasting Life on earth; and inspiration - to be filled with the Immortal breath of the Divine...

This anointing of the tongue with an elixir or golden nectar is a very ancient spiritual technique that is found in certain Hindu teachings and elsewhere. The five senses are sacred and may be purified and opened to receive the full Blessings of Divine Touch. We are to dedicate the use of our senses to the “regenerating of Paradise.” If you receive a Blessing, vow to use that Blessing for the Building of the New Jerusalem - a world where death has been abolished. In Eden, the Divine Will was only for Physical Immortality. Our Mission is to Restore Eden... In summary, I vow to offer the Fruits of Immortal Life until all Beings have the opportunity to taste them, to proclaim their own True Wills for Immortality, and to dedicate themselves to creating an Immortal Paradise on Earth! I offer you this Fruit NOW!

The Reborn World is an expression in Jewish thought for the Messianic era. This is the time of global Regeneration, when the Immortal Waters of the Grail of Life transform the Wasteland. “Ye who have followed me in the Regeneration shall receive Everlasting Life!” (from Matthew 19:28-29). When the Grace of Immortal Touch activates the True Will for Everlasting Life, then the Regeneration of all Flesh begins... You regenerate your own Life and this earth when you Act to fulfill the Divine Will for Physical Immortality. 1989 was the year when the Great Regeneration spoken of by Jesus became visible to those who follow with faith the Pathway of Everlasting Life. Once every 19 years a great cycle of work

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begins. This cycle commences when there are two Scorpio full moons in succession, in April and May. This happened in 1989, and will next occur in 2008. The Shasta-Glaston Workings mentioned in several places in my writings are an essential part of this Planetary Regeneration - the beginning of the Messianic Aeon...

Now place the capstone of thy Will upon the Summit of the Great Pyramid... All prophecies are fulfilled!

It is considered possible that the Great Pyramid was constructed without a capstone. When we find this “Stone that the builders rejected,” we place it upon the summit of the planetary throat chakra, so that the Truth of this Word may be quickly restored to all beings. The Capstone of Will is the Revelation of the True Will for Physical Immortality. Several esoteric books have been written about the Great Seal of the United States, which shows an eye of Wisdom radiating from the restored Capstone of the Pyramid. The Millennium was inaugurated at the Great Pyramid on the Autumn Equinox of 1979 when the archetypal Word of Everlasting Life was projected into the collective consciousness of all humanity.

When you develop clearly the Word of your Will, this Gift you have to share may be magnified through prayer and invocation from the throat chakra of the Great Pyramid. We are living within the early years of the Millennium. Now place this World within the Fount of Regeneration!

Every prophecy of Immortal Truth is fulfilled at the right time. We are given no prophecy without the ability to bring it into complete manifestation. All prophecies are fulfilled when you place the True Will for Immortality upon the summit of aspiration as your guiding principle. Become an Immortal Being - and you fulfil all the ancient prophecies...

Reveal to all the glorious destiny of our planet!

Pray that the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Revelation reveal to every being the great Truth that this planet is destined for Immortality. Our Mission is to spread the Everlasting Gospel to all beings upon the earth. Gospel means good news. We are destined to Recreate this world and all life upon it into the New Jerusalem where death and pain and suffering vanish. This prophetic Vision is contained within each of us. With light,

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enthusiasm, and a clear faith in the Divinity within all things, this inner Truth may be illuminated and known by each of us.

May every Star assume the rightful Mastery of its own realm!

When each of us begins to express our True Wills with some degree of consistency, then harmonious relationships begin to become the natural experience for all beings. In time, a Pure Spiritual Anarchy is established. We have only One law to follow - and that law is internal and external: The Law of our own True Will. Every True Will honours the Liberty and Life of every other Being upon this planet. Every Star is a unique Being within the Heaven of the Harmonious Whole... Every Action of my Creative True Will nourishes the Life, Love, Light and Liberty of your Divine True Will! And so it is with all Beings... The Miraculous and exquisite design of this Universe and all its relationships is a Fountain of Wonder and a Reason for Praise forever and ever! May Immortal Blessings of Joy and Thanksgiving rain upon the Creative Will wherever Life is born and rising! This Universe! This Grail! Within this Embrace, all Life is forever glorified and uplifted! You are the Master of this Universe... I am the Creator of my Universe... The Miracle is this: All our Universes forever in Re-creation occupy the same space without conflict. Explore the deepness of this Truth: Life is infinitely Abundant. The Cornucopia of Life Immortal and Triumphant is to be found within every point of space and time. Choose any point in space and time at random: within that point is contained an infinity of all Divine Blessings. Nourish this point with Praise, Love and Gratitude and the Needs of your True Will shall be supplied. Learn to Sound this Horn of Global Regeneration, and you shall assume thy rightful place as a Master within the Rainbow Starhood - the co-creators of this New Immortal Aeon!

Open this Gift and show me thy eternal Godhood!

This thought is identical to the following lines from my “Invocation of the Heart of the Hierophant:”

Reveal to meYour Divine Perfection...Embrace me with allThe majesty of your godhood...

The Gift of Everlasting Life is contained within every Being. We learn through the experience of Living, how to open this Gift

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and to share it with all our brothers and sisters. We make it easier for our brothers and sisters. We make it easier for the unveiling of this precious Gift by seeing only the Eternal nature at work within every Being we come into contact with.

The Eagle Gift of Immortality is freely given to all Beings. It is the nature of this Gift to open wide to Divinity all minds, all hearts, all Will, all Flesh... It is the nature of this Gift to be shared with all Life forms throughout the Universe. Oh you who read or hear these Words: I see the Beauty and Joy of your Immortal Godhood! With celebration, with Song, with Dance - let us Shine the Blessings of this Gift upon the Radiant Flesh of All Creation!

And the twelve gatesWere twelve pearls;Every gate was of one pearl...

- Revelation 21:21

Behold the Jewel of Precious Life within thee! Behold the Pearl of Great Price - the Truth of Everlasting Life, and the Will to bring this Truth into its Full beauty as the New Jerusalem... The Pearl is the sacred stone of Binah and represents Mastery of the LAWS of Immortal Life. Let thy Life be a testament to the Working of these Laws: Dissolve the Pearl within the Great Cup of Binah and let us share this Grail of Grace with All who thirst for Love and Liberty!

The Cup of Perfect Health

Ye who seek the Grail of ChristListen to my Voice declare my Love for youWithin the Temple of your Heart!Come, my Beloved, 'tis I, the Living Spirit of Truth,Who - in Devotion to your Will Divine -Now reveal to Thee the Straight and Narrow RoadTo Avalon - Realm of Perfect Health!Arthur awaits Thee beyond mortality!Through the Open Portal of your Heart,Step into Eternity and take thy rightful SeatAbout the Table Round! Siege PerilousStands ready to welcomeAll who overcome death!You say your Heart is locked away,The road nowhere to be found?Then Arthur bids thee take this KEYForged from Gold of Avalon:‘Tis GRATITUDE unlocks thy HeartAnd lights the way to Avalon!‘Twas long ago, the wounded King arrived uponThese Diamond shores to Initiate the HealingOf the World ... Weak and weary, Arthur gazedUpon the sacred Mount of Zion,

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that some callThe PHOENIX TOR ... Then suddenly and clearly,He heard this Message echoing within his Soul:"Heal Thyself, Oh Mighty King, Heal Thyself!"His Strength renewed and with Vision Clear,King Arthur began to Sing a Song of GratitudeFor All things Great and Small!And then, with three Great OutpouringsFrom his Heart, Magick came of Age:With Gratitude for Mordred,Excalibur is dedicated to Peace!With Gratitude for Lancelot,Arthur's Table Round is NOW Restored!And with Gratitude for Guinevere,The Holy Grail Returns from Avalon to Earth!Oh hear this, Ye who Quest the Grail:The Lord has firmly rooted a Beacon of LifeEverlasting within the Phoenix Tor of ZionTo shine forever as a Blessing without endUpon All who travel the Road Overcoming all things!The Foundation Stone of New Jerusalem,the Holy Grail of Gratitude, is NOW placed in Trust within YOUR HEART!Translate your Flesh and all Matter Into Immortality Divine!Behold! As Avalon and This Earth forever fuse as ONE, death is Now Abolished!Behold! Merlin and Morgan step forth Again to walk with us upon this Earthly Paradise Restored!

Physical Immortality - Two Powerful WordsPhysical Immortality - Two Powerful Wordsby Leonard OrrA mind expanded by a new idea can never return to its former size. Two common words in everyone’s vocabulary when combined into one idea become one of the most powerful ideas in the universe. Physical is a very common word. Immortality is also a common word. When you combine them, you get the idea of physical immortality. I’ve been exposing people to the idea of physical immortality for over 30 years.

Physical immortality means victory over physical death. It means body and mind mastery. Our Spirit is already an immortal master. This simple thought of physical immortality makes us realize that although death may be popular, it is not inevitable. Physical death is optional. The whole purpose of Jesus Christ was to teach us this. But Jesus was not the first nor the last human to conquer death. The Hebrew Bible is about five main immortal humans: Elijah, Moses, Melchizadek, and Enoch. In the

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beginning of Bible history, everyone lived 500 to 1000 years. India has its immortal yogis. Every continent has its favorite immortals, including native Americans. I’ve made this one of my favorite research projects for 37 years. Why do Christians die? Why? If Jesus died to save us from sin and death?

The founders and heroes and heroines of most religions who conquered death do not have a local address on planet Earth. When I learned about the immortal yogis who do, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to meet them. Since my first trip to India in 1977, I have met over 8 immortals who each have maintained their body for at least 300 years. People have to be at least 300 to qualify for my research. I know of many more that I haven’t had a chance to meet yet.

I’ve met several who are over 2000. These are yogis who have maintained a local address on planet Earth for over 2000 years. I’ve written books about two of them: Babaji and Bhartriji. People often tell me that after my lecture or book in which the idea of physical immortality got their attention, they couldn’t stop thinking about it for several years. It makes so much sense. How could people be blinded by the death is inevitable belief system for so long?

After teaching the truth about physical immortality for over 30 years, I’ve concluded that the reason people don’t like to know about it is because it I involves a little spiritual work and personal changes. Physical immortality is the natural result of a mind filled with wisdom and aliveness.

The three basic causes of death are:

1. ignorance2. emotional energy pollution3. poor diet.

Therefore, to master death you have to do three things:

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1. Master the idea of physical immortality, which involves living from Spirit, our natural divinity.

2. Unravel our own death urge, which we received from our parents and encourage all the people in our environment to do the same. Learn how to keep our energy body & emotional mind clean and balanced through spiritual purification practices.

3. Learn the power of nutrition and fasting and the other simple and pleasurable habits that give us body mastery. Becoming a vegetarian is basic!

Mastering spiritual practices is less difficult than living a miserable life that leads to the grave. In fact, true spiritual practices are the ultimate pleasures and enrich all the pleasures of living. As I studied the lives of my immortal yogi friends, I began to realize that becoming an immortal yogi is not difficult; it just takes a different focus. People die because they kill themselves.

The greatest enemy of mankind has been and always will be ignorance. And the most evil form of ignorance is self-righteousness - thinking we know enough. Self-righteous people are murdering their own natural divinity and are guilty of murdering the natural divinity of everyone around them. It is the sin of eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and naturally yields the personal doom of death. The Bible says, "God is not willing for any to perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of repentance." Repentance means to change our mind. Repentance is neither difficult nor unpleasurable. In fact, it is exciting, inspiring, and produces pleasure, bliss, and ecstasy. If God made the path to eternal life difficult, He/She would be a sadist Who has doomed us to eternal misery. The only thing difficult about it is giving up your addiction to misery. Changing gives us the immense satisfaction of accomplishment.

Simple spiritual purification practices like bathing twice per day, conscious energy breathing, fire purification, an exercise system, a conscious diet, loving relationships,

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and mastering a mantra are the basic common denominators of the lifestyle of all the immortal masters I have met. These spiritual practices with earth, air, water, and fire can clean the mind faster than the mind can clean the mind. They are healing magic. In the process of mastering these, we must develop a balance between solitude and service.

I’ve written many books about physical immortality and the practical principles of conquering death and I recommend that you read them all and use my tapes repetitively if you are interested in personal mastery. But every year I try to put this simple truth into one page, in a clearer and easier way for people to understand.

Anyone can read or have read to them one page and have their mind expanded to receive the joy that this great idea brings. It unshackles your creativity and releases enormous reserves of energy and intelligence.

Is physical immortality realistic? Yes, if we honor the following. The three basic secrets to physical immortality are:

1. to stay tuned into God - Infinite Energy, our Source - all the time. Have pure thoughts and Life.

2. to heal the death urge. Healing the death urge can take us through the most ugly emotions of suicidal and homicidal thoughts - we have to survive the illusions in our own mind and go for wisdom and bliss.

3. to keep our energy body clean and balanced with the simple and pleasurable spiritual purification practices with mind, earth, air, water, fire, and love.

When we eat food we have to clean the dishes, etc. When our home gets dirty, we have to clean it. We also have to wash our clothes. When our energy body (also called emotional body) gets dirty through absorbing emotional energy pollution as we participate with people or in our self-healing process, we have to clean ourselves

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emotionally and spiritually. It is a daily process. Spiritual cleanliness is Energy and Peace.If we stay ahead of the pollution - cleansing process, we become more alive every day. If we lose the spiritual purification game, we become more dead every day. Victory or victim?One of the indicators is the guru belly phenomena. The solar plexus chakra is the social chakra and emotional energy pollution can be collected physically in the form of fat around the navel - it is sometimes called psychic fat.Another indicator is stiffness. An over loaded body gets stiffer and stiffer every day and every year until we become a stiff - and are buried. When we absorb other people’s death urge, we can get depressed, feel suicidal, become prone to anger, be grouchy, or have violent dreams. Victim consciousness in all its forms is a sign of death urge.I’ll finish this page with an idea which is a million times greater than physical immortality, and is the source of personal mastery or misery and death. It is this: ‘Energy becomes what it thinks about’. Your personal energy is the Eternal Spirit - God Within - your natural divinity.This Infinite Eternal Energy is helpless and powerless without thought and yet it is the power of thought. Your unlimited potential is only potential until it has been activated and directed by your thoughts. Energy is directed by thought.Infinite Power directed by thoughts of weakness can produce infinite weakness. Infinite power directed by wholesome and healthy thoughts produce infinite wholesomeness, health, and safety - beyond safety - peace and pleasure. Thoughts of death produce death. Thoughts of Eternal Life produce physical immortality and body mastery. The body is Energy materialized by thought; not passive thinking, but active thinking; thought in motion. Your physical body and emotional body have been built up by millions of thoughts in action. To be a master, you now have to catch the thoughts and change them with the kind of actions that produce the results you like. We are all scientists and our body is the laboratory. Various nutrients have been created by thinking beings to produce certain effects in the body. Some of these cause and effect relationships are simple and some are quite complex. And simple fasting is the direct route to the purity of Infinite Energy. However, it is also possible to starve to death for spiritual purposes.

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We have to learn balance and common sense. More people die from overeating today than from starvation.Repentance is fun! Changing our minds is the great, eternal adventure of all intelligent divine beings.Playing in your Spirit Energy, your Divine Mind, and your Infinitely Beautiful Body is what Eternal Life is all about.Have fun!

ABUNDANT ALIVENESS ANDETERNAL YOUTHPhysical Immortality in One Pageby Young

Leonard Orr

The mastery of the physical body and victory over physical death is not only possible, but is the most pleasurable way to


Physical Immortality through Truth, Simplicity and Love means the integration of Spirit, Mind and Body.Physical Immortality and Transfiguration means including the Body into the conscious life of the Eternal Spirit. It is not merely longevity, but the science of personal aliveness - high on quality living!To achieve Physical Immortality we must master the philosophy of it, the psychology of it and the physiology of it. They are all very simple, but must be practiced as well as understood. The truth is simple, easy and pleasurable because it is in harmony with our divine nature.

The philosophy of Physical Immortality means:We already are the Eternal Spirit, children of God, whether we like it or not.Practicing the presence of God is the most natural and pleasurable lifestyle.The psychology of Physical Immortality means:To unravel our personal death urge. Living through our highest highs and lowest lows. It includes getting acquainted with the eternal glory of ordinariness. It involves honesty with our goodness and our evil.It includes successfully processing our feelings, emotions, our thoughts in our soul and body.It understands that the two basic functions of the Mind are to create and to destroy. Put them together and you get renewal.It acknowledges that the Mind is eternally hungry and must be fed.Physical Immortality is not a superficial thing, but neither is

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the accumulation of enough unconscious misery to ruin our aliveness and cause us to destroy our body.The physiology of Physical Immortality is based on:Personal, inner awareness of our energy body.It is learning how to clean and balance our energy body on a daily basis with earth, air, water and fire.

Earth means diet, exercise, sleep mastery and a career that we love.Most people die, not from hunger but from overeating. Good healthy food, without cleaning the blood stream and energy body with regular fasting, kills most people. Fasting one day per week on good water, fresh juice or milk can make us immortal. Exercise starts with a conscious walk around the block. This may be enough exercise to put us into eternal life. Sleep is a little death - unconsciousness - that leads to the big sleep. Sleep is involuntary entrance into the astral world. To rest all day and to live in peace requires less escape from our feelings. Sleep is the suppression of unpleasant emotions. Eventually the body becomes such an unpleasant depository of suppression that we deposit it in the grave and escape permanently into sleep. But we get reborn, as you know. A satisfying career taps the joys of our soul. It involves service to others in a way that makes us wealthy. God planned it that we have different talents and preferences. Everyone needs a conscious, personal exercise system. We can live a more ecological lifestyle.

Leonard Orr, P. O. Box 1026, Staunton, Va. USA (540) 885-0551Air means to consciously breathe energy as well as air. It means the ability to get into our bathtub and to breathe away negative energy concentrations. Breathing is the basic healer. We can clean ourselves inside and out with spiritual breathing. Our natural, divine Breath of Life can become inhibited at birth and throughout the School of Hard Knocks. Conscious Breathing is a delight. It is more satisfying then fine food. If you don't know what I'm talking about, find a Conscious Breathing teacher, a Rebirther, and receive at least 10 sessions.Warm water is the greatest gift of 20th Century civilization. Drinking good water is important, but bathing twice per day is the easiest and most pleasurable way to clean the energy body, which is the Source of the physical body. To be immortal in today's world, we must learn how to soak, as well as take showers.

Fire cleans the energy body as well as water. I have met eight people over 300 years old, five of them are over 2000. They normally sit with open flames at least once per day. Fire

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purification takes the most awareness and intelligence to do. Fire can burn away the death urge and burn persistent, negative emotions directly out of our energy body. A conscious relationship to open flame is as important to human mental and physical health as food.

Earth, air, water and fire are the physical qualities of God - the eternal vehicles of grace.Finally, there is the practice of loving community. The immortals do spend some time in caves alone in the Himalayas. But they also participate in the world. Right relationships to people are the fastest way to total liberation. People can upset us and they can liberate us. Love is the secret of Eternal Life. Cosmic love is ecstasy! Citizen participation in government can be heaven on earth. Small and large groups of people worshiping the Lord are very uplifting, even when it is not called worship.When we are in the presence of another person, we are automatically giving and receiving energy, good or bad energy concentrations. We are always processing the energy of other people in social experiences and being processed.Social participation in the world can be a continuous source of temporary insanity or pleasure, depending on the quality of our soul and the people we hang out with.Every year I like to visit the Immortals I know and meet new ones. There are many. I have also met the Eternal Father in human form who in the Bible is called "The Angel of the Lord" and in the east is called, "Shiva Yogi, the Eternal Youth"or "Babaji".There. You have it. The simple path to Physical Immortality. It is not a superficial path and neither is the path to the grave. The disciplines of spiritual purification are all pleasurable and lead to a life of pleasure, peace and even ecstasy. And human life spans will double again when these simple practices are established in our civilization. The practices cause youthing instead of aging. They rejuvenate the physical body through the energy body.I welcome your fellowship on this path. I have a lot more to share about it. Physical Immortality takes forever. It is the only cause you can't die for. My most popular book is called: Physical Immortality, The Science of Everlasting Life.
