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How to Make a Money Making Website

Date post: 20-Nov-2015
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Are you sick and tired of building websites that won"t make money? Do you want to learn how to build a money making website quickly and easily? If your answer is a BIG yes to any of the question above, then this short report will guide you on how to build a money making website. There are so many benefits that you will get by building a good website. Firstly, you will be able to generate free traffic from the search engines. You will also build your list easily because people will love your website and they will be happy to share it with their friends.
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How to Make a Money Making Website

How to Make a Money Making Website

Even if You are a Complete Newbie

And you dont know anything about making websites or HTML

This Report contains everything you need to make a good website that will bring a lot of traffic and you can use it to build your list quickly.

By Robert Ron

Disclaimer: This report is the property of Robert Ron and may not be sold, edited or redistributed without the consent of the Author.

Creating a website can be a difficult task and especially if you are just starting out and you dont know where to start. You should know that, in the beginning there is a big learning curve.

You must be ready to learn because if you dont learn the basics, then you will never make a website and you will NEVER make a lot of money online.

There are a lot of Guides online that will help you in reducing the time that you will have spend learning. When you get a good guide, you will learn the steps, which are NECESSARY when creating a website, quickly.

You can follow the steps and create your first website in less than 48 hours.

The best guide that I recommend to anyone starting out is the Newbie Start Up Guide. The step-by-step instructions in this guide are easy to follow and you will not ONLY learn how to make your first website, but also how to build your list from your website.

You can easily download the guide here and start creating your money making websites in less than 48 Hours.

Right now, Im going to share with you my 7 tips for creating your first website.

Tip # 1: Choose your niche

The first thing that you need to do when you are building your website is to choose a niche. You should choose a niche that you love writing or talking about. You should have PASSION for this niche.

If you are NOT passionate enough, then you will never be successful in that niche. You wont be comfortable writing content for your website.

For examples, you cant start writing about DOGS if you CANT stand them.

You can start by brain storming on different niches. Start listing several topics, which you love and know that they will be profitable. When your list is ready, remove those that you know are not good for you or you are not comfortable writing about.

For example, there are those that you will never get enough content ideas for your website. You will run short of content if you choose those niches.

The niche that you choose should also be profitable. There are niches that are more profitable than others; therefore, you need to choose those that will make you a lot of money.

You can jump this, if you are building a website as a hobby. But, if you are serious about building a profitable online business, then you need to choose a profitable niche.

Tip # 2: Research keywords

The next step when you are making your website is research keywords. If you are a COMPLETE NEWBIE, then you might be asking yourself, what a keyword is.

You should be.

A keyword is simply a phrase that someone types on the search engine when they are searching for something.

For example, someone who wants to learn how to make a website, will type something like how to make a website or how to create a site.

The words in quotes are keywords.

Your job is to find keywords that are related to your niche. There are several Keyword Research Tools that will help you in researching these keywords. You can find these tools by searching on your favorite search engine.

The best one and that is FREE is the Google Keyword Tool. This tool will give you a list of 200 keywords that were used over the last month. You will also discover other related keywords when using it.

Pick those keywords that have low competition but with high searches.

Why? Because you will reduce the number of competing web pages or websites and you will also increase the chances of your website ranking in the search engines.

Tip # 3: Choose a Domain Name

The next thing that you need to do is to choose a domain name for your website. Im sure right now; you have a list of keywords. Use one of the keyword as the domain name.


This will help your websites page rank in the search engines. The sites that have a highly targeted domain names rank highly in the search engines.

The keyword that you choose as your domain name should:1. Have low competition but high monthly searches2. Make sense.3. Short.

Tip # 4: Register Your Domain Name

The next step is to register your domain name. There are several online companies that you can use to register your domain name. A quick simple search on the search engine will give you a list of these companies.

When you are choosing a company, make sure that the company is trust worthy and offer TOP-NOTCH services. This way, you wont risk losing your domain name.

If you are not sure which is the best company to choose from, then you can ask one of your friends to show you one. There are several reviews online that you can also read and you will make an informed decision based on these reviews.

The best domain names are those ending with .com. They rank highly in the search engines and most people trust them. Yours should also end this way, if you want to earn trust.

If you are on a low budget, then choose the cheap one that ends with .info or .net. You can easily find an .info domain for $1.

When your domain name is ready, you can now look for a good hosting company. The company will host your site. You will be paying them monthly.

You should also choose a TRUSTED company.

Tip # 5: Build Your Website

The next step is to build your website. There are several ways of building your website. You can build it from scratch or you can use a website builder. These two are the main ways and you can use one of them and start building your website.

If you dont want to learn HTML language, then you should use a website builder. There are several of them online and you can use them to build your website quickly. The best website builder is Wordpress.com and you can learn how to use it here.

If you want to build your website from scratch, then you need to learn HTML language. When you learn and master this language, you will build your website quickly.

The other thing that you need to consider when building your website is the layout of the site. If this is your first website, then you need to focus on a 2 layout website. After creating several websites, you will get the experience and you can start using the 3 layout website.

Tip # 6: Add Content to Your Website

When you have created your website, you can write content for the website. Your content should be informative and it should be of high quality. The content that you write should be on your niche and it should be optimized for the search engines.

Avoid copying and pasting content from other websites. Your content should be original. This will help your website in ranking highly in the search engines.

Quality content is the most important thing if you want your online business to be successful.

Use the keywords that you have collected when you are writing your content. Your content will rank for these keywords, and you will receive organic traffic.

Tip # 7: Promote Your Website

The last thing that you need to do is to promote your website. You will never make money if your website traffic is zero. Therefore, you need to learn how to generate more traffic to your website.

If you had researched your keywords and wrote quality content, then you will get organic traffic from the search engines. This is because your website will rank highly in the search engines.

There are several courses that will teach you how to get more traffic. There are both free and paid sources of traffic and you can learn these techniques easily.

If you are starting out, then the best way that you can use to generate traffic to your website is by using the free methods. These include using free classified sites, article marketing and using social networks sites.

Stick with one traffic method. When you have mastered it, move to another technique. This way, you will avoid information overload and you will master several traffic sources easily.

By the way, you can learn how to generate traffic to your website here at Wealthy Affiliate University. They have the best trainings and you will NEVER fail if you follow their trainings. You can join for FREE here.

These are the tips that will help you in creating your first money making website. If you follow them, then you will never go wrong. The site that you will create will rank highly in the search engine. You will get FREE organic traffic from the search engines.

If you are overwhelmed, then dont worry. With time, you will get used to all these and you will create websites fast and in less than 1 hour.

As I said earlier, you can get a guide such as the Newbie Start Up Guide. This guide will show you how to make a website in less than 24 hours. Its easy to read and the steps are very easy and understandable. You will NEVER be required to participate in any ILLEGAL activities.

For more information, click here to visit the official website.




To your success!

Robert Ron

Copyright Robert Ron
