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[How To] Master Life Even If You Are Brand New

Date post: 16-Aug-2015
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5 Step Life Mastery Created by: Gary Stewart – Job Slayer
Page 1: [How To] Master Life Even If You Are Brand New

5 Step Life MasteryCreated by: Gary Stewart – Job Slayer

Page 2: [How To] Master Life Even If You Are Brand New

1. Change your daily formula

When we start this journey, we still have what is called life happening to us. We still have bills coming in, we may still need to keep our day job to keep money coming in, and the business may not be producing yet. A lot of external stress may be occurring in your life.

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For example, your house may be in foreclosure, just lost your job, loss of a loved one, etc.

While all of this may be going on, how are you going to develop your business with this stressed out mentality and be able the creatively think about ways on how you can get people into your business?

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That’s why you hear about successful people especially in Internet Marketing talk about their external stresses when all along it was the internal belief that was holding them back.

Things began to change when they realized this concept and began to work on their selves and developing their minds into the person that they want to become.

If you are not where you want to be in business and life, look back 3 months ago, 6 months ago and vision where you was at.

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Was you doing the same as what you are doing now?

If you was then you know that you have to change that in order for certain circumstances to appear. It may consists of waking up and watching the news while eating breakfast, listen to the news in your car, or your genre of music. Instead of doing those things that aren’t empowering you, consider listening to inner circles, an audio books, etc.

After work what do you do?

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Visit with your family for a minute, sit down for dinner then watch TV for an hour or more then go to bed. I’m not saying don’t do this completely, I’m just saying you need to change somethings up in order to get different results in your life.

Instead of watching TV for hours, why not spend some of that time to better yourself. Invest that time into reading, into meditation, into exercise, etc. Also, breathing is critical.

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Over 90% of the population doesn’t know how to breathe properly. We as people breathe with our throat and chest instead of the diaphragm where all of our relaxation actually starts at.

I’m not saying become a Monk, but get right with going within. Divide your time greater. You are a genius to create your own dreams and goals.

We all have a six pack but over the years we develop fat that rest on top of it and this same concept that applies to our mind and thought process.

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2. Finding a mentor

Do you consider people like Tony Robbins a mentor? I do even though I have never met or spoke with him or even been to one of his events.

People like him understand how to uplift people and understand their wants and needs and does a really good job at expressing their messages to every personality type so that everyone can benefit. If you or someone ever says,” Well I don’t have a mentor” that person isn’t looking hard enough for one because there are many trainings online from very successful people.

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Getting a mentor for your business is great and necessary, but you also need one for your life. I like listening to Les Brown because he simply motivates me and inspires me to keep digging.

By doing that, he is helping me internally which helps my attitude and mindset causing me to have that same mentality with my business.

When you listen to these type of people, you will need to not only learn and understand what it is that they are speaking, but actually putting it to play. Knowledge is not really knowledge unless it’s put into action. By having these people in your life takes you up to another level.

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3. Deciding to be successful and a marry me business

People want to naturally be successful, but many decide not to fully commit and take massive action in being successful. They flirt with the idea of being successful, but don’t do what is necessary to get one step closer to success.

I remember when I first joined network marketing. I was willing to work for my success, but I didn’t realize that I needed to connect with my inner “WHY” and feed off of that to push me through the hard times.

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Growing up I loved sports. I played baseball, basketball, and football. I earned several awards.

All-State my senior year and All-Conference 4 years in a row in football, Honorable Mention my freshman year and All-Conference 3 years in a row in baseball, my 4th grade basketball team placed 6th in the nation, etc. I have a few more, but to prove a point I DECIDED that I wanted to be above average in sports.

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If your life hasn’t been going as planned or if what you are doing isn’t getting you anywhere then you have to power to make today your day where you can CHANGE your situation by making the decision to do the things that are necessary in order TO change.

Imagine someone that has smoked for 25 years back when it was “hip” to smoke and was actually thought of to be healthy and one day they go to the doctor for a routine checkup and the doctor says,” If you don’t quit smoking today, then you will die within the next two years”.

In that very second that person decides to make a fully committed decision to stop smoking or that person will not be able to spend any more time with their children, grandchildren grow up, etc.

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That person’s emotional leverage was so strong that it allowed that person to change what that person built up for 25 years and maybe this is where you are in your business.

Maybe you haven’t made that decision, life or death yet.

Your situation may not be life or death yet, but you need to understand if you keep going the way you’re going that you will not more closer to your goals and my friend to me that is dying.

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Empower Network is the perfect example of a marry me business because of the people that is involved and their passion for helping others get to where they desire.

The infrastructure and belief system here is hard to reconcile because everyone here has a determined demeanor and a drive to do what it takes to be successful and live their life on their own terms.

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The most important thing is the passion. I say this because my passion is to help like-minded people to get out of their discomforting situation and to move towards their dreams and goals.

You may be thinking that it’s all about the money and I used to think like this in the beginning, but if everything is centered around money then the first time you have a month to where you don’t make as much and you will begin to lose focus because of this so you must find something that you are truly passionate about.

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4. Focus

Firmly on course until successful. I’m going to stay on course when marketing until successful, I’m going to do the necessary actions every day until I’m successful.

If we focused on everything that we start in this manner then we would finish a lot more things. It’s not the starting of the business that’s the issue. It’s going through and finishing the process of the business.

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What I mean is sticking through the hard times and not quitting. It’s way easier to start something inspired, but it’s more difficult to stay motivated and keep pushing when things don’t necessarily go your way.

When you focus on your business doing the things that are necessary and not even your business.

It can be the way you communicate with your family, yoga, working out, etc. You will begin to change mentally and that’s when magic happens. Amazing things happen because you don’t quit things.

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You finally see results.

The only way you don’t succeed is if you quit and if when you completely get rid of the “I quit” option then you begin to focus on everything else rather than giving up. By you not giving up, you will grind until you see results and by seeing results you will produce more meaning you will earn more and before you know it you hit your goals.

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5. Reminding yourself daily of why you are doing what you’re doing

Remind yourself every day that I’m doing all of this work and putting in all of this time for XYZ. It may be to live a certain lifestyle, don’t have to have a job, buy a big house, be a million dollar earner, etc. Something as simple as this will help you push through when things may not be going as planned. Have what is called the Dream day exercise.

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Take a sheet of paper and draw a picture of what you are working for and when you look at it, it should almost bring you to tears if not cry.

It fuels and inspires you to keep going and do what it takes because what we do is not normal. Our line of business is abnormal because we was not taught growing up to be a network marketer.

We was taught to go to school, make good grades, and land a good paying job so that we could live decent for the rest of our lives, so you have to get out of the mindset of being normal.

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Get in the mindset of a sane crazy and challenging and you do this by getting inspired. It’s easy to get a job and live life like everyone else and have what they have.

Most people stay in the norm because it’s easy to fail, but if you every day you do your drawing you will remind yourself of what is really important and you will do what it takes to get to that point.

After you draw that picture, write it out in words explaining that magically day.

Who is there, what’s the conversation, what do you hear, what do you smell, etc.

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The more specific the better and I say do this because you are putting it into the universe and stamping it into your subconscious mind. You’re branding it to yourself. It’s no longer day dreaming it.

Create your own slogan or mantra and write it daily. Do these things and you will be able to inspire and motivate yourself daily to allow you to keep digging.

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That’s all I have

If you got some value from this, please like, comment, and share this because people really need to know this kind of stuff.

Before you that…

Take a second and imagine the best version of you…

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When you see that person, think to yourself,” Am I doing what it takes to become that person?”

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