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How to Migrate Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Data Cost Effectively and With Minimum Risk

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With the advancement of technology and the high cost of maintaining legacy safety and pharmacovigilance systems, organizations are forced to migrate to the latest technologies such as Argus Safety, that offer the most beneficial and relevant features. Compliance and business risks associated with safety data and the real potential for migration error (mapping errors, different dictionary maintenance practices, and MedDRA/WHO coding inconsistencies) introduces significant challenges, or an opportunity to excel. BioPharm Systems and Valiance Partners, together, offer a comprehensive solution that can tackle even the most complex migrations and implementations. With a cost-effective overall strategy that incorporates proven technology and business processes, your organization can ensure a successful migration and implementation while identifying and mitigating risk. Please join BioPharm Systems’ Dr. Rodney Lemery and Valiance Partners’ Richard Higger for a free one-hour webinar that will explore:-The types of risks and challenges associated with safety data system migrations-How to successfully approach a safety and pharmacovigilance system migration and implementation project-The benefits of pre-configured migration software and automated migration testing (100% testing) -Examples of past migration and implementation projects-Your own migration questions and challenges Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @: 7:00 a.m. US Pacific time8:00 a.m. US Mountain time9:00 a.m. US Central time10:00 a.m. US Eastern time15:00 UK time16:00 Central European timeTo register for this free webinar, please go to: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/veha8n7717uc
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How to Migrate Drug Safet\ and Pharmacovigilance Data Cost- Effectivel\ and with Minimum Risk Please register for this meeting using your company email address. Can't make the free live webinar event? Don't worr\, the archived presentation will be available to all registrants . Meeting Description: With the advancement of technology and the high cost of maintaining legacy safety and pharmacovigilance systems, organizations are forced to migrate to the latest technologies such as Argus Safety, that offer the most beneficial and relevant features. Compliance and business risks associated with safety data and the real potential for migration error (mapping errors, different dictionary maintenance practices, and MedDRA/WHO coding inconsistencies) introduces significant challenges, or an opportunity to excel. BioPharm Systems and Valiance Partners, together, offer a comprehensive solution that can tackle even the most complex migrations and implementations. With a cost-effective overall strategy that incorporates proven technology and business processes, your organization can ensure a successful migration and implementation while identifying and mitigating risk. Please join BioPharm Systems¶ Dr. Rodney Lemery and Valiance Partners¶ Richard Higger for a free one-hour webinar that will explore: The types of risks and challenges associated with safety data system migrations How to successfully approach a safety and pharmacovigilance system migration and implementation project The benefits of pre-configured migration software and automated migration testing (100% testing) Examples of past migration and implementation projects Your own migration questions and challenges Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @: 7:00 a.m. US Pacific time 8:00 a.m. US Mountain time Details Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM EST Duration: 1 hour Host(s): BioPharm Systems / Valiance Partners Presenter Information Dr. Rodne\ Lemer\ DU. Rodne\ LemeU\ Vpeciali]eV in Whe implemenWaWion, VXppoUW, and deYelopmenW of VofWZaUe XVed in Whe collecWion, managemenW, and anal\ViV of clinical daWa. HiV accompliVhmenWV aV VenioU diUecWoU of VafeW\ managemenW aW BioPhaUm S\VWemV inclXde Whe managemenW of nXmeUoXV clinical applicaWion implemenWaWion pUojecWV. In addiWion Wo hiV e[peUWiVe in clinical applicaWionV, Rodne\ iV able Wo naYigaWe beWZeen Whe Wechnical and clinical ZoUldV ZiWh eaVe dXe Wo hiV complemenWaU\ edXcaWional backgUoXnd in epidemiolog\. He alVo holdV a paUW-Wime pUofeVVoUVhip in Whe School of HealWh ScienceV aW Walden UniYeUViW\, Zhich VolidifieV hiV abiliW\ Wo lead global VafeW\ implemenWaWionV aW BioPhaUm S\VWemV. PUioU Wo joining Whe compan\ in 2000, Rodne\ ZoUked aW Pfi]eU. Richard Higger RichaUd HiggeU, foXndeU and pUeVidenW of Valiance PaUWneUV, haV moUe Whan WZenW\ \eaUV of high Wechnolog\ and pUofeVVional VeUYiceV e[peUience acUoVV a bUoad aUUa\ of V\VWemV, plaWfoUmV, and indXVWUieV, inclXding life VcienceV, manXfacWXUing, financial VeUYiceV, WelecommXnicaWionV, healWhcaUe and inVXUance. RichaUd, along ZiWh hiV Weam aW Valiance, haV pioneeUed noYel WeVWing Wechnolog\ Wo idenWif\ and miWigaWe migUaWion UiVk. ThiV Wechnolog\,
Page 1: How to Migrate Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Data Cost Effectively and With Minimum Risk

12/12/11 https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/showReg?udc=veha8n7717uc


How to Migrate Drug Safety and

Pharmacovigilance Data Cost-

Effectively and with Minimum Risk

Please register for this meeting using your companyemail address.

Can't make the free live webinar event? Don't worry, the archived

presentation will be available to all registrants.

Meeting Description:

With the advancement of technology and the high cost ofmaintaining legacy safety and pharmacovigilancesystems, organizations are forced to migrate to thelatest technologies such as Argus Safety, that offer themost beneficial and relevant features. Compliance and business risks associated with safetydata and the real potential for migration error (mappingerrors, different dictionary maintenance practices, andMedDRA/WHO coding inconsistencies) introducessignificant challenges, or an opportunity to excel. BioPharm Systems and Valiance Partners, together,offer a comprehensive solution that can tackle even themost complex migrations and implementations. With acost-effective overall strategy that incorporates proventechnology and business processes, your organizationcan ensure a successful migration and implementationwhile identifying and mitigating risk. Please join BioPharm Systems’ Dr. Rodney Lemery andValiance Partners’ Richard Higger for a free one-hourwebinar that will explore:

The types of risks and challenges associated withsafety data system migrationsHow to successfully approach a safety andpharmacovigilance system migration andimplementation projectThe benefits of pre-configured migration softwareand automated migration testing (100% testing) Examples of past migration and implementationprojectsYour own migration questions and challenges

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @: 7:00 a.m. US Pacific time8:00 a.m. US Mountain time


Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2012

Time: 10:00 AM EST

Duration: 1 hour

Host(s): BioPharm Systems /Valiance Partners

Presenter Information

Dr. Rodney Lemery

Dr. Rodney Lemery specializes in the

implementation, support, and development of

software used in the collection, management,

and analysis of clinical data. His

accomplishments as senior director of safety

management at BioPharm Systems include the

management of numerous clinical application

implementation projects. In addition to his

expertise in clinical applications, Rodney is able

to navigate between the technical and clinical

worlds with ease due to his complementary

educational background in epidemiology. He

also holds a part-time professorship in the School

of Health Sciences at Walden University, which

solidifies his abil ity to lead global safety

implementations at BioPharm Systems. Prior to

joining the company in 2000, Rodney worked at


Richard Higger

Richard Higger, founder and president of

Valiance Partners, has more than twenty years of

high technology and professional services

experience across a broad array of systems,

platforms, and industries, including life sciences,

manufacturing, financial services,

telecommunications, healthcare and insurance.

Richard, along with his team at Valiance, has

pioneered novel testing technology to identify

and mitigate migration risk. This technology,

Page 2: How to Migrate Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Data Cost Effectively and With Minimum Risk

12/12/11 https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/showReg?udc=veha8n7717uc


9:00 a.m. US Central time10:00 a.m. US Eastern time15:00 UK time16:00 Central European time

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along with configurable migration software has

been successfully used across hundreds of GxP


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