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How to Motivate Staff to Increase Productivity - 12 Proven Ways

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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Ways to Motivate Staff to Increase Productivity12

Page 2: How to Motivate Staff to Increase Productivity - 12 Proven Ways

According to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statics) survey, American employees spend 8.8 hours in the workplace in a day. The number is huge and more than the 7.7 hours daily sleeping hours. The fact is, we spend our time with co-workers more than our family. They can affect our mood on a day to day basis. A happy, self-motivated, satisfied employee increases the company’s growth, finance and goodwill while the opposite is completely destructive and demoralizing.

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” –Anne M. Mulcahy

So, How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

Here are some ways you can adopt to motivate your employees to perform better and to be productive part in a team


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1. Set realistic goals

Sometimes the employers set the unrealistic goals which are difficult to be achieved by employees within a certain time limit and causes demotivation which results in loss of productivity. Hence, goals should be realistic and motivating.

2. Team work

Employees working in a team result in a good revenue as they get more ideas, creativity from team members. Working in a group improves the style of working and gives a feeling of competition which ultimately ends with good productivity.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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3. Know employees’ background

Knowledge about employees’ background is important to plan strategies and set a support system which would be beneficial and motivational for each employee and ultimately to the business. After all the motivation factor of employees would not be same i.e. a college student and a single mother both have different backgrounds and goals.

4. Create a family like positive atmosphere

Here we are not saying that treat the employees as you treat your family members.

An employee spends more hours of the day in the workplace rather than in the home. A family atmosphere in the organization, is very important to cheer up employee’s skills and mindset. We always stand with our family in need, regardless of some situations where we ourselves talk bad about them. The same things should apply for employees as well. Make sure that your employees keep confidence in you i.e. you will stand with them when they genuinely need.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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5. Employees are human as well

The man is not a machine. Employees should be treated as human assets. Expecting out of their capacity creates burn out and frustration as they are unable to cope up with unrealistic expectations. Understand that employee may also have some problems. For example, a college student may have final exams or a single mother may not have a babysitter lined up.

6. Welcome their opinions

When an organization respects the ideas and creativity of thoughts of its employees, motivates the human assets. They feel important to the workplace and continue to improve their productivity themselves. Valuing and listening to their suggestions will show them that they are part of the company and give them a sense of contribution.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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7. Response the queries

All the questions of employees should be answered with a manner and within a time span after all “Asking Questions is a Good Thing”. The employee should not feel avoidance and lack of responsiveness from their boss.

8. Clarity of objective

The worst situation to an employee is when he doesn’t know what to do. A good manager is a person who conveys all the expected goals before employees in a clear cut manner so that they set their own goals and start making the strategies to achieve and implement them.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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9. Money as a booster

Money always attracts more than the non-monitory benefits. Organization should start giving some incentives time to time for achieving the goals.

10. Don’t be partial

There is a need of an impartial role model/leader for employees. Sometimes, the boss gives special treatment to few employees rather giving to all, which causes inferiority complex and frustration to work.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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11. Celebrate each and every victory

A small celebration is a big game changer. When small victories are considered as a time of celebration, it ignites a zeal and enthusiasm to work to give more victories.

12. Give them the right equipment

Office tools and devices must always work properly so that employee can avoid the time and energy wastage. Proper working equipment’s, don’t let them excuse.

That’s all, hope you’ll find these tips on how to motivate staff to increase productivity helpful. you can also read our latest article on How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace, we’ve covered 10 Pro tips there.

How to motivate staff to increase productivity?

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