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How to Prove That You're Delivering Quality Leads to Your Clients

Date post: 22-Apr-2015
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Your agency's mission is to deliver quality leads to your clients and show the results to prove it. Without call tracking, you're missing some of the most valuable leads that contribute you your ROI. Check out this Agency's Guide to Call Tracking.
How to Prove That You’re Delivering Quality Leads to Your Clients: The Agency’s Guide to Call Tracking
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How to Prove That You’re Delivering Quality Leads to Your Clients: The Agency’s Guide to Call Tracking

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Deliver quality leads to your client and measure the results to prove it. That’s your intention with every client, right?

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There are a lot of tools available that measure clicks and online conversions, but how about telling the whole story in each of your reports?

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How about taking full credit for the conversions that are happening offline? After all, the campaign you ran is responsible for those, too.

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Agencies are putting more and more money into digital marketing,

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and consumers almost always research online before they buy something.

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When it comes down to buying a service or an expensive product, most consumers still prefer to talk with someone.

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Usually the consumer will end up placing a phone call, which means your ability to track that conversion disappears.

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This guide will show you how to use call tracking to prove results to your clients, and ultimately generate more quality leads.

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#1 How does call tracking work?

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To put it simply, call tracking uses a unique phone number on each marketing piece that allows your agency to track which marketing pieces are getting phone calls.

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Agencies use call tracking numbers on different mediums, as well as to A/B test creative.

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You should be asking yourself: How can I prove to my client that we’re sending quality leads?

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Players in the call tracking industry have developed several ways to tackle this question, from phone extension breakdowns to machine mining for keywords.

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We think the best method is human review. Human reviewers have the context to understand phrases and dialects that even the most intelligent machine will miss.

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#2 We’re mostly driving digital leads to my client’s landing pages and website. How do we measure what’s working?

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Dynamic website call tracking can deliver call tracking data as deep as a web analytics platform, detailing the ad source, referring website, and keyword of each call from a client’s website or landing page.

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Website call tracking tracks phone calls from the client’s website back to PPC, organic search, display advertising, emails, and other referring sources.

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This doesn’t involve a massive overhaul of their website either! With some companies, one short snippet of code is all you need to track calls that came from their website

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After it’s set, no changes are necessary, even if you start a new campaign or add more PPC match terms.

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#3 Will website call tracking affect my client’s SEO?

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Website call tracking works by showing each visitor session a different call tracking number.

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We often get the question “Will this affect SEO?”

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It will not!

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For tracking the main website, you should be using dynamic website call tracking that uses a simple java script code that will rotate the phone number shown to each visitor on your site.

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When the search engines use their "spiders" or "bots" to "crawl" the site and assess its content and ranking, they won't see the new number. They are only crawling the code of the site, where the tracking number remains static.

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To feel even more secure, you can use the client’s primary number between the span tags on the code.

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This number will never be seen or called by visitors, but it's the only number the search engine will see, meaning that there will be zero impact to your SEO ranking.

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We also recommend placing the client’s primary number down in the footer of your page where the search engine bots can read it.

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This has next to zero impact on your marketing data, and keeps the NAP police happy.

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Finally, remember this:

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Google is very aware of call tracking.

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The only time Google has spoken on record about call tracking, it has been to acknowledge its value and need.

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Google has publicly partnered (through DoubleClick) with four call tracking providers to allow marketers to track call conversions directly within the DoubleClick platform.
