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“How to Publish Your Research” Workshop

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“How to Publish Your Research” Workshop Dr. Christina Eckey, Springer October 2018 Cataloging homegarden biodiversity in Uganda

“How to Publish Your Research” Workshop

Dr. Christina Eckey, Springer

October 2018


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“How to Publish” Workshop: Boas Vindas!

1 About Springer Nature

2 Copyright, Authors’ Rights, Open Access

3 Journal Publishing

4 Publication Ethics / Research Integrity

5 Book Publishing

2 2


About Springer Nature

Section breaks Section breaks are available in each palette colour and in a neutral blue grey. In most cases one section break colour should be used consistently throughout the deck – ideally following the colour of the Advancing Discovery bookmark on the cover page.


Springer Nature

Springer Nature (SN) was formed in 2015 through the merger of Nature Publishing

Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media.

• 13,000 staff in over 50 countries

• Publishes around 300,000 articles across almost 3,000 journals

• Largest publisher of academic books (about 13,000 books per year)

• Largest open access research publisher (including Scientific Reports)

• Content platforms were visited almost 2 million times per day in 2017


Springer‘s Author Academy on www.springer.com

5 5


Copyright, Authors’ Rights and Open Access

Section breaks Section breaks are available in each palette colour and in a neutral blue grey. In most cases one section break colour should be used consistently throughout the deck – ideally following the colour of the Advancing Discovery bookmark on the cover page.



In most countries of the world, authors enjoy protection of their intellectual property that

appears in books and journal articles.

Contents of copyright

• Moral Rights cover an author’s authority to decide whether his work should be

published and whether the published work should bear the author’s name.

• Exploitation Rights entitle an author to decide whether copies of the work should be

reproduced (Right of Reproduction) and whether these copies should be offered to the

public (Right of Distribution).

Authors are free to publish their work by themselves or transfer the exploitation rights to a



What is Open Access? Open access makes your work freely available online for

everyone, immediately upon publication.

• All open access publications are subject to high-quality peer review, editorial and production processes.

• Author retains the copyright to the work.

• All open access publications are published under a Creative Commons license, usually the liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. It permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided

- appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and the source

- a link to the Creative Commons license is included

- it is indicated if any changes were made

• A fee (book/article processing charge) needs to be paid by the author or its funder.


Predatory Journals

WIKIPEDIA: Predatory open-access publishing is an exploitative open-access academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without providing the editorial and publishing services associated with legitimate journals (open access or not).



Predatory Publisher?!


Predatory Pulishers Use False Impact Factors


Different OA Options in Journal Publishing

Gold Open Access

Hybrid Open Access Green Open Access Authors’ Rights

• Self-archiving

• Deposit into PubMed

Central (funder


• Open Access option

in majority of SN


• “Open Choice” for

authors after


• “Pure” OA Journals

• Article Processing

Charge (APC)


Self-Archiving Policy at SN: Pre-Print Servers

Author(s) are permitted to self-archive a pre-print version of their Article. A pre-print is the author’s version of the Article before peer-review has taken place. Prior to acceptance for publication, Author(s) retain the right to make a Pre-Print of their Article available on any of the following: • their own personal, self- maintained website • a legally compliant, non-commercial pre-print server such as but not limited to arXiv

and bioRxiv


Self-Archiving Policy at SN: Author‘s Accepted Manuscript

Author(s) are permitted to self-archive an author’s accepted manuscript version of their Article. An Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) is the version accepted for publication in a journal following peer review but prior to copyediting and typesetting that can be made available under the following conditions: • Author(s) retain the right to make an AAM of their Article available on their own

personal, self- maintained website immediately on acceptance. • Author(s) retain the right to make an AAM of their Article available for public release

on any of the following 12 months after first publication ("Embargo Period"): - their employer’s internal website - their institutional and/or funder repositories.




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Journal Publishing

Section breaks Section breaks are available in each palette colour and in a neutral blue grey. In most cases one section break colour should be used consistently throughout the deck – ideally following the colour of the Advancing Discovery bookmark on the cover page.


Journal Publishing

What is your motivation?

• Present new and original results or methods, exchange ideas, communicate with peers.

• Advance (not repeat) scientific knowledge, enhance scientific progress.

• Grant writing, research funding.

• Peer recognition and career advancement.

• Personal prestige, satisfaction and enjoyment.


Deciding which journal • Check out the websites of research groups and researchers working in your

topic area and see where they have been publishing their research results. • Talk to your colleagues/peers about their experiences with journals you are

considering. • Follow the references in your own paper. Where were the original papers

published and read? • Check publisher sites, you can often find useful information there in the ‘for

authors’ section. • Read the journal product page and READ THE JOURNAL. • Is an impact factor important to you? Or are you more concerned about


• Use the “Journal Selector” tool


Journal Suggester



Eugene Garfield (1925-2017)

Founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and Inventor of Web of Science.

First mentioned the idea of an impact factor in Science in 1955.

Garfield E. “Citation indexes to science: a new dimension in documentation through association of ideas”

Science 122(3159):108-11 (1955).

The Impact Factor

Source: http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/


The Impact Factor – The Formula

Impact Factor

There is much debate over Impact Factors in the scientific community, particularly with

regard to the fairness of the system. However, there is no doubt that the Impact Factor is

seen as a benchmark of quality of the journal in many academic communities.

Formula: Number of citations in 2017 to articles published in 2015 + 2016 2017 IF = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total citable articles published in 2015 + 2016 Example: 100 + 70 2017 IF = --------------- = 1.700 50 + 50


Manuscript Submission: Mistakes to Avoid

• Not clear which publishing model to choose (Open Access?) • Submission out of the scope of the journal

• Instructions for Authors not followed • Sloppy abstract / manuscript

• “Key message” not clear

• Weak accompanying cover letter


Instructions for Authors


Submission: Include your ORCID iD

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, and not-for-profit organization created

in 2010.

An ORCID identifier (ORCID iD) is a unique, personal, persistent identifier for

researchers that distinguishes them from every other researcher and enables them to

link their publications to their unique record, ensuring their work is recognized.

Getting an ORCID iD is free and easy to do: https://orcid.org/register


Who’s Who in Journal Publishing?

• Editor-in-Chief

• Associate Editor

• Managing Editor/Editorial Office Assistant

• Reviews Editor

• Editorial Board members

• Reviewer

• Corresponding Author

• Publisher‘s side: Publishing Editor, Production Editor


Types of Peer Review

• Single-blind Peer Review: Reviewer knows author(s), not vice versa

• Double-blind Peer Review: Reviewer does not know the author(s)

• Transparent Peer Review: Peer review process files (anonymous reviews and author response) are published next to the article

• Open Peer Review: Identity of peer reviewers is disclosed, pre-publication history of the article may be posted online


Peer Review

Benefits of acting as a reviewer

• Opportunity to observe what constitutes both good and bad papers

• Enhances own competence and improves chances of publication success

• Makes familiar with cutting edge research before it is even in press

• New ideas and inspiration

• Raises your profile within the academic community

• Network with academic colleagues internationally

• Enhances your continuing professional development

• Become associated with a leading academic journal

• Active involvement adds to your cv



Peer Review: Publons

Easily import, verify, and store a record of every peer review you perform

for any journal in the world.

Aim: Turn peer review into a measurable research output, so that academics can use their

review record as evidence of their standing and influence in their field.


Offers peer review training course.


Manuscript Transfers (Cascading)

How does a manuscript transfer benefit the scientific community?

• Helps authors to find a suitable journal

• No reformatting necessary

• Faster publication process if review reports are

included in the transfer

• Reduces the workload for the reviewer community


After Acceptance, Before Publication: Proofing

The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors. The typesetter will insert queries in the proofs wherever clarifications are required from the author. Authors will receive a metadata sheet showing the header information that will later appear online. This should also be checked, especially the author(s) names and affiliations. Substantial changes in content and changes of title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor.


After Publication: Share Your Article

• Share content easily and legally

• Links to view-only, full-text subscription research articles

• Can be posted anywhere - including on social media platforms, author websites and in

institutional repositories

Example: https://rdcu.be/9Q9p


Correcting the Scientific Literature

Corrections/Errata. Standard procedure for handling a mistake in a publication. This is an additional publication, with its own DOI, that is interlinked with the original, which itself remains unchanged. This procedure is in particular for the correction of mistakes in the scientific or factual content, or the metadata.

Authorized update. In exceptional cases involving e.g. minor and/or typographical errors in OnlineFirst publications, an authorized update may be possible. In this procedure, the erroneous article or chapter is replaced by a corrected version without any notification to readers. Retraction of a publication. In exceptional cases, e.g., of copyright violation, plagiarism, or legal disputes, a publication may be retracted.

https://retractionwatch.com Retraction Watch blog

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Publication Ethics Research Integrity

Section breaks Section breaks are available in each palette colour and in a neutral blue grey. In most cases one section break colour should be used consistently throughout the deck – ideally following the colour of the Advancing Discovery bookmark on the cover page.


Publishing Ethics – Before Submission

• The work described has not been published before

• It is not under consideration anywhere else

• Publication has been approved by co-authors and responsible authorities

• Necessary permissions obtained from copyright owners


Obtaining Permission to Re-use Published Content


Research Data Policies - Open Data

• Materials described in a manuscript, including all relevant raw data, should be freely

available to any researcher wishing to use them for non-commercial purposes.

• Data should be submitted to a discipline-specific, community-recognised repository

where possible, or to generalist repositories (e.g. figshare) if no suitable community

resource is available.

• Some journals ask for data availability statements.


Compliance with Ethical Standards

To ensure objectivity and transparency in research and to ensure that accepted

principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors should

include information on

• sources of funding

• potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial)

• informed consent if the research involved human participants

• statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals


Publication Ethics: Different Types of Misconduct

Data fabrication and falsification: Data fabrication means the researcher made up data. Data falsification means the researcher did the experiment, but then changed some of the data.

Plagiarism: Taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else’s manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered.

Multiple submissions: It is unethical to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. Doing this wastes the time of editors and peer reviewers.

Redundant publications (or ‘salami’ publications): This means publishing many very similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Improper author contribution or attribution: All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript and approved all its claims.


Authorship Criteria

The ICMJE recommends the following 4 criteria: • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition,

analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

• Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND • Final approval of the version to be published; AND • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions

related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.



How to Make a Citation in an Article

Give the facts or ideas mentioned by the author and then attribute these facts or ideas to


… The sun always shines on TV (Campos 2010).

According to Miller (2017), the cell cycle can be described as …

Quote the author exactly and be sure to put the quoted phrase between quotation marks.


Plagiarism Detection Tools


Warning - Do not copy and paste!



The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)



COPE Resources


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Book Publishing

Section breaks Section breaks are available in each palette colour and in a neutral blue grey. In most cases one section break colour should be used consistently throughout the deck – ideally following the colour of the Advancing Discovery bookmark on the cover page.


Publishing Books with Springer

• Global topics

• Regional topics of global interest

• International collaborations

• Textbooks, Contributed Volumes, Major Reference Works, SpringerBriefs, Proceedings, …

• Book proposals are peer reviewed

• Published in different formats (print and online)


Any questions?

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The story behind the image

Cataloging homegarden biodiversity in Uganda

Creating food security in countries such as Uganda often relies on the roll out of a national plan, and yet these don’t necessarily take account of the farmers’ voices or traditional food systems that have adapted over many generations to fit local cultural and ecological conditions. This research followed a human ecology approach to catalogue homegarden biodiversity and related ethnobotany knowledge in order to propose a more sustainable food security model.


Christina Eckey, Life Sciences

[email protected]

Luciana Christante de Mello

Life Sciences, Brazil

[email protected]

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Springer Nature Library Link Brazil

SN Library Link BR


Open Access for Books

Reference: The OA effect - how does open access affect the usage of scholarly books (White Paper), Springer Nature, 2017
