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How to Rejuvenate A Troubled Brand

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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1 B2B Marketing Christopher Ryan [email protected] How to Rejuvenate a Troubled Brand


B2B Marketing

Christopher [email protected]

How to Rejuvenate a

Troubled Brand


Types of Rejuvenation

There are two major types of branding rejuvenation

projects we can talk about (and several sub-types).

The first major category

is where you change the

name and everything



Types of Rejuvenation

Category two is where you keep

the name but change all the


My suggestions will work for both types of B2B brand

rejuvenation, but category one is more difficult.


Brand Value

I wrote recent article titled The Economic Value of Your

Company Brand.

The theme of the post: No

matter the size and scope

of your company, the brand

position you hold with your

prospects and customers

has monetary value in

terms of sales, stock prices

and even employee



Starting Fresh

One of the points I made in the article is that

“You are sometimes better off if you

are starting off with a clean

branding slate”

The downside is that few people know about you – the

upside is that you can start with a fresh and differentiated

brand position.


100 Most Valuable Brands

Interestingly, according to the intensive Millard

Brown BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands

Study, 20 B2B brands make the list of the

100 most valuable brands.

Several of the most valuable, including IBM,

ExxonMobil, BP, JP Morgan, and Microsoft,

have had to go through their own brand

rejuvenation program.


8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula

Whether you are representing one of

the giant companies or your own small

firm, the following eight-part

Formula will get you on the

right branding path.


1. Take a brutally honest assessment of your current state.

Why exactly are you thinking of upgrading your brand and

what you hope to accomplish?

Are you doing it for less than stellar reasons:

e.g. you are personally tired of your brand, or can

you show how the company will benefit economically

from the time-consuming and expensive rebranding exercise?

8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


This is an important question

because the best brands

have a timeless quality. What

sounds good today may not

work well in five years, so

encapsulate a future


on what customers will buy

today as well as into the future.

2. Decide where you want to be in five years.

8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


3. Validate the congruence and market readiness for the

new brand position.

This is a step where you may benefit from outside help.

Make sure what you are proposing resonates with both the

target audience and online searchers. Yes, you want to

validate your new brand with the Google search algorithm.

More about this in a future post.

8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


4. Create a strategic messaging platform that

consists of a brand promise, value proposition,

About the Company statement, and key messaging


Make sure this messaging shows you as being

unique, remarkable, and most important, extremely


8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


5. Gain agreement from all stakeholders.

Let everyone, especially your existing customers,

know exactly why you are updating the brand

and what it will mean to them.

8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


6. Launch the new brand position with a new

website, new content, new look and

feel, and new panache.

8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


7. Be relentless and persistent in promoting your B2B


And if you have changed the company or

product name — other than the fact you want

to redirect anyone looking for the old brand name

to the new content — it is best to banish the old naming

and messaging from your vocabulary.

Don’t have one foot on the old brand and the other on the


8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


8. Live the brand position.

Your brand is about much more than what

you say in your promotional messaging. Whatever

you are telling the world that you are, make sure it is

congruent with how you operate in every part of your


8 Part Branding Rejuvenation Formula


Brand Congruency

The importance of creating a brand that is congruent with

who you are and what you do as a company is reflected in

a great quote from Starbucks founder Howard Schultz

from Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a

Company One Cup at a Time:

“In this ever-changing society, the most powerful and

enduring brands are built from the heart. They are real and

sustainable. Their foundations are stronger because they

are built with the strength of the human spirit, not an ad

campaign. The companies that are lasting are those that

are authentic.”


Learn More


About Fusion Marketing Partners

Christopher Ryan, CEO

We Do This:

Brand building/messaging

Website optimization

Content creation

Lead generation

You Get This:Much greater levels of awareness

Higher quantities of qualified leads

Ability to generate faster revenue

Lots more information at:


http://Greatb2BMarketing.com (blog)[email protected]
