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How To Stop Wage Garnishment or IRS Wage Levy

Date post: 01-Jul-2015
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The IRS levy process does involve seizing real personal property to settle back taxes owed. Typically, the IRS issues levies upon a taxpayer’s financial accounts such as a bank or stockbroker or on wages or other income. The IRS issues over four millions levies each year. The IRS can levy a taxpayer’s wages or other income. IRS wage garnishment and IRS wage levy are similar names for the same IRS levy collection tool. After filing a notice for demand for payment, the IRS then issues a second notice of intent to levy. This second notice is where the IRS again demands payment and can inform the taxpayer of the intent to garnish wages or any other income sources. The taxpayer has 30 days to appeal the garnishment. After the 30 days have elapsed, the IRS may begin garnishing the taxpayer’s wages or other income. The IRS may also issue a tax lien before levying assets. For more information visit @ http://www.longislandtaxresolution.com/everything-about-irs-wage-levy-and-irs-wage-garnishment/
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Page 2: How To Stop Wage Garnishment or IRS Wage Levy

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1. What Is An IRS Wage Garnishment?

• A wage garnishment is a court order requiring your employer to withhold a certain dollar amount from your pay check and send it directly to the person or institution to whom you owe money, until your debt is paid off.

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2. Who Does The IRS Issue Wage Garnishments or Wage Levies On?

• The U.S. Tax Code allows the IRS to acquire a portion of a taxpayer’s wages.

• The IRS can also garnish income that a taxpayer earns as an independent contractor or self-employed individual.

• A portion of each pay check is free from the IRS levy.

• The tax code controls the amount the taxpayer keeps.

• If the taxpayer’s income is low or the total exemption amount is too high, a taxpayer’s earnings may be exempt from levies.

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3. How Is An IRS Wage Garnishment Calculated?

• Taxpayer’s standard deduction amount is added to the total claimed exemptions amount.

• The formula then divides that total amount by 52.

• The result determines the amount exempt from garnishment.

• The resultant non-exempt amount for each pay period goes directly to the IRS.

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4. An IRS Wage Garnishment Is Ongoing

• A levy on a taxpayer’s wages and salary does not have a termination date.

• The levy attaches to future payments, until the levy release is issued.

• Wages and salary include fees, bonuses, and commissions.

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5. How to Stop an IRS Wage Garnishment?

• In order to resolve your tax problem you must either pay the IRS the taxes that are owed or come to some other form of agreement to pay the taxes back over time. Below are some common methods used to pay or settle taxes:

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6. Contacting the IRS

• Contact IRS immediately is the best course of action.

• Contact upon receiving the Demand for Payment or after receiving the Notice of Intent to Levy.

• Each notice contains a contact telephone number to call for dealing with the impending levy.

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7. Enter Into an Installment Agreement

• The taxpayer or their representative should try to negotiate a wage levy release.

• Settle the tax debt through an immediate installment payment plan.

• Once the installment payment plan is accepted, the IRS will stop the levy.

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8. Appeal A Wage Garnishment

• The taxpayer can appeal a wage garnishment.

• The taxpayer should use IRS form 12153 to appeal a wage levy.

• The taxpayer sends the form to the address on the Notice of Intent to Levy.

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9. Filing An Offer in Compromise

• Once you file an offer in compromise, IRS will stop all collection activity.

• The IRS is very selective about who qualifies for this settlement program.

• If the IRS decides that the offer was a delay tactic, they will quickly reinstate the levy.

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10: Changing Employers

• The wage levy does not follow the taxpayer when changing employers.

• The IRS does not require that it be informed of a job change by either the taxpayer or the employer.

• IRS must locate the new employer to issue a new levy.

• The taxpayer should never change jobs just to escape a wage levy.

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11: Filing For Bankruptcy

• A bankruptcy filing will also terminate a wage levy.

• The taxpayer should carefully research and analyze the potential for discharge of tax debt.

• Some taxes are ineligible for discharge in bankruptcy.

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