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How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion MALIN EIBAND, LMU Munich DANIEL BUSCHEK, Research Group HCI + AI, Department of Computer Science, University of Bayreuth HEINRICH HUSSMANN, LMU Munich The opaque nature of many intelligent systems violates established usability principles and thus presents a challenge for human- computer interaction. Research in the field therefore highlights the need for transparency, scrutability, intelligibility, interpretability and explainability, among others. While all of these terms carry a vision of supporting users in understanding intelligent systems, the underlying notions and assumptions about users and their interaction with the system often remain unclear. We review the literature in HCI through the lens of implied user questions to synthesise a conceptual framework integrating user mindsets, user involvement, and knowledge outcomes to reveal, differentiate and classify current notions in prior work. This framework aims to resolve conceptual ambiguity in the field and enables researchers to clarify their assumptions and become aware of those made in prior work. We thus hope to advance and structure the dialogue in the HCI research community on supporting users in understanding intelligent systems. To appear in the Proceedings of the 26th ACM Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21), peer re- viewed author version 5.0, 18. February 2021 CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing HCI theory, concepts and models. Additional Key Words and Phrases: Review, intelligent systems, scrutability, interpretability, transparency, explainability, intelligibility, accountability, interactive machine learning, end-user debugging ACM Reference Format: Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek, and Heinrich Hussmann. 2021. How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21), April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3397481.3450694 1 INTRODUCTION Interactive intelligent systems violate core interface design principles such as predictable output and easy error correction [6, 31]. This makes them hard to design, understand, and use [101] – an observation that has already been made decades earlier [46], but it is only in the last years that machine learning has increasingly penetrated everyday applications and thus refuelled the discussion on how we want interaction with such systems to be shaped. One particularly challenging property of intelligent systems is their opaqueness. As a result, researchers [3, 10, 41], practitioners [21], policy-makers [79] and the general public [60] increasingly call for intelligent systems to be transparent [34], scrutable [55], explainable [81], intelligibile [68] and interactive [31], among others, which we will henceforth refer to as system qualities. Work on the system qualities follows a joint and urgent maxim: Designing Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. © 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. Manuscript submitted to ACM 1 arXiv:2001.08301v5 [cs.HC] 18 Feb 2021

How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring theDiscussion


DANIEL BUSCHEK, Research Group HCI + AI, Department of Computer Science, University of Bayreuth


The opaque nature of many intelligent systems violates established usability principles and thus presents a challenge for human-computer interaction. Research in the field therefore highlights the need for transparency, scrutability, intelligibility, interpretabilityand explainability, among others. While all of these terms carry a vision of supporting users in understanding intelligent systems, theunderlying notions and assumptions about users and their interaction with the system often remain unclear.

We review the literature in HCI through the lens of implied user questions to synthesise a conceptual framework integratinguser mindsets, user involvement, and knowledge outcomes to reveal, differentiate and classify current notions in prior work. Thisframework aims to resolve conceptual ambiguity in the field and enables researchers to clarify their assumptions and become aware ofthose made in prior work. We thus hope to advance and structure the dialogue in the HCI research community on supporting users inunderstanding intelligent systems.

To appear in the Proceedings of the 26th ACM Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21), peer re-viewed author version 5.0, 18. February 2021

CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → HCI theory, concepts and models.

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Review, intelligent systems, scrutability, interpretability, transparency, explainability, intelligibility,accountability, interactive machine learning, end-user debugging

ACM Reference Format:Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek, and Heinrich Hussmann. 2021. How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuringthe Discussion. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21), April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA. ACM,New York, NY, USA, 19 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3397481.3450694


Interactive intelligent systems violate core interface design principles such as predictable output and easy errorcorrection [6, 31]. This makes them hard to design, understand, and use [101] – an observation that has already beenmade decades earlier [46], but it is only in the last years that machine learning has increasingly penetrated everydayapplications and thus refuelled the discussion on how we want interaction with such systems to be shaped.

One particularly challenging property of intelligent systems is their opaqueness. As a result, researchers [3, 10,41], practitioners [21], policy-makers [79] and the general public [60] increasingly call for intelligent systems to betransparent [34], scrutable [55], explainable [81], intelligibile [68] and interactive [31], among others, which we willhenceforth refer to as system qualities. Work on the system qualities follows a joint and urgent maxim: Designing

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are notmade or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for componentsof this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post onservers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.Manuscript submitted to ACM









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IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

Fig. 1. Our framework for structuring the discussion of how to support users in understanding intelligent systems: We examineuser questions in the literature (left, examples) to synthesise three categories overarching prior work (centre), namely assumeduser mindsets, user involvement and knowledge outcomes. We discuss divergent instances of each category (right) to differentiateapproaches and solution principles in the literature.

interaction in a way that supports users in understanding and dealing with intelligent systems despite their oftencomplex and black-box nature.

Linked by this shared goal, the diverse terms are often employed interchangeably – and yet, prior work impliesdivergent assumptions about how users may best be supported. For instance, work on interpretability has recently beencriticised for unclear use of the term [29, 72], a survey on explainability in recommenders found incompatible existingtaxonomies [77], and discussions about system transparency and accountability revealed diverging assumptions (i.e.disclosing source code vs system auditing through experts) [32]. A recent HCI survey shows the fractured terminologicallandscape in the field [1].

In particular, for supporting user understanding of intelligent systems, clarifying concepts and connecting diverseapproaches is crucial to advance scholarship, as pointed out in a recent “roadmap” towards a rigorous science ofinterpretability [29]. More generally speaking, a lack of conceptual clarity impedes scientific thinking [47] and presentschallenging problems for researchers in the respective field: First, a lack of overarching conceptual frameworks rendersnew ideas difficult to develop and discuss in a structured way. Second, blurred terminological boundaries impedeawareness of existing work, for example through varying use of keywords. Third, new prototypes often remaindisconnected from the existing body of design solutions. To address this, we need a clearer conceptual understanding ofthe assumptions that underlie how prior work envisions to foster user understanding of intelligent systems.

In this paper, we thus aim to answer the following research questions:

RQ1: Which assumptions about users and interaction with intelligent systems do researchers make when

referring to the system qualities?

RQ2: How can we structure and differentiate these assumptions?


We analyse both theoretical concepts and prototype solutions through the lens of implied user questions and synthesisea conceptual framework integrating user mindsets, user involvement and knowledge outcomes to reveal, differentiate andclassify notions of supporting user understanding of intelligent systems in prior work.

Our analysis revealed three categories that capture and differentiate current assumptions about users and interactionwith intelligent systems from an HCI perspective (also see Figure 1):

(1) User mindsets – what users seek to know (e.g. do they want to know why the system did X, what it was developedfor, how trustworthy it is, etc.),


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA

(2) User involvement – how users gain knowledge (e.g. do they actively inquire into the system or do they getpresented information by it), and

(3) Knowledge outcomes – what kind of knowledge users gain (e.g. about a specific output or how to correct errors).

In particular, as we will describe later in more detail, we argue that these three categories are linked to users’intentions when using a system, influence the direction of information transfer between user and system, and reflectthe envisioned outcome of the system qualities, respectively.

Our view helps to resolve conceptual ambiguity in the field and provides researchers with a framework to clarifytheir assumptions and become aware of those made in prior work. We thus hope to advance and structure the dialoguein the HCI research community on supporting users in understanding intelligent systems.


Before we present the results of our analysis in detail, we first discuss fundamental conceptual prerequisites for ourwork and locate our own perspective.

3.1 Intelligent Systems

Our work focuses on interaction with intelligent systems. Following Singh [89], a system is intelligent if we need to“attribute cognitive concepts such as intentions and beliefs to it in order to characterize, understand, analyze, or predictits behavior”. While we are aware of the fact that many other definitions of intelligent systems exist, Singh’s definitionhints at the potential complexity of intelligent systems and the resulting challenges for users to understand them, andthus motivates work on supporting users in doing so, including this paper.

3.2 A Pragmatic View on Supporting User Understanding

One can identify two opposing perspectives in the larger discussion of supporting users in understanding intelligentsystems: A normative and a pragmatic one [33].

The normative perspective is visible in the ethical discourse about intelligent systems or reflected in legislation. Itprovides users with what has been called a “right to explanation” [39], such as recently articulated in the GDPR [79],and ties lawful use of intelligent systems to the ability to make users understand their decision-making process [44].While highly valuable for a legal basis for interaction with intelligent systems, this perspective stems from ethical andmoral reflection, not from user needs for interaction with a concrete system. As such, it often lacks specifics on how toimplement its claims in a way that benefits users in practice.

In this paper, we therefore adopt the pragmatic perspective, which strives to best support users during interactionwith intelligent systems. We define the purpose of this support by transferring a statement by Lynham from philosophyof science [73] to the context of our work: Supporting users in understanding intelligent systems means helping people to

use a system better and in more informed ways, and to better ends and outcomes.

We argue that this perspective captures well and articulates a core assumption of work on the system qualities: Weas HCI researchers in the field of intelligent systems strive to create interfaces and interactions that are explainable,understandable, scrutable, transparent, accountable, intelligible, and so on, precisely because we envision users to theninteract with these systems in more informed, effective and efficient ways.


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

3.3 User Knowledge and Understanding

In general, HCI has widely adopted mental models [53] as representations of the knowledge users possess about asystem [76], and this is no different in work on the system qualities (e.g. [33, 62, 95]). Mental models originate from aconstructivist perspective on knowledge, where knowledge is seen as individually constructed, subjective interpretationsof the world, based on previous experiences and assumptions [97]. In this paper, we adopt this perspective, and useknowledge interchangeably with understanding. Moreover, we assume that knowledge is gained through the transmission

of information between user and system.


Here, we shortly describe the process of paper collection and interpretation through which we derived our framework.

4.1 Theoretical Sampling

Our paper set was collected using theoretical sampling, an approach to collection of qualitative data introduced byGlaser and Strauss as a part of Grounded Theory [37]. In contrast to statistical sampling, where the sample size is fixeda priori, theoretical sampling gradually defines the sample during the interpretation process until theoretical saturationis reached (i.e. the point where further data and interpretation does not further enrich the emerging categories).

We started our sampling by looking for a set of the most widely-adopted system qualities in the field. We did so firstthrough collecting search terms for system qualities based on our experiences as researchers working at the intersectionof HCI and AI for several years and then expanded our set of system qualities through the topic networks presented byAbdul et al. [1] in their 2018 survey of over 12,000 papers at this intersection. Their analysis surfaced many systemqualities that we sought to address a priori (e.g. interpretability, scrutability, explainability), but also related topics(e.g. accountability and different types of transparency). With keyword searches on the ACM Digital Library, we theniteratively collected papers on these terms, following the above sampling method. We started out with the most citedpapers in the field, which we interpreted as described in Section 4.2 to create first categories. Papers were selected torepresent the diversity of approaches in the field, but also according to the below criteria:

(1) The presented contribution focuses on the system qualities and is linked to intelligent systems, and(2) the contribution involves an HCI perspective (e.g. via a prototype, user study, design guidelines, etc.).

Papers were re-visited if necessary, and we integrated new data through snowball searches as well as throughupdated keyword searches when we extended our system qualities set. Overall, 222 papers contributed to this processbefore we considered our categories to be theoretically saturated and had defined our framework dimensions. The finalset of system qualities emerging from this process included scrutability, interpretability, transparency, explainability,

intelligibility, interactivity (interactive Machine Learning), debuggability (end-user debugging), and accountability.The paper set used is available on the project website: https://www.medien.ifi.lmu.de/howtosupport/

4.2 Paper Coding and Interpretation

We followed the coding process as suggested by Glaser and Strauss [37] and Strauss and Cobin [90] to code the papers.The coding was done by the first two authors, in joint work on the texts and discussion.

4.2.1 Open Coding: Opening Up the Text. To keep the coding process manageable, we mainly focused on the motivation,contribution and conclusion of a paper, making use of the flexibility of the approach to include other sections as needed


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA


User questions (examples) Usermindsets

User involvement Knowledge outcomes and qualities

Accountability How fair and controllable is the system? [81]How fair are system decisions? [13] How willalgorithmic-decision making impact my (social)work practices? [17] How can I as adesigner/developer of decision systems supporthuman values? [45, 96]

Users critiquethe system, oftenin a widercontext beyonduse (e.g. legal,ethicalconcerns).

Users get informed bythe system, or by a thirdparty reporting on thesystem (e.g.journalists) [25, 27].People discuss thesystem and/or challengeits implications beyonduse [86], e.g. in itsorganisationalcontext [17, 45, 96].

Users seek reflection on outputs, processes, as well as onreasons behind and implications of the system (meta).What is relevant – and to what extent – may dependon the context of the system’s deployment.


How can I correct system errors? How can I tellthe system why it was wrong? [65] How can Igive effective feedback to the system? Whichobjects do I have to change? How do changesaffect the rest of the system? What does thesystem’s feedback mean? How can I detect asystem error? How can I find out the cause foran error? How can I solve this error? [66]

Users gaininsight into thesystem to fix itserrors.

Users fix the system’serrors.

Users need to understand outputs, processes, andinteractions to give good feedback and correct thesystem. Users make the system more relevant to themby correcting system errors.

Explainability Can I trust this model? [83] Should I trust thisprediction? [42, 83] What are the strengths andlimitations of the system? How can I add myknowledge and skills to the decisionprocess? [42] How are input and outputrelated? [52] Why does the system think that Iwant/need X? [12, 28] Why is thisrecommendation ranked at the top? [94]

Users gaininsight into thesystem to betteruse it.

Users get informed bythe system.

Users get information about outputs and processes.Explanations should be relevant to the user. Theyshould be “sound and complete”, but notoverwhelming [61, 64].

Intelligibility Why did the system do X? How / under whatconditions does it do Y? Why did not do Y?What (else) is it doing? What if there is a changein conditions, what would happen? [22, 69]

Users want touse the systemin better ways orto gaintrust [71, 100].

Users actively inquireinto the system’s innerworkings.

Users seek information about outputs and processes.Users’ demand informs what is relevant. Factorsrelated to system and context influence this [69].


How I can assess the state of the learnedconcept? Where does the model fail? Why didthe system fail in this specific instance? [31]How well does the system know the domain?How sure is the system that a given output iscorrect? Did the system do a simple or complexthing to arrive at the output? [84] How tocombine models? [91] Which model worksbest? [7]

Users inspect thesystem state torefine it or guideits training [31].

Users iteratively refinethe system and guide itstraining by givingfeedback [31].

Users need to understand outputs, processes, andinteractions to guide the system. What is relevant toknow is defined by the machine learning task thatusers and system solve together.

Interpretability How sensible – and not arbitrary or random – isthe system? [4, 81]Why? questions [36] Can youtrust your model? What else can it tell you aboutthe world? [72]

Users gainutilitarian andinterpretativeinsight into thesystem to bridgethe gap betweenthe system’scriteria and fullreal-worldcontext [29, 56].

Users get informationabout the system’s innerworkings [29, 72].

Users can access information about outputs andprocesses, which may include low-level (expert)information (e.g. on inner states [56]). What is relevantto know depends on the user’s task with the system.Explicit call for rigorous evaluation [29].

Scrutability Why/How did the system do X? What else doesthe system think I (don’t) know? What wouldthe system do if I did Y? What does the systemdo for other people? How can I tell the systemwhat I (don’t) want? [55] How can I efficientlyimprove recommendations? [11]

Users want to beable to interpretthe system’sdecisions. Theymay analyse andcontrol it formore efficientuse.

System decision andbehaviour is based on auser model, which userscan adequately accessand control. Users make“real effort” [55].

Users gain understanding of outputs and processes.They may also learn about interactions to influencehow the system uses the user model. Informationshould be relevant to users, yet they may also learnabout what the system considers relevant.

Transparency How does the system produce an output (i.e. datasources, reasoning steps)? Why did the systemdo sth. (i.e. justification, motivation behind thesystem)? What is informed by the intelligentsystem (i.e. reveal existence of intelligentprocessing)? How was the system developed andhow is it continually being improved? [81] Howdid the system produce the model? [30]

Users interpretthe system’soutput andquestion theunderlyingmechanisms.

Users get informed bythe system.

Users seek understanding of outputs and processes, alsobeyond use (meta). What is relevant – and to whatextent – may depend on the context of the user’sinquiry.

Table 1. The system qualities in focus of our work through the lens of our framework, along with example user questions and implieduser mindsets, user involvement, and knowledge outcomes. Note that we do not attempt to redefine the terms here but rather providea guiding overview of our coding, which includes some overlap between terms, as found in the literature.


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

for a clearer understanding. We first collected open codes about the assumptions on supporting user understandingmade in the text. Open coding was guided by so-called basic questions [37] (e.g.Who?, What?, How?, etc.).

This step resulted in a first set of (sub-)categories, namely Motivation (of the work), Key Phenomena and Constructs,

Support as Property or Process, Reference to Specific System Part, Main Goal of Support, Main Challenge of Support, User

Role, System Role, Interaction Design Implications, and Concrete Realisation.

4.2.2 Axial Coding: Eliciting User Questions. We then created axial codes to refine and differentiate our categories.During this process, we realised that suitable axial codes could be expressed in the form of questions users have aboutthe workings of intelligent systems (e.g. Why did the system do X?). This is in line with prior work: First established byLim and Dey [69, 71] as a manifestation for users’ information demand, such user questions have gained popularity inrelated work on the system qualities as a way of anchoring design suggestions and solutions, even if these questionsare not always elicited from actual users (e.g., cf. work by Kay and Kummerfeld [55] (scrutability), Kulesza et al. [65](end-user debugging), or Rader et al. [81] (transparency/accountability)).

In our case, coding these questions helped us to extract and contrast underlying perspectives: On the one hand, theyconnected prior work on the system qualities, on the other they revealed conceptual differences, and thus refined ourpreliminary categories. During this process, we kept close to the text of a paper. For example, “Accountability [...] theextent to which participants think the system is fair and they can control the outputs the system produced” [81] yielded“How fair and controllable is the system?” in our question set. We continuously moved back and forth between the textsand our preliminary categories when integrating new user questions to test our categories against the text passages.

As the outcome of this coding step, we (1) refined the categories elicited in the open coding, and (2) discovereddifferences and commonalities between the system qualities by grouping user questions according to the quality in focusof a paper (see Table 1 for an excerpt; please note that one question could be relevant for multiple system qualities).

4.2.3 Selective Coding: Building the Framework. In the last step, we identified core concepts overarching our categories.Practically, we wrote our user questions on cards we re-arranged on a large wall, plus example papers and stickers forpossible core concepts. This set-up was then discussed extensively over several weeks and extended through furtherpaper collection and reviewing. As a result, we identified and defined our framework dimensions presented in Section 5.

4.3 Limitations

Our framework should be understood and applied with several limitations in mind:First, as work on interactive intelligent systems has evolved into a rapidly developing field in the last decade, future

approaches might uncover solutions and principles that the presented framework does not cover in its current state.Second, this work focuses on eight system qualities, listed in Section 4.1. Since this set was shaped through our samplingprocess, we are confident that it covers a representative part of the diverse approaches and reflections in the field.However, it is not comprehensive. For a detailed overview of possible system qualities, see Abdul et al. [1]. Third,our paper set is mainly based on work accessible through the ACM Digital Library. We also included work publishedthrough IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier, among others, but only through snowball searches, not as a main database, tokeep our paper set at a manually manageable size. Overall, these limitations might create the need to build on, extendand adapt the framework in future work.

Finally, this work focuses on HCI researchers as a target audience. In Section 6.3.1, we suggest ideas on how ourframework might be applied to commercial systems and thus serve practitioners, too. However, these ideas still need to


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA

be validated in the future, for example, through interviews with designers and developers, or by prototyping applicationsusing the framework dimensions and evaluating them with end-users.


Our analysis revealed three categories that capture and differentiate current assumptions about users and interactionwith intelligent systems. They thus serve as a conceptual framework for structuring the discussion about supportingusers in understanding intelligent systems from an HCI perspective, as presented in the next sections.

5.1 What do Users Seek to Know? User Mindsets

The user questions addressed in work on different system qualities imply different assumptions about what users seekto know: For example, searching for information about why a certain system output came into being [71] implies avery different kind of interest than wanting to know how well a program knows a given domain [84] or how a system

was developed and continually improved [81]. Likewise, this is true for users asking how to correct system errors [65]compared to users that want to be merely informed about the presence of algorithmic decision-making [81].

To capture these differences, we introduce the category user mindsets. In psychological research, mindsets describethe “cognitive orientation” of people that precede the formation of intentions and planning of successive actions towardsreaching a goal [38]. In the same manner, for this work we define user mindsets as users’ cognitive orientation that guides

concrete intentions to interact with an intelligent system. From our analysis emerged three such mindsets that we find inprior work on the system qualities: utilitarian, interpretive, and critical, described in detail next.

5.1.1 Utilitarian Mindset. A utilitarian mindset aims to predict and control system behaviour to reach a practical goal.This mindset carries a strong notion of utility and/or usability.

Consequently, a utilitarian mindset is reflected by many examples in work on system qualities that imply a verypractical view on user inquiry, such as in work on explainability and intelligibility. For example, users might wantto understand system recommendations to better compare and find products they are interested in (Why was this

recommended to me?) [80]. Moreover, users might want to train more effectively with an intelligent fitness coach [33], orunderstand a system ranking they financially depend on, as observed in AirBnB [51] or social media [18]. In anotherexample, users worked more efficiently with a system feedforward based onWhat if? questions [22]. Similarly, userquestions in work on scrutability such as How can I efficiently improve recommendations? [11] imply a utilitarian mindset.

On a meta-level, this mindset can also be found in work on interactive machine learning and end-user debugging.Research in these areas addresses user questions such as How can I assess the state of the learned concept? Where does

the model fail? [31], How sure is the system that a given output is correct? [84], How to combine models? [91], Which

model works best? [7], or How do changes affect the rest of the system? [66]. These and similar questions imply a focus onrecognising and handling system error, giving feedback, or analysing the system to better work with it in the future.

5.1.2 Interpretive Mindset. An interpretive mindset strives to interpret system actions based on one’s perception of and

experience with the system and its output. This mindset embraces the notion of user experience.When users adopt this mindset, they do not necessarily want to reach a particular practical goal, but rather to

understand the system based on a certain experience they have made. For example, a social media user might want tounderstand why posts of particular friends are not shown [18]. Moreover, an interpretive mindset might be adopted by


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

users who do not understand how they are being profiled, when they believe their feedback is not being considered orfeel they lack control over system output [18].

Examples for an (implied) interpretive mindset can be found in work on transparency (e.g. How sensible – and not

arbitrary or random – is the system? [81]) and interpretability (e.g.What else can the model tell me about the world? [72]).Moreover, it is reflected in many user questions articulated in work on scrutability, for example What else does the

system think I (don’t) know?, What would the system do if I did Y?, or What does the system do for other people? [55].Although control also plays an important role in research in this field, the underlying perspective is framed in terms ofexperience with and perception of the system and its output rather than a practical goal.

5.1.3 Critical mindset. A critical mindset stresses normative, ethical and legal reflection about intelligent systems.

This echoes the wider discussion about the system qualities, such as transparency, explainability and accountability(e.g. [34, 44, 74, 98, 99]). For example, a user might critique a system’s missing social intelligence [17, 18] or might wantto know why it was developed in a certain way [81]. A critical mindset may thus be decoupled from system use.

Calls for support of critical inquiry are mainly found in work on system accountability. User questions include Howwas the system developed and how is it continually being improved?, What is informed by the intelligent system (i.e. reveal

existence of intelligent decision-making and processing)?, How fair and controllable is the system? [81], How fair is a system

decision? [13] or Can I trust this model? [83] and Should I trust this prediction? [42, 83].

User mindsets help to understand what users seek to know when interacting with an intelligent system. Weshould thus make explicit which mindset(s) we assume as a basis for our work (e.g. utilitarian, interpretive or critical).

5.2 How do Users Gain Knowledge? User Involvement

As introduced in the Scope and Foundations section of this paper, we assume that user understanding is built throughthe transmission of information between user and system.

Our analysis revealed that the greatmajority of work on the system qualities envisions this transmission of informationin the form of a dialogue, that is as a “cycle of communication acts channelled through input/output from the machineperspective, or perception/action from the human perspective” [47]. Dialogue as an interaction concept inherentlystresses the need for users to understand the system (and vice versa) [47]. It has even been argued that the characteristicsof intelligent systems necessarily involve some sort of dialogue in order for users to understand them [84]. Elements ofdialogue, such as structuring interaction as stages [47], are commonly found in work on the system qualities. Mostnotably, end-user debugging [61] and interactive machine learning [54] make use of mixed-initiative interfaces [48]. Itthus seems that the system qualities almost imply this concept of interaction, so closely are they interwoven with adialogue structure. To support users in understanding intelligent systems, information may thus be transferred in twodirections, either from user to system, or from system to user. From a user perspective, this determines how users gain

knowledge – either through action (active) or perception (passive).Our second framework category, user involvement, captures these two ways of gaining knowledge. User involvement

thus describes interaction possibilities to transfer information to or receive information from the system as a basis for user

understanding. In the following sections, we distinguish work on the system qualities according to these two directions.In general, a system might support involvement in multiple ways (e.g. via explanation, controls, visualisations) andthus imply transitioning between both directions during use, for example, through interactive visual explanations [61].


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA

5.2.1 Active User Involvement (User-to-System). User questions such as How can I tell the system what I want? [55],How can I detect system errors? [65], or What do I have to change to correct the system? [65] point to active users whosecorrections and feedback are utilised by the system. The dialogue between system and user may be initiated by bothsides and is then indeed based on turn-taking, as described earlier. For example, Alkan et al. [2] presented a careergoal recommender that literally employs a dialogue structure to suggest items and incorporate user feedback. Work onscrutability by Kay and Kummerfeld [55] emphasises the “real effort” users must make when inquiring into a system.Other work on the system qualities, in particular in end-user-debugging and interactive machine learning, sees users inactive roles as debuggers [63] or teachers [6].

Systems support an active user by offering interface controls tied to aspects of their “intelligence” (e.g. data processing,user model). These controls may enable users to experiment with the intelligent system (e.g. user model controls [55]). Forexample, if a user interface offers switches for certain data sources (e.g. in a settings view), users can actively experimentwith the way that these data sources influence system output (e.g. switch off GPS to see how recommendations changein a city guide app; also see [55]). Moreover, Coppers et al. [22] introduced widgets for system feedforward that allowfor active inquiry to answerWhat if? user questions such asWhat will happen if I click this checkbox?. Another exampleis a separate, dedicated GUI for such experimentation, which allows users to directly set the values of certain systeminputs and check the resulting output (e.g. “intelligibility testing” [71]).

Moreover, many visual explanations offer direct manipulation that also puts users into an active role: For instance,work in interactive machine learning proposed interactions with classifier confusion matrices to express desired changesin resulting decisions [54, 91]. Similarly, work on explanations for spam filtering enabled users to influence the classifiervia interactive bar charts of word importance [61].

5.2.2 Passive User Involvement (System-to-User). User questions such asWhy does the system think that I want/need

X? [12],Why did the system do X? [69, 81],Why did it not do Y? [71] or How does the system produce an output? [81]suggest that users want to get informed about the systems inner workings, but do not actively provide the system withfeedback and corrections. Users may still initiate the dialogue with the system, but are then restricted to be recipientsof information. This way of user involvement is typically assumed by work on transparency and explainability, wheredisplaying information about a system’s inner workings is a common tool for user support. For example, related workproposed visual and textual explanations that show how recommendations are influenced by data from customerswith similar preferences [35]. Further examples of supporting user understanding in a passive way include icons thatindicate “intelligent” data processing [33], interaction history [49], annotations for specific recommendations [14], andplots and image highlighting for classification decisions [83] or recommendations [93].

User involvement describes how user knowledge is built during interaction with a system. This depends on thedirection of information transmission between user to system (e.g. users are involved in an active or passive way).We should explicitly state the nature of user involvement and how it is manifested in and supported through design.

5.3 Which Knowledge Do Users Gain? Knowledge Outcomes

The envisioned result of the different system qualities is knowledge that users gain about an intelligent system. However,this knowledge may refer to different aspects of the system and interaction, such as a specific recommendation [80]or the “reasoning” of a system [83]. To account for this variety of which knowledge users gain, we introduce ourthird framework category, knowledge outcomes. These characterise the nature of user understanding developed about an


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

intelligent system. Overall, our analysis surfaced four different knowledge outcomes currently addressed in the literature(output, process, interaction, and meta). Since output and process knowledge are often confronted in the literature, wepresent them in one subsection here, too.

These knowledge outcomes are not unique to HCI or intelligent systems. For example, output and process knowledgecan be found in work on theory on gaining knowledge in practice [73]. Moreover, work on complex problem solvingarticulates output, process and structural knowledge [87], the latter being similar to our interaction knowledge.

We also introduce two qualities of knowledge emerging from the reviewed literature. Borrowing established termsfor knowledge qualities in applied research theory [43, 73], we summarise them as rigour and relevance of knowledge.

5.3.1 Output and Process Knowledge. Output knowledge targets individual instances of an intelligent system (e.g.understanding a specific movie recommendation). In contrast, process knowledge targets the system’s underlying model

and reasoning steps (e.g. the workings of a neural network that processes movie watching behaviour).Explainability research in particular distinguishes between explanations for instances and models. For example,

Ribeiro et al. [83] explain classifiers with regard to two questions, Should I trust this prediction? and Can I trust this

model?. Therefore, they design for both output and process knowledge. These two knowledge types also motivatethe what and how questions posed by Lim and Dey in their work on intelligibility [69] (e.g.What did the system do?).Also, Rana and Bridge [82] introduced chained explanations (called “Recommendation-by-Explanation”) to explain aspecific output to users. Moreover, work on accountability makes system reasoning accessible to users to support thedevelopment of process knowledge [13].

5.3.2 Interaction Knowledge. Our knowledge type interaction knowledge describes knowing how to do something in aninteractive intelligent system. For example, supporting users in gaining this type of knowledge motivates questions inwork on scrutability (e.g. How can I tell the system what I want to know (or not)? [55]), interactive machine learning (e.g.How to experiment with model inputs? [6]), and end-user debugging (e.g. How can I tell the system why it was wrong? [65],How can I correct system errors? [63]).

5.3.3 Meta Knowledge. Meta knowledge captures system-related knowledge beyond interaction situations, such asinformation from a developer blog. For example, meta knowledge motivates some questions in work on transparency,such as How is the system developed and how is it continually improved? by Rader et al. [81]. They also explicitly addObjective explanations that inform users about how “a system comes into being” that result in meta knowledge (e.g.development practices and contexts). Moreover, this knowledge type is a main driver of work on accountability, inwhich computer science overlaps with journalism: For instance, Diakopoulus “seeks to articulate the power structures,biases, and influences” of intelligent systems [25].

5.3.4 Rigour and Relevance of Knowledge. Rigour: Kulesza et al. propose the concepts of soundness and completeness intheir work on explanations in intelligent systems [61, 64] – soundness is truthful explanation, and completeness meansexplaining the whole system. Gilpin et al. [36] also refer to completeness, yet understand it as supporting anticipationof system behaviour in more situations. For an overarching view, we generalise this to a broader level: We regardsoundness and completeness as facets of rigour. Linked back to the work by Kulesza et al. [61, 64], this means that arigorous explanation, and the resulting understanding of a system, should be sound and complete.

Relevance: A rigorous understanding does not need to be useful. We argue that this aspect should be of explicitinterest for a pragmatic HCI perspective. We thus consider relevance as another general quality of knowledge [73] thatis crucial to make explicit in the specific context of user understanding of intelligent systems. This quality highlights our


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA

pragmatic view: Elements like explanations are valuable if they add utility, that is, if they help users to gain knowledgethat is relevant for using the system in better ways and towards better outcomes. In this pragmatic sense, this qualityechoes Kulesza et al.’s suggestion to “not overwhelm” users with (irrelevant) information [61, 64]. What is relevant toknow, and to which extent, may also depend on factors such as task and complexity of the system [19].

Knowledge outcomes and qualities characterise and make explicit what kind of user understanding a systemseeks to facilitate. We should thus articulate the goals of our work (e.g. output, process, interaction, and metaknowledge) and reflect on rigour and relevance of the respective kind of knowledge.


We have presented three categories for supporting user understanding of intelligent systems as emerged from ouranalysis of the literature – user mindsets, user involvement, and knowledge outcomes. These categories highlight differencesand commonalities between work on the system qualities and serve as a conceptual framework of supporting users inunderstanding intelligent systems.

Our framework introduces an overarching user-centric structure to the field that abstracts from the fracturedterminological landscape. We now propose to use our framework categories as a means for researchers in HCI andadjoining fields to clarify and make explicit the assumptions of their work, and to structure past and future work anddiscussions about how to support users in understanding intelligent systems. The boxes presented throughout thisarticle provide inspiration on what to consider. The following sections highlight further applications of our framework.

6.1 Structuring Past Approaches and Solution Principles

In Figure 2, we demonstrate the application of our framework based on an interactive intelligent mood board creationtool by Koch et al. [58] as an example for system-aided design ideation. In their prototype, system and user collaborateto find suitable imagery, the system making suggestions which the user can accept or discard. For each suggestion, thesystem offers a textual explanation and different feedback options. In terms of user involvement, this approach thussupports both an active user (via options for feedback and correction and turn-taking), as well as a passive one (viainformation about why an image was suggested). With regard to knowledge outcomes, users gain relevant knowledgeabout a specific output (a specific image suggestion) and interaction knowledge about how to control future systemsuggestions (by telling the system what they like or not). Overall, the prototype is designed so as to best support usersin the creation of a mood board as an ideation activity, and thus implies a utilitarian mindset.

Moreover, Table 2 presents other exemplary solution principles from the literature to illustrate how user mindsets, userinvolvement and knowledge outcomes may be used to structure past work. We do not claim to provide a comprehensivesurvey in our work, but selected these examples to show the diversity of approaches in our paper set.

Studying the approaches as arranged in Table 2 reveals interesting structures: For example, explanations appearacross the charted space and thus could be seen as the go-to building block for many solution principles. They commonlyprovide output and process knowledge via text and/or plots [35, 49, 57, 61, 65, 70, 83]. Sometimes these representationsalso allow for interactivity and user corrections [61, 65, 71], in particular when explanations are referred to in work onscrutability, end-user debugging, and interactive machine learning [24, 54, 55, 91]. Explanations commonly arise fromutilitarian mindsets, yet they also appear in work with interpretive and critical questions [14, 26, 55, 81].


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

Fig. 2. Application of our framework using Koch et al.’s system-aided mood board creation tool [58] as an example. System imagefrom Koch et al. [58] used with the authors’ permission.

6.2 Reflecting on Your Own Approach

6.2.1 Reframing User Questions. User questions are a helpful way to uncover users’ information needs. Our frameworkcan be used to re-frame such questions in related work, in particular by reconsidering the underlying mindsets to viewquestions from a novel angle: For example, a question such asWhy did the system do X? is currently mostly tied to acontext implying a utilitarian mindset [69]. However, this question could also reflect other mindsets and thus differentunderlying user motives for inquiry, depending on the envisioned context. Design solutions to this question could thenfoster utilitarian (e.g. explain feature influences), interpretive (e.g. explain in terms of a user’s daily life context), critical(e.g. explain system decision given a community’s norms), or all three mindsets.

6.2.2 Explicating Perspectives with Mixed Mindsets. Related, reflecting on the three mindsets presented here can help todiscover structure in perspectives that mix multiple mindsets: For example, a recent set of 18 guidelines for interactionwith AI [8] contained mostly utilitarian guidelines (e.g. “Support efficient dismissial”, “Provide global controls”), yet twostand out as following a critical mindset (“Match relevant social norms”, “Mitigate social biases”). Our lens allows toclarify and explicate this mix, revealing, in this example, that the guidelines already follow a broader perspective thanthe related work itself alluded to with its stated focus “on AI design guidelines that [...] could be easily evaluated byinspection of a system’s interface”. Such analysis could help to structure discussions about similarly mixed perspectives.

6.2.3 Explicitly Determining Relevance. What is relevant to know for users is considered differently across the systemqualities. Highlighting relevance and rigour (see section on knowledge outcomes and Table 1 last column) thus helps toreflect on what we consider important, for whom, and to what extent – and how we choose to determine it.

For example, explanation design often involves non-expert users, possibly via a user-centred design process [33] orscenario-based elicitation [71] to inform what is relevant, what should be explained, and to what extent.

In contrast, interactive machine learning focuses on information that is relevant to the task of the system (e.g. toimprove a classifier), which is often operated by experts [6]. Therefore, what is relevant here (and to what extent) is


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA

Knowledge OutcomesOutput Process Interaction Meta






Visualisations explainclassification via features, user“explains back” corrections bymanipulating these plots [61, 65].

“Reasons” tabs showsensor-specific visualisations thatexplain current prediction [70].

Users build if-rules in an editor,system detects problems viasimulation (e.g. loops), usercorrects them [24].

“Experimentation view” allowsusers to try out inputs and seesystem output [71].

Confusion matrices show currentstate of classifier [54, 91].

Natural language dialogueenables users to ask system whatthey could do next [92].

Users manipulate confusionmatrix to change model [54],including re-combining multiplemodels [91].

Beyond runtime: Open sourceenables code audits and facilitatesunderstanding of system [20].





Bar charts and image regionsshow importance of predictors toexplain specific classification [83].

Visualisations show similar users’input to explainrecommendation [35].

Tree of images of traininginstances explainsclassification [100].

Explaining a classifier byexplaining multiple specificclassifications [83].

Animation shows learningalgorithm at work [50].

Text highlighting shows whichwords contributed to meetingdetection in emails. [59]

List shows user’s pastinteractions to explain specificrecommendation [49].

Step-by-step explanations oftrigger-action rules by simulatinguser and system actions [23].

Beyond single systems: Educatepublic in computational skills tofacilitate system understandingoverall [20].



Rule-based reasoning systemverbalises system decisions innatural language dialogue withuser [92].

Separate profile page displayscurrent user model [55].

Natural language dialogueenables users to ask system whyit has not decided differently. [92]

Constructivist learning: usermanipulates system and updatesmental model of it based onresulting changes in output [85].

Separate profile page enablesusers to edit what the systemknows about them [55]

“Algorithmic profilingmanagement”: Profile pagereveals what system knows andhow this influences content,including past interactions;controls enable modifications [5].

“Algorithmic UX” beyondinteraction: Users engage incommunication and relationshipbuilding with intelligentagents [78].




Icon indicates which systemoutput is influenced by AI [33].

Text analysis extracts relevantsentences from reviews to showalong with recommendation [28].

Output shown with textualexplanation of the decisionprocess [57].

Animation indicates how systemoutput is generated (e.g. dice rollfor randomness) [33].

Explain Recommendations withusage statistics (e.g. globalpopularity, repeated interest) [14].

Beyond code: Educate/sensitisedevelopers and decision makersto consequences of systems [20].

Icons indicate when and forwhich high-level goal (e.g. ads)user data is processed by thesystem [88].



“Algorithmic accountabilityreporting”: Journalists report onblack box systems, e.g. by tryingout inputs systematically [25, 27].

Beyond system understanding:Society must look not intosystems but across them, that is,see their role within a largernetwork of actors (incl. humansand institutions) [9].

Challenging the system: Peoplelearn from past interactions andoutput how to challenge systemintelligence and its normativeimplications through unexpectedor malicious input (e.g.manipulating public chatbot viatwitter) [75].

Beyond system use: Peoplediscuss and reflect on socialimplications and context of thesystem’s output [17, 86, 96].




Record models, algorithms, data,decisions for later audit [10].

Annotate recommended contentpieces with indicators forquality/reliability of their source(e.g. for news) [67].

Textual explanations of systemintelligence on a high level, notintegrated into the system (e.g.articles about system) [81].

Explaining the logic behind analgorithm with anotheralgorithm [16].

“Algorithmic Imaginary”: Peopledevelop understanding ofintelligent systems and how toinfluence them based on how“they are being articulated,experienced and contested in thepublic domain” [18].

Textual explanations ofdevelopers’ intentions on a highlevel, not integrated into thesystem (e.g. articles aboutsystem) [81].

Table 2. Examples of approaches and solution principles for supporting user understanding of intelligent systems, structured throughour framework. This is not a comprehensive survey; examples were selected to illustrate the diversity of approaches in the literature.

foremost informed by the machine learning task, and less so by studying or asking end-users. This can be seen, forexample, in the UI elements derived in a recent survey on interactive machine learning [31], which are closely coupledto the machine learning task (e.g. they serve “sample review”, “feedback assignment”, etc.).

As another example, work on end-user debugging presents an action-focused middle-ground, between user-focused(as explainability) and system-focused (as interactive machine learning): Here, resulting knowledge should help users tomake the system more relevant to them, for example, by correcting system errors from the users’ point of view; usersmay be both experts [7] or non-experts [65].


IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA Eiband, Buschek and Hussmann

6.2.4 Informing Methodology. Our framework may be used to motivate methodological choices, for example wheninforming or evaluating the design of a new approach for supporting user understanding:

For instance, work catering to a utilitarian mindset might benefit from a controlled environment and precisemeasurements in a lab study. Even simulation of system decisions might be a (first) option [29]. A lab study might alsobe a suitable choice to evaluate support for developing interaction knowledge, since users can be directly observedduring interaction (e.g. see [55, 91]). In contrast, if a design or research question targets an interpretive mindset and/ormeta knowledge, it might be worthwhile or required to study user and system in their daily contexts of use (e.g. see labvs field study in education context in [55]). The same holds for work motivated by a critical mindset, yet other methodsexist here as well, such as online surveys or data analyses of views expressed through mass media and social networkdiscussions [67], or policy and legal texts [10, 39, 79].

6.3 Going Beyond

6.3.1 Inspiring New Approaches in Research and Practice. Our framework may provide inspiration for new approachesand solution principles. While the target audience of this paper are foremost researchers in the field, we believe that theframework might also be used by practitioners, for example, as a brainstorming tool for prototype development.

We illustrate this using the proposed mindsets: UIs could support users in examining the system with differentmindsets via “modes” for explanation views. Users could then switch between utilitarian explanations (e.g. explain arecommendation with product features) and interpretive or critical ones (e.g. explain system beliefs about a user, suchas that the user is part of a certain target group; reveal that recommendations are assembled by an AI and not by ahuman, cf. [33]).

A more radical solution could offer three different views of the system that display or hide UI elements depending onthe respective “mode”. Or the mindsets might simply help to decide which user approach to support in a system, andto identify those remaining unaddressed so far. Prototypes could then be tested with the respective end-users of theapplication. Yet, the actual generative power of our framework has to be validated in the future.

6.3.2 Understanding Systems Beyond Interaction Situations. The critical mindset and meta knowledge capture a crucialdifference between traditional (non-intelligent) systems and what we see today and what is yet to come: Systems areincreasingly interwoven with our lives, be it in everyday applications or in areas of consequential decision-making (e.g.financial, medical or legal). Their effects thus do not remain limited to a particular interaction situation. It is importantthat we as researchers reflect on the impact of the systems we design beyond the duration of direct use. This alsoincludes reflections on when and how intelligent systems can learn compared to humans in the same roles [3]. Examplesfor work in such a larger context are presented in Table 2, in particular in the critical and meta areas (e.g. [9, 20, 25, 27]).Connections with HCI in such work commonly refer to accountability and transparency of intelligent systems.

6.3.3 Motivating Connections Beyond HCI & Machine Learning/AI. We see recent calls for more joint research at theintersection of HCI and AI to improve system understanding [1]. However, this is mostly motivated by utilitarian orinterpretive mindsets. Thus, another related key takeaway is to draw attention to interdisciplinary connections via thecritical of the three mindsets proposed in this article: As is evident from recent “AI and data scandals” (e.g. [40, 67, 75]),developing more understandable (and accountable) intelligent systems also needs to be addressed in a wider view (cf.third wave HCI [15]), for example across networks of human and AI actors [9]. More generally, fruitful connectionscould span considerations from fields like journalism [25, 27] and communication [67, 75], policy [3], sociology [9] andeducation [20], and ethical and legal concerns [16, 34].


How to Support Users in Understanding Intelligent Systems? Structuring the Discussion IUI ’21, April 14–17, 2021, College Station, TX, USA


Intelligent systems tend to violate UI principles, such as predictable output [6, 31], which makes them difficult tounderstand and use. To address this, researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and the general public call for systemqualities such as transparency, scrutability, explainability, interpretability, interactivity, and so on. However, these termsare often blurred and employed with varying interpretations. This impedes conceptual clarity of the very propertiesthat are envisioned to foster users’ understanding of intelligent systems.

This review responds to this lack of conceptual clarity with an analysis and discuhssion of theoretical concepts andprototype solutions from the literature: We make explicit the diversity of different implied views on user mindsets, userinvolvement, and knowledge outcomes.

In conclusion, we provide researchers with a framework to (1) clearly motivate and frame their work, (2) drawconnections across work on different system qualities and related design solutions, and (3) articulate explicitly theirunderlying assumptions and goals. With our work, we thus hope to facilitate, structure and advance further discussionsand research on supporting users’ understanding of intelligent systems.


This project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and coordinated by the Bavarian ResearchInstitute for Digital Transformation (bidt).

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