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How to Upgrade Your Home to Solar Energy

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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How to Upgrade Your Home to Solar Energy Are You Ready for the Solar Solution? For $0 money upfront, you can generate your own electricity from solar on your home and your rates will be locked for twenty years. Join the revolution to take your power back!
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How to Upgrade Your Home

to Solar Energy

Are You Ready for the Solar Solution?

For $0 money upfront, you can generate your own electricity from solar on your home and your rates will be locked for

twenty years. Join the revolution to take your power back!

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All Rights Reserved

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Table of Contents

Ch. 1: Why Your Home Needs Solar Panels Ch. 2: Homeowners Are the New Power Company Ch. 3: The Initial Solar Installation Areas Ch. 4: How Going Solar at Home Works Ch. 5: Please Take Action – Go Solar Now!

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My Solar Journey: An Introduction

Hi, I’m Daniel Stouffer.

I’m extremely passionate about solar energy.

Every single day, I try to talk to dozens of people about solar power, especially residential solar energy systems. …Or just “home solar panels” for short.

Generally, I am interested in the growth of ALL installed solar energy; residential, commercial, industrial, the

Moon…you name it.

I’ll be honest.

We’ve come a long ways since 2006 in terms of awareness for solar energy solutions. Lately, there is a huge up swell from homeowners like you and me who are ready to upgrade to solar.

But it is not enough.

Although, it is pretty darn exciting actually!

Back in 2006, when this all got started for me, personally solar power was much like the Internet roughly a decade before it, a very young technology.

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Think about it.

How much of the internet’s full potential was being used in 1996 vs. 2006?

Even today, the Internet’s still got a long ways to go before it stops growing, evolving, and becoming more useful.


Here’s the little factoid that got my mind racing.

As a homeowner, these words instantly transformed me into a passionate solar advocate; a man on a mission, with a purpose, driven:

“Every hour the sun hits the earth with enough solar energy to power human civilization for a year.”


Question is…

What do you know about it?

…the “solar solution” that is.

Soon solar panels and all manner of related renewable technology will be as embedded into our lifestyle as Internet technology, smart phones, and WIFI hotspots.

This is a very good thing, indeed.

We’ll have solar-powered everything people -- phones, cars, stoves, water heaters, smartphones, and YOUR home.

In my humble opinion, solar technology WILL replace fossil fuels as the primary source of electricity generation. And this will occur in the next 10 to 15 years.

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We’ll get more into all of this in the first section of my ebook. The context of what solar energy is really important to understand.

So, let’s really dig into the details and talk more about – the potential.

The U.S. Census = 115 Million Homes

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 115 million households in the United States with about 65% homeownership rate.

Yet, as of Q4 last year, America hasn’t yet reached the 2 million residential solar installations mark.

The solar tide has arrived.

The movement has come.

The technology is here and spreading.

Since 2006, we’ve worked incredibly hard in our outreach, education, and referral of solar generated electricity to millions more homes.

We are making headway. The future does certainly look brighter!

By 2025, we expect the United States to be blanked in modern, high-tech, and cost-saving solar energy systems.

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Another cool thing since 2006, the “costs” involved in the creation, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of solar systems has dropped by over 100%.

"...basically tells you everything you need to know right there — the cost of solar panels today is about 100 times lower than the cost of solar panels in 1977...What is really important is that the cost of electricity from solar panels is now lower than the cost of retail electricity for most people." (www.cleantechnica.com)

It’s not just about saving some money on your monthly utility bill.

I mean that’s a great thing and of course solar is THEE wisest investment you can make right now.

But there’s much more involved here…

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Why YOUR Home Needs Solar Panels

Life as we know it is in trouble.

Well, at least here on our planet anyway, especially when it comes to the ecosystems that make human life possible.

And there’s really no good reason to argue whose fault it is. We just need to start moving on the solar solution.

Recently, a pivotal study was released by a group of renowned Ivy League researchers. It announced that we’ve officially entered the “6th Mass Extinction.”

Which, I might add, they said could rival the period that witness the end of the dinosaurs.

See, the strangest thing is that most other extinction events were brought about by geological reasons, or asteroids, volcanoes and such.

This one though is directly associated with humanity.

Things seemed to be moving along just fine for the most part until about 1900 when the human population exploded.

We grew from a population of less than 1 billion to over 7 in a single century.

Exploding from a pre-industrial, farm-driven life to our industrialized, city-dwellers, we now guzzle endless barrels of carbon emitting fossil fuels…just to watch T.V.

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Of all the empires that’ve come and gone throughout time, the petrol or “Dirt Energy Empire” will be among the shortest.

But look what we managed to accomplish with it in such a short time!

Humans took complete control of this planet.

• We grew our numbers.

• We built the nations.

• We fought world wars.

• We stepped foot on the moon.

This impressive expansion has not brought us to a precipice. We really are “living on the edge”.

We do have a major thing in our favor. Solar is our lifeline to the future.

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It’s the key to repairing and reversing the damage we’ve caused, and building a clean energy infrastructure that allows us to continue to accomplish great things well into the future.

That brings me to my next point.

I want to run two quotes by you from an article entitled “The Earth stands on the brink of its sixth mass extinction and the fault is ours out” from The Guardian.

It’s written by Jan Zalasiewizc reporting on the Caballos Study:

“Humans change things in other ways – they now direct the evolution of the animals that are useful to them, by breeding and by genetic engineering: again, it’s a

planetary novelty.

The energy our species obtains from photosynthesis is not enough, and so we mine stored photosynthetic

energy from the ground, as hydrocarbons, in enormous amounts, and use that to power our machines.”

As far as anyone can tell, we’re the only species to have reached a point where we can direct our own evolution.

Actually, make that the evolution of life on earth. We hold the future of life in our hands.

But it gets better:

“These machines – cars, planes, computers and much else – have, together with their human software, been termed the technosphere by the geologist Peter Haff of

Duke University.

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He views it as an emergent system with its own internal dynamics (and which humans currently drive but don’t really control) – in effect an offshoot of the biosphere.

Whatever it is, it is evolving at lightning speed by comparison with biological evolution.”


From where I’m sitting, and by the end of this ebook, I’m betting you agree solar is the no brainer power source for our emerging, clean energy society.

Solar gives us the ability to transform from an invasive parasitic lifeform; eating and devouring the biosphere…into a real partner in this journey.

Not a steward, a partner.

There’s a difference.

Solar allows us to dramatically reduce the amount of energy we have to take from earth itself. The solar energy’s already here!

Again, enough solar hits the earth every hour to run human civilization for a year.

• We’ve got the technology and solar is growing faster than the Internet was in 1996.

• We’ve got the unemployed masses to put to work. Already, the solar industry in America is one of the biggest job providers.

• We’ve got hundreds of millions of homes and businesses waiting to be hooked up into a smart solar powered grid.

• We’ve got an outdated, unsecured, dirty energy based infrastructure in need of solar renovation.

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No, a solar revolution!

If we were to use current solar technology, we’d only have to cover an itsy-bitsy percentage of the earth’s surface to power our global society.

That’s the truth.

There’s more than enough solar energy for us to provide power to every human being around the globe.

Furthermore, if we reduced wasted food-energy by a mere 30% everyone’s standard of living would rise dramatically as long as resources are more evenly distributed.

We only have to reach a certain point here in America and then boom…

100% clean energy independence.

In the same way that the Internet caused a complete economic revolution to take place, solar energy is going to transfer trillions from the old energy empire to the clean energy network.

Let’s keep digging shall we!

It’s Going Take… A Total Political Overhaul

The U.S. government currently sits at all-time approval and confidence lows. Congress has been in single-digit mode for about 7 years solid. The two-party system is cracking and buckling thanks to this delightful paradigm shift.

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What we’re really seeing are the effects of energy decentralization.

Big oil has ruled the show for a long time, along with the political and economic structure that supports it. But now the dirty energy establishment’s finished and it knows it.

We’re running as fast as we can towards a future of free, abundant, clean, efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy.

Not controlled by massive multinational oil companies and their political or banking cronies, but by solar grids of interconnected homes and businesses!

This new solar powered technosphere we’re creating is going to redistribute both wealth and political power.

Right now US solar users are shaving roughly 80 million barrels of oil off of global demand.

That’s a chunk of change NOT going towards more oil wars, conflicts, debt-bubbles, political destabilization, etc.

There won’t be any solar wars to worry about.

By 2025, and this is a conservative estimate, another 2-4 million homes will have panels installed. That doesn’t include small businesses, school districts, food producers, transportation companies, or domestic corporations currently going solar.

Are you beginning to see this amazing vision of a solar future?

Now if I know this, and I’m sharing this with you right now, then the conventional energy establishment has seen the writing on the wall for a long time.

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Look how they’re fighting for relevancy; how they’re squirming across the globe.

When you as a homeowner go solar, the butterfly effect of that action is absolutely staggering.

But in a completely positive way!

You don’t have to worry that you may be serving nefarious interests or being misled. You don’t need to wonder whether you’ve been duped.

And no there’s no catch.

Solar is really that good.

And it’s coming - FAST.

The solar revolution’s going to happen because there’s no other choice. There isn’t really. Check out what Elon Musk has proposed when he unveiled the Tesla home battery for solar energy systems.

Other types of renewable energy solutions are emerging all the time but solar is where it’s at. It’s mature. It’s cost effective. It’s available.

And there is an army of installations companies putting solar on rooftops every day. Actually, every three minutes at the current rates.

There are more than enough solar opportunities to go around. And you know what, that sun up there is not going anywhere for billions of years.

We’re got the window of opportunity as a species to turn things around, to beat the cosmic odds and evolve into a sustainable way of life.

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And by way, I’m referring to a way in which we can continue to evolve and provide life’s essentials in the correct way.

An approach that doesn’t rip the guts out of the vary thing we so desperately depend on.

How’s that for context?

United States Homeowners Are… The New Power Company

Homeowners in America right now are actually in a position to REALLY do something to alter the course of human history.

It comes down to you.

Are solar businesses and corporations helping?

Yes. But the gist of our nation’s power needs to come from grids of homes if we’re going to make America “green”

Will there be a time when solar PV systems are part of most residential, commercial, or industrial structures from the ground up?


This is already becoming the case in many of the more solar-friendly parts of the country.

For example in Southern California around 30% of all new homes being built come with solar baked in.

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Eventually “roofs” are likely to be made out of material that grabs and transfers solar power. Then you’ll have solar energy batteries to store power and the ability to give back or sell unused energy to the grid.

For this to happen, we’ve got a lot of infrastructure to build.

Your home can be a part of all this for absolutely no out of pocket cost.


Your PV system isn’t a luxury item because society doesn’t have the luxury of going without it any longer.

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That’s why, you can get outfitted for a solar system and not have to lift a finger or pay a dime for it.

I’m not kidding.

You’re basically being given a roughly $45,000 sports car for zero down and you can pay it off without actually dipping into your savings or checking account.

This is REAL.

All the while, you can still save additional amounts on your monthly energy bills. Yes, $0 upfront cost and lower monthly energy bills.

Is this too hard to believe?

Lord yes. It truly is.

But this really is where we’re at with solar technology.

As part of the grassroots initiatives to help America go solar, I can assure you this is 100% factual.

Direct Benefits of Going Solar

I bet you’re beginning to really understand the bigger picture here. Now, let’s talk benefits that make a bit more sense.

The Savings

When you save money, you make money - right.

And remember, the amount of wealth that solar generates is growing as the technology becomes more and more efficient. Also keep in mind that you’re helping to reduce the overall cost of living across the board!

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Immediate Impact

You start seeing the impacts of your solar panels immediately.

Savings begin the moment the switch is turned on. This could include, as part of the installation a backup battery that uses energy stored during the day to power your home at night.

…should the conventional energy grid go down.

What will you do with your energy savings?

How will this increase in your peace of mind impact you?

Going solar is just the beginning but the impacts are immediate.

Quick Return on Investment (ROI)

The vast majority of homeowners I help take the leasing option. There is the option to buy the solar panels outright, if you want.

Many lease systems so they don’t have to worry about maintenance or monitoring the system during the 20 or more life span.

However, the homeowners who do purchase the PV systems outright know ROI is pretty quick. Typically less than 10 years. The specifics of your solar installation have many variables. The site survey and analysis will get into all of these details.

But again, as solar becomes more and more efficient the time it takes to get 100% of their money back gets shorter and shorter.

Then, the panels become clean energy producers turning free sunshine into clean electricity.

Again, it’s really important you realize the overall ROI of going because it impacts you, your family, your town, state, country…

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…and the world!

Increased Property Value? …Maybe.

According to some research conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL):

“…once your home has panels it will likely sell up to 20% faster on average and for about 17% more money.”

Based upon your type of solar installation, the value of your home may go up. This isn’t the case with leased systems as much as purchased solar installations.

With a leasing arrangement, you’re generally saving money on your monthly electricity bill. Over the 20 or more years your solar system runs, this adds up to a substantial return.

With a purchased system, you generally have a “payback period” where you are paying down a loan or other financial arrangement. Eventually, the solar system will become 100% your property.

At this point, the installation becomes an asset you added to you home not unlike adding a new garage or redoing your kitchen.

Let’s face it.

The new, high-tech solar designs are also really cool. Rather than being really big and bulky they lay flat and flush on the roof.

They’re evolving in the same way TV’s did. When I was young TV’s were big, then in the 80’s and late 90’s you could buy these monstrous TVs.

Nowadays, TVs are getting paper-thin and panels are getting thinner and smaller all the time.

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Government Incentives

This is tricky because;

• there’s so many, • they’re different for each state, and • the energy companies are trying to slow things down.

They really are getting in the way or trying to stop state level incentives programs. But this too is changing with more awareness and support by homeowners – just like you!

In time though, we expect to see the number of solar incentives go through the roof (forgive the pun there). We’re talking about on all levels: local, state, and federal.

Personal Security

Solar is a secure investment in many respects.

There’s no downside whether you choose to lease your system or purchase it outright.

It’s also a hedge against the rising costs of conventional energy which AREN’T coming down anytime soon.

Even if we discover tons of new oil, the earth isn’t going to let us go on with business as usual when it comes to producing and consuming it.

Who wants to anyway?

You’re going to be feel more secure personally as well because it will be a huge step towards energy independence and all that that entails.

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Maintenance Guarantees

Solar technology is as real today as the Internet was in 1996.

Plus, when you lease your system your contract is guaranteed for decades to come. The current solar industry standard after 25 years is at 80%, but within just two years from now all this stuff will be even sweeter.

Right now panels last roughly 20 to 30 years, based on current technology. But come on…

By 2025, solar panel technology will be so fantastic we can’t even imagine it. They’ll be so much more durable and efficient and smaller.

Energy Independence

If you and I were to sit down and really white board out how much your life is impacted by big oil companies it would completely floor you.

It sure floored me!

Truth is most people these days are aware of the “peripheral” costs of dirty energy.

Once our society is freed from these chains, we’ll have enough national energy savings;

• to pay for our own education,

• to pay for our own universal healthcare systems,

• to repair our democracy, and

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• to end the damage we do to our planet by using fossil fuels.

When you go solar, you’re claiming back power; real power to live your life, but also political and economic power.

And no…

You don’t HAVE to be on a collective solar grid.

In time, it will become easier and more acceptable to live completely “off grid” which will include solar grids.

But keep this in mind:

• One neighborhood grid can help power many others.

• One small city-sized grid can help power a big one.

• One big city-sized grid can help power the nation.

It is very interesting to project out about 30 years from now when millions upon millions of homeowners have both paid off their systems (thereby owning them) and lived out the length of their initial contracts.

What will everyone do?

Technically they’ll be able to produce all their own power and be completely independent of the conventional energy grid.

But at the same time they’ll also be hooked into a powerful energy grid of homes and businesses.

We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. As of right now here are the options you’ll have:

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1. Upgrade to the newest model system with the most current technology.

2. Keep your current system the way it is.

3. Extend your contract agreement.

4. If for some reason you don’t want solar any longer, the panels will be removed and you can do with them what you will.

What about “Big Solar” companies?

I run into this a lot and think about it often.

In time there will be a handful of solar companies that replace the handful of dirty energy companies.


But so what?

Honestly, so what?

Solar energy’s environmental impact doesn’t even compare to oil, gas, shale, coal, or natural gas. The solar industry within the next century will deliver the world a way to power itself without costing anyone a dime.

A future of free energy...

Will big solar companies be powerful?

Oh yeah, much more so than oil and gas companies most likely.

But there’s just a huge difference between large-scale harvesting of sunshine and demolishing the earth for hydrocarbons.

Solar comes down from the sky, every second of every day, and it will continue to do so for billions of years. All you’re doing is harnessing it.

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Solar is So Simple!

• You don’t have to install anything.

• You don’t have to be in charge of maintenance.

• You don’t have to tangle with getting permits.

• You don’t have to monitor your system if you’re already busy enough with your life.

That’s the tip of the solar benefits iceberg. The list will grow in time and as solar capacity grows across the nation with your help.

The United States… Active Installations Areas Growing Fast!

This list was much smaller in 2006, I can assure you.

For right now, these are the states that have active solar service areas. Our network of installation partners is expanding every week.

I am targeting these states for a few reasons; active crews, solar availability, state incentives, energy costs, and a few other criteria.

• Arizona • Connecticut • Massachusetts • New Jersey • California • Hawaii

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• Nevada • Oregon • Colorado • Maryland • New York • Pennsylvania • Delaware • Texas • New Hampshire, • New Mexico • Washington DC • And more each month…

The most active or immediate service areas don’t include every zip code, in every state, for every type of project.

In Nevada for example, the service areas are primarily around Las Vegas.

And in Hawaii, I can help any homeowner on the island of Oahu, but only certain areas on the main island are covered. It’s just the nature of organic growth.

Jump in and let me know you are interested. If enough people pop up in a certain area, I will MAKE sure to find a way for you to go solar.

I can confidently say…

“If you own a home, commercial, or industrial property ANYWHERE in these states – please contact me.”

It’s sort of crazy really the support network and others who are willing to join together to “go solar” across the United States…and really the world.

I am the solar advocate and consultant, working directly with customers to facilitate the process. On the backend, I have marketing specialists,

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general contractors, importing companies for panels, and a network of installation options.

The whole “Solar Revolution” really does pull together many people across different sectors of the solar industry. Working as a team, we all pull in the same direction.

It fits nicely with the entire idea of the decentralization energy model. Instead of everyone getting their power from one centralized source, homeowners themselves become the source collectively

We sort of all “put our shoulders into this thing” and really make it move.

We’re building a new, clean solar energy grid.

It’s the primary reasoning for growing in a patch-work fashion.

We need to be where the majority of homes are that qualify, with the crews, for the most efficient installations.

How “Going Solar” on Your Home Will Actually Work

You’re getting hip to the big picture behind solar now.

You understand where the butterfly effect kicks in.

You’re far more aware of the solar technology than most.

Did I tell you yet how much I really appreciate you sticking with me this far?

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That means I’ve done the biggest part of my job as a solar advocate. I have helped increase your awareness our growing solar solutions.

Solar is no longer some niche industry. It is THEE industry.

In the past, a huge part of the expense of solar system installations came from customer acquisition. You know getting the word out, pounding the streets, and letting you know the cost of solar is NOT the limiting factor anymore.

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I help solar companies save expenses related to customer acquisition (…which they can then put towards R & D, employee training, hiring & paying solar installation workers, and much more).

I go out into the World and inform homeowners just like you about this incredible solar opportunity.

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My job is to connect with as many homeowners as possible and qualify your homes to “go solar”.

Pretty exciting job I think!

Step 1: Contact with a Solar Advocate (me)

My job is to increase your awareness. Educate you with the details about what’s happening in America thanks to the “Solar Revolution”.

When you’re interested, we then go through qualifying your home for a solar installation:

1. Make sure you’re the homeowner.

2. Make sure your home is within one of our service areas.

3. Make sure you’re paying at least $80 a month for electricity.

And that’s pretty much the gist of it.

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For commercial or industrial projects, we’ll have a much deeper conversation about your projects. It’s likely I’ll bring in solar engineers to the discussion and collect a whole lot more information. Consider these inquiries more consultative.

For residential solar installations, I really only need 3 key pieces of information for your $0 money upfront install. Again, the decision to go solar is really a no brainer.

If you contact me, I’ll do my best to answer your solar questions and put checkmarks next to those three very important questions.

Then, I will introduce you to one of our energy advisor or solar system engineers with one of our solar installation partners.

Step 2: Free Consultation with an Energy Advisor

This can happen over the phone or a trained solar advisor can stop by your home, business, or commercial location. They’ll conduct a general site inspection to get a feel for the project in person – where necessary.

Sometimes, the initial site inspection will occur directly over the phone and be assisted by satellite images in real time.

No kidding. The new Eagle Eye technology is sort of scary!

What they’re going to do is inspect your site;

o to see if it’s placed correctly for sun exposure,

o to look at the basic dynamics of your roof,

o to look at your energy usage, and

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o to calculate exactly how much money solar will save you.

All this information plays a role in the custom solar system design and the eventual value of your system when installed.

Step 3: Sign Your Solar Installation Agreement

You’ll receive a personalized 20 year agreement or contract that you can look over. It’s not confusing or stuffed with lawyer-speak.

You’ll find that it is very simple and transparent with ZERO hidden fees or unexpected charges.

Plus, every solar contract comes packed with equipment, installation, and service warranties, like a 30 year roof warranty as part of every installation.

Once agreed to and signed, boom, you’re locked into the future of clean, solar-generated electricity!

This step is always very exciting, especially on large multi-million dollar projects.

Step 4: Get a Custom Solar System Design

Within a few days of signing the contract, your location will be visited by a professional solar surveyor who will take precise measurements.

The engineers will create your system around completely customized energy needs, the exact dimensions of your location, and any other specifics of the project.

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Step 5: Installations in One Day for Residential – Variable for Larger Commercial Projects

Once fully designed, installers take one or two days on average to swoop in and get everything up and running on your home.

Then they switch on the sun power and that’s it.

For the larger projects, we might have installations lasting weeks or months. Often the total installation time for the project is directly related to system size.

Please Take Action – “Go Solar” Today!

The solar industry is known for attracting really fantastic people.

I hope you like me …because I like you already!

Letting me pound away, here at my keyboard has been a really great time. I sure have a lot of stuff swirling around my head. Thank you for letting me get it out.

We solar geeks tend to be a crowd that appreciates personal liberty, healthy living, green innovation, and sustainable lifestyles.

Our world needs YOU to act.

It doesn’t have to cost you anything to do your part, either.

And you get so much in return.

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Let me wrap this ebook up by repeating some of the huge benefits of having me as your personal solar concierge.

I have partnered with America’s #1 solar provider and installer in the country. I am also continuing to build out an ever growing network of partners.

My mission is to help your go solar in whatever way makes sense. Here are just a few of the ways:

• With leasing you get 24/7 system monitoring, tracking, and maintenance taken care of for you.

• Your system comes with energy production and repair guarantees along with a 20 - 30 year roof warranty.

• All the red tape is taken care of for you, including working with utility companies, getting permits, etc.

• The customer service is out of this world.

o Hint: Solar workers are also huge solar fans. We just all dig clean, green solar energy technology.

• Join a growing community of homeowners and business owners tens of thousands strong; soon to be millions who are going solar!

If you own a home in any of the states I mentioned… or …

If you know someone who does, you can contact me.

All that I need are a few basic details to get to work verifying if your home qualifies to “Go Solar”.

Thanks so much for reading.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

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Take care, Daniel Stouffer Solar Advocate (for life…)

What I want you to do right now…

If you own your home then all you have to do is contact the Solargies team to see if your home qualifies for solar. We need to check to see if you live in an active installation area.

If you do, your journey begins within a few short minutes. We will contact you lightning fast to start the next steps. We’ll take you through the qualification process step-by-step and get solar panels on your home as soon as possible.

And that’s only just the beginning…

Let’s see if your home qualifies for a solar upgrade.

Will you be next to join the Solar Solution and Go Solar?

Every 3 minutes someone makes the choice to switch to solar.

We’ll walk you through a very simple process to see if you qualify for solar on your home. If you do, you’ll be upgraded to clean, solar power within a few weeks.
