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How To Use Flower Essences To Tap Into Your Feminine Power www.joanneameyacohen.com
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How To Use Flower Essences To Tap Into Your Feminine Power


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Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

As women, we are constantly striving to better ourselves, our children, our relationships, and our planet. There is generally a burning desire to create the most out of life. To have �inancial abundance, deep meaningful relationships, passionate work, time for self-care, travel and adventure… honestly, the list goes on and on.

There is a hunger to slow down, remember our truths, reacquaint with our wild, and reclaim our feminine power.

Are you ready to access your Feminine Power?

Is this you?* You feel anxious or depressed.* You �ind that you over-give and over-do. * You �ind yourself frequently depleted.* You suffer from hormonal and reproductive health issues.* You long for self-nourishment and self-care.* You yearn for deeper intimacy with your partner (or to attract that type of partner).* You feel disconnected from your body.* You feel irritable and cranky.* You often feel alone, even though you have good friends in your life.* You feel pulled to express your gifts and talents in the world, but you aren’t sure what exactly they are. * You feel cut off from your intuition.* You feel jealous and envious.

If you answered yes to two or more of these, this, my sister, is a sign that you have journeyed away from your Power.

For most of us, the story is similar….Your inner wise woman has been trying to speak to you - through physical health symp-toms, relationship challenges, �inancial issues – and you have been ignoring her or hoping that she will just go away.

Does this sound familiar?

You know things in your life need to change and you know that you are being asked to expand into your greatness and passions.

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In this Guide, my goal is to provide you with the reasons why you may have drifted away from your Power and offer you Flower Essences to support you to tap back into your Feminine Power… So that you can have the results you desire – loving relationships, a prosperous business, �inancial freedom, deep connection and clarity, vibrant health, etc.

Let me break it down for you:

Most of life comes down to a few simple things that you already have at your disposal. You know what that means? You have everything that you need inside. You are an expression of the Divine Feminine. Your power just takes some training to LISTEN to. Stop seeking outside of yourself. Find the Woman Within.

When you use Flower Essences to discover your truth and heal any hurts from the past, you will be amazed at how ease-fully you can tap into your Feminine Power.

I have taken my journey of self-exploration and compiled it together for you. I have used the last sixteen years of my life ~ experimenting on myself, learning new thoughts and practices, failing and succeeding, and am offering it to you.

Much of my journey has focused on releasing the past to become free in the moment. I have gone from a bossy, loud, playful girl to a girl who just wanted to “�it in” and be “good”. I have gone through years of learning the masculine game only to have ended up confused, stuck, and riddled with hormonal health issues.

For me, so much of my healing has been through Flower Essence Therapy and I am so excited to share this botanical medicine with you.

Some of this might be wisdom you already know but have forgotten and some might be brand new ideas or insights. Either way, I ask that you read on with an open heart and a desire to reacquaint with your Feminine Power.

Lets take a journey to Remember the Ways of the Feminine™.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Long ago women were revered. It was with the introduction of Judeo-Christianity that the true understanding of Feminine Power was misunderstood and women were disempowered. Before this time, the Goddess was honored for the Divinity she revealed within all of us.

Fast forward thousands of years and these paralytic philosophies are still condoned by our society.

Our world has shown us that those who have dominion over others, enslave the inferior. Power has been warped and twisted into a mechanism of control.

It makes sense that we want to avoid this sort of power. One of the greatest gifts of the Feminine is unconditional love. The current nature of power goes against our basic gift.

Because of this women �ind themselves scared of their power. They avoid it altogether or tip-toe around it, too scared to jump in.

They make themselves small or even invisible, dampen their light, or diminish their art for the sake of feeling “Safe”. The suppression of women’s wisdom over the last thousands of years has left subconscious residue that brings up fear when thinking of using our voice, speaking our truth, or going against the mainstream grain.

Or, they jump in and mold themselves to �it into the masculine. They over identify with every masculine quality (pushing, achieving, focus) while suppressing their very Feminine essence.

So, what if we rede�ined the word power?

Might that help you to embody it more and embrace it?

When I speak of Feminine Power, it is power that is expansive and unlimited. It is vulnerable and �ierce. It is nurturing and receptive. At its core, it comes from the heart.

When you claim your power, you come into contact with even more of who you are. The self-judgments and limiting beliefs dissolve. The truth is the only gem you follow. When you reacquaint with your inner wise woman, you will �ind your sexy, your glamour, you pleasure, your muse, your con�idence.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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If Feminine Power is so evasive or scary, how do we partake in this process of reinvention?

Well, one of the most profound tools I have used in my life and with my clients is Flower Essences.

Flower Essences can unearth WHY you are scared of your own power or avoiding it altogether.

Is it because:* You are scared of succeeding?* You are scared of failing?* You have fear of the unknown?* Your self-worth and self-con�idence has been squashed over the years?* You have abuse or violations in your past and so are unsure about being powerful?* You just need a little courage?

Once we �ind the reasons why (or what I like to refer to as “touching into the root”, we know the best Flower Essences to use to support your reclamation and growth.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Flower Essences are liquid, energetic remedies derived from living �lowers. Basically what that means is that they move and shift your vibration. Another way to look at this is to think about how each person has a spirit or essence. The same is true for every �lower, tree, plant. So, when you ingest a �lower essence, you are met spirit to spirit.

Most of us are looking for ways to exist and relate in the world in conscious and authentic ways. But sometimes we �ind ourselves cutting off from love (when we don’t want to!!), saying Yes when we want to say No, caretaking others at the expense of our own health, fearing judgement by others… and on and on.

Flower essences shift deep-seated beliefs and patterns that have often imprinted in childhood and are still “in charge” into adulthood. They work to bring not only an awareness but also to release patterns from the subconscious to the conscious mind so that healing can occur.

Right now, our emotional health is being compromised. There is an epidemic of women who are chronically stressed, fatigued, heading to burnt out, overwhelmed, anxious, and irritable. We are living these crazy busy lives and have sacri�iced the art of connection and nourishment for success and achieving.

And physically, menstrual health issues have become common amongst women. Reproductive health issues are a silent and growing epidemic, with monthly symptoms becoming our norm.

More than 40 million women are suffering from menstrual cramps, irritability, chronic yeast infections, painful sex, mood swings, low libido, fertility challenges, �ibroids, weight gain, heavy bleeding, and endometriosis. More and more women are “dealing with” their cycles rather than tuning into what their bodies are trying to tell them.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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The beautiful thing about Flower Essences is that they can address all of the above and MORE! In fact, I have yet to meet an issue that they can not support. There are Flower Essences to help with healing sexual trauma, healing religious betrayals, healing birth trauma, inducing labor (after 41 + weeks), postpartum recovery, speaking/auditions, opening to love after a long time single, expressing your wild and sexy, healing from candida, children with so-called ADD/ADHD, heavy metal toxicity, anxiety and depression… the list goes on and on.

And when we are have cleared and released these emotional and physical challenges, we �ind our wisdom. It is always sitting there, but sometimes can be hard to access because of all of the “baggage” sitting on top of it.

That’s pretty incredible, don’t you think?

Flower Essences have been used for centuries in many cultures for healing, for ceremony, for spiritual development. Most recently, a British physician, bacteriologist, and homeopath named Dr Edward Bach reintroduced them into our modern-day culture.

Flower Essences are distributed in small dropper bottles. After the bottle is shaken gently, a few drops are taken under the tongue several times during the day. Flower Essences can also be sprayed or rubbed on parts of the body such as the inside of the wrists, the soles of the feet or the back of the neck. They can also be added to bath water.The response to taking Flower Essences varies person to person. Some people report immediate and profound results, and others may perceive slight shifts in well-being and in mental-emotional states.

Also, it is important to note that because they are working on a vibrational or energetic level, they DO NOT interfere with pharmaceuticals. In fact, they are completely safe. They are safe for pregnant women, nursing mamas, babies, children, animals.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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This Flower Essence is amazing for increasing self-worth and deservability.

In childhood, you accept and receive love and other forms of self-nurturance from those around you. This makes you a self-suf�icient and con�ident adult.

But for many of us, we experienced neglect, abandonment, abuse, etc as children and were withheld this nurturance. Through this essence, a person will learn to nurture or love themselves, aka, increase their self-esteem so that they can reconnect with their innate Power.


This Flower is called the herb of upliftment or the herb of gladness. As a Flower Essence, it provides relief to burden, depression, and sadness.

Use this essence when you are in need of courage.

Remember that the root of the word courage is heart. So, this Flower will shine a light on your truth that may have gotten lost in the complexities of life. And this (your love), will amplify your Power.


Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Motherwort Flower Essence helps you to soften so that you can create healthy and appropriate boundaries.

After years of betrayals, violations and/or misunderstandings, you may have forgotten how important it is to take care of yourself and say No.

Tapping into your Feminine Power asks you to take care of yourself so that you can continue to care for others. You must resource yourself and learn to prioritize your needs in order to have more to give.


Blackberry Lily treats sexual trauma. It can actually address many aspects of friendship, love, and sexuality as well.

When there has been violations or abuse, it can be scary to think about touching into our yown power. Why? Because power only means devastation.

When addressing and releasing past trauma, so much opens in your life. You have access to parts of you that have been hiding. And from there, it can be easy to tap into Feminine Power.


Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Marshmallow Flower Essence helps to keep the emotional body soft and �luid. Over time anger and hurt can lead us to disconnect and harden.

Use this �lower essence for those who are relearning the strength and value of softness. Feminine Power means that you can be vulnerable, loving, and transparent.


Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Take a few deep breaths.Visualize Remembering the Ways of the Feminine™.

See yourself in your minds eye.Calm and grounded.

Freed from past hurts.Standing in your Truth.

Deep respect for your Feminine Nature.A new understanding of Flower Essences.

Embodying your Power.

You are wild and free and beautiful. You believe in yourself….fully

You are resourced.You are loved.

You are full of Joy.You are connected to plant medicines.

You know yourself.

You are versed in your version of Feminine.You are the change you wish to see in the world.

You are �inding freedom from the inside out.

You are love.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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By embodying your Feminine Power, your life will dramatically shift. More energy and creativity, a deepening of your sexuality, an understanding of how (and why important) to heal your menstrual cycle issues, the ability to shift your emotional states… these are all available now.

* Tapping into your Feminine Power is an opportunity for you to experience MORE of your greatness and desires.

* Tapping into your Feminine Power is an opportunity to be part of the change that is so desperately needed in the world right now.

* Tapping into your Feminine Power is an opportunity to use natural remedies and remember your truth.

No more fear of power.No more waiting.No more ignoring.No more shoving your inner wise woman aside.

In this Guidebook I hope to have passed on some wisdom:* Embrace yourself as a powerful woman* Let go of fears and closures around your heart* Connect the dots between your emotions and your current life circumstances* Understand the profundity of Flower Essences

So, what will you start with today? What change can you make in your life?

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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Since 2001, I have worked with women to let go of past pains and hurts in order to remember their Truths and reclaim their Wild Feminine Hearts. My expertise also extends to helping women balance their hormonal and reproductive health symptoms through healing their hearts as the foundation for symptomatic relief. I believe there is an emotional connection to all of our physical health challenges and by tapping into the root, true healing will occur.

I have witnessed hundreds of women transform their lives. They come to me hopeless, anxious, stressed out, putting everyone else’s needs �irst, struggling with wanting their life to re�lect their desires… and when we �inish our time together, they are more resourced, happy, connected to themselves, and hormonally balanced.

I am thrilled that you chose to download this EBook. I hope that you have enjoyed it and that you will start to use Flower Essences to tap into your Feminine Wisdom. My specialty is helping women live their �iercest, most courageous, most beautiful lives. In order for this to happen, a woman must be healthy physically and emotionally. And I believe that Flower Essences are the “medicine” to make these shifts a reality.

If you are interested in learning more about my work, I offer a variety of programs that are designed for your greatest unfoldment.

I am Joanne Ameya Cohen and I am an Expert Herbalist, Women’s Counselor, Flower Essence Therapist, and Feminine Embodiment Mentor. I am committed to women Remembering the Ways of the Feminine™.

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent

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1:1 MentoringI am open on a limited basis for individual Mentorship. Please contact me to learn about my availability and to see if my services would support your growth and evolution.

Online Programs

I offer trainings virtually, in both Flower Essence Therapy as well as women’s wisdom.


Retreats take place all over the world and are open to women of all ages who are committed to being in sisterhood and diving deep into their inner exploration.

If you would like more information of any of my services, please visit my website at www.joanneameyacohen.com. You can also email [email protected] to have any questions answered. Lets see how I might be able to assist you.

With Love…And Remembering the Ways of the Feminine™,

Copyright © Joanne Ameya Cohen www.joanneameyacohen.com Do not copy or distribute without prior consent
