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How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites

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Superfood Profiles Superfoods, Better Health and Nutritious Food For Hair and Skin You are here: Home > Fruits & Berries > Papaya > How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites Intestinal parasites are a far more common problem than most people realize. They are also notoriously difficult to diagnose due to the wide variety of symptoms that can result from a parasitic infection. Some, but by no means all, of these symptoms can include bloating and excessive gas; frequent diarrhea; irritable bowel syndrome; extreme fatigue; an increasing number of allergies; and poor general immunity with a lack of energy and regular sickness. Pumpkin seeds are a traditional treatment for getting rid of human intestinal worms, but papaya seeds have also proven to be very effective. The seeds from papaya fruit have anti-helminthic and anti-amoebic properties, meaning they kill intestinal worms and other parasites in our digestive system. A 2007 study of 60 Nigerian children with strong evidence of intestinal parasites showed an over 75% clearance rate of infection in just seven days. This was after receiving a 20 mL dose of papaya seed extract. The researchers said “… papaya seeds are efficacious in treating human Search this website: Superfood Updates Pages About Superfood Profiles Contact Privacy Policy Superfood Specials The Superfood List What are Superfoods? Find Hair Treatments Health Benefits Juices & Smoothies Nutritional Information Skin Treatments Superfood Recipes Weight Loss Popular How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites The Surprising Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings Eating Papaya Seeds for Digestive Health Home Fruits & Berries Green Superfoods Healthy Oils Nuts & Seeds Supplements & Herbs Vegetable Superfoods How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites http://superfoodprofiles.com/papaya-seeds-parasites 1 of 10 7/6/2012 9:36 PM
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How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites

Intestinalparasitesare a farmorecommonproblemthan mostpeoplerealize.They arealsonotoriouslydifficult todiagnosedue to the wide variety of symptoms that can result from a parasiticinfection.

Some, but by no means all, of these symptoms can include bloating andexcessive gas; frequent diarrhea; irritable bowel syndrome; extremefatigue; an increasing number of allergies; and poor general immunitywith a lack of energy and regular sickness.

Pumpkin seeds are a traditional treatment for getting rid of humanintestinal worms, but papaya seeds have also proven to be very effective.

The seeds from papaya fruit have anti-helminthic and anti-amoebicproperties, meaning they kill intestinal worms and other parasites in ourdigestive system.

A 2007 study of 60 Nigerian children with strong evidence of intestinalparasites showed an over 75% clearance rate of infection in just sevendays. This was after receiving a 20 mL dose of papaya seed extract. Theresearchers said “… papaya seeds are efficacious in treating human

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intestinal parasites and without significant side effects.” (Effectiveness ofdried Carica papaya seeds against human intestinal parasitosis).

Using Papaya Seeds As a Parasite Treatment

There are three main differences between using papaya seeds fordigestive health and using them for parasites. The first is the amountused, which will be significantly more. The second is that they are takenon an empty stomach rather than with food. And the third is that they arefollowed with a natural laxative to make sure as many parasites aspossible are expelled.

Since chewing up a tablespoon of papaya seeds first in the morning isn’tthe nicest way to start the day, here is a papaya seed smoothie recipe forkilling parasites. It contains several other powerful anti-parasitic foods tohit the nasties from several different angles.

The papaya seed dosage is quite high so it would be stronglyrecommended to have some experience of taking papaya seeds,preferably in the doses on the previous page for at least a week or two,before using the larger amount described here. Additionally, the papayaenzyme side effects and warnings are especially relevant.

Parasite Killing Papaya Seed Smoothie Recipe

Start with a tablespoon of fresh papaya seeds and place them, with half acup of real, bio-live yogurt (not the flavored ‘fruit’ kind), in a goodblender that is capable of chopping up the seeds.

If your blender isn’t up to the task, you could crush the seeds in a mortarand pestle first, or even on a chopping board in a plastic bag with a heavyjar or mallet. They don’t need to be completely ground-up, but it makessense that crushed seeds will work better than whole ones.

Along withthe papayaseeds, add aquarter of acup ofhull-less rawpumpkinseeds to theyogurt in theblender andwizz it upuntil bothseeds arewell chopped up. Pumpkin seeds are particularly good for paralyzingworms in the lower intestine.

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Add to the blender half a small or a quarter of a large papaya. Ideally,you’d be looking for a fruit that is just turning from green to yellow withgreen more predominant. Papaya like these should still contain usefullevels of digestive enzymes, while still having a sweetness to it for a goodtaste.

To add more papain into the mix you could keep some of the skin on,perhaps just a quarter of the total. It’s a little bitter, but not too bad ifblended up well. The remainder can be kept in the fridge and makes agreat papaya facial treatment for healthy skin.

Add half a medium or a third of a large pineapple. Pineapples are alsorich in digestive enzymes like bromalian that can have an anti-parasiticeffect and improve the intestinal environment. And of course they tastegreat too.

Chop it up but keep the core of your pineapple when you add it to themix. Pineapple cores are not only full of fiber, they are also the part withthe most bromalian. A decent blender should chop this up fine enough. Ifit doesn’t, it would still be worth chewing up any small chunks andswallowing them down.

Finally, add a full tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil. The lauric acidin coconuts is converted to the compound monolaurin in the digestivetract, which can help rid the body of protozea, ringworm and giardiaparasites.

If you can find fresh coconut, adding the coconut water to this papayaseed smoothie and eating as much as you can of the coconut meat straightafter it would be more even effective.

Blend up all of the ingredients on high until the consistency looks good toyou. A little ice or more yogurt can be added if it’s too thick.

Drink the whole smoothie down in one sitting if you can. The sweetness ofthe papaya fruit and pineapple should overpower any bitterness from theseeds or skin. It certainly tastes better than any other parasite treatmentI’ve ever tried.

Parasite Treatment Timing and Other Products

The best time to drink this anti-parasite smoothie would be first thing inthe morning on an empty stomach. Since parasites are sometimes onlyparalyzed by a treatment rather than killed, it is also important to followit with a fast acting natural laxative to expel the worms and other nastiesbefore they can recover.

Castor oil isgood forthis. Follow

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thedirectionson the bottleand take itone and ahalf to twohours afteryou finishthe smoothieand beforeeatinganything else. With all of these healthy foods blended up, you’ll find itquite filling so you shouldn’t be too hungry.

Without getting into too much detail, it is often possible to see evidenceof the papaya seeds and other ingredients working when you visit thebathroom.

Making up the smoothie three or even four mornings in a row would be agood treatment time. Many of us have offices to go to during the weekthough and castor oil is very effective at its job. Given this, drinking thesmoothie on both Saturday and Sunday morning for two weekends in a rowshould be just as effective. As a precaution, castor oil should not be takenas a laxative for more than seven days in a row.

There are a few other products that can be used in conjunction with thispapaya seed smoothie to greatly improve its effectiveness. Alternatively,the following can be used as a different parasite treatment if you don’thave the ingredients, equipment or time.

Something I use on a regular basis, even when not concerned aboutpotential parasites, is a product called Oxy-powder. Made from ozone-oxygenated magnesium and organic germanium-132, is very effective atkeeping the colon clean and removing the compacted waste that theparasites thrive in.

Using around half a dozen Oxy-Powder capsules the night before eachanti-parasite smoothie should greatly improve the papaya seeds and otheringredients effectiveness by reducing the places for the parasites to hide.

I’ve also heard good things about Paratrax. It’s an anti-parasite formulamade from diatomaceous earth, organic black walnut, wormwood andcloves and other parasite expelling herbs. It is formulated by DoctorGroup at the Global Healing Center and is simple to take, convenient andapparently very effective for many people.

Once you’re finished a parasite treatment course, and especially afterever taking antibiotics, it is very important to repopulate the intestinalenvironment with beneficial microorganisms. Latero-Flora is a new kind of

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pro-biotic that, unlike some inferior kinds, survives the stomach acidswhen taken and can greatly improve the balance of friendly bacteria inyour gastrointestinal tract.

Not only can this enhance your overall immune system, the BacillusLaterosporus organisms in Latero-Flora actually puncture the cellmembranes of some pathogenic bacteria and fungi to consume them.These good bacteria don’t just passively attempt to outcompete the badones, they actually get to work actively removing them.

Parasite cleansing may seem like a lot of effort but many people areamazed at just how good they feel after a successful treatment. Thewhole topic of parasites is such an important subject it deserves an entirewebsite to itself. Until I have time for that, I’d recommend reading thedetailed cleansing instructions at the Global Healing Center’s website as agood place to start.

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Photo 1 credit with thanks: The World Through Athene’s Eyes’

Photo 2 credit with thanks: b a r t

Photo 3 credit with thanks: jorgeBrazil

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12 Responses to “How to Use Papaya Seeds for

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Parasites”Read below or add a comment...

Brandon Trean says:February 1, 2012 at 4:21 pm

I just wanted to comment on your excellent posts. As a wellness consultant having

read countless articles, books and academic papers I appreciate your citation of a

pubmed scientific abstract to back your article. Keep up the great work ^_ .̂


Jim says:February 2, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Thank you for you’re comment Brandon. I like to highlight interesting studies but

also feel that papaya seeds are something people can use and experience the

positive effects of themselves. It’s important to start off slowly though for anyone

who has never used them before.


Jason says:June 7, 2012 at 2:13 am

When doing a parasite cleanse. Do the seeds need to be dried, or eated fresh out

of the Papaya?

If they need to be dried, how are you drying them? And for how long?

When doing a parasite cleanse. I’ve read to eat 1/4 cup of Papaya seeds with 1

tablespoon of honey per day.



Jim says:June 7, 2012 at 7:51 am

Hi Jason and thanks for your question.

Fresh out of the papaya would be best. If you’re eating them regularly you can

keep the seeds in the fridge for several days for an ongoing supply. Though

as with anything that has a strong effect like papaya seeds taking the

occasional week off them completely would be a good idea.

Believe people dry them primarily for storage purposes rather than enhancing

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their effect. The previous page has details on how to dry them out and make a

papaya seed pepper. These days I tend to just scoop out the entire center

with the seeds and freeze it for future use in the smoothie above.

1/4 of a cup of papaya seeds does sound like a lot to me personally, probably

too much for someone who has never had them before. I’d recommend

starting off slower and working up to the higher amounts, taking into account

how your body feels in the hours afterwards.

My feeling, and what seems to work well for me and others I’ve spoken to, is

smaller but more regular use of anti-parasite superfoods to make the intestinal

environment much more difficult for parasites over a longer period. This takes

into account their breeding cycle as well. Dr Group has more on this in the last

link on the page if you’re interested.

I think you’d find the combination of foods in the smoothie recipe above more

effective than just honey (and certainly more palatable). Raw honey like

Manuka with it’s antibacterial/antimicrobial properties would be a good

addition though.

Hope this helps and I’d be interested to hear your results if you try using

papaya seeds for this.


Jim says:June 15, 2012 at 8:00 am

Jason replied:

Do you know of any cheap places online to get Papaya seeds at?

As I’ve found those Papayas locally are expensive just to be digging

seeds out of them. I figured it might be cheaper to buy a bag of Papaya

seeds online vs. buying $6 Papayas to get a couple scoops of seeds out

of. As that would add up quick in cost.



Jim says:June 15, 2012 at 8:07 am

Hi Jason,

Don’t think too many companies have caught on to papaya seeds

potential yet. There are a few capsules with standardized extracts

but the amounts are small and I think fresh would be better.

Some seed companies sell papaya seeds for planting but I don’t

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know about the quality of these for human consumption. There are

actually a lot of seeds in papaya, particularly the big fruit. Sorry to

hear they are expensive for you locally but a good sized papaya

should provide enough seeds for several treatments depending on

how many you use. They can also be frozen for future use. Think

this could be the best option and you’ll also get to eat the fruit which

is extremely healthy in its own right. Here’s a couple of recipes you

might want to try too – http://superfoodprofiles.com/papaya-salsa-




linda says:June 12, 2012 at 12:41 pm


Love the information given.

One question would you be able to see the parasites coming out?


Jim says:June 15, 2012 at 7:48 am

Hi Linda. Thanks for your question. Apparently worms are often visible after

an effective parasite cleanse but many other forms are too small to usually be


The CureZone forums have a large archive of people’s experiences with

parasitic problems and treatments but I’d recommend keeping any reading of

those well away from mealtimes!


AgnesP says:June 28, 2012 at 3:13 pm

Would this treatment work for pets ?


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« Eating Papaya Seeds for Digestive HealthCould Papaya Leaf be a Cancer Treatment? »

Jim says:June 30, 2012 at 3:42 am

Hi Agnes.

I couldn’t really advise for pets like cats and dogs as they have a much shorter

digestive system and don’t know how papaya seeds would affect them.

I have read that fresh or canned pumpkin is great for dogs with digestive

problems. There’s much more on it in the vegetable superfoods section.


meech says:June 28, 2012 at 6:46 pm

Thanks for these awesome suggestions, i tried your advice with all these seeds

and everything.Let me tell you it was no joke i feel like i cleaned all the gunk out of

my carbureator. The only drawback was that i spent 3 to 4 hours per day on the

toilet bowl screaming bloody murder whilst the acid from the smoothie burned my

tailpipe on the way out!!!! so beware!!!!


Jim says:July 2, 2012 at 4:11 pm

Hi Meech. That’s quite a strong reaction. I haven’t read of anyone

experiencing that before but I’d recommend starting out with the smaller doses

of papaya seeds in http://superfoodprofiles.com/eating-papaya-seeds-

digestive-health before using the larger amounts in this smoothie.

Unripe pineapple can be quite acidic so I wonder if this could have contributed

to it as well.


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