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how to write chapter 5

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writing chapter 5 of a research or thesis paper
HOW TO WRITE CHAPTER 5 (Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations)
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(Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations)

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The whole research study is summarized – the synopsis of the research objectives, hypothesis, research methodology, sampling designs, consideration in determining sample, the subjects, research instruments, measurement and data collection and processes, and statistical treatment.

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This part of the study states in concise form the findings based on the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered out of the research instruments used and presented according to specific problem in Chapter 1. Generalization in the form of conclusions are presented and the solutions to the problems are offered in the form of recommendations.

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main purpose of the study be stated.

2. The findings may be lumped up all together but clarify demands specific questions under the statement of problem must be written first to be followed by the findings that would answer it. The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem.

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3. Every statment of fact should consist of words, numbers or statistical measures woven into a meaningful statement. No deductions on the interpretation be made.

4. The findings should be concisely stated.

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CONSLUSIONSThe final part of the

study are joined together harmoniously with the findings. The results should be arranged in a logical order based on the statement of the problem. The hypothesis which is the antecedent of a conditional proposition is either accepted or rejected.

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GUIDELINES IN WRITING THE CONCLUSION1. Conclusions should not contain

numerals.2. Conclusions should appropriately

answer the specific questions raised at the beggining of the investigation.

3. Conclusions should be drawn from the direct effects of the findings

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4. Conclusions should be explicit and definite, leaving merely implied giving the researcher a bit of doubt. The use of qualifiers such as, probably, perhaps, maybe should be avoided.

5. Conclusions should not be repetitions of any statements anywhere in the research, thesis or dissertation. In any event, they may be recapitulations if necessary, however, they should be avoided differently and should convey the same information as the statement summarized.

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1. Know the area / locale in which the research has been conducted.

2. What is in the research literature?

3. Focus on the meaning / essence of the results.

4. If theory is involved, either existing or a new theory is reproduced, show the similarity between the results and the theory.

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5. If possible, suggest future investigation that might lead to address unsolved problems and provide an extension of knowledge.

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RECOMMENDATIONSRecommendations are based on the conclusions of the study. Give a detailed description of the suggestion for future action based on the significance of the findings. It includes implications for future use of findings and recommendation for future research. Appeals to people or agencies concerned to help solve the problems should be stated categorically.

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GUIDELINES IN WRITING THE RECOMMENDATION1. It should have the aim and effort

to solve problems in the study2. It should ensure a continuous

benefit being accorded to the universe – mankind involved.

3. It should recommend a further study or investigation in a wider perspective and application.

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BIBLIOGRAPHYThe bibliography is the last part of any research work where the list of readings on a particular subject that are used or consulted in the preparation of the thesis / dissertation or that are referred to in the text are alphabetically arranged. The bibliography as a part of the research work is placed after the recommendations. It provides the reader and other researchers the scope of the research study.

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The page for appendices is placed after the bibliography. These are the supplementary materials used in the preparation of the thesis / dissertation, these include questionnaire, letter to authority to conduct the study and its approval, letter to the respondents / participants of the investigation, supporting documents, etc.

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CURRICULUM VITAEThis is the last part of a thesis / dissertation. The information should include the:

I – PersonalNameAddressDate of BirthPlace of BirthCivil Status

II – Educational AttainmentElementarySecondaryUndergraduateGraduate

III – Civil Service / Government Examination Passed

IV – Work ExperienceTeachingAdministrative

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V – Scholarships / Grants ReceivedVI – Productive Scholarship and Creative WorksPublications Books Articles InventionResearches ConductedHonors / Award Received Institutional Local / Regional / National / InternationalProfessional Standing and Recognition Officer Member

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Membership in Professional Organization Officer MemberSeminars / Training Programs / Conferences / Workshops Attended Institutional Local / Regional / National / InternationalEducation Travel Sponsoring agency / institutionCommunity / Extension Services Organizer / Consultant Resource Speaker Participant

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GUIDELINES IN EVALUATING A THESIS OR DISSERTATIONBeing able to write a critical analysis of a thesis or dissertation is a valuable experience for a graduate research student.

The following are guidelines in evaluating a thesis or dissertation:

The Title and AbstractThe title and abstract should be clear and concise.

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The Problem and HypothesisThe problem should be clearly stated and delimited.The significance of the problem should be established and should recognize the intended beneficiaries.The relevance, strength and utilization of concepts and theories to the research work should be clearly stated.The hypothesis should be clearly stated and should be testable.The assumptions, limitations, and delimitations should be stated.Important terms to be defined should be arranged in alphabetical order.

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Review of Related Literature and StudiesIt should be well – organized, both foreign and local.It should adequately cover important findings.The relevance and the justification of the reviewed literature to the present study – local and foreign should provide a balanced presentation conducted in various readings.The literature cited should have direct relevance to the problem and the hypothesis.A synthesis should be provided.

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MethodologyThe research design should be described in detail.The research design should be adequate.The justification of the research method used should be stated.The relevant variables should be recognized.The data – gathering instruments should be appropriate, valid, reliable, and established and how developed and validated.

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A brief description of the place where the subjects were obtained should be described.The samples and sampling technique used, sampling size, and how it is determined.Include details of data collection procedure.

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ResultsIt should be presented according to the objectives of the study; preferably topical presentation.Statistical treatment of should be appropriate.Use of tables and figures should be appropriate.Plain reading and explanation of tables, figures, and graphs should be supplied.The analysis of data relationships should be logical.Analysis and interpretations of results should be clear.The problem / hypothesis should be restated clearly and appropriately.Findings and conclusions should justify the data presented and analyzed.

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SummaryThe synopsis of the research objectives, hypothesis, research methodology and findings should be stated clearly.

ConclusionsBrief statements about the generalizations should be inferred from the results / findings.

ReccomendationsState the detailed description of the suggestions for future action based on the significance of the findings.Attainability and practicability of recommendations.Include reccomendations for future research.

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Bibliography / ReferencesInclude the list of readings / works by a particular author.Include the list of source materials that are used / consulted in the preparation of the thesis or dissertation. This will include books, unpublished studies, journals, periodicals, and other materials.

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AppendicesThe list of supplementary materials that were used in the thesis or dissertation should be presented. These materials include questionnaire, letter requesting permission and its approval from authority to conduct the study, distribute questionnaires to the respondents, legal documents and other relevant illustrative materials.
