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How You Can Use Twitter for Business and Why You'd Want To

Date post: 26-Jul-2015
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How to Use Twitter for Business Presented by Trish Forant @DayngrZoneMedia Facebook/ DayngrZoneMedia

How to Use Twitter for Business

Presented by Trish Forant



• 560 million active users.

• 271 million monthly active users.

• 500 million Tweets are sent per day.

• 5,700 tweets happen every second.

• 78% of Twitter active users are on mobile.

• Twitter supports 35+ languages.

• Vine: More than 40 million users.

• 34% of marketers say they have generated leads from Twitter. 

• 77% of Fortune’s Global 100 are on Twitter.

Why Twitter?

Did You Know?

Understanding Twitter

• Twitter is a microblogging site that limits each post, known as a Tweet, to 140 characters.

• Think of Twitter as a great big, global chat room.• You can chat with anyone, instantly.• It’s incredibly mobile friendly.• It’s the perfect social network for real-time news.• Followers and Following• #Hashtags (They assign topics to tweets)• @Mentions like: @Dayngr, @DayngrZoneMedia• Direct Messages (Private) DMs• Retweets

Configuring TwitterProfile Photo: 400 x 400

Header Photo: 1500 x 500

In-Stream Photo: 440 x 220

Using Twitter For Business• Twitter is one of the social media networks that your customers

may most often use to discuss your brand.• Connect with customers, prospects and people who @ mention

you.• Connect with followers.• Build an engaged following. (talk to people, tweetchats)• Share news, info, tips, daily deals, etc.• Don’t be broadcast only. Keep the social in social media.• Listen for opportunities. (SocialBro, Hootsuite, etc.)• Monitor your competition.• Know that post types matter. Plain text, text and links, photos

and videos. (Visuals get more RTs)• Use #hashtags to make your content more discoverable.• Embed your URLs to drive traffic to your website.

Creating Twitter Lists

Twitter Lists You Can Create

• Competitors (keep it private)• Clients (keep it private)• Locals (people and businesses)• People you’ve met personally• Friends• Brand Influencers• People you’ve met at an event• People you’d like to interact with regularly• People & businesses you can partner with

How To Use Hashtags

• Remember hashtags assign topics to Tweets• Always start with # and have no spaces.• Use Upper and Lowercase to differentiate words.• Use them for conferences and events.• Use them for topics.• Use them for Twitter chats.• Hashtags can be used anywhere within your

Tweet.• Use them to find like-minded individuals.• Use them to create a following for your brand.• Use them for fun!

Measure Your Twitter Efforts

1. Follower growth2. Traffic (landing pages)3. Sign-ups (drive to email opt-ins)4. Sales (leadpages, etc)

Twitter Tools To Check Out

1. Search.Twitter.com2. Tweepi.com (manage your follower ratio)3. FriendOrFollow.com (manage your follower

ratio)4. Hootsuite (Monitor, manage & engage)5. Twellow.com (Think Yellow Pages for Twitter)6. RiteTag.com (Finding the right hashtags)7. BufferApp.com (Tweet scheduling)8. BulkBuffer.com (Tweet scheduling in bulk for

Buffer users)

Let THINK Be Your Guide to Sharing

1. Thoughtful2. Helpful3. Interesting4. Needed5. Knowlege

Twitter Best Practices

1. Be conversational (don’t be broadcast only)

2. Build community3. Offer value4. Promote others5. Be consistent6. Have a strategy and set goals7. Monitor8. Measure

10 Things Successful Brands Do Using Twitter

1. Keep it Fresh 2. Keep an Eye on It3. Reply to @ Mentions4. Thank People for Sharing5. Follow Back and Interact6. Share Content That’s Useful7. Link Back to Their Website8. Use Mixed Media9. Measure Their Progress10.Listen and Evolve

Let’s Get Social!



