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HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in...

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t ' , \. . -j - „,._ Sosa, VOL.® f ~ ~d ins Store, y. .' * W. Tho ladles trove taken year, and ire may .contain. j :a-Bpetialty- of 12l-gauge Shells, loaded with Black "16 scents Vper-100-lowef- jtear. A 'Christmas meeting}? 4 T.' U. of Hatnnaonton December, 31st, "at the Focal President, Mrs. Charl The meeting WBS opened "Joy to the world, "and Tiy Mrs. Mrs- Ella .Maurer, County PresI dent, was with us, and led in prayer for-wlsdom-aml-guklanee-in-work mice. An Interesting program thetf followed. ' "The first Christmas night" was read by Mrs. P. S. Tilton. A Christ- mas solo by Miss Nettie Monfort. •^Adopting -a -femHy^-was-read-by- —A" Mrs. Packard. Piano solo* by Mrs. are abMT to make these the 70). S«! 1 .' low priceV becaase wej bought a latfee qiqautity'of Loaded Shells. 5-I S-.' •'! Call and gdt our prices - before liyinp; in Wm.A.HOO]S&SON ' Dunn.. Mr8.iMaureri-gavo^us-a very In terestlng-and—instructive- address, inspiring "us' to gteater efforts in res- cuing the drunkard from the tempta- tions which assail him on every hand, whtnh crJPPle nnd cjlstort liig mental ana or Mesa under tfil Jrum. Ooe^riiran^ had a , one woman:a fraclUred h ier a b8dly;8caiaea" Jeg. ( was again : sent for: on be brawl bad been kept , tlia The beautiftd ^3 picture, The doctor refused' to iof death, and (ho case |.r to the; Coroner for Coil Atlant^ and physical, his moral and spiritual powers,—that which brings sorrow' and suffering to his family and to the community. - :._....-,.:_„%._.......__.^__.l UAfter partaking of ^the moat deljca^i refreshments, we all repaired'to ouT homea, feeling thntlout,meeting Jo- gether had been profitable to^iis. - PRESS iSoPT. Funeral Birdctcjrs All business in the|r liri? promptly and carefully ' attended to. /" ' ' ' \ Office and Kcsidenco, __::i:z.208 Phono i-fi : - Church Topics in tbe "various dhurobes to- morrow will be as follows: -..„:-.• M. E. .Church,— Rev. P. L. Jewett, Pastor. 10.SO A\ M., "Helping others to Christ." Responsive Psalms 1 and 2. Followed by Sacrament of-the Lord's Supper. 7.151*. M., "Looking for the jrtiower-'-!—Special ovangolt^tloraeetlqgs •will be-held every evening, Saturday. Tint-As |ley Memorial. Hn J.-;Gardner, the Rinibetptthe Exeeu- [ie Mjginley Me'mo- ospectedV amount! [for : the erection .of eluvud ier will at poopleof .•v.-.. i : - ;v. .... ;. <Stj taf Stock-paid In ................. ^. 83ooo6 oo 7 Presbyterian Church,—Rov. W. K. MoKlnney,—Pfl8tor^~] 7.15 P.M.," "A 4ueatiOi) and 'an Prayer Borvloo in oonnootlon with tbo "wook of pruyor" will begin -on Monday evening, at.7.30,.... Baptist Church,—-Rev. H. F. Lootnls, Pastor. 10.30 A.M., "Spiritual freedom. 1 ' Communion. 7.16 P.M., "The Influence of woman." 8.SO, two meetings; ono In tho Ohuroh for women only; tho other for men and boya in the old Post-Offloo bulldlOR. Annual Church biiainess meeting on Thursday evening. should not at least $850 to provldoa Uttiog m»mQ,rial for the mar- fAton rt— — JOS. I. TA¥S>OB '' Y PAINTER i. Dealer in Paints, Oils, and VarniB|ies. I Imvo a larjjo stock of \ John T. FrohoirH Pure Oil Puiiitfl, •wblcb I Waranteo to bo ' ) ' ' tlio 'bent julut over ni^d. Booond and 1'lcnannt Htrouta, , ! IIAMMON'l'ONi Young People's Societies. Tills Bpano devoted to tho liitoroata ol the Young Peoploi Hoolotlos of tlio various CliuicticH. Hpuolal ItcmN of In lor en I, ana unnounoemonta oro solicited. Y. P. S. O. E.,—Presbyterian Church : Meuta Sunday evening, at 0:80. _ ' ___ Topic, "That which comes first" Matt. 0 : 83 ; Gen. 12 : 7, 8 ; Matt- ' 8 : 22. Leader, MUs Ulanoho Thomas. Y. P., 8. 0. B.,—Baptist Church : Moots Sunday ovonluR, nt 0:15. •- Topic, "That- whloh~oonves flrrt." Matt. 0 : 88 J Gen. 12 : 7-8 ; Matt- 8 : 2'2. L«ador,\J. JB. Hovt. Jr. C. U,, Sunday afternoon at 8:00: Topic, "i'uttltm oft, and llui rnanlt V Auta 24 : 21-25. Leader, Hllziibolli Dourrlllion. Bpworth Longuo,— M.'K. Churcli : Mcutb Sunday ovunluK, at (1:1(0. Goneccrullou nuivlco, led by Itobort papers all ovi the: plana_ of AssociatioB ttf^ i ibfatbatlmat is one that patrlotic'citize takebul aebor the amp Mi ful_ that tho mat- end itself to the bllfhod in news* btry-;poncerning [njiey Memorial ary to go: Hie movement t«6lf toVvory nglyj t sb i laid h|8.cqn,nty to |)ty.: allotted. 99 fa_ . given awity FREE to the purchaser whose checks amount to the most by 10.00 p. m. on Saturday, OF: .THE CONDITION People's Bank of Hammonton At tbe oloseof business on Tuesday, -i/'' '' ,; .'BESORRCES:; : , and DIscouniB .~ ......: $81048 03 •]Eiapfelng;House. fariltarei and "- ^ vflxturca.!...-..;.-™.... -™..: ..... ; .... 8300 00 Tlthor Real eatate..- ........ :.- ........... 25oo oo Borids'aSd^orlj^ges." - ...... »"-:.« 14685 80 l)ne ; from ottierBanks/etd .i*.;.M.... T 23395 24" Chteks and caHli Hems ....... - ........ '. . 12174 ' 56 oo ' . ofllcus in Atlantic (SfouDty, or .may bo sent direct to Mr. OiMtdnsr7^tarE«ie County, cliiba and aolcietlea, Uorchea. and mercantile and irSaaufactytiDg and Industrial cofporatio'n*,',.'aa well«»fra tornal organizations, n*o contributing. ItQlrdlestho 1 The fame of Buoklpn 1 da the beat In thu world,' the earth; It's tho one pi oute, corus, burne r braia« bolla, ulcers, felons,' oohei eUin oruptlona. Only infal 25o. a box at .T. 8. Rogers'l lobe. Arnloarssive iextQnd.8| rouo( \rfeo(r healer, of *ore»,"'bc»lda pains, {tnd&l lol Thousands Sent mt«&ExtIe Every year a largo'numberapf poor auf forors whoeo lungs are abromnd rabkec with coughs are urged to gomeranother ellmatp. Hut thla la ooatily Hid not al- -w»ya Bdro.—Don't bo an oxtl King's Now Dlsoovary for-C will euro you at homo. It's fallible medicine fdroougba,QoH(, and al throat aud lung diseases on oiSsdb.. Tho flrst dose brings rollof. ABpflnding ourea roault from perslatont n«l Trial bottles free ut J. t). Rogers'. Iflio 60o. and $1.00, Every bottle guaranHuT ^^i, ____ nP^''' i '\ l A Doop Mystery, -ll '.- ; , 1 It la a mystery why women Ifcdurb' baokaoho, lioojik'io, norvoiiBaosahl 0 on , melancholy, f.tlutlug mn\ Junior Longuo on Hiinday aftoruoOn, ut U o'clool;. Y. P. O. U.jrr-UniyorBiillBt Cluirob : - Mcoln Huwliiy uvonlnp;,- nt 0:1)0, •' Ohas, Ounninghafb, M..j Physician and Stirgfe W. BnoondBt., Ifnniinontoii. Offloo Hourii 7i!IOtn 10:00 A.M. 1;00 to 11:00 nnd 7:0(1 to 0:00 i-.vi. Pay.fyr tlio S."J. H. to-day. A cordial Invitation In to iittuud tliiinu to nil Lyford Beyqrogo ":; Puttlio for Now Jomny, tondorn bin norvloi'd, ru cxvcutod. Hammonton, N. X , . wlion tliontnn,'lrt liavo ICIoqtriu mtt- will 1 , quickly euro troublea. "I auflurod for yours lti, kidney troublti," wrltoa Mra. PuLbo Clierloy, of I'otorann, la., "aud a buck nainod mo BI» I could not droa» wolf, but Elcoirio Ultterw wholly our\ ( l mo, nud, although 73 years ol.), I n< am able to do nil my housuworls." overcomes ooimtlpatlon, Improve* at. tito. ulvc» porfflot bnnltl). Only Spy. tt J. H Rogeri' drug store. FOR &AU3.. Engines and Boilers And Saw Bench Oiio bailor nultnbla to hoitt a bouao. Also a Wt>({oi>», lot of Corn Poddor, Oow Pcofi, n-u! llontory. My Parm for itnlc,— a? uoroi', with houao, biilldluK", aud tools. j, a A. WEENWOOD, Chow llload »ud TontU Bt. 2774 00 6700818 T- - - 1300 CaBVqi'acheolisouiBUmdlDS ;....•• 4 2S S21886700 .'nes Prea't and /W.. U. Tilton, Cashier of tlJubovo named Banlc, being eevorally auly s \vorn, cacli lor'hlmeeir Bayatbut tbo loretjpg atutemont IB true, to tbo boat of Ma knovMgo and belief.-' •-• , '. ^ B. J. BYBNE9,President.. . W.B. TILTON, CaBUlcr. . jbod and aworn tofaeforome. thuifib day of December, A.D..1001.' •: '. HAIIUY L, MONKOKT,' . . Commissioner pi Deeda. ' ' ,. OoScU..Atteatt.-l.-..-'-. .„..-•... M.L.JAOKWK. ; v WM. J. SMITH, vDlroetora. El-ASlBTOOKWEI'L, I FBflSHFISHv j Every Friday I Ordefa taken j before 10 a. m., .Monday and Thursday At Baker's Market, Oil Stoves Repaired by WILLIAM BAKEEy No. 25 Third Street, Hammontou. Kli H. C3 Jiandlor, Attomey&Counselor At Law Arlltr. liulldlnK, Hninmontou, liunmtt 2B-a7 lleal Eat. & Law B'Jd'B, .. U, . ------- ,/AlUotla Ulty. - ........ • - '".! ^ .'."Ohifllnl Towu' Attorney. ""* In llaniinontpii «v«ry ,FrlUn;y y for first mortgage loana Herbert €K Een§oa . : •..•.;. AND .:. PERIODICALS. 217 Bellevno Avenue, Hammonton, N. J. ^H9W.ahq:ut your subscription. to the KEPUBLICAN ? . Only the cboic'/Bt. , 7 & Always the besl Cor. Second and Bellevae,, ; Hammonton, , A. H. Phillips 06. Fire Insuranceo •:MONEY— von Mortgage Loans. Oorroapondoncu Bolioitod. 11)1(1 A.tlnntlo Avenue. "'; Atlaptic City, N. J you arc looking for '/ ' (/•':•'•', -.. "•; ;: : Wagons, Surreye, ,„ , , BuggiesJ Spring. Wagom " and Koad ,^." "."".";:,..........:"";.'.. now ov fl«()ond-hand, c F, A, Xehmari's
Page 1: HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in Hammonton r, post-paid -| Well equipped for in all branches—--Pampb!lets>< Business



only newspaperprinted in Hammonton

r, post-paid -|

Well equipped for

in all branches—--


Business Cards

; Dodgers

BAPJTIST. BevJI F I,oomis, pastor; Sun-day lervloes iPrea^bing 10:20 Sunday-school11.30, Junior C. E. 3.00 p.m., Christian En-

-d«6»or «rHS~Pr«aobi&«-7vl&— Weekday {Bayermeeting "Thursday evening, 7. 30.

Bataca Ucloti iiiceiiti(?, for men only, in oldpo st-offlce buildinR. Sunday eve. 8.46 ___ _

ST. JOSEPH'S, B C. -Rev J P Rohledor,P S M, Rector ^SundayjaasBeB at 8.30 andt(H30. Af ier the list Mass, Btnedibtldo witlithe; Most Blessed Sacrament. Bosary andLitany at 4 p m . Oo each weekday, Masses al0.SO and 8am. ' ' , , •• * ; ' - . .

Bpisoqjp AL, ST. MASK'S. Bey. Edwin CAloorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Eucharist1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m .Other San-dftvt i T i t t f l ' B i r n i 1 nr^^TiTr ^rnynvi "^*t tnnTi^pdSermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30 a.m.EfonsoQK l i f t p. m.. Sunday School 9:30a.m.Friday Evensong • -7.80. Saints Day Celebra-




_ _ ' ;_ Nptejieads

_ Envelopes

ieasona'bleprices-oha.rge -1,-a-l ways.We will not do cheapwork, can't aSbrdto do goodfor.nothing, •

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it done

' ^ we'll tell you BO,and fininh itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedition, and theBepublipan, for..{81,25. _>A pile of good readingfor a little money

Fliiladelphia, weekly, andthe Republican, a yearfor ft 1.26

Addreoc, call or phono net—

HOYT&SOST,ffitJB-tHDoIlovuo Avo., naniinonton.


DirectoryMTJHlOIPAL. 7

CLEBK. J.L. Ou)onnell.OOLIEOTOE& TRBASDnrn. A. B. Davis.JDBTIOBS. CbasWoodnutt, Jos H Carton

,E Ii CaufmanCOHSIADLB&. Qeo Bennhonse, 0 0 Oomb«>.OVERSEER HIODWATB...Elias A ,'oslyn."OVBUBBBBOP'THE POOR. Goo.BernsnotiBo'Nionr POLICE. Robt MoO MlllorATTOBHBT. E H Chandler.EittB Cninrs. J Wulther, H M Phillips 'VoLosTEBn FIBS Co. D. B.CannlDghriro,

president ; JVm 0 Hoyt,seoietary. .Meets onBrd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Moots first Wodnes-«7<Dlng In uucli imuntt

Town OOOHOIL. Mlebaol K Boyor, Ohm.B W Bntobolor, J E Watkis, W''D DePay,Andrns E Holmno, John Rothfua. Meets lastSaturday eve oaoh month, .

BOARD or EDOOiTion. 0. F.0sgood,prosi'dent) D. 8. Cunningham, clerk; Edwir Adam«,J L O'Donnell, Mrs J Ii Ransom, Mrs Kirk8pe»r, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thoma« C Blyins,Dr J A Waoo. Moots Cr«t Tuesday eveningeach month. ;

BOARD or HBALTB. M. L. Jaolson, Pros!-Dr- Charles OQaninghani, Inipector ;


nincham,_Qeo. Bornshouse, Joa.B.Qarton.

lion, 7:30 a.m.Lent: ~ ~ : • • ; . - . • •

MBTBODIS» EPISCOPAL Rev F 1 Jewettposter. Sunday services:_olas8 9.30 a. mpreaching I (On, Sunday-school 12.00 noonEpworth League 6 30 p. m., preaching T. 15.Class Tuesday and Wednesday oven!ngs7.30PrayeimeetlngThnrsday 7.30 p.m.

-. PBESBTTBEIAB. Rev.WKMoKinney,pastor.Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a m., Sun-day-school 12.00 noon> preaching 1T;1S p m.0. E." prajer meeting • Sunday, 6 30 p.m.Charon prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.

Missions at Folaom and DaCosta.Italian Evangelical. ._.R*v. AiMinatilla'-

Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a in. Preach-ing at I0.3D am. C E Society at 6-30 p mPreaching at 7:15r

UHIVBHSALIST. No pastor.Proaobine at 10,30 a.m.; Sunday School,12i03 noon ; Y P C U. at 7:80 p. m. Sociables•alternate Thursday evening*;-—.-- .<••—

WOMAB'B CUBIBTIAH TEMPEBAIIOB Union.Mrs. Charles Smith, president, Mrs M Dunncur »ec'y, Ml«s W Ii Qowdyiroo BOO)—Mn P S

••_ .WorkiJig Night and Day. _ „ . - . .Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing

that ev( r was made ia Dr. Kind's NewLife Pills. These pilfn change •weaknessinto strength, listlessoess into energy,brain-fag into mental power. They aroWonderful in building up health. Only25 c. per box. Bold by Crowell.

Tilton, treasurer.


A P flimpson, M A i A B Davis, Seo'y.Meeti first Tuesday evening in each month inMechanics' Hall. .

WiKBiovr LonoB, No 40, I.O.O.F. ManleyAattin,N.a.;-A-.Y,_W t Setle.v, SecretaryMeets Wednesday eves, lo Odd Fellows Hall

BniWHUHKin TninE. Imp 0 R M. StoveWoolbert, 8ft«hem j Ohas W Aust in , Chief olRecords . Meetevery Tuesday'saleepU RedMcns' Hall.

M. B. TAVLOB LODOB. F. A A. M. D 0Herbert, W Master j Alonio B. Davis, Seo'y2nd unil4tb~Friday nights in Masonie Hall.

J n . O n c n u OMITBD AwisnioAH MECUAHICS, Ooun. j A T Lobley, tioeretary.

Meetsevery Friday eve In Meohaplos' Hall,(leu. D. A. KuHHtii. POST, 0. A. H. Otto

flrule. Post Commander; Ch'is A Leonard,Adjutant; FT. I ' .Kdsall.Q. M. Meetals tand3rd Saturday nights in Meohanlos Hall.

W O M A N ' S KBI.IBV Oonrs.O K M . D. A. Russell. CAiir Sons or Versm

A X B , No. U. Capi, Charlui U Combo; FirstSort;!., Hurry C I.oonorcl. Meets 2ml. and 4thMiinilay ovoa, Meehnnlcs' Hall.Mill* ll».Ua-Coanoll^_-No:J7,JQ^_flIJ.>.Mrn Ida B'jwles^ l'o«»l'nnt««i Mrs Onrrlo AKlni.-, K.ol R. MuotB Monday ovonlnc In HodMen's Hill.

ll.inin Loiinn. No. 12, HiiiK.i.n of Hnnon.Wdr lhy Muil 'ir, Thus Skinner | 11. H., Jos H(l i r tnn Moots 2,at aniMIli Tlinrsday nightsIho l r holl.

LOCAL BUBINESQ HOUSES, /'Adver t i s ing In the Knr i in i . lOAri .

llnliiy Or^un Oo, I'hlUdaIt J Drnko . i ' uMl i i i f innoi i l i io ilau iMi l l i ikrr , inu i i i i i i i irkii tICoy.or l l rot l ivr" p n i i i t o r nJ, 11, ( l i i r l nn , Ji iMlro.Jim. I. Tujlur, | iuiului.H. 0. lllarli, volorinilry surgeon.Olins, Wnnil ini l t , Ju«.lne.HiMia A Hon, urtddrtiikori*.H N Huliilur, ){roiiorlo«' .L Horornijo, notary pulilloA !'. I'&tten, hlu.yolo*,II.;A. O'irdory, Itlnyolea.l loyt A Hon, ] i i i l>lUhorB, pr ln ter f l .]£ll II, Clmrlillnr. n t lDrnoy.Juliii l'r»aoli, Jr., undortuUcr .Win. linker, l lnomlt l i .Hubert Bleel,Jowolor. >Juohion A lion, iiiont nnd proiluoi J

W. H. llorimliouno, notary, ooin. (tuoilnDr.J. A. Wani), dont l i lJohn Munliic<<,ilioo».Onorgo Klylin, dry gnod>,Rrooerlos ,eto.Jno'iii IGflhlinrit i , moot and prudiica,(JbttB.Oiiiinliintiuiu ,plly<l(ilitn andmirf toon.J . l l .Hmnl l , Imhnr nnd nonfciittoliarII, 1,. Molntyro, ineut nnd produce«Win. 1*. lllnok, dry KomU, grooorlos, etc.

. .,. Ilaniiioau Orjrnnlsntlflnn. . •l lnmmomnn I.onn mil l lu l ld lnx Assoolntlon

IV, H.Til ton aoorolnry. Mont i every lit/Tlinridny In Iflrcinoii'a Hall. /

VV'irkl»f!in«n'« I.oun and Ilillldln|{ Association,W. II. IlarniliO'iBo, seorn'Ary.1 , Mdolv everyl« t Moudiy In

iO'iBe, floora'try.1 'n Iflromen'l lloll.

llanli, W, 11. XlUon cmaliler.

Hereafter, the subscription pricefor the Republican and Philadelphia,Weekly ft ess will ba 81.50 per yeor».

$&~ Lftt of unoalloa-Tor letter? in^tbrHamraOulo"a-Pd6t"OfflBe"on Wedtresday,•Deo.-25tb,-4()01~:— - - - —

Pluoldo Homeolllss Bessie DcardorflT

s Editor AH. Journal —D Meineoueolo,

Poraonu oallingfor any of the aboveletters will please state that it" hasbeen advertised.



The. hmrriage of Mies Lena Gron-wald and Mr. William Kincaid occurredon Christmas-day, at Miss G.'s borne.Rev. M. S. Morgan officiated.

Mr. Tbos. McUurthoy, who bos beenvifliting bis aiiut, Mrs. Bischoff, wasround dead in his bed oa Thursday'morning. Ho had bad a_ bad attack intbe night, but eeeuied .much belter be-

.to bis room in. the morning, shu foundhu had paesed fuvny. .; -

.MiBscB Ida and I^zle Williams areborne for the holidays, accompanied bytheir cousin, Miss Jack.' .The young folks bad anticipated bav-iog skating this week. I'm afraid theywill be disappointed. ' •

-: Miasiia -Annie-' and -Jenuie Beekmanaro spending the holidays with theirsister, Miss Li die.

Rev. Mr. Morgan had the pleasure ofhaving bis eon wilb him on Christmas.^MiBa-^feMJjiuIulCSngaBtrigQthehave' come to spend a few days withirie'nds in Elwood. _ . u.

Our bitterest tears are shed over ourbrightest blessings. ,

Trouble often comes to show us howmuch we b'qd\to be thankful for beforeher arrival." " •

—A-eertain-Gtrre for Dysentery nnd~Diarrhoea.

"Homo years ago I was one ol a partyliilunrluil mukim;—u luug blovclu

trip.'.!.says P. L.-Taylor, ot.New-Albany..Bradford County, PU. "I was takensuddenly with diarrhoea, and was aboutto give up the trip when Editor Ward,of tbe Laoeyville "Messenger," suggest-ed that I take a dose of Chamberlain'sCo]lo, Cliolora and Diarrhoea Remedy.I purchased a bottle and took two doses,one before starting audorio on ttufroute.I made the trip successful <y and neverfelt any ill pffoot. Agnjn last summer Iwas almost completely run. down withan attack ot dysentery. I bought abottle of this flamo remedy and tbia timeone done cured mo," Bold by Crowoll,

ATLANTIC COUNTY-ORPHANS'Oourt. December Term, 1901. -Oa Application for Rule to

Show Cause, fro. 'Ell II. Clmiidler, tulminlBtratAof Wil-

liam O.'Arlltz, deceased, huvlnfkexhlb-Itod to this Court, under oatb, a ju»t andtrue ncooiiiit of the pornonal estate anddebts of nald deceased, wheroby^t ap-pears that the personal estate of tbe saidWilliam D.Arlltz If. l i iHnllinlniih to pny

-bls-debts,—and—requested — tlio nl<t ol lUoCourt In tbo promlnan ;

It la ordered tlmt all pernons Intorost-ud in tlio landn, toiiomoutH, iviul ruiilontate of tho nald deondnul, uppoar lioforotbo Court, nt tlio Court HOUHA In May'aLauding, on lha olovontb <lav of Marolinoxt, to nliow causa wliy no niuoh of tlioaalrt landa, tonoinontB, lio-crtltnmontn,and rnal ustnU) of uald docmlnnt nliouldnut bu Hold an will bo niifllolont to pnyblu debiH or tho ronlduo thereof as theOUHO nmy reijiilru. •

A true oopy from tlio mliuitoa.J. b. HIHL15Y,

Dated Dootimbur 10th, 11)01.

Jolira Prascli,

Undertakerand Embalmoi

Twolltn Ht., botwoon rajlroudn.

[IllIIlHKintOII, N. .).

All »rrnii|{«innnts for burii i ln iiiiidonud oitrofi i l lv

AiullttBBortmoutof hand and inaclilnmade,— for work nv drlvl"K.

Ti'unks, Valises, Whlpi?,Kufing SnddluH, Note, etc.

llununoiiton. N . J,

. —_ you,are looking-for

Buggies.Spitfng Wagcwre,

and Road Carts,

new or second-hand, call at

SINGERSewing Machines

SOIiD • . :/

On Easy Payments-Liberal -

Old maohioes taken .in exchange. .A full Hno of 8upplies,on hand,

At HCIISOJI'S News Boom.

t ' , \. •. -j - „ , . _

Sosa,-Shoes-made~to-0rd6r-T8 'my

Sp^cialty7satisfaction IB

Eepairing done.


VOL.® f~ ~d

•'_ ':;••• Belle vue A. venae,: •">;;'-i-:.^\

H:"1 ' '

ins Store,

... 4-0 HeimeclieGeneral Elacljsmith,.. '"-•:• • - ' • . ' Horse'Shb'fep.^-^-^


.' * W.Tho ladles trove takenyear, and iremay .contain.


Satisfaction given ttt'oyerybodf.:'

Shop oh the County:Rp(tfj | .^j


of 12l-gauge Shells,

loaded with Black

These time-tablesrare, correct; "16 scents Vper-100-lowef-



A 'Christmas meeting}?4

T.' U. of HatnnaontonDecember, 31st, "at theFocal President, Mrs. CharlThe meeting WBS opened"Joy to the world, "and

Tiy Mrs.Mrs- Ella .Maurer, County PresI

dent, was with us, and led in prayerfor-wlsdom-aml-guklanee-in-work

mice. An Interesting program thetffollowed.' "The first Christmas night" wasread by Mrs. P. S. Tilton. A Christ-mas solo by Miss Nettie Monfort.•^Adopting -a -femHy^-was-read-by- —A"Mrs. Packard. Piano solo* by Mrs.

r Subjec are abMT to make theseDOWH. TEAIN8..




4 IS45560S

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.8;108 IS

838 828S4B900005312

638•5^56 fid«o:t


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63S8538507007 157217~30

Ei. Ace.

4204_27.4 37

505510:5 17j•621;sac5"4i;601

10:n snli «i

Ki. Ex .pirn.

200•t 117


10 4S

11 (Kl11 1011 2U


8 00*-«8 17825

8 48


13201 '...

n %11 38ii -i;

l l&lj<005vi (icj.ini'

l'i 0 S8_; u 80

j P 60


•...-.nilladtlphb'.«'.... 731


a w........C<Hllngl»w<l....... |7 C8 H 17.......IloddoMfli'ld.-.^.... 7 00 » It

KIrkwood...™.. « 17 8 CO,. .....Berlin^ • ffM 7 48..........._&teo l« 2- 7"4»

Watorfbrd JI.-18 7 30iABcoi»_».~_>' |« .12 7 .11

,;iV Ii«li»-Jc.(l!«). tt USJ7.S7.;..Hnmmonton .... tt U0;7 20

^Hw «id n»...M^ j...... [7 10llU/r_.,i..Jwiv:!lfl3

Qliirr"! . I £"•':» 85

;fi.B» I'flft

a 23.¥-12i f iu12551247


ave\i;t•5 d.-SS«!65 H51.'

low priceV becaase wej

bought a latfee qiqautity'of

Loaded Shells.




Call and gdt our prices- before liyinp; in

. . . "• Stops only on notice to condoctor or.ngent, or nExprcts*lcavfng Phllai!a. at fi.10 p.u. lets oft naumduton pour:.

J B irUTCHINSON.Gcn'l aianngcr.



Sunday. Dec. 8,1901.Buljcct to change.

Huudp. ni.

5 000 126 106 U 76406 4 4SSilUO'lO O R(11:1f) 100258 320811047A ft!704

amid i



10 05

H 00 (I 311 & 16I 10

U 3 40 420600 58

1020 111 1010 Mil) 20

(1428 mono5-318 28 0 58 6 438 46 7 12 6. 578 4H 7 10 U 010 02 7 20 0 120 10 7 HI0 107 350220 20 7 S2 0 27

f9 29 7 5B 0 32

p.m. p,m

B,25 MO i'.in

0 IK

00 2 <KI

fO.170430 400 607 (W7 1H 6 10 II SO

p. I"

1 00 .........l-bllilelphl..H 10 ......,....' Omtnden_.....•T'17 :....We»l CoIllliKiwMd...:.

2 401 80 2 41


8 258 40S 4386.1K »8002I) 12U 10021

...... Ilnddnn

...... ll.nur ^..Ol<menton. .....

. . ...... ...Dine Anchor ............\Vlnilow Jaac. (1'to)........ Hammonton ......


Klwood „

....lirlvumli« Jrjnr,...,

..Aiiniitirrin _..,... l,|..',:j.;a

6 25K-6S10 (Oi l lOi0 l i l H « ~

5 64'......088......5 845 25!fi'105 155-11505809

10 11DBS»t4» M



Dunn.. Mr8.iMaureri-gavo^us-a veryIn terestlng-and—instructive- address,inspiring "us' to gteater efforts in res-cuing the drunkard from the tempta-tions which assail him on every hand,whtnh crJPPle nnd cjlstort liig mental

anaor Mesa under tfil

Jrum. Ooe^riiran^ had a, one woman:a fraclUredh ier a b8dly;8caiaea" Jeg.

( was again : sent for: onbe brawl bad been kept

, tlia

The beautiftd ^3 picture,

The doctor refused' toiof death, and (ho case|.r to the; Coroner for


and physical, his moral and spiritualpowers,—that which brings sorrow'and suffering to his family and to thecommunity. - :._....-,.:_„%._......• .__.^__.lUAfter partaking of the moat deljca^irefreshments, we all repaired'to ouThomea, feeling thntlout,meeting Jo-gether had been profitable to^iis. -


Exproti ICHVM Plillndelphta al U.i>() a.m., itcipplnr; ot Ilunimontnn nt V.47,Accommodation leiirca 1'blUda. nt H.OO p.m., rrnclilng Ilanimontou n\ O.H.Up accornmodatlon^mvcv llamuiotiton ut A.S5 a.m., roAchltiff Plillililii. at <1,,">1, N

Up nrcommorlitliin Inniti Atltnllc ntit.ia B.m.,-|rnitimonton T.tivn.lUilHinilft'-4

tiundiiy iil«lit cxpreM up loii»rt Atlant ic 7..'10. EKK H»rl»r7A5, ll»iiiuwUna,H"Woolnliy evening cipnun down Iciirrn I'lilluda. nt 7.10, lotting (.1 llnnnx'iuiimltO lOOK

W.O. llE8LBIl.aoii.Hii|it, , _..„.Jch evenI

Philadelphia Weeklyand tho

South Jersey 1(two pnpei'H encl> week), for $1 'f i '0-n -y

to unv addroBH in this coutitv,J • , . . , . . '. ,

New York Tribune ;Jf



Kor nlxty youji tho JV«w Ife

l>y fnrinri-H, und bus oitfyyed th >(,..„ ,of tlio Anmrlonn pomilo to ft dojjfjjany almlliu' pnbllofttion. • 'I no ,

New York:.TfibunfiIti niudti nJmoiutoly for fill morn "apd 'f'ci

Kv^ry clnpiutmont 61by Npi'Oliil 00"|lllit ivu iniuu, uiid tho

Funeral BirdctcjrsAll business in the|r liri?promptly and carefully

' attended to.

• /" ' ' ' — \Office and Kcsidenco,

__::i:z.208Phono i-fi

— : - ChurchTopics in tbe "various dhurobes to-

morrow will be as follows: -..„:-.•

M. E. .Church,— Rev. P. L. Jewett,Pastor. 10.SO A\ M., "Helping othersto Christ." Responsive Psalms 1 and 2.Followed by Sacrament of- the Lord'sSupper. 7.151*. M., "Looking for thejrtiower-'-!—Special ovangolt^tloraeetlqgs•will be-held every evening,Saturday. •


|ley Memorial.Hn J.-;Gardner, the

Rinibetptthe Exeeu-[ie Mjginley Me'mo-


[for : the erection .ofeluvud

ier will atpoopleof

. • v . - . . • i : - ;v. . . . . ; .<Stj taf Stock-paid In................. . 83ooo6 oo

7 Presbyterian Church,—Rov. W. K.MoKlnney,—Pfl8tor^~]

7.15 P.M.," "A 4ueatiOi) and 'anPrayer Borvloo in oonnootlon with tbo"wook of pruyor" will begin -on Mondayevening, at.7.30,....

Baptist Church,—-Rev. H. F. Lootnls,Pastor. 10.30 A.M., "Spiritual freedom.1'Communion. 7.16 P.M., "The Influenceof woman." 8.SO, two meetings; onoIn tho Ohuroh for women only; tho otherfor men and boya in the old Post-OffloobulldlOR. Annual Church biiainessmeeting on Thursday evening.

should notat least $850 toprovldoa Uttiog m»mQ,rial for the mar-

fAtonrt— —


PAINTER i .Dealer in Paints, Oils,

and VarniB|ies.I Imvo a larjjo stock of \

John T. FrohoirHPure Oil Puiiitfl,

•wblcb I Waranteo to bo ') ' ' tlio 'bent julut over ni^d.

Booond and 1'lcnannt Htrouta, , !IIAMMON'l'ONi

Young People's Societies.Tills Bpano l» devoted to tho liitoroata olthe Young Peoploi Hoolotlos of tlio variousCliuicticH. Hpuolal ItcmN of In lor en I, anaunnounoemonta oro solicited.

Y. P. S. O. E.,— Presbyterian Church :Meuta Sunday evening, at 0:80. _ • ' ___Topic, "That which comes first"

Matt. 0 : 83 ; Gen. 12 : 7, 8 ; Matt-' 8 : 22. Leader, MUs Ulanoho


Y. P., 8. 0. B.,— Baptist Church :Moots Sunday ovonluR, nt 0:15.

•- Topic, "That- whloh~oonves flrrt."Matt. 0 : 88 J Gen. 12 : 7-8 ; Matt-8 : 2'2. L«ador,\J. JB. Hovt.

Jr. C. U,, Sunday afternoon at 8:00:Topic, "i'uttltm oft, and llui rnanlt VAuta 24 : 21-25. Leader, HllziibolliDourrlllion.

Bpworth Longuo,— M.'K. Churcli :Mcutb Sunday ovunluK, at (1:1(0.Goneccrullou nuivlco, led by Itobort

papers all ovithe: plana_ ofAssociatioB ttf^ iibfatbatlmatis one thatpatrlotic'citizetakebul aebor

the ampMi

ful_ that tho mat-end itself to the

bllfhod in news*btry-;poncerning[njiey Memorial

ary to go:Hie movementt«6lf toVvorynglyj t sb i laidh|8.cqn,nty to|)ty.: allotted.

99fa_ .

given awity FREE to the purchaser

whose checks amount to the most

by 10.00 p. m. on Saturday,


People's Bank of HammontonAt tbe oloseof business on Tuesday,

- i / ' ' '' ,; .'BESORRCES:; : ,and DIscouniB .~...... — : $81048 03

•]Eiapfelng;House. fariltarei and " -^ vflxturca.!...-..;.-™....-™..:.....;.... 8300 00Tlthor Real eatate..-........:.-........... 25oo ooBorids'aSd^orlj^ges." -......»"-:.« 14685 80l)ne;from ottierBanks/etd .i*.;.M....T 23395 24"Chteks and caHli Hems .......-........'. . 12174

' 56oo'

.ofllcus in Atlantic (SfouDty, or .may bosent direct to Mr. OiMtdnsr7^tarE«ieCounty, cliiba and aolcietlea, Uorchea.and mercantile and irSaaufactytiDg andIndustrial cofporatio'n*,',.'aa well«»fratornal organizations, n*o contributing.


The fame of Buoklpn1

da the beat In thu world,'the earth; It's tho one pioute, corus, burnerbraia«bolla, ulcers, felons,' ooheieUin oruptlona. Only infal25o. a box at .T. 8. Rogers'l

lobe.ArnloarssiveiextQnd.8| rouo(\rfeo(r healer, of

*ore»,"'bc»ldapains, {tnd&llol

Thousands Sent mt«&ExtIeEvery year a largo'numberapf poor auf

forors whoeo lungs are abromnd rabkecwith coughs are urged to gomeranotherellmatp. Hut thla la ooatily Hid not al--w»ya Bdro.— Don't bo an oxtlKing's Now Dlsoovary for-Cwill euro you at homo. It'sfallible medicine fdroougba,QoH(, and althroat aud lung diseases on oiSsdb.. Thoflrst dose brings rollof. ABpflndingourea roault from perslatont n«l • Trialbottles free ut J. t). Rogers'. Iflio 60o.and $1.00, Every bottle guaranHuT

^^i, ____ • nP '''i'\lA Doop Mystery, -ll '.-; , 1

It la a mystery why women Ifcdurb'baokaoho, lioojik'io, norvoiiBaosahl0on

, melancholy, f.tlutlug mn\

Junior Longuo on Hiinday aftoruoOn,ut U o'clool;.

Y. P. O. U.jrr-UniyorBiillBt Cluirob : -Mcoln Huwliiy uvonlnp;,- nt 0:1)0, •'

(mprr, pronwolyiUlUk'(riitii3"wltli;|il<it,mo» of llvljiiiinlol larm bulUllngu and IKIIUUM, niuoliluery, tuoT

Kunmnrn'. wlvon, nottn ami daughtora wi)J llnijIiu«iui'for tholr nulortuliiinunt, •. Kouiiliir iVH6«; 1|il' por"yeft>,' liujryoif 'o/inT)T|

•Tour fi»v»nt<"h'"n*> wookly nowwpicjiof, t'jre "both nn« your for *l.n(), ,nir nub*orl|ttloii uwii un>noy to III

Ohas, Ounninghafb, M . . jPhysician and Stirgfe

W. BnoondBt., Ifnniinontoii.Offloo Hourii 7i!IOtn 10:00 A.M.

1;00 to 11:00 nnd 7:0(1 to 0:00 i-.vi.

Bond your nftmo aii'l'iuMrts*, .fo thoJ(nrmi', J^ow Vork (jlly, mid ft l'i

• bo 111 ul In (I to you, <

Pay.fyr tlio S."J. H. to-day.

A cordial Invitation Into iittuud tliiinu

to nil

Lyford Beyqrogo":; Puttlio

for Now Jomny,tondorn bin norvloi'd,

ru cxvcutod.Hammonton, N. X

, .wlion tliontnn,'lrt liavo

ICIoqtriu mtt- r» will1, quickly eurotroublea. "I auflurod for yours lti,kidney troublti," wrltoa Mra. PuLboClierloy, of I'otorann, la., "aud abuck nainod mo BI» I could not droa»wolf, but Elcoirio Ultterw wholly our\(lmo, nud, although 73 years ol.), I n<am able to do nil my housuworls."overcomes ooimtlpatlon, Improve* a t .tito. ulvc» porfflot bnnltl). Only Spy. ttJ. H Rogeri' drug store.

FOR &AU3..Engines and Boilers

And Saw BenchOiio bailor nultnbla to hoitt a bouao.

Also a Wt>({oi>», lot of Corn Poddor,Oow Pcofi, n-u! llontory.

My Parm for itnlc,— a? uoroi', withhouao, biilldluK", aud tools.

j, a A. WEENWOOD,Chow llload »ud TontU Bt.

2774 006700818

T- - - 1300CaBVqi'acheolisouiBUmdlDS ;....•• 4 2S


„ .'nes Prea't and /W.. U. Tilton, Cashierof tlJubovo named Banlc, being eevorallyaulys\vorn, cacli lor'hlmeeir Bayatbut tboloretjpg atutemont IB true, to tbo boat of MaknovMgo and belief.-' •-• , '.

^ B. J. BYBNE9,President... W.B. TILTON, CaBUlcr.

. jbod and aworn to faeforo me.thuifib day of December, A.D..1001.' •: '.

HAIIUY L, MONKOKT,' .. Commissioner pi Deeda. • ' '

,. OoScU..Atteatt.-l.-..-'-. .„..-•...M.L.JAOKWK. ;vWM. J. SMITH, vDlroetora.El-ASlBTOOKWEI'L, I

FBflSHFISHvj Every Friday I

Ordefa takenj before 10 a. m.,

.Monday and Thursday

At Baker's Market,Oil Stoves


WILLIAM BAKEEyNo. 25 Third Street,

Hammontou. •

Kli H. C3 Jiandlor,Attomey&Counselor

At Law• • Arlltr. liulldlnK, Hninmontou,liunmtt 2B-a7 lleal Eat. & Law B'Jd'B, ..

U, . ------- ,/AlUotla Ulty. - ........ • -'".! ^ .'."Ohifllnl Towu' Attorney. ""*In llaniinontpii «v«ry ,FrlUn;y

y for first mortgage loana

Herbert €K Een§oa

. : • . . • . ; . AND . : . •


217 Bellevno Avenue,

Hammonton, N. J.

^H9W.ahq:ut your subscription.to the KEPUBLICAN ? .

Only the cboic'/Bt. , 7


Always the besl

Cor. Second and Bellevae,,

; Hammonton, ,

A. H. Phillips 06.

Fire Insuranceo•: — MONEY—

vonMortgage Loans.

Oorroapondoncu Bolioitod.11)1(1 A.tlnntlo Avenue.

"'; Atlaptic City, N. J

you arc looking for' / ' ( / • ' : • ' • ' , -.. "•; ;: :

Wagons, Surreye, ,„ , ,BuggiesJ

Spring. Wagom"and Koad

, ." "."".";:, .......... : " " ; . ' . .now ov fl«()ond-hand, c

F, A, Xehmari's


Page 2: HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in Hammonton r, post-paid -| Well equipped for in all branches—--Pampb!lets>< Business


On a January morning,Bright .ind f osty. Love was born;

„•-flnftrpcfr- byOf a Februnty morn;

With the MiRaved and b

rch winds, wild and gusty,ujtered all the day;

But was moved to tears and laughterAs sweet Airll had her way;

toTtMrcr expectationWith-the promisc^budg

Under June skies, blue and hopeful,Felt anticipation near;' : • ' ,

Bevelled In the July gloryOf the sun's rays, hot nod clear;

A_nd with golden sheaves of AugustKnew that harvest time Is dear;

3Tet amidst a chill SeptemberFelt a change that checked his pride;

In the dimness of OctoberWatched the falling leaves and slghe'dj"

: h ' • • (Urough November's fogs and vaporsWandered out alone and cried;

. ,. On « winter night he died.—Gentleman's Magazine.

; : Hero Outside the Ranks ; ;

/S\ BRGT. ALLEN DURFBE, of theJ3) high school cadets, sat on the edge*— ' off his Iron cot and clicked hisheels together nervously. It had cer-

t>oen the hardest day-of hlayear existence.^-Thn ulght Ut'fore liad oomo a telegram

- announcing; - :~". "Private Jamea"~'Durfee'wounded—thigh—assault on -Calumplt"

The message had been sent by one ofhis father's old comrades now coanect-

Department at Wash-ington," and. the morning papers hadbrought no, further_lnforniatlon. SoAJlen and his mother knew that formany long weeks, perhaps until Jimmy.himself could write, they must wait forparticulars.

AH day long he had been haunted byhis mother's whlte_face as she opened

ly, reopened the wound,.ns.he did up-tljpackage.

"That's just what we expecteXk,your brother.. BJood will tell, and

iQines from-fighting stock."1 froni • thef ines, f

"SHfioughtlought Allen, robclliously, as Jie let

the istore-—Hls-cheeks-flUshed-anilump rose again.In-Ills'.throat. He ifor the railroad cut off to avoidIng any more people with their cofences and congratulations.

'He fell to brooding over the sjtuqEveryone said tho war would soouover and perhaps there would' noianother war In bisday. He could njshow what sort of fighting stock Imade-of,--—-- .-^ :- .--.--•

By this time he was quite despers"Clearly there was but one~TiIfig~ihim to ao—run.away, tie coulu Btirides to 'Frisco—be a stowaway troi'Frisco to Manila, and then he'd' flnasome wi}y. of Joining Jimmy's regiment.He Bad Just reached that point in hfsday dreams when he should carry awounded comrade from the Held, under1iettvy~flre~~rfoTirflre enemy, men—

It was only a child's voice, but it wasvibrant with terror, aid It came frombohlnd on thi» trnc'k. Hn whirled roundand saw a small' form wriggling nndJerking to frooTtseliTfi-om Eametliing—perhaps .the rail. And Just beyond hesaw the fnst.frelght backing' down tcttie union depot •

There ,. was. not a.5econd_to:losa.-W.lien_AUen started on . his race with thetrain. His training 'In the athletic fielditood him in good stead, but the traingained on him steadily as he sprinteddown the track. . •••

Suddenly the despairing, agonizingcry of "the mother fell on his ear.. He


.irohirig for Inez, wEol

making, jam -and icily j|fnrk ond Jill.

fin there.[ was, nnd

by nccl- that,thc

pu_my talllaugheda keen"

i keen,g I found s, paintedie my holefldently ure-

ter me,—«ild-not-bear_tQ.part, so I Just

\crumbs on one

la:great shocfcrBd Grizzle about*andj Blio-saldr-ln-wole: —•—

Bh of. It have you

hot like to spoil,

fhing for you," she said,• piece of bread and but-

KesittK King iB^knltHng^Or'litt]lorn, - . , ;.;

Louis| la ladng Letty's lovely Ha,MaudjJs mixing medicine for "J




lad discarded hat ^ package; andnow lie was making .-such, time- as. he

>1ootl wns''surgingijm_ rose the" awful picture of the iUigure crushed-umler the pitiless '

t caught In the. frog and with thefrightful, roaring "monster of steel andron .rumbling over their heads, he andhe sobbing..child rolled down_the._eintiankinent ' •

When. Allen and the child sat facingone another at the foot of the bonk therain Tiad sped on its course. A couple

of .excited-women appeared on-th*scene, crying over, the .dost covered>aby. A group of excited men beratedthe carelessness of a .corporation thatbacked Its trains at such a rate of speedthrough the heart~of the city and7withno employes on the rear car. And inthe general excitement no one, noticedthat the lad in a dusty gray uniformhad; disappeared.

and Nan.opening oysters for old :

Ollie,is: painting pictures f(jPrincess Polly. . . . . .ie Qiiincy's quilting foij

'Quivers, • • • - 'Ilegiiiald is reading--- r ]R0bbIe Rivers .Sallie's smiling swectij% -:l

' ing such smart,rom. is telling Ted a tale all

~~ ~ - ~

believe you." I said; but Ibelieve her. -— .'he. next thing will be a catJLMie.d-aftee-me^-aaJ?departed. ._—-. -..*-"went "home. r Slfe"~was "right—the'

fxt thing was n cat. I ieard it mew-Immediately on my return—the

Iretch! The-bread , nnd butter wasfone. Happy thought! Perhaps pusslad eaten It. —1

f I packed up. and nm now one of theIjolonlRts "next door."—Little Folks.

Dna's planting pansies'ln.lurn,

Vida's mnkfftg

Ne er |-«fn«e.'» Chnrltjr.-;- - • • - . -Cliarles Broadway Kquse, the blind

I millionaire.merchant of XfiW-Vork, Is a[philanthropist and has given ,awayI large sums of money, writes William B.

Verno.•Will is whittling whistlej

Xei^a's helping launch

Jorko is holding yellovYorick Yctte,

Zenobia plays the sAunt Zulette.


-Ailen—nvn~bnck—to~ wfrere-he—had j-ytoisclf-wlt:dropped his package,.and picking I't-up

rled home. The boarders, many

Serving lads and lashelpers all;

Oh/, what happiness; rifices small!

PloyinerIt was the baby's ]

1 baby, Just right; tqIfclnto bis mouthsoft.and round^andright size for greatlrplled across the B/Ipself away In conijbuld toddle afte

fy sac-

' one forI to getbut nil

.and the|e when It

not hidelo the baby

It nil byhelp.

iln. Dotty

the fateful message, and. by the thought,QtLdeajj>Id Jlmuiy, who had taught himto play marbles, baseball and fotoball;.ivHQ..liad, faugJit.for. him, whea IIQ .wn«Imposed upon, and with ' him when hedeserved It— lying weak and sufferingIn the heart of Luzon.

And cropping up with the heartachewas a persistent pang of jealousy.Jimmy was only 18 when ho enlisted,and Allen had begged so hnrd to go;too. Weren't they both the sons of abrave soldier, ho argued. Did threemiserable years prevent lils'iiiarchlng

....Jtuit4«fnr and shooting Juntas-straightUB Jimmy?

"Allen, dear"— It was his mother'svoice from the foot of the stairs—"hurry down and go to the Htore. Mr,TliomaM IIIIH forgotten (o semi the but-ter."

Allen mining to hlo feet. dfiHhod cold. water In hla face and rubbed It vigor-

ously. lint I n . H p l t e of this treatmentbis niother'B keen eye caught thu trace?of tcni-8. Hhe placed her hand tenderlyOn hlH shoulder, mi

"You nniHt not

whom bod lived with- Mrs. Durfee eversInce~hJBr"hU8band'8" death, wereplng"4nv 'for^Bupperr-dnd-Allen -never-thought- to-lnterrupt.her-wllb-the story-*of UIs adventure.

He nte a hearty supper, ran out for n jgame of ball, and finally went to betstill without recounting his rate wltho locomotive. It had quite slipped hmind. f ' •

And perhaps no one would ever huheard of It If the day had not been udull In the office of the Dally TimeBut when one of the reporters hearthat a child had been saved on the cioff. he decided that. It -was worth looIng up. He found that the story \vigood enough to keep exclusively for lipaper, and lie guarded It rellgloimly.

As a- result, while the other pnpoiof tho little Inland city continued to upretty things of James Durfee, tho »of a brave Union soldier and the svport of the widowed mother, tho Timcame out with a thrilling account-.two bravo uono, tho one who. fac

boll, andaald,"floll-y,5

worry iibout yombrother. Hetneinliitr, he him n line conBli tul lon and will havo tho bent of lionpltnl euro. DoubthfKH ho'll bo Hi.'iit hoim.on - a - furlough.1 '

"It Isn't that , mother, altogether, IMtriiHt .Iliiiiny for pull ing through n l iuoHianylhli ig, lint If only I could liu wi thhim. II IHI I ' I fa i r tha t I nniHt ntay honuwhen IIU'H t j i i ' r i ) . I'm utroiij.: ani l longl'

| Mini I ho bi'Ht (iiuirliirliacU tin.' Icnin'i<ty<;r Inn], and I c<iiild Hglit fur my countvy Junl an hiii-d IIH Jlintny."

'J'llr l IKl lhcr 'M H I 111 Htn lc l l l 'Ol l lKl t i l l"liny," nndjHlio drew "him domi IIH a' mnlill'll IV-nr^liiil lh io i i | (h l i r r l i i ' i i r l .

"A ml li'ii'yo |I|H I I IKI I - i i i i i t l m r all i i loni ' '\\rlin| hlHiill i ' l I i l n \ v l l l i i i u t my l i i i in iKini r i lV "V'oy don'l I C I K I W w h a t a nunfort ymi liu Vc 'been l < > nm In your hroll icr'n il l iKi ' i i iT,"

Alien tjrn'Mr-'hilrls I l l n i i lninl t lc i 'H, nTTTwl lh n m l l l i n r y i i i i l n l i - in h ln mnl l ln i .in i i l l i i ' r , In i r r l r i l an ' i iy. ( 'onii' to I l i l n lof I I , l i l n mol l i i i r l u i i l t i D l r a y i M l hor dnIM' i i i l i ' i i i ' i 1 u i i t i i i h im morn I I I I I H uiii'i'. Hilu i i l i - i ' i i l l y i . l i ' P IM ' i l l u l u .llm my 'H 'Kl io i ' i i 'I'lm frown liud i l l !<ni i | i i ' i i i ' i ' i l mnl he wntnliniittl n m l l l i i i r w l i iMi In- I ' l ' i irlii ' i l i hinlori'. l ln l Mr, TliomiiH, nil n 'nwl i l ln i r

death In- the -PIilllpplucn and -the-qivho rlnked Ills life on thu railroad triiifor a baby boy. >

At breakfast time the next niorniuAllen; very red In the fact' and geneiilly uncomfortable, liiul to uliuko linrii!nil round. lie protested vlgoroiiHly tlinIt wan nothing to make mioli ailioiit.' Any. fellow would have done til

thing If lio'd coon the l l t t l u chnlying hrlplcsH on thu ti'acli.

He dodged through thu alleys on Iiway to Kcliol only to be met. on 111

by c'lithlHliiHtlc ciulntH, whcnrrlfd him on their Hlionlders to thliulldlng. In tlm great iiuHcinbly rooi(l i t ) prlnt'liuir laid hlH Inind .kindly oHergl,. iMii ' fvo'H Bhoulilor and wild:

"(Jri'iiter love luil l i no limn than th!— t h i l l lie offer |I|H l lf t i for h ln friend,mil K'l'i'l Hull ni l onr heroeu lire mil iI l i t i fronl."

Hill w l i l l o Ilii ' IIOJ'H oheeri;d Al l iu i wnIhliilcliij; of |I!H niolluir, He rc.ineiiilicrt[lie day t h a t J i m m y had HMIivlietl u w n jnnd I I | M mother, l iud fiiHti 'iii 'd a IlnHll lc UIIK on h lH i inlfoi ' in , Tiluro Iml l l ' I M I HII(Tl I t lll ' l l llll , llil|l|I.V lllllk I I I I I I ''yen wlien nhe li l i iHud . I l l i l l l iy Jtood-l)}Mid Al l en l i iu l i M i l l K l i t ' t h a t , Hiunu looli) her eyi'H Il i l ' i i imr i i l i i i ; I I H u l ln wii lc l:d l i ln i H l n r l lo iirlmiil .

You, idle l iud lici'ii J l l i i l IIHHIT Inline guard hoy mi th

iiylii 'd n,fyi iy . : l l ( i ' \yol l ld 'hi j 'Ll i i iVi

y, please,'

ways gives a dollar to anybody whoasks for aid or sends him a begging let-

"You would not want me to print tlmttact,"1 1 suggested.."Why not T i"

'Because It would brinp; upon youmultltndes-of applications for money."

""LeTtbem cbnie7"If a dlslionest manrobs me he will suffer for It, not I; If Irefuse a worthy man the aid he needs,[ will suffer for It as well as he. I

who do not need It .than refuse ?1 to aman that does."

" Mother Goose Up to Date.^ L i t t l e Jack Hpcker

Sat in the smoker, .His first cigarette to try; . . - - -------

That night, while In bed,He hung- down his head,

And said:_ __ , ____ i—Chicago Ilecprd. .


Bant'* Corn Sounds a Warnlna Not* !to thc,Uuredccmcd.

HE rights of mi-'e t s ~ d e p e n d oa

elMulIng ai-lght;There can be no



du-privileges wthere are noties,

A man's philoso-phy la u s u a l l yfouudeiV o n U 1 Bpractice.v t is better L to



:s forgiveness,depends on

When the Old Couple at Their Ooldeh^^Weddlntt Say They-Have Never Quar-

reled, Do Not Taka Statement an Lit-erally Trnei far Tjher JProbobly Have.

An old couple In NewlJersey recent-ly celebrated the. slxty^ghth annlver.iary Of thebr wedding, llho newspapeorreports clpnijd with • tho statement:"Iheybave never had^ii fluarrel." Pre-

, Indeed, alnioBt invariably,

/God's faithfulness does norduiteud <m-rours.

The unspeakable gift calls for spokengratitude. , ••-•-'- - r-•

The amount of your love Is the meas-ure" of your llJCe,.^

The worst tiring in vice ito pass for virtue. . . '"••*"$.

The thought of-duty comlng)bcforodanger makes the hero; ; J

or golden wedding declare that they'"ne ver~h'ad~ir " q'uajfel T t THCftntTBerelitty

- - ;of their companionship never has beenInterrupted by harsh words or the mosttrivial bickering. - _ _ . -

. ' , . Never give any credit to such state-ments; The persons whd" make themmay really believe thtjm at the time,

bnye^all -tyou 'will make r'obni jfof.""".". God will not Hft'ourixrecept we keep our pride down|| • . : '

You muk come to the Teaci|r beforef ou-cnn-rccclvc- the teaching .s|__; _ .i- Crbss-bcarrnR does pot maniest Itself-(n a cross bearing to one

One: brthc noblest"

Intensified by the occasion corrupt thememory of aged' couples and - movethem t^.bbast of their good fortune. No


man Is that of giving up blsMebts.- •'-The little man's IJfe^ Is small because

he circumscribes It within ||ilmself.The world does riot neera n correct

philosophy so much as It

which nevertheless Is treason of thecold truths. The old man sits at thehead of'the table with his old wife athis side. Both-have been toasted andit Is necessary to reply. He rises and

-—eays?-"We have—llved-r:together-_fQr,. half a, century and have never quar-

. .rel^d/ianditlie good wife, In her Wackgtoi'n. and her best laces, beams -on her

: children, her grandchildren and ossem-bled_f rienda,_:ani- connrina__tb,e-Jalso'hood with o^nod. . -

Frequently, too, younger couples dr- j


It is, real!BO bloodtllino, writes;the Poll Mallceeded.balo otroma^overlooked./almost as (victory inBalnts haVve'°dei»

It Is of this V)I wlsh.to speakcounted somoconscience, andw.a>} _undoubteWhen he wasperson—a_ picture^fiurlBU" under Wgi"Who carries this)lent death," two pl<&T|("considere^T his" Plitrname Is Joseph), two a2A picture cf the Mcontaining Incense, and a'a


wral In my house for a great many,years.- It-Is tho-bcst mcdipineJn-bo world for coughs and colds.'*

J. C. Willlnms, Attica, N. Y

"All serious lungroubles begin with a

can stdp this at firstJrPa- single-;Sriight--wi th

Ihltl^ry tells us that,|n read It fit, don't say whether

reen or black tea, bi^t I ain'tdressed to hla brotlier, In wtha: he Incloses 25 lire for a'"offering to the Virgin, ns, not belnato discharge his debts to his friendttijeast_wants:-_tp.jjay.. those owing(.

he two was mixed. AVhat Iof Is that history chops the.

|ht off .there. ( . I t don't sayrtrrots-^went-rliome-awl-

An odd phase of bis religious bell|was;Tils custom of praying to dlffisaints for aid In his murderqus enteijprises. While searching for his vlctluhe would repent long petitions for suc{|cessrand-wlien -he bnd-commlttedi-the'.crime lie would give as fervent thanks,wnllp-usuallTT-turough- the help offriends, he had candles burning beforethe Madonna In some church or other,BO~tUat~sherat-least, would-not^opposehim. Such a state of mind Is almost

r- incomDrehen8lble; religious It certainlyTSrH

eeives. In company they are veryvoted-to-each-otjiert

much onhimself 'alone.

Method Token by Frenc^Norelist toGetHia;oraif c

Different persons mayjnot agree atall as to the desirability/pf hand-organmusicT but all city dwelthat when the owners 'gans have foruied-the-

:rs, will agreethe band-or-


gtves'hlnuplayfuliflllllps:on.Jiie check,And "dearest" Is the coldest name ny•Which he addresses her,/ From thelt!TWn~BTOTles~lt7appBar8 lliat ihour-moiv

.. _.-_.: ried;llfe'hu*been uninterrupted beautl-tude.. They bask t m each other'sglances and. aro Exalted, "Bonsflgure?by love.

•• ' Other young couples, who are fondof eachjrther and who get on very well

certain places regularly/ It Is bard toget rid of them. The Now York Ledger:clls an amusing story oisthe plan adopt- --Dd by Mery, the Krone/i novelist. Hewas one day visiting Siffldeau, when anorgan-grinder halted front of- the,academician's house ofyl began to pi

Sandeaii, with a gesture of Irrltatlojrose from his seat, Wk n half-fra

together, though not^quarrelsTlBray .behold

without littlet extremely

the tormentor, calling ouf as'he did BI" — " -

"Please give me some more of thepudding, niiimma." said Binall Johnny:if<r~otlicr-B\'enlng~at~dtnner.—"Don'tfOutiilnk you have eaten enough, .lohlj-ayr*-nsked-hls-motlier.—'-No, Ugucsa:lot," replied the'little fellow. "Myrtomoch only uclics n little bl^."

An Orlclnnl L'omnitrUon.A small boy in the Juvenile grammar

.•lass, being told to compare the adject-

.vc "little," answered:. "Little,'small,jotblng at all."

•He <iulet"What!" said Mery}

peaceably the first young couple dwelltogether. Perhaps a young-wife -willaccuse herself of being too quick of

^temper .and too sharp of- tongue. Per-haps both will think that their mar

-rlago baa not been-as successful as Itplight have been. Then they may put£the.lr arms about each other, deplore~ quarrels and past hardships, re-'

not, but It seems something a littlemore than superstition.


Time W03 when the entertainment-.QtJKelth'B, Philadelphia.O5~PT~BI7 Lfrom A.30 to . ., wouTff have

been^ considered first-class. vaudeville i >•and worthy of occupying the beat SLB.csl 4.1.oirthe~pfogramme. i There were "head- tn<

ako the future atone for what cannot

"You encouragi*that detestable klnffl of thing? That



Bt»lf-crlmlnatlons will do naSuch renewals of the vows of

is plainly nnthought tliiit wo|ball." She uto

could. Hut Dottyslow way to "piny

'baby .up on the car-pet, and then nl^ga ve the bnll n great

itlo foot, nnd what ilo5ed? "Wl'iy, Dotty kick"f-over-Hho ..went on her,ill flew HO high It struckitlo breast nnd over ho

ath gooil llttlo dears, and

blckj with .her.you think ImppEd-no hnrd thiback, and thubaby In Illswent too!

Thev weredid not cry.Jfor ditriiaby feel cross atj lotal of the twoDotty uocnfc n'lc kicked tho bnll BO "

l)ut /»«y rolled tho bnll after


Sew York anil New J«r»ey Huvo aJnrjty of B ich Illxenx.

liesplte the fact that there are wholejountles In cadi State where "the for-ilgn dement" IB very small, the CCIIBUS:oi)orts show that In Now York amiS'(W Jeruey iillkc n majority of the mmA-ho liuvo reached the age.of 21 were•Itlier born iibrond or are the sons ofparents who were not natives, ami soM u Kfcut proportion of eases wero)rovight uiT uiiilcr foreign "Influences.- InSew York nuiltiu of' votlug.ugc ivl)0..vere born In other countries constituteibout !I8 per cent of nil nu-ii who havereached tin; nge of ai. and tho«e W|IOHO>urentH were of foreign birth H\vell tho

not only that, buth^bjl pass the-word to-airiil8~cotnrades."p

am do?" asked San-But whataeau.

"The street I 11 In." replied Mcry."Is one of thosef'jafcstcd .by organ-grinders. I had 4l>'Just movcd |nto

'my apartment . . ,for the first tlm(?| when one of themplanted himself o'n, the pavement oppo-site, f i

"He ground 9jrt'uo'Miserere' from -IIrrovntore.' ,1''mja|lfestcd ft lively satis-f action.-.-f-'- }|

"After (ho 'J^lierere' lie obliged mowith n wnttz. i:|ook a chair nnd seatedmyself on the Wlcony.

"He-then playld mo the nlr of one ofthe most popuWC-Bongs of the day. 1•lapped my lm$ln enthusiastically. |

"Then lit pnHJetHo*thc nlr dPa' senti-mental «ong; 1/cnlled to my servant tocomo nnd llntw to It. —, — L_

'" Encore!' jl cried. Ho playnd the

. of « Mort«c.Flrat l i i — Have been very bimy thin

weci, ('ni/n-'urliig. On Monday I miulomi </|ii;nl« '"to the kitchen of No. 14,)ut»t by |io Iiuntry door,— n very goodsltimtloil riH HO many fragment H am

mull tMirprlHi-d to llnd"l1 wl"' l l l tM ot

i iv ldont ly couldmy I l l o

Tho HWvmi tH

in l|)rouil nll l t l V l l l l H will'

n run u \vny'HIIIII of

llohc. •

in f i c r all,' to iihuV

lli;hllni; iilnel;.--|}||i'ii

If a inurrlcil u'oiii i i i i ICIKUVII \v l l lc lli|n i/r her hh i i ' i i l l i h i > Jinn hi mi Lj '

ivlll novel' ri 'in'nl ll||. foul I l i ln i rn Ihivninl i t in i l in i l i l ( l i i r l i i i ; I h n l r i ' i i i i i ' lnhl|[i .

not li/v'o known who made t lni t liolo,pr wl/ H WIIH thei-e,-- H fool lHl i i i i lHtakc ,whlc/n llttlo t l iought inlgli t l iuve pr«.veiil/d,

IV/day 1 bored n Iiolo In n more con-IOUH pliK'n, nnd run In lUld out nnv-

.•rat t lnu'H Jnnt to H)IO\V the mal i l i i Uni ttad lionid It, nJid Unit I t . w n i i (if UHI;.know they M I I W nii'l yet l lm poor,

nine iKiinrnnt crentlu'eH huvo ninth '10 iiiiine i n l H t n k c over i igi i l i i .Heciind D I I . V - - l l n v o t i i l i ' i ' i i "|i my < | u n r -

ICI-H In one of ( h i t i l ln lng-rooin wul l i i ,

Hnvti Jn»t v lu l l i t d ll^elli. 1 Wilt) K H i L I -lletl by Dm .reiyn'cl idimvn me, All li|llm room Jninped on i'lmll'i'1 and wi i l e l i -

my niovenieli l ' ' n l l en l lve l .V . I l n i v «hCli r i l nf penple l iowln i t liiW to I l i u m 'wl in in they enleein, l in t I l i n v n neverlii 'Hi'd hi'Toro i>t |iri||ilo I 'Mi l l l iu ; I h i ' i i i -i i i lveM on eliil lrii . .*! ' eonfeijii t h a t I \viinpic lined.

Third I)aj--To day vhilled I l in din-

to above (I'J perout. In New .I«rH«y the correHpondliiK

lire nearly 'M per cent nndlioro tliaii-r>5. It followH that If nil midiillcim liud been imfura l lgvd tlio t\Vo'ilascrt togethiT would bo a majority ofho clet'tornte. In nolnt of fact, how-iver, It-HH than (58 per cent of the for-linn-born inulea In New York nro unti l-'«ll/,ed, and In Now Jersey only aboutin per cent.

MoHt peoplo wi l l ' bo agreeably «nr->rlMCd to learn that thu riltlo of Illl t-(nicy among thin element lu cominii'ii-;lvt'ly Hinall. Of men who wero bornibrontl, lint hnvo, lived In th lH eonnlry;lid llvt) yenrH nowHWiry for iii i t i inill/ . i i-'.lull and l i n v n been inndo votei'H, Iln;lumber who cannot vend or write WIIMt'HH l i m n 7 |ier cent In ellln'i1 N»»r York>r New .lei'Hey. lOven iiinong UniHi ii l l i ' i i t i who h i ivn only "Milieu out l l i 'Hl

which lim.V Im tliine I I M H I M I I !in l lm newcomer lan i l t i In i h l i j count ry ,llr I I U l i ' l ' i i l e H did not milch exceed l'_!

r cent In c l lhcr H ln l e . 'I'lio t ' on in iHivery r U i ' i l w i t h the i n i l l v o . w h i t e n

•if No'l'llt C i in i l l i in . ' n H l n l e whlc l l I I I I Hi l i i f n i i l no I ' l i ivl ir i iei 'H. Nln'eli 'cn |ii-r ccii lif t h e m l i r n c l l c i i l l y 'nil' "111 of nvi'l ' .Vhr w h i l e nidi of I'nl.LllIt ni;e III "Ihoild N'orlli H l n l e " • c i innol I'l ' ild or write.

•New Vnrl t I ' l v c n l i i K I 'd t i l ,

I l o imr lM urn nn\v innilo to iiiatclii jdwnii , l i n t , t i lni i i | (o to 'my, no oniiIhljiliii of trylni; In iiiiike llii'in inatcliI I I I I ' M I ' U ,

tuno over nfIds cap an/1'upon I lustn•hut. I

"I wcntHhr;with five iirIrnt niualcln!

then politely looicoffHd It toward mo, whoro-tly Imngwl tho window

ugh tho same pantomimex of the colleagues of my

and then the euro wastter..tlinn that. 'Cvon; for^omploto. n

yeHter'day n/ornlng, 'OH I -wan. qiMW^ynklng tho nlr, I Hawnppronelilng a man

.n velvrteed troimers nnd with nn ol-(an on IdB luck. / !

Ho rilled hls'-oyoH to mine nndkkenedJBlH puce, a f te r milking n Rea-

t'uro of ( l l^nlnful defliimre, IIH much anto say: tvou'd l ike mo to play yon atime or t^o. wouldn't you? Hut yoti 'votnkon me: In ouco: yiiu'll not do It*Bi»lnl" I '

Mlllll lKHt-nill l l ll> UllUNOM.

Not iniiK "K<> I'"1 wlfo «>f n WesternKni iHi i i i |n i l l i l i ! l i>n i iHltod him to InyiiHlilo I i i i i l l l rH, long C'lHIUKll-nliii dllY toillK l l m / m i i n l i i i ' H In Hi" curdi'ii. Ufu g r i s t M l - f i do I I . ' A f l« ' » - " l lKKlKK I'm1 "(Vw Mi l / iu l t 'H liu .wiint Into till) l immuani l Hiikl lir l i iul round a < - < > l n . H» wiuili-It nit aJjil II proved-lo li» n Hllvoi1 ( lHlir-tor, I fc i imt It In hln Jnimi i iml willIllicit III V"1'1'' I'"'"''"".*' >'" Wl'nt '"; l i i i Ixi l i iui i i K H l n ' i i n d H i i l i l l n > hail foundiiniii lnj ' i ' coin. Ho wunncd i>i (Ui' t "II

' w a n u Mllvni - Amli: dollar. Un'In lil't J i ' i i i iH. "I1 l n i v« - wiM'kf i lIl l l l ' l l ," H l l l l l ll» l<> I"'" Wll ' l ' l "I

I ' l l l n l « > ii whor l nap." When IKIm found Hi'H '"In «'"'" I > ' » I < I « H

n i l i ' l io r.'Nl i i f U"' i i i i i n l t i t ' H . Hilt HimI'mil/il no r i i l i n i , U Hi''" ( Inwi ic i l i inimli i ' i f j t i iu l Mln ' l iai l I"''1" "wm'Ui'il.M--lUn.im>< : |(!liy .luiii-tiiil .

more plensantrperhnps, than" It wouidhave-been.— It Is-weil for husbnnd andwife now and then to beg pardon ofeach Other. Dut no young couple should

. bolleve that, bncauso they fall out once-In a while, exchange sharp words, losetheir tempers and spoil a dinner by

• quarreling, their niarr!ngo Is a failure;• a. failure* • at least, by comparison.

Nothing could bo more untrue or moreunjust to themselves. AH marriedcouples havo had thelr'lltfle bickerings,and when any couple say. they havelived -together fifty years, o* even tenyears, without a quarrel, (they areeither the ono exceptional couple outof ono thousand or they say what lanot true. True, tho husband may neverhavo attempted to stab his wife, northo wlfo. plotted to poison her husband,fcut bo «urq they have more than onc«ecoldod each other, taunted each other,

. boon angry-nt each. othar and, In short,quarreled outright with each other.

'They have boenrccbncilfld, of course;their life together baa boon IwrmonlouH,except for occnnlonnl dlaeovda; theyreally loyo each other; but believe this,they havo had their quarrels,— SanFrancisco Ilullotln.

liny Our W>toli«n liy (hit million.The 'maker of n cheap! Amorlt'iin

Wivloh returned from ICujrnpo n fewpdayi t i iRO, lirlnglng with him orders for

2,000,000 of lilt) wutchon. Till) ono orderfor 1,0(H),0(K) W»H glvtin by W. M. Hcott,manager of "Hymond'u Ijonnon NiorcH.1 'Mr. Scott IIIIH Introduced Anii)r lcun nilvcrthdiiK nicthoilH wherever Viy innnd 'NutoroH liavo a liraneh, Mini tint wntelieiiwill be UHed In oxiiloltlng niliropimltloiiH, Tho Hccond "''(U'der for1,<HH),(HM) wnlehtm \VI IH ' inndo li'y a new-ly orKMiil/.i'il company for inei l ' lo eun-duct n "nmll order" I H I H | I I C M I ^ - n 'd l - i -t lnct lvi ' ly A.im'1-lcuii l i inovnt lon i i l i l n ordor renii l t l i iK from tho i iolorluly i;lvi 'iiUn'oiii;!' thu Ixindon iiii]irni to Hie Ih'Hlordor. "I Hilinli'i'd UICHO ordcrH," mi ldthu Ainei'lciin, "In Iho H|| 'IIIII;CMI U l n dof coni|ii'tllhin w l l h ( Je r innn anil H w ! r < > i

liners.a decade ago not equal to thespeclallsts-who^ appear between thetwo full shows to-day- That portion ofthe show Is being constantly strength-ened, hence there are audiences atKelth-'s-from-4r30 to-6-that would beaccounted unusually - Iarse-at-nlgfrt-at-.the height of the season In the aver-'oge..;house. —These, .enjoyable special-ists attract the bank people, publicofficials whose day_jterrnlnates at orbefore 4 o'clock, people who have, anhour or two to while away before traintime and hundreds 6f shoppers.

Varound town whooping It up,s do after 'lection. I've some-

ight they-went to bed andto say, and ag'ln I've-won-y didn't whoop; 'er up' and

tlme. If any-of-youing7 "aBount~rd~like ^t(

[was smiling or laughing,olt-Free Press,-.and no-

lm any pointers whenpr opened the door andtout on the platform.'-'-

Iflng too much."tlked." ".' ;

> stop or get oft" ,;aw? Osmnn patriot bo

I In the middle of a ten-

street car."tho w

out to"do It '•Jes, slJsomefolks- wf

Use it also for bronchitiSjrconsumption, hard colds,and fbr coughs of all kinds.

• Tnreo»lie«l««.,BOc.,JI.


Ing to follow the styles can go -too far.'-— Xonkers-Statesman.____J _ ;_.___


JInkca a Specialty of. It and I« BnsyAll the Time.

Birds are subject to disease quite asnucti as humau beings. Phthisis car-ries off, many -a parrot, and pet canariesire-very subject_to. enteric. j^:h'ese aliments aud performing minorlurgjcal operations upon "feathered pa-ilonts' keeps at least one London birdJoctor busy most of the time,methods by which toe operates

la th& Strand Magazine.are

.^|—One-of-thw-refractory-patlenta treateda pfftwt srifferlng from a horny

one of Its nostrils. Itaitrngglea were absolutely terrific, andIn the .end It-bad to be wrapped in twineto prcrrent vrtng aapplngV^^-V1-1- ~—:

Canaries, being.naturally fragile andTCariy~aVvraya-deHoate-in the ollmataDf Gent Bltnln, are a class ^f patients

andTf i

and If I cin't itudy and attention. They form, ns arule, the larger portion of his clientele,or, as drawing-room pets, they are by!?' tM^S??^?^Jfavorltes of the winged

" treatmeaniccQrded them

I'll do It on foot|very. man I:meei'JI|

ether tlem


points tbup In-th?for indepStop yon|'rah for ]

When aof duos ho

^or -whooped It ap..you can bet youryour Uncle Jlin

I to-night and wales

ias. to be of the most.delicate descrlp-lon, while the handling of their bodiesor various ailments Is In Itself an oper-

the mornlng^-'BalrJBtlon-demandlHg-tUe utmost:careras:annadvertent squeeze might cause1 th'eliad Bunker HOI!

Vhlle I git offi aid]id.-Gen. Jacksonrif

d for non-paymat

regulate the uaf J. «<wey»,it},iniichandboi'els with the Hot|5Pledlo">0iOarfleld Tea, t;earing health an|P5»PPlness,'or the Now Yea.;

deatlu1 The affection showered by. own-ers of canaries upon their little petsjjoften quite touching, many ladles moli-ng It a stipulation that they are presentKll6"ttny neceBsnryoperatIon-la-beln$

!arfled:out Tears ore shed freely, orluebveceaBlonsr-and-joy becomfn mnnl-

Tho femmfnel

Mr. JJoodles—Why do you wish tomarry my daughter next week? It'sBO Buddcnl

"Well-nil—you BCO I bought tho ringon thirty daye."

PrrSpermBcent!ncpsafter first da;,Nerrolleetoror. 4Dr.B.H.1

There aro threltwccn New.York!

cured. Niflt« or nwrons-fc."»«' «f. W KUno'a Oreal


be-telophohl circuit!•ity andUtlanta.

Mn.lVlniloWiEteething, soften the |

, dai) for children

i lufl&mxiii-oJ5o»bottle.

It takea a wiso.i_dully Interested in AI ne.

Ptio'i Oaro cannot bcl]1*"" hlghtj ipoken olM • cough oaro.—J. Wa O'BucE 533 ThirdAvenuo, N., MlnnoapoUiji Minn.. fjtn; 0. 1800.

Tho man who knqtho most.

Icafet shown it

.'e t as BOOB as the poor little birdies artoronounced "out of. danger."

.'— "Fow Dlo"'and Noneiord—Blair—Bolfour,—Lord—Justice

3eneral, recently mentioned that therelad been In Scotland only fourteenx>rd Justice Generals In the last 200rears. ._.,.; .

A barrel ol gasoline confined in a cellarias twice tho explosive force of a barrel ofronpowder.

WUh All B n«ppy Xew Year.Eapplnou that cornea with good health la

riven to oil who use Nature's gift, OarfleldTea.Its Herb Cure cleanses tho ayateih, purifle*lie blood and removes tho causa of diioaie.


has more than 1000 uew»

Humor la always kind; wit la often '111.itured.



Joke* and Jokelets that Are Bnppbaed-toHave Been Recently Born— Say lae»and Dolnga that Are Old, Carlona and

- -l«ojiBl»abli*-^Tlie_.Week'«

Mrs. Crlmsonbeak— I see in the paper.that a woman In locking after another.woman, to see what 'she had on, fellout of the-wlndow, --- --- -— : — -; Mr. rimsonbeak— Well, that only.

Headline Him Oft,Biggs—I want to give you a piece ol

good ad vice. • • •••-••Dlgga—All-right; but flrst let nacglva.

you a piece.Biggs—Well, what IB It?- _.

" Dlggs-^Follbw the good advice, yotiore going to give me. '


' . IT UP.'

Mrs. Longderi, 62 Neterfleld Lane,Parkgate, Rotherliam, Is 76 years ofage," and to-day enjoys exceedinglygood health, which Is far different fromwhat-lt-waa In-her-oase-a-few-years-ago,when she had gjven_up all hope of ever-leaving her House again. The particu-lars which Mrs. Longden gave to ourrepresentative are in her own words,as follows: "As the result of an ac-cident about a-year-ngo I went-undermedical treatment for twelve weeks.I was told by my doctor that the sin-•gwarTffid~cora3-bgnealli the knee cap-were 'twisted and the only

was antreatmentoperation.

During that time I had five splints onthe leg, which was terribly swollen, andthe Intense pain was agonizing -In theextreme: — I~flnally""leftTny doctor andwent to Leeds Infirmary, where, after

_ _that they cquld do nothing for me ex-cepf'to amputate the\les above theKnee. As I was then severtty-flve yearsof age and I was afraid that I shouldbe unable to survive the operation,you may rest assured that I was com*pletely discouraged. ;: \Vhen I was takeninto my door I never expected to beable 'to walk 'again; The terrible suf-ferlng and pain .was telling on mefast, and at this critical time a friendof mine suggested that I try St. JacobsOil. Having, heard this OH spoken ofvery"hlghly§—but-never supposing foran Instant that It would affect, a, cureIn such a case as mine, I did not up to-that"time" try "ItI THowever r procuredn-bottle-and-from~the-verjMlrst-appll—cattpn^the pain began, to ease, •! con-tinued using St. Jacobs Oil until I hadixhauated^he^oBtents_ftf_f9U.r_bottles._' My progress towards recovery wassteady and In the end complete. The•aln.

all disappeared, in fact there are notraces of .the terrible suffering which- 1endured. ,1 have since then visited

pected to see me outside my door again.^•Many— of — my— friends— and— neighbors-call me the Living. Wonder, the cure ef-fected by St. Jacobs Oir being such n ^marvellous one. Besides using St. Ja-cobs Oil I have taken Vogeler's Cura- •tlve Compound, prepared by the sameCompany, for Dyspepsia, and now I amnever. without cither In the house, andI recommend both to all my friends."

Old Story.Mrs. Wederly—I am going to write to

mamma to-day. Have you any mossag*for her? ,

Wcdorly—Well, you may eend'her myregards, but perhaps. It would bo Juanas well not to mention how I regardher. ' '

/ *

•'I. ' ; ._L.

I I .lint|ll'l'l

wiUdi ii iaaurnii t i i i ' i ' i 'M, i i i i l w l t l m n i l l i i i ft int fact Uni t tlii ' .v n ia lv i ) n < |hiMi | ] r iwnlr l i , hut for I'i'iil morl i t l iolr \ \ 'n tc l i i 'nurn i t l i iu i ly 'not la It' rmnpiiirit w i t h|li» \ V M l c l i \vo pl'oilai'i', ami Un i t In pi'i'-t'lHidy llli!> wliolo Mt ' i - r t i l of our HII ITI IHHfa I 'd i iu i i iHHll i iK t h i < \vliolo nuirliot. OurAnu'i'lcaa iniili i 'M urn n l i n p l y l i i ' t l o rKooilii, and t l in pnoiiln want l l m m j - \ v l l lI I H V D tliom," ' 1

Tho liu-gcr inn iuoriK»i[(i on a nirin,tlui inol'Q likely U In tu liu cnllibil "Clour.tiuld."

It la pure.

It In gentle.•' .1

It is plcnsnnt.

It in ufllcncintirt.

It is not oxpeiisivc./ ' \

It ia good for children.

It i;i excellent for liidic-i). '

It is convenient for business men.

It is perfectly .-info under nil circumstances. •

It in used by millions of fiiiuilioM t l in world over.

It stands highest, ns a laxative, wl t j i physician*).

If you use it you hiive the best-laxative tile worldproduce:).

\ .rrnwr TOi«57.''.fWWTIp'f

Becavj.se>Its component parte are nil wholesome.It acts gently without unpleasant ftfter-efFectB,It is wholly free from objectionable substances.

It contains the laxative principles of plants.It contains the carminative principles of plants.It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are

agreeable and refreshing to the taste.

All nre pure.J All are delicately blended.All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.

Its value is due to our method of manufacture and tothe orgitmlity mid simplicity of the eomliiiiiUloii.

/To get its beneficial effects — buy the genuine.

Manufactured by

Siva Fnvnclaco, Cnl.Lovilavlllo. tfy. Now Yorft, N, V,

fuif HALK 11Y AU, iKAinmi


Page 3: HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in Hammonton r, post-paid -| Well equipped for in all branches—--Pampb!lets>< Business


One Step at a Timem i i. • ( . «

Eednctlonsia the secret of fllTprogresB.

The first step towards a

successful life is often the

application for a policy

„ of Life'Insurance in7



Holiday stock- i ;

And-bargains among thfem.Jh$~Conilrand Brunh set , Toilet Bets,— -^

^rushes, Manicure articles, both iu ebony and '

I silver, Pocket-books, Chatelaine"BagS, )• ' i fCombs, anything in the Silver Novelty line.

Co. of America.

. . : . . Home Office,, Newarlt, N^J^

JOHN P. DRYDEN, President.

EDGAR "B.WAIiD, 2d V.P. fr Counsel.FORREST P. DRTDEN, Beo'y.


(3EO. 8. TRUNCER,. Asst. Supt., Willlamstown, N. J._




re Department, i...;.;.;

paid £ :


Goo Elvjns, 8upplleB ...;..!, A J Rider '...;.„;..._..


bntion; ~ We iully guarantee all pSFwolr^f=^s~

Eybs_examined. glasses fitted, day or evening.

EOBEETiSTEEL.E Johnson ...;.;;.Tony Carlsa ..._DrPeet, gravel8 Dorobo .....:„.'...F CapeJla.....,......

Augelo laono"..:.

E A Joelyn .....i.,;,.,W L Black, eupplie

,.;Mrs"Bothell, i_ ' Mrs Scott, boarding i .--JG Johnson, goods to jy:prBltler, attending]' Orovirell'g Pliarn


.. Hendenmeyer A OnBoard of Health, e_,

i Oeo Bernsbonse, Ova,; J W Myere,:nlBht mic: A PSltnpBpn, bai.onq-'K H Chandler, i

Carfare to Philadelphia— / this Is How:

You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our..store; buy your Clothe*, your boy's, your girl's, your Wife's:j;i>ame once to everybody^ Show your railroad ticket for•4*1 «>A *t«iitf4 iir«.- _*_... _ _ . t « ..if _

't tell— depends upon your carfare. I

j AHMIlier. janitor]| » A Field, rent Jan/(,. J L O'Donnell.gala jI ' Hoy t <S Son, adv.atI,;'C Wooduutt. dellni


Ordered filed.H. McD.'Lil

portion of hisosgessmcnt-

_an... error.'?;]

- Jeweler and Optician,

The only printing house

The South Jersey Republican Oflftce.

iurrT oT de-ired, by law.

Jrebate of aDp,—a double,Assessors, to

la. abatement

-Oak Hall,

granted."C. F.

open d l t cn&ipie, for w$'"'

permission toSd Street, near


.Men, Women, Boys and Girls Sixth and Marktt Stt JPhiladelphia

- RoforroI nil! meet atnday^evening,

NB NOW Mrs. Jones does not.speak to Mrs. Smith,simply because she knocked for a long time at Mrs,;

Smith's door and no one came to let her iny while, intruth, no one heard her knock. But had there been anfelectric bell on the house, the life-long friends would neveihave parted. For all such ills, apply to the

ElectricXight, Heat and Power Company,and a speedy cure is guaranteed. •

S. L. PANCOAST, Jn., Manager.



Ornamental Painters

and Taper lluii(;ln{;.

Hammonton, N. J.

Ohas. WoodnuttJUSTICE of the PEACE

(Ollillnuooll.ictoil.)'•Uommloflionor of Doodii

Inuurnnoo A; Hoal Entato A%t.'- '.IQco at realdoiicu. 40& Jtollovuo Avo.

ndvertiscmontB,"1 saw it in tho SOUTH


J-CH .'

EmbalnaorTwolluvBt., betwean railroads.

! '. union ton, N« J.All iirraugomnnta for buriola mndoami curofullv executed.

Bz*. J. A.


Insurance AgenlNotary Public,Commisslonor of Deeds,

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.Hammonton.

Wo will try to fill every,Batisfiictorily.

Automcpassed setadopted.,

In the]read rcsocaeeting|for a B[quoatioiand opffftea

^tbo maturwprovide 111)for thef purpj

l a n d /r taken up, and

reading, and


tion DCthat'll womajority!«!Olhura doled

works, Clorkby special town

uncil to provideto vote on tbo

[the town to buildworks. Tbo inter-law'which governs

isttpned. Tbla lawinda shall bo laaued

any municipalityby a "majority of tbo

•cof voting at an eicoSolicitor Chandler boldueccesary to aocuro a10 legal votera in town.

that the law meana a'(/!

JOS. H. GARTON, ,.sJustice of the Peace lnutCH:

• • Hanunonton, N. J. iOflloo ut Roaldenoo, Mlddlo no,»dJ

. f i

Vuryprarly, Council received Solicit-or's opiiu, and jbullevlog that It wouldbo BO ncly irapoaaiblo to call out ovurttirq'o bdred ond (Illy votora at aspe/iliiluctlou, poatpouod direct action;buU Iniuutod Obalrman Boyur to confer

j Ilanimonton Cilizcu'a Aaso-jund prominent clttzona,- and

arfrue for a joint meeting with Councilmarly date, to conaldor tho wholo

Uraccr of tho Poor Burnehoiiao atat-(l^o of colored woman who baa boon

,,!«M in hla caru, sloli, now recovering-r/rvalduDt lo Oaoulon County, and

Invtructloua. JIo wue authorizedlo-oujril ,tho woman to her homo aaJn aa elio is well enough to go.Chairman Uoyor introduced tho, fol.wlug resolutions of roapuct for Unitedatua Honator VVra. J, Howull, who diedjo. 87lb, which wore adopted unddorcd puhllahcd and apruad on tho

We are well equipped for all sorts'of-printing, ,

know how to do it, charge Jair prices,

and finish work jusfc when promised.

At McINTYEFS Meat Mark^t7ome-made JSausi


We have two grades of Mince Meat/10 and 12'c.' Chow Chow, Pepper Sauce, Pickles, and Horse1

Kadish. Home-made Sour KjOUt.Orders received and delivered. .

, 309, Bellevue Ave.

Closing Out ta few odds and ends left from the Holidays.

We would rather sell at co.st than to

carry over, hence these low prices;

Toilet-Soap', (fancy boxes), 5 c, 13 o, and 15 o.

Mixed Nuts, 13 c,—2 Ibs. for 25 c. ~~

Ornamented Cakee, 18 c. pef pound

Xmas mixed Cakes, 13 c, 2'Ibs. for 25 o.

Mixed Candy, 8 c, 12 c, and 15ic pound-

Figa, 15 cents a pound

Cluster Raieins, 20 c. pound.


Hrn»i.i< , HlHo'WO. A. Oanutboll AS Oft., :

Real Eatato & InsurantSConey lo loan on morlmiKO. I'nrtlon Imin

",n««, ,',l do .oonll.or Wrlt«B«,


Wherctu, Tho Town Council of tho»,jwn of llnmmonton baa Iciinuul of ttiod«ath of .CJonural VVIIIInm J. tiuwoll,theroforo bo It s(

Jtcsolvcd, That tbo Council and In-habliaiitaof thu Town of llumnionKmdeeply rugrct lha IOHH of 11 dlatlngulahutlcltlwiii, an eminent ntatconmii and OIIQof tho Htttlo'n moat olllclunt publicofllclnla, and one who«» private dutiesImvu added very KfPftlly to 'ty of our Town. /..


A Fine Herd of SteersHUH junt boon reinvod at Eckhardt'a farm. '

You don BCO thorn, dressed,) ati fcl- i , ' ~ ' •

Eckhardt's Market,:j 240 Hollo vuo AvonUo.

P. S. ;Nico joung ohickontj, droHiiod, H o, p'r pouii^d.


. JAN, 4. 1002.

Hail Time.~3faj1a will close at tho Hammonton

Post Office as follows;—LEAVE- f

DOWN TJP•9:10 'A.M. 7:10 V*.C:85 *.H. 9:40- * 12:20 P.M.


- 5:50 .A.M. ' 7:25 A.ir.9:22 4:l(r P.M.6:48 P.M.

Grand Army Post meeting "this

•©•Do your New Year resolutionsJ ' ""'

8®* Heeling of tbo Board of <Edaca-

«©* Mr. : and Mrs. Will. Priestley'Spent Sunday with her parents; -

• • (1

^Ifliling-ftiends in Philadelphia. ------' -S@* Heavy'rain again,T Monday, withmoderate temperature,—south wind.

JJ6P- Workingmen'a Loan Association•annual meeting next Monday even'g.


.Avenue.Woman's Belief Corps meeting

ibis evening, at Miss Nellie DePuy'sresidence.

H. P. Loomls entertained

Henry P. Stock well andySvife, ofCamden, spent Sunday'at hi? lather's,^'

Harry Little has sold a fineWindmill to Mr. liarry Zindel, on the

.;. «©• D. .E. Honpt, of Norristown, Pa.,zepentpart of the wee*~wnh"oTd~Iriend8in Hammonton. ____ ....... „ : .

fromPhiladetpbia and»;an extended^yisit In

neighboring localities.C®" A little ice was cut on the Lake,

•early last week.jBut left on thej^LgorttiJianspprtaUon. .- J©* Thursday's papers stated that<Japt. Crowley Loveland's schoojior _hajd

-away. . . '•ISTVery profltablo and Interestlo

-Wfttefa^iBeetliiga weie Uuld Nuw Year-<v'e.-,-ln the Methodiat and Baptla

'Thursday airCompany/aretheir new boiler* imachinery.to-night. _

JBBCLlh.0 . MajlisBoard will followexample, fa enforcingchildren. Theynotices, and copies ofsend to parents. x

HOB8E for sale. VWM. ]

KB* Messrs. CharlriM. Crowoll,'while weaijwater-works, will worijerecting a wind-mill; on

Werhave 16 arst-elasssBicycles,with Fautoer Hangers,

$22.50 each.i and see them.

the desired liquid,

spen| Tuesday night in Pbilat!witness; t ^or them said that he enjoyed the 3


life' when their "taster^

more than the city display.

MISS KATIE DAVIS will do Manionrlhc Iat her home, Mondayg. Wednesdays.

ana BaiuWayB, ifoTn ».uoa.niliob.tiSTpX

,B®rDavldMeasley, well-known hererost two fingers, .Wedneaday, while atwork' in Bozarth's mill, Elwood. Hewas worting at a buzz-saw, when somelartof the machine got out of order,

and in endeavoring to right it his bandcaBiela'cont^ctwith~thB"rapldlyrevoly-~ng saw.; ~—- ^ ;..._^ ODD working Horse for sale, cheap.

VT . W. B. SCOTT. Main Koad.

JB©"I*w. Gra'vatt, whom many of>ur young people remember, was lately[scharged from a hospital in Denver,

that" the load, w^ tooI the|t8ytnpatby!,:ftndjwoInteered to- walk.

.of-PhUadelpbiaf ^oloi^ortttter"«-TOFnn5D- i-r 'with — '——typhoid fever, He bad, saved

money enough to pay fdr~a~TefnTin"amusical institution, but.sickness cost

im considerable, and a thief stole the

SSf Tbo officers of tbo WorklrJgtnonLoan Association are pluaaed with tbannual report to bo presented to tbmembers noxt week.

Say A wooden culvert, at Third an.Vino Streets, gavo way, Saturday nightcausing a horao to.fall. Repairs wortroado on Tuesday morning.

JOT The Ladles' Aid tiocioty of thiaptlat Church are planning an "applnoclablo" for Tuesday evening, J«n. 14Particulars will bo given later. (

«QT Union teachers' meetings will befield in tho Treaty torian Church thisfrnonth. Mies Baldwin, State Secretary-may bo preaont Friday evomng.

OarJolin B. Sooly returned fromOharloaton, 8. C., In time tol eat Xraasdinner at homo; but was ao^pn hurrlod

-*o-Lakowood ori Important wor^b." "

«6T Preston Crowell, writing fromUTnirmont, VVost Va., aaya: "I wlah

• jou and all thu Hammonton frlonda ahappy and proaporoua now year."

. BQTTlio Ludlcs'Aid Society of tho1'roabytorlan Church will eoll tho ro-malndor of tholr gooda at coat, on thta<Buturduy) ufiurnoon and ovonlng.

SST Thn ladloa of tho Protflrytorlan4Jhuroh will hold a cnhu niicl a|*on sale«n tho afiornoon and ovunlng of Jan.17th, at lliolr atoro, In tho Fiedlertmlldlng. {

*t£rTho ordinance of baptlam wasadministered by I'aetor Looinla, Sunday

•night, at th« IlaptlBt Church. Thorowaa n largo uudlunoo, aonaldorlug tho•otoimy weather.

you a copy of thr , Ilaptlet'Church Calendar for 1002, Juat comple-ted by Hoyt &, Son, tho prlntora V it In

ftmlquo, originated by,1'rlco, ton oonta uuclu

Puator JUooptlc,.

p»rty o« young pooplo dla-will* , ahoote and pillow-canon,

oallod upon r.oroy Jaokaon,«vcnlnp(. It wns a ghostlybut nil recovered nnd had a morry tline.

thn A . M . 1'hlHlpo Co.,'J.015 Atluatio A.VI, , AtluuilcC'Ily.

ESF The Christmas exercises' at theLosedale M. E. Church were, as usual,f a high order. . The programme com-risedjinging by the Choir and Sunday

school, and recitations~by "cfcildferirThe singing by the Juniors, under theare of our organist, Mrs. Schwartz,ioned careful, preparation, and .washoronghly enjoyed. Two large trees,_edjfitb^rj)Iian^yjinjljaa^ji6ifta, graced the occasion. - Miss Fran-

"es-Murpny-recerved-a-beautifuhOxford'cachor's Bible, large eize, for regularttendance-and-Jalthful.-8tudy_of— the

easona for the year. 'Paatot1 Jkmea B..yan received a fine large reading-glass.

Snperiotcndont Conover and the officersreceived UBuful glfta, uud uveryouu W.UBmado^ipartakcr In the -goodneea of old

land' go~home7^ ^lfini!<)U-head wan turned urn diog old horse But then a

Irange to Bay,. the 6]in-ie ladies had ,'.:lavkUd

and' wltb detr-

ton ; but 'twaa noJoDVso, both ladies tad

imhied.ttt have thifi|e preceded bomuwadj

Hammontoi.*art of the ttao


-hearon runnii

She called!nptjaravj


repeated on Now Year's eve, its a pre-lude to tbo watch-meeting. ' n.

HALF of double boiiBO to rent, on OrchardHtroot. Apply to K. N. THOMAS,

112 N. Second Htrcot.

tSf An ezcellont annual for tbo busyman or woman, a valuable book of ref-erence for tbo office, counting-house orborne, la the Philadelphia InquirerAlmanac for 1002. Besides the custo-mary literature, facts and figures, cal-endars, and election returns, there Is acomplete directory of tho Philadelphiagovernment, members of Congress, thoState Legislature and Judiciary, tboNational government, a comprehensiverecord of sports, full chronology of tboclosed year, and much other Informa-tion of Inlurost to tho general reader.Tho almanac an a wholo Is a vory usefulcQmpllatIonr<MntalnIng_jnu.cb.,_lnJUtla.epaco, and that much selected and pre-sented with good judgment. It la fur-nished free to Inquirer readers.

-gladly of!family.

Bays: "For I

i Jjnnie_McDeroaot,amain. T

[the boose, readingNellie Tod

e«verhead, uu.| to investigate, ah

was in flameswho was worbirij

gaioeiit~cotild~~nolrr b«. was deis—and-ueighibori

the unfortunate

irow have on hand plenty

and dry, and^iare able toto



from lumbaIain's Pain1:

-relief, whichtodo.",.,8oldl;

"Some time:severe cold.her cheat and hiObamberlainVClto directions, anwell and a

-tried Chamber-i • >gave me entire'aicsiiad failed—

.mv darter canght aimplalotf of pains iabad cbigh. I

used this remedyEi my faiI have:

lly for tbo-. . ». , . . - •» «f—-" -t*w fcnown;t to fall," saya Jaol Prend*«ast. mer-ohant. Annato Bay&tnaica.Weat Ind'alalanda. Pains InlVe: chest indicatedan approaching at|k of A«nmonia,which in this inBtanSwas'uloubtedlywarded off by Cb|berlald\ CoughRomody. Itcounterfanny tbdenoy ofa cold to ward pneum^a. 8o|> by J. 8.Rogore.

and Heatersare our specialties this month.

Theof Hammont<)n,N.J

*•. L • , , | .Tbo bnnual elootion for Ohrootors of

tbis Back will bo bold at the UinklnKHouse, on TuoBday,<Janiliuy 14th,1902,between the hours of 1 ana 8 p. '



Screened and delivered.*- rooolvod by L. MON1

Real Edtato Dulldlnf;

P. S. Step in and look at our lamps, andmany other articles suitable for Holiday



Loaded Shellson hand to

Give HQ your order now, for what you will need

during tho coming scanon, and they

will b<i bo set nnido for you.



MUST MOVE our entire stock,to make room for tho carpenters.

Everything will bo sold at reduced prices,

whether damaged or not.

Special prices on lots of a dozen or more

, L. Jackson & Soia.I


Page 4: HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in Hammonton r, post-paid -| Well equipped for in all branches—--Pampb!lets>< Business


Washington Girl Found 6nt Howto MuIce-8wcetrl>othto~l'l<N

A Washington girl was recently vlslt-In Lynchburg, Vn., and while theregreatly imDrcsscdjv.lth-.tlie-pei'fee-

3ons, of the sweet .potato pl$s that oldK.unt Clndy,_the_cooktaifl£<^ t" «"nd-"ptor , tho delectation of the company.


laklness of 'crust, such delicate and' The Unlted-'jlino :Workcrs ollellcloua blending of flavors"were never . feu will mnke'V supreme effbjj;

. ttefoco. obtalnedr by^.niortal. Land. jf. .So, .:J |ianlze'.the .wlners..of ..W£sL .VIil- trmed wlth-pencll and uotebookf-Jirtrno '~The""Hruni'en~of~th^"T3ifferelooking school style, and fortified by ^ries In Cincinnati .Newportpermission of her hoatess, she ventured ;ington have been granted nn eS

• (o Maitard at any• the moat delicate.

T enratlvo avalltlw ot|t vUl Btop the toothocba

a arid Aciatica. ' ,b bos t: and mtost exteroal

I u aa eitornol remedyomacb and all rhmmmtlc.


ttito the kitchen to learn the sweet se-

HComeJn^Jioney,-.come-lnr-an!-innko'welc^jDa^'jsaJ^__A.unt _QIndy_nf;_

lented herself at iho kitchen door. 'It.1

day, after n long contest. . Tfcbeen working-twelve hours he|

£okr Is-experlenelng-coBslderab'ble with

re claim tor It, and U willTtn thit houehold. ; llaby *

f all'yunr'preparatloM."'tN "J "thar dmleia.

it to us la noMan itampaymall. . ~ • .'p'tod by ti>e pnbllo nnlesa.

u.otherwlM H I ) not

The Beet Sugar IndustA most important^ article giving

Messrs. Osnard's and Cutting's views.on the -bcet-siiffti«-4ndustry—ln__thlg _country appeared on the editorial pageof the Ndw'-Tork Evening Post of De-cember 12 last, and as every house-hofdTnlihe'land^ls" Interested In sugarthe nTtlcle^lU-be of universal Interest.

co«., HaWSTork Oity.

.The Evening Post bids the iheartlestwelcome to every "American Industryth'at can .stana on Ita own bottom andnako.Jts^ay without leaning on the

poor rates. Among these self-support-

H -afiUlatc


t rel,c of antebellum days, and ^n-jffiS^!^'^

to admit Independent, unions,?1,11 amend the constitution so. that


. .Street l$\ •

e.". seatingthe chair Aunt, Cindy had hospitably

Iron tablespoon, !v:

s'ssjuy stirring with aMS/-ivnctl, 'asr-for-in'stane


wiped with her apron.•"Law, chile, I des cooks out o' my

the old woman.~ "Certainly, but jour proportions mustalways be the same "or your resultswould vary." The Washington girl was

. ;H cooking school graduate with "oneCup" of this, "two cups" of that and"three cups" of the bth'er fresh In her

tional and International organizationsor the American Federation will bi?eligible. . ' • • ' " .""":

If a resolution Introduced at a meet-Ing of the Plttsburg Building TradesCouncil be adopted thqre will be nostrikes In the future on any buildingson which union men affiliated with thecouncil are employed. The-resolutionprovides that air contractors who rec-

mind. "Let's begin with the eggs," she °snize the cardsjrf.trades employed.on-—»'—• -*•—--••=—™rr.:—-,- .-- - r bijlldliigs^lbelonglng-.to-the"Bulld]ng

Trades Council, be guaranteed freedomfrom strikes and assured that work onbuildings will not be delayed pendingthe settlement of labor difficulties be-

puzzled face. "How many eggs do you,;Use?"' • - ; . ' • •

"Well, yo' know how aigs is, honey,"teplled Aunt Cindy, judicially; "some's'•blg an1 some's little; sometimes dey's tween contractors and workmen.•*keerce', an' sometimes dey ain't,

nlpfl-'oordlh' ito'dey I'oe-got^-

lt des The Boot and Shoe Workers', Unionze oti has several agents on-the road Intro-

-daclng-tho labet;"How many sweet potatoes do you said F. Q. E. Gordon, one of the label

'Use?" asked her. questioner, somewhat agents, the~other~day, "a strike In abewildered. union shoe factory Is an Impossibility.

"Dat's 'cbrdln' to de size ob de fam- When we grant'the use of our label to

tbelphosphorus removepicV.... • .;••.-., .- Tien—Increasin . ,,

-aaj-tirisfc-a bull u5 possljthe'boiling has begun,tte'eontents^of the spo•In* the "outer edges^tw^at;lntervals during thesiprtly" before the boll;';UenuIne butter bolls,

yjify little; If any, nol;abundance-of - "fi

yand--oleomargjttty boll,-and prodii]"fpam."..;. The_ compoi

'duce a little, batiall that It canfrom the geuuln"»' Utenalls requ,

JTtitia. cures wind collBloody for diarrhoea. _ .i Cents a Bottle.


ls atlulsh-

bptbc),Int tin

b'ly, ob co'se," said the o'^ womn", '" flrm

"When we all got company, as we mps'JlLglnernlly hag, I naea rnn" nn' when

trnf-t >IHi- acl

fley ain't nobody bW^esTwe all, hitdon't take so many."

that firm that there shall be no strikeor^lookont, nnrl fiirt-fagr, that

"How^much^butter?"•"Right smart q' putter," responded

•Aunt Cindy emphatically, evidently_!hlnking_she--waa_ -accurate—at last

tlons of wages whlcITcinnot be settledby mutual agreement shall be sulted _board^of arbltratLpn, and-tha

twrked at' the half || aln one-hair pint fwdlnaiy small tin fjfjarters Inches

d a half; a, com|d-a-hajf-taeh

and a snSal

- Positively Cannot Collapso


Prevents Colic and Bowel Trouble.Hccommendcd by Physicians.

By raall, 4lor25c., 60c. per dozen,itamp« or eaih


.•__ ffla Dock. Street. Philadelphia


We h«TB flvo of tjie most ttalotble secrets In tin

-the production of beet .sugar. At allevents, It was such two years ago, We -e


fiulijcclt" tlio Folly or Booitlnc—Historyfull or Instiuiuel Sh airing Mow Arro-Kance ,TV us. Kebnlccd—Bolter UnderrateTImu OverruliV Oaracrl»c«. ;" .

course of Dr. 'i'ahnoge rebukes arroganceit encourages humanity and jehaws ho«.the pvcillng of lif

1890, and signed by Mr. Oxnard andMr. cutting, the chiefs of this Indus-try on the eastern side of the Kooky,Jountalnq. °h"wlng that this was the

happy condition of the trade at thattime. M parties masquerading as'beetsugar producers are besieging the

nt "tills mo-

decision shall be binding upon both par-ties. It Is the only organization'In thiscountry that cpnductg.bualnes8.wlthout:

-'"Ain't npthlh' good wldbut~bnfter7Jan' strikes. Air that we ask Is that work-•'I always puts in er plenty," Ingmen demand the union shoe labejl

"How about sugar?" questioned the ind we will do the rest.'' young woman. • ( r-. —•;- "Sugar tortns'j-honey; sugar to taa'. - •-^=~^—^Some folKBTlKes 'em sw'eefer'n others;


This process ffargarine Is-

kfmmed mllk.J•esh milk .In

welve to tweloving the crelHalf flU-thel

ut niner at the iood tne

onvenient a\t nnffklo ExpoaltloD.S TABASCO

ment, and pretending that they -will beruined If Cuban sugar Is admitted forsix months at hall! the present rates olduty their false pretences ought to be-exposed^;_;_--. v;_ __ ' . - _ _ • - ' _

The letter of Messrs. Oxnard anaCutting was probably written for the


Into the cuiFlvatfontot'Beet5~J6rTth"e~"sugar factories: This was a laudablemotive for telling the truth and show-ing the large' profits which, awaited'both the beet grower and the manufac-turer If the Industry -were persever-

and Intelligently, prosecuted. To

ers could clear $05 per acre by^rating I beets, and might even make$100.. But In order to assure the cnltl-vator that he wouldTiot^be-exposed to—

by^possible changes In the \

"we-ainiEeTourn tolerbuTsweet"

i, etTfoefbre the book was closed"ln* _ . _ • _ . . ,. • ' . ' ' •


An Obscure Point In Illitory BotheHim—Did They Whoop?

..... . . . . .. He was a lonesome-looking old miOh, des wbutevers handy," answer- bavlng a 8Cn"t In tne 8treet ear"Sometimes I puts pm-n^tty—^p^Rg-t^ iivniq

after riding

:wo-thlrds,;lll of milk

ed the old woman.In er llttlu '.-ruum. but yo' don't haf to

notice,four blocks_

;3Pjnj;kj 2MZc?y^C!teiri.'aMIS:O


Jshlng oleo-Use. Bweet

by setting• for from

tars, and re-as possible.

:uu-jwlth thislone'

iccurately 'thelie; beat nearly

"iy-rounded-tca--.'uttcr RUtistltute,id, and continueboll!" ftp.

Remove the the heat as

Wain't no spechul rule 'bout season- .Tnl a mt]e botnered over'sunthirj' and If any of you can help me out I'

"I nm very much obliged to yon. be much obleeged. We nil know that olaunty," said the .Washington girl, po- of the thlngB at orougbt on {no lltely, Jf Insincerely, ns she gathered... |utionary war wns that tea businessup her book and pencil nnd left thu Boston harbor. Sooner than pay thokitchen. on the tea our patriot^ went aboard 1-Bu t Aunt Cindy was not to bo de- )U|p8 and throwed It dverboard. I guifo

celved. " Tears like folks dcso days you nll understand It up to-that p'lntlscan't understan' nothln' yo' tells 'em," Well ns I do." • jshe remarked when the young woman None- of the pasengers admitted!was out of hearing. "Fo' do war' when noranco and asked'for Information ft wuz er chile " But as Aunt Cindy t),e old man got ncW courage andturned toward tho stove, says tho On.Washington Star, her reminiscenceswero lost,In a cloud of fragrant steamthat arose from n saucepan wlicro"right smart o'. butter" and, "sugar tottts'-".wcro bubbling In toothsome bar-•aaony. .

"Yes, history tells us that, andbody can read It It don't say winIt wns green or black tea, hut Igoln' to bo too particular aboutMcbbo tho two .was mixed. Wh,complain, of Is that history chojthing right off there. It don!twhether tho patriots went hoiri

Diplomatist to-'t^nRelioromnn. wont to. V«d afterJIie.fracaB.or wh|ln*"Tnero IflHocity In the world'with so lliey wcnt around town whooping

'many -forolgnors as Now York," writes 8fimo nfl wo do nrt(>r 'hx'tlon. I've tfniotho nmr. David M. Steele, In an article "mc8 thought thoy went U. bcd'nml

•on "Tho Other Bide of tho Town," In '"ul nutllln> to "">'• nnd "E'1'1 I 'vo^on-tho Ladles' Homo Journal. "Nor Is llcrwl " ****? dl<"n>t whoop 't-r iip'nmlthere any class of persons in the city lmv° a eny tinlc- If ""^ ot\yo»nmooff whom tlioro. aro so many 'queer kn°w> ""y'hlng about It I'd" Hjo _tocases.' I mot a man la tho Bowery llo"r-" • '


ono cold, wet, winter night telling shoe-laces. Ho looked so hungry Unit I took

:blm to a restaurant, where, after I hiulgiven him something to cut, lio jrnvo mohis confidence. Ho tulkeil Uvu Inn-fftiagcs—Italian, Hpanlsh, (lonniin, •li'ronch and Arabic—with oqinil Il i if-ncy, 'but did not know a wont of English.

"Hut who won lin? A mini of !I5,well fduciiiod, w»«ll roimcdttt nnd wellbriHl. For Ilvi> yciirn i i f l i - r Kni | lu i i t ln i ;1m fni iKht H n n f i U r l t In n grwit un lvcrn l -ty, and 'for Iho l lvi- yearn fo lUiwIngaoli'd IIH thn foivlirn i l l p lon i i i t l c corn--t ip i i i i i l fn t nf n Berl in dal ly, l i t - bud InV U I N I I I I In lcrvlrwcd half i hit crnwncill l i iMinri ' lm of Mnrniii', mil l whon t h i nWork (?n»\v i rot i i i i ionplncn lio t ' i i l l n l r i ! Intlld Hl'ciTt I n r n l ' M i i l l l n l l H i - r v l r i > nf l lm(Icrinnn iiriny. Hcnt nn u i n l t i M l n i i l u l uIlllliHln," |io ro in iuHIrd a innti t Hi ' i ' ln i iuWundt'.l', iiinl Im ii i i i l i lrnly r in i i i i l l i l n i -«cir vVfUUfil liy two i i i D i l i - i i at i i i ic i l innto ho Hhii^- i iH H Hpy, H l H f a t h e r < > I I I - N I M |him, l i l i i j p l i l rnim dcin'i'lcil Mi ld hlnfr loiulH J(Tl(lr(l h im, I In ciicnpcd withhlii l l f i i ' ln l i m n to Ili'n t l io country. To-day thin mm nf n I t i i H H l n n count In roll-Ing unit biirrnln on a New York ilock,"

hear."Kyeryhody wan Nmlling or laughing,

nays tho Detroit Krco 1'ross, aiid 110-hoily hail given him any pointers whenthti coiKluctor opened tho door nnOberlconeil him out on tho plntforni.

"What for?" asked" tho old man."You iiro talking too niiioli.""I hain' t half tallioil.""You'll l iavu to stop or K''t off."Id thin t in- l a w ? can a patriot ho

l-hol.ed r l^l i l off In tlio middle of nlonci'V" • • •

"Tlmt'H the liiw on a «lr i 'M car,""Then, liy .Ilin, I ' l l walk tho rent i,

th i« wny niul ' l in iliu'neil to you. I'vo HInut In l lml nut Hj r in l l i l i i ' , nnd If 1 cmj'ttin II oil a Hll 'eel ear I ' l l llo It nll ttijl.Yeti, n l r , I ' l l HI , , ) ! every i i i n n I mooti innie l indy nil! te l l nm wliel l ie i ' t l i^l if n l l i H went to lied 01- M'linn|ieil Itanil If l l ie.v-wlii . i i | ie<l, iV,m cnii tior. y/nil i n l l n i n dnl lnr Hu l l .vnur Uneln Jinpii lnlu Hiln town reil tn n

i.' cimlcr of I lieli 'enilenei. nnd ' , l l ii , , | ter f l l l l lU' nl i l enr wl i l ln I (»|i i>n ' , , j i i i l

i and dim. .lucltiionr"

talnlng Pt?cea of-'*-wUh very; littleIce waterj the Ic^o bo In pieces thejlze of oif to teen's eggs.

Fragm/its of'c melt too rapidly.Vhere slluld b-'nough of .the Ice to?over t\|-thlnP« tho bottom of «iopan,' - i

As thllce ota tllc Water will, of:ourst.Jso to higher level. Btlr the•ontentfof tbiup..rathcr rapidly withi rotarijand ^-osiwise motion In tun--o'ntlnufluslyironB"0111 tho tcat- 'ex''Opt duiing t| moment of time requircd for | tho Wing of the Ico waterIn tho pan.

This stlrrjf should" bo at Intervalsof orio mlnvS Md Is accomplished bjmoving tl^cnp about In a clrci.irouriii thoigeo of tho pan.

If the s«plo Is oleomargarine, saysthe 'rond/Mnll. by tho tlmo the «Hr-rlng hasfsen going on ten minutesjometlm/ln a very much shorte

,'tlrac, tho fat will gather Insoft mass, and will harden[f It does not gather It I

nulne or "rpuovntcd" hutteitheso two methods of tcHtln

to find out what norfor butter.


Y«m nm't toll «<!,„,,<Ummiio lluit (Jioy W|||

have Hail It.

< > f anyclaim tha t

tariff, they proceeded to show that theIndustry stood In no need of protection.~~Tfien>eet sugar iadusttyT~theBe~geni~tlemen say. "stands on.as .firm a basisas any bualncBB-ln-the cotttttry.JMEtiey-

:~6Bt~thr-fact^a—verr-important-one—that their product comes out as afinished article, refined nnd granulated.

I It is. not. like cane suzar grown In theWest India Islands, a block and offen-sive pa,ste, which must be carried Inwagons to the seaboard, and thence by.ships to the United States, where, af-ter another; handling..ItIs put through-

Ludbw Street,

PfcOll»i;ti42-69 A."'Consignments SaHcited,

rail to the consumer, who mny possl-alongside a beet

sugarfined nnd granulated article at ode fellswoop. _ Indecd^_tlie_ady.antagCflj)rjlifi_

Death Placards.At Venice, when any one dies, It Is

he custom to flx a placard before thocad person's house, as well ns In ad-accnt streets, as a sort of public no-Ive. stating his name, age, place otilrth and the Illness from which heJled; affirming also that ho rpcolvcdBO holy sacraments, died a good Chris-Ion, nnd requesting tho prayers of th«althful._A Vbrliltnn* Dinner That W»i Not K»t«lBecanio of Indigestion! This sorry taliwould not httTo been told If tha system hadbeen regulated and tho digestion perfectedby the use of Nature's remedy, (Urfleld Te«.'nils wonderful Herb modlolnoonresdlioTmiof stomach, liver and bowel derangements.ole*nsos tha syitem, nurlOes tho blood andI»y« tho foundation lor long life and eon-tinned good health.

A friend in need Is a friend—wk» usuoily -wants to borrow a fiver.

EMU psxikAK* of PDTMAM FAnsLiss D«colon either Bilk. Wool or Cotton perfectlynt ono boiling. Hold by nil druggist*.

Grade crossings in Europe are unknownMost things grow smaller aa they in

contracted except debts.

How's ThUT

Hall's Catarrh Onto.V. J. OD»«»I * Co., Props., Toledo, O.

•VYe. the undersigned, hare known V. J.Oho.ney for ihe last ID »e»ri. and bellova him iirrfeolly honorable In all buslnsiu trans«otlnniand flnanolally able to carry out nnr olillija.tlon mndo by tholr flrm.WKST A Tn«AX, Wiolosnlo Drugglvts, Toledo,

WAUIIIM, K I N M A W * MAIIVIH, WlmlesaltDniKgmt", Toledo, Ohln.Hnll'n (Intnrrh Oiiro In takonlnlenmllr .mit .

ln« <Hri'<illy "I'"n thn blood .and imioniu ni ir-fivoort nf tlio nyntom. I'rlon. 7HO. iior linltla

'Hold liy'nil Uri lKKlstn. Tosllmnnlnls irnii.-llnll'ii t'linilly j t ' l lUi i rn tlin l i i ' i i t .

Tho rant "f p i i h i l l i i l CTxniiloiii i» ?'->;),

Hlx ly

WILLIAM NAIIKU ANK \VM''I-:.Mr and M r M . Wl l l l um N n l m r ivccnll;

' t l i i ' l r H f t U i l h wml i l l i iK a n n lKn(irhHl)Ui% I mlvm-»nry »t their lioiiu..

Nnlior IH a n-llnul fu r i iUur . ituv.-r, wi'll known In Clnel i .n i i t l ,ho and h lHwIf .MTNl i lo i l I'm- n i n n y

ri,(.y wm-i> mnrrM «t H»ly '"•|lll

Oth Btrort.-Oln.'li.nntl 1'ont.

' Jnwnr

(li>i;i'"''« hi 'luw V.ci'D IM t l i o''"''I i i t i i i i i n p h i ' i ' i i In wh l i ' l

Ah iHld in ( ; i> l t l i n i r t l i ' i -H i iu iHi nl ' l r i i wu i ' l t .Tlmy miik" l l r i 'p l i ic i 'H nf H I U I W In U n i td i ' t i c i ln l i i rcKloii- Tho H I I I I W lit i i iTi i i i r i ll u l u lilni 'loi l IUo h r l i - k H ami a l ln> | i lu r i itwo or llii'iui liirj. mnmi'ii IM l i u l U ' w I i l ithuin. Whim Uio llro In l lkhii ' i l Hx>H I I I I W , »f nuinm, inr l l i i on Ihn H i i r r n i ' i Slul l \vlinu Dm Urn IH out t h i n fi'i 'f/.iiM IKIliiird I h u t l l»« ni'X). Urn rmiHivi II Id l in1:01110 ii i i ly /hiinp. A H I I I I W llroplnri) l i i ini lonly fu r i:<i(il|luit piir i i i tMoii wi l l l i in t I'm'nn onllrn wlnliir. ,

'producer of beet sugar for supplyingthe domestic consumption are' very"greUti Wo have-no doubt that Messrs;Oxnard'^nd"Culllng~aTCJwHhlrbanndswhen they say that "sugar can be pro-. •duced 'here cheaper than It can be InEurope." Tlio reasons for this arothat—

"Tho sugar Industry Is. after all,merely an agricultural one: . We canundersell Europe in all other crops,and sugar la no exception."It follows as naturally as the makingof flour from wheat. If we can pro-duce wheat cheaper than Europe, then •naturally wo con produce flour cheap-,er, aa wo do.

But tho writers of tho letter do notdepend upon a-prlorl reasoning to provethat tlioy can mako sugar at a profitwithout tariff protection. Thoy pointto tho fact that under tho McKlnleytariff of 1800. when sugar was frco ofduty, the prlco ot tho-article was fourcents per pdund. Yet a net profit of $3per ton wfla mado by tho beet sugarfactories under thosp conditions, notcounting fljiy bounty on tho homo pro-duction (Of sugar. They boost thatthey wide this profit while workingundor> absolute frco trade, and thoyhavo (I right to bo proud of this resultof tlii'lr skill and Industry. Manybeet sugar factories hail been startedIn bygone years, back In tho sixties

l~uovcnticB-pf~the:-tilnctflei>1h cen-tury, nnd had Called, bociuifii! tho pro-jectors did not untli-mlaml tho biiwl-Dean. Hlnco then-great-progress hasbeen ninilo. both here and abroad, Inthn cu l t iva t ion and manipulation of the }licet. ,,\VlnU was ImpoHnlblo th i r ty

'itii In now entirely femdble. Tho-IH nlrendy on a uollil anil en-

li.'iHl.i. Then) are factories InI l i n l . n l t e i l SlatcH, Uiomi Ki'ntlt e l l I I H - I n t l i i ' l r loiter, ciipnliln of;t.",i).nii() Inns of In-etH -pnr •annum nt nl i n i l l l ni' oil per I nn , n n i l th in wouldr.mlie a p r n l l t nt* Sl,nr,ll,(l(!ll IIH (be Inennie In be eiirneil Iliulei' nlimilillo freell ' iule,

I t mil"! lie p l n l t i In reiulei'H nf Ih l r jl e l l e f , Nl|; i ieil I'.V t he r n p l l ' l l l H of l i l nl ieel M I I K I I V I n d i i H l r y . l l m l Hie peni i le In\ \ ' n> | l i lun l< iu «vbn ni'e dei - l i l l in ln; ;I I I ; I I | I I M | I l i i ' l eni | innir .v i n e i i H i i i ' e \ \ l i l e l iI l i o ' I ' r e n l i l e ' n t of Hie l : n l l | - d H l n l i ' Mlll'r.eii I'd I' Hie 1'ellnf nl' Hie rnlnl l l pen-Jilii , . l i re i . ' l l l ie i ' | ;niM-ily l | ;iini ' iinl nl' I lieMi t l i j e i ' l , or am in ' i l i ' l ln lm? gi'oiiN deei'|i. .l l u n . '1'lie l i ' i n i l i l e id 'n l l iKl fill' I l i en i UIn nay: "Olliei' penpln urn I n i v l i i K pi'n-le i ' t lnn Hull they (In > in l need, an i lI l i i i re f i i i 'o we oii|;hl tn l i u v e nini'e t h a n,w,« need." Thin woiihl !»' e n n H l - d e l l l

i}VH,h lln* hitler of Mi'HHi'ii. Oxniird nndOi l l l ln i l . but i i n t b l n i r el(«e I n NIL


Harness is the obsolete word for armor.It meana harness- for the man/not haraesa

_- for the beast ;_harhcBS for/battle, not har-

consisted of helmet for the head, breast--r-zrplate-and-flhwld-for-the-heftrt^-greavcByfor

the feet. The text makes a comparison

to achieve tnav,for grunted thatHo gives • commafl'some of the- irihabjare 'approaching,be-como out- for- pwhether they be

.them alive." B/urt'"Tn frightened'retre.Better not tell boasgoing to do. Wait utij. Dr. P.endletbn and'

talking in the time ojQueen Mary. SaunderJafraid, but Pendleton wfiereT iaTmucTi~morc~i;S

than you. You . arc adlaree bodily frame." "bufl



: ~ ZiESSON.";-•;;-

1. .January: 5. The Promisefr.

1-14. <Kead Acts 1.) Mem-.6es: 0-8. . .VText: Ye shall receive power,Ut the Holy Ghost Is come up--Aots 1: 8. .


. .between a man enlisting'for some Wjir abdj>.^.rcteran_rgtiirning, th'p nnn putting jnnthe armor and the other putting it p_.

BenhadwJ, the ,King of: Syria, thouwthe could easily overcome the King of Is-rael. Indeed, the Syrian was -BO sure-ofthe victory that he 'spread "an ante-bellum

celebrating what they" were goitig to do,There vere in all thirty-three JiingY at thecarousal, and .their condition is describedin the Bible, not as convivial or stimu-

- - n k . Theif-gild«d-.an'd bannered pavilions were surroundedby " high mettled horses," neighing -andchamping and. hitched to chariots such askings rode in. Ecnhadad sends officersover to the King of Israel demanding thasurrender of the city, saying, "Thou shalldeliver "forme "thysilvelf "affd thjrgold-andthy wives and ;thy children," and after-ward sends other officers, enyin^ that.the

' i^tl^^te^aroTsI^ ^^^^^s^^^s,I will thicken their tongue; I will bloat'their cheek; I will stagger their step; Iwill damn their soul. Hand, them downto me—the physician out of his laboratory,

_ . _-without-askinB.— Then- the- King-o£-Israelcalled a council of war, and word is sentback to Benhadod that his unreasonabledemand will be resisted. Then Benhadadsends another message to the King of Is-rael, a message full of arrogance and bra-vddo, practically saying: "We will destroyydu utterly. I will grind Samaria into thedust, b.u't there, will _notjbe_duat. enough to- a k e a handful for each one of my troops."

ad, practically Baying: mu see yoir, _ ,To what you Bay. You royal braggart, youmight better have postponed yptir ban-

— --- —-qtfet— uutil— after -the— battle --, instead -ofspreading it before the battle. You huzzaton soon. 'Let nnt him that girdetfl- onhis harness boast himself as he that puteth it 00.' '?

ness, the Israelitish army came down onBenhadad and his host. ITilvas a hand tobund fight,, each I^'BElite hewing-down-a;

-—Syrian—Benhadad, -on horacback,_B?t8- away with some of tho cavalry, but is only

saved for a worse defeatt_in which 100,000,•" Syrian infantry were slaughfere'd in one.; day. Now -we eee the sarcasm and the

epigrammatic power o! the message' of my- text sent by the King of.Israel to Benha-

dad, "Let not him that girdeth on hiaharness boast himself OB he that puttethit off." '

- - _ . _ .-too-early hoaating^--Soult,-the-MttrBhal ot

"~ France, was so certain that ho _wanhf-cor ranee, wan so certain inni no wouia conyquer,thqt he had a proclamation printedannouncing himself King of Portugal, and


that afternoon, but before thnt hour hofled i

Wlmi ni i i i i uf unrlnnt t l t in 'H worn pro-(ui l i ly mi wli ini ' l ln i i i iithiir HUM), butllicy t i i lkui l limn,

o'clock at the very banquet the Marshal olFrance had ordered for himself. ChnrlcflV. invaded France nnd -was so euro oj

^conqueat_tlxat_he_rcnue8ted_ 1'mil Jovius,. the Historvm, to giithcrTbgctncr" a,.largu

• niriount of paper on*'which to-write, thqstory of his many victories, but diseaseand famine Bci/cd upon his troopcre, andho retreated in dismay. So Bcnhadad'abehavior Inn been copied in nll ages of thoworld; It will' be iny object; among otherlessons, to show that ho who puVi.ofl thearmor, having finished the battle, ia moreto be. congratulated than he who ncginsi

First, I find encouragement in this eub-' ject for the aged who have got through

•the work and htniggle of ciirthly life. Myvenerable friends, if you Imd at twenty-five ycnra of ago full appreciation af whatyou would have to go through in tho thir-ties and the. forties and tho fifties of yourlifetime you would have been appalled.Fortunately the bereavements, the tempta-tions, the -persecution!', thq hardships,were curtained from your night. Withmore or less fortitude you passed throughtho crises of pain and nadncss and disap-pointment aim fatlguo and still live to re-count the divjne help that sustained you.At twenty or thirty year" of ago at thotap of the drum you put on the harness.Now, at sixty or seventy or eighty younro peacefully putting it off. You wouldnot want to try the battle of life overagain. Though you can loolt ba,ck and neemany miutalccs, tho next time you might

:maka. woruo mistakes.^Instead .of beingdepressed over tho fact that you arovbcingcounted out or omitted In the great under-takings ot tho church and the world, re-jolco that you have a right to hang upyo'ur helmet and sheathe your sword andtree your hands from tho gnuntleU andyour fo«t from tho boot* of mall.

Thoro aro old fanneri_ xvho cannot doono more "Say's "worVT XVhat harveststhoy raised In 18701 They know the rota-tlon of cropa as well o» they know tlio roitatlon of tha nooaons. Under what hllslterlngs auna thoy, nwuna tho «cytho andthn eradlol Through what dccji snowsthey drow tho logs or cut their wa* to thefodderiiuj of tho cuttlel What dloimhts,

. what fmihctu, what innectllii intiiHlonu,1 they rcniiiinhcrl To clotho and feed and

cilncato tho lioiisehold thi'V wont tliroiiRhl in l r t an.'d iu'lf micvificcu that tho iworldI tnuw hut lit tin about. !t<-.-U, ii|(fil iiiinilLi'L tho boyn do tho Hhovt'lii.K noil tliniuh-Inn nml tul t ing nnd mvi'iilidK. You haveput tlio Imrnenii olf, and ilo not try to putit on i i^uin.

Thi'i'o nro old niorhunl i -M Unit cnn noinoi'i) nlioyii t l in plnni! or iioiind with thuliiuniniT ur horn with tho ''it or rim upthn hnl i lcr to thu Hci i l lo ld l i iK- MIIH|IT nuvclianlrn thoy w»ri' or mil ionlini i tci i whowi'ou,(ht f a i t l i f n l l y In thn work ot Iniuni:

-or hum or n h l p l i i i lhl lni( . Von hiivn nright In i l i i l t . Yon huvo Ih i lHhml yourl i i n l t , 1U< I l i i i n U f n l t h n t yonf worli lit i l f n n

Tlii'n Ihri-o urn nin'd i i l i y H l i - l n i i H . WJiutt r i iK i ' i l l i 'M "I nnl i l nml nrr i i l ' -n t they lu\vi>wltmxi'imll l l n t v in i i r l i milTci'liiK thny likvuiiinnniKi'iU How ninny In-uyo bii l l lcH I heyl invn |'nii|{lil< w i t h limed, nnil e i i l n o l y H i n lMow n inny fuvi 'vn they nmlcd! Howninny liroluin lionni thoy'^f;!.! Hnu' ininiyn t i x l i n i M i l uyn they |nimii''d when limy luinwt l u i l . l i l l i i i i u i |i\'i'ii i l r p rn i l i - i l li|inn t h n l ri , K i l l nml I l i l o l l t y l Tlmy drovo liarli i l c ' i i t l if rom n i n n y n rnul l i - .

Alii i in, I Ici i i -n from l l i ' i i l indi i i l 'n helm-,vlor I I I " miwl ' i i loin of l i o in i l i i iK of whulono In KohiK to do. Two inenmiiirn Iiml hunent In Ihn K i n K of l i i r i ic l , bo th nicnninii'ii

' (nil «f l iniolrneo and liriuriiinloeio. W i t hl i i - l i n in i i i | ( bi'iiUiU' in ham! ho U li l l i i i iuiw i t h (hi) royal uroup nhoiit. wlnit hn will (Inwith tliu upl'llx. of thii vio^oryjm l» iioloij

after Saunders, the - fafup his-life for,Christ s..i.ton, .who had talked BO^rd-. and- gave.. up ifiligk'came. Wlberforce did" nc)wae going to do with the_ i

;how much" tteby Lord Brougham's remalWilberforce after his decea:io-heaven--v?ith-800,000-4)rokcflMs hand.", -v - - . - - - • ,

Young man, see that:yoaJjavo. <plete armor. All looks briaht noBeems'as if you "could" march right:o>|out qppogf1 — -11--I. i—i. Ui. -

Dior vs tfioiThirhlifB' "


lurch of the Risen.Christ,jie Head ol - the Church.'. -.-.-.:jTounder: 'egan both to <3o and to teacn

pn. ... which Is Jesus ChristZ: 11). . •

>«u«-- . . T chlaf corner etone'2: 20). " -"" , ,

J-JBedeemfit: '. —.,/passion (3). -It died for our sins (1 Cor. 16: 3).'the transgression...of ._my_peoP}?

TEACHING POINTS.ReSurrectfttn Proofs: Power Promised.

Ascension.A matter or such supreme Import--

ance as Christ's resurrection must not.be-.lefL_ln uncertainty. Those wha_.were in posltlori to know aT5a6lutelyhid many proofa ,q£ It." Nothing Inlife or death could ;aliake their perfectassurance. - . ' . . ' •

•• At the creation, Gbd's thought findword about man .' \va« "dominion,"— •power over all life (Gen. 1: 26), andnil material forces besides, as gravita-tion, 'electricity, and all the works of^ - - : :

halt yoii on.' your way. The same cup thaiBenhadad drank out of just-before his-de-.feat will be offered' to effect your defeat.Hia intoxicated _bram saw victory ' whenthere was 'nothing but rout and ruin.What work Benhadad'a cup mode for Ben-hndad'o army! What shipwrecks on "thesen, what disasters on the land caused by.inflaming liquids put upon the tongue toeet seething the~broin!" How many kingsof—thought- Jmd influence, with crownsbrighter "than the one Benhadad wore,have-by-8trong-Tdrinlc-been-put1into-fliehtas base as that in .which Benhadad,roae!

the attorney from 'the courtroom,, the- minister of. theHand wem

gospel fdown to

,from the altars of God.

me, the queens of the,drawinp) room, and I will-disf[racc--their-

tliem-do ..dogs that crunched her carcass. „

We hold our breath in horror as once inawhile we liear of some one,j;ithcr_by ac-cident or suicide, going over Niagara"Falls, but the tides, the depths, the awful

- • • • nrp pvcry. hour ofevery day rushing scores of immortalsdown into ynfathomed abysin. SuicideaBy the hundreds of thousands! Suicidesby. tbo.millionl Bewaro^of_the C.UP 'ojit ofvhich-^Benhadad—drank-porsonal-an'a-na--tional demolition!

Yea, you must."taverfall-armor.- Thereire temptiitionB" to~^an"~impure7life~all"^hetime multiplying and iritensifyTngr "Readin private and .discussed afterward by therefined and elegant in parlors are books

Eoisoncd Jrom. lid to lid with impurities.iDoae characters in the novel applauded

by rhetorical pens and proprieties of lifejaricaturcd as prudery and infidelity of be-havior put- in a way to excite sympathy

•inr.InK Water Reiiatsl»6f War.

a 'century agoInstructor,, Dr.


In the!was nildrawn])for sflsh_H)uVPHSL'l-,

e models .designed ,toje'resistance of sUps;it "for- the- navy. je':lls^of Tth^vessels to'id

r.;'As a Conqueror: •• . -' - —: Alive after his passion (3). •---•:—-----Death_ no mor6 hath dominion JR°m-

I am allvp fnr pyprmore fRcV. It- 18).4. On High: - - -.~

..Taken up, . . .0. cloud received mm(9).Whom the heaven .must receive (Acts

3: in). /To sit atfhis. right hand (Eph. 1: 2«)-:— TT 'Tf" i.mvB nf fViP Church. .

Commandment through the Holy

At the new... emotion the thought laenlarged MO power in- the ~: spiritualrealm: "All 'power. in heaveh and ln~ •earth>'"was given to Christ. He" neces- 'sarlly gives It to his co-workers. Itwas not upon the disciples only, butto nil who witness, till they reach the 'uttermbat parts 'of the earth.

Thls-power IB two-fold— flrst, powerTirtUeTTSBelves'to—percelve-nnd-feel-thetruths now revealed, and power to ba

-wltnesscjr-(HteraHy-,-martyr3)— to-oth-era of these greatest -realities In' theuniverse; ahij, second, to make otheraaee;-fcel,— and -act. : ----------------- ------- — ------- :

— TThla— l5-rnbt- a— pOM&r^-cohferred— on-human faculties to" work Independent-lyi by their own'forces merely, ".buv.ttla continually, accompanied bx the pres- .ent working Holy Ghost. He leada^ntp. all-truth.-enllghtenar-lher-under- ...standing, brings things to rcrnem-limnce, gives words in emergencies,till the "end of the world. There should- .hfi Watts, Edlsons," Marconls, ' in thlfl

In thu

Spirit (2).Do the things which I command you'John IB": Ifl. .

. .keep my commandmentsJohn 14: 16).

, _ HI. The Promise to the .Church. .16'''scale; and thce I, -1. Shall be baptized in the Holy Splr-

Icouditions,etoltlye-to vnrlatlaleiisloh In each cafe

[1. and coucluaibiines'rnost -faypmbl

•his results a"Brt| tojvetl by Jinothc


fi"Wlll-paur out- flesh.. fjoel.2: 28, 2D).

kaadesets' 6jto leave

sc-nlo ruodCB

peasured-aiid comof experiment

I 2. Ye shaH rtecelve power (8).-Not- by might, nor by power, but byi my Spirit (Zech. 4: 6).

IV. The "Work of the ChUrch.~ Ye shall.be my witnesses (8).' ' _SV.e_ have sean, and bear witness (IV John 1: 1-3). _:Confess me '"beforei men (Luke 12:

-'• 1.-Jerusalem—i-marla (8).

Field of the

At the Wii!liusln for

• , , rr,i * ,. To'the .Jew first (Rom. 1: 18).Imodel.- .The.-.t>\< |2. Unto the-uttermost, part ofpo nearly alike" a s . earth (8). - • . . - ' . ' ' • '

ie practic-abllitjPreach the gospelI to.the whole crea-—... .i.....l.Ti."O" 'Mark 16:-15)."Witli reuuceu i. VL The Hope ot the UHnrch;

^ThtH .TpHiia . . . shall so come (10.Ivy-yard a modelU).-

been coustru(Ircd

hope and appear-

lost of one hnn-jr jcomei Jesus

_quickly. Amen:(Rev. 22: 20). "

come. Lord

It from ;illiitmosplferelwater, threeSMlong nnd for|uniform deptlinliiR this uar

may be, and are.~-aAscension-iwas--ra -neeeasary-oonse- -quent on resurrection. He could -notdie again, like Lazarus. That would .not be- victory over the last enemy. .

Christ's last word was prophecy ofthe order of -jnarch~for-hls "kingdom,^-Jerusalem/.-aU- Judea,-Samarla,_ utter- -_most parts of the earth. It has been,.and>.:Ss being, followed. , -

TTI> Inqt; not was bleBslnB (Luke ZAi- '51). Alive forevermore, he went up;into the realm of llfe-."H6"sent Intelli-gent, live messengers out of that realmto tell of his future return. Spttpe 18not a desert; It Is more alive tha»worlds.— The, Sunday-School Times. _________

f pure,_tUe

freshseventy feet

I wide, .with", afeet."- Span-.

•\ , Church.Of persons . . . about a hundred and

w'enty (12-15). -e'ar not, little floclt.(L,uke 12: 32).

movable brldfi•which run ynbasin.

n.tnnny gn'aHfrny. but mv wonder is thatten times as many are not debauched. «.

Oh, yes, you need the harness on untilJiod tcllg_y.ou to take it off. In olden timeit 'was leathern armor or cEain armor or rrihbcd armor, fashioned in ancient foun- Bary - vibration, tdpjVhut— no—one—ean—give—you—the—outfit- -*¥4th-a-powerfa'von need except God, who is Master ofthis world, and the infernal world, fromwhich ascend the mightiest hostilities.

-faiy~h:o!d~;if-Cnd7~^othnig~but~the aim ofOmnipotence—is—strong-enough—for-- thetempted. - , .

Young man, put on the' cntire'gospcl out-fit. If you have come from the country tolive in the city, imitate the example of ayoung man who arrived in New York onSaturday night, .intending "the followingMonday to enter hia place ot employment.On Sunday morning, carrying out the goodadvice before leaving his country home, hewent to church. Standing at the door howas abashed aa the beauty and fashionand wealth swept through the doors nfthe sanctuary, and he dared not go in. Aaho waa about turning to go away a gentle-man bald, "Havo you a neat, young man?""No, sir. "Do you belong in tho city?""No, uir." "Where in yo".\' home?" Inthe country." "How long have you beenin tho city?1' "I come in last night.'.'"What aro you B°'n8 to do here? ''Ihope- to go into bunincsa -to-morrow.1'"That is right. You have begun well

steel rails,

'hlngs that are despisednot (1 Cor. 1: 27. 28).

~'i\ ' • '" CRiriCAL" NOTES,

that are

Verse 1.—Former: Greek, "flrst," evl-.reterrl'iiy; to -the—Qoapel—(sea

was one.day watching with a friend theroo^o^n-buildlng^)D-^vI^leh-several-mea-were at work fixing slates. Suddenly

-?nepf th&menA-anished.TJiereupon the...aean~tnrned-to-his-eompaiilon and sal'd:-"I like-to see a mairgo quickly-throughhiai wjork/1 ' _ ' - ' j > ._,.__

A friend once npdlpgized to Robertfjouis Stevenson for not visiting him.'and said that the real reason was that"""he~naid~jrot~kno\v—where—Samoa—was.—Stevenson replied that It was simple

t;~AlI you bad~tma»r-

. _ ...„ ... Never- forsake thu God olyour fntherii. Come, I will give you a ecatyoung man.

stened nud-| ake 1:1-4). "First" - la several times I enough^to_:«Lln_the-N£W..Iestamfint_vvhen_only': persona or things are involved.—|u l al]d take ^e flrst turning to tbo

OITheophllus: "Most excellent (Lijke | * ' • • . . •'\ bridge \a provided;0r, ivhluliicui* drlvo

It along the rails, It Wed he, it the rateliiour.:' '• • " :of twenty1 knots

—T-he-model-of-th.from~8oft~plnc,~ccas. possible - to n u|rorui "twenty-footlength, and ballURteuro, Is firmly fasten1

projects from below>rldgc or towing cnrrilOn tho carriage are:ate (lynninoinetrlcwhich record. the "pi:us It glides through tthe span of tho bridge:.liy tbe proper ratio uicurntuly tho power tlijulrod to overcome th<MM! flnlslied vessel.

Thunka to an almosteol iidjUHtnicnt, the brward with an even inotloIrace of tho rattle and Jounc*trie i'nr.

tile utmostm which

ecntir^Of the8 It


i called,klio delt-BnuilHiiiH


ftlplledi nc

[id re*D.Ot

tan: This, may imply, that this£|i

book I The Sultan of TMrkcy recently playedn amusing Joke nt the expense of

•ATOen:rinetr::'B'(rfn'g^een7^-Uom,o--nicdlcal cspni-tn nt fionstant1n(b_tlough-literalrfalls-to-suesest-actlvityJ-pler^When-thc-plasue-bi'okfr-out-ln-hlaoi,hla part, which Is,Indlcated by the' ,.in)1Uli the SultanXj.n. rrtnntnvnAnt iln^ nt tl^a .Irr,.-/! k..t..^.. - ....... ™— .Testament use o'f the word.Terse 4.—Being assembled together.

Ol,, "eating;" so the margin of thoAuthorized Version, and the English

if anytlilng. . . ..- ,

was known as to'the cause. On beingInformed that II was to be found In the 'state of the drinking wuter, he called at

In my pow." Tho next morning the youngman presented his letter in business cir-cle*. "What do you want, young man?"utiiil the Scotch merchant. "I want to getcredit on aomo. leather, upper and aolc.""Have you references? I think I can

Ret references, My father has friendsere." Young man, did I not oee you yes-

terday in Mr. Lenox's pow?" "I do notknow, nlr. I n-ins at church, and n kindnrntluman ankcd niu to nit in his pew."''Yen. young man, that win Robert I/cnox.I will trust any ona thnt Mr. IAHIOX invitcaInto hia pew. You need not trouble your-iiclf about references. When thunn goodnnro gonu uoino and get nu>rc." That younginaa-bccoiue an eminent-Hit.'r<!h.iM)t». endmore tlinn that, n Ohrlntiiin morcni'nt, andlie attributed nil bla mirc'can to that llmtNivlilmtli in thii city. Young man just ar-rived, pill yournclt under good inililuiiccnrour fust dny In town. Thorn hanuH yourhelmet. TnKfl It down. Thorit IM youriirraiitplntv, AdjiiMt it. _ Th«ro in nil thuImnii'nii for unlVly and triumph. 1'ut it on.1 lory, It

IIH tli'iTo IIH whim Dnrlun 'nnili^iiiiiloi; Krnpplixl .vi iel i othnr nt Arhvln,wbcMi t lnnii nf Arc roilo tr i innplinnt nt

Ol'ltMlllH, UH Wlir l l tho l l l l H r l i l l l l H I l l l l t t l lPSwiiilrn nt INi l tnvn , nn when Mnrlb( i rn l iK)ir i>niu) inulr i l t l in nllicd iirniit 'H nt l l lrn-hoiin, Tlimin WCM'O l igbtH fnr 4 'n r tb lyITOWIIM nnil i lnn i i i i innn , bill I l i n III I IMV gorn nn bctwi' i i i i n i l tho nl l lo i l nniili1

(if hi'iivim nnd nll llm iillli'd nnnii'M nf hi1)! „ . ,, . ,In to, H i i t t l n w l n ' l l n ' r , ( i n i l ni' Hn tnn In |0,-"<>*" t avo r l t r Aln i ' r l c i i i i nnil . I n i m n c f

it' t b i n ] i l i ini i t .

the mptormcn, thporsoim on tho carriage 'durl(terlmcnt. They watch the precording cylinder of the (b'

poiis, by iiicnim ofr tho actual distance ti

logctlu-r with the varying pulxM BH the spocd changes.

When nil IH ready for nnnt the clung of n gong thefrom tll(^ Bouth toward Oil" 'northtlic tiink. \vlillc lioilcatli It UK;foot "warMlilp~gll(l('H (-vtHil.Vllltcri'il \viitor. AH the runi>nil nnd tlio Hpftt i i tor wonders howgreat l>rldgo with UH prcrlous frolg\of l i iHtrmiu ' i i tH IH going to CHCMPI' cull"Ion with tho wall iihciul, two

dlipute for centuries. It Is safer toacept the rendering In the text.

•\erse 6.—With water ... In tho HolyBpHt: The preposition "In" occurs onj

had filled In his presence, nll from thasame ono of the palace wells,! placed hisown seal upon them, and then, without

,yTthelTtterThrTsehere\na.nluk; divulging their community of origin.3:son\



BO in Mark. 1: 8, according to.very ancient manuscripts,so 6.—At this time: Emphatic,question Indicates that they still

chei ahed false Jewish expectations.so 7.—Set within: The literal.), but It Implies "appointed by"mare:, of Am. Rev.)—His. own

handed nil six to n promlrient analyst!To his amazement, the report sent lawas thnt four of the samples containedplague microbes, the fifth was merely ,jutrld water, and the sixth was quitepure. Abdul Hamld calmly shrugged.

tverse.-Not "power;" nee -on the his shoulders, and kept his thoughts to

! himself. •Sonic of the naval cadets who aroVcfse 8.—Power: Properly so render-

ed hire, and to be distinguished from"nutliority" (v.19.— When: ^'A


matknl;--~Ui6re Is no Interval Impliedbetwtcn the coming of tho Holy Spirit

I Die receiving of power. The-lat-in the direct result of tho former,

as tlw day of Pentecost attested. ^Verse 12.—Olivet: The form oocur-

rlnff here Is found In"Luke 19! 29, and21: 37, and also rendered "Olivet" bytho American Ucvlnors. Lul<o 24: 60

Compare Luke 24: aboard the Alabama, and are havingthat" Is ungrom- fihelr flrst real cruise off the Atlantic.

coast, recently got n lesson In prompt-ness that they, will not. soon —forgot..They went ashore with tile captain,and wore told that tho boat 'would re-turn ot a certain time. Five mlnutw be-foro that tlmo they appeared nt thohead of tho long pier, sauntering Blow-

JJcillmiy, on tho eastern nlope of Oll-^t,-Tho| distance allowed by JowlohIrUdl t lnn for JourneylnK on tho oab-

iH^vurlously cHtlinutud from half"Beven'-cltrlitiT. -The Btntement

lij Incidental, us the dny was

o f V

If we Ji'ciirn thu victory, ft will bn ii hyilraulli' liniki'S o(li>ratv niitnmatlrilll|'.

' -> ' ' " "^Wnml hr l i iK tho in i iHH to n! w i thou t Jiir or iiulver.

/tnVitllniii ito (JiTMc.I'VlllH'lM Hlnil l lM', Of l'«>|l|o\V l i l l i l , I l lUt

t l i n l { MnrUot llni.vlnii . WIIH u in l l l l n iml ro im- lU \Y i ' l ! -U in> \v i l | i l i l l i i l i l h i ' n | i ! N t . . l l n I iml

l invo pi iMi i i ' i iHimi i1 i ' i i i i |< i ' i i t i i ln tn nil I l i n m ' w l in nro now in

I l i n tli lcluvit nf l i fn ' r t b n l t l i ' H thnt l lm tim.'In n iml i iK wln ' i i the i i l i ' i iunlc «'ill rml nni lyull will |illl l ln ' bill 'lli 'Hii "If, lirhni'l, nnili in -Avrn nni l ln-r iml | i l i i l i i l inving. l i i l l l l l i ' i ll l n - l r in i - i t lnn , Vnn r in in i i l In mm vinl l . Inl.miilitn 'i'mvci' ni-n n i l . Vim nijiM go iigiilnnnd 111(11111 tn llml plum, wliii'h !>i lumni'inlrilw i l l ) l l n > M l n i - y nl' 1'i l i ly .linui l l i ' i ' y nmlAnno Hnl i -yn nn i l U'nlli 'r I t u l r i u b nnd Hi t '' r i iu i i inn Mnri'. ' Ynn w i l l nrc l l u < r rnwinin l '< l i i i iK» nnd i i i i iu ' i iu, l lm rnhn worn by lluvIl lni 'k ri'ini'c, nml nllvi ' i ' l i i i | i l l t i n i i l I'nnt i(nnil w l i l i ' b r i i y i i l I n l ' n i i l i i wr|-i> r l i r i H l n i i r i l ,mid I l i n h ln i -k nn wb l i ' l i 1'iu'il l , nvn t \ v n »li i ' l i i ' inl i ' i l , Hut nn p i n t nl l , i i in lnn 'I 'uwi-r

'w i l l iiini 'n Inlrri ' - . t ymi l l i n n l lm u r n i n i y ,In \v l i l r l i In ' - K i l l l u l l y i i m l i n i | i i i ' i i i i l y i > l y n'l-I 'niiMi'd n . r i i l l i ' i ' t l n n nf nll h l y l i - n nl' n r imn-\vnru brl .wrrn l lm l l . i i ' U ' i ' i i l l i nml c i i ( l i -k'cnlli I ' i ' i i lmirii , i iui;u '-"1lim Irt'O yi'imi nl'cnlitllrt---!'!^!'!^'! mid iit 'ck inuir*! mnl cliin| I | ( I IMI nnd Innro i-nit nml |(inuitliM nml i f l i ' i l l unnd miiiluil uiuun. Vun /H-H jinil |mw Ii inn

wllli 'h wi'l'r krpl nn n -pn i i lI l i r hu l l , l ln (lied u l i n l l t I I rnl ' l i i l | / l i | ii|;nnnd, i i l n n i K i ' In r i - ln lc , i lui 'hn; l lm l n Mliniim or l i lH l l ln i 'h i i l l iniio l i ln lM, n n i i il i iTl l l i ; over IHO, Ih'W i i i ' n i i ln l bin linll - imni \ y l n d i M V . l i r i l l l l l K Ilinli" \v||i!;nI I K I l l l I ' l l l l n > K h l H H , Ullc | - | l l ; ; ;(' lVji{||'iXHri 'rcrlihu; n n l N i v I I I n l l l l i i , - , ! ( l (^UJi^ |l i l i i l l l v l l l H i i f I l i r H i | i l l i ' i > ' t i l | l ' i> ( 'In, \\'lfn|,'llnrk nl' l i l r i ln i l l > < i i | i p i M U ' r i l , m n l nn| nnrnf I l i i ' l l l I I I I N l i r i ' i l iirrn M | I I < - , , , l . un i l i iuN n l l i l ' i i Nnli 'ii,

lollyou \ynl i l In i i l f i i

l i i -r n f M i i i n o d u t yi! u mill , |;||'|in remind ln>i

II I ' l -n l ly In nn n "litlri ' t h i l l ni'n|il(iInvn IOM' l l i i ' l f l i i ' i u l M ;

M I I l l l lu i l l .I l i i - y hiivii lii'Ut

spjlS.—Wcr« oomc In: From Oll-Ttj« upper uhambur: Thu "up-rpom WIIH unuiilly the lurgi-at.

i > v i i n In nnmo lioiuu1, not In tho'n.—Wlicro thny wcro abiding: It

Ht i i r ior tu ln whelhoi"'tho inuanliiK hero-,,. dwnl l , or Pimply to ntmitmblu con-i i i l ny . - -Until IVK-r nnd Jnlin: C'oni-i i i o .Mutt l icw 10: l!-4; Murk S: l«- l f l ;.iilc<i (il 1-l-lC. In all Ihciir l l n l H Hi,.[mnpii nvo liln HUino, but Hid nrdcr

(in ' .«( .—Jiut i iH tlic Him nf .1 i l ium: Tliir\,.:'o niitiirnl SGIIHIV "Urotliitr" In nup-li,; il liy t luiHii \yl in l i l r n t l ^ y t h i n iipnii-l|,< \vlt l i tlix nn l l in r (if Ihn ICnln t ln .-Vl ln l Thmld.ir im, In Mi i l tbnw, anilI ' l - l i lu i r i iM iilnn, nrconlli iK In rininu uu-U i n i l t l o M .Wi'i'!"1 M.—"And t i r t i ipl l f i i t lon 1 1 In pour.

ly'r n i t i - B t c d . -Wllh thu Wnnii ' i i : Thoii l i i i - i i i - i - nf "'(i n r t l i - in In OrccH I I U I | I , - Hlh? i r tu i 'K lnn l I ' l ' in l iTl i iK, "wl l l i ci ' i - lnlnwoiiii'ii," « l i r i i lml ' l i ' i>n i ' , - -Mnry I l inn tu t l i i - r oT . I r i i l ln ; Nnl l i i ' - n l l i i l h - i l i t K i i l l i .

\Vnli liln hn-Hir i ' i i : llm- i l l i i l l imul i i l i .I'd f i n n i I l in n i i i i n l l i ' H , H In i l l l l l i - n l l |((l i l i ' i i t f y J i iu icn Hi" nun nf Al | i l nn im

ih-n III" Lnril'ii l i ru i lun - (Unl , I

Ing for them. Exactly on tho dot of thoippolnbcd tlmo ho gave tho order toihovo off, and tho boat started, leavingnvo.astonished-Cttdcttt. on-thfl_pier nol;forty foot away. When they had Rot j\;uU-lxmt and rowed out to tho Hlilp,Diroo miles or more, thoy wcro told byJio captain that U was not polite toiWp th«>lr superior olllcors wiiltliiR, or») nppronrh him 'iis If they wero "go-UK tn a funeral."

Ulllm lt<i«t, tlio Bwrcttary of Wnr,i ) i i H n yd n of humor In hln i.-onipoNltloiir l i lcl i fdiimillimm llnd.'i vent In Iriiny,During tho nuiHt I r y l i i K (,'1'lHlH In thnDhluexc ntTalr, a Kni»I' of nownjitipt-rropnrioi-H wt>r«» mlmlt i i 'd to lil« pi-en-dii-c, nnd, Htuml l i iH In n row, plli'il himIn turn wi th I I I I C H I ) O I I H , ,T|io Kt'cru- ,lary'H cxinvHHlnii clniiiKcil fnun Intor-[M|i'd cur loHl ly t ( ) rn t lu ' r iinii'licd wwmSii'HH IIH llm lioinbnnliiK-nt wrnt ml,tmt b in iiininii ' i ' ni 'vi 'r Innt UH Knivlty,mil whi'ii llm ln«t nf i he Ki'uun bur.itmil w i t h : "Mr. Hccrclnry, I am Inform-nl ( l i n l tbo 1'iTtilili ' i it In vi-ry llrwl ofM l n l H t i T ('nii|;i'|-, nnd In Knl i lK to

, , . „ ,. . „ , . „ „ . .t.,,,,1 MrIt , I n . . imnun.nl t l u i l "hrntl i . , "M of him. . A^.,, M' <P"H\I''«1 M > -"Mm-y ' I tonl , \ v l l h I 'V ' Idr l l t iv l l i ' f ' l lmt 111'1 lni\vnUni t

Hi: K)i ' i u in "i-nunln," mill'l''' i > f <! l i i | i i in" (.Inlm

l l l i i d y , I M I t , Uni t ".liulnii tho H U M nfJtuii i ' r i ' - ' W H H <'»o "f t l io l.ni'il 'n l i ru t l i -

'l M O I I I O o l i i lm l lml Sliiiim t l io

l-o'.-y'V.'.m.in n'..!. ' '

wm, out , "yon l i n v n i l l nn iv r rv i l l l l u t Ht


< > C .Inmil. u.

('nil l o l l moI,,, i lhuii l iwi ' i l ,.Nl.|,|,,.,.; ,|ior-B..r.l r,,.' (.rl',,,.,,1

,l iolhiT Mr. (,oi)|;or wil lor i, Imply miporii i ' i l i ' i lV"I ' l 'OHl i l i ' l i l . Wltl'l i - i i ruful

niii. in pvnvi! Hint Jr»io|ihf n t l i n r of r l i l l i t r i - i i .

wua lilm u pnttioill'il Icltt'i'."I

Page 5: HOYT&SOST, - Atlantic County Library · / SOUTH // JEKSEY KBPUBLICAN only newspaper printed in Hammonton r, post-paid -| Well equipped for in all branches—--Pampb!lets>< Business

' —•T"

*r*-»*atj«(to .



OtBBK. J.L.O'Donnoll.OoLLEOTon A TriKiflcnen. A. L.wJUSTICES. Ohns Woodnutt. JOB H '' B L Cauftnan ;

CONSTABLES. Qeo Bern»honse.C 0 L,OVERSEER JlionWAYt. EHaa A .'ol&VKB8EEBOF TUB Poon. iOeo.Ber;N«JBT POLICE, ilobt Mod Miller

E H Cjhandlfir.r-——.-

-Fiits Co. D..' B.Otmlpresident; Wm 0 lioyl, secretary.;Srd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Mcetj first Jda> evening In each montb.— 1. Mti-nael-E-Boyor;B W Batohelor, J E \V«4kis, W D I

^ IER .ichinesi

fermentsput for Cash

<in exchange,.pplles on hand,pn's. sfo ws jtoom.



printed in Hammonton'$1.25 a year, post-paid,




Ifttorday eve each month.', BOAUD or EDUCATIOH. . 0.3?,Jon I; D. S.-Oucningham, clerk;

. J-li^DonnoJl^-Mrs-JlH Raos._,Spoir, Mrs B A Joslyn, Thomas 0 ElvInB,

-Dr J A Waas. Meets flrst Tuesdayoath month. . •

BOARD OP BEAt.TH. M. L. jTMt.nn,

dent;- Dr."ChiM'loB~CuQn']'nghai))^Ihspec(or/John T. French, J. 0. Anderson, Wm. Cunningham, Geo. Bernshouae. Jos. H.Gorton.

10:30 Saadoy-sohuo11.30, Junior C. B. 8.00 p.m., Chrictlan Endeavorfl.15, Preaching 7.18. Weekdayprayemeeting Thursday ovenlns,7.30.

I—JJaraca Union roctilog, for men only, in oh1 post-offlce building, Sonday eve. 8.46



mertMno as directed every]UDh|fe "tbtewvp" and mflnrepe was utilbir-tn nkrlil

freewhbio. Commonlcn-


ST. JOSEPH'S, E"0.PS Hjjteotor _ :6iind


Rev J P Rohl«der,




..-.-.-..-,„— - - . -Benediction withthe Most Blessed Sacrament. Bosary AndLliony at 4 p m ' O n each weekday, MSSJOB at6.30 and S a m .

EPISCOPAL, Sr .MARK'S. Rev. Edwin CAlcorn, rector. Celebration of HoIyKaebarlst1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. OthorSun-days, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany,andSermon,2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m.Evensong 7i»0 p. m. Sunday Sehool'fliSOa.m^




tion, 7:3 0 a.mr^8pecia rBervicss-ln-Adven taad"Lout. _. j _ ': . ._._....":_._. . . _ _ ;

METQ'ODISI EPI.IOOP*L. Rev^P L Jowettpastor . Sunday services: class 9.30 a.m

-Bp-mrrtlr1 League d'30 p. m., preachlDg7.IS.Class Tuesday and Wednesday evening's7.30Pr»yfty mutiny ^ThnTfl^ffT 7 30 p. m_ 1

PRHBDYTEBIAB. Kev.WKMoKlnney,psstor.Sunday services: preaching, 10.3 D a m . , Siin-

~day"sohool~12;0(rTrflon) preachlnf TflS pm;C. B. prayer meeting Sunday. 630p.m.Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p.m.

Missions, at Folsom and DaCoaia.ItalittTL-Emtnyelieal.-.- Rev A SJiBnlilla,

Pastor* Sunday School at 9:30 a m. Preach-ing at 10.30 am. C E Society at 6-30 p inPreaching at 7:15.

No pastor.

1 had nocmedicine, inyltoyt°day-~-'oe1' Deti

T6 » W'oded ; for]JPill8,:whiokarepe

poisonous matter, tbhsolutnly onre coda . ^T-j_-._**'*t9 acne,tstore.


I H. Chandler;

I toi this Court, tBe account of t '

|ra that the per-illiain D. Arlitzl

"^lfe~will not do cheap-\vork, and- can't -afford_to do good work .for nothing

(art In the pret't'ia ordered ;tj

in the landsate of the said

e Court, at thjidinjf,.on th<T:t, toshowcij

ild Iftnr1a( tejid real estate f

of the saidW to pay _ _ .

he- -6-88545

Psjns interest-_,., T and realI ijppoar beforelynseinMay'a[jjdav of March

i much of the

alternate Thursday evening!.WOIIAD'S CHBISTUH TEHPBBAROB Union. 1

Charles Smith, president. Mrs M Bonn I

Tllton, treasurer.

-:~ I-

nessa specialty.. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it donewell,tell you eo,and finish itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedition, and theRepublican, for $1.25A pile of good readingfor o little money .

Is debts or.tae may regnj[A^true copy

Dated DeconSer iOthl901


M A ; A B Davis, Bee'y.

. _WJSSLOW Lonqz, No 40, I.O.O.P. Manley

Aastin, N. 0.; A. V. Wr Sotley, SecretaryMeeli Wednesday OTCB. In Odd Fellows Hall;

SnAWilunKis TRIBE. Imp 0 R M. SleviWoolbert, Sachem ; Ohaa \V Angiln, ChieRecords . Meet every Tuesday's jleerj laMen.'Hall. ^

M. B. TATLon LODOC, P.' A A.M.'" DHerbert, W Master ; AlonioB. Davis, SeoIndand 4tb Friday nights In' Masonic Da

Jn.OnroTn UHITED Aucnicin Mecnin, Conn.; A T Lobley, Beorelal

Moots o very Friday ere In Mechanics' llalOEM. D. A. ItuantLL POST, 0. A. n

Oral«, tost Commander; Chai A LeonaAdjutant; H. ff. Kdsall.Q. M. Meets 1st8rrt Saturday nights In Meohanlotllill.

The PressPhiladelphia, weekly, andthe Republican, a yourforftl. 25

cull or phono un —

HQ1TT&S01T,Bollovuo Avo., nnmmonton.

GBH.P. A. ROBSELI, CAMP Bans _. T w .ins, No. 14. Gap i, Oharlei 0 Combo; F(t«tSor^t., Harry C Leonard. Meets 2nd nnd4tbMonday ovoa, Meobtnloi' Hall. )

Mule Ha-Hn Oonnoll, No. 27, D. of PiMrs Ida llowlcs, Pocabontag; Mr» Carrie AK l n r A K . u f K . Meeta Mondtvorenlnrln BedMeri'ijIIall. • .*

onio LonOH. No, 12, BHIBI.D of HoHon.Vpfirtb; JUntlar , Tli.n Sk lnnor ) 11.3,, Jos H(f'Uton Meulf 2 i ) d n n d 4 | h Ilinriday nightsibelr hall.

LOOAt BDw8IMES8 nOUSES.Advet t la lnu In tho lUi'Uui.ic';

I?»lcy Orijuii Oo, I'lilluil* 'It J D r a k u , H e w i n g umoti lnosIf t iuca Jliikor, uioat ntarkttIvoy.or l l ru t l i - rn , | .aln(trflJ. H. Oarton. Jiulloo.JOB. I. Tnylar. imlnlor.II. 0. Illaoki voierlnarjr mrgoon.Oling. VVoodniilt, jut loo.iluaa 4 Son, uadorliiltorr,U M Italnlcr, xrooorlckIi Uevorago, notary pulilloA L. I'alion, bloyoloi, \lt.;A. Oordory, hloyolca. '•-.lloyt A Ran, iiubllthari, prlnlerj.Kll II, Cluindlor. nltnrnoy. 'John 1'raioh, Jr., unilortator.Win. llak>r, l lnninl l l , .Hobort Btool,] onclor,Juokuon A Sou, moat and produoeI.. \T.O(>Kloy, lmrno»fl.W. U. 0<rn,houi«, notary, floiq/d..^Dr.J. A. Wain, dont l j tJolm Jlurdciok,>lioo«.Ooor|[«l{|»ln», dry goods,grooorloj oto • LJnoi.b Kckhardl, moat and produoo.' ' /

Wagon BuildingRepairing

nhd Second-blind WagonflA good .pecond-hund

on hand.

AiHEIlNECKE.J .ll .Hmall, baker and ounfool lonorH. It, Molntt ro, mo»t and proiluoo.Wm. I., lllaok, dry goodi, «roooilo»,eto. /

BiioinoBs prflanlaatlona. I

"Iv Trm '""" *ni1 "ullllln(( A"»«'4hW. H.Tllton loorotary, Me«t«\«v«ry'l,tThuridayln Plroinen'a Hall. v

v (WjrklBgm.,,'. to,,, and Ilu.ldlng Aiioiillon,

n. II, lloriiihoiuo, leoronry. Moon lrer»It t 'Monday In Iflroinci,'. Il»||, " '

J'noj)])/, linn),, w. U. Tlllon oaibler.

A lullnflnortmont of hand and luaohlnmade,— for work or drlvlug.

, Va-lises. WhipsKidijjg SaddloH, Nota, etc.

Hammonton. N.J .

r -^*iu»j{ '«dai>v*M*iii u*tr vpuiiuu zrvo w.. invention II probnblr putentablo. Co

•j> Uonastrictlyconndontlnl. Hooabook on Potent*> r , . sent rree.'Oldest turenor forflecurlnvoatenta.

' Patents.taken throushrMunn £-<&. riffOalnattee. Trlthout charge, la tho'

SHOEAlways a G6od Stock*

Shoes bade to Order is 'mySpecialty} and full.

satisfaction is guaranteed.

— j&pairing done. ,--

" «Fa MURDOCH,• BellevuoAvennp,

.Hammon toHi^r

,. receive

hii VOL. 4O HAMMO/OTOK, N. J., JANUARY 11, 19O2. NO. 2'

SaeniificA handsomely Ultntratodweeklr. .tantcrt clr--cnlaiton ot «ny gcfenUlo lonraaJ. Terms, »3 a—V_four months, «L Sold brail newsdealers.

-JFurnlabe* EionUil* to-all IOVCT olana Mnslo a vast Tolnmeof Hew. CjCopyright ColtlpatTnonaWlbe ntoHUM JUUH.V •» vw>* VU1UU1O VX IICVV. vihOlCCCopyrteht Com(satlttonaWlhe most pbp-~~nlarmnthprs. -«» (>•£«• of piano Music,hall Vocal, half Instrumental—ar CompletePieces for PI»no-Once e. Month for 10Cenu. Yearly Subscription, JI.OO. Ifyon -will send na the name «nd eddreraol Frra

_ Piano or-Or/ran r layers, wa will Bend-you-»—copyoriheMasadnsFree.

, . .- rvatrmt>nM*rr-—ElgliUi a Locust SU., Philadelphia, Po,

These time-tables are correct.

WEST JERSEY &SEASHOKER.E.ISchedule in effect Oct. 7,1801 Subject to change.-

4384 1845R6056 i«512Sg.)




8.188-2!>888 ,8 48 'G 33

-8-00 JG


9 28

95<6 23 10 17





4 274374434 Si

A I D5 17

fr.ai5 4HK O IS 10rf'80


Ex. Exp.tm nr-tar

Acc. Acc,

-- IOTJ2 (,7 10 62

11 (JU11 Id11 20

11 S8I' 47:

8 (XI8U78 17

8 K5


9 102451205! 9 17


, I ' a so......_("« W. 10 08,




I..., Waterfcri!.'.'".Arco

, i > . ,.,.,Hammonton. „...

............KHood«..,.~.KER Uatbor_......

731 885723S277 C8 8 177 00 K 110 47J8 00B ''Ji7 4802b 18


fl 12 7 31

0007 10

.".".". 7 03040

85'•8 ft

8 11

p. in.

u.^v- buD-4cc,!|.Aco Ae«_

1605351 42 r. 271 SO 5 141 53

12 551247ll 42



1 00 4 44


4 0 43533 45327,a 15!

8650158 42 0 02635566

^eossr.8 03 J 21; £fl 512•751

• Stops only on notice to conductor or ngent. or »•!»Exprou leaving th llaJa, nt 5.10 p.m. leu off Hammonton pu>ei^

7 41 4 657 31 4 447 24 4 t»708*17666105

ot 6.55.

Atlantic €!£% H. HDOWN TBAIHS.

. 8,-1001—Subject to cliange. tip TBAINB..


5"oO5 126-196876-IO6445C'I0020080 IB~<no0238 S308004766(1704

Bund fiundnntpiu




m 2 9 70840420601)68

10 1010 80 10 20

.. . S-ftll J-818 2fl fl 58 5 43

-8 45 7-12 6 578 487 10(1010 02 7 20 6 120 10 7 .11 0 189 10785 0225-?" 7-P2 (L?7

8 (>0 0 30 5 15 4 00 2 00 H 008 10 0 -12 * 25 4 10 -2 Id 8 10

m82S8-408 43863B tS0023J2O'lO021<l 82MO


59 fl J!2 i SO 2 Hf(B78 480490 M7 0(j7 is 6"ib

6 25 8 66J10 40 11 40•

;,-.-.,-.;;lanrol 8prtnin.-..;rr_ C!cmentou.«....Wlllliniitown June....M.. Crdsr Brook*

Blue Anchor..flnliMw Jnnr, f^TO]...Hammonton ......


llrlfrinlli.e Junr...!.. ...PlfManttlllr .-

^6 05S-64S886 84625

105 166 11 ....5 058 09

IU IDIOT1968061

'U 4(10 40U85

8 M)8468808 328 V4.8 15 . ..8 Ki IP 15



p.m * m p.m

0 25 0 65 9 25 fl~25«03T566"406866286216 II)


4 10H PI)

0 10 a 14812


4 88 6 W 8 U4 6 07«... |7 60 5 M

|7 51 4 664 10 5 M 7 44 4 86.

and Nitro Powders.

Our prices are from 12 to

16 cents per^lOO lower

than Jaet.year.

yye are able to make these.

\ low' prices becanse_we

jioghTar _ _

Loaded Shells.

Call and get our.prices

before laying in

your supply.

8 ffj J8 63 6 r,U8 43 5~448806408278808 21 5 23R 16 5 18

announcements are solicited.

f. P. 8. O. E.,—Pre8bytermn..CbaichjMeets Sunday evening, at 6:30. _Topic. uKnTe^rinilHe:kinfidomI''~Jn.


T. P. 8. C. E.,—Baptist Church:—Meets SuodayeveninerBlr6:16.-—

Leader, Mrs.

Epworth League,— M. E. Church :


7354377 2,1!4 15n ru 7 •£>'* It.

H&OMMI7 utt.onEiprcw loavon Dillailclpbla at ll.flOn.m., ilopplnffat Hunimiinlon iAccommodttlon If arc. I-hlltfe. at 8.00 p.m., rmclilng llammontiin nt olll.Up aeeomnodatlon I««TC« Ilammoiilnn «t (l,S.r>a.m., reaching Milluila.«lfljVi,. -- —.Up ncromiuoil»IIon Irani Allunl lc nt O.M ».m,. Uainmonlon 7.08, rhlliMlrlphlu 8.15,Sunday night cxpnM up loatca Allanllo 7M. Kgg n»rlior7A"t, Ilimranntoo H.H, rf.chiiig Plilla. 0.00.Wookday ovonltig exprnw down lc.lTr» I'lillmlu. at 7.16, loltiin- ofl llnnimonl.in jHuix-ngi'M nt 7.51.

W. 0. BKSHSn, aou.aiipt. • . . F.neON J. WKKKH,Ofn.l>M«i'n(r«rAg«n»



Philadelphia Weekly Press- , and the

South Jersey KepuBlieani(two papers encli week), for $1 50 a year

to any iiddreflH in thin county, or $1.5' outaidc.

Funeral DirectorsAll husinesa in their linepromptly and carefully

attended to.

Embalming a SpecialtyOffice and Residence,

208 Peach Street,Hammbnton.rbono 1-6


New York Tribune Farmer


•For sixty yuiirn tiio New }'urk Weekly Tribune IIUH

h«nn a national weekly ni'wii|i|iptir, roud iilniOHi nutlrelyby rarini'i-fl, mid bun oi'ijoynd lln. coiHldonoo iincl niippoitof tho Ainurlonn pooplo to n dogroo novor ntiuluod byany slnillur pnhlloatlon. Tho"

Now York Tribnno FarmorIn inndo abuolntoly d>r furmui'H nnd tliolr fuiulllon. ThoIliut niimbor waalnniind Nov. 7th, 1UU1.

Ewry ilopiirtmont of i inrlcultnrnl Indi iNtry l« oovoicdl>y H|i(>oliil oontilbiirorh who nr<i Iniviliu'it In llinir ixiopco-l.lvo lltiuii, unit tho Tritium Farmer wil l bo In nvtn'V MIIUOu liltfh oluiin. np-tciAlivld, llvo, <inlurprlHli iu nj[i Icmlturnlpiipor, profiuoly Illiialiutcul wi th plot iunn ol HvoatooU,moilol fiirin bnlhlli^H mid |IOIIII<H, niiiolilnory, flto,

Furmoru' wlvoa^ «i|i." und dunj{hiora will llnd apoolalIHIKHB fur their onjm'tulnmont..

KoBiiliir prloa, ijil por your, but you ciui buy It withyour fiivorltn borrlo wuokly nownpupur, tho Houth Jeney'lienn, both ono year for Jl.flO,

Hunt your Rubnorlptlon und inonoy to lloyt & Bon,Hmmmmtou, N. 4.

Hond your nnmo niirt uddronn to thrt JVnw York '/ViftuiiaMurine*, Novr;York City, mid a, froo miniplc oupy will •ho innllud to you.


Dealer in Paints, Oils,and VnrniBhefl.

J have u largo Block ofJohn T. French'sPure Oil Painta, •

wkloU I guarantee to bothe beat paint ever sold,

Uooond nml rioaoant Htrootii,HAMMONTON.

Chafe, Ounninfiham,M.D.Physician and Surgeon

W. Bnoond Ht., Iluinntontou.

1 :00 to 8 lOOnnd 7 i f l O t n U ;00 !•,»!.•

for tho S. J. H. to-day.

W. C» T. U.The ladles bavo taken this space bytbe

^yeiuv&nduflrA,may contain.

Dr. Banks Hopllca to Biabop Potter.

DK Louis Albert^BariKs, as a prelude"to a sermon In, Thrace M7E Cljurch,New York, replied to Bishop Potterand Dr. Bainsford,-whose remarkB onT)ix>hlbitipn have caused-consideHrtite"discussion among the clergy. He saidin part: '• - .

"To «ny tViitr, pmnlhitlonlfitH arefrauds Is unworthy of aman~of-Bishj|ip

^ calibre, for 111$an assault on the ..Christian characterof men who are as honest as be, andmany of them oa Intelligent.—^-T&nay-that the prohiblHon princi pie 1is (o attack Almighty God. And nowconies Dr. Baisford, with the startlingdeclaration that 'the Woman's Chris-tian Temperance Union is doing the

viPa work.' Here is an assault onthe largest hody of Christian womenever 'organTzed in"the world. Onewould think that they would be sparedthe bitter denunciations of the Christ-


Young People's Societies.This space Is devoted to the Interests oltbe Young Peoples Societies of the various

John 3 : 1-8 ; C : 24.Cnae. & Small.

Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. ,Topic. "Entering the Kingdom."

iJohn 3 :-l-8 j-6^-24—fceaderrMrarA, L. Jockeon. ^ ' _ _ , _ _ . ___•.-__ •_

Junior League on Sunday afternoon,,»t 3 o'clock,

Y, P. 0. U.,-Vnlvcrsnli8t Churob: .—Meota Sunday evening, at 0:30.

A cordial invitation la extended to allto attend these meotlnes.

Church Notices.

Toplca in the varlouq Clhurohoa to-morrow will be as follows :

M. B. Church,—Rev. P. L. Jowett,Paator. 10.SO A.M., "The Christian'soooupntlon." Ronponolvo Pgalms 3' and4. 7.15, "Tho float Reparation." Specialovangollatlo mootlnirB will be held ororycvonlup. ozoeptlng flaturday.

ProBbytorian Ohurohr-Bov. W. K.MoKlnnoy,--Pastor. 10:80 A;M.i--"Thounity of Christ and tho Christian."Communion at morning norvloe. 7.15P.M., "Tho new man."

Baptist Church,—Rov. H P. I^oomln,Paator. 10.UO A, M., "Hplritunl joy.1'7.101*. M., "ChrlHl'u bettor ofTor thanman oxpootcd^ and tho Importance of ouracceptance." 8.80, two mootinirn : oneIn tho Church for women only; tho otherfor mou and boju In tho old Post-Offloo

Lyford BeverageMota*$r: Public

fdr Now Jorany,tendorn bin aorvioua.

Ponalon vonrthera oxoouted.Hnmraonton.N. J.

I"OREngines and Boilers

And Saw BenchOne bailor nultnhlo to liont a houno.

Al«o fl Wagonn, &Oqw r<mn, niul HoHlory

My Farm for salo,—27 Roroa, withlioiuiil, bulldln^rt, arid toola.

J. Q. A, OUKKNWOOD,Chow Itoad itud Tenth Ut.

BSf We bavo had no electric lightseloce last Sunday 'nieht, and will proba-

next weflk. . lo tnakiog'chaoges Deces-BSry~£oTriiatal the-;new"machlnery, themanager found the brickwork about theold bpilera in very bad BhaJEie;—In fact,unsafe^;—neccRSifating tearing nway andrebuilding ot most of it, which requiresmuch time. But we are promised that

the company will .have an electric plantthat can be depended upon.' No more

po more-noccrtainty. . •


Out friends Wm..atone and HarryLangham have loft New Albany andtaken up their abode Tb MemphiB, Teon."V A series of .meetings la, being held inthe M. E. Church, conducted by themembers of the cabinet of the EpwortbLeague, and preparatory;to ibe revivalmeetiugs which v7ill soon follow.

Miss Eva -Vaoderlip is spending afew weeks with Mrs. Anna Bupp, ofAUantic-€ityr

The yonng peopleihave nSadeTevefaltrips to Beaver Pond this week, andwcro 'well rownrdedr^-for the skating.was good. ' - . . ' . ' • - / _ • • •

Miss Jenole T. Wright has recentlyfnrnpd frnm tt yjalt lyith hfir frinnds

in Brooklyn.The "week "of prayer"'ia^ being obr

served by relldons- services held in the-Presbyterian : Church 'every evening,conducted by the pastor.

Harry ShermnD paid his friends aabort visit this week.-

^ _enjoyed bia off days. ' .• ' . ' '• '•• "\ ' TJ.

A Cure ForiBu.

eays: /'For more thanfiOtn lum

.. .year I

1 Uoally tried .Uhamber-laln'fl Pain Balm and It gave tne entirerelief, wbloh all oiher remedies had failed

8»ldHby JrSrtiogera. '

• It Girdles the Globe.Tbo feme of Baokleu's Arnica Salve,

BO the bont In the world1, extends roundtho earth. It's the one perfect bealer ofouts, corus, burns, braises, aores, scalds,boils, ulcers, felons, aohos, pains, and all•kin ornptions. Only iqfalliblo pile euro,26o. a box at J, B. Rogers'.

Thousands Sent into Exile.Every year A largo number of poor enf

ferors whoso Inngn are sore and'racked•with oougbs are uraed to go to anotherollmato. But this la costly and. not al-ways sure. Don't bo an oxilo when Dr.King's Now Discovery for Consumptionwill euro yon at homo. It's tho moat In-fallible medicine for coughs, ooldi, and allthroat and lung diseases on earth, • Thofirst dose brings' relief. Astoundingcures result from persistent use. Trialbottles free at J. 8. Itogora'. Price COo.and (1.00. Kvory bottle guaranteed.

A. Deep. Mystery.It Is » mystery why women endure

backache, headache, nervousness, sloop:leasuosa, inolanolioly, fainting and dizzyBtinlls when tuounandk havo.proyod thatKlootrlo Dltt' rs will quickly euro such

ubloB. " I onlTurod for years withkidney trouble," wrlion Mrs. PhoboCharley, of Potornon. In., "and a Inmob.iok puinnil me BO I could Jiol (Irons my-nolf, but Ujcotrlo lilttora wholly curedmo, and, although, 73 yunra old, I nowam able tn do all my lioimowork." Itovaroomos ooiiRtlpuUpit, Improves nppo-tlto, Riven iiorfiiot Dimltli. Only fiOo, atJ,"8 lto|{ara' drug ntoro.

AN OniHNANOK to regulate thoratu of mmed of hornolona voliloloa,

ouiniiiouly oallud untdnidbllca, lu lliuetrcoU of Hammonton.

Introduced Notoinlinr 30lh. 1001.1'uinod Do.-omlmr 3(llli, IU(H.Jlo It ordul .ail by tho Town Oounall of tl:o

Tuwn o( Jlunimonton,—Hiiotliiii 1. Ihut U ahull ho unlawful for

any horu'lent vcblnle, omniniinly knownKUIOIU ilillon, | ir>i | iullo<l by aiiiitiu, oliiolrlnlty,Knit, vr olhtr wollvo l>onor, to bo drlronthrough, on, nr over any of Ilia itnioU' c>rruodi In lha Totrn of II imiuonioii at » grontorralo of ipood lliun Ion mllm |mr lioitr,

(iKOilon 2. Tliul any |>ormin wba ihill boconrloteilof a violat ion ol Hnnt lon 1 of ( I l i aordltianoo nUul l bo doaiuod xuil ty of an offonooand »hull 'm audjoot to o> (loo o( Ton Uollaonr liit|irlionmrnt for ion du.Ta for ouoli a't taVury vlolnllon iboroof.

Haoilnn H. Thai tlila Ordlnanno ahall lakoolT«ot Imiuodlaloly afior lla pafaa|{o.

MrniiAicr . K, novuu,Obalriiian of Town Uomlall.

J.I/. O'DoMNKl.i., Tdrrn OlorU.

The beautiful $3 picture,


grven away FREE to the- purchaser

whose; checks amount"to" the-inost•

Jan. J8th, 19U2T

?fl Pharmacy;

Make yem blackand white

is not the direction you giveyotu^rinter, but™ ~

"Make a good job of if

But the ^fob won't look right,Unless it is Done right,

Herbert G. EensonAIL THE


Stationery & Confectionery*

Hammonton, N. J.

• How about your subscript ioatb the"

And at the right place.

HOYT & SON,Printers.

Hammontop, • • N. J.

FEESH FISHEvery Friday I

PrderBbefore 10 a. m.,

Monday and Thursday

At Baker's Market,Oil Stoves


WILLIAM BAKER,No. 25 Third Street,


Kli H. Ohandlov,Attorney&Counselor

At LawArlltv, linlldlng, llainmonton,

Rooms l!n-l!7 Uoal Kat. A Law U'ld'KAtUiitlo CUty.

Olllolul Town Attorney.Ill Hiuniuoiitoii ovory Friday

. Praotlao in nil Oojirta of Iho Htsto.

Money for fii-wt mortgage loano

Confectionery ( s

)nly th

Bread & CakesAlwaye the hes}

J. B. SMALL,Oor..Second and Bellevue,


A. Hi Phillips Oo.

Fire Insurance.-—MONEY-

FOBMortgage Loans.

Correspondence Solicited.1815 Atlantic Avenue,

Atlantic City, N. J

yon are looking for

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies!

Spring/Wagons,and Rojicl Oarta.

now. or flfloond-Kund, call atX </^ ^' '

n's Shop
