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HP messaging guide for marketing and communications professionals 2H 2003
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HP messaging guide for marketing and communications professionals2H 2003

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Dear HP colleague,

This messaging guide is designed to help improve the consistency, coherence and power of our collective marketing and communications efforts.

It was developed collaboratively by corporate, group and segment marketing teams from across the company. It represents our best thinking about the needs of HP customers—from consumers, to small and medium businesses, to large enterprises—and captures the ways in which HP is uniquely qualified to help them achieve their goals and ambitions. We ask that you use this guide to focus and position all of your advertising, direct marketing, media relations and related marketing and communications activities in the months ahead.

In an industry known for marketing by product speeds and feeds, HP has the opportunity to distinguish itself by touching a deeper chord with customers—an emotional chord, one that addresses their deepest frustrations, motivations and aspirations about technology.

Ultimately, great marketing and great brands are about winning hearts and minds. The messaging frameworks in the following pages will help us do just that in each of our customer segments. We hope you will find it useful in your work. We’re counting on you to help establish HP as a singularly powerful voice in the marketplace.


Mike Winkler Janice Chaffin Arun Chandra Allison Johnson

Jim McDonnell Chris Morgan Juergen Rottler


One voice“ Operation One Voice brings new power, new credibility and new consistency to how we speak to our customers. By communicating directly to them in a united voice across all of HP, we have an opportunity to help the company grow and prosper.”— Mike Winkler

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On the one-year anniversary of the merger, we have much to celebrate—a significantly stronger portfolio, leading market positions in virtually every category in which we compete, a corporate strategy that will help HP win in the market, a newly evolved brand, an impressive global footprint and a deeply talented workforce.


It’s now time to turn our attention toward winning and growing in the marketplace. It’s time to answer the question: Why HP? It’s time to go on offense.

We need to aggressively build awareness, consideration and preference for the HP brand—and our offering. We need to be explicit about the ways HP delivers a uniquely better experience for our customers—one that truly addresses their deepest aspirations, ambitions and frustrations with technology.

For all these reasons, there has never been a more exciting—or more important—time to be part of the marketing community at HP.

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HP delivers more. +hp = everything is possible

Innovation at a price our customers can afford, delivered in a way that sets us apart.1

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It’s important to see where we’ve been—and where we’re headed. Here’s how we will build the HP brand over time.


A printer company

At merger

A printer and PC



A technologysolutionscompany


A progressive technologycompany


A superior technology experiencecompany

And beyond:

An iconic 21st-century


HP’s success in the printer business had become our hallmark.

For most of the world, the merger was about a printer company merging with a PC company. The world did not see us for the company we had become. The goal of the “everything is possible” campaign is to show the broad strength of the new HP.

Research indicates the brand campaign is increasing awareness, particularly in the enterprise segment. In 2003, our task is to position HP as the leading provider of technology solutions across all key customer segments—consumer, SMB and enterprise.

Building on momentum, we expand our role.

• In the enterprise, we launch a sustained campaign that positionsHP as the powerful alternative to IBM.

• In the SMB market, we challenge Dell with our portfolio of solutions, partners and services.

• In the consumer market, we deliver exciting new experiences in digital photography and entertainment.

With the fundamentals in place, HP pulls ahead of our competition by differentiating on the basis of customer experience. We’re practicing experiential marketing. We know what our customers want to do with technology, and we know how to deliver it. We’re earning a place in their hearts.

The ultimate goal is to create a truly extraordinary brand—one that rivals Disney, Coca-Cola and Nike, on a world stage. A brand people trust, respect and admire. The world’s most valued technology brand. A brand that commands a premium. A brand people love.

At every step, HP becomes more relevant to businesses and individuals:


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What HP stands for Invent

Technology applied to make a meaningful difference.

Our brand promise Vital technology for business and life.

• Because it makes a real contribution—and you can’t imagine working or living without it.

• Because it’s been invented by people with deep technical prowess, know-how and track record.

• Because it’s fully woven into business and life—it empowers.

• Because it’s built on the belief that technology should be for everyone.

Our character Optimistic Dynamic Human Inventive Trustworthy Quality-driven

Our differentiators Collaborative relationships

We build honest, collaborative relationships—with you and our partners—that you benefit from.

Our people

We’re technology experts you can trust to go the extra mile. We make technology work for you.

Our technology

We create inventive technology solutions —built to meet real human needs, and integrated with the whole system in mind.

Global reach

We operate everywhere our customers live and work.

Global citizenship

We believe our purpose is not just about profit, it’s about contribution. We uphold the highest standards of global citizenship in everything we do.

The benefits we offer to our customers as the leading technology company


We are reliable in everything we do—our products, our promises and our performance.

Choice and flexibility

We give customers true choice—in how they work with us, how they buy from us and what they buy from us.

Reduced complexity and simplified use

We offer solutions that take the hassle and complexity out of using, deploying and managing technology.

Superior return on technology

We aim to help people get more out of technology—to reduce the initial cost as well as the total cost of ownership.


Our ambition is to become a brand that’s respected, admired and loved—a leading brand that is among the most recognized in the world.

We differentiate ourselves by how we build relationships with our customers and partners, by how our people act every day, by the spirit in which our technology is conceived and integrated, in our reach, and by setting the standard in global citizenship.

As a technology company, we know we need to deliver reliability, choice and flexibility, reduced complexity and simplified use, and a superior return on technology as the rational benefits thatget people to consider us. But we realize that we must not just appeal to people’s minds, but also win their hearts.

Our brand is the foundation as well as the filter for communicating our unique offering to the market. Each message HP communicates to our customers should build upon our brand, business strategies and how we uniquely fulfill the needs and incite the passions of our customers.

Our brand“A brand is a promise to our customers, and a reminder to ourselves.” —Carly Fiorina

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HP technology touches a billion people on the planet every day.


Our goal as a company is to help people harness the power and promise of technology and apply it in meaningful ways in their businesses and lives.

Our corporate strategy is to serve a broad portfolio of consumers and businesses. We will differentiate from our competitors by offering true innovation, low cost and superior customer satisfaction—a combination that no competitor is offering.

The four pillars that guide our actions:1. Leverage our portfolio of products and services to deliver

the best return on information technology for business.

2. Deliver simple and rewarding consumer experiences by making technologies work together better.

3. Invest in selective innovation, where we can make a valued contribution.

4. Provide all this to customers by building world-class cost structures.

We believe that HP customers should not have to settle for anything less than the absolute best experience with technology.

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Why should customers have to choose between:

• innovation and price?

• functionality and simplicity?

• stability and agility?

• cost and high customer satisfaction?

Don’t compromise.

Choose HP.

HP delivers more.



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e High tech

Low cost

• Proven technology innovation that drives real results.

• Affordable technology that offers the best return on investment.

• Dedication to customer satisfaction that creates a superior customer experience.


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A new simple, clear, essential message for the company.

HP Messaging Map

HP delivers more. +hp = everything is possibleInnovation at a price our customers can afford, delivered in a way that sets us apart.

Enterprise: Demand more.CEO/CIO + HP

HP delivers more of what enterprise customers demand—more accountability, more agility and a better return on IT.

Consumer: Enjoy more.You + HP

HP enables you to enjoy more of life by delivering simple and rewarding technology experiences that are uniquely innovative, intuitive and empowering.

SMB: Get more.Business owner + HP

HP allows business owners to get more by delivering more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—all at a competitive price.






This map shows how to articulate our strategy, our messaging and how we make our portfolio choices.

It helps align the power of our marketing investments across the company—better linking our corporate brand with our key customer segments.

It talks about our capabilities today, and sets a marker for where we’re headed.

The map is intentionally built by customer segment rather than by business unit. We need to talk to our customers in their language, about their needs and how we can fulfill them.

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Enterprise: Demand more.CEO/CIO + HP

HP delivers more of what enterprise customers demand—more accountability, more agility and a better return on IT.


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HP is ready to take on the market leader in the enterprise.


In these tough times, HP’s growth will come from aggressively taking market share from other players. We know enterprise customers are under unprecedented pressure: They have to drive the results of the business, do more with less, deal with rippling change—all with tighter budgets than ever. Our growth is going to depend not just on proving the case why enterprises should partner with HP—but why they should partner with us over IBM, Sun, EMC and others.

To win, we’re going to take on the strategy of a strong challenger brand—that is, a brand that takes on the market leader in an intelligent, strategic way. Now is the time that HP takes on IBM. This bold move will help us frame the IT landscape as a two-company race—and will get us into more of the important deals. But more than that, it marginalizes Sun, Dell, EMC and others in the process, enabling us to capture share from their customers as well.

Our strategy is to appeal to CEOs and CIOs—especially forward-thinking CIOs who understand the advantages of an adaptive enterprise. CIOs who believe that if you get the infrastructure right, everything is possible. CIOs who understand the importance of a horizontal approach to IT, not a silo-based approach. CIOs who need to create a platform for change within their companies.

2H ’03 marks the start of a new battle for leadership in our industry—the battle for the loyalty of these CIOs. Here is how we intend to win...

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Enterprise message

The race to build the adaptive enterprise.“It’s the ultimate state of fitness: business and IT perfectly synchronized. It’s the ability to react quickly to every business decision and every IT event that flows from it.

It’s a new discipline about how to manage, measure and operate IT as efficiently as every other business function.

It’s an integrated approach to designing, implementing, measuring, monitoring and operating business processes and the supporting infrastructure with 100 percent quality and reliability.

It’s the technology architecture laid out flat—it’s picking up or putting down modular building blocks, not excavating from deep, vertically integrated islands of automation.

It’s the intolerance of waste and the insistence on getting every last penny of value out of the IT you already have.

It’s the symbiotic evolution of business and IT.

It’s the race toward an adaptive enterprise.

And it’s the way the world’s most demanding CIOs and companies get more out of IT than ever before. For these CIOs, ‘on-demand’ isn’t enough. They demand more: a partner who can deliver more accountability, foster better agility and attain a better return on IT.”

2H ’03 marketing strategy—at a glanceIn a down economy, our growth will come from taking share from competitors. Which is why HP is adopting a challenger brand strategy and taking on IBM.

• Making the field a two-company race in the minds of customers—and ensuring that HP gets into the important deals. This improves HP’s chances of winning.

• Marginalizing other players (most notably Sun, Dell and EMC).

We’ll court CIOs and use them as our champions into the executive suite. 12

HP helps you build an adaptive enterprise. HP is the powerful alternative to IBM.(Note: This is not a message, but what we want customers to believe over time.)






HP accepts full accountability for delivering on the commitments that we and our partners make to our customers.


HP’s people, processes and technology let you create a more adaptive enterprise.

Return on IT

HP enables you to reduce costs, better utilize your assets and increase operational efficiency.






Manage cost

“I need to reduce acquisition and operating costs, move toward

variable (versus fixed) IT costs, and invest in innovation

for competitive advantage.”

Increase quality

“I need to increase the level and quality of IT service I deliver to the business.”

Mitigate risk

“I need to mitigate and manage risk to guarantee the

secure and continuous operation of the business.”

Improve agility

“I have to drive competitive advantage with an IT environment

that dynamically adapts and evolves to improve

business agility.”





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ge “Demand more—more accountability, more agility and a better return on IT.”





HP helps measure, assess and maintain

a dynamic link between business and IT.

HP helps architect and integrateheterogeneous IT environments.

HP helps manage and controlbusiness processes, applications and IT environments.

HP helps extend and linkbusiness processes and

applications horizontally—from suppliers through

to customers.

HP delivers business and technology

innovation—for today and tomorrow.


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Industry-leading solutions portfolio: infrastructure, management, sourcing and business solutions

Collaborative partnerships with leading ISVs, systems integrators and channel partners

Measure, assess and maintain• Agility metrics

(time/range/ease)• Agility snapshot• Agility assessment

services• Managed infrastructure

and application services

Architect and integrate• Adaptive enterprise

reference architecture• #1 in open distributed

mission-critical services• #1 in enterprise

Microsoft services• IT design principles• Leader in industry-

standard blade architectures

• Leader in networked, virtualized storage

• Itanium-based multi-OS architectures

• #1 in PCs worldwide

Manage and control • Market-leading

network and open systems management

• Proven service management solutions to link business and IT

• Next-generation solutions for Web services management

• ITSM services based on ITIL standards

• Managed infrastructure and application services

• Integrated support services

Extend and link• J2EE and .NET

collaborative business solutions

• Leading partnerships to deliver CRM, SCM and B2E portal solutions

• Integrated Service Management solutions

• Zero Latency Enterprise solutions

• HP merger integration success story

Business and technology innovation• $4 billion annual R&D • Management and

utilization software• Utility Data Center • Grid computing

solutions portfolio• Adaptive architecture

services• Digital publishing• Mobility/wireless solutions

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integrated business processes and applications aren’t flexible enough to adapt.

• Business and IT risk is increasing. New legislation in many parts of the world requires that CIOs be able to guarantee the security and reliability of the systems that support their businesses; this places a new importance on the service levels of the IT function.

• IT must be able to simultaneously deliver on three dimensions—predictability and flexibility and return on IT.

“ It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin

“ To win, you need to become an adaptive enterprise.” Ultimately, CIOs are working with their colleagues in the business to create an adaptive enterprise—that is, a company that is able to not just survive the onslaught of change, but a company that’s able to thrive in the face of change.

The foundation of an adaptive enterprise is an adaptive infrastructure. Increasingly, forward-looking CIOs are coming to believe that if you get the supporting infrastructure right—the network, servers, storage, software, PCs, printers—business process and application integration across suppliers and out to customers becomes much easier. An adaptive infrastructure serves as a powerful platform for managing change.

Building an adaptive infrastructure requires a new level of discipline around architecting, implementing and managing IT to ensure the predictability of performance, cost and service level of every IT project.

What follows is the story we want to tell about HP’s role in the enterprise. Text in green represents core messaging themes.

How we got here.• Twenty years ago, the IT function was focused on

automating the back office—wiring it for stability and reliability. IT investment decisions were largely under the control of the CIO.

• In the past decade, IT swung in the other direction. The focus turned toward automating the front office, and ultimately, toward automating transactions all the way out to the customer. Speed and flexibility became the new mantra. And it was the business side of the house that controlled many of the decisions and dollars surrounding IT projects.

• In 2003, there’s a new pragmatism around the role of IT inside corporations. The high-spending, speed-at-all-cost approach of the 1990s dot-com era is long past—yet organizations still want to be able to respond to opportunities and challenges in real time. The monolithic and cumbersome IT implementations of the 1980s are outmoded—yet organizations still need reliability and availability of their core applications and data. Tough economic times are casting a bright light on IT investments—and the need to justify the cost and return of new projects. In many cases, before companies will spend more money on IT, they first must demonstrate they’re making good use of what they already have.

CIOs are faced with several key challenges:• There’s more turbulence than ever; a recent

study revealed businesses are changing at seven times the rate of the underlying applications that support them.

• Today, in a world where business and IT are inextricably linked—where every business decision triggers a ripple of IT events—today’s vertically

When CIOs take this approach, they are able to create an infrastructure that:

• is reliable and secure and adapts dynamically.

• offers the freedom to integrate—processes, applications, information technologies, services— all with the cost savings of a standards-based approach.

• promotes operational excellence (achieved with proven practices and tools, and built on IT fundamentals) that results in a consistent quality of service.

• l owers operating costs—it both lowers the cost of managing change and improves utilization at all levels.

• lowers acquisition costs—because it’s built on affordable, modular, standards-based products and technologies.

“ Demand more—more accountability, more agility, and a better return on IT.”

“ As you build your adaptive enterprise, you need a partner who is accountable—one company you can hold responsible for your success. HP’s collaborative approach means we’re operating on your agenda, not our own. You can hold us accountable for delivering on the implementation and the service and support commitments we make—on behalf of HP, and importantly, our partners. You also need a partner who can improve your business agility. Our horizontal approach to IT, our know-how, and our world-class business and technology innovation help create a tight link between business and IT—so you can take advantage of opportunities and respond to change. What’s more, because of our proven practices and experience architecting, and operating complex heterogeneous IT environments, we can drive a higher return on IT.”

The HP story in the enterprise


HP is the best collaborative partner to:

• Measure, assess and maintain a dynamic link between business and IT.

• Architect and integrate• Architect and integrate• your heterogeneous IT environments.

• Manage and control your business processes, applications and IT environments.

• Extend and link your business processes and applications horizontally—from suppliers through to customers.

• Deliver business and technology innovation—for today and tomorrow.

Bottom line:

HP helps you build a far more adaptive enterprise—strategically ready to capitalize on change.

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Taking action

Advertising Position advertising: Build strategic market position for HP within the enterprise segment. Position HP as the powerful alternative to IBM—vigorously communicate adaptive-enterprise thought leadership to strengthen consideration by forward-looking CIOs and their staffs. Utilize leadership products, solutions and services to substantiate positioning, focusing on manageability, IT consolidation, business continuity and HP Services as a premier end-to-end IT service provider.

Action advertising: Generate an immediate response—whether a sale or lead—to any leadership product, solution or service used in position advertising, as well as to any other product, solution or service that is business critical or which helps to eliminate a competitive threat.

Media relations Fight two media battles simultaneously. On the vision and positioning front...get stories, features, profiles and articles placed about our leadership and know-how in helping customers cope with and capitalize on change. (Use HP’s own transformation and integration as a hook and proof point of prowess, but quickly move the conversation to success stories about our most demanding customers.)

On the tactical front, use our adaptive enterprise vision to frame up the value of our offerings—not just servers and storage, but also services and management software. Shift the debate from speeds and feeds to a systems-view—that is, the real measure CIOs should be looking at is how the entire infrastructure functions together (emphasize how our services and management software give CIOs unique advantages). Position HP front-and-center as an expert in the shift to utility and grid computing (UDC, as an example), web services management, cost saving and optimization (Itanium, virtualization, blades).

Executive communications

All executive communications should first focus on HP’s expertise and thought leadership in creating an adaptive enterprise—where possible and appropriate, draw both on HP’s own reinvention and integration efforts and customer case studies. Specific content for speeches, remarks and articles should tie to this overarching vision. Where appropriate, executives should make the case that HP is the powerful alternative to IBM—along the way clearly promoting the advantages we bring to customers, chief among these accountability, agility and RoIT.

Our objective is not only to make HP a market leader in the enterprise arena, but also to use the new strength and power HP will build in that arena to fortify the HP brand overall. Here are some guiding principles about the actions we in the marketing communications community expect in each communication arena.

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Taking action cont.


2H ’03 employee communications should center on educating the entire workforce on HP’s ambitions in the enterprise, our challenger-brand strategy (why we’re taking on IBM, to win in the market), how HP delivers more value to customers, and key messages. As important, our communications should clearly link the everyday work employees do, to the greater cause—it’s important in these economic times that we motivate employees to do their best work, and doing that requires they understand the relevance of their work. We need to rally the people of HP and accelerate wins in the marketplace.


Continue to help the analyst community understand our approach. Take the hard work we’ve done to get them to understand our adaptive infrastructure offering, and now attach it to the bigger picture view of the adaptive enterprise. Help the analyst community begin to focus on HP’s growing services capability and leadership in management software.

Collateral Create and deploy thought-leadership collateral pieces about how to create an adaptive enterprise—use this tier of collateral to help the salesforce educate HP’s current and potential customers. All solutions, product, and technology-specific collateral pieces should have introductory text that ties them to our story about the adaptive enterprise. Fully utilize the One Voice look-and-feel to bring power and consistency to the expression of our message.

Events Use world-stage events—Telecom 2003, Comdex— to deepen people’s understanding of HP’s leadership in the enterprise. Use keynoting opportunities at these events to showcase HP’s know-how about measuring, assessing, architecting, integrating and extending the capability of the adaptive enterprise. Use industry-specific and regional tradeshows to showcase our offering, tied to this bigger-picture view of the adaptive enterprise. Fully utilize the One Voice look-and-feel in all booth designs, collateral and signage to bring power and consistency to the expression of our message.

Partner communications

Redouble our efforts to communicate this vision to our strategic partners who are, or could potentially be, central to our solutions. Look for opportunities to co-market our joint offering with our strategic partners to their customers.

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SMB: Get more.Business owner + HP

HP allows business owners to get more— by delivering more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—all at a competitive price.


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In a down economy, growth comes from taking share from competitors.


The small-and-medium-business segment represents a significant growth opportunity for HP—and a way to grow profitably. We have worked hard to improve our cost structures, build a strong direct distribution channel, solidify our value-added reseller (VAR) channel and broaden our product line. We are ready. In 2H ’03, we’re going to take on Dell.

Our strategy is to target medium-size businesses with the proposition that HP offers more of what business owners need to thrive —more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—all at a competitive price.

We will deliver on this proposition through our innovative and proven technology portfolio—coupled with a strong VAR channel that delivers integration and solutions expertise, service and support.

While we’ll continue to drive product category leadership, we are going to elevate the conversation above speeds and feeds—using the full power of the HP brand to bring new credibility to our SMB offering.

2H ’03 marks the start of a new battle for leadership in our industry. Here is how we intend to win...

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SMB message

“ Get more from HP—more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—

all at a competitive price.”




Get and keep customers

Keep the business up and running Do more with less Reduce risk Lower costs







on HP is a powerful alternative to Dell.*(This is not a message, but what we want customers to believe over time.)

Get more from technology to run your business.“In today’s interconnected world, technology is a powerful asset that can enable you to enter new markets, generate new revenue streams and drive new efficiencies.

You know you need technology to run your business, but you don’t want to spend time worrying about it. You want to focus on your business.

It’s not just about price or the buying experience. It’s about getting the most value for your money today, and over time. Value from proven and reliable technology and people; value from responsive local expertise to deploy or integrate your solutions; value from the peace of mind you get knowing HP will help keep your business up and running.”

2H ’03 marketing strategy—at a glanceHP is adopting a challenger brand strategy and taking on Dell. This achieves two things:• Elevates HP into the consideration set on

every SMB purchase.• Marginalizes white-box players.

Our longer-term strategy is to:• use support, services and our VAR channel

as an opportunity for differentiation, and in the process drive preference for our products.

• focus on maintaining installed base loyalty.

Because HP budgets are tight, we’ll focus most of our air-cover messages on medium-size companies, specifically targeting business owners —and use demand-generation tactics to win the attention of their technology managers and influencers. We expect that this messaging strategy will have a halo effect on the “small” segment of the SMB market.

*HP is the undisputed leader in printing, and we will defend that position against all competitors. Overall in SMB, we are taking an aggressive stance against Dell—the perceived market leader in most other categories. We want SMB customers to see HP as a powerful alternative to Dell across these other categories—especially PCs, notebooks and servers. In regions where the industry leader is a company other than Dell, position HP against that competitor.






Reliability, service and support, local expertiseYou can count on the reliability of HP products, service and support, and our network of expert partners to keep your business up and running, around the clock.

Competitively pricedWe offer competitively priced products built with proven innovative technologies that give you the best value for your money.





A full portfolio of quality products that deliver reliable, low-risk technology solutions that work seamlessly together.

Comprehensive service and support that ensures technology solutions are up and running, in the office and on the road.

Responsive local expertisethat provides broad reach, customized solutions and integration services to meet business needs.

Proven innovative technology that increases capabilities and reduces costs so businesses get more out of their IT investment.


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Printers/AIO• Bonzai—AIO with 802.11• Giapetto—Deskjet w/802.11

and Bluetooth• Crick—Business Inkjet 1100• Mongoose—low-end mono

LaserJet• Apollo—wireless digital projector• Euclid—wide-format Deskjet• Escher Plus—Business Inkjet, NA • Nozomi—color LaserJet 9500

PCs/Workstations• Tornado—SMB notebooks• Lopez—new Centrino notebook• IA32 Workstation series• D200/D300 series desktop

Servers• Proliant ML300-series servers• TCxx Servers—whitebox counter

Handhelds• Hammer—SMB handheld

Enhanced Care Packs for customer support and extended warrantiesfor customer support and extended warrantiesfor customer support

Rich portfolio of services: • hardware & software support• installation and startup• assessments • training

Highest renewal rate in the industryHighest renewal rate in the industryHighest renewal rate

Partner Network• 300,000+ sales partners

in more than 160 countries• 70,000+ services partners • HP certification programs

to ensure skills in selling and delivery of HP solutions

Enhancement of HP portfolio with partner services and components Enhancement of HP portfolio with partner services and components Enhancement of HP portfolio with

(pre-and-post sales support)partner services and components (pre-and-post sales support)partner services and components

• Regional Partner programs• HP Channel Services Network

Web portal

All-in-one printer/scanner/copier/faxAll-in-one printer/scanner/copier/faxAll-in-one printer/scanner/

• enhanced capabilities all in one machine

Integrated 802.11 and Bluetooth wireless capabilities on handhelds, Integrated 802.11 and Bluetooth wireless capabilities on handhelds, Integrated 802.11 and Bluetooth

printers and notebookswireless capabilities on handhelds, printers and notebookswireless capabilities on handhelds,

Industry-leading management tools for Proliant servers and PCsIndustry-leading management tools for Proliant servers and PCsIndustry-leading management tools

SmartArray Controllers and Universal Hard Drives for efficient SmartArray Controllers and Universal Hard Drives for efficient SmartArray Controllers and

data migration

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What follows is the story we want to tell about HP’s role in the SMB market. Text in green represents core messaging themes.

“You can rely on HP for technology and people you can count on, so you can focus your energy on managing your business.” In today’s interconnected world, technology is a powerful enabler that allows businesses to enter new markets, generate new revenue streams and drive new efficiencies. Business owners know they need technology to run their business, but they don’t want to spend time worrying about it. They don’t want to take any risks on technology that could potentially disrupt their business. They want to focus on their business.

With HP’s proven technology, you can remove the risk. HP helps you harness technology to be more productive, to build efficiencies, to enable your business to thrive.

The HP story to owners of medium-size businesses


“ HP offers far more than a box. We offer comprehensive service and support to keep your technology up and running.” HP provides a full range of service and support and responsive local expertise to meet your needs. We come from the unique position of developing the full portfolio of products needed to run a business—from mobile devices, to the servers that run the business, to the manageability software that keeps everything running smoothly in between.

“ With HP, you get more—all at a competitive price.”• More reliability: HP has always been known

for proven, high-quality, reliable technology. HP products —the full portfolio: PCs, printers, servers, workstations, storage, mobile devices —are designed to work seamlessly together (and with the technology you already have—no matter the mix). You can count on HP technology and people to deliver the results you need.

• More expertise: You want a partner who can solve your business problems, not just sell you a box. We can deploy our network of expert partners to deliver customized solutions and integration expertise.

• More proven innovation: You want technology that lasts. Innovative technology that increases your capabilities and reduces your costs. Proven solutions that work. HP’s $4 billion R&D investment each year goes toward this kind of focused innovation—innovation that drives results.

• More peace of mind: HP is the safe choice. We provide high-quality, reliable products, service and support for your complete business environment. So you never have to worry about keeping your business up and running.

“It’s about getting more value from your technology investment.” Other IT companies will try to convince you that technology is a commodity and that you should just go for the lowest price.

With HP, you not only get a competitive price, you get more value for your investment because we constantly innovate to bring greater functionality to our products—whether it’s wireless or management capability.

“ HP offers these distinct advantages for business owners.

• A full portfolio of quality products that deliver reliable, low-risk technology solutions that work seamlessly together.

• Responsive local expertise that provides broad reach, customized solutions and integration services to meet your business needs.

• Proven innovative technology means you get more out of your technology investment.

• Comprehensive service and support to ensure your technology solutions are up and running, in the office or on the road.”

Bottom line: Get more with HP—more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—all at a competitive price.

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Message priorities For communicators, our key goal for 2H ‘03 is to reinforce reliability and value as our key messages. There are four supporting stories we want to communicate:• Reliability• Service and support• Responsive local expertise• At a competitive price

In order to drive momentum and consistency across all customer touch points, we want to mention these four points consistently in everything we do.

However, we understand that you may need to condense and prioritize these messages for specific deliverables. Here is the prioritization:

Required impression:• Get more from HP.

Building on that foundation, in order of priority:

• Get more from HP—more reliability—at a competitive price.

• Get more from HP—more reliability, more service and support—at a competitive price.

• Get more from HP—more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—at a competitive price.

This is high-level guidance on how to apply these messages and how to use specific language in your work. Please refer to your SMB messaging master for more detailed messaging guidelines at: http://psg.corp.hp.com/psgstaff/marketing/planmsg/index.htm

Language. Please refer to the worldwide SMB messaging master for guidance on specific language. Here are a few examples of language you should use:

• Solutions. The word “solution” can be quite broad to the SMB audience. Some customers define solution as simply as “several desktops linked to printers” while other customers define solution as broadly as “CRM implementations”. Be specific when you use this word, remembering that a broad range of definitions exist in customers’ minds.

• Proven innovation. SMBs are generally risk-averse. “Innovation” is not a key criteria when they are shopping for IT products and services. However, at HP we have a unique opportunity to talk about how we improve our products and services through innovation. If you reference innovation in a deliverable, please:

– use the phrase “proven innovation” to reassure customers it is reliable and tested.

– tie a customer benefit directly to the proven innovation being featured. For example, proven innovation in all-in-one printers to offer all the capabilities needed in one machine for more cost-effective IT.

– do not use innovative as an adjective, for example, “innovative desktops”.

Guidelines on message priorities and language


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Taking action

Advertising Position advertising: Use “Get more” as an overall message/theme for creative.

Action advertising: Convey “Get more” with creative and copy direction. For demand generation, ensure a “competitive price” impression is made.

Media relations Use “Get more from HP—at a competitive price.” as a core theme for PR efforts. Tie specific announcements, releases, and product evaluations to the “Get more from HP” idea—reinforcing reliability, service and support, or responsive local expertise.

Executive communications

Use “Get more from HP” as a key theme. Optional: direct competitor positioning.


Make all employees aware that our core message to SMB customers is: “Get more from HP—more reliability, more service and support, more local expertise—all at a competitive price.” Use this as a rallying cry for action.


Use “SMBs get more from HP—at a competitive price.” as the anchor for conversations and briefings. Use our products, services and partner network to help substantiate our position in the market.

Collateral Use “Get more from HP.” as the theme on appropriate collateral targeted to SMBs. Use this theme in headlines and body copy in appropriate product, solution, and partner deliverables.

Events Use “Get more.” as the primary theme for appropriate SMB events.

Partner communications

Use “Get more from HP.” as a primary theme for communications as our differentiators. While this message is directed at customers, you should also explain how partners “Get more” by partnering with HP.

Web Use “Get more from HP.” as the lead impression on SMB Web stories or pages. Tie stories to “more reliability, more services and support, and more local expertise—all at a competitive price.”

These are high-level guidelines for how you should apply these messages depending on your function. More detailed messaging guidelines are in the worldwide messaging master at http://psg.corp.hp.com/psgstaff/marketing/planmsg/index.htm.

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Consumer: Enjoy more.You + HP

HP enables consumers to enjoy more of life by delivering simple and rewarding technology experiences that are uniquely innovative, intuitive and empowering.


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HP is building new relevance in the consumer space.


Our long-term goal is to shift perception of us from just a printer and PC company to the world’s leading consumer technology company that delivers uniquely rewarding experiences to an ever-changing mainstream of consumers.

Our marketing will move beyond speeds and feeds to build greater emotional relevance with customers —driving brand loyalty and giving the brand permission to traverse into new arenas.

We are working to achieve our goal in three ways: 1. We are pursuing a leadership strategy in digital imaging—offering

innovation that not only improves print quality, but spans the entire digital photography experience from capture to share —as the first example of our capacity to deliver uniquely rewarding experiences. We will also lay the groundwork to establish HP as a player in the emerging digital media market.

2. We will lead in the key product categories that are central to these experiences, and that will provide the highest growth potential for our business: specifically, printing and personal computing.

3. We will innovate products and solutions that prove our leadership to the consumer mainstream in all categories and experiences.

2H ’03 marks the start of a new battle for leadership in our industry. Here is how we intend to win...

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Consumer message


HP is the leader in making all kinds of consumer technology experiences simple and rewarding.





It’s easyHP products are simple to use, and work together seamlessly to make it faster and easier for you to accomplish what you want to do.

Highest-quality resultsHP’s reliable and innovative products are designed to consistently deliver the highest-quality results.

Choice and flexibilityHP’s wide range of products and solutions let you do more by working seamlessly together, adapting to individual needs and providing a range of output.

Value and affordabilityHP products offer better value over their lifetime, are priced to suit a range of needs and require less maintenance.






Connect with people Express myself Learn Get things done Be entertained








HP enables you to enjoy more of life by delivering simple and rewarding technology experiences

that are uniquely innovative, intuitive and empowering.

HP is leading the transformation of the digital imaging/photography experience. “HP’s innovative digital photography products and solutions let you easily share life’s moments in all their richness.”






2H ‘0

3 in



HP is a key player in redefining the emerging digital media/entertainment experience.“HP’s digital media products and solutions let you easily bring your photos, video and music to life.”

HP is the established leader in printing and home PCs. • Printing—All-in-one leadership: “Expect more from your printer—get the easiest and most reliable path

to perfect output quality no matter what you print, capture or share.”

• PC leadership: “Get more from your PC—create, edit, manage, preserve and share photos, music and videos more easily with innovative HP technology that works for you—all at a competitive price.”





The broadest portfolio of innovative products and services provides you with the leading capabilities and personalized choices to reflect your lifestyle needs.

Our focus on outstanding connectivity and end-to-end process simplicity ensures your entire experience is intuitive and solutions work better together.

Leading service and support that quickly resolves problems and helps you learn how to get the most out of your purchase.

Proven innovation and technology leadership that empowers and delights you.

Building simple and rewarding experiences“In a world that’s evolving at an incredibly fast pace, it’s about technology that helps you to connect with other people, to express yourself, to get things done, to learn and discover and to be entertained.

It’s about innovative technology that makes a meaningful difference in your life, enabling you to do more things, more richly, more quickly and more easily.

It’s about technology that is intuitive, designed to work for you in ways that just make sense.

It’s about technology that works better together across all parts of your life to take the complexity out of getting phenomenal results.

It’s about technology that helps you enjoy more of life.”

2H ’03 marketing strategy—at a glanceOur long-term goal is to become the #1 consumer technology company that offers the most rewarding technology experiences. We will:• start by taking a leadership strategy

in digital imaging.

• lay the groundwork for owning the digital media experience in the future.

• continue to lead in key product categories, specifically printing and PCs.

Give the brand permission to traverse into new arenas. Make a significant investment in the “life enrichment” customer segment, while still maintaining focus on the “proven productivity” segment.

Aim our core marketing activities at the mainstream customers—not the elite 10% early adopters or 10% laggards, but the 80% who fall in the middle. We need to become more relevant to a younger generation that is more racially and socially diverse.

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“Our focus is on more than just great product leadership—we are building more rewarding technology experiences.” Our aim is to enable people to enjoy more of their lives, by innovating uniquely rewarding technology experiences that help them connect better, create more easily, learn and discover faster, achieve more, entertain effortlessly and preserve what matters to them. One way we do this is by continuously innovating exciting new products that will make a meaningful difference in your life. We are particularly focused on innovating in areas that will make technology work better together to give you an easier, more enjoyable experience overall.

HP’s technology, integration and usage expertise is unmatched and is the powerful foundation for delivering solutions that work better together to empower and delight our customers.

We are designing for the whole experience, from learning about, buying, and using technology, to upgrading. It’s about making new rewards possible. And simplifying the entire process to get to those rewards.

HP’s digital photography solution is a clear example of this approach. We are innovating across a broad range of technologies to make your experience richer, easier and more rewarding. Plus, we have some great innovations that make it easier to bring your videos and music to life. In each case, HP products are leaders.

Let’s take a closer look at the digital photography experience...

“HP is committed to making the digital photography experience simple and more rewarding.” HP products offer exceptionally high-quality results that are easy to achieve. We strive to make the process of capturing-to-sharing digital photos easier and more enjoyable.

What follows is the story we want to tell about HP’s role in the consumer market. Text in green represents core messaging themes.

“Life is richly textured, infinite in its possibilities. HP is innovating experiences, like digital photography, that can help people enjoy even more of life’s possibilities.” The world we live in is evolving at a faster pace than ever—made more hectic, fascinating and complex by discoveries in every field of human endeavor. Technology, particularly the Internet and its associated innovations, has accelerated the rate of these discoveries, bringing the resulting changes into people’s lives at an unprecedented pace.

Through all this change, people are looking for ways to meet enduring needs for connection, enjoyment, self-expression and achievement. They want to connect with their loved ones, express themselves creatively, discover and learn new things, achieve their goals, entertain themselves and others, and save their memories...

Technology is an enabler for these activities. But for many people, it is a mixed blessing. It can frustrate with its complexity. It can slow you down, or disempower you with its lack of intelligence.

Or, it can empower you.

This is HP’s point of view: we believe that technology should be a force for good in people’s lives—a way to enrich life, or get more done, more efficiently.

Our goal is to help you easily share your life’s moments in all their richness. We help you accomplish this in two ways:

True-to-life photo quality: HP has always been known for quality and is the trusted choice of people throughout the world. We are the leaders in printing and personal computing, and we maintain this by continually innovating technologies and products to be the most reliable in the market and to deliver the best quality output. We bring this heritage of quality to the digital photography experience. We understand how precious your moments are and we’ve made a significant investment in developing printers, inks and papers that deliver an exceptionally rich, high-quality and true-to-life reflection of your life’s moments.

End-to-end process simplicity: We believe technology should work for you—you shouldn’t have to work the technology. You don’t have time to pore over an instruction manual—you have a life to lead. We design products and technologies that work like people do—they are intelligent and intuitive.

To achieve this, HP innovates and integrates technologies at every step of the digital photography process—shooting, editing, storing, printing and sharing photos. We take an end-to-end view of the process, and integrate features, functionality and services to deliver a more intelligent, intuitive experience.

We engineer all of our digital photography products—cameras, scanners, PCs, software, printers, inks and papers—to work better together to help you do more with your photos, more easily. Our aim is to make it as simple and quick as possible for you to get from the fun of taking photos to the joy of sharing them in rich true-to-life color.

The HP story to consumers


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Overall HP consumer messagingOur goal is to build new relevance in the consumer space by positioning HP in the consumer’s mind as the world’s leading consumer technology brand.

We want to attract a new audience of mainstream customers and need to speak to them in a language that is meaningful. We want them to understand that HP is uniquely qualified to make all kinds of technology experiences simple and rewarding—transforming what our consumer brand stands for and giving us permission to move into new arenas.

Across all messaging, we need to increase relevance that will ultimately drive new loyalty from our customers. We can do this by introducing an emotional element to our messaging —moving beyond just product features and focusing more on the emotional benefits of our solutions.

We will also use product category leadership to drive momentum and build credibility for our brand experiences.

This is high-level guidance on how to apply these messages to your work. Please refer to the consumer messaging toolkit for more detailed messaging guidelines, information about our stories and key star products and technologies at: http://ipgonline.hp.com/salesmktg/consumer_messaging_toolkit/

Messaging by initiativeWe will tailor our messages by specific initiative to support our broader story:

• Digital imaging. Our key goal for 2H ‘03 is to use the HP digital imaging experience as the best demonstration of how we are a leading consumer technology brand. In communications that promote the HP brand overall to consumers, give priority to this story. Use digital imaging as a tangible example of how HP creates unique and rewarding technology experiences. When possible, promote PCs and our printing systems as part of the digital imaging story.

• Digital media. We will also aim to establish HP’s credibility as a player in the digital media/home entertainment market. Use innovations around the HP Media Center and the HP Digital Media Receiver to start the conversation about digital media ease of use and the role of HP as a multimedia hub for consumers. In 2H ‘03, we anticipate that most of our efforts in this area will be through PR.

• Print leadership. Our printer category leadership story supports digital imaging but can also be told in its own right to support printer and supplies sales and use. Focus on the benefits of All-in-One printers and how you can “expect more from your printer... no matter what you print, capture or share.”

• PC leadership. Our PC leadership supports our digital imaging and digital media experiences but can also be told in its own right to support PC sales and our perception as a market leader. HP PCs are a key aspect of our photo, video and music sharing and ease-of-use stories. It is important to note how these benefits plus the competitive price of our PCs offer a powerful alternative to other PC manufacturers, particularly Dell and Sony.

Messaging guidelines


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Next steps As you can see, we’ve set the frame to deliver clear, simple and essential messages as a company. It’s critical to start to internalize this messaging framework so you can deliver these messages consistently in all of your internal and external communications.

This simple story helps us talk about our important capabilities today AND sets a marker for where we want to go. It’s vital that you embrace it so that you can help our communications be more aggressive and compelling —in terms that are meaningful to our customers.

This messaging will start rolling out to our employees and the marketplace on May 6th, the one-year anniversary of the merger. Please take the time to understand the messaging maps, the proof points and the way to apply these messages by customer segment and marcom function. This guidebook is just the start. We will continue to provide more detailed training and tools over the coming months to help you carry this new message out to the marketplace.

For further information, please contact:

HP messaging Siobhan O’Connor 408-447-4463 [email protected]

Enterprise messaging Jim Jackson 970-898-2357 [email protected]

Richard Hellyer 408-285-9258 [email protected]

SMB messaging Jill Dunkin 408-447-6858 [email protected]

Consumer messaging Adam Smith 408-873-5885 [email protected]

